"Where did you learn to do that?"
"What, this?"
She lifted her right foot up and smashed it back down, unleashing a powerful shockwave.
"I learned how to do this, like… 6 or 7 years ago."
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aeriialistx-archive · 10 years
( thatcharmingkidfllash ) 
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「✗」"So, in case you missed the memo. I'm not as fast as you, so either you tell me where we're going so I can meet you there. Or slow down a bit..."
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wally-west-fan · 10 years
Followers this is for you
I want to tell all 31 of you (yes I got 32 again :D) that the last few days you have all been so great and helped me out tremendously. Some of you may have unintentionally done it, by posting gifs or pictures that made me smile or laugh when I was feeling down. Some of you talk with me for hours just so I feel like I have someone. Others help me with writing or other projects and works. Either way, you're all great so thank you so much
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grxysonmoved · 10 years
Send me a ✉ and my muse will send yours a barrage of text messages.
[text]: wally are you still awake??? i need ur help im  freaking out
[text]: i cant remember what 7x4 is omg
[text]: why do they call me boy wonder whne i cant even do SIMPLE MULTIPLICATION
[text]: is it 24
[text]: WAIT
[text]: GOD, NO ITS NOT
[text]: 28
[text]: nvm sleep well speedster crisis averted
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kidwhelmed · 10 years
"Are you tired? Cause you've been running through my mind all day."
"Well hello there handsome. Has anyone ever told you, you look like an Adonis?"
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"Have you seen Artemis around anywhere?"
"Yeah, she was here early today," Ollie said to the junior speedster. "Need something from her do you?"
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psychobutcute · 10 years
! { because hi }
Your muse just walked in on mine singing a Disney song very loudly. Send a “!” to see their reaction.
"Mothah knows best, take it from yer mumsie, all alone you won’t survive. Sloppy, underdressed, imma—"
Harley stopped abruptly when she heard the noise behind her. A noise that sounded an awful lot like laughter.
"Alright, who’s there," she called, glaring around the room. Finally, she spotted the Kid Flash, clutching a metal girder to keep from falling over in laughter.
Harley turned beet red under her white clown makeup. “Tell ya what, kid. I’ll go quietly to Arkham, if ya promise not ta tell the rest o’ yer little group?
Wally shook his head, still laughing. “Not a chance in the world,” he replied.
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solertiis · 10 years
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notasadlittlegirl · 11 years
Jump City, the one place that Terra used to consider home prior to Markovia. The geokinetic teen would have never imagined that this city out of all places would be the catalyst to her dramatic change of personality, the symbol of the price it took to control her treacherous powers.
The young blonde was standing upon a boulder near the outskirts of Jump City, the same exact place where she first met the Titans. Her eyes narrowed as she thought of them, glaring at the "T" shaped building that could be seen in the horizon.
Her eyes glowed a dangerous yellow as she had thoughts of the individual Titans that she once called friends, her hands glowed the same hue of yellow as she thought of the changeling.
How could I have ever trusted him, how could I -
Her train of thought stopped as she heard something below her, she lowered herself to the ground to meet the poor soul who had interrupted her reminiscing thoughts.
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maeden · 11 years
I owe
travelingmischief themischieftoherscience theoutcastofasgard So basically Loki Loki Loki. Yay! Also active with: 084-connordean thatcharmingkidflash glorious-torture
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catlady-of-gotham · 11 years
// offline, good night <3
It's one in the morning. Reply tomorrow: @thatcharmingkidflash (thwack) @officiallatula 00:00:00 meme Many starters for new followers When I owe someone a reply please call me, my tags don't work well :/
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jumper-of-miles · 11 years
Kid Flash
He was having a normal day, porting from place to place. First he was in Italy ,where he found himself a lot now-a-days, buying bread and then he was reading a book in a cave in the Grand Canyon. But ,of course, since terry found himself having 4 good days In a row; something bad was going to happens. Terry ported into a town he didn't know the name of only to be hit by some guy running as fast as a car. "Ow" he murmured as he lay on the ground, certain he broke a rib.
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Are you made of Copper and Tellurium? Because you are Cu-Te ((hi))
Elsa couldn’t help but give a small smile, “Never heard that one before, but thank you.”
//hiya :)
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"You promised..."
"I promised you what? I can't remember… Was it a lollipop? You look young enough to still be given them."
//Hey!! ^.^
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Write 2 things that you like about yourself and then pass it on to the first 10 people on your dash. #TeamSelfEsteem
"My luscious gold locks and charming wit."
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missmartianinvasion · 11 years
M’gann was currently trying to make an apple pie, but at the moment she was rather distracted. Wally was currently walking around shirtless for some unknown reason. Every few seconds her eyes would divert to his naked chest, and each time her face would turn a bright shade of red. She groaned and covered her face with her hands. “Why aren’t you wearing a shirt.” Her voice was muffled by her hands. At this rate she was never going to finish this pie.
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