#thats such a boring name sometimes i wanna question what i was thinking in 2020 to pick such a name but
sirnavergi · 10 months
ahhhhhhhh…. my wips r never gettimg finished….
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Blue Neighborhood Series: HEAVEN (Brita/Aiden) - Mac
AN: Meggie is my love and my personal guardian angel. All my love and thanks to her for betaing and being my cheerleader.
Summary: Brita is straight. Aiden is annoying. Yet somehow they seem to make a pretty good pair.
Brita smiled instinctively down at her phone vibrating in her hand.
A: what are ure plans during lit class
She quirked an eyebrow up as she typed out a reply.
B: Lit class.
Aiden’s next message came only seconds later.
A: boo
A: that’s boring
Brita chuckled under her breath.
A: come to the bleachers
A: we can throw rocks at the PE class
B: Isn’t that dangerous?
A: no we should be fine
B: For THEM?
A: oh
A: yeah
A: thats the fun part
Brita couldn’t help the giggle she let bubble out.
B: Fine.
Aiden sent her back a smiley face with a tongue sticking out, and Brita again found herself marveling at how such a small gesture made such strong affection bloom in her chest.
Not that she would ever admit it.
Because then Aiden would get a big head and start listing off all the reasons she was superior to every living thing. Brita knew her well enough by now, after a week of non-stop texting, to know what she would do.
Her friends thought it was weird. Specifically, Jackie. Even though she had been there the night of Heidi’s revenge that the two made their initial connection.
“I just never pegged you being Aiden’s type, that’s all,” Jackie had joked.
Brita had insisted that it wasn’t like that. She had a boyfriend. She was straight.
“So is pasta till you heat it up,” Gigi teased.
Brita had rolled her eyes and ignored their comments. It wasn’t weird. She was just making a new friend. A new friend that wasn’t involved in every other aspect of her life the way, Jan, Jackie, and Gigi were. It was actually really nice to have an outsider’s perspective a lot of the time, and Aiden was the definition of an outsider, with her short jet black hair and pallid complexion, as well as her inability to stand anyone else for longer than a few minutes. Her narcissism and general disdain for humanity were surprisingly refreshing to someone like Brita, who, as Aiden had pointed out, was ‘perpetually joyous.’
Brita had called her pretentious for using the word perpetually but had smiled nonetheless at the title.
As she made her way out the side door of the school and headed toward the bleachers, she noted the skip in her step and found that she brushed it off without any real concern. Brita’s heart was hammering in her chest as she rounded the platform to look up into the bleachers.
Aiden stuck out like a small girl wearing mostly black in rows and rows of empty bleachers did.
“Took you long enough,” she teased as Brita climbed the steps.
Brita rolled her eyes. “The bell just rang, you idiot.”
“Idiot? You’re the one skipping class, stupid.”
“So are you!”
Aiden shook her head. “I always skip class.”
“Well, aren’t you so cool,” Brita teased. “What next, you’re gonna tell me you drive a motorcycle and wear leather jackets unironically?”
Aiden opened her mouth to speak but bit her tongue on a reply.
“No!” Brita exclaimed.
Blotches of color jumped to Aiden’s cheeks, and she hid her face in her hands.
“You don’t! Really?” Brita gasped dramatically. “You drive a motorcycle, oh my god, Aiden.”
“You’re the worst.” Aiden groaned.
“You are such a stereotype.” Brita chuckled.
“I am not the bad girl lesbian stereotype.”
“You so are.”
Aiden lifted her head to shoot Brita a death glare, but she only succeeded for a few seconds before they both burst into a fit of giggles.
“Well, your nickname is Brita so I’m not sure I should really care what you think.”
Brita grinned. “At least I don’t have a boy name. Did your parents plan on you being a lesbian?”
“Did your parents plan on you being a water filter? What the fuck kinda question is that?”
Brita chuckled, deep and loud and she wondered in the back of her mind why her chest felt so light, and her head so heavy. It was unlike anything she had felt before. But then again, Aiden seemed to always be pulling things from her that she hadn’t expected.
“So what’s the game plan?” Brita asked.
Aiden smiled and outstretched a hand.
She led Brita back down the steps and around to the rough gravel that covered the ground beneath the bleachers. Aiden pointed at the small gaps in the metal, just wide enough to throw something through if you aimed it right.
Brita learned this the hard way after attempting to throw some of the gravel pieces and having them ricochet back at her at alarming speeds.
Aiden just laughed at her and made fun of her aim.
When students began running around the track, warming up for class, Aiden actually managed to nail a few of them in the legs. Brita did her best to go with the flow, but after Aiden nailed some girl in the head, Brita managed to convince her to chill out for a second.
They sat on the rough gravel, Brita surprised to find herself unconcerned with the scrapes she would definitely have later.
They fell into comfortable bickering. Aiden making fun of Brita for masking her insecurity by being popular. Brita making fun of Aiden for being edgy as a defense mechanism to keep people from hurting her.
Normal friend stuff.
Brita noticed sometime after a while that they were actually sitting closer than she had thought previously. She could make out Aiden’s face more clearly. Could see the pores in her forehead and the wrinkle beside her left eye that was deeper than the others.
And just as soon as she noticed that she noticed Aiden’s lips inching closer to hers and she wasn’t sure who moved first, but suddenly their lips were pressed together like an accordion and she felt tingling from her spine to her toes.
Just as soon as it had happened, Brita felt a hand on her shoulder and a booming voice in her ear declaring detention.
Brita didn’t have enough time to process before she was being pulled by the back of her shirt toward the school. She ducked her head in shame and went about the rest of her day to the best of her abilities, all the while trying to ignore the pit in her stomach and the way she could still taste licorice on her lips if she thought too hard.
When the final bell rang, dismissing them, Brita made her way to the math department hallway, slowly, loath for anyone to catch her going to detention and possibly asking questions she wasn’t sure she had the answers to.
Brita took the first available seat, pointedly ignoring that Aiden was already there and sitting atop the box air conditioner unit by the window.
To make matters worse, they were the only two students that had gotten detention that day. This was according to Mr. Matthews, the home economics teacher who barely made the effort to show up before claiming he had business to attend to in his office, and left the two girls alone in the classroom with a warning to stay put.
When Aiden rolled her eyes pointedly, Mr. Matthews reminded the two of them that he would be contacting their parents about the matter if they couldn’t behave appropriately at school.
“Fuck.” Brita exhaled as soon as the door shut. “Fuck.”
“Shut up,” Aiden groaned.
“You shut up,” Brita snapped. “Fuck,” she repeated. “My parents can’t know.”
Aiden gave an aborted laugh. “It’s 2020 if they still give a fuck about having a gay daughter then-”
“I’m not gay,” Brita cut her off.
Aiden’s posture stiffened, almost reflexively.
“I’m not,” Brita repeated.
“You kissed me,” Aiden spoke softly, testing out the words on her tongue.
Brita shook her head. “Well, y-you didn’t stop me.”
“I didn’t wanna stop you,” Aiden said simply.
“Aiden!” Brita exclaimed, turning to get a full look of the other girl.
She just shrugged. “I am gay. I’m not gonna stop a pretty girl from kissing me.”
Brita did her best to ignore that Aiden calling her pretty made her stomach jump.
Her best didn’t seem to be enough because her brain, ever the helpful tool it was, decided that was a perfect time to bombard her with images to the contrary of her statement. Flashes of Aiden’s smile, her dimples, the night they chased each other around the grocery store to Jackie’s displeasure.
The way that Brita couldn’t describe how incredibly freeing it was to feel understood.
“What’s wrong?” Aiden asked.
“I’m not gay.”
The black-haired girl rolled her eyes. “Why do you keep saying that?”
“Because you don’t believe me.”
Aiden just shrugged. “You’re right, I don’t.”
“Why not?” Brita questioned. “I’m girly, I’m a cheerleader for christ sakes. I like pink, I’m a fan of pop music.”
“Oh c’mon all your fucking friends are gay, you’re not about to tell me any of those things make you less of a homo.”
“Not all my friends are gay. Jan is straight.”
“I’m not so sure about that,” Aiden mumbled.
“Whatever.” Brita shrugged off the comment. “I like boys. I have a boyfriend.”
“Interesting that that isn’t the first thing you mention.”
“I’m flustered!” Brita exclaimed exasperatedly.
“You’re defensive. There’s a difference.”
“You aren’t helping.”
“When have you ever known me to be helpful?”
“I didn’t know you until a week ago.”
Aiden chuckled.
“What?” Brita asked exasperated.
“Nothing,” Aiden shook her head. “It’s just- you would be the one to forget.”
“Forget what?”
Aiden shot her a tight grin as she hopped off the air conditioning unit and walked over to Brita’s desk. “Growing up in the summer, you and me and all the other girls would pile onto our collective four bikes and ride to the ice cream shop.” Aiden shook her head, eyes crinkling up at the edges. “But you never wanted to ride, always said something about it being dangerous. So someone would have to walk with you because we were like six and pedophiles exist.”
Brita just stared at her in shock.
Aiden continued on. “Most of the time it was me. You and I would walk to the ice cream shop nearly every day in the summer.”
“Oh my god, you remember all that?”
Aiden shrugged simply, her shoulders coming up on either side of her head to wall her off from the outside world. “I remember a lot of things,” she attempted to say nonchalantly.
Brita could tell it meant more than the younger girl was letting on, but she let it go for now.
“Sometimes you insisted on holding hands too. That’s pretty gay,” Aiden threw out.
Brita bit back a chuckle, but the twinkling in Aiden’s eyes made it clear she hadn’t been as slick as she thought. “Why do you always know the right and wrong thing to say?”
“I’m good with people.”
Brita scoffed. “No, you’re not.”
“Well, not with them, but I understand them.”
Aiden paused and picked at the skin around her thumbnail. “You learn a lot about people by watching them.”
“That’s creepy,” Brita said after a moment of thick tension.
Aiden shrugged.
“Like what?”
Aiden quirked an eyebrow up in confusion.
“Like what have you learned?” Brita reiterated.
Aiden chuckled. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”
“Then show me.”
Aiden’s head whipped around, a smirk etched into the corner of her mouth.
“As you wish.”
She grabbed Brita’s hand and led her down the hallway, ignoring her concern that skipping out on detention was likely to land them in more detention. They headed to the opposite end of the school, through the hallways to the back of the art room, where Aiden stopped Brita from charging out with a hand.
She put her finger to her lips and then mimed taking a whiff.
Brita did as she suggested and inhaled deeply. She was almost knocked over by the stench of weed that filtered through the propped door.
“Mr. Mathhews smokes a joint out there every day after school,” Aiden whispered.
She took Brita’s hand again and led her next door to the theatre, up the stairs to the old prop room. They paused again outside the door and Brita could hear whispered curses and the repeated sound of skin slapping skin.
“Mr. Kressley and Mr. Rice get it on in the prop room every Tuesday while they tell their wives they’re in charge of academic club.”
Aiden took Brita’s hand again and pulled her across the hallway to a set of doors that lead toward the sports stadiums. She propped open the glass doors and leaned against the frame, letting the cool autumn air filter into the building.
Aiden pointed to the far line of trees that made up the side of the baseball field.
“And out in the sports shed, Dahlia sells her old essays to freshmen.”
Brita just looked at her in awe. No wonder Aiden thought she was better than everyone. She was sitting on all this information constantly, keeping everyone’s secrets.
“It’s funny, you know all this dirt on people,” she mused. “You could almost… I dunno, run a drama account or something,” Brita teased.
Aiden chuckled. “Yeah, I guess I could.”
Brita rolled her eyes.
When Aiden turned back around to look at her, they were close again, the same weird feeling taking root in Brita’s chest as she felt Aiden’s warm breath against her cheeks. This time, however, when Aiden moved closer, Brita stopped her with a hand to the younger girl’s chest.
Almost as soon as they made contact, something hard passed behind Aiden’s eyes and she pulled away like her skin burned.
“Aiden.” Brita sighed.
“I’m nobody’s girlfriend,” Aiden breathed, “but I thought we could at least be…”
Brita shook her head lightly. “I am somebody’s girlfriend.”
Aiden nodded once and set her jaw firmly before turning on her heel and heading down an adjacent hallway.
Brita let her go.
She went back to detention and finished the rest of her time, mind still processing the events of the day and her own feelings relating to them.
Sooner than she expected, Mr. Matthews dismissed her and warned her about landing here again. Brita took his advice seriously and nodded, thanking him as she exited the classroom, pulling out her phone reflexively.
She had two Instagram notifications; she had been sent a post and had been tagged in a post. She clicked on the link and felt her stomach fall to her feet.
The school drama account had updated.
It was a grainy picture from sometime in the past week of Brita and Aiden tucked away into a corner of the school. Brita’s head was thrown back in a laugh, and an all too familiar smirk was plastered on Aiden’s face.
The caption made the churning in Brita’s stomach all the more painful.
Opposites attract.
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crystu-cii · 4 years
Of course!! 💕💞💕💕💕💞💞
wHEeze okay mood-- I actually went in my backyard with a mask on today(not intentionally, my sister sprayed febreeze and I'm sensitive to fragrances soo-- but the entire time I was like "wtf I'm telling crys about this later" XDD
XD also baby jail- puts a laundry basket over him- there now I'm safe-- dangg never had a pet?? I recommend a dog(specifically shelties/sheltie mixes!! They're beautiful and playful!! And the type of dog I've had all my life :3) I.. ban?? Like ban ban??? Wh????
I am! XDD I'd (at least probably) say something if I wasn't-- of course!!!! 💞💕💞💕💞💞💕
Me too!! I miss hanging out with them :/ but so many live super far sooo :,D OH DEAR-- yeah nonononoooo-- Do Not-- YEAH better safe than sorry nO--
Yeahh, I decided not to take any more creative classes in school anymore anyways--they don't suit me at all-- OH DANG-- YALL REALLY OUT HERE PISSING OFF THE CHOIR TEACHER??? DAMNNN-- XDDD YESSS-- awwwwhh :( oh well, on steam you can mood games sooo-- if you haven't asked for it, I recommend the portal games 👀 they're SO GOOD and I'll simp for both Glados and Wheatley, don't test me (unless you're Glados or Wheatley) /hj BUT THEY'RE SUCH WELL-MADE CHARACTERS-- BUT VALVE CAN'T COUNT TO THREE SOOOO-- (but there is a cool portal 2 mod coming out in April 2021(plus another from the past I think!) that looks incredibly promising!!!) and oooooohh I actually haven't seen much about it 👀 but from what I have seen it looks fun!!!!
opens calendar app-- can I just say it's so rare to meet people born in the early months-- like January and February, especially SO EARLY in the months of just unheard of XD I have a singular other friend born in January, on the 21st-- and I knew a girl who was born February but like I don't really like her or know her well so she doesn't count--
and omgg XDD im lowkey sensitive to fragrances to- when its too much and all- like i would only spray myself with perfume ome to three times while my mom is here doing like tWENTY SPRAYS AND IM LIKE "hEYo BRO I CANT B R E A T H E" /nm- its wild XDD
AND LEGITTT My mOm NEEEDS SLEPPP- quarantine has ruined her so hard- its ironic- I M supposed to be the rebelious one- XDD
WHWHWHEEZE B AB Y JA I L- XDD and yeahh- well my brother has an aussie dog (the one i said their name was also astro xD) but sometimes im just like- "yeah- thats my dog too-" i even mentioned it on a introduce yourself assignment for school xD and omg i dont know my dog types but i searched up what sheltie dogs look like and OMGG???💞 YESS A FLUFFY DOG I always dream of having a dog soo fluffyy- but i expect that it would be a pain to clean up the fur all the time XDD and well i MeAANn- not really ban but like- whenever i speak about pets at all to my mom- it would go like- me: we cant even have ONE pet? | mom: no | me: how about a fish?? | mom: wELL ***-BRINGS UP EMBARRASING ACTION I DID AS A TODDLER-*** ) so i just assume thats her way of saying- no fish. XDD
and phew thats good! the least thing i'd want is make you uncomfortable in any way ;w;; 💞💞 gosh- even hanging out with friends is like russian roulette- XDD before covid and all i would always go to Larie's house every single weekend because my mom would always go there every weekend to play mahjong (its a little gambling game) and i would just be like "YEAH IM COMIN TOO-" - like OMG- literally friend's moms being friends with your mom is just the definition of LIFE GOALS- and it would be so fun every time i go there too- my mom would play with them till midnight or literally up to 3 am- so me and larie would just do the most wackiest stuff- along with eating loads of snacks and watching random shows or anime XDD ahh its only months ago since it stopped but it already feels nostalgic xD
and LEGITTT- WHENEVER we ask them "hey what you gonna dress up this halloween" thEY woULd JusT Be Like "huh halloween whats that--" XDDD but they end up trying to celebrate it with us at the very least- xD anD YEAP WELCOME TO WHEN its the time of the year where the month names start ending with "ber" aka CHRISTMAS CHAOS TIME- /hj xDDD
mann for my school we had to choose between three music electives- band, orchestra, choir- i chose orchestra and it was AWESOME- until it was my last year and THE FUCKING ORCHESTRA TEACHER QU IT (it was reasonable actually- she had a sickness) and the cLASS JUST TURNED TO SHITITITHKAHTLQJF I HATED IT it came from my favorite class to the WORST in an InSTANT im SOBBING- but even the whole school is just utter bull- during that same year- i had six classes(a teacher for each) and guess what- THREE OF THOSE TEACHERS LEFT- LIKE EXCUSE YOU?? my 2020 was already RUINED before even COVID CAME like WTHHH- so yeah it was crazy- at that point we were all in despair and the school became more ghetto than it was before(everyone would keep saying "wErE In The GheTtO RATTATATAAA" every time we reach school grounds- its funny cause its true- XDD) yeah its crazzyy
and Oh YEHAH the mods are sickk- mods make my dont starve together gameplay so much better xDD and ooh i have seen portal before but i never actually played em- i think i was watching the walkthrough of both games just to try to learn what the game was about- but in the end- i forgot everything from what the heck our objectives of the game was other than to solve mind blowing puzzles- XDD but cAN i JUST SAY THE SONGS ABSOLUTELT BOPPED THO? THE ENDING SONGS STILL ALIVE AND WANT YOU GONE GOT ME LIKE in TEARS to how good they were- like i jammed to them for a long ass while xDDD and ohhh i never seen any portal mods before! i didnt even know portal mods were a thing but that sounds SICKKK
and omg xD and wth- now that you mention it- like- SAMEE?? real life wise- the birthdays are scrambbled up- but lately on tumblr almost everyone has their birthdays around the the "ber" times and this has now made me realize it- like omg- XDD
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