#thats Something
rosyrubi15 · 5 months
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Love them sm 💚🩵
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evasivepasta · 4 months
one thing i've noticed in maxton hall is how forgiving some of the characters are.
like when ruby accidentally burned the victorian dress that em spent all day and night making and em responded to her with something like "can it still be worn?" and just laughed it out, LAUGHED.
and when ruby said around the lines of "you wouldn't have talked to me if your family didn't go bankrupt" to lin and when she went to chemistry class, she apologised and lin accepted it 'cause she understands that there's some truth to it and they were back being bffs.
and when james and lydia were having breakfast and the conversation was about young beaufort and it was a bit tense but james threw the bread at her and they were smiling again.
if it was me, i wouldn't be laughing at the destroyed dress. if it was me, i would be so hurt if my bff thought so low of me. point is, it was so easy for them, to forgive and move on and forget being hurt or mad. couldn't be me, though. couldn't be me.
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betinh3 · 6 months
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These people have crushes on them?!?!👀✨️
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ask-theredcrown · 2 months
*gives TOWW 2 plushies, one of the lamb, the other of the poet*
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He stares at both plushies for a moment, pressing both of them against his face.
"Thank you, mortal..."
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sorbethat · 7 months
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EW!!! He's naked, GROSS!!!!!!
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silli-illi · 3 months
does anyone remember what happened to devotion duo in s3. i have project and i need to know. ppl say its not ls if mapicc and zam arent teamed. but i cant remember them in s3. all i remember is the cleaners and i think mapic fought with zam in pz empire. not sure
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cloudymistedskies · 1 year
Appreciation post to each tumblr user you like?
Cracking fingers right now.... breaks them again
The time Cloudy once again, appreciates people here time...AHDHSADHSADHSADH
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@unofficialmuilover - Yeah... I've said this numerous times, but she's sweet! I love chatting with her and not to mention her fanfics are great so maybe if you have the time, you should read them!!! also probably the biggest fan of Marimui/Mari in general SADHSAHDHASD
@yuichiroleftarm - Fuck you, stop bullying Mari but Chip is honestly such a great person to talk to!! Chaotic and such and she also...eats people's hair... actually she just eats EVERYTHING. But it's funny that we became friends just cause I literally saw her in my notifications and decided to virtually rocks at her HSDAHASDHASHDHSAD (also her fanfics are great!!!!!)
@snowbluesky - First of all, her fanfics are great. Second, she's a sweet person and third... chaotic. AHSDHASDHDSF She's like the cool mom that... probably lets her children cause chaos and she would be there, drinking her soda. (Hi mom!!!)
@theyslaydemons - The fourth time in a row, her fanfics are great !!! And she's awesome. Ironically was the reason why I made my tumblr account so I could send my fanart relating to one of her fics AHDHSADHASDHASD. She honestly just feels like this strict mom ahdsajHJDSFHSDF (...And hi mom!)
@sakurasunkiss - Your content is so cute AAAAA!! I love your silly arts and I hope you're doing well right nowwwww! and since we have the same moms, we're uhh... sisters now I guess!!! ..Though I may still not forgive you for kidnapping Mari and eating her bow
@fromeego - I just wanna say your art is EDBILE (Lovingly). You're also a fun person to talk to!!!! And I still agree that we NEED more TOKITO TWINS CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@blessingstarss - You!!! have great fanfics!! great art!!! Great edits!!!! and a fun person to talk to! And I also love Natarii aaAHGDFHFD!!!!
@al-has-issues - I'm still throwing rocks at you for chapter 5... Even though we don't talk much, you seem like a cool person and i love your fanficsss !!!!
@kurumi-igarashi - Again, not someone I talk to, but I really love your art!!!! It's really well made! Can I eat your art bt-
@muiislife - You might've caused my fixation for the tokito twins to go higher cause of your arts relating to them,.,.. But your aRT IS JUST AAAAAAAAAA (/pos) and I might've eaten a few of your arts... whoopsie. But that's payback for what you did to Mari--
@livelaughlovekny - I love your fanfics, can I also eat them??? HFDHSFHDSFHDSFHFDHFDHSHFDHFDSFHDSHFD overall, I don't really speak to you but you seem to be a sweet person!!!!!
@thenoassumption - I'm virtually slapping you for those scary muichiro images you sent me. But anyways, I don't speak much to you but I love your art !!!! lemme eat them pretty please
...Yeah I'm sorry that I don't have the best words HFJDHSFJDHSFSDF,.,..
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michsmeesh · 3 months
mmmmmm thinking about replaying rdr2 to maybe reignite my hyperfixation shjgdhadgfhj
honestly i just dont know what to post bc the other stuff i draw isnt really related to any fandom stuff so. yah...,,.
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gaysonlyocean · 9 months
on one hand it fucking sucks that the only presents by the tree are the ones me and my brother wrapped for everyone but on the other i am so excited to see peoples reaction to what i got them
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skul-the-terf-slayer · 3 months
Get your deranged ableist fuckwit blog out of my face
ok ihave looked through my posts from the last two weeks and i genuinely have no fucking clue what you are talking about
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dumdaradumdaradum · 1 year
if I got a dollar or everytime I go into a band after it disbanded, I'd have two which is not a lot but
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
just got an influx of straight up wild asks in my inbox and like... they're giving me a run for my money, not cause they hold any substance but cause they're just so out there I don't even know what I'm supposed to say.
send help.
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junipum · 1 year
"you can't always get what you want" playing at the same time as he says yes to cuddy offering stacy the job... as the whole episode is "omg house so wants her back!!" but then as soon as she possibly can he realizes that he actually Does Not want that. and yes i know they kiss later but like. i feel like that's still him grasping onto the straws of what they used to have before the infarction and before she LEFT because she couldn't deal with him and the decision she made AGAINST HIS WILL!!!! will never get over that. i hate the stacy arc
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panzershrike-pretz · 5 months
Ignore me :3
Why do I always have to put up a fight with my mom?
She should've known by now that I am the way I am- always have been, mind you
I don't wear small dresses, shorts, skirts or clothes that show my skin too much. In fact, I absolutely despise such clothes - especially those crop top thingies
I always hated them, I only wear pants and long dresses/skirts. Anything that shows my belly, legs or shoulders is what I jokingly call slutty
Damn it, I go to the beach wearing pants????
Even so, my mom still tries to push them down my throat. Still buys me stuff even if I throw a fit, no matter how much I tell her to not even waste the money on that. Guess what? My closet is full of stuff i'll never use. Stuff that's too short, too showy, too shiny, too glued-to-the-body. And that she gets mad if I try to donate because "some day you'll want something like that" (for fucking what, exactly???)
Now, she just made me a skirt I begged her too and I absolutely loved it. Its pretty, its long, its black and has only a little glittler. It has layers, its so pretty and flowy
And she made me try it on with a cropped she bought. Even if I told her i'd not use it becauss it showed too much. And, indeed, I look terrible and I hate myself with that on.
I'm tired of sometimes having to scream to be heard-
I told her to resell it, but she still wants to keep it. What is so hard to understand that I do not want that stuff?
Sometimes I think she wishes I was different from who I am
If I liked small clothes, make up, pretty shoes and was less like this, would I be fucking heard?
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fragiledate · 1 year
hard day!
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some stills and colour palette explorations. i ended up going very simple
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I'm sorry to hear about your family and your family trees. I hope that you and your family are doing ok.
It also sucks that you also suffer the chronic condition of pretentious wankers sitting in their glass buildings, screaming that if they can't see a problem from their porcelain throne it doesn't exist. Telling all the locals that they know better from a thousand miles away because they have a fancy name plate. It's sickening that the ass holes in their positions that are supposed to represent and help the population ignore major problems that everyone warns them about but dismiss it because they can't see it from their homes. Then they use the money for them selves, I just hope your politicians don't decide to go on holidays.
Honestly though, I hope you and your family stay strong and make it through this.
Thank you! its a lot of emotions
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