hashtag-girlblogger · 4 months
how to live like it's 2014 again
If you're anything like me, you're nostalgic for everything. I am constantly wishing to be somewhere else or in some time else. I'm nostalgic for the 60's (I was born in 2001), nostalgic for the early 2000's (pop is just not the same), and most of all–I am nostalgic for 2012 to 2016. I think it is widely agreed that these years, especially on Tumblr, were the last best years many of us have ever had. I was a baby, still in middle school and just 15 years old in 2016. But wow, what a time to be alive. Music, movies, TV, pop culture, fashion, the internet–the world was a better place.
I have been toying with the idea of exiting mainstream society (as best I can) for sometime now. I've been thinking, "Is it possible to live in another era while stuck in the constantly evolving 2024?" Can I abandon social norms or things of "the time" and just live like it's 2014 again?
I've thought about what this would mean, what it would look like. Only listening to Halsey, Calvin Harris and Marina. Splurging at Victoria's Secret and wearing the iconic Tease perfume at all times. What's TikTok? You don't use Valencia on your Instagram posts? I'm obsessed with WeHeartIt. Look at my new Penny board!
Alternatively, I could take the Arctic Monkeys, soft grunge, American Apparel and Marlboro cigarettes route. All black, watching AHS Coven and wondering if I have secret witchy powers too.
I think where all these feelings come from is that the current state of the world is just not feeling so good (to put it nicely). The world is accelerating at a speed I do not want to keep up with. Social media and technology are great but it has literally become this crushing weight. "Just delete social media then." Yeah fair. I guess I just feel so disconnected from my life. From my real life. Like I spend so much of my time venturing into other worlds I've made up in my head. Like 2014 Tumblr. It's not here anymore, it's gone, but I live there. A part of me is still there.
I'm like 12 or 13 years old. Was still a competitive cheerleader, which I regrettably quit when I got to high school. I spent everyday after school with my friends, making video stars or doing gymnastics in the field. We would walk around our neighbourhood, talking about god knows what and enjoying every minute of it. I looked at the future and it could be anything. I could be anyone and do anything I wanted. I feel like that's what I really want. Maybe I miss the music and clothes and vibes of that era buy what I'm really craving is how purely simple and free I felt, how connected I felt to my own life.
Now I'm 22, soon to be 23. Graduating college soon, heading into my big girl job, big girl career. Totally terrified and also excited. But I spend my time alone, so much time alone. My social battery is always empty, I rarely catch up with friends. When I do, we always have to be doing something. Dinner, drinks, movies, parties, dancing, classes. It's never, just come over let's hangout. And I get it, we're young adults, we are supposed to be doing stuff, we are meant to be out and about living our best lives. I guess I just want it to feel different. I want it to feel like it used to.
Okay sooooo.
This is how to live like it's 2014.
Talk to your friends, often and without any agenda. Create the ultimate playlist, this one's pretty good:
Binge CW shows and trashy reality TV. Totally freak out when someone says you look like Violet from AHS (this actually happened to me at work the other day and I couldn't stop smiling). Say screw the trends and wear some skinny jeans and those Alexander McQueen ankle boots, Alexa Chung approved. Get off your phone and be alive now. It's 2014, you don't have a worry in the world.
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yuriaxolotlgirl · 3 months
sorry 4 the discourse um. thatblog is weirddd
im very sleepy can everyone send pretty gifs to me so i sleep better thank youuu
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okay, i learned my lesson from bfrj so how many of you are ghosts?
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Izzzz thizzz zz z roleplay>? I don't followww thatblog zz zzorry. Can I be a rainbowdrink kker in yourtr roleplay instead of a ghozzt?
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dollwrites · 1 year
Only if you promise dont delete that blog and read the comments in our reblogs.
Now seriously only dont delete thatblog if youre not reposting I beg you
In my knees I BEG you dont let me without my favourite dc fics. Allbut tjat
Don’t worry, I won’t be deleting it!! It’s just gonna service as like a library blog except I won’t be updating it anymore. All of my new stuff will be here, and that will just house the old stuff
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firebeetlefables · 2 years
me: *tries to follow a cool looking art blog with seemingly no radfem connotations*
radfem blogs: *keep popping up saying “like thatblog!”
me: :)))))))) unfollow time
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outrealm-gates · 2 years
So hypothetically if mun made this blog I could clean off Effie’s nasty futa cock and fupa of all the delicious pungent hunk that accumulates? That I could slobber on her sweaty taint and huff her disgusting protein-farts while she gets hard again?
I mean yeah. I could do that in private granted but
Yeah thatblog could feature such a scene
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yuriinadress · 2 years
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So I was looking through the bernard tag last night and apparently both of my blogs are top Bernard blogs???
So thanks Tumblr I guess???? But like also what-
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serowotonin · 3 years
look at the drafts in manwhanello i'm getting back into it now that i got my pen back
oh damn—
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junebugzzz · 3 years
i think i found your old blog's post
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mango-shpango · 3 years
mango is my old art still the banner for that sanders sides wonderland au askblog or did you deactivate that smile
i deactivated itbut it was the banner for as long as thatblog was there :]
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more-ofyou-tolove · 2 years
I wanted to find more lolita fashion images to reblog to my kin sideblog (posting here because thatblog barely has any followers), and what I did was add “/tagged/lolita” to the end of the tumblr URL.
For some damn reason tumblr changed the ‘tagged’ to ‘search’. I can still find posts fine, but that is so odd.
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I see others slamming you for your opinion and it’s obvious tou have hit a nerve! Some make it sound like you fabricate the truth because of your hatred for Harry. But all I’ve ever seen is you admit you once loved H but your opinion has changed. I’ve never seen you pat anything that H or his team hasn’t said or alluded to. They just don’t want to admit H has not only left 1D and the boys behind but also his old fans as he gains new ones. So glad you are brave enough to call H and his team out!
Being in the fandom long enough means having to watch gullible fans believe ANYTHING.
I mean, a huge section of fans once believed the Azoffs would take over 1D management— with posts that have thousands of notes on it.
Huge sections of fans wanted to believe that Harry and Louis would “take turns” with their solo careers.
People believed that the Azoffs were “forcing” Harry to stunt with Camille Rowe and to “pretend to be het.”
So we learn to look at things with a huge dose of skepticism. Anyone believing any blog without questioning the facts is a fool— ANY blog.
I get a lot of asks parroting criticism about me (I assume from other blogs, but I don’t read those blogs so it’s just a guess). The sad thing about these asks is that people CANNOT THINK FOR THEMSELVES. They’re running from one blog to another spitting out nonsense they’ve heard as if it’s gospel— as if they thought it up themselves.
Fans fall victim to propaganda (just like the political kind) and they don’t even question it. They can’t even speak their doubts because of the emotional blackmail of “why do you let them reblog from you?” “why hasn’t so-and-so blocked so-and-so?” “why do you talk to #thatblog?” All this energy on fandom policing rather than trying to get more information and INTERPRETING IT YOURSELF, and no censoring.
No one is obligated to care about any of it. We can all step back and wash our hands and not engage. But if we want to make value judgments, then have values, be honest, do the research.
And if you disagree, and have the data to back it up, then write it. If it’s an opinion, it’s an opinion. If you disagree and say nothing, then there’s nothing there.
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pdagod-moved · 7 years
godd i was such a weird kid when i joined tumblr
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penispsyop · 3 years
How do I make sure a quirky humor blog isn't secretly a fascist freak or something😔 why do I follow a funny blog and then it starts recommending fascists "like thatblog" fuck fully off!!!!!!!!!!
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akumanorobin · 7 years
made a sideblog, first time using the sideblog feature
its rick and morty only, im warning you posts are untagged right now as i gotta learn how to tag when i reblog to thatblog
expect r&m ocs and art and whatnot blah blah https://www.tumblr.com/blog/sunmoorty
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wormcourt · 7 years
You know what would be cool? A blog specifically for trans male hygiene and self care. Grooming tips. Passing tips. For all bodies. I can't make it because im one of the guys who need help but like. Imagine if thatblog were run by a few trans men with different body types with and without testosterone. And maybe one cis guy mod who grew up knowing this stuff. For tips on how to manage and groom body hair. On how to avoid yeast infections. On how to shave. How to groom facial hair to different styles. Various tips. Tips on handling the sweat and BO. Tips on voice training. Etc. That would be amazing. And better if the blog avoided talk about "biological sex" and didnt say stuff like ftm.
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