#that's danish for wolf
triskhellion · 9 months
Stuff I wrote over the last few months
For the Mead Moons event:
Second Chance Strays  E | 8.4k | magical stiles | fuck or die | getting together
Thunder E | 12k | werefox-kitsune stiles | rural montana | angst & fluff & smut 
While We Still Have Time  T | 3.1k | road trip | angst w/ a happy ending | getting together
Perhaps (Steter) E | 7.3k | strangers to lovers | mating bites | murder husbands
CLAIM! E | 11.9k | getting together | making up | angst & fluff & smut
The Depths E | 1.5k (WIP) | post-nogitsune stiles | sea creature derek | norway
For Flash Fiction Friday:
Awoo For You T | 1k | est. relationship | crack fic | eurodance
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textsfromthetva · 5 months
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borom1r · 3 months
gods give me strength I’m being exposed to more Heathen Drama.
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hedgehog-moss · 7 months
I randomly found a 500 page French book on OpenLibrary about the etymology of animal names so here are 10 (ish) fun facts:
the French word for poodle, “caniche” looks like it definitely comes from Latin “canis” (dog) but no! It comes from cane / canard (duck) because it was a waterfowl-hunting dog—and its name in English, Swedish, German, Dutch (poodle, pudel, puedel) also reflects this dog’s affinity with water (from pudeln = to splash about). It’s like otters, whose name come from the same root as water...
the canary on the other hand is named after canis / dog, since it comes from the Canary Islands which, according to Pliny the Elder, were named after the huge dogs that lived there at some point. Some historians think these mysterious big dogs were actually seals or big lizards. Then a bird ended up with the name ‘from the dog place’ though it’s unclear if dogs were ever truly involved. (Meanwhile Spain / Hispania comes from the Phoenician i-shepan-im, the place with rabbits.) I like the idea of ancient humans seeing seals or lizards and going “weird dogs”. Like how ancient Greeks saw hyenas and named them “pigs, I guess?”
the fox has a great diversity of names in Europe: fox / Fuchs, zorro, räv, volpe, raposa, lisu, róka, renard... In French it used to be called ‘goupil’, from the same Latin root as the Italian ‘volpe’, but then the mediaeval cycle of poems known as Le Roman de Renart, about an unprincipled fox named Renart, became so popular that renard became the word for fox and goupil disappeared. It’s like if 500 years from now bears in English were called baloos. (The English and German words for fox come from the indo-european root puk- which means tail, like Hungarian ‘farkas’ (wolf) which means tail-having, or squirrel, from the Greek words for shade + tail, there are actually lots of animals that are just “that one with a tail”...)
French has a word for baby rabbit (lapereau) derived from Latin leporellus (little hare) and we used to have a word for adult rabbit (conin) from Latin cuniculus (rabbit)—related to the German Kaninchen, Italian coniglio, Spanish conejo, etc. But ‘conin’ in Old French also meant pussy (there were mediaeval puns about this in the Roman de Renart) and at some point I guess people were like okay, it was funny at first but we’ve run this joke into the ground, and a new and politically correct word appeared for adult rabbit (lapin) based on the pre-existing word for baby rabbit (lapereau).
The english bear is thought to come from the proto-IE root bher-, for brown—I love how Finnish has so many nicknames and euphemisms for “bear” ranging from “honey palm” to “apple of the forest” and English is like... dude’s brown. Same amount of effort with the Swedish and Danish words for fox, räv / ræv, from a root that means reddish-brown. (And the Hungarian word for lion, oroszlán, along with the Turkish ‘aslan’, comes from proto-Turkic arislan / arsilan which comes from arsil which means brown...) And since brown was already taken, ‘beaver’ (+ German, Dutch, Swedish...: Biber, bever, bäver) has been speculated to come from bhe-bhrus-, a doubling of the original root so... brownbrown.
English foal / German Fohlen / French poulain / Italian puledro all come from the proto-IE root pu- which means small (e.g. Latin puer and Greek pais = child)—then the French ‘poulain’ became ‘poulenet’ with the diminutive -et (so, a smallsmall animal) and poulenet became powny in Scots then pony in English, which was then re-imported by French as ‘poney’. Also the Spanish word for donkey, burro, comes from Latin burricus = small horse, and in French Eeyore is named Bourriquet with the -et diminutive ending, so we just keep taking small horses and turning them into smallsmall horses...
The boa (bo(v)a) shares the same etymology as bovine / bœuf / beef, due to a widespread belief that some snakes suckled milk from cows. Pliny the Elder stated this as fact and (not to bully him but) modern research tells us “there is no empirical basis for saying snakes like mammal milk; experiments, indeed, have shown that captive snakes systematically refuse to drink milk”
I was disappointed to learn that antelope comes from Greek anthólops which referred to a mythical creature, because I grew up convinced the origin of the word (antilope in French) was anti-lupus, as in, the gazelle is the generic prey so as a concept it’s the opposite of the wolf, the generic predator. Wolf and anti-wolf. Though it raised the question of why we don’t have antilions (zebra), anticats (mice) and antibears (salmons)
Many European languages have named kites after some sort of flying animal: in English it comes from the word for owl, in Portuguese from the word for parrot, in Italian from eagle, and in French it’s cerf-volant aka flying-deer. There’s an interesting hypothesis for this! Kites came to Europe from China, where they were often shaped like dragons or snakes, and snake is serpent in French and serpe in Old French, so it’s possible that kites were serpe-volants aka flying-snakes. But the ‘p’ and ‘v’ next to one another were a hassle to pronounce so the p got dropped and it became ser-volant, then ‘ser’ which isn’t a word started being mistaken for ‘cerf’ which is pronounced ‘ser’ but means deer... (We did it again with chauve-souris (bald-mouse = bat), which comes from the Gaulish cawa-sorix aka owl-mouse—which makes more sense as a name for bats! similar to the German Fledermaus, flying-mouse, and Spanish murciélago, blind-mouse. But Gaulish ‘cawa’ was mixed up with Latin ‘calva’ = chauve = bald, so now a French bat is a bald-mouse)
I love etymology, it’s all flying deer and dogs named splash and snakes named cow and ponies named smallsmall and five animals named brown and three named tail—words acquire a veneer of linguistic respectability over the centuries and we forget that fundamentally everyone just says whatever
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A Danish Werewolf in The City
The First Taste - part 1
Note: eh... surprise! the fic was getting too long for my liking, so I splitted it up and decided to drop the first part already. So... here's the first part of the last chapter, I hope you'll enjoy it!
previous chapters: part 1 - part 2
Pairing: werewolf!Sihtric x you (f)
Warnings: 18+, angst/horror. mention of blood, brief mention of (child) murder and alcohol.
Wordcount: 2,4k
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You woke up when a cold wind embraced your body as you laid in bed, hands searching for the warm covers to pull over you when you suddenly realised something was missing. You opened your eyes and found yourself all alone, your window still open and the shredded curtains dancing eerily in the early morning breeze. You felt the pillow next to you and discovered it was cold, as was the side of the bed next to you… 
Sihtric was gone.
He had gone without a word, sneaking out of your window at a time you were sound asleep, and he had left nothing except for traces of dried blood. Vague memories of the night before began to creep back into your mind; the horrifying transforming of your boyfriend into that beast, the awful slaughter of the vampires, and the warmness you had felt when you cried into the wolf's fur after Sihtric had crawled in bed with you. Your eyes welled up at the disturbing memories, and the sight of dried blood on your sheets and windowsill were cause for concern. Sihtric had clearly been injured during the fight, but you hadn't noticed it when he was in his wolf shape. 
You jumped up and got dressed in a hurry before you rushed to your car. You knew exactly where you would find Sihtric, as there was only one place a wounded animal like him could go to…
You ran up to the doors of your occasional workplace and found them unlocked, a sign that your gut feeling had been right. The vets didn't work on weekends, unless it was an emergency, but you hadn't received any calls and so you knew that Sihtric had found his way there to fix himself up. He betrayed his presence when he heard the entrance door slam shut after you had walked in, and he accidentally knocked over a tray with medical tools in his slight scare. You were fast to figure out which surgery room he was in, and you both froze when you found each other and locked eyes.
There he was, your boyfriend, sitting on the veterinary table in his human form. He was dressed in black sweatpants with black leather boots underneath, clearly old and worn, and probably were clothes that had been tucked in a locker in his vet office in case of emergencies. His toned upper body was bare and decorated with cuts and bruises which he had collected the night before. All wounds were stitched up by now, but fresh blood was still smudged over his pale skin, as you had caught him before he could clean himself up. Sihtric's hands trembled as you stared at him, like a deer in headlights, holding a blood drenched cloth in one hand, while his other held a half empty bottle of alcohol.
'I… I'm paying for this, don't worry,' Sihtric managed to whisper hoarsely, 'I always do.'
'What do you mean you always do?' was all you could bring out.
'This… it's not the first time I come here to fix myself up,' he said, clearly ashamed, 'I heal fast, but sometimes I need stitches. And I can't go to a hospital like this without being put into an asylum or something,' he chuckled faintly, 'hospitals aren't keen on treating werewolfs anyway. And a full sized werewolf would scare the shit out of any veterinarian too. So where else am I supposed to go? I can only go here because I work here… I didn't raid your vet place because it could get you in trouble-'
'Why didn't you ask me for help?'
Sihtric stared at you, his mouth half open as he hadn't finished his sentence, and he then looked away with a light shrug. He shook his head, indicating he didn't know why he hadn't asked for your help, and had instead left you with blooded sheets and blood stains on your bedroom floor and windowsill. But the truth was that he knew very well why he hadn't asked for help, because he knew you were afraid of him and that everything had changed.
'Why didn't you wake me up?' you asked, anger and sadness evident in your voice, 'how could you… do you even know-,' you scoffed as you couldn't find the right words, and you threw your hands up, 'what… what am I supposed to do with… with you? What… how could we ever… I- I need answers, Sihtric. I need some fucking answers.'
'I'll tell you everything,' Sihtric said gloomily, 'just ask.'
You sighed, your breath was unsteady as you grabbed a chair and sat down at the desk across from the table Sihtric sat upon. You dragged your trembling hands over your face while Sihtric was quick to gulp down the remaining alcohol left in the bottle, and he placed it on the table once it was emptied. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and then stared at you intently, waiting for you to speak.
'Those vampires,' you began, holding back your tears, 'how… I mean, you killed them. I know you did, so there must be evidence left in the woods-'
'It's taken care of,' Sihtric said curtly.
'My pack. They took care of it when I went to find you.'
'Your… pack, okay,' you nodded slowly, slightly agitated, 'and… would you turn me to make me a part of your pack?'
'No,' he said, pained, 'never, my love, never. I would never want to turn you.'
'But why not?' you frowned, almost offended at his answer.
'Because that very first transformation is awful. It hurts so much it… it cannot be put into words. And that is a pain and a fright and a torture I wish to never put you through. Nor the… the bloodlust that comes with it afterwards. And more than anything I wish to be human, darling, more than anything,' he said softly, 'I would never want to turn anyone into something I do not wish to be.'
'So… you've never turned anyone, not even those in your pack?'
'The werewolves in my pack are stray wolves I befriended over the years. I've never turned anyone. I… I've only killed.'
'Killed,' you repeated softly, and scoffed, 'those humans and those… those babies you've killed, did you enjoy that?'
'As a human? No,' he said firmly, 'but… as a werewolf? Yes, I do. Hunting and killing is part of a wolf's nature, so it feels natural. However, when I shift, half or full, I… I am still very much aware of what I do. My human mind is there, it's just not in control-'
'So you are aware that you've killed?'
'I am,' he said sadly, 'and I am not proud of that. And I haven't killed or even attacked a human in many years, I promise.'
'Then how do you feed as a werewolf?'
'Animals,' Sihtric said quietly, 'sometimes I feed on animals.'
You gasped lightly and shook your head. For a moment you buried your face in your hands, collecting your thoughts and unable to look at the man you had been so in love with less than twenty four hours ago who now looked nothing like him anymore.
'So… those wounded animals we treat here-'
'No,' Sihtric interrupted, 'I've never attacked or wounded an animal that came through here.'
'But some… some markings on them-'
'That wasn't me!' he almost barked and threw the empty glass bottle on the floor with such force, it shattered and splintered all over the ground.
You jumped up at his sudden aggression, immediately reaching for the door and wanting to leave, but you stopped when he suddenly breathed down your neck and grabbed your arm. He backed you up against the door, his trembling hands lightly holding your face, giving you every chance to shove him away, but you just couldn't get away from him, because you just didn't want to.
'I'm sorry. I am… and I… I don't know where this leaves us,' Sihtric spoke soft and hoarsely, 'but if… if you can't be with me because it's too much,' he swallowed hard, trying to sound confident and tough, but it was evident he was heartbroken, 'if my werewolf side is too much, then I understand you do not want to be with me anymore. I already… tried to accept the fact you will break up with me. And I'm sorry… I'm sorry for everything you had to witness,' his voice died with a whiny sob as he desperately fought his emotions, without success, 'I know you will leave me… I know it, but I… I don't want you to.'
You sniffled and placed your hands on his neck, while tears rolled down his cheeks as he leaned his forehead against yours. You wept silently and slowly reached for his face, gently cupping his cheeks and moving closer to kiss his lips. A kiss you drowned in as soon as he wrapped his arms around you, and you melted in his warm embrace while you tasted the alcohol with a faint hint of blood on his tongue.
'It's you,' he whispered against your lips as he cried, 'you… please, I only want you. I'm sorry. Please, don't… don't leave me… I know it's a lot, but please-'
'I- I need time,' you whispered with a sob, 'I don't know if I can… if we could ever be- I'm sorry, Sihtric, but this is just the first taste I'm getting of this side of you,' you looked up at him as he stepped back, and you wiped your tears, 'just… please, just know that I love you, okay?'
You stared up at him when his eyes became threatening while his jaw was clenched tightly. And suddenly you began to fear the man in front of you, and no longer just the beast that was inside of him.
'Sihtric,' you began to stammer as you watched him back away, 'I… I love y-'
'You don't!' he suddenly raised his voice, then exhaled sharply and looked away from you again as he started to pace around the room, 'you don't love me,' he muttered as if speaking to himself, his voice trembled while his hands raked through his loose hair and the broken glass crushed underneath his heavy boots with every step he took, 'you couldn't possibly love me, you couldn't. No one can. No one could love a monster. Just… just go, please, just go.'
'Sihtric,' you tried, 'please, just-'
'Go!' Sihtric snarled as he lashed out, 'just go and leave me!'
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Several months passed since you had last seen Sihtric. You had replaced the curtains and scrubbed the blood off your wooden floor, but the claw markings outside your window were still there. You had been heartbroken since you last saw him, and even though you had expected that time would heal you up, it simply hadn't. You were still in love with him, and it was an ongoing battle inside of you ever since that frightful night in the woods. How could you love a man who could shift into a werewolf, being fully aware of his doings? Sihtric was a monster in a way, you knew that, but you also knew that he was a good man who truly loved you. 
After your abrupt break-up you slowly started to research werewolves and all beings alike, after you had taken some time to let it all sink in. You read frightening lore and heard the strangest stories as you spend hours listening to podcasts about apparent sightings. You desperately wanted to understand Sihtric and prove to yourself that he wasn't dangerous, or a monster. But you couldn't deny the horrors he had participated in and those you had witnessed yourself. And yet, after everything that had happened, you knew too that Sihtric had never harmed you and only ever wanted to protect you.
But Sihtric was, like you, conflicted about his being. He had been at peace with it and in control for the most part, but knowing it was the reason you couldn't be with him had ripped him apart. You had never called him a monster out loud, and you never had to, Sihtric could clearly read it in your eyes whenever you had looked at him the last time he saw you at the vet. And he figured that if the monster inside of him was going to destroy his life anyway and take all he loved, he might as well embrace his being 
And that's what he did. 
When human, Sihtric had delved into researching and tracing down every vampire coven nearby after you had split up. For it was vampires who had caused him to shift that night in the woods, with you by his side, so it was on them he sought his revenge. He stopped chaining himself up during the full Moon, completely destroying the set up he had made in his shed and allowing himself to shift without keeping any control over it, only to then roam the dark streets as the beast he was. Lurking in the darkness with his pack, hunting down and slaughtering every vampire they could possibly find after scouting their hideouts during the day. And the blood on his paws stained his hands too, for every cut and bruise he received as a werewolf in his reckless attempt to mend his broken heart, his human body suffered the very same damage and his eyes witnessed the murders.
Every night Sihtric would stroll by your home in his full wolf form, observing the area for hours to make sure you were safe. Some nights you woke up in the dead of night, swearing you had heard his howl in the distance or his soft whines just outside your window. But every time you looked outside, hoping to see a black wolf with mismatched eyes looking up at you, you found nothing but darkness as far as you could see. And your heart sank as you believed that it had just been another dream you had about him, like almost every night.
Sihtric became battered and bruised over time, and it angered him that he never felt better after each slaughter he had survived and each win he gained. As time continued to pass, he slowly began to realise that even if he killed every other creature of the night, it still wouldn't bring you back to him and his beating heart would remain empty and broken inside of his chest. He knew nothing would bring you back and, to his horror, he started to realise he was turning into his father after all; a cold-hearted killer. Because he may have only killed vampires, but he knew very well that, just as werewolves, not all vampires have ill intent.
And when another full Moon was approaching, Sihtric stepped into the shed in his backyard and made a list of everything he needed to restrain himself again, in order to not roam the streets and kill more of the creatures he would forever blame for losing you.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@succnfuccubus @hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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hapalopus · 5 months
Hooooowww did people 1) hear the folksong Valravnen about a knight who's been transformed into a bird (likely an eagle, not a raven) and can only break the curse by killing a baby, 2) see that one (1) now-extinct noble family referred to their heraldic beast, a wolf/bird, as a 'valravn', and 3) read one single 1800s countryboy's explanation that valravnen is like an evil valkyrie, and SOMEHOW extrapolate from those three wildly unrelated sources that "The Valravn" (because it's never a folkloric concept with different interpretations, it's always a single specific creature) is a were-wolf/raven who haunts battlefields to drink the blood of slain warriors????
Please stop depicting 'the' valravn when you don't even know what it is, I'm begging on my fucking knees, I hate the way recent Danish folklore-inspired popculture has latched onto this figure and keeps depicting it in wilder and wilder ways😭😭
If you want a folkloric evil bird creature in your story please just use a fucking dragon or gammen. Use a damn cockatrice or vættehane, idgaf. Please just stop muddying the already-confusing lore of valravnen. The figure has been abused enough already and you are making my hobby as a folklorist very difficult😥
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xxsugarbonesxx · 4 months
miguel tingz that wont leave my brain
a/n: I have a few thoughts on my wife Miguel that echo through the vast emptiness I call my noodle. Please be nice to me this is my first time :,(. Think of this as word vomit, enjoy. Or don't, I don't care, I'm not your mom. Slight NSFW at the end if you squint????
I think this is kinda like he retires as spidey and settles down. He marries (you in this senario) and has a couple kids, now that he doesn't have to save the universe constantly, he's much more relaxed, but his previous life does tend to slip out here or there.
Bro has a dad bod, his arms and legs are thick with muscle, he's still got those big ass hands and super strength. But now he was a chubby tummy, with lots and lots of hair. A thick happy trail that leads down to the base of his thick cock. Arm, leg and chest hair, maybe he's got a bit of a trimmed beard moment?? I feel like he has a short wolf cut now, something kinda shaggy but doesn't touch his neck just yet.
I feel like Miguel enjoys danishes. Stuff with light icing, flaky pastry insides and some sort of berry. I think he'd like cherry or black berry the most. Bear claws too, almond desserts 'n' such. But the danishes are the sweetest thing he can eat. His teeth are really sensitive to cold and sugar. But I like to think he get something sugar-y as a treat for himself very rarely and just powers through the discomfort.
He has a very thought out and meticulous hair routine. Maybe skin too, I dunno...but his bathroom sink is full of fancy product he uses, if you were to use some of it without his knowing, he'd know exactly how much was used by holding the container. He's very precise, mans has spent YEARS perfecting his routine to get everything just so. He likes feeling handsome and clean I feel.
He smells warm. Something cozy, like fresh citrus, firewood and dark chocolate. Paired with his natural musk, bro smells heavenly. He has a lot of colognes, fancy rich guy colognes to be more specific. The man is rolling in it. He keeps the lights on at the Spider Society, that power bill has to be atrocious by just looking at the architect of the building. And his universe is set in the future, so inflation has to make it even worse.
He dances like a dad. Specifically a dad who loves to embarrass his kid(s). Thought this was a normal get together and daddy dearest would finally behave? NOPE. I feel like he has that one song that just sets him off, that one song that makes him have his little 'dance like no body's watching moment'. So much so said kid(s) would shudder as the beginning would play. And he'd maintain eye contact through out it. He's dancing and he's staring his kid(s) down, the ultimate power move, reminding them there's nothing they can do and pops will always be there when they need him the least to embarrass them.
He'd be very warm and sweet and doting to his kid(s) and you, though he can kinda be sassy with them. But anyone outside of his circle, he'd be very cold like how we see him during the movie. He totally talks shit about people he doesn't like to you. "Can you believe Sonia's husband, he's such a tool. I really--I honestly just can't with him..." He'll say as he sighs, massaging his temple as he nurses a glass of red wine.
He's a wine mom, he'll end the week on the couch with a cheesy telenovela that he's lowkey obsessed with though plays it off like it's nothing. Sipping his glass curled up with you, going back and forth between watching the show and gossiping like a auntie. If you work, he needs to know the scoop. Tyler is married to Pamela but Pamela is swapping spit with that Melina? His undivided attention.
He cuddles. If you've every shared a bed with a bernese mountain dog, you know what I'm talking about. His whole body weight on you, his head on your shoulder and his legs tangled with yours. I feel like he sleeps naked, skin on skin, keeping you nice and warm all night long as he snores. He cock warms too, his fat cock pushed deep inside you, your velvet walls cradling his length as you two spoon. If he wakes up first, he'll slowly buck his hips into you with his nose buried into your hair. The sound of soft claps and sweaty grunts as your wake up call.
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thehmn · 2 years
I thought I had a pretty good grasp on what the mythical creature valravn from Danish folklore is but after diving deeper it’s more versatile than expected.
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The version I was originally told is that a valravn (means “war raven” or more precisely “raven of the fallen” as in fallen people on the battlefield) is a normal raven that gained human intelligence by eating the flesh or brain of dead people after a battle. With the gift of intelligence also came the curse of only being able to fly at night. The only way to gain the ability to move around in daylight was to eat the heart of a young boy. Then the valravn would be able to turn into either a human or a raven/wolf beast and go wherever it wanted whenever it pleased.
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But in the most well known song about valravens they’re all human men who were turned into ravens by either a witch or a female troll. A women was told her husband could only turn back if he drank her blood so she asks another valravn for help. It agrees in exchange for the life of her first son as soon as he has spoken his first three words, suggesting an infant would be too young.
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In yet another version the valravn is a human who cannibalised dead people on the battlefield and turned into a raven or a human/raven/wolf monster that could only travel at night but would continue the cannibalism until it ate a young boy at which point it would be able to turn back to a human form.
So take your pick. You want a weird creepy raven that has decided it wants to be a human? Or a tragic story of someone who can only turn back by hurting their beloved? Or perhaps a wendigo style creature who became a monster after committing the taboo of cannibalism? Or maybe a mix? Because clearly Danish people in the past weren’t too worried about the valravn canon. The only generally agreed on lore is that they’re always male, can only travel at night and they eat humans or drink human blood to reach their final form or be cured.
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melanie-the-artful · 6 months
Genshin Character Names' Meanings
Hello there! So, I remember I once saw a post about meanings of some characters' names in another fandom, and while some of those names probably were given to those characters just because they fit, some of them certainly were chosen for their meaning, and well, it was just interesting to read! And yeah, here I am, in today's series of "I have freaking nothing else to do" I brought you a list of meanings for Genshin characters' names (today only Travelers and Mondstadt).
Aether | Comes from the highest air layer - where the gods live, and from the god who embodies it in Greek mythology; Also not sure whether it's connected, but fun fact: in Latin "Iter" means «Journey»
Lumine | Literally «Light» in Latin
Kong (Chinese Aether) | «Heavenly», «Air» or «Sky» - Chinese Name
Ying (Chinese Lumine) | Literally «Glimmer», «Twinkling» or «Light» in Chinese and a Chinese Name
Sora (Japanese Aether) | Literally «Sky» in Japanese and a Japanese Name
Hotaru (Japanese Lumine) | Literally «Firefly» in Japanese and a Japanese Name
Paimon | Comes from King Paimon, the 9th of Goetia Demons 
Amber | Well, in her case it obviously references her eyes that carry that color, and it is also similar to the word «ember», which underlines her being a Pyro wielder; Also «Fierce» as an originally Arabic or Celtic Name
Kaeya | «Monsoon Flower» - Sanskrit Name
Lisa | «God's Promise» - German Name
Jean | «God is Gracious» - Originally French Name
Barbara | Although in our world it is believed to come from barbarians, in context of Genshin she might've been named so after Barbatos, the Archon rulling over her nation. It also makes sense considering how her father also serves at the church; Also «Foreign», «Strange» as an originally Greek Name
Diluc | Comes from «diluculum» - Latin for «Dawn»
Noelle | «Christmas» - Originally French Name
Klee | Literally «Clover» in German
Albedo | Term for the fraction of sunlight that is diffusely reflected by a body; also a Latinicized alchemical term meaning «Whiteness» and «Purification»
Sucrose | A chemical element, also known as C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁, or just sugar
Mona | «Solitary», «Adviser» or «Wish» - German Name
Fischl | Considering German grammatics, literally means «Little Fish» 
Amy | «Beloved», «Dearly Loved» - German Name
Bennett | «Blessed» - Originally French and Latin Name
Rosaria | «Rosary» or «Wreath of Roses» - Derives from originally Latin Name Rosarius/Rosarium
Diona | «Goddess» or «From the Sacred Spring» - German Name 
Eula | Could be based on the german word for owl Eule or the German Name Ulla which means «Will»
Mika | «Who is like God» - German Name 
Venti | Sounds similar to the word «windy», also literally «Winds» in Italian
Barbatos | Comes from Duke Barbatos, the 8th of Goetia Demons 
Crepus | Comes from «crepusculum» - Latin for «Dusk»
Seamus | «Supplanter» - Originally Irish Name
Frederica | «Peaceful Ruler» - German Name
Alice | «Noble» or «Exalted» - Originally German Name
Rhinedottir | Originally Rhine was a name for someone who lived by the Rhine river in German, yet the word itself originates from the word 'renos', which means «Flowing Water» or «Raging Flow»; meanwhile "dottir" is «Daughter» in Icelandic
Barbeloth | May derive from the Gnostic aeon Barbēlō, a supreme, androgynous entity in Gnosticism known as God's first thought, being his "feminine aspect" and the Mother-Father of the aeons
Nicole | «Victory of the People» - Originally French Name
Varka | Likely based on the Old Persian 𐎺𐎼𐎣 (varka), meaning «Wolf»
Decarabian | Comes from Marquis Decarabia, the 69th of Goetia Demons
Dvalin | Comes from a dwarf in Old Norse tales, meaning «The Dormant One» or «The One Slumbering» (akin to the Danish and Norwegian "dvale" and Swedish "dvala", meaning «Sleep, «Unconscious Condition» or «Hibernation»).
Durin | Overally associated with a dwarf named Durin, who is also from Norse tales, though some say it is of Latin origin and means «Firm», «Enduring»
Yeah, here it is! I know, I basically made a compilation of things you can find yourself in Google, buuuuuut in case you were too lazy or not curious enough to do so, I did so in your stead! And I have to admit that those are not names of my homeland, and I may not know all their variations or significance, yet I'm still interested, and I'll be happy if you're willling to correct me. And maybe I will even dig in deeper into the topic next time!
So, see you!
Edited: Yeah, I added a few more meaningful characters and Travelers' names on other languages + a few other tiny additions. I think now it seems a little more complete. Next up is Liyue!
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ofdarklands · 7 months
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26 - Valravn
These supernatural ravens appear in traditional Danish folksongs, where they are described as originating from ravens who consume the bodies of the dead on the battlefield, and, alternately, as half-wolf and half-raven creatures. According to Danish folklore recorded in the late 19th century, when a king or chieftain was killed in battle and not found and buried, ravens came and ate him. The ravens became valravne. The valravne that ate the king's heart gained human knowledge and could perform great malicious acts, lead people astray, had superhuman powers, and were "terrible animals".
In another account, a Valravn is described as a peaceless soul in search of redemption that flies by night (but never day) and can only free itself from its animal countenance by consuming the blood of a child. The song describes how, after refusing offers of riches, the valravn makes an agreement with a maiden to take her to her betrothed after she promises the valravn her first born son. After the agreement, the valravn flies away. In time, the couple have a child and the valravn returns, and asks the maiden if she has forgotten her promise. The valravn takes the child away, and tears into the chest of his won wager and consumes the blood contained within the child's heart. As a result, the valravn transforms into a knight.
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sunnyside-sunset · 3 months
qsmp egg assigned songs again but im giving up on it and shoving it here because i cant be bothered working on it anymore so its probably really inaccurate and biased thats my bad
i encourage criticism!!! its the only way i get better and it gives me a better understanding of the eggs i dont know very well since i dont know much about a lot of them!!!! more accurate song recs are also very welcome ^^
QSMP EGG SONGS (updated) (long post)
TALLULAH: Goodbye My Danish Sweetheart by Mitski / Here Comes A Thought from Steven Universe
“And I don't blame you
If you want to bury me in your memory
I'm not the girl I ought to be, but
Maybe when you tell your friends
You can tell them what you saw in me
And not the way I am
And I don't mean to make your heart blue
But could we be what we're meant to be?
I'm just about to beg you, please
And then, when you tell your friends
You can tell them what you saw in me
And not the way I used to be”
“Here comes a thought that might alarm me
What someone said and how it harmed me
Something I did that failed to be charming
Things that I said are suddenly swarming
And, oh, I'm losing sight, I'm losing touch
All these little things seem to matter so much
That they confuse me
That I might lose me”
BOBBY: Mi Último Deseo by Banda Los Recoditos / Mother’s Song from Wolf Children
“Me gustan los parties y las desveladas
Lunes a Domingo y toda la semana
Me la paso alegre y disfruto la vida
Y así seguiré hasta mi último día
Me gusta el desmadre, el ambiente me prende
Yo así soy feliz, no le temo a la muerte
Yo no pienso en eso, es tiempo perdido
Pues nadie se escapa de nuestro destino”
“泣きはらした目で 膝を抱える
訳を聞かせて すべて話して
だいじょうぶ どこへも行かないよ
なにがあっても いっしょにいるよ
あなたの笑った顔が 好きよ
落ち込んでいても 元気をくれる
ルルル ルルル おいで 歌 歌おうよ
うおおん うおおん おいで のど 鳴らそうよ”
SUNNY: Sunny by Boney M / What if they’re right from Bob’s Burgers
“Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain
The dark days are gone
And the bright days are here
My Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny one so true, I love you”
“Feels like
Something's wrong with me
And they know it
They took one look my way and exposed it
I'm ready to give up the fight
And just admit that they are right.”
RAMÓN: Talk to You by Ricky Montgomery / John, Take Me With You by JW Francis
“Been a pretty long time
Been a really long time
Sincе you saw me last
Since I saw you last
Wonder if wе met today
Would you turn and walk away?
Would you take me for a ride?
Would you toss me to the side?”
“Do you want your time alone?
You're the place I feel at home
I'll be roaming
I've got my phone
And you call when you feel all right
And you can call when you feel all right
And you can call when you feel all right”
DAPPER: you are my sunshine by Christina Perri but specifically sung by BadBoyHalo / Black Hair by Alex G
“You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away
The other night, dear
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you
In my arms
When I awoke, dear
I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried”
“Black hair it's swimming in my head
Black hair it's bigger than death
Black hair don't leave me in the dirt
Black hair I'll show you what I'm worth”
LEONARDA: memories by Maki Otsuki / Cop Car by Mitski
“Moshi mo sekai ga kawaru no nara
Nanimo shiranai koro no watashi ni
Tsurete itte omoide ga
Iro asenai you ni
Chisana koro kara uta o utatte
Yume miru kokoro atatameteta
Minna de maneshita himitsu no merodei
Kondo wa jouzu ni kikoeru you ni”
“I get mean when I'm nervous like a bad dog
I get mean when I'm nervous like a bad dog”
CHAYANNE: When I Grow Up from Matilda the Musical / Today Today by Jack Stauber
“When I grow up, when I grow up (When I grow up)
I will be strong enough to carry all
The heavy things you have to haul
Around with you when you're a grown-up
And when I grow up, when I grow up (When I grow up)
I will be brave enough to fight the creatures
That you have to fight beneath the bed
Each night to be a grown-up”
“Today, today is one of those days
That carries you slowly into next time
And as those walk by, you see with your eye
Part of me is repeatedly given”
JUANAFLIPPA: Everything Stays from Adventure Time / Sarah by Alex G
“Everything stays right where you left it
Everything stays
But it still changes
Ever so slightly, daily and nightly
In little ways, when everything stays”
“I can't be what you need
I am stuck in a dream
I am stuck in a dream
Don't you know she's been here all along in a dream?
She belongs in a dream”
PEPITO: スマイリーを探して by Seranji Poji / Dubidubidu(Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa) by Christell (pepito is this 🤏🤏 small to me)
“(Where is my friend Smiley?)
(Mm~ Have you seen Smiley?)
(Where is my friend Smiley?)
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
(He-hey! Where is Smiley? His name is Smiley!)
“Si tú quieres bailar, jugar, pintar, cantar
Tú puedes venir a mi casa
La idea es compartir, te vas a divertir
Si quieres venir a mi casa
Quiero invitar a jugar a mi casa
A todas mis amigas y amigos
Quiero saltar y bailar
Y lo que tengo, compartir contigo”
EMPANADA: Escapism from Steven Universe / No More Birthdays by Sophie May / Sweet Tooth by Maya Hawke (im not biased idk what you mean)
“I guess I have to face
That in this awful place
I shouldn't show a trace of doubt
But pulled against the grain
I feel a little pain
That I would rather do without
I'd rather be
Free, free, free
I'd rather be
Free, free, free
Free, free, free
From here”
“My baby don’t cry
She just sleeps through the night
She don’t fuss, she don’t wine
She stays perfectly quiet
But while I watch her grow (I watch her grow)
My poor heart grows a hole
Oh, Lord, say (Say it ain't so) it ain't so
Can't you please make an exception? I've got good intentions
I just crave protection for my ball of perfection”
“Told my mother that I love her
And that I'd lie to the accountant if she wants
I'll do whatever to protect her
I'll say anything just to make her stop
I saw a movie everybody hated
In an empty theatre in Duluth
Swear I really loved it
Love is such a better thing to do
I'm grateful for everything you put me through
It's the only reason I'm any good to talk to
When I'm sick or suffering, I'll still call you
About my big, sore sweet tooth”
POMME: Enfance 80 by Mattyeux, Videoclub / Mai by Videoclub / Class of 2013 by Mitski
“J'ai touché l'enfance dans mes doigts encore feutrés
Ressassé cette histoire comme si je l'avais rencontrée
La vraie belle nouveauté, c'est celle qui ne vieillit pas
Celle qui nous garde le ciel pastel, l'orage quand il fait froid
Je laisse aux autres les demains
Moi, je prends que les maintenant
Si c'est pour penser la fin
Compte sur mes rêves d'enfant
Je laisse aux autres les demains
Moi, je prends que les maintenant
Si c'est pour penser la fin
Compte sur mes rêves d'enfant”
“M'envoler dans la pluie
Déchirer mes copies
Échanger ces regards et pouvoir rentrer très tard
J'aurais dû sauver le jour pour t'offrir la nuit
Tes yeux regards hagards, essaye j'ai ma part
J'aurais pu, j'aurais dû
Oublier voir l'été
Entre tes doigts
Moi je les vois
Les couleurs d'autrefois”
“Mom, am I still young?
Can I dream for a few months more?”
TILÍN: Mama’s Boy by Dominic Fike / I Miss My Mum by Cavetown
“How do my plans fit in with yours? (Oh)
You're such a doll and I'm a boy
Where did my parents go? (Oh, oh)
I'm not in Italy
They like vacation homes much more than they love me”
“The sun feels nice
Through the window with a view
It's fine bein' a person
'Cause I got to meet you, ooh
You just need to find home
And I think maybe
You just miss your mum”
TRUMP: I Wait for You by Alex G / O Superman by Laurie Anderson
“It's what I do
I wait for you
I wait for you
I wait for you
I wait for you
I wait for you”
“So hold me, Mom, in your long arms
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms
In your automatic arms, your electronic arms
In your arms
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms
Your petrochemical arms, your military arms
In your electronic arms”
RICHARLYSON: Velha Infância by Tribalistas / Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown
“Você é assim
Um sonho pra mim
E quando eu não te vejo
Eu penso em você
Desde o amanhecer
Até quando eu me deito
Eu gosto de você
E gosto de ficar com você
Meu riso é tão feliz contigo
O meu melhor amigo é o meu amor”
“The other boys at school
Think it's cool to hate your parents
But they're lying all the time
The bugs advised that I should let 'em
And if you wanna cry
Make sure that they never see it
Or even better yet
Block it out and never feel it
I just turned 14
And I think I know everything”
CHUNSIK / 춘식: Water Island from My Singing Monsters
“The ocean's deep
The currents strong
Right here I found where I belong
It's all around
Can you feel the sound?
I'm alright now
Cool, calm, and clear like water
I'll make it somehow
I'll go with the flow like water”
HOPE: Any Day Now by Bo Burnham / Last Words of a Shooting Star by Mitski
“It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)
It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)
It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)
It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)
It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)
It'll stop any day now (any day now, any day now)”
“They'll never know how I'd stared at the dark in that room
With no thoughts
Like a blood-sniffing shark
And while my dreams made music in the night
I was going to live”
GEGG: Things To Do by Alex G
“Hold on tight to this time, this place
'Cause everything you know will be erased
You were born inside your head
And that is where you'll be when you are dead
You are just a boy you are no man and
Nobody you know will understand
You are just a boy you are no man and
Nobody you know will understand”
there is so much alex g in this list im so sorry 😭😭
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deathisararemercy · 1 year
In Perpetuum et Unum Diem
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Death x Reader
You knew for certain that Death knew every language. You, on the other hand, were far from multilingual (or whatever you would call someone who knew literally every language ever). So it came as a surprise to Death when this occurred.
A/N: Loosely inspired by this post by @sunnypop02 (Puss x multilingual!reader), except it's Death x reader who knows languages thought to be "dead" (ie. Latin). I highly recommend reading their fic/post; it's so freaking cute and sweet.
This is my first time writing "x reader" content, and I'm still trying to figure out how to write Death, so please forgive me. This is a little short and I'm still trying to figure out the format I'm going to go with, but I hope it's not too bad. Translations are at the bottom. Let me know if you catch any typos!
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You knew for certain that Death knew every language. There was never a barrier between him and any soul he needed to collect (though usually his presence alone spoke more than any words could). You, on the other hand, were far from multilingual (or whatever you would call someone who knew literally every language ever). Death liked to tease you a bit for this, calling you pet names in various languages.
Elskede. Danish. “Beloved.” يا قمر (ya amar). Arabic. “My moon.” Nhà tôi. Vietnamese. “My home.” Mi vida. Spanish. “My life.”
He was sure to translate them for you, making sure that you were comfortable with them and nodding enthusiastically when you were. As far as he was aware, you only knew one language. So it came as a surprise to Death when this occurred.
“Swear jar.”
The wolf’s ears perked up, while you continued reading your book. It took him a minute to realize what exactly had just happened. He plopped down next to you on the loveseat, cocking his head to the side, perplexed. You looked up, feeling his eyes on you. His gaze was intent.
You set aside the book and readjust yourself so that you’re kneeling on the cushion. You turned towards him, giving him a long and thoughtful stare. “Boop.” You tapped the tip of Death's snout, but he remained motionless, brows knit together. Now it was your turn to worry.
“Uh, oh. Is something wrong?”
“You understood what I said," he said, mystified.
“Yes? What, don’t have anything to put in the swear jar right now? Just because you swear in another language doesn’t mean it doesn’t count.” Teasingly, you wagged a finger at him. “That’s cheating!”
Death laughed a little, and the distance between you decreased. He took your hand and held it to your lips. “Shh. Don’t tell.” You could hear his tail thumping on the seat as he continued, dropping your hand with red eyes burning with excitement, “But wait, wait, wait. If I say this: Amo te. Es pulcherrimum in omnia terra.” He paused, waiting to see your reaction and thrilled to see your flushed cheeks. “Do you understand me?”
“I- I do. And I love you too.”
He was beaming now. “And the ‘pulcherrimum in omnia terra’ part. Do you believe it?”
“Maybe,” you joked, expecting him to laugh it off.
Instead, he drew closer, so close you could kiss him if you leaned a little closer. It would be a lie to say you weren’t tempted to. “You should believe it,” he said tenderly. “You’re the most beautiful in the land.”
And then, he threw his head back, laughing and staring up at the ceiling. “But I can’t believe you know Latin of all languages. Don’t get me wrong, mi vida,” the wolf added hastily, “It really is a great language. I just never thought I’d meet a mortal who knew it again, or at least has some interest in it.”
You shrug. “It’s nothing really. I like reading old stories. I don’t get to speak it much since it’s kind of, you know, dead.”
Scowling, Death took your hands in his. His paws were always cold, but he held your hands with firmness and surety. “It may not be spoken by natives anymore, but it’s not extinct because you still know it. You are one of few keeping a language alive and that’s incredible. Most people wouldn’t care for a dead language. You wouldn’t believe all of the words I know that no one else can ever understand anymore.”
“Couldn’t you teach people, Muerte?”
He shook his head solemnly. “Death is a great teacher, just not of languages. But I’m curious now, apricum,” he grinned. “There was this one old saying and I want to know your thoughts on it. Amantes sunt amentes. You ever heard of it?”
“I think I’ve heard of it before.”
“Well, what do you think? Suntne amantes amentes?”
You gave it some thought and shook your head. “Minime. I think people who are in love may be blind or see their partner in a way that’s different from who they actually are…but I wouldn’t call them ‘lunatics’ or ‘fools’. Isn’t it a really beautiful thing for us to be able to love someone so deeply?”
Death chuckled a bit before falling silent. For a moment, your muscles tightened, and your heart skipped a few beats. Did I say something wrong?
But before you could hastily make out an apology, he planted a kiss on your forehead. “Es pulcherrimum, candidius quam stellam.”
And you manage to catch him by surprise, quickly kissing him back. “Et te amo. In perpetuum et unum diem.”
Death loves having someone to speak this language to. Even if you need to take a little time to process and translate what it is he says, you actually understands it! The souls who would’ve been able to speak or understand it have long since passed, and Death mourns the loss of languages and cultures over time. He's been around since the very beginning, after all.
He encourages you to practice speaking the language for fun. Though he still likes using a variety of pet names for you, he now adds more from dead languages. It's so much fun, saying things he’ll know you understand that no one else will (though now he knows he can’t swear in a dead language anymore unless he wants to put money in the swear jar).
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Faex: shit
Amo te. Es pulcherrimum in omnia terra.: I love you. You are the most beautiful in the whole land.
Apricum: sunny (I would use lux solaris for ‘sunshine’ or literally ‘light of the sun’ but this is cuter.)
Amantes sunt amentes: Lovers are lunatics (fools).
Suntne amantes amentes?: Are lovers lunatics?
Minime: No.
Es pulcherrimum, candidius quam stellas.: You are the most beautiful, brighter than the stars.
Et te amo. In perpetuum et unum diem.: And I love you. Forever and one day.
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The Round 1 Draw is here!
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The top left:
Sleeping Beauty Suite vs Bye
Le tombeau de Couperin vs Suite in Old Style
Holberg Suite vs Lemminkäinen Suite
Caucasian Sketches Suite no. 1 vs Suite for Solo Viola
The Golden Mountains vs Carmen Suite no. 2
Lincolnshire Posy vs Der Rosenkavalier Suite
American Suite vs Cello Suite in G Major
Pictures at an Exhibition vs Children's Corner Suite
The bottom left:
Livre de Guitarre dédie au roy, Suite no. 3 in D Minor vs Bye
Suite Española no. 1 vs Masquerade Suite
Lieutenant Kije Suite vs Peer Gynt Suite no. 1
A Time There Was vs Papillons Suite
Violin Partita no. 2 vs Jazz Suite no. 2
The Gadfly Suite vs Suite for Recorder and Strings
Keyboard Partita no. 2 vs Appalachian Spring
The Planets Suite vs Bye
The top right:
Suite from Hamlet vs Bye
English Folk Song Suite vs Mother Goose Suite
Orchestral Suite no. 3 in D vs St Paul's Suite
The Firebird Suite vs Symphonic Dances
Romeo and Juliet Suite No. 2 vs Dance Suite
Giselle Ballet Suite vs Keyboard Partita no. 6
First Suite in E-flat for Military Band vs Magnificant in Bb Major
The Nutcracker Suite vs Violin Partita no. 3
The bottom right:
Peter and the Wolf vs Bye
Má Vlast vs Swan Lake Suite
Scheherazade vs The Carnival of the Animals
Petrushka Suite vs Danish Folk Music Suite
Mountain Roads vs Second Suite in F for Military Band
Dances in the Canebrakes vs A Moorside Suite
Daphnis et Chloe Suite no. 2 vs L’Arlésienne Suite no. 2
Capriccio Espagnol vs Bye
Please note all of these matches (including byes) were randomly allocated using a random number generator and I will not be making any changes. I will post 1 poll per day starting from 12:00 am GMT time on the 1st of December (in 24 hours time at time of posting), with each poll lasting for a week to give everyone time to listen to each submission.
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anjelicawrites · 1 year
Raised by the wolves
Paring: Osferth x reader 
Summary: You should have mercy killed Osferth the moment you found him half dead in the snow, now you have feelings for him. This is going to be everyone’s problem.
Warnings: angst with porn and a happy ending. P in v sex, cunnilingus, a bit of overstimulation. Reader is an asshole. A bit of blasphemy  Canon compliant violence. NSFW and 18+ only.
A/N: reader is of nondescript height, but there are mentions of reader having to go on tip toes to level up to Osferth’s face.
A/N 2: I am so sorry this fic evolved into more than 7000 words long. It was supposed to be shorter.
You let the cold waterfall wash away the blood from your face and body. It's one of those days when you and your sister wolves are too jacked up to sit by the camp, the four of you still needing to take the edge off and the men are just too noisy to bear without risking you or your sister wolves attacking out of sheer annoyance. It's one of those days when you go hunting for the whole team with your bare hands and teeth, wearing the skin of your wolf mother, coming back to camp looking like the animal you are. It's one of those days when you think that you are stumbling in to too many Saxons, their eyes wide upon seeing you and the wolves, as if any of you would attack out of the blue; if you wanted anyone dead, you'd do it swiftly, without your victim actually seeing you, but humans are stupid. It's one of those days when you think if it's worth continuing being an associate of Uhtred, having to speak like a human, having to pretend you are one, just because you look like one. 
You hear the rustling coming from your right side, judging from how uninterested your sister wolves are, the reason for you sticking with Uthred had just arrived.
You turn around taking your time, knowing full well Osferth would try and be respectful, staring everywhere but your naked body. He calls your name, a name you thought you had forgotten; he is the only one who uses it, to everyone else you are "She Wolf", Sihtric sometimes uses the Danish equivalent, but the concept stands: Osferth is the only one who still believes you are human, tries to bring you back from your animalistic ways, while the whole world has accepted that you are, and always will be, more wolf than person. 
As you expected, Osferth's cheeks are tinted red, which you always find funny from a man who has fought many battles by your side and has tended your wounds more times than you can remember, he still burns red at the appearance of your naked skin, as if you don't look like any other person he has been with, and he has lain with many. The thought is a stab of jealousy in your guts and you swallow the bile of your rage. 
You let him approach you, his eyes on the terrain so that he wouldn't fall; your only act of mercy is removing yourself from under the waterfall. You don't go for your clothes, you don't talk to him as he explains that dinner is almost ready, you wait for him to stand in front of you, his baby blue eyes into yours.
“You’ll catch your death - he says, trying to cover his embarrassment, you just let out an annoyed whine - use your words” he says and you bark a laugh
“I’m absolutely fine, I’m never cold - Osferth valiantly keeps his eyes on your face and not on the way your nipples perk to the freezing air - you, on the other hand, look like you might need to cool down”.
You advance and Osferth retreats until his back is against the trunk of a tree, babbling something you don’t really care about, too focused on finally acting on what your body has been wanting for quite some time.
You put your hands on his chest piece for balance as you go on your tippy toes to kiss him, stopping just mere centimeters form his lovely lips, wanting him to initiate it; the way his eyes are hooded and his hands curl around your naked arms, have you thinking this is happening, you too will have your chance at sleeping with Osferth and maybe, just maybe, the desire you harbor for him will whiter and finally die. His eyes are closed and his lips almost on yours, when he pushes you away out of the blue and you let out a surprised growl that make your sister wolves stare towards the two of you
“I can’t - he says not looking into your eyes - I am sorry”
“Why?” you growl in anger as you sister wolves approach you and Osferth cautiously
“I can’t, not like this” he tries to explain but you are already too far gone
“You don’t seem to have a problem with anyone else” you growl dashing for your clothes.
Osferth tries to grab your arm but you turn around and almost bite his hand, his only saving grace are his fast reflexes. He stares at you with hurt in his eyes and that drives you crazy: how dare he look like you have mistreated him? You invade his space again, teeth bared and ears pinned, growling deep and dangerous in your throat; he raises his hands in surrender and says your name gently, like he’s trying to calm you, bring you back to the side of humanity. Your sister wolves whine in confusion at you attacking another member of their pack, you just signal them to come with you; Osferth has enough wits on him to not follow you, he just stares at your retreating back with sadness. 
This is not how this was supposed to unfold.
You sleep away from everyone. Osferth had put together your tent with love and care while you were hunting, near his and the fire, you notice while marching through the camp, as if you have ever needed his protection and haven’t spent the better part of your life sleeping out in the cold with the pack of wolves who have adopted you. As if you are one of the pathetic women he had bedded, barely capable of surviving into the wilderness. Anger burns through you like wildfire for the better part of the night, come morning it is clear to everybody and their horses that you have regressed back to where you were the first time they met you. You barely speak and keep to yourself, you pack your belongings with haste and ignore the whole group, especially Osferth who stares at you like a kicked puppy. Your sister wolves are agitated, picking on your anger, not understanding why you are acting the way you are towards the pack; they stare at you in confusion instead of standing proud as they usually do, their tails partially between their legs. You caress their big heads, conveying your love for them with your body language, but staring daggers at everybody else, especially Osferth. You have no beef with the other men, but the four of them come as a unit and if you are talking with everyone but the baby monk, they’d start asking questions you don’t want to answer. Better for everyone that you keep your distance.
As a group you are supposed to head back to Coccham directly but are sidetracked, as usual. When you traveled alone that had never happen to you, you just went goal after goal in your revenge, killing those who had annihilated your village; if you had met Uhtred earlier than you did, you’d probably still be trying to avenge your family, half mad from the Furies constantly screaming in your head. 
You ride last and you keep your distance from the men, actively avoiding their tries at engaging with you with short answers and long, cold stares. You don’t use your tent and tie your horse away from theirs, camping by yourself but close enough to know if they need your help. You do your job, you fight by their side but you don’t engage anymore; your sister wolves would stare at you incapable of understanding your ways and would shy away from the men, trying not to incur in your wrath. You feel Osferth’s eyes on you all the time: he tries repeatedly to talk to you but you just ignore him by simply moving from where you are to another place or by riding away from him. You offer yourself for scouting duty and refuse to have a partner with you, especially Osferth. The only times when you are close to him are during fights, where you can pour out all the rage and he can show you that he still cares about you even though you hate him now. The rare times he manages to approach you long enough to tell you that he needs to tell you something, you answer coldly that he doesn’t, you have heard him loud and clear at the waterfall, but you keep this latter part for yourself.
You have to admit that the man is nothing but persistent but you don’t understand why: he has already refused you, what does he want with you now? You have to admit to yourself that you don’t understand human interaction. Between wolves everything is simpler, if an offer is denied, the one refusing doesn’t run after the other with empty words, they just accept it and move on. You have offered yourself to him and he has said no, what of it now? It is not his friendship that you want and you don’t want his pity, not those sad stares full of feelings you don’t understand. If only you could hate him, if only removing those pesky human feelings were as easy as killing your enemies.
It’s when the temperature drops one night that you muse that you should have mercy killed Osferth when you had the chance, the moment you had discovered his huddled, feverish form in the snow. 
His skin was burning under your fingertips, his eyes were unfocused and he kept babbling in what you understood was the language of the Saxons. He had grabbed at your hands the moment you had come closer to him and you couldn’t find in your heart to slit his throat. Your sister wolves were less friendly with humans back then and they had growled at him, hungry and distrustful. He kept calling you an angel in his delirium and you made the decision to carry him to the closest farm you could find. He was heavier than you thought on your shoulder, as you walked towards the Saxon-Danish family you used to trade with. 
From what you could gauge of the relations between humans, Saxons and Danes weren’t on friendly terms, usually, which you found absurd: it had been a ragtag group of Saxons and Danes to come to your small village to pillage and kill everyone, setting your small houses on fire. You had barely managed to barely escape, a child of five lost in the snow and if it weren’t for your wolf mother, you would have died, but she had decided to take you into the small pack she formed with her pups, your sister wolves, instead of killing and eating you. The irony of you taking the same decision as your mother doesn’t escape you now and you wonder if she hadn’t ever regretted it the same way you do now. 
You had met Uhtred, Finan and Sihtric later, when they were desperately looking for their friend; having to work with them had been a necessity, you and them were after the same man, the last one still alive from the group of pillagers. You needed them because the man knew you were coming for him and had set up defenses you couldn’t destroy alone, they needed you because you were the only one who knew where he was hiding. Becoming their associate just happened; your vendetta was done, you were freed from that burden and the screams of the Furies didn’t resonate in your brain anymore and you were goalless. Continuing to live in the wilderness alone or follow Uthred as he tried to reach his destiny were the same to you. You wonder now if you had already wanted Osferth back then, if that was the reason you kept traveling and fighting with them, a reason unknown even to yourself; not that it is of any importance now, you know where the baby monk stands on the matter and you just know you had let yourself become more human than you ever were, and that has been a mistake you must rectify as soon as possible.
You are at least five days from Coccham and it’s raining, big, fat drops that make the terrain difficult to navigate and forces your group to stop for the night earlier than you have planned. You can hear the men talk from your perch, your sister wolves staring sadly to where camp is; they miss their pack, miss playing with Finan and cuddling with Osferth. They miss you being happy.
You hear Uhtred before you can see him. He looks wet and miserable but he still greets your sister wolves with the usual “girls”, and they shyly wag their tails, unsure of your reaction. You don’t let him speak and announce you are going to leave the group as soon as you return to Coccham and have managed to collect your belongings there. He looks surprised and hurt, a myriad of different emotions dancing on his face for a second, until he asks you why
“You all made me human and vulnerable, that’s not acceptable” you say, hoping your face doesn’t betray what you feel. You used to be unreadable to humans who are less used to the cryptic body language of the wolves that you commonly use.
“Osferth made you human and vulnerable - his deep voice booms between two thunders - does that scare you so, She Wolf?”.
On so many levels, you and him are similar: loyal to a fault and direct to the point of self harm. You growl at him, angry that he has seen right through you, Uhtred doesn’t flinch, he understands rage and pain and knows that you are not going to attack him for stating the simple truth. Slowly he reaches to you and puts one hand on your shoulder, his voice is sad when he tells you that you are free to go wherever you want, he doesn’t keep to himself that he thinks that you are making a mistake
“You camp with us - his hand curls around your shoulder when you try to say something - there’s still danger”
“You’d probably be the one needing help, not us” you say curtly
“Then come to let us be with them for the last few days - pointing at your sister wolves - you can brood in our company”.
You move your belongings to camp and signal your wolves that they can engage with the men, but you give them a wide berth. You see Osferth trying to move closer to you and Uhtred stopping him with a firm hand on his shoulder, the baby monk tries to say something but Uhtred shushes him. Osferth’s baby blues are pinned on you as you studiously ignore him. You can hear him mumbling something to Finan, his voice not loud enough for you to pick up what he is saying, despite your excellent hearing, but he looks sad, like a man who has used up all his possibilities and is left with ashes in his hands. Finan curls a strong arm on his shoulders and murmurs to him as your eyes meet Osferth’s; he is the first one to gaze away.
You sleep on the rough terrain, surrounded by your sister wolves; when you wake up in the morning, you notice a fur that’s not yours on your body. You swear inwardly: you and the wolves have gotten so used to Osferth that you hadn’t stirred in your sleep when he had approached you to make sure you weren’t cold. You wake Osferth by throwing the fur inside his tent and when he exits it confused, you hope he becomes angry, giving you the chance to punch him in the face, to hurt him like he had you. You see his fist clench and you prepare yourself for a fight but your sister wolves put themselves between the two of you, forcing you towards your horse and away from Osferth.
The tension that had been subtle since the waterfall, becomes strong between you and Osferth. You are both tense and the blond seems to have accepted that you don’t want to have anything to do with him but he seems incapable of not staring at you with longing. The other men are leaving the two of you alone, but you can’t seem to shake off the feeling that something is going on right where you can’t see it.
In two days you should be able to finally reach Coccham and you can physically feel yourself vibrating out of your skin with the need to leave and return to the wilderness, where you truly belong. Unfortunately the weather is so awful that you are forced to stop at an inn for the night. Long gone are the days when you and the wolves couldn’t physically enter a village, let alone sleep with so many people around you, opting to camp alone in the countryside. Those days when Osferth would come and check on you and would keep you company for a while, worried that you would freeze to death or would feel lonely. You and your sister wolves can, nowadays, manage the loud voices, the close proximity with so many people and being stared at like freaks. None of you like it, but you used to make due and adapted in order to not be a hindrance to your companions. 
Tonight you are forced to sleep in the only single room the inn offers, since the people sleeping in the communal one are scared of the wolves, as if your sisters would attack without a reason. Still, not having to deal with Osferth’s sad stare is not something you are missing; sad for what reason, if you come to think of it. He had talked shit and had gotten hit and sometimes you don’t get to say you are sorry to wash your conscience, sometimes you have to live with who you are.
A soft knock stirs you from your thoughts. You have partially undressed, wearing only a loose shirt, you open the door. Osferth is there, fist still raised, he stares at your face as if he had never seen it. You want to use his own astonishment against him and try to close the door. For the second time since the waterfall incident, you underestimate his reflexes and he manages to stop the heavy wood 
“May I come in?” polite as usual
“No” a low growl from you
“Please” and you hear the wolves whine, their tails wagging against the floor.
You let go of your side of the door and move closer to the hearth, Osferth bends his long back not to smash his forehead against the lintel and closes the door delicately. His eyes roam the room and go everywhere but on you: apparently he can only stare at you either from afar or when you are not staring at him, otherwise anything else is interesting for him, but your form. He waves at the wolves who go to him and start fishing for pets, which he gladly gives with a soft smile
“Make it snappy monk, I want to go to sleep” you say coldly.
His eyes focuses on yours and are full of hurt, again, as if you are the bad guy here
“We need to talk about the waterfall” he says, shoulders squared, jaw tight
“We don’t - you spat back - you made yourself awfully clear. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out” you turn your full attention to the fire
“If you are angry with me, I wasn’t as clear as you believe me to be” he stares at you with that strange mixture of shyness and courage that is Osferth in a nutshell.
You stalk towards him and he doesn’t flinch back when you get as close to him as you can without touching him, going on your tiptoes to level to his face as much as possible
“I understood you perfectly. I offered myself to you, you refused. What’s more to say?” you turn around and he closes his hand around your arm, forcing you to stay rooted on the spot. This time you don’t try to bite it
“I told you ‘not like this’” he has to bend his shoulders a bit to be face to face to you, his breath on your face
“You said ‘I can’t’, hoping to soften the blow with ‘I am sorry’, whatever came after that is unimportant” you say, venom dripping from every word
“It is not. If you had let me finish…”
“Not interested in your excuses then, not interested now”.
You see something shift in his eyes, a cold flame that is there only in battle or when he sees something that truly displeases him. Both his hands curl around your arms and he crashes his lips against yours. You stay still for a second and respond with a nasty bite on his lower lip, forcing him to let you go, blood dripping on his chin. His eyes stare at you accusatory
“You are an impossible woman” he spits out
“I am a wolf, monk, you better remember that”
“Don’t say ‘monk’ like that, like an insult” he says hurt
“Monk” you utter with as much disdain as you can muster, he straightens to his full height and marches towards you.
You let him advance and then you punch him right in the face, your fist clashing against his cheekbone. He stares at you with an unreadable face and you prepare yourself for a battle he’ll never be able to win
“You are the most impossible woman I have ever met”
You jump him, another punch landing somewhere on his face, pushing him backwards. You foot collides with his chestpiece and you push, forcing him to move not to fall on his ass, another punch which he half avoids and he is against the wall, your arm pressed against the front of his neck
“Give me one reason not to kill you, monk” you can hear the agitated whines of your sister wolves, the three of them unsure of what is happening
“I love you” you recoil as if he had kneed you in the stomach, putting as much space between your bodies that the small, cramped room permits you.
You see the wolves forcing themselves between the two of you, their big heads just turning from one side to the other, your ears ringing too much to hear what Osferth says to them to let him get to your frozen form. He doesn’t touch you, nor he calls your name, he lets the wolves curl around you, whining as you have reverted completely to non verbal and are just producing agitated sounds from the back of your throat, but he watches you like a hawk, ready to catch the moment your mind is clearer. He can see you coming back in your eyes, the way they focus somewhere near his kneeled from and how your hands caress the thick fur of the wolves with intent; only in this moment he calls your name, softly, careful not to spook you and you look at him. He has never seen your face this animated, most of the time he has to stare at you with focus to see the micro expression you sport, now it is almost like you have lost control of the muscles. You feel like you have lost control, but of your entire being, overwhelmed as you are by all those emotions you have been careful not to let up, smothering them with lust before and hate, after the waterfall incident. For the first time since your family has been slaughtered, you truly feel something that is not the basic emotions an animal would experience. You have lived following your survival instinct: eat, kill and fuck but never love, not in the way humans mean it and now that forgotten feeling is drowning you, destroying all those walls you have built in years. You should have known it was love since only with Osferth you were capable to remember your life before the destruction of your village: before saving the monk, you would only been able to hear the sounds of your family’s  slaughter and pain, after, memories as fragile as cobwebs, full of laughter and colors kept popping up every single time you had let Osferth closer to your heart. 
So, this is what love feels like. You are so scared.
Osferth calling your name is slowly registered by your ears in the thick fog of the blood rushing in your ears. He says it patiently, like he is offering you breadcrumbs to go back to your home. You blink repeatedly until you can feel your eyes focus on the thick furs you had already arranged on the bed, on his cross dangling from his neck, on his worried face
“Osferth?” you croak, incapable of saying anything else
“Are you feeling better?” 
“I am not sure”.
For the longest minutes your flight or fight response is screaming at you to leave.Fuck your belongings left in Coccham, you need out! You are barely held back by the more advanced parts of your brain that are trying to make sure you regain your control and don’t do something incredibly stupid, like lauching yourself out of the fucking window. Your sister wolves decide for you by lying down on your legs, effectively stopping any movement with their sheer weight. You let your trembling hands card through their thick furs as you try to reign in your thoughts and emotions. Osferth gives you the time you need, doesn’t try to touch or force you into a conversation until he is sure you are feeling better. He didn’t expect you to react the way you did; surprise he might have expected, even rage, but not the confusion and fear he can still see swirling on your face. If he had known you would have reacted this way, he wouldn’t have confessed his feelings in such a blunt way. He would have let you beat him into a pulp and then take his time to walk you through his explanation.
“If you truly love me - your voice breaks and you need a couple of tries before you can string the whole sentence together - why didn’t you lay with me?”
“Because I love you I didn’t want our first time to on a riverbend, out in the open”
“I don’t understand - and you really don’t, the intricacies of human interactions escape you most of the times - you slept with many women everywhere”
“I didn’t love those women. I just wanted a quick hump and they did the same, no feelings involved”
"I have slept with many men, none of them cared about where we humped" you deadpan and Osferth's ears turn pink, but his jaw tightens in jealousy 
"None of them loved you, then". 
You stare into his blue eyes, pensive. For you humping has always been a matter of releasing energy and fulfilling your desires. Whenever you wanted a man, you simply approached him, like you did Osferth, never thinking feelings could be involved. You start to understand why Osferth treated you the way he did, like the good man he is. 
"I have been horrible to you"
"A bit - he sasses back - I never thought I would hurt you though. That was never my intention, I swear to you"
"You are an honorable man" you caress his face and he revels in the contact, rubbing his cheek against your coarse palm, eyes closed. 
"Is it true that wolves mate for life?" he asks you with dreamy eyes; he has missed your touch so much
"Yes, they mostly do. My wolf mother lost her mate and never took another, she raised us alone. Many males came, trying to kill us pups to start a new pack with her, none of them survived the feat". 
Osferth listens to you almost drunk on your words and attention
"You never took a companion for yourself"
"I've never found one, until now" his eyes focus on yours 
"The 'forever' of the wolves is not the same of humans'"
"I know. I want that though. I loathed living away from you the way we did". 
Slowly, giving you the possibility to retreat, he cups your cheeks with his big hands and moves his face closer to yours. Before closing your eyes, you see the droplets of congealed blood on his chin he hasn't managed to clean and your bite marks on his lower lip. Off handedly you think that he'll sport a big bruise there and that you need to be gentle with him now. 
When your lips collide, it feels like everything askew in your life is now in the right place. Your hands go to his short hairs to keep him against you while you taste him gently, trying not to let the bloodlust possess you. Gingerly he opens his mouth and your tongue slips in, slowly caressing his and he moans, his right hand curling in your hairs as his left grabs your hips to move your whole body flush against his. When your lips separate he stares at you with a dazed expression, his hand absentmindedly caressing your hip. Slowly you take his hand to kiss his palm and then you remove your shirt, undressing yourself in front of his eyes. He takes a breath as if he has never seen you naked, but it is different now, you are not a fellow warrior, you are the woman he loves. All your scars, the old healed chilblain and your stretch marks, are all his now no worship and kiss with the reverence a priest uses to kiss the altar. Your hands go to his chest piece and start removing it, he helps you with trembling hands until he is gloriously naked and hard in front of you. You stare at his erect cock, he is bigger and longer than any lover you ever had and your mouth waters at the thought of fitting him inside of yourself; he stares at you cocky, his eyes roaming your body and he can't keep his hands to himself. On their own accord his palms mold themselves around your breasts, one thumb worrying the scar near your right nipple, the other plays with the other and you keen. Your lips find his as your hand grabs his manhood, barely managing to curl around it and he moans in the kiss, as you start jacking him with a purpose. He has to stop you, his words slurred by the pleasure as he begs you 
"If you keep this up I won't be able to control myself"
"Maybe I want you to come all over my hand" he growls in response and kisses you again, brutal and mindless of the injury on his lower lip
"I want to be buried deep inside of you the first time - his hand stops yours and forces you to release his cock - I need you" and your name follows as if he is in pain, eyes shut to maintain a sliver of control on himself. 
You peck his nose and then lie on the bed, legs spread to show him your glistening slit, your fingers opening your lips so that he can see better how wet you are for him. You moan like a bitch in heath, begging him without words and he has to cup his balls or he’ll come untouched.
Osferth stalks between your spread legs like a predator, his eyes fixed on you weeping center; if he’d needed you less, he’d be able to focus enough to eat you until you come all over his face, but that must wait, he wants to feel your cunt around his cock, he needs this first orgasm to focus better on how he’ll make you scream until this whole fucking inn knows you are his.
Feigning a calm he doesn’t feel, Osferth grabs his cock and slowly moves it up and down you slit to collect your wetness, his supporting arm trembles as he forces himself to go slow and not answer the siren call of pleasure, he needs to be well lubricated or he’ll hurt you but you are calling his name and are moaning, your legs fitting perfectly around his trim hips as you adjust your position to receive him and he can’t take it anymore; he lines himself with you cunt and sinks in slowly.
Heaven. He is dead and is now in Heaven, otherwise, how could he explain how you feel around his cock? The fit is perfect as he slowly enters you, trying desperately to keep his wits to himself, but he can only utter praises and moans until he bottoms out and you curl your legs around his waist, heels digging against his lower back to keep him in place. A part of him is screaming to move, to take his pleasure raw, another is fighting desperately to stay in control and he kisses you with desperation, needing a tether. You are in no better shape than he is, you feel like he is cutting you open by his girth; you haven’t lain with a man for so long and your fingers are absolutely ridiculous in size compared to his manhood. By the time he bottoms out, you are sure you can feel him in your throat, his lips on yours provide you with enough distraction for your body to take control and you start grinding your hips against his. Osferth moans in the kiss and starts moving, small thrusts at first which evolve into longer, deeper movements the moment he feels your body getting in sync with his, until he is fucking you with fast, brutal movements that make the bed slam against the wall. He kisses any part of you he can find as his hands fist on the cheap sheet under your bodies, your nails scratch down his back, leaving marks and you don’t care for, your focus centered on his cock massaging against that spongy part of yourself that makes you see stars. Every retreat, followed by a push sends you closer to your orgasm and you come with a scream when he fingers your clit mercilessly. He follows you down the precipice with a howl and loses any strength he has and collapses on you, his head under your chin as you caress his back with shaking fingers. 
The moment he manages to come back to himself, he turns to free you from his weight and his spent cock from your pussy and you feel his spent leaking out from you. You turn to stare at him and you see blood on his lower lip, your kisses have reopened his wounds; you try to stand up to collect some clean rags, but he is faster and tells you to stay where you are. He grabs the clean bandages from one of your satchels and your still full canteen to clean the mess between your legs, only after he is happy with the result, he lets you inspect and clean his lower lip. He winches a bit when you dab the wounds and you curse at yourself for having bit him this deep. You want to say that you are sorry but his hands start wandering again on your skin until he has both your breasts in his large hands and he is hard again. With a sheepish smile he guides you on your back, asking you to let him take care of you
"You already did*
"Not the way I should, not the way you deserve". 
He kisses you again, slowly, taking his time in truly tasting you, minding his lip and the bruises on his face. He moans and grounds his hips against you when your hands go into his short hairs and you pull gently on his strands. His lips follow a path down your body only he knows, kissing and sucking, leaving small marks of ownership on your skin, until he is between your legs. With delicate fingers he spreads your lips open as you tell him that he doesn’t have to, his eyes are ablaze as he stares at you, murmuring a curt
“I want to” before starting devouring your pussy like a desperate man.
His tongue feels like it’s everywhere, your leaking hole, your needy clit, his hands two manacles on your hips as he keeps you still, at his mercy. Your hands fly into his hairs on they own accord, pulling desperately as his tongue breaches you and starts fucking your hole. You try to wriggle away, but there’s nowhere to go, only the pleasure he is subjugating you to. You try to beg but only long, keening sounds of pleasure leave your lips as one of his arms presses horizontally on your lower belly to keep your hips from bucking while he thrusts two fingers inside of you, curling them in a way that makes you trash, fighting him uselessly. Your whimpers turn into full screams when his lips start sucking your clit with fervor, two fingers becoming three and hitting you in that special spot until you come all over his face; you start begging when the assault on your pussy doesn’t stop, just slows down, his fingers still moving inside of you. He has mercy on your clit and start kissing the inside of your thighs until you are coherent enough to produce a sound akin to a question; Osferth’s blue eyes burn with something you know you want to explore once you are safe home, as they stare at your 
“I should make you come on my face as many times as the days you ignored me, but come tomorrow my face would be still buried in your cunt, and I want to finish inside of you again. Now be good and come for me”.
You don’t have the time to say anything ‘cause his lips are on your clit again, sucking cruelly and his fingers are breaching you with intent. You are not sure when your orgasm hits you, too lost in the pleasure Osferth is giving you, you only know that he is calling your name and that your eyes are closed and your eyelids feel impossibly heavy to open. His rough palm caress your cheek until you can stare at him
“Hey” he says with a smile, as if his cock is not painfully hard and his chin is not wet with your spent
“Osferth?” you croak, throat dry from screaming your pleasure to the Gods.
You can feel him maneuvering your spent body into a sitting position so that he can put the canteen on your lips to help you drink the cold water. By the time you are finished, almost all the water is gone and your head feels a bit more clear. Osferth is sitting partially behind you, your back against his bent leg for support, his worried face the first thing you see when you open your eyes again. Without even thinking, your hand finds his still erect cock and he moans when your rough palm curls around the heated skin
“You said you’ll come inside of me again” 
“You passed out” you can see the guilt in his eyes, the fear of having used you too hard strong in his heart
“It means you did your job, monk - this time the moniker doesn’t cut inside of him like a dagger - I really wish to ride you, but my legs can’t support me now. Lay me down and make good on what you said”
“Always bossy” he laughs as he helps you on your back again
“I am a wolf, Osferth, we make the rules”.
The only reason Osferth doesn’t laugh again, is his aching cock: he needs to be buried in you and this time he wants to go slow, wants to feel every inch of you and needs to be mindful of your body as well. He has let his instinct take control and you have lost consciousness for a couple of seconds, scaring him shitless. He doesn’t want to hurt you, not without you frankly asking him to.
Your soft moans are the temptation he can’t and doesn’t want to fight: he is too much of a man to say no, the saints in the stories when tempted by the Devil were able to say no, he doesn’t want to. He has desired you for so long, keeping his want for himself in fear of ruining your friendship and now he can’t help himself but cherish your body, hoping you would accept him in your bed again and again for the rest of your lives.
It feels like his cock has a mind of his own, straining for your glistening opening as he positions himself over you, helping your legs around his hips, sheathing himself in your heath while kissing you gently. He moves slowly this time, savoring your moans and the taste of your skin on his tongue, sighing every time your fingers scratch down his back. 
The gentleness of his movements drives you crazy, you can feel each and every agonizing inch of his cock spearing you open again and again, his wandering lips and tongue on your neck and chest amplifying your sensations to the point of madness. You move your hips faster but Osferth uses his strength to keep the pace slow and intense, his sweaty chest over yours, his forehead against yours, careful not to miss every expression on your face. Your torso arches under his and your feet push him even deeper in you and you moan when you hear him say your name like a prayer; without your control your muscles squeeze his cock and he loses the battle at going slow, his hips jackhammering inside of you, lips feverishly seeking yours until you come, taking him with you.
The two of you need more time to go back to your senses, brains fried by too much pleasure, bodies still entwined, basking in the feel of the other’s skin and warmth. You keen when Osferth stands up on shaky legs to retrieve more rags to clean you and himself, he almost falls when the wolves uncurl from near the hearth to get closer to him, wanting to be petted right this moment. You whistle and your sisters come to your side of the bed, waiting for your command to jump in with you; you wait until you and Osferth are under the furs to give them the command to jump in with you and the three of them just lay on your bodies, big heads trying to burrow between yours and Osferth’s
“I think the others played us - Osferth says, at your sound of curiosity he adds - they were conspiratorial the moment Uhtred told us you were going to leave. Uhtred was adamant we took this road home instead of the faster one”
“There’s no inn there”
“Exactly. I wanted this to happen at home. I was going to talk to you before you’d leave but they forced me to come the moment you entered the room”
“Uhtred always the great strategist - you curl even closer to Osferth, you head on his shoulder - remind me to punch him in the face. He is going to be so damn pleased with himself come the morrow”
“Are you still going to leave?” he asks without breathing, afraid of your answer
“Do you want me to?”
“No!” he knows he has said it way too fast
“Then I won’t. I am not angry with you anymore”
“Come and live with me. Permanently”. Be my wife”.
His request leaves you speechless, for a moment you can only hear the rush of your own blood in your ears
“I was going to ask you in Coccham but now is the right time. Stay by my side. I know I am a simple man who can only offer you the forever of the humans, but I truly want this. I want to keep doing what we do with my wife by my side, keeping me safe”.
Then again the intricacies of human emotions escape you, but you don’t care. Your wolf instincts are screaming at you to grab this man and never let him go, to protect him until you have a breath to breathe. How could you fathom a life without him after the days you have spent away from him have been so miserable? You throw your arms around his neck, the only yes he needs.
The morning after your friends start boasting the moment they see Osferth coming down from the stairs; their loud voices lowering after seeing the state of his face and peaking up again at the sight of your entwined hands and Osferth’s reddened ears. Uhtred looks indeed like the cat who got the cream and you don’t punch him just because you are in a good mood and because your new ring might get tarnished. Finan is the first one to notice it and starts harassing Osferth to be his best man while your wolves just try to get all the attention and the pets they can get from the men. The pack is finally reunited, ready to go back home.
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A Danish Werewolf in The City:
The First Sight.
Note: follow up to The First Shift. I have read this over and over and over again, and I just had to let it go and post it. May have missed some mistakes as my eyes literally hurt by now :') 
Warnings: 18+! horror/gore described, mention of (child) death/murder. once again, it's a dark werewolf fic...
pairing: Werewolf!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: You had fallen in love with a werewolf. 
wordcount: 3,6k
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Chapter 1.
That something had been different about Sihtric became evident during the first few months of your relationship. 
You had first met at work, for you were both veterinarians, and you were transferred for a day to Sihtric's location as they were short staffed, and you both knew it was love at first sight. His hair was of shoulder length and braided, the sides were shaved freshly and his facial hair was well kept too. Sihtric was simply a breathtaking man, and he treated you with the utmost respect once you began dating, even asking permission before he first kissed you.
The first weeks of dating were like a dream, but then Sihtric suddenly started to disappear every few weeks for about three days. He had just gone without a word, but then showed up at your door again as if nothing had happened after those three seemingly random days. It was almost as if he died every few weeks, only to suddenly rise from the grave again and return to you, looking as beautiful and charming as ever, so you couldn't help but continue to fall for him and ignore your suspicions. Sihtric promised you that his disappearances had nothing to do with you, but that he sometimes struggled "with his own being", whatever that meant. But he soon felt inclined to open up to you and tell you about his wolf problem, as he sensed you began to doubt his loyalty due to his recurring strange behaviour.
And werewolves were not unheard of, nor were other creatures of the night, as you had treated numerous animals who had clearly been at the claws of those beings. You had just never met one and you surely never thought you'd fall in love with one, so you had a hard time accepting his honesty for a little while. You couldn't possibly imagine this was a curse he had lived with his whole life and only exposed itself during his late teens. And you, like any other regular human being, only knew of the fairytales which described werewolves as hideous monsters, and yet Sihtric wasn't a monster, for all you knew at least.
And he also wasn't the young and frightened boy anymore which he had told you about, yet it still saddened you gravely that he had lived such a tragic and lonely life, before he changed into the confident man he was now. Sihtric was clearly in full control of his other being too, only shifting when the Moon was full or when a situation called for it, so you chose to believe and trust him completely after you had taken a few days to yourself to let it all sink in. And you slowly began to understand him more and more.
The scars on his face had been something you used to ponder about at night, as he never gave you a clear answer to how he had gotten those. It was only after you found out about his beast-like nature that the scars, which graced his face as well as the rest of his impressive and muscular body, were claw markings he had earned in territorial brawls and violent fights over time, earning him the true alpha status he held now.
Sihtric's short temper, impatience and hunger for violence were also things you had been wary of at first, but it was already clear that he would never be aggressive towards you or those he cared for. He was only incredibly protective and possessive of you, both traits you didn't really mind as it made you feel safe and desired by a beautiful man. The way he always held you close in public or how he refused to let you walk home on your own once it was dark, it all made your heart beat faster for him. But you also never suspected Sihtric did those things out of a fear which was deeply rooted inside of him and every other werewolf; terrified of losing a loved one to a werewolf's natural enemy.
But the most peculiar thing about Sihtric were probably his sexual urges, and the fact that he seemed to have an insatiable sex drive. You could make love for an entire rainy day, and he still wouldn't be completely satisfied or even remotely tired, like a normal human would be. And for some reason he always insisted on being intimate in the dark, with the lights off and the curtains closed, which struck you as odd too, for his physical appearance was not one to be ashamed of.
Another thing was that Sihtric has a tendency to suddenly sink his teeth in your skin whenever you were intimate, never drawing blood or piercing your flesh, but hard enough to leave a mark behind on your body that was more serious than a simple love bite. You also swore you saw his eyes glow every time you had sex, one a bright red and the other a piercing blue. It seemed so inhuman, but you told yourself it had to be a reflection of some sort which simply enhanced his heterochromia. And it often felt as if his nails became sharper during intercourse, leaving scratches all over your skin and tearing up the sheets as well, and he loved to drag his tongue over your body, which felt pleasantly smooth but sometimes larger than a human tongue could possibly be. Sihtric also loves to chase you around his house whenever you'd stay over, before capturing you and throwing you on his bed, where he'd fuck you like a feral beast for hours on end. 
He couldn't explain his needs and desires to you at the time, as he did not want to frighten you with the truth that he truly was a beast, and you just figured he was an intense lover. But once you knew the truth about him, everything just made sense. And as you were in love, you weren't necessarily frightened or worried, or even fully grasping the extent of what him being a werewolf meant. 
And you couldn't even begin to imagine the horrific sights you were to witness, or the terrible stories you would hear…
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You walked hand in hand with Sihtric, over a lonely path that led through darkened woods you both knew all too well. The moon was waning, barely visible as she was almost renewed again. It was a quiet and late summer night, the air was mellow and you were dressed in a loose shirt and some shorts, while Sihtric wore a sleeveless top and long dark jeans. Most people were long asleep already, but you and Sihtric were a match made in heaven as you both enjoyed the dark and quietness after sunset, and with your werewolf lover by your side you felt as if you had nothing left to fear for.
Several weeks had passed since you had fully accepted your werewolf boyfriend, and you had never been more in love. But the horrors you were to face soon, as you strolled through the woods while stealing kisses and murmuring sweet nothings to each other in the dead of night as your hands were intertwined, were horrors you would never forget for as long as your heart would beat.
'You don't dare to say it,' you giggled as you moved swiftly between the thick trees, playfully running and hiding from your beloved, who would always find you with ease due to his werewolf senses. But that didn't make it any less fun for either of you.
'Yes, I do,' Sihtric laughed as he caught you in his strong arms, and he brought you down to the ground without flexing a single muscle.
He quickly climbed on top of you and leaned in, cupping your cheeks and softly nuzzling your nose lovingly, while his low chuckle made you lightheaded and your lips curled into a smitten smile. You smelled the earthy scent of the ground beneath you as you were pinned down by a man so much stronger than you, but Sihtric had you so enchanted that you didn't even care your clothes would become dirty or your hair messy, and you had never felt more safe than you did whenever your body was pressed against his.
'Then say it,' you quietly dared him again as your hands moved up in his long loose hair, and slowly raked through it to which he closed his eyes and smiled.
'I love you,' Sihtric whispered, lips faintly touching yours, 'I really do.'
Your breath hitched when you finally heard those words you had so dared him to speak, and you pulled him in, closing the last small distance that was left and your lips locked in the sweetest, yet most needy kiss possible.
'Say you love me,' Sihtric growled softly, smiling, and he gently headbutted you.
'I love you too,' you smiled and trailed your hands down his chest.
Sihtric dropped his head with a shy smile upon hearing you say it, overwhelmed with his feelings for you, which were of such force that it almost made it hard for him to breathe. But his bliss was only short lasting when he suddenly caught a scent, and he snapped his head up while his face was set serious and his mismatched eyes wide. He sat completely still, and you could see his ears wiggly faintly at something you couldn't hear.
'What?' you asked, confused while running your hands over his arms as you looked up at him, 'what is it?'
'The undead,' Sihtric said monotonically and perked up further.
'What?' you half laughed.
'The undead. I smell them.'
'Wait,' you chuckled nervously, 'you mean like… zombies?'
Sihtric scoffed lightly and shook his head.
'I wish it was zombies,' he said and pulled you up with him, 'but I mean vampires, love.'
Sihtric placed his hand on the small of your back, politely urging you to walk with him as he gradually increased his speed, wanting to bring you back home safely and far away from the scent that lingered in the air for him. But before you could make it out of the woods, you were already surrounded.
Sihtric's eyes darted over the pale and heartbeat-lacking creatures, his jaw clenched tightly while he held you in his arms and pressed firmly against him. You weren't all that up-to-date about werewolves and their rivals, but you knew like most people that vampires and lycanthropes never got along, and you clung onto your still human shaped boyfriend while one vampire stepped forward.
'Well, well,' the pale man laughed, 'a dog and it's human, and what an endearing pup you are!'
'What is it you want?' Sihtric cut to the point, 'because this is neutral ground, so there is no need for anyone to get harmed.'
'Well,' the master vampire scoffed, who looked old and ugly, 'your father killed my wife on neutral ground. So it is only fair if I return the favour and kill,' he paused and gestured at you, 'whatever she is to you.'
'I have nothing to do with what my father-'
'Ah!' the vampire exclaimed as he sniffed the air, ignoring Sihtric, 'such fresh human blood running through her veins, but sadly… not a virgin anymore. Oh, well,' the old vampire shrugged while the others grinned, 'I'll take her anyway. And sure, you may have nothing to do with your father, but you are still a werewolf of his tribe.'
'I'm not part of his tribe!' Sihtric hissed, 'I created my own.'
'But you're all the same, are you not?' the vampire spoke slowly as he crept closer, 'sneaking into houses at night… waking up defenceless mothers… asking if you can take their child away… and in their hazy and disorientated state they might just give their permission, and that's another snack earned easily, no? And, oh, how you wolves hypnotise those children, as well as the cattle of the same poor family, with just your gazes. And for what? For thinking the curse could be broken? Such foolish dogs you are…'
You listened carefully and shivered at the ideas the ancient one bestowed. You looked up at Sihtric, whose face did all but ease your fright that he could be a monster such as described. Sihtric looked away from you, as if ashamed, and he only swallowed hard in response to your gaze while he looked down at his feet. The vampire became aware of your horror, and was entertained at the idea that you would most likely be disgusted with your partner now, and he laughed.
'Oh, does she not know?' he asked Sihtric, darkly amused, 'does she also not know how you attacked the very first human you encountered in your wolf form, after your first transition? Or the other thing you have done to try and break your curse, hm? Because I know all about you, Sihtric Kjartansson, and I could tell your lovely lady here all about you.'
Sihtric suddenly snarled, and you flinched at the guttural sound as he held you protectively in his arms.
'Don't!' Sihtric bared his teeth at the vampire, 'don't you dare-'
'This beast,' the vampire mocked Sihtric and looked at you, 'has attacked numerous pregnant women in his life, yes, yes. For those silly Danish werewolves all believe that if they were to eat a fresh male foetus, thus slicing open a poor lady's womb with a single scratch of their claw to obtain the unborn child, their curse would be broken.'
You felt dizzy and sick to your stomach while the vampire snickered. You had no response, you only stared intently and quietly at the master, wishing that his words were all just lies and that Sihtric would never do such a monstrous thing or believe such a horrible superstition. And you felt Sihtric's chest heave up and down as he fought his urge to shift, while a roaring anger boiled inside of him and his arms around you became tighter, almost suffocating.
Sihtric never meant to hide his blooddrenched past from you, but it was something he was deeply ashamed of and knew it would most likely scare you away from him. He wanted to tell you everything about him, but in time. You had only just gotten used to the fact that he was a werewolf, and he intended on easing you into the awful secrets of his past, but now a truly dark page of his life was suddenly exposed to you. His early days as a young werewolf had been confusing, violent and bloody, as he had tried everything he possibly could to undo his first transformation. No matter how horrific it was, Sihtric tried everything, he even tried to undo his werewolf being by converting to Christianity at some point.
'And… did it work, wolf boy?' the elder snickered, 'killing those harmless women and eating their children?'
'Would you like to find out? You filthy fucking bloodsucker!' Sihtric threatened, and the vampires began to close in rapidly.
Sihtric shoved you behind him, and he bared his teeth at the vampires before he told you to run.
'Run and don't look back, whatever you hear,' he urged and gave you a light push, 'run home, and don't invite anyone in who might show up at your door.'
'I… I-,' you stammered, visibly shaking and still in shock after everything that had just happened, but Sihtric cut you off before you could say anything else.
'Run! Now!' he growled, and you did as you were told.
You turned and ran as fast as you possibly could to exit the woods, but when you heard the sudden sound of clothes being ripped at the seams and the awful sound of bones snapping, you stopped running. You turned to face Sihtric again while you were at a distance, and what you then witnessed couldn't be anything other than a nightmare. You saw how your boyfriend grew and ripped out of his clothes, and you heard his bones snap as he deformed and fell down on all fours. You watched and heard him grunt and growl, while every muscle in his body contracted until a sudden thick coat of fur appeared on his bare back and his face changed into that of a monstrous being. Your eyes grew wide at the horrific sight of the half man-half wolf, who had told you he loved you only moments ago. And you felt sick at the sight of his blooded claws and those sharp teeth, remembering how he had used those to devour humans and cattle with. Those same hands that had caressed you and those same teeth he had dragged over your naked body, only so carefully and full of love, unlike what he had used them for on others.
You saw how Sihtric got up on his back legs, being twice his human size and towering over the vampires like an optical illusion. His muscular torso was still recognisable, even with the thin layer of black fur covering it now. And he was a… a beast. A foul creature of the night! And yet he still had enough human traits that you recognised your boyfriend in the murderous animal in the distance. You opened your mouth as you wanted to scream at the terrifying sight, but no sound ever left your throat as you watched the horror unfold while you were nailed to the ground.
The vampires had long forgotten about you, they'd rather slaughter a werewolf than drink the blood of a polluted human who had slept with their enemy. And you then heard Sihtric's deafening and bone chilling howl echoing through the dark night as he threw his head back, and he raised his massive arms and began to swing at the vampires who dared to take their chance. You heard the nauseating sound of claws ripping through flesh and the splattering of blood against the thick trees, and the sight of limbs being ripped and torn off was a terror you would never forget, while the bone crunching sound of it made you fall to your knees, and you retched as you began to cry.
And after you had witnessed half of the vampire massacre, which seemed to happen in slow motion while in reality it all went so fast, Sihtric snapped his head towards you, and he snarled loudly at you before he was jumped by the remaining vampires. His snarl was so heavy and frightening that it rumbled through the air and made you jump up, and you began to run again as fast as your legs allowed. And as the tears rolled down your face while you ran, you covered your ears upon hearing what sounded like a dog wince and cry in pain. You knew the heartbreaking noise came from Sihtric, but you were too afraid to look back, so you ran home…
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You weren't sure how much time had passed after you had reached your home and locked the doors behind you with blind panic. You only remembered running upstairs, to your bedroom, where you threw up and fainted once you sat down on your bed, not having closed your bedroom window.
You were woken up sometime later, the sky outside still dark while the streets were quiet, and you slightly raised your head up when a sudden sense of dread alarmed you. You held your breath once you caught a foul whiff of the smell of blood and flesh, and you slowly turned to face the nightmare that stood in your room, which had climbed in through your window and had shredded your curtains. You cowered at the shadowy sight of your werewolf boyfriend towering over you as he stood at the end of your bed, and you began to cry for help. Sihtric then whined and backed off, throwing his large, hairy and clawed hands up to show you he meant no harm, but he also understood you were terrified of him as you hid your face behind your hands while you muttered something that sounded like a prayer.
Sihtric was too ashamed to shift back to his human form, he couldn't possibly face you as himself, but he knew he also couldn't keep his current shape. So he crouched down and, out of your sight, shifted from his horrible werewolf figure into that of a large black coated wolf. He then carefully moved closer and climbed on your bed. You yelped and flinched at his first touch; a light headbutt to your shoulder to gain your attention, and you then slowly lowered your hands and saw the monster was no longer there anymore. Instead, there was a beautiful big black wolf staring at you, with the big and recognisable mismatched puppy dog eyes of the man you loved, and a calming sensation seemed to wash over you.
You sniffled and backed away at first when you felt his tongue wipe away your tears, but you believed he meant well and allowed him to come closer again. Sihtric headbutted you once more, lovingly, and he then wrapped his front legs around you and pushed you to lay down. You turned to face him, and you couldn't stop yourself from grabbing onto his thick fur and burying your face in it as you began to cry again. 'Sihtric,' was all you could whisper, to which he whined softly. Sihtric was heartbroken to see you like this and knowing he was the cause of it all, and he pulled you in closer with his paws. He used his big, soft and bushy black tail as a security blanket, enveloping you whole while he held you tightly wrapped in his front legs, with his big fluffy wolf head resting on top of yours.
You were safe.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@succnfuccubus @hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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Reasons to consider watching 1899 if you'd like to, maybe:
Periode drama vibes with beautiful costumes and set decorations
Big cast with every character having a backstory that you get glimpses of which make you want to know more
Actors in the cast are beautiful and they all speak their own language or more or less broken English which makes it all seem so much more real
Unsettling music that fits the atmosphere super well and keeps you hooked
The characters are complex. Lucien acts like a miserable asshole but you can't help feel for him too. Iben is terrifying and cruel but you can tell where her devotion to her god comes from and again you feel for her. Not one character was simply good or bad in this show
Eyk crying. Don't know what it is but a grown ass weathered by the sea man crying his heart out makes me feel things
Ángel starting out as a wolf (his words), self centred and taking what he wants, only to crumble in Ramiros arms once shit hits the fan
Tove. I love Tove and I would die for her
I love Olek and I would die for him but he'd probably die for me first cause that's just the kind of guy he is
Whatever Jérôme and Clémence have going on
Whatever Ling Yi and Olek had going on
I want to cradle Krester in my arms and give him some soup
All those fucking Danish names sound so fun to me like sure there's a guy named Anker
The actress who played Maura put her everything into this performance and I respect that
Just a study in human behaviour on a ship really
Or is it
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