#thats not to say the first two didn't have any silly shit in them bc god did they ever GLKSJDFG
psychiclounge · 1 year
wrote up a whole rambling nonsense post but i can boil it down to two points that are still too long for what i’m saying. so far:
1. i do not like the movement and weapon controls, they’re floaty and loose and have little impact, finding it hard to adjust to considering how much i love how the first two games play + the way the camera like, tracks on garrett’s head and bobs around makes me feel kinda ill
2. i expected this to some degree but so far its been very silly. Very silly. that’s fun, but it also just keeps taking me out of it, its a really different vibe. shoutout to the shopkeeper/fence dialogue, every single one has immediately stopped me in my tracks the moment they open their mouth. bertha where did you pick up that whole shtick lkJHLKJH
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someonewhos-world · 9 months
Thinking about my dumb little total drama oc.
Zagreus does make friends with the cast,they do. But no one actually trusts them because 98% of the time they're blank faced and dead silent save for the occasional greeting,insult or confessional. The only time they talk to the others in Island is the first day they step off that boat and greets Chris with "hi." In a low voice. The next time they interact in Island is to laugh at Noah when he gets hit with the dodgeball during Dodgebrawl before ultimately getting hit with one afterwards. Then their double elimination with Tyler in Phobia Factor.
The next time they speak and interact is during World Tour,(They didn't go to Aftermath in Season 2 bc they were visiting family in NYC and going to school. In manhunt, they're just coincidentally there and Sierra bombards them with questions that they dont answer.)
Zagreus's first speaks just to comment that they have a doctor's note to not even be there due to a surgery weeks before for appendicitis. Then the songs, they do sing. They make comments on Alejandro in confessional too. The only times they interact with the guy is to grab onto him during the Yukon episode and a few times on the plane.
They're mostly seen interacting with Izzy or Owen and Noah or even Heather and Courtney. Other than those,they're relatively quiet. In pain but quiet. Then they speak during their elimination, if it could be called that ig, Zagreus gives Noah their book of Macbeth (the book being thoroughly fat with post its and bookmarks and notes and some lines highlighted with insights) and leaves with the quote of "Something wicked this way comes." And sees Ezekiel on the way down where they scream in horror at how he looks.
The next time Zagreus is seen is in Aftermath of World Tour for a few moments in the background.
The official next time Zagreus is seen by their old castmates is in Ridonculous Race. They're not alone! They're competing with their best friend Sylvester (Syl) as the team "Losers". That's when they realize Geoff,Owen and Noah are competing. Zagreus is more open during RR,Grinning and not as blankfaced because they're comfortable now.
They talk to Owen openly during the competition and smiles more. They also gain a crush on Emma but is like "I see how Noah looks at her and it's how I use to look at him and Cody and I think him and Emma would be really cute together???" And competes as a way to distract themself (which is hard bc Syl gains a crush on BOTH ice dancers and Zag is like "literally wtf is wrong with you,THOSE TWO ARE SO??? THEY'RE STARING DIRECTLY AT THE CAMERA???" I think the ice dancers are silly. Zag is chill with the crush)
Zagreus says nothing about Syl's crushes bc then Syl,like any true bestie, will bring up the Noah and Cody crush Zag had and Zag will literally yell at them with a voice so high they could crack glass probably. Like "you literally liked two twinks stfu and now you're pulling a Angelica Schyler dont talk to me rn" "THATS DIFFERENT??? THESE ARE ICE DANCERS WHO KEEP TELLING US THEY'RE ICE DANCERS???" "YOU LIKED A GEEK AND A REALLY MEAN NERD" "STFU YOU'RE A MEAN NERD" etc etc.
They do talk with Emma and Kitty!!! Even laugh at Noah's expense on the first challenge with the observation deck but cant say shit because it almost happened to them if they didnt piggyback with Syl,so they laugh when he falls into really cold water. They compliment Emma and ask her about her classes,telling her that they're taking classes for Psychology and Writing. They take selfies with Kitty bc uh??? Traveling??? Not dying??? Awesome literally. They do lose eventually, before Noah and Owen lose. Syl and Zag just walk off laughing and gossiping and shit and someone gets aggressively shoved into something and the other gets shoved just as hard back.
Sorry rant over I just think they're neat.
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rhaaclaws · 2 years
HI rhaast ^_^ throws these numbers at you 9, 25, 30, AND 56 :]
9. Fave fight?
KC AND METALLICA MY BEST FRIENDDDDDD listen its gross but thats one of the things I love about it. like the bullshittery and the thought process from each fighter AND MY FRIEND KCCC WOOOOO its so good I rewatch it so fucking often [and then cry at ep28 to humble myself] Another one of my fav fights is Bites The Dusts and Made In Heaven because these two terrify me sooo much like THE HORRORS. BTD with how I was constantly worried shaking and crying over who was gonna die [and listen. you didn't hear it from me but when I thought rohan was gonna die I was CRYINGGGGG like tears down my face it was kind of gross] and MIH is just auauhghghghgh the HORRRORSSSSSSSS like what the fuck.... it did everything it had to do RIGHT but it hurt so fucking much and that damn ending. makes me want to explode anyways teehe "you daughter is your weakness" Dies
25. Stand ability you think wasn’t used well enough in the series?
Sorry for focusing so much on diu and va I'm just silly BUT. Love Deluxe, Purpy haze and Spice girl. first off ik this is more of just the character instead of stand but shhhhh Yukako could've bodied fucking everyone in that damn cast she'd get kira in one hit as she should! PURPY HAZEEE this is obvious but Please pelsepolease I need to see him again I'm so devastated WITH THAT COOL ASS THEME TOO..... BRUH... anwyays Spice Girl my best friend he could've also done it all but noooo. Whatevers.
30. Rank your order: Jojo main villains
ok im exceptionally bad at ranking things BUT I have two lists, villains I Like and how much they scare me. In terms of who I like
Diavolo [toxic slutch privileges]
Dio [sorry hes just such a bad bitch]
Kars [she's my best friend, not really a villain but deserves to be on here]
Pucci [Many thoughts but I trust my friends like Quintus to do him justice, pucci is funny though but please go to therapy instead of projecting]
The bitch who shall not be named
Kira [i think hes the best jojo villain in terms of playing his role and bringing that awful unsettling feeling that shit is WRONG]
I'm gonna be honest everyone else is under here in near the same level because I'm only really scared by kira. pucci isn't scary for me bc i was raised around Catholics, whats he gonna do? preach to me? kars is my friend and everyone else id have no way of meeting bc I'm in Mexico yall stay safe though 🙏
56. Any headcanons?
LITERALLY SOOOOOO MANYYYYYYY im only gonna mention some that im obsessed with rn bc its so much dude I have a google docs just for the main p5 cast and its like. 4 pages long
Akira and Yukako are siblings its true to me it happened and its real like they're SOOO SIBLINGS. they are going to the powerlines and throwing bricks at it and causing electrical damages I could talk about them for hours
I RLLY LIKE THE ONE where the reason Jolyne can turn her midriff into a Mobius strip for the strings is that Jotaro was so traumatized from seeing Kakyoin having a hole in his stomach he passed that trauma onto her and it was a form of protection so she'd never have to go through that again. there's this one post from a couple years ago that says this beautifully but i don't think i can find it
anyways. funny one next: Tiziano almost exclusively uses toxic paints because "theyre the best quality" best friend that's mercury you're snorting
Fugo cut those holes as a way to 'stay clean' from self harm and as a reminder that he's not touched. victim to victim communication
ALSO i rlly like that idea that stands will manifest if the user is experiencing strong emotions [ex Giorno gets super excited and starts growing flowers around]
another stand based one is that when you get your stand they change something physical abt you [like Yukako's hair got wayyy long and thicker bc of Love Deluxe, Diavolo's eyes turned into that shattered green bc of King Crimson, shit like that]
Abbacchio had one hell of a gender adventure. the 'well I'm fascinated by femininity but I'm not a girl' to 'well i like being called a girl but by strangers by presumption' to 'Wait.'
I was talking abt this to Raph earlier but Reimi likes to scare ppl in the alley like that scene in Beetlejuice with the fucked up faces
She tried it on Yukako and she was like. Holy shit can you do that again?
This is bc Yukako is a horror fan through and through. her gay awakening and first movie crush was the girl from the ring SOBS
Also I see Yukako as a lesbian because her arc literally reminds me so much of comphet and the fucking lengths I've gone to be like 'wellll i Have to like men'
This is stolen from a rlly good fic but Akira was struck by lightning as a kid
Fugo is a fucking HATER. this is just canon but whatevs
I think its be fun for Mista to experiment with the Genderisms through drag
Trish and her punk album can be something so personal
Ok tahts rlly long but im always willing to give hcs on fucking. Anything bc my brain is so fat and juicy with intelligence 24/7 its so hard ANYWAYS THIS WAS FUN
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