#that's one of those moments where i read back throuhg and it's just like
not-poignant · 7 months
HI, Pia! Can I ask two? 13) My favorite line of dialogue from this fic was [xyz]. What inspired it? and 14) My favorite line from this fic was [xyz]. What inspired it? in case they are different lines)) for The Nascent Diplomat < 3 Thank you!
13. My favorite line of dialogue from this fic was [xyz]. What inspired it?
So for The Nascent Diplomat I'm pretty sure it's:
'We are a hard alchemy, you and I,' the Raven Prince said. 'A hard alchemy I've ruined and failed at many times, even as you've kept the experiment going perhaps in spite of your better judgement. And it is a hard alchemy that deserves more of my love and care and effort, because I want to be your father, Gwyn, and not your Master, or your King, or your owner. I knew I could do all of these things better than fatherhood, so I forced you into role after role, when all you wanted was a parent. I even believed Oxcillian could do it for me, be the father figure I couldn't.' The Raven Prince's voice choked up, and Gwyn didn't know what to say, what to do, because it shattered some part of him, hearing the Raven Prince this upset, this regretful. 'What a mewling beef-witted wagtail I've been.'
As for what inspired it... I always wanted to start healing the Raven Prince's relationship with Gwyn in this series and it felt like we'd never get here!
I'm so glad we did. But also I just love writing tRP's dialogue so much.
This will be the same for 14 as well! My favourite lines are almost always dialogue in anything :D
From this meme!
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witharsenicsauce · 4 years
Chosen Stories From the War #11: Side Effects of Paralysis
The quiet of the Sanctuary was broken by Abyzou’s blood curdling scream. It cut through the air like a blade, rousing all those who heard it. Even long dead spirits turned in their graves.
The Elders began to rise. One, then two, three four and finally five, each one more fragile and taut than the last, met in the center of their Sanctuary. From the Great Hall emerged Elder Camazotz, his light seeming more like darkness, stifling all who gazed upon him. His deep purple eyes scanned his five subordinates, and if he had a mouth, he would have been smiling.
“Well.” He turned to the Ethereal closest to his right. “You can say it, Imdugud.”
The Ethereal on his right, slightly taller than the others, seemed puzzled. “Madron…?”
“Vox Nergal has abandoned us.” There was almost a chuckle in Camazotz’ voice when he said it. “Now Rome is in revolt. They’ve exiled the priests we sent and have holed up in the former stronghold. And, of course, it was you who warned us of this.”
“Is Vox Nergal dead?” One of the others called out.
“I do not know.” With all four arms, Camazotz shrugged. “The link to us is broken. I do know that Bhandasura punished him for this crime though, and hardly any mortal could live through that~” He looked toward the center of the group. “Reue, you look like you have something to say.”
The Ethereal who stared at his voice was the only noticeably female one of the group. She was shorter, with a larger head and wide purple eyes. Camazotz could feel her nervousness when he looked at her.
“Come now.” He mocked her. “We do not have all day~”
“...Is lau Mordenna…” She hesitated. “Is she alright…?”
“Abyzou?” He chuckled. “She is in agony. I do not know why, It was she who gave the order to kill him; you would think she’d be happy. But that is the female kind.” He bobbed his head. “No offense, Reue.”
“Lau Madron.” Imdugud cut in. “Dhar-Mon Madron was the last Chosen. Without him, our forces are now at a major disadvantage.”
“Especially with the rumors.” The Ethereal on Reue’s left hissed with a light voice. “The soldiers are saying Kon-Mai Mordenna is alive.”
“I heard XCOM was seen with the body of Gur-Rai Madron.” Another beside them said. “Who knows what they have done with them.”
“Xezbeth, Tiyanak, what have I told you about talking out of turn?” Camazotz sounded jovial, but there was a crackle of electricity around his fingers. “You know that makes me very angry.”
“I am sorry, Madron…” Tiyanak bowed their head. Xezbeth, however, kept talking, creeping forward toward the Great Elder.
“What if Vox Zagre is now a traitor too, Madron? Is he not your own son? What happens then? What happ-”
Camazotz barely had to wave a hand as a pillar of light struck Xezbeth down, laying them flat against the floor. Reue heard bones shatter as they collided with the hard surface, writhing under the hand of one of the three Great Ones. Camazotz let up almost immediately, but Xezbeth still laid unmoving, their mind reaching out in agony. Reue had to turn away.
“You are more annoying than my children.” Camazotz chuckled. “And if my darling children live, and have turned their back on us? I shall do what any good father would.” His eyes grew dark. “I shall simply remind them of what they have lost. And how much we love them.”
They turned, and all bowed at the tall figure approaching, his blue light a reprieve.
“Bhanda.” Camazotz floated closer to his partner and put one of his bony hands on his cheek, pressing his head into Bhandasura’s neck. He stayed there for a moment, and Bhandasura gently grasped Camazotz’ shoulders.
“Abyzou is asking for you.” He finally said.
“Abyzou can wait. I have not had a moment alone with you in weeks.” He turned to the lesser Ethereals. “You are dismissed.”
“Will lau Mordenna-” Reue began, but stopped when Camazotz held up his hand.
“Yes, Madron.” She bowed, and Tiyanak rushed forward, helping Xezbeth to their feet. The Sanctuary was soon as empty and cold as it had been before.
Camazotz held up his spindly fingers and watched as Bhandasura entwined his within them. “You are always thinking of Abyzou.” Camazotz chuckled.
“She’s grieving for her children…” Bhandasura replied quietly.
“Her children she killed.” Camazotz scoffed. “What about me, Bhanda? I am very sad at the loss of my little Gur.” He could feel Bhandasura’s sigh, and he slipped his leg between the other Elder’s robes, their bones practically melding throuhg paper-thin skin. “Something troubles you, dhay?”
“...She made me go.” Bhandasura whispered. “She said Dhar-Mon was my responsibility.”
“Dhar-Mon was a failure from the start.” Camazotz pressed his hands to Bhandasura’s cheeks. “He was too human and we took too long to change him. To think he would fall to a mortal woman? Honestly not surprising.”
“Perhaps…” Bhandasura said, his voice low. “But he was still mine…”
“No use will come from grieving, Bhanda. Do not cry over dead stars.” Camazotz assured him, pressing their foreheads together.
“But Imdugud was not wrong.” Bhandasura admitted. “The humans are close to taking back their city. Our troops are losing, Camazotz.”
“We are gods, Bhandasura. We will not lose.”
Bhandasura wrapped his four bony arms around Camazotz and let his other lover pull in into his embrace. But the anguish still weighed heavy on his mind.
The Hunter was in a very good mood.
His brother was cognizant again, and his sister was too busy taking care of him to get on Gur-Rai’s case about much of anything, leaving him free to screw around. It had only been half a day since Dhar-Mon had emerged from his coma but the ol’ lugnut had already regained most of his faculties. Gur-Rai would even say the incident humbled him a bit, which was something his brother had sorely needed.
Gur-Rai strolled into the armory, his head held high, where he met with the anxious face of Senuna, her eyes bright in anticipation. Jane Kelly stood at her side, speaking quietly, and broke off her sentence mid-word as the Hunter walked in.
“Ladies.” He tipped his imaginary hat as he strolled in. 
Jane rolled her eyes. 
“Hello there, Gur-Rai.” Senuna said cheerfully. “How is Dhar-Mon?”
“Better than before, if I do say so myself!” Gur-Rai clapped. “The Doc says he’s hoping for a full recovery.”
“That’s amazing.” Senuna looked genuinely happy, but Gur-Rai could see something else in her eyes. Something...uncertain. 
“Yes.” He nodded. “Now, it was you who called me here, Commander?”
“Oh!” Senuna’s face lit up again. “We got your gear back!”
“You did? All of it?”
“All of it.” Jane confirmed. “The stronghold’s been abandoned since you… ‘died,’ so to speak. It wasn’t hard to get in there.”
“Abandoned?” Gur-Rai scoffed. “How dare they, leaving  a perfectly good stronghold like that.” He looked to the table beside them. “At least you managed to save what’s important.”
Senuna gestured over the equipment table. “Behold, Darklance herself. Take a look, please!”
Hunter chuckled as he walked over to it, running his hand along the black metal. “Ol’ Reliable. She never fails me…” He trailed off as he looked at the other weapon on the table, and the pile of cloth beside it.
“What’s that?”
“Oh, I finished your sweater!” She picked it off the table and held it up, having to extend her arms to keep it off the floor. “I made the color palette purple rather than green, so it would match your physique a bit more. Gave it a hood, too. I figured you’d like that!”
“I very much like that.” He took the sweater and draped it over his arm. “But I was more referring to this.” He picked up the machete, the grip reinforced with blue leather and the blade polished to a sheen. 
“Oh, this thing! It was in your stronghold, right next to Darklance. I wasn’t sure if you wanted it, but I grabbed it just in case. Had Shen fix it up for you.” She bobbed her head. “I know you used to go on and on about how swords suck, but...well, it was there. And Mox said you were using it when he fought you!”
Gur-Rai was speechless as he looked over the blade. It did shine in the light, catching his eye. It was an impressive weapon, that he had to acknowledge. He wondered how Kon-Mai had managed to forge it...
He stuck it in his belt. “And what about armor, Commander? I don’t expect my sweater to be very durable against machine guns, as wonderfully made as it may be.”
“Armor.” Jane sighed and gestured to a rack behind her. “I did that.”
He walked over to it. At first glance, it looked exactly like his old ADVENT armor, and he was about to scold Jane for her laziness, but then he took a closer look. It was blue; that was the first change. The padding on his arms was black now instead of red, and the gold trim had been replaced with a silvery metal. The other difference was it looked much more...durable. The shoulder pauldron was larger, he noted, and the plating on his arms looked more sturdy. The chestplate now bore a glowing XCOM insignia.
“I even got your stupid legwarmers.” Jane said.
“My favorite part.” He grinned widely and began to strip down from the clothes provided (they barely fit him anyway) until he wore only a ratty tank top and his briefs. Senuna made a point to look away as he changed. Jane did not.
Gur-Rai strapped on the chestplate and lifted Darklance onto his back. “Well, ladies, if you’ll excuse me-”
“Hang on!” Senuna called to him. “You need to sign your contract!”
He looked over the table, his eyes searching for the paper until Jane pushed it towards him. He took it in both hands and skimmed over it quickly, quietly reading aloud to himself. 
“I am now an official employee of the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit, yada yada yada, my duties will include pissing off ADVENT and generally being an ass, if I am too much of an ass the Commander will not hesitate to put a cap in me.” He smirked. “Where do I sign?”
Jane handed him a pen, and the hunter quickly scribbled a triangle shape on the paper.
Senuna blinked. “That’s your signature?”
“Yep.” He pointed to it. “It’s a G, R and M all mashed together. ‘Gur-Rai Madron.’”
“Huh…” Senuna blinked. “I’ve never seen someone do that with Etheric…”
“I’m a trendsetter.” He winked.
“Right. Speaking of.” Jane said as she took the paper. “We need a callsign for you.”
“Unless you want to keep ‘The Hunter.’” Senuna said. “I think it's very-”
“That was quick.” Jane commented.
“Yes, I’ve been thinking about it since I woke up here.” He looked like a little kid unboxing a toy on Christmas. “The Elders assigned us our names and titles, this is the first time I’VE been able to choose my name. And I like ‘Darkstrider.’”
“It’s...very avant-garde!” Senuna cheered. “Darkstrider it is then!”
“Thank you!” He chuckled. “For the sweater, mostly. This material is incredible.”
“I told you, didn’t I? I’m a natural seamstress.” Senuna flipped her hair. “Back when I was just a girl, we had to sew all our clothes ourselves~”
“When were you born, the 1400’s?” Jane mused.
“Oh no, Jane, I’m not that old.” Senuna winked. “1800’s.”
Jane blinked, and Senuna just burst into a fit of giggles.
“Now Commander.” Gur-Rai leaned on the table. “Where am I dropping first? I’ve been dying to make my big debut~”
Over and over, mist and motion, mist and motion. That was what he saw when he slept.
He heard voices in the darkness, felt wisps brushing at his skin, but when he tuned there was no one there.
Dhar-Mon had never had dreams like this. For as long as he could remember, the Elders were there, heralding over his thoughts like jailers, keeping him in check, sifting through his dreams.
He could still feel them now. They were chasing him, and part of him reached out and longed for their strange embrace…
Her voice woke him, as always. He opened his eyes to bright white light, and Malinalli’s fuzzy form stood over him.
“You were trembling.” She whispered, and he felt her warm fingers on his cheek. “Are you cold?”
He shook his head. “...Simply a nightmare.” He whispered. He wanted to reach for her hand, but she was on his right, and the fingers on that side were still stiff and unmoving.
Malinalli moved from his side, and Dhar-Mon looked around. “Is Kon-Mai here?” His sister had taken to camping by his side, sometimes spending hours at a time in the recovery room with him, well into the night.
“She went out for a bit.” Malinalli said. “Well, Tygan made her go. She’s still recovering from her scars and he doesn’t want her stationary for long periods.”
His sister’s scars. The injury she had obtained in her capture by XCOM. The one that started all of them down this path. He wondered who had caused such wounds: who had felled his little sister so quickly?
He looked up at Malinalli again, who was flipping through his medical file. From the sound of the many turning pages, it was already looking like a small novel, and more was added to it everyday.
“You’re incredible.” She giggled. “I hope you know that.”
“In what way am I incredible?”
“...You were braindead.” She said softly. “There was...no electromagnetic activity there. Next to none. Even if you woke up...well, you wouldn’t have been talking.” She left it at that.
“It is you who is incredible.” Dhar-Mon smiled. “For it is your voice that cut through my melancholic mind, and brought me back to life.”
“I don’t know how I did it.” She admitted. “I wish I did. There are so many people I could save.”
“Do you see combat often?” He asked.
“No, not really.” She stacked the paper neatly. “I’m not good at fighting, like, at all. The Commander especially doesn’t like me going out where I could get hurt.” She sighed. “She’s not like this with the other medics! It’s just me! I feel like she doesn’t trust me.”
“She simply does not know your true strength.” He assured her. “I am sure if she did, she would not hesitate to allow you to utilize your gift.”
Malinalli seemed to hesitate. “...Yeah…” She muttered. He heard her put the papers back into a drawer and close it.
“You mustn't doubt yourself.” He said again.
“It’s not that.” She returned to his side, and he heard her sit down. “...Do you get the feeling that I’m...too strong?”
“I feel as though you have the perfect amount of strength.” Dhar-Mon assured her.
“Compared to you.” She giggled. “You’re a demigod. I’m just some jackass who three months ago could only use my psionics for shadow puppets if the room was pitch black.”
“Have you never used your power before?” He found that hard to believe.
She shook her head, but then realized he couldn’t see her. “Not...like this. I could do party tricks, aura reading and all that and there’s a tarot deck I sometimes play with.” She chuckled. “I don’t think it works like that, though. And I certainly didn’t know it could heal.”
He thought about it for a moment. He’d never considered his powers, or their strength. And when Malinalli began conversing with him, he’d stopped questioning hers as well. The Templars were just as powerful, were they not?
Still, when he looked at her (or in her direction), he did not see the visage of a powerful sage. He saw a young woman, who wanted only to help.
“You saved me from the tyranny of the Elders.” He said. “Perhaps...I can repay that debt? Once I am well again.”
“Repay the debt how?”
He held up his left hand, and felt a tingle all the way up in the back of his neck as purple energy danced on his fingertips. “I can teach you how to use your power.”
He could feel the dismay on her face even if he couldn’t see it. “...That’s dangerous…”
“Psionic energy is very dangerous. But to those who honor it, great rewards will be reaped.”
“What if you get hurt again?” She protested. “What if one of the synapses tears open again and you have another aneurysm?!”
“If that were to be, then it would not matter, as I would die on the battlefield as I summon my power.”
“Battlefield?” Her voice sounded small and scared. “You want to fight?”
He sighed. “I did not come to the Avenger to retire, Malinalli. You are fighting in a war, and I intend to be a soldier.”
Kon-Mai pressed the cool-down button on the treadmill, her forehead dripping with sweat. The poor machine had almost given way with how fast she had been running, but the old thing held on. It was built to last, she’d give it that. ADVENT’s equipment was all so flimsy, made to be replaced after only a year or two.
Absentmindedly, her hand went to her stomach again, and suddenly she felt heavy. Her scar was hard and raised, but cool, as though the long settled anger was hardened into stone. She walked, the machine slowing down, and her eyes fell to the floor as she remembered that fateful day…
There was a noise behind her. Kon-Mai stopped the treadmill and turned around.
There stood a woman. Her skin was a rich, olive brown, but her hair was deep gold like harvested wheat. In the light it looked almost green. Her eyes were the same shade, a green-gold, pointedly meeting purple ones. She stared up at Kon-Mai as the Chosen turned off the treadmill and stepped off, using her towel to wipe the violaceous sweat from her face. 
“May I help you?” Kon-Mai asked, looking the woman up and down.
“Yes.” The woman said, her accent...strange. German? No, it had too much of a ...twang to it. A curl, almost Middle Eastern.
“I am Goldilocks.” The woman said. 
Kon-Mai smiled. “So YOU are Goldilocks?” Finally she could put a face to a name. “Malinalli has spoken of you.”
“I hear you are very good with swords…” She shifted, and now Kon-Mai could see that, despite the prim persona, she was very nervous.
“I am.” Kon-Mai smiled.
“The Commander has tasked me with making a training course. For sword practice. She wants more soldiers to use swords.” Goldilocks clasped her hands in front of her. “I am good at swords. I am NOT as good as you.”
“Do you expect me to teach your class for you?”
“I want you to teach ME.” Goldilocks said.
Kon-Mai raised a brow. “Teach you?”
“Long I have wanted to perfect my sword arm.” Goldilocks said, her tone changing to excitement. “It is the only weapon I truly love. I want to learn from the Mistress of Blades herself.”
“Mistress of Blades?” Kon-Mai chuckled. “Well, child, perhaps flattery will get you somewhere. Do you have a sword?”
“Let me fetch the training ones.”
“No. Get YOUR sword.” Kon-Mai insisted.
“...My sword?”
“Your sword is an extension of yourself. You should learn to move with it properly.” She looked Goldilocks over again. “You do have one, do you not?”
“Good. Now fetch it, I will not wait all day.”
Goldilocks took enough time that Kon-Mai was able to slip back into her armor after toweling herself off. She would have liked to shower, but she supposed that could wait until after. Not that she was expecting to work up a sweat against this human.
The woman returned with a sword that was curved in the blade, even more so than Kon-Mai’s own katana. She presented it to the Chosen, who raised a brow.
“My my my…” Kon-Mai took the blade from her and felt its weight in her hands. “Wherever did you get a shamshir?”
“It was my grandfather’s.” Goldilocks said.
“Ah.” She looked the woman up and down and suddenly it clicked. “Where were you born?”
“Germany.” Goldilocks said. “But Mama was from Iran.” Her eyes flickered to her saber. “Her father gave her that sword. And when she died I took it with me.”
“Swords are just the same as people.” Kon-Mai handed it back to her, hilt-first. “They are made richer by their histories. This sword has seen much in it’s life.” She looked the woman over. “You, however, have not. This blade will be much to handle.”
“I have to.” Goldilocks sounded desperate. “It’s all I have.”
“Then take up your stance.” Kon-Mai raised her own blade.
Goldilocks got into a fencing position, and Kon-Mai wanted to scream. “No.” was all she said instead, lowering her sword.
“What is this?” Kon-Mai gestured up and down. “What are you doing?”
“Getting ready to duel?”
“Not with that saber, you aren’t. Shamshirs are made to slash and cut. If you come at me tip first, how much damage do you think you will do?”
Goldilocks looked away. “...Not a lot?”
“Try it.” Kon-Mai raised her blade, and as Goldilocks rushed her, Kon-Mai pushed her sword up and knocked the shamshir from her hand.
“And so you see the problem.” She sheathed her own blade, beginning to wonder how the Commander’s soldiers had managed to defeat her in the first place. At least their bullets hurt…
She made her way over to Goldilocks, coming up behind her. “Sword out.”
Goldilocks seemed to grow anxious at Kon-Mai’s presence behind her, but she complied stiffly. Kon-Mai took her arms and shifted them downwards
“Your sword must start low.” She said, pushing her arm downward. “Keep your weight in your toes, not your heels. You will never be able to dodge me like that.” She knelt. “Feet wide, bend one knee. More.”
“This feels weird.” Goldilocks complained.
“I have never missed a single strike.” Kon-Mai said. “Do you think that is an attribute of my sword? No. It is how I wield it.” She took hold of Goldilocks’ arm. “You see now, don’t you? It is heavy for you.”
“My wrist is just weak.”
“That, I can see.” Kon-Mai felt it briefly. “You will need practice to wield this.”
“I can do it.” Goldilocks said with conviction.
“I shall not be soft.” Kon-Mai said. “Your enemy will not hesitate, and neither shall I.”
“...That’s fine.” Goldilocks nodded. “Just...don’t kill me.”
“I will certainly try not to.” Kon-Mai unsheathed her sword again. The girl’s stance was still awkward, but it was much better than before. It would do.
Kon-Mai beckoned her forward, and Goldilocks charged.
Elena pulled on her gloves, watching her wedding ring glisten in the light right before it was covered. She smiled a bit at the sight, then sighed. She’d be going on this mission without Pratal the first in a while. Senuna had been specific about that. Oddly specific.
It made Elena nervous.
Her team was a good one, at least from what had shown up. Marianna “Mari” Segal was someone she’d worked with before. She was a bit meek, but she had excellent aim and even better reflexes. She’d be a great Reaper if Elena could convince her to join, but she’d always give some vague excuse about not knowing enough about rifles. The only other person there was Flavius D’Onofrio, a beefy man who loved to talk, but who spoke mostly Italian, no matter who he was conversing with. Elena had taken to simply smiling and nodding whenever he was speaking.
They heard footsteps and she stood, ready to greet the last team member.
A tall, lanky blue figure greeted her, and Gur-Rai Madron smiled and crossed his arms. “Elena Dragunova? What a surprise. Looks like we’re gonna be workmates.”
“Fuck this.” Elena said out loud, her arms falling limp in disbelief. “No.”
Mari and Flavius looked confused, and Mari looked nervous. “Léna…?”
“You’re not coming.” She lifted her rifle and pointed it at Gur-Rai. “I don’t care if the Commander escorts you here personally. YOU. ARE. NOT. COMING.”
“Well, I didn’t expect roses and chocolates, but a friendly hello would have been nice.” Gur-Rai raised his hands, but it was mocking. “Aren’t we all on the same team now?”
“You HUNTED my kind for sport.” She snarled.
“So did Pratal Mox.” Gur-Rai sneered. “And you seem to have forgiven him.”
“Pratal worked to prove himself to me.” She spat. “Give me one reason why I should trust you, when you have done nothing but lounge around our Avenger and gloat?!”
“Well Elena, you haven’t given me a chance to prove myself.” He shrugged innocently. “Perhaps this is where I surprise you.”
“Or you turn on us and run back to ADVENT and your precious Elders!”
Now Gur-Rai growled, looking like a wild dog. “Don’t you dare.”
Elena actually startled at that, her body already wound up tighter than a spring. Gur-Rai’s smile had dropped and his eyes glowed with murderous intent.
“I hate the Elders more than any of your kind could imagine, Elena. However much you think you long for their death, it’s nothing compared to my fantasies, to the thought of their corpses burning in the wreckage of their precious palace.” His fists were clenched.
Elena lowered her gun in shock, and Mari and Flavius looked at each other.
“Penso che sia serio.” Flavius said. “He seems very serio.”
Gur-Rai took a deep breath, his cheeky grin returning. “Just trust me, Elena. I’ll have those ADVENT dogs squealing in no time.”
Elena clenched her fists. She really wished Pratal was here, he had a way of calming her...
“Fine. Get in the chopper.” She hissed. “All of you. We’re already losing time.”
Goldilocks hit the ground with a resounding thud and, before she could move, felt the tip of Kon-Mai’s katana at her neck.
“Hm.” The Chosen woman narrowed her eyes. “Much better.”
“Better?” Goldilocks growled.
“Yes.” Kon-Mai sheathed her sword. “I think you might have actually grazed me that time.” She checked her arm. “Oh, perhaps not.”
Goldilocks sighed. “...How are you so talented?”
“I was born for this reason and this reason only.” Kon-Mai crossed her arms. “My entire body is honed like the edge of my blade.”
“Then anyone who faces you is at a disadvantage.” Goldilocks muttered sadly as she got to her feet.
“Yes.” Kon-Mai agreed. “Just like humanity is at a disadvantage.”
Goldilocks met her eyes, and Kon-Mai saw hopelessness. “Are we?”
“Yes…” Kon-Mai smiled. “But that is what makes you all so...admirable.” She crossed her arms. “Here you are staring Death in the face...and you spit at it.”
Goldilocks cracked a smile at that. “I guess. It is nice.” She clasped her hands. “...We have nowhere to go. The Elders have other worlds...we just have this one.”
Kon-Mai felt a small pang in her heart. She knew that feeling of hopelessness, of being completely cornered, with death on either side. Cornered in her own stronghold, knowing that death waited on the end of a gun. And if she somehow lived, it sat on her own mother’s fingertips…
“Do you want to continue the training?” Kon-Mai asked.
Goldilocks seemed to think for a full minute before she faintly answered “Yes.”
Kon-Mai smiled, clasped her hands and bowed to her student. “Return here at 6 o’clock in the morning in two days.”
“No. I shall be on a mission then.” Kon-Mai said.
Goldilocks nodded, then bowed to her awkwardly. “Thank you...um...what should I call you…?”
Kon-Mai opened her mouth, then closed it, completely unsure of how to answer.
Dhar-Mon heard footsteps approaching the door, and Malinalli stood up on the off chance it was Tygan coming to scold her for spending so much time with one patient. Instead, he heard her sigh in relief. “Hey, Kon-Mai.”
“Hello, Malinalli.” Dhar-Mon heard his sister’s raspy voice and felt her sit beside him and take his hand. “How do you fare, Brother?”
He tried to squeeze her hand. The fingers barely moved. “You were gone when I awoke.”
“I was in the gymnasium.” She admitted.
“Oh? They have such things on this ship?” He sounded excited.
“It’s a big ship!” Malinalli chimed in. “Believe me, I was surprised too!”
Kon-Mai chuckled. “Your hand feels tense.”
She was on his right, and he wanted to tell her it didn’t bother him because he could barely feel that hand, but Malinalli broke in again.
“Side effect of paralysis. The muscles have a tendency to tense up and the digits curl automatically. But Tygan says the numbness should go away in a few days.” She quickly added before Kon-Mai could become upset.
“That sounds incredibly painful!” Kon-Mai scoffed. She was absentmindedly rubbing her thumb against his palm, the traction beginning to uncurl his finger.
“Do not worry for me.” He insisted. “There is much I want to ask of you, Kon-Mai.”
She seemed to startle. “...Of course.” She said, obedient as ever. Even with only faint outlines he could tell she was sitting tall, like a proper lady. It made it all the more confusing.
“What happened the night you deserted the Elders?” He asked.
She grew very, very quiet. The room seemed to sink with the weight of what he asked. Even Malinalli was quiet.
“...How much can you see?” Kon-Mai asked.
“Hardly anything. But my left hand can feel.”
She grabbed his left hand and he felt it pressed to her skin. For a moment he had to get his bearings, before he recognized the outline of her abdominal muscles.
And the jagged, angry scar that ran just above it.
“...Who did cause this…?” He looked up at her.
“It was by my own blade.” She said, pulling her shirt back down and letting go of his hand.
“Why?” He almost whispered. His own baby sister? Attempting suicide?
“My sarcophagus had been shattered.” She said. “And I was surrounded on all sides, guns were held to my face. I heard them talking and all I could think of, was the Elders.” She hissed the word. “I wanted to live. I wanted to escape. But I had lost.” She squeezed his palm tighter. “...And however much I feared XCOM and their bullets, moreso I feared the wrath of our parents.”
“And so, to avoid that wrath…”
She made a noise of acknowledgement. “I took my katana in my hands, and plunged the blade into my belly. Death was my escape, my mercy…”
“But we made sure that didn’t happen.” Malinalli said. “You’re lucky Lothar and I were along for the ride, he put pressure on the bleeding and kept all your Psytocrean glands from falling out while we transferred you to the stretcher and lifted you back to the Skyranger…” Malinali trailed off. “...Sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt…”
Kon-Mai chuckled. “I could not have imagined XCOM would want to share their Avenger with a being such as myself. And now you have taken all of them~”
“Yes.” Dhar-Mon reached over and patted her arm with his left hand. “...I am sorry, Sister, that you felt that way. I did not know.”
“Yes, Brother, you did.” She protested, but there was no malice in her voice. “Because you felt it too, did you not?”
And she was right. Because he had.
(We’ve begun to see the inner workings of the Elders, and our Chosen Three are well on their way to becoming soldiers of XCOM!
Today’s chapter was posted now and not yesterday because of yesterday being Sympathy for the Devil’s anniversary, and I didn’t want to steal any attention away from that. I love how much support this itty bitty community has for it’s authors.
I actually had a very different chapter planned for this week but it needed a bit of padding. Expect the unexpected very soon~)
Archive: https://chosenstories.tumblr.com/
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ofcloudsandstars · 6 years
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Aries Season Celestial Calendar
Actually I’ve decided to just post some work and art that I’ve done for the zine sporadically here like I am too tired and overwhelmed to do a whole zine sorry you all had to witness this haha Especially today on the equinox a LOT is happening so I can’t even blame myself for trying to push a production through a mercury retrograde and this celestial CLIMAX going on in the heavens right now. I have to focus on myself.  Anyway for a fuller detail (It is a bit epically long BUT it goes into a lot of info for each day and what the transits mean) please click the read more Happy Aries season May the Odds ever be in your favor 
This new zodiac cycle is the fire cracker we might all need to get us started off on the right foot. (especially to jump start us out of the thick mud-like slow pace energy the previous pisces season put us through. This past pisces season along with mercury rx in pisces was forcing everyone to STOP whether they liked it or not and reflect on our goals and what steps we need to re examine in order to move forward in our paths.) It starts off with intense energy with the full moon in libra begging us to focus on finding balance and support with close ones. We have a few moments when mars and pluto trine which will give us opportunities to ram through obstacles yet also with certain factors like jupiter going into retrograde, we need to rely on our planning and hard work instead of luck to get us there. It wraps up again at the very end of the season with the full moon in libra once more in hopes that we have achieved some harmony in our journey forwards.
 Will this aries season be as aggressive as the previous one in 2018 when mars and saturn were conjunct the whole time and mercury was retrograding in aries?? Thankfully I think not yet though this season seems to bring a few challenges, we also have a few days where we are given the energy and tools to progress. If you use your energy wisely you will get A LOT done in this season.
Week 1:
March 20th ~
- Spring Equinox Aries season begins on the spring equinox (in the northern hemisphere). The days are equally light and dark and moving towards the brighter days of the year. The spring equinox celebrates the inner child, new beginnings and springing forward with plans.
- Sun enters Aries A time for action, excitement, light hearted fun and competitiveness
- Sun conjunct Chiron They will be conjunct in aries at 1 degree This will amplify the need to find love for ourselves and uphold our power. If you might be unbalanced in this area it might either make you feel unempowered or you might feel the need to over assert yourself maybe even aggressively. If you feel pain in those areas where you feel you lack power now is the time asking you to address that.
- Mercury in Pisces sextiles Saturn in Capricorn This combination will give us a strong need to re-examine our direction with our goals. We might feel a strong urge to do some mental spring cleaning and reorganize our lives and ourselves. Mercury is still in retrograde so this energy will be directed inwards. With the sun conjunct chiron we might be prone to overthinking our previous steps and mistakes yet its good to be aware of this combination so we can take the moment to shed what no longer serves us and not dwell on our past.
- Mars in Taurus trines Pluto in Capricorn   Though the past two combinations might give us a lot to work with internally, this one will give us a lot of power externally. This trine is beneficial in giving you a surge of goal-directed energy. Today we might feel ambitious, assertive and direct in achieving our desires. Though mars and pluto might be an intense pair, this energy flow will still allow us to maintain harmony especially with the force of the full moon in Libra. If you have any obstacles or challenging situations that has hindered you for some time this is a time where we will feel the boost to ram through them. An excellent day for road opening magic whether you need it for external affairs or internal shadow work. This is an actual firecracker of energy to start off the spring and aries season off with power.
 21st ~
-Full Moon in Libra The moon reaches its fullness somewhere at 1AM GMT which will make it appear full on the equinox as well. However as this energy stays for two days, with the incredible combinations of other aspects on this day makes this an incredible day for celebration and cherishing close friends and lovers. This will be an amazing day for love magic and manifesting if you are looking to sow seeds for any creative projects.
 -Venus in Aquarius sextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius Venus and Jupiter is the best pair for partying, celebrating and love making. Especially if you decide to do some love magic on this full moon, your spells will be especially blessed. This energy will make you feel warm and blessed and rather generous. Especially with Venus in Aquarius, socializing and making new friends or building up your community will be favored on this day. If you are dating or looking for someone special, any romantic or sexual pursuits will be blessed on this day.If you want to travel, today would be the day. The only slightly negative thing to watch out for under this influence would be a tendency towards excess such as spending too much or indulging in too much.
 -Venus in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus Squares can amplify energy yet also cause some difficulties. This transit especially with lucky Jupiter involved in a great combo with Venus could amp up the sex drive to exhilerating levels. If you have a few relationship difficulties or underlying sexual or competitive tension this square would unfortunately bring it out. However if you do suffer from some built up sexual or creative tension today would be best to release it on the full moon or get it out by channeling it into a creative project.
Week 2:
26 ~
Venus enters Pisces Love becomes all-embracing when venus transits pisces. We are able to forgive and understand. Compassion is key and we look for pleasures in places that are tender, understanding and dream-like. Pisces is ruled by Neptune the planet of dreams and illusions. We will find inspiration in our own dreams, messages from the astral and find pleasures in the ethereal.
 27 ~
Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus The need to enjoy creative outlets or entertainment that is new and fun will be heighten today. Especially in the realm of things that are sensual as Uranus passes through the earthy Taurus. This will be another exciting day for our social and or love lives. We can make breakthroughs or birth brand new creations in our creative works. This is a great day for manifestation magic, creating charms or pouring our energy into our creative projects and adding excitement to our partnerships. Our unique expressions will be heightened today and it will be an opportunity to attract those of like-mind. This will be beneficial to those whom are more shy or don't gather much attention. Unlike the full moon on the 21st this may not be the best day to make new friends and lovers, though this transit might bring instant attraction, the connection might be fleeting. Therefore it could lead to friends-in-the-moment situations or one night stands, which some may like, yet others may find disappointing in the long run. Best to just focus on adding to what's already there.  
 28 ~
Mercury moves direct in Pisces Finally out of retrograde we might feel like we are mentally breaking free of the sleepy state the rx has brought us into. We still have until the 16th until it leaves shadow and breaks forward.
 29 ~
Eros moves into Leo This little asteroid that trails along Mars describes our desires, sexual nature and creativity. As it moves into Leo (the king of creativity!) we might find ourselves able to create more and have a strong desire to keep our passions alive or seek out passionate affairs. Leo rules the heart and Eros transiting this sign asks us to open our hearts to our own creative forces. Eros will show us where our love and desires have been repressed and will awaken the urge to create and connect with the youthful nature of the heart.
Week 3:
31 ~
Mars enters Gemini This will be a fun transit if you are looking to trying new things or exploring new pursuits yet unfortunately a messy transit for everyone else trying to achieve certain goals. Mars which rules our drive and motivation moving into gemini means less focus and our interests becoming more diversified leaving us scattered and even our goals unmet.
 April 2 ~
Mercury in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces
This conjunction will bring our attention to all things spiritual and mysterious. The occult, secrets and spiritual affairs will seem really interesting and it will be an ideal time to take up studies in artistic or divinatory subjects because of our enhanced imagination and psychic powers. Valuable insights will be gained throuhg dreaming, meditation and practicing occult fields like astrology and tarot.
 5 ~
New moon in Aries Aries season started off asking us to re-examine our power and break through any obstacles in our way. This new moon will be a fresh start once the debris of all that was blocking us has been shoved away. This new moon will bring out our inner warrior to charge towards our dreams and fight for them! Magic on this day should be to plant seeds for the year to come.
Week 4:
7 ~
Mercury in Pisces Sextiles Saturn in Capricorn This energy comes back around a second time yet this time mercury is no longer in retrograde and it will shed new light on how we need to organise ourselves to move forward externally. With the boost of the new moon gaining light we will focus this energy on redirecting ourselves in the direction we need. This is a great day for shadow work and self examination.
 10 ~
Jupiter Retrograde The planet of luck and expansion is lovely either while it retrogrades or moves direct. While it retrogrades it gives us the opportunity to explore our personal philosophies and expand from within. It's a lovely time to meditate and reflect on our lives, our morals, ethics and higher purposes. We might feel like we are growing from the inside out. However it's not a great time to rely on luck or travel and particularly its a great time to avoid trifling with the order of things or social justice as we might mispeak or get into more trouble than usual. Do not go out to seek new ventures, instead rest and reflect. Mercury in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn
This beneficial flow of energy between mercury and pluto will help uncover secrets, perhaps reveal the nature behind the obstacles that were blocking us and give us a more magnetic and pursuasive allure in our communications. Combined with Jupiter's RX we can discover new paths or methods to our longterm goals from within. This is a great day for research and finding steps that are key to reaching our goals and understanding any systems of power that are in place.
 Sun in Aries squares Saturn in Capricorn
This day will feel heavy as it can bring up a lot of challenges which can unfortunately result to pessimism or depression. Our egos may suffer since it'll be an obstacle to obtain any goals and we may feel restricted by certain responsiblities yet it's a test of character. We must strive to meet our responsibilities now or else they will catch up in a worse outcome down the track. We might get a lot of pressure from work, school or other authority figures, yet we can succeed by showing patience, determination and a strong work ethic. This is NOT a time to rely on luck as Jupiter enters retrograde today, and this aspect will amplify the feeling that the world feels out to get us. Though the pressure might make us want to run and avoid it all it won't be wise once the karma will catch up to us later and bring heavier consequences. The longer the procrastination the worst the outcome. The sooner you get through the tasks thrown at you the quicker you will survive this obstacle. If you had made charms while Venus was sextiling Jupiter at the beginning of Aries season than this can benefit you now for good luck.
 Venus in Pisces conjuncts Neptune in Pisces
This transit will unfortunately (with everything else going on today) make it difficult to get motivated with work or other routine duties as this combination makes it easy to laze about and daydream. Though once you get some down time it would be ideal to indulge in a creative hobby or escape in a good film to unwind from the stress of the day.
 12 ~
Mercury in Pisces squares Jupiter rx in Sagittarius
Today might force you to focus on what's going on within. The square might make it hard to stay on track so it's good to focus on smaller details. A lack of concentration or inability to focus can lead to some major errors of judgement or mistakes. Mercury is about communication and with expansive Jupiter retrograding you need to pay attention to how you can express yourself and perhaps overshare or misspeak on a topic that can land you in hot water during this transit.
Venus in Pisces sextiles Saturn in Capricorn
this combination will increase the desire for stability in close partnerships. You'll need to feel loved and supported. and weak friendships or romantic flings will not be appealing for you. This is not a great time for love magic or any romantic affairs. Instead focus within and find the means to support yourself emotionally.
 13 ~
Sun in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn
This combination will increase everyones need for control which can lead to ego conflicts with authority figures. A conflict can lead to extreme or destructive behavior or can force you into a corner where you have to either defend your position or make a major change. This experience can be intense and trigger deeply buried psychological issues involving losing control, death, abuse or persecution. These can even be past life related or link to traumas experienced in this life time. It's a good day for shadow work and to reason with ourselves to understand why we need to be in control. Through that we can evolve to a higher level and let things go and feel less threatened. Instead of a death this can lead to a transformation which can give us a sense of inner power. You can then channel this new sense of inner power into success through ambition or hard work.
Final Week:
 14 ~
Sun in Aries trines Jupiter Rx in Sagittarius
The force of the sun trining with jupiter in retrograde can give us a need to expand within and discover ourselves at a deeper soul level. With Venus's energy in harmony with Pluto we might find pleasure in things that connect us to otherworlds or our soul and these energies will make this day great for trance meditation, dream oracling or soul journies. Opportunities can come in the form of personal and spiritual growth if we work on self reflection.
Venus in Pisces sextiles Pluto in Capricorn
With this transit close relationships will deepen to a soul level. Companionships will become more important as we will feel a longing to share love with someone worth our time. For some this might be a moment where we could get deeply infatuated with someone or develop an obsessive crush. Any new romance could be an exhilerating experience. Close friendships could deepen into spiritual bonds.
 15 ~
Venus in Pisces squares Jupiter Rx Sagittarius
Today might be a challenging day to get work done or stay present. Venus squaring jupiter creates challenges in being responsible (with self control and finances), focusing on and completing tasks yet jupiter in retrograde can turn that tension inwards. If you can take the time off it would be a great day to do dream magic and explore our inner worlds through smoking blends and journaling, but if you have to be out and about it'll be best to carry stones such as hematite and smokey quartz to keep focus.
 16 ~
Mercury out of shadow Mercury finally moves direct!
 17 ~
Mercury enters Aries With mercury back in motion it springs forward in Aries! Mercury in Aries is quick thinking, impulsive and spontaneous. We will reach decisions quickly and be more direct. It's time to take all that we've gathered in self reflection during the retrograde and restful shadow period and apply it now as we push forward with our goals.
 19 ~
Full Moon in Libra The last day of Aries season wraps up with the full moon returning in Libra to restabalize balance as we transition our way into the blissful Taurus season. Aries season is like the canon launching us forward (whether we are ready or not) and also is one of the most chaotic solar transits, yet this year has a lot of helpful energetic tools to offer. With the Full Moon returning to Libra it helps bring closure to what seeds we've sown last cycle or helps us revisit any loose ties before moving forward.
  It’s finally Taurus Season (4/20 an appropriate date) and it begins with the full moon now in Scorpio and Juno moving into Cancer. 
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