#thats canon even with the censer
shirtlessfelix · 3 years
Hello, hope you're having a good day/night
I was wondering if i could get a tooth-rooting romantic fluff of Susie x Adiris (my thought process was "i like to play as Legion and i like to play as Plague, so thats good enough reason to ship them")
Hi, I am so far! Hope you are too ^^ That's essentially how I come up with ships too lmao, if I even vaguely like two characters I will put them together no questions :P canon shmanon! Pretend Adiris has her own realm for this one :')
Untitled Adiris x Susie Fluff
581 words
More than any other killer, Susie likes to stand behind the tall brick barricades and watch trials from as close up as she can get. While the Legion's power may be limited, she's learned so much by watching the others turn the trial grounds into a bloodbath, the riveting nature of a successful ending always leaving her excited for her next round. Lately, she's had an eye for the High Priestess, Adiris, and her fixation grows more and more with every trial.
Adiris couldn't be less like Susie with her elegance in the way she walks with such poise and carries her censer so carefully through the air. She's a lady, unlike the Legion girl, who's quick and clumsy at times with little regard for manners. And despite how protective the Legion is of her, Susie doesn't think twice about sneaking off to the little piece of Babylon that the Entity kept for Adiris. No one visits her. Susie is glad that she'll be alone.
When she walks through the gates, the Temple of Purgation towers over Susie up close for the first time. She's only ever seen it from above; it's much more intimidating from where she stands now in its arid homeland. The sun shines down harshly on her until she steps inside, where Adiris is waiting for her. Word gets around when the Plague has visitors, especially ones who creep on her work.
But she doesn't mind Susie's presence in the slightest; she welcomes it with a smile and open arms for her to run into. Susie is lifted into Adiris' embrace, the censer surrounding them in fragrant smoke. The Legion girl can't help but giggle as she holds Adiris tightly and slides her mask off with her other hand.
Susie plants a kiss on the other killer's cheek before her feet touch the ground again, and she holds onto Adiris' arm with her whole body. She's led to the temple's big courtyard in the back where they sit on the edge of a fountain, and Adiris puts her censer down to push Susie's hair out of her face. "I'm glad you came to me," she says. "You're beautiful in the sunlight."
"Not like you," Susie tells her. "You're meant for the sun." She brings a hand up to Adiris' face, admiring the shadows of the dangling jewels of her headdress and the way the light dances through them over her skin. Susie's thumb slides over her lips before she presses a kiss onto them, a smile forming the moment they connect.
"It loves you just as much as I do." At this, Susie blushes and kisses her again, eager to return the sentiment even though she's too shy to speak. Adiris wraps her arms around Susie, combing through her long hair with her golden nails and admiring her in the light, wishing she still glowed the same way like she did before she fell ill. She's happy that Susie loves her anyway. It makes her feel like she does glow.
They spend as long a time together as they can before Adiris is reminded that she has a trial soon, and Susie leaves one of her pins for her that she clips onto the front of her dress. "I'll see you again, my love," the Plague tells her, and she skips off with a golden ring off of the Plague's finger. She wears it under the sleeve of her sweater, their secret safe under its thick fabric.
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rosenfey · 6 months
i love love love the censer as a weapon but please know that I also imagine dd2!faerene wielding a tea kettle filled with mushroom tea and glitter...
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