#that's why i've put the multifandom thing on my blog since...
t-lostinworlds · 2 years
Are you leaving Tom’s fandom too 😕 I love your blog, I would miss you so much
omg no i'm not sksks i never said anything about leaving. i mean, it's a whole drought rn but if there's going to be content then i'll be here don't worry. tom's still my main man, i'm just having steve as my mistress to keep me entertained for the mean time (it's a joke obviously but u get what i mean)
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creampuffqueen · 3 months
Creampuffqueen Account Birthday Fic Bash!!!
Hello all my dear friends and followers!! Today is this account's sixth birthday, which is just wild to me. It's hard to believe I've been on tumblr for that long, but here we are. I just wanted to come on here and say how grateful I am for this account and all of the lovely friends I've made from it!
And, as a celebration, both of this account's birthday and the 400 follower milestone I recently passed, I will be opening up my fic requests!
It's been quite a while since I've done this, and it will likely be a long time before I do it again once this is over, so please take advantage of it while y'all can! I'm very excited to create things from my lovely followers' favorite characters and ships!
Now, there are a few rules/guidelines for this. Please take the time to read these before requesting!
When you send in a request, please send in the characters/ships you want AND some kind of prompt. it can be a quote, it can be one of those ship prompt things from a list, it can be some ideas and a general vibe. But please give me something to work with!
If I've posted for the fandom before, it's fair game. This is a multifandom blog and I enjoy all kinds of media. It doesn't matter how long ago it was, if you saw me post for that fandom then I will be down to write for it
These don't all have to be ship fics as I'm more than happy to write gen/friendship focused fics. If you do send in a ship, just note that for the most part I enjoy canon ships over non-canon ones. That's not to say I won't do something non-canon, not at all. But if you're stuck between two ships and one is canon while the other isn't, I'm more likely to enjoy the canon one. If you have a question about a particular ship, please feel free to send in an ask and I will let you know my thoughts on it!
Please keep all prompts SFW
BABYFICS!!! they are my specialty and I love writing them. If you've been craving seeing your favs with cute babies, this is the place to request it. Just putting this out here as I know babyfics aren't a lot of peoples' jam (which is totally cool) but they are mine! In fact they're some of my favorite things to write ;)
I reserve the right to refuse any request. If I won't write it, I will do my best to answer your ask with why so you can send another request if you want
You can send in multiple requests, but please keep in mind that I am just one person, and a busy college student at that. Please have patience! I will be doing my absolute best to get all of these written in a timely manner, but life happens, and I won't be sacrificing grades/personal life for these, no matter how excited I am to write them
I know that's kind of a lot but I want to keep things as streamlined as possible so everyone can request things easier!
Fic requests will remain open for a week or two, depending on how many I get. The fics themselves will be pretty short, probably ~1000 words each, give or take, so I don't burn myself out by writing all of them. This post will be my pinned post for as long as requests are open, and I will remove it once they are closed.
Happy requesting!! I can't wait to see everyone's ideas! Thanks for participating in my account's birthday bash!
For examples of my writing:
Writing Masterlist
Ao3 Account
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storiesofraen · 2 years
Upcoming news! (August 2022)
If you're reading this then you are curious about what weird ideas i got this time. You really just hit the jackpot here.
Here comes a new challenger!
Tonight I've felt like spicing up my next month. You see, since August will be a really boring month for me (as in I will work pretty much a lot during summer) I thought about giving myself a challenge for the next month.
That is... coding in C for the next 30 days.
But why?
I'll tell you exactly why. I really want to learn how to code and I get a lot of hints suggesting C as a really good starting point as well as being a requested coding language. The only way I know to kinda take a dive into a world is to completely submerge myself into it, no questions asked.
Even then, I have my own answers. Though, I won't be an expert at coding in just 30 days, I will say that I think I'll at least get a good grasp of what I'm studying.
New blog UI is live!
Now, I'm pretty sure you came here from Instagram, where I put my link to here. In this case, vi ringrazio signore e signori.
While I was working on the blog, I figured how to change how my website looks because I didn't really like how I felt visiting my own blog. So, to keep things clean I decided to pick a theme from Tumblr and put it. And while I was at it, I also changed the blog header on mobile.
I really am happy of what I did!
I will make use of the other blogs as well
As I mention on my brief description, I also have other blogs. These are the names if you're interested:
@animeditrash is my editing/drawing account. I might actually change name but I also like it so I might as well not.
@lilraen-computer-stories is a WIP blog on which I will blog about my IT adventures and self-study. As I mentioned on my very first post (title's Hello everyone!), I will study computer science and coding on my own.
@lilraen-multifandom is my multifandom page and I will be posting everything but not limited to: anime and manga, videogames and TV shows. The main topics will be Devil May Cry, Yakuza, Naruto, Berserk and maybe other things I don't even remember. But just know this: I will certainly post things I like on that one.
As always, I just feel like you don't have to read everything as I want you to be able to enjoy my content. Thank you for stopping by and see ya around!
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So I haven’t begun giffing yet but I do want to get into it, I’m curious though, does it ever feel discouraging to put effort into a set and for it to not really get many notes? I know people say notes aren’t important but if I’m gonna spend a lot of my time learning and trying things out I can only expect to be a little annoyed if it flops lol
well tbh I don't know if I'm the best person to ask, since I manage to cheat this feeling by making the majority of my gifsets specifically for my friends/mutuals 😅 I personally think that taking requests or surprising my friends with gifsets is satisfying af bc no matter what, someone will be happy with what I've made and I personally think that seeing their reaction is worth a lot more than the number of notes my sets get.
and tbh I know this is a super generic thing to say, but if you're not going to make something for anyone else, it really helps if you genuinely make something for yourself, y'know? especially if you're only starting to make gifsets - you're not going to be good immediately (I absolutely do not consider myself good even now lol) and it gets frustrating at times to not be able to do what experienced gifmakers can do. nothing kills motivation faster than that, so I think that sometimes the best way to combat that feeling is to start simple and make something that you really like, and to remember not to compare yourself to people who have been gifmaking for years bc it's not a fair comparison at all.
also...I feel like there are a couple of things that you need to remember - the Glee fandom is a really small one especially for me since I have half the people here blocked but that most likely shouldn't be an issue for you lmao so the number of notes probably won't go higher than a certain threshold (think around 100 for a regular gifset, maybe 150 if the set is particularly nice), especially if you're just starting out with giffing, if you're a small niche glee blog rather than a popular multifandom blog that occasionally posts glee, or if you're a new blog in general. I've seen some downright gorgeous sets that weren't able to make it past 70-80, which was sad to see but unfortunately that's just what it's like in such a small fandom.
you also have to consider which characters/ships are in your gifset - for me, my Brittana gifset outperformed my others by a lot since Brittana is pretty much the only part of Glee (aside from maybe Quinn) that the general public (and former fans of the show) want to acknowledge. I'm not sure what pairings you're into but in my experience, gifsets of Klaine or other ships just don't do as well, regardless of how well-made they are, so if you're going to make sets of other characters/ships then please keep that in mind and don't feel discouraged if they don't get as many notes as you want them to.
I'm not sure how much of this ramble made sense, but yeah - I totally get where you're coming from and it does feel pretty frustrating to put a lot of work into something only for it to not get any of the recognition it deserves...which is why I focus on only making things that are fun for me or that will make a friend happy, so that I get that sense of accomplishment regardless of whether or not it 'flops' in terms of note count.
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lyteupthelyfe · 3 years
Since it seems both my posts and this blog have been getting a little bit of traction, I thought I might as well introduce myself properly to y'all!
Hi! I'm lyte! I run this blog/account! I hope you have a good time here!
More (blog type, fanfic I'm writing, blog future) below the cut!
So yeah, I'm lyte, and for clarity, yep, this is a multifandom blog, mainly for Fire Emblem: Three Houses and RWBY, though the other fandoms in my bio mean that if I wanted to, I would unhesitatingly post about, like, Octopath or Breath of the Wild, or whatever.
And on that, this is mainly a thoughts/discussion/theories/analysis blog, as in if you looked through all of my original posts and reblogs that I've added on to, like 90% of it is gonna be a theory or discussion or the like. And, reblogs/comments etc are encouraged! If you've got thoughts you wanna add to something I've posted, go ahead! Same for if you wanna know my opinions on something or respond to an ask meme--the askbox awaits!
Kinda going off the multifandom angle, I'm also a multishipper. If/when I post (or even write about in a fic) shipping content, that doesn't mean that I'm ride-or-die for that ship and that ship only by far.
Which reminds me, I haven't said it already but I am on Ao3 as lyteupthenyte! I have two active fics at the moment:
The Apex of the Worlds, an epic, multi-pov crossover fic that collides the worlds of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Octopath Traveler, and the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and is currently about a quarter or so done. You don't need to have necessarily played all three games, as I try my best to introduce each character/world so that while a google or tumblr search might be needed here or there, you won't be completely lost in the dark (hopefully). Synopsis as follows:
"After one hundred years, Link has to stop Ganon from rising again, and so too must Zelda. Sidon lives in the shadow of Mipha, while Yunobo thinks himself falling short of Daruk's legacy. Paya hopes to protect the Sheikah, all the while running from the tragedy of her past, and Teba does his part for the Rito by tamping on his deepest calls for righting the world. Riju is lost on how she can lead a people she's left endangered, but Adrian—born of the Yiga—is just as torn between his orders and his heart. Across an impossible distance, Edelgard's fragile dream is loftier than the stars themselves, while Primrose just wants to hide from herself.
But...what if they can somehow turn their world—their worlds—on its head? Just what would happen next?"
And Placeholder (Right Where You Left Me) is a short, also currently quarter-done, character study/fill-in-the-gaps RWBY fic about General Ironwood and an almost questionable rule-bending friendship with Ambrosius, the Relic of Creation, as he moves through his own life and the events of Volume '0', Volume 2, Volume 4 and Volume 6. Synopsis:
James Ironwood is usually a stickler for the rules. Rules like "Don't keep the Relics outside the Vaults."
Except, ever since he met Ambrosius, the Relic of Creation, he doesn't really want to follow that rule. For some ridiculous, gods-damned reason, he can't bring himself to put the Staff back in the Vault, not yet. Not. Yet.
But why? Why, why, why? For someone to talk to? To talk to without a moment passing by? To hold onto mystery and fantasy for just that bit longer?
For anything, is it really worth the riskiest friendship in all of Remnant?
And, well, that's about it. I'll post about things I like, updates to the fics, any new fics I might write, thoughts, theories and discussions.
Oh! And just as i remember, there are a bunch of #lyte “….” tags on my blog! The most active one atm is “lyte does contraclass”, which follows my current fe3h playthrough!
Oh, and per my blog title, I absolutely do simp for many fictional men because I think they are all very pretty. But I won't post simp content. Probably.
At least... I don't... think... I will?
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straydawg · 3 years
when the rain stopped.
summary: killua's tears are the rain that falls. (or, a short fic where killua can't live on with gon dead.)
Tumblr media
Rain was falling.
You didn't know what moved you to come so far out, only to lay with your back saturated against the cold concrete as the rain washed over your body.  It bruised your face with every shard of ice-like rain. There was something so violent, so excruciatingly heart-rending about the downpour. The sky was thundering in wails of misery. Raindrops surged from the sky, crashing into one another, plunging onto roofs and cars. They held no consideration for where they would land. They only poured down.
It had been like this for hours now.
Your hair was matted and soaked. You reached your hand up to the sky, feeling the pounding rain crush it. Tears, indistinguishable from the rain, streamed down the sides of your face and mingled with the rising puddle beneath you.  'Were those your tears? When had you begun crying?'
You could no longer see the sky above you, as the rain kept falling down with such fervent and passionate intensity you were forced to squeeze your eyes shut. There was no reason to cry or even be there at all, but you could feel the sky mourning.
Someone was grieving.
This had to be a real person. This was desperation, heartbreak, and loss all in one.
A deep cry of thunder lamented around you, so deafening the buildings shook. Perhaps you would drown here- if you didn't die beneath the sheer pressure of the storm first.
Just what happened to cause a thunderstorm charged with this much grief?
The cries turned into whimpers, short bursts of lightning illuminating the black sky.
It was radiant.
With every fluoresce of lightning, you saw another's life flash before your eyes.
"Gon!" He shook the lifeless boy in front of him.
"No no no no NO! Please Gon," Killua screamed, holding Gon to his chest and rocking the both of them.
Tears splashed onto Gon's eyelids, but they weren't his.
"Idiot, wake up! You can't die here. You can't die yet."
"You're meeting your dad for breakfast tomorrow. Mito is planning for you to come back home in the summertime. You're just a kid...we're just kids..."
Killua clung onto him tighter with every word, but Gon fell limp in his arms. He clenched his fist into the dirt, shoving sharp debris underneath his fingernails.
Killua refused to believe it. The person he had spent years adventuring with, the one who had helped him see his worth, the one who had saved him. He couldn't be gone, just like that. No, Gon was not the type to give up, and he would never back down in a fight even if he were outmatched. He would always come out with a smile and a, "hey don't worry about me! We did it, didn't we?"
But not this time.
Killua's sweat was sticking to Gon as he tore himself away to gaze at his friend. The bright moonlight shined on Gon's face, wet with Killua's tears. It was too bright for a night like tonight. He smudged the dirt off the boy's cheeks.
"Gon. Please wake up. D-Don't be so selfish. I.. you're the most precious thing to me. You're my dearest friend. The world.. it can't turn if you aren't there." He sniffed.
A tear escaped from the corner of Gon's eye.
"Killua.. thank you..." Gon coughed, cracking open his eyes. "From the day I met you and everyday I've been alive since...I knew I'd never find someone else like you. You made me li-"
Killua couldn't hold back the hailstorm of sobs that wracked his body as he heard Gon's words. He was still alive. He wouldn't let him die.
"Gon, don't talk like this is the end! I'm going to save you," he began scooping up Gon's body, ready to take him somewhere- anywhere that wasn't there.
"Let me finish. I want to hold onto this last moment...with you. Please."
Killua reluctantly set him back down on the dirt, laying him gently against a wall. He never let go of his hand, in fear that Gon would fade away from him in front of his very eyes.
"You made my life worth it. Ging said.. He said to enjoy the little detours in life because those are the moments you treasure the most. You never were just a detour, Killua. You became my purpose," Gon's eyes glistened. His light was fading fast.
Those few words were apparently too much for him, as it sent him into a violent fit of coughing. There was blood oozing out from his mouth. Killua quickly wiped off the redness with his fingers and grabbed onto his friend again.
He held Gon's forehead to his.
"Don't leave me."
No response.
Killua felt an exhale of breath touch his face. He didn't dare move.
After a few moments had passed, Killua found the strength to lay Gon onto the ground, and place his own longsleeve shirt over the boy for warmth.
Gon only wore a tank top. He'd be chilly without it.
Taking some steps back, Killua stared at the boy laying on the floor. Gon looked like he had shrunk, so weak and devoid of life.
There was nothing left in Killua, but a throbbing pain and emptiness.
Falling to his knees, he let out a series of gut-wrenching screams. His sobs filled the night just as much as the stars in the sky did. He beat the floor until his hands were bloodied and mangled, unleashing strikes of lightning to the earth with every devastating blow. Hopefully, the lightning would ruin him too.
What even was the point anymore? There was no longer any light left to illuminate the dark.
Once Killua had bled himself dry of all tears and every emotion there was, he weakly looked upon Gon's form.
Hadn't he said that the world would not turn if Gon wasn't there? But why was it still going? Why was he the only one suffering this cruel loss? Why were there people who were going about their lives right at this very moment, not knowing Gon had just died?
His world could not go on without Gon, smiling him on. Pushing him on. So— he had made his decision.
Memories of all their priceless times together played in Killua's mind like a movie, as if he were experiencing each one of them again for the first time.
The time they first met—
Gon hadn't even questioned Killua's line of work. He had become his first ever friend without a second thought. No one had ever put that much faith in him before.
The time Gon brought him to Whale Island—
Killua had been shocked at Mito's generous hospitality. He had learned what a real home was like, and Gon had asked him to continue travelling with him. It made him feel special, although he had never admitted it out loud before.
The time they began Greed Island together—
He never did tell Gon the real reason he followed him there. It wasn't just to find his dad. Maybe he was embarrassed, or scared too, but the truth was obvious. He loved Gon. That's why he stayed.
The time he saw Gon lying in that stupid hospital bed—
Killua wasn't sure if he felt hurt, angry or betrayed, but the one thing he knew is that he was being torn apart. He was breaking to pieces seeing Gon dying slowly in front of him. He swore he would save him, and he did.
But he couldn't save him today.
Sitting up a little straighter, Killua took a deep breath. Turning his nen against himself, he sent the electricity force of 900,000 volts straight to his heart. Enough to kill a tortured assassin like himself.
Killua fell to the ground next to Gon, and shakily reached for his hand. Once he had made contact, he sighed and closed his eyes.
He hoped and prayed that this would count as Lover's Suicide. Maybe, if the universe cared at all, and if some force out there pitied these tormented children enough— they could have a chance at life together. Souls forever intertwined in the afterlife.
Then the rain stopped.
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author's notes: hello! i'm new to tumblr and hoping to improve my writing here and make new friends! :) this blog will be multifandom, (bsd, hxh, aot, etc.)
requests are open!
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