#thaumaturge aimery park
thereal-linh-cinder · 4 years
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“My queen. Everyone thinks the princess is beautiful, but she is no match for Your Majesty. You are perfection.”
thaumaturge aimery park
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shellyseashell · 2 years
Notes: this chapter is so short it had no right taking as long to write as it did
Warnings: mentions of death, implied starvation, guilt
Act 2 - Guard
18: dead or alive
THE DAYS IN WAITING WERE AGONY. They were crammed into small rooms, tripping over each other when they moved. Not that they moved much. They had no where to go, and they were afraid to be heard, so they communicated in hand signals and messages on their one remaining portscreen. Or in Aminah and Ling’s case, whispers only the two of them could hear. Their isolation had given them plenty of time to process their feelings (though they hadn’t had the time or privacy to talk about it yet), and they rarely left each other’s arms. 
Ling’s arm was healing fine. It still hurt, but Wolf had stitched it up, and the risk of infection had passed. It wasn’t her dominant arm, at least, so if a fight came, she wouldn’t be completely useless. 
Then there was the issue of food, and Ling would never forgive herself for leaving their bag behind. There was too little food and too many people. Maha barely got enough food rations to feed herself, let alone six other people. Ling ate the least, a habit left over from her childhood (she almost expected her grandmother to force food in front of her, tell her to eat, but instead it was Aminah).
They tried to rework their plan, but there wasn’t much they could do. They couldn’t use the video, not without Cress (“I wish I’d taken computer science,” Aminah had said during one of those planning sessions. Thorne had asked if it would have helped, to which Aminah said, “No idea, but it sounds like it could.”).
After Ling had suggested finding Kalise (which they had deemed too dangerous, since it meant returning to Artemisia), they talked of a grassroots movement. Maha wold spread the word of Selene returning through the laborers at the mines, they’d send messengers into the tunnels, messages would be scrawled on the walls, like the ones they’d seen before. They decided against it, in the end, as it was a slow strategy and didn’t have much of a chance of success. There was a reason the Lunars were so isolated from each other — rebellion was hard to incite. 
Ling’s eyes were starting to burn, staring at the holographic map of Luna, the same one she’d stared at countless times in her life. No one had suggested anything new in over and hour. 
A chorus of chimes broke the silence, making Ling jump. The map faded, replaced with a mandatory broadcast, and Ling’s heart sank. 
Thaumaturge Aimery Park appeared before them, and it almost felt like he was in the room with them, like Ling could touch him if she reached out. “Good people of Luna,” he said, “please stop what you are doing and listen to this announcement. I am afraid we have tragic news to impart. Earlier today, Her Royal Highness, Princess Winter Hayle-Blackburn, stepdaughter of Her Majesty the Queen, was found murdered in the royal menagerie.”
Ling whimpered. Something deep in her, something holding onto hope that Winter and Jacin and Kalise (and Jie, but that was something she didn’t let herself think about) were alive shattered. Dead. Murdered. Winter was gone. Winter, who was her first friend. Winter, who comforted her after being caught by aristocrats. Winter, who walked her places to ensure she wouldnt be caught in the first place. Winter, who had sworn to protect her family. Winter, who was dead. 
Who would be next?
Aminah’s arms tightened around her, and Ling leaned into her. She didn’t want to cry — she hadn’t let herself cry over her family, not anymore, she didn’t want to be heard — but she couldn’t help the few tears that slipped down her cheeks. 
“We are reviewing security footage in an attempt to bring the murderer to justice, and we will not rest until our beloved princess is avenged. Though our devoted queen is devastated at this loss, she wishes to proceed with her wedding ceremony as scheduled, so we might have joy in this time of sadness. A funeral procession for Her Highness will be scheduled for the coming weeks. Princess Winter Hayle-Blackburn will be missed by us all, but never forgotten.”
Aimery disappeared. 
“I’m sure she’s so devastated,” Ling said, her voice thick with sarcasm and taking on a hardness she had rarely heard. “She ordered Winter to be killed.”
“I wonder what she did to anger her,” said Cinder. 
“Exist,” said Ling. “She can never be queen, but she’s more beautiful than Levana, and liked a lot more. She could still be a threat, especially now.”
Wolf’s head snapped up, his eyes locking on the window. His nose twitched as they watched him. His brow grew closer. 
“Wolf?” Cinder asked. 
He sniffed again, his eyes brightening. 
Then he was gone, hurling himself out the door.
Cinder jumped to her feet. “Wolf! What are you—”
The door slammed shut.
It only took a second for it to click with the rest of them, and then they were racing after him. Down the streets, doing their best to not be seen, and into a narrow alleyway between two factories.
When they arrived, Wolf was on the ground, the prisoner — Scarlet — wrapped in his arms. Thorne whistled, breaking the two apart from their kiss.
“I can’t believe it,” Scarlet said, stumbling to her feet. Wolf helped her stand. “You’re here. On Luna.”
“We’re here,” confirmed Thorne. “And if you’d bothered to RSVP, we would have brought you a snack. When was the last time you ate?”
As Scarlet glanced down at herself, Ling’s insides twisted. This was her fault. She’d brought Scarlet to that family. She’d been at her trial. She should have helped her escape, she should have . . . she should have . . . . There was nothing else she could have done. Like so many other things, there was nothing else she could have done. And yet, she desperately wished there had been. 
“You look lovely,” said Iko. “A little rough around the edges, but it adds character.”
“Um, thanks.” Scarlet wiped away tears. “And you are . . . ?”
Iko bounced on her toes. “It’s me, Iko! The captain found me a real body.”
Scarlet’s eyebrows raised, motioning to Ling and Aminah. “And they are . . . ?”
Ling pointed at Aminah. “Aminah.”
Aminah pointed at her. “Ling.”
Before Scarlet could reply, a voice that made Ling’s blood run cold and her legs go numb echoed through the alley.
“The parakeets sing ta-weet-a-weet-a-weet, and the stars twinkle all the night . . .”
It couldn’t be. It couldn’t be. She was dead. 
The song continued, a song Ling had heard so many times in her life, as she approached the cart where the noise was coming from. She pulled it back and . . . and this had to be a Lunar trick. Winter was dead, just like her family. 
She couldn’t be here, curled on her side, her skirt covered in blood, wearing a red jacket she knew was Scarlet’s, drawing designs in the wall.
“Winter?” Ling said.
Winter turned from the wall, lifted herself to her knees. “Ling!”
Ling dropped to her knees, pulling Winter into a hug as a sob escaped her. “I thought you were dead! They just — they just announced your death!”
“Jacin faked the murder,” Scarlet said, “and helped us escape.”
Of course he did. Of course he was still helping them, no matter where he was. 
“I’m so sorry about your family,” Winter said. “I tried to help them, but I failed.”
Ling pulled her closer, and more tears escaped. “It’s not your fault.”
They sat there for a few more seconds, and then Winter pulled away and faced Cinder. “You are my long-lost cousin and very dear friend. I could not believe it until now, but it is true.” She took Cinder’s hand. “Do you remember me?”
Cinder shook her head. “Ling told me about you though.”
“I’m surprised she remembers anything,” Winter said. “My memories are hazy, and I’m two years older than her. One older than you. Still, I hope we can be good friends again.” She lifted up Cinder’s cyborg hand. “Is it made of ashes?”
Ling snorted. She’d missed Winter. “Metal.”
Winter grinned. “Forgive me. You are no longer only my friend or cousin, and this is no way to greet you.” She rose to her feet, leaving Ling the only one on the ground, and dipped into a curtsy. “My Queen, it is my honor to serve you.”
“Er — thank you?” Cinder pulled her hand away and put it behind her back. “That’s kind, but you don’t have to do that. Again. Ever.”
Thorne cleared his throat. “We need to get back to the house. We’ve already risked drawing enough attention, and she . . .” He looked at Winter, almost suspicious. “. . . will definitely draw attention.”
Taglist: @salt-warrior @yeah-asbestos @cinderswrench @linh-song @cindersassasin @healing-winston-pratt @just2bubbly @gingerale2017 @thestarryeyedsapphic @zephyr-thedragon @that-glasses-dog
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wilds-ponytail · 3 years
I've got a whole bunch of side characters and stuff that I have, so I thought I'd share them too: Dr Erland- deku tree, Emile- dot, Scarlets grandma- ezlo, Luc- fours dad, wolf's thaumaturge- zant, Aimery park- ghirahim, Channery- Ganon, Kinney- shadow. All the non human things: Lunar sickness- windfish syndrome, Letumosis- malice, Rampion- king of red lions -nickel
These are all amazing but I’m just stuck on Ezlo as Scarlet’s grandma, because I’m convinced that they would both constantly use the fuck word if they could 😂
I love Shadow as Kinney it is perfect and I love it and wish them both all the best with their unconventional crushes/squishes (bc thats how i read it)
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150 Follower Celebration!
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Thank you guys so much for following me and joining in the madness and (especially) bearing with me through all the punmaking! I love you guys so much and it’s incredible that I get to celebrate my second milestone with y’all!
A couple things before we start:
To participate, pleeease be following me! I’m not checking or anything like that but it would be amazing if you were!
I’d absolutely love it if you’d reblog this post, but if you don’t that’s 1000% ok and feel free to join the celebration anyways
I’d like to get to know you guys more, so send me which fictional character you’re most similar to for either (or both) physical appearance and personality!
That’s all, loves! Thank you so much!
Alright so I have a bunch of things you can do! (Just send me the emoji that goes with it)
Send me a 🎶 and I’ll pick a song from my playlists and tell you what my favorite lyric is and which playlist it’s from!
Send me a 📚 and I’ll tell you a random book quote that I love and explain why I think it’s amazing!
Send me a 🔎 and I’ll send you a Buzzfeed Unsolved episode that I think fits you or your blog’s aesthetic! (Or that I just think you’d enjoy)
Send me a 💙 and I’ll give you a blog compliment!
Send me a ❓ and any question and I’ll answer it! (Within reason of course ;)
Send me a 🌙 for a Lunar Chronicles Blog Rate
Species: Earthen, Lunar, Part-Lunar, Wolf Mutant, Shell, Cyborg, Android (with a personality chip)
Best Friend: Linh Cinder/Selene Blackburn, Iko, Prince Kaito, Scarlet Benoit, Ze’ev Kesley/Wolf, Ran Kesley, Crescent Moon Darnel, Carswell Thorne, Winter Hayle-Blackburn, Jacin Clay, Liam Kinney, Emilie Monfort, Solstice Hayle, Evret Hayle, Linh Peony, Ryu
Enemy: Levana Blackburn, Aimery Park, Channary Blackburn, Letumosis, Sybil Mira, Wolf-Mutants, Fire, your own hallucinations, Linh Adri, Linh Pearl
Home: Eastern Commonwealth, Luna, France, Satellite, American Republic
Job: Ruler/leader, pilot, mechanic, spy, Lunar operative, thaumaturge, biochemist, engineer, Lunar courtesan
Special Skills/Powers/Tools: Lunar gift, immunity to Lunar gift, tranquilizer dart shooting mechanism, built-in lie detector, technological knowledge, diplomacy, hand-to-hand combat, pilot training
Some extras for my mutuals (I love and appreciate every single one of y’all)
Send me a 🖍 and I’ll create a too-long-with-a-name-pun Cath-style url for you (and if I don’t know your name, just send it with the ask)
Send me a 🎇 and the name of another blog that I know (if you’re unsure feel free to PM me) and I’ll tell you what fictional ship would be most similar to you and that blog’s relationship! (You can ask for an OTP or a BROTP if you have a preference)
Send me a 🎭 and I’ll translate a book quote (or any quote really) to Pig Latin because nothing is sacred and I think it’d be funny :)
Thank you, lovelies, and I hope you enjoy!
All my love ❤️
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unlikely-allies · 5 years
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Stars Above by Marissa Meyer is a companion novel to The Lunar Chronicles series. The book contains several short stories featuring some of the main characters from the series. The first story, The Keeper, tells the story of how Scarlet’s grandmother Michelle Benoit comes to take care of Cinder prior to her cyborg surgeries. Michelle was one of four Earthen pilots chosen for a month-long diplomatic mission to Luna. While on Luna, Michelle meets Dr. Logan Tanner and they engage in a short affair, which results in the birth of Scarlet’s father. After not seeing each other for 30 years, Logan shows up on Michelle’s doorstep looking for somewhere safe to keep 3 year old Princess Selene while she is held in suspended animation. The surgeries that will provide the princess with her synthetic limbs cannot occur until she has grown more, so Logan needs someone to look after the unconscious princess until the time is right. After 2 years of taking care of Selene, and always looking over her shoulder, Michelle agrees to let her granddaughter Scarlet stay at the farm with her, though Scarlet is left in the dark about the presence of the princess. Eight years after Logan’s initial visit, he reappears again to tell Michelle that the princess’s surgeries must be done early because he is developing Lunar sickness and his mind is deteriorating. He has arranged for the princess to live with a man named Linh Garan in New Beijing. When the surgeries are completed and the princess is ready to begin her new life, it is Michelle who chooses the name Cinder.
Glitches, the second story, shows Cinder meeting her new stepmother and step sisters, as well as introducing the plague and even the character that would become Iko. When Garan brings Cinder home it is clear that Adri isn’t excited about having her in their home, but she isn’t quite as blatantly disgusted with Cinder as she is after Garan’s passing. Peony embraces Cinder from the very beginning, telling her about her favorite shows and playing dress up with her. To prove to her new family that she is useful, Cinder repairs the family’s disassembled android. Proud of her accomplishment and eager to show it off, Cinder goes to show her new family only to arrive in time to watch Garan be carted off. Garan had contracted the plague and this would be the last time that Cinder or her new family would see him again.
The next story, The Queen’s Army, provides insight into Wolf’s past. Ze’ev Ksley was conscripted into the army at age 12. He was given a brief moment to say goodbye to his family, knowing that he would not be able to see them again, and then lead away for surgery. He is unconscious for days after having his teeth, body, and overall genetics tampered with. Confused and unaccustomed to his own body, Ze’ev is literally thrown to the wolves. Jael, the pack’s thaumaturge gives a quick introduction before forcing Ze’ev to join his new pack members in their military-esque formation. Initially he resists, but his act of defiance is met with punishment. Ze’ev is content with his place in the middle of the pack until the day that Jael bring in Ze’ev’s little brother Ran as the last pack member. When Ze’ev tries to stand up for Ran, Ran becomes defensive and the hostility between the two brothers begins. One day, Queen Levana arrives to tell the packs that she will soon be choosing the groups that will serve as her special operations units. These packs will be spared from the additional surgeries required to become one of the Queen’s mutant soldiers. Ze’ev is picked to fight against his pack’s alpha, who he ultimately ends up killing. Ze’ev acknowledges his new position as Alpha with mixed emotions, but he is happy that his pack has been spared from becoming even more violent creatures.
The reader gets a peak into the backstory of Carswell Thorne in Carswell’s Guide to Being Lucky. A 13 year old Thorne is already ambitious and set on life as a pilot. His pompous parents believe he should follow in his father’s footsteps and attend the Andromeda school and join the military, but Thorne has bigger plans. But first he needs to pass math. Thorne, though shorter than his female classmates, is already a charmer and has many adoring female fans. He attempts to use this to his advantage in trying to get one of the smart girls, Kate Farrow, into helping him with math. When Thorne accidently embarrasses Kate in front of the class, he thinks that he has missed his chance. Upon returning to class after his lunch break, Thorne stumbles upon several bullies tormenting Kate. The bullies take away her portscreen and Thorne steps in to help Kate, earning himself a few bruises in the process. Thorne is punished by the administration for fighting, even though Kate explains what happened. To show her thanks, Kate agrees to let Thorne copy her math homework. This story is the one that Cress refers to in proving to Thorne that he is a hero. Thorne remembers what happened as being motivated by his selfish need to pass math, but the reader gets the chance to see that Thorne did step in simply because he wanted to help.
The next story has less of a positive message. After Sunshine Passes By is the story of how Cress comes to live in her satellite. Until she was 9 years old, Cress lived with the other shells in a dormitory on Luna. One day Sybil retrieves Cress to take her to complete a job for the Queen. Cress is convinced that she is being given the opportunity to go to Earth, but she instead flown out to the satellite that would become her prison. Though the story is short, After Sunshine Passes By is an important moment in the life of Cress’s character. It also serves to show that Cress’ positivity could not be staunched, even after years of living in solitary confinement. The disposition of Cress’ character is unaltered from when she first enters the satellite to the moments leading up to hat she believed to be her rescue.
The Princess and the Guard provides the reader with insight into Winter’s background and the relationship between her and Jacin. When Winter is 7 years old she compels a young woman away from the edge of the balcony in the throne room. Believing she has done the woman a kindness, Winter uses her gift to send the woman happy feelings when ever she sees her. This goes on for years until Winter realizes that the woman has been going out of her way to avoid Winter, and Winter doesn’t understand why. When Winter is 10 years old, her father Evret is killed by a thaumaturge, cause her to develop of fear of them. The death of her father also means that she is now left to be parented by only Levana. Soon after the death of Winte’s father, the woman who she saved when she was 7 ends up committing suicide. She had been being manipulated by thaumaturge Aimery Park for years and had recently become pregnant with his child. Winter realizes that upon saving her the first time, she was actually setting the woman up for continued abuse. This series of events causes Winter to give up using her gift. Winter’s first hallucination is of hearing her father’s voice. Queen Levana grows annoyed about Winter’s defiance in not using her gift, this is what leads to Levana cutting the princess’ face causing hat would become her trademark scars. Throughout the loss of her sanity and her abuse at the hands of Levana, Winter seeks comfort in Jacin’s presence. Jacin ultimately chooses to become a guard instead of leaving Winter after seeing what Levana has done to the princess’ face. Both Jacin and Winter accept their roles as pawns in Levana game, but find comfort in knowing that they have each other.
The seventh story, The Little Android, is about a Mech6.0 android that gets to experience what its like to be human. The android has a personality chip “defect”, similar to what causes the human-like aspects of Iko’s personality. After Mech6.0 goes rogue and saves one of the human workers who falls into a tank of oil and is scheduled to be disassembled, the android seeks help from none other than Linh Cinder. Without much time or money, the best that Cinder can provide the android with is an old escort-droid body to replace the one damaged by the oil. Though the speaking abilities of the android are nonexistent and a great deal of pain is experience when she tries to walk, Mech6.0 is pleased with her new form. A fake background and name allow Mech6.0, now called Star, to get a job at the shipyard where she worked as an android. Though Star gets to see what it is like to be human, she must also face the negative aspect of humanity such as prejudice and heartbreak.
Stars Above also provides the reader with Kai’s point of view of when he meets Cinder at the market. Though it can be assumed that the reader is already familiar with what happens during the story, it is still nice to get to see what was going on in Kai’s head during his initial interaction with Cinder. Kai is immediately taken with the young mechanic, and it is obvious that he has no idea how she feels about meeting him. Reading the scene from Kai’s point of view almost makes the fact that they end up together even more charming.
Something Old Something New is the final story in the Stars Above novel. Cinder had abdicated the Lunar throne and has taken the position of earthen ambassador. This will be the second time that Cinder has been back to Earth since the revolution on Luna, and it couldn’t be for a better reason. Scarlet and Wolf are getting married and the entire Rampion crew, including Jacin and Winter, are invited to the big day. Cinder and Iko are transported to Earth by Thorne and Cress who have made a home out of the Rampion, and Thorne has used his precious spaceship to take Cress to see everything that Earth has to offer. When the group arrives at Benoit Farms they are met with a heard of journalists eager to report on the upcoming nuptials and how it relates to the politics between Luna and Earth. It is obvious that Scarlet isn’t happy about all of the media attention, but she is willing to withstand it if it means having all of her friends present to see her and Wolf get married. What Scarlet doesn’t know is that her friends have prepared to have the ceremony early in order to avoid the unwanted media attention. While the girls figure out how to get Scarlet ready without tipping her off, the boys decorate the farmhouse and prepare for the ceremony. Scarlet is pleasantly surprised when the plan is revealed. Kai officiates the ceremony, and Scarlet and Wolf exchange the perfect vows. This story, the perfect end to any fairytale is made complete when Kai proposes to Cinder and she says yes.
Stars Above provides insight into well-loved characters and provides the series with a real fairytale ending. This companion novel is a must read for fans of The Lunar Chronicles, especially for those who are not yet ready to say goodbye to Cinder and the rest of the Rampion Crew.
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3 Fandoms Tag Game
thank you for tagging me @thereadingchallengechallenge
Rules: Choose any three fandoms and answer the questions, then tag people you want to know better.
The three chosen fandoms:
The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton
The first character you loved:
Sturmhond (he makes me so happy)
Izz and Maz (can’t separate them, sorry)
The character you never expected to love so much:
Oncat heh
Thorne (I can't believe I didn't like him once)
Shazad (badass)
The character you relate to the most:
Alina (at least in the beginning)
Character you’d slap:
(about 51 times) prince Vasily Lantsov (what an ass)
thaumaturge Aimery Park (his smug facE I CAN'T !@#)
Leyla (the Sultan's daughter)
Three favorite characters:
Nikolai, Alina, Genya
Thorne, Cinder, Scarlet
Shazad, Sam, can't pick more
Character you liked at first, but don’t like anymore:
Mal (he didn't annoy me at all when I first read the books. When I reread them, I wanted to kick him every time he spoke)
I like them all
The characters you didn’t like at first, but do now:
Jacin Clay
Three OTPs:
tagging: @myownlittlebookcorner , and you
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regolithwears · 7 years
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Outfit for Thaumaturge Aimery Park, Hermès.
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channary · 8 years
TLC characters I want to fight:
- Liam Kinney
- Linh Adri and Linh Pearl
- the Lunar executive that shot Maha Kesley
- (I’d fight Levana and Sybil but they’re already dead lmao rip)
- Liam Kinney
- I’d bring Thaumaturge Aimery Park back to life just to fight him
- Did I mention Liam Kinney
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Read Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4) online free by Marissa Meyer
Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4) Author: Marissa Meyer
The young princess was as beautiful as daylight. She was more beautiful even than the queen herself.
Winter’s toes had become ice cubes. They were as cold as space. As cold as the dark side of Luna. As cold as—
“… security feeds captured him entering the AR-Central med-clinic’s sublevels at 23:00 U.T.C.…”
Thaumaturge Aimery Park spoke with a serene, measured cadence, like a ballad. It was easy to lose track of what he was saying, easy to let all the words blur and conjoin. Winter curled her toes inside her thin-soled shoes, afraid that if they got any colder before this trial was over, they would snap off.
“… was attempting to interfere with one of the shells currently stored…”
Snap off. One by one.
“… records indicate the shell child is the accused’s son, taken on 29 July of last year. He is now fifteen months old.”
Winter hid her hands in the folds of her gown. They were shaking again. She was always shaking these days. She squeezed her fingers to hold them still and pressed the bottoms of her feet into the hard floor. She struggled to bring the throne room into focus before it dissolved.
The throne room, in the central tower of the palace, had the most striking view in the city. From her seat, Winter could see Artemisia Lake mirroring the white palace and the city reaching for the edge of the enormous clear dome that sheltered them from the... Read more: Read Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4) online free by Marissa Meyer #Romance #BillionaireRomance #New-Adult #Young-Adult #HotBookSeries #fantasy #Vampires #OthersBooks #ScienceFiction #Thriller #Horror #Classics #NewReleases #Mystery/Suspense #HotAuthors #Winter(TheLunarChronicles#4) #213 pages: #Previous #UnfinishedHeroseries #ColoradoMountainseries #Chaosseries #TheSinclairsseries #TheYoungElitesseries #BillionairesandBridesmaidsseries #JustOneDayseries #SinnersonTourseries #Manwhoreseries #ThisManseries #OneNightseries #Fixedseries #AThousandLetters #WastedWords #MyNotSoPerfectLife #Caraval(Caraval#1) #TheSunIsAlsoaStar #Everything,Everything #DevilinSpring(TheRavenels#3) #MarryingWinterborne(TheRavenels#2) #Cold-HeartedRake(TheRavenels#1) #NorseMythology
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snowwolf1118 · 10 years
I personally think Alpha Ze'ev Kesley, a.k.a. Wolf should be cast as a Turkish, Middle Eastern, and/or Hebrew character since his description was inspired by a Turkish musical artist. Just to expand the number people who can relate to Wolf. (Might ask my mom about young Middle Eastern actors. She watches a lot of good dramas on her Arabic channels.) However, I will accept ruggedly handsome men as Wolf any day.
Thaumaturge Aimery Park, going by his last name, should be cast as a Korean mix, maybe part African, Indian, and/or South Asian Pacific.
Those are just my thoughts.
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CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU DESERVE THE WORLD 🎶 💙 🌙 🖍 🎇 brotp with @penguin-wannabe
🎶 - Song from Playlist
Hey, Soul Sister by Train from my Relax/Rainy Day Playlist
Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains, I knew I wouldn’t forget you, and so I went and let you blow my mind
💙 - Blog Compliment
I honestly consider you one of the head blogs of the fandom, and actually, now that I think about it, you were my gateway to this fandom’s tumblr base because your follower celebration (i don’t remember which number) was the first one I ever participated in! You’re such a kind person and have such a sort of calming presence on my dash! Not to mention, you have some of the most fun celebrations on this site (my favorite parts being the Shadowhunter blog rate and the voice answers. PS I love your voice) ily thank you Vale ❤️
🌙 - Lunar Chronicles Blog Rate
Species: Earthen, Lunar, Part-Lunar, Wolf Mutant, Shell, Cyborg, Android (with a personality chip)
Best Friend: Linh Cinder/Selene Blackburn, Iko, Prince Kaito, Scarlet Benoit, Ze’ev Kesley/Wolf, Ran Kesley, Crescent Moon Darnel, Carswell Thorne, Winter Hayle-Blackburn, Jacin Clay, Liam Kinney, Emilie Monfort, Solstice Hayle, Evret Hayle, Linh Peony, Ryu
Enemy: Levana Blackburn, Aimery Park, Channary Blackburn, Letumosis, Sybil Mira, Wolf-Mutants, Fire, your own hallucinations, Linh Adri, Linh Pearl
Home: Eastern Commonwealth, Luna, France, Satellite, American Republic
Job: Ruler/leader, pilot, mechanic, spy, Lunar operative, thaumaturge, biochemist, engineer, Lunar courtesan
Special Skills/Powers/Tools: Lunar gift, immunity to Lunar gift, tranquilizer dart shooting mechanism, built-in lie detector, technological knowledge, diplomacy, hand-to-hand combat, pilot training
🖍 -Cath-Style URL
(Idk but the Spanish translation of Vale is “ok” so I figured I’d play of that, and I added another just in case)
🎇 - Inter-Blog OTP/BROTP
BROTP of @adharafairchild and @penguin-wannabe
Ship URL: @penguin-fairchild (move over banana Jace, it’s penguin Clary’s time to shine)
I think the fictional BROTP y’all would be most similar to is Nina and Inej’s from Six of Crows. You’re the most like Nina and Ritika is the most like Inej. Like Nina, you’re nurturing with a good sense of humor and the ability to add levity to a situation, and are simultateously super majestic and badass?? How do you do it?? And Ritika is like Inej, both in aesthetic and from what I could tell by the shocked reaction she had when I straight up told her we were friends 😂. Your relationship is super friendly and you two are fantastic both together and apart.
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ashjkdgf hey Cath, CONGRATS ON 150 FOLLOWERS!!! You're amazing my dear!! Physically I look most like Cristina but with a shorter hair and glasses... Can I ask for everything except 🔎❓🎭? (I love celebrations lol yours are amazing) ILY
Hi Ianny!! Thank youuuuuuu ily ❤️
🎶 - Song from a Playlist
New by Ben Platt from my Current Obsessions Playlist
Somewhere in your room I left my virtue and my favorite shoe, never give em back never give em back to me, you can walk a mile in them tell me how they feel on you
📚 - Book Quote
“And Sadie, if you’re out there, please let me know. Because I can’t take another dead girl.” ~ Sadie by Courtney Summers
Oof another morbid quote, sorry. But it’s so so so so so effective in the way it’s a callback to another quote at the very beginning. (I seem to like callback quotes the most, idk why). Also, the book has the kind of ending that makes you put down the book and say “holy fuck“ to yourself for a good ten minutes after, and that quote fully sums it up.
💙 - Blog Compliment
Ianny you fantastic human, you! Your blog aesthetic is super consistent, and at this point, I associate the blue and orange in your icon with you! Not to mention, you are incredibly kind and funny and your content is perfect. Keep being amazing!
🌙 - Lunar Chronicles Blog Rate
Species: Earthen, Lunar, Part-Lunar, Wolf Mutant, Shell, Cyborg, Android (with a personality chip)
Best Friend: Linh Cinder/Selene Blackburn, Iko, Prince Kaito, Scarlet Benoit, Ze’ev Kesley/Wolf, Ran Kesley, Crescent Moon Darnel, Carswell Thorne, Winter Hayle-Blackburn, Jacin Clay, Liam Kinney, Emilie Monfort, Solstice Hayle, Evret Hayle, Linh Peony, Ryu
Enemy: Levana Blackburn, Aimery Park, Channary Blackburn, Letumosis, Sybil Mira, Wolf-Mutants, Fire, your own hallucinations, Linh Adri, Linh Pearl
Home: Eastern Commonwealth, Luna, France, Satellite, American Republic
Job: Ruler/leader, pilot, mechanic, spy, Lunar operative, thaumaturge, biochemist, engineer, Lunar courtesan
Special Skills/Powers/Tools: Lunar gift, immunity to Lunar gift, tranquilizer dart shooting mechanism, built-in lie detector, technological knowledge, diplomacy, hand-to-hand combat, pilot training
🖍 - Cath-Style URL
My brain’s first thought was a meme, so it came up with this....... oops
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Congratulations!!!!!!!!!! Already at 150. That's amazing! It feels like just yesterday you made me follow you during Spanish class, almost getting me in trouble for being on my laptop. For the party, can I get everything except 🖍and ❓? For 🎇, how about me and @highladyofthesith (BROTP of course)?
Thanks A! Haha I remember that, and now you’re stuck in the madness (if you hate it don’t tell me).
🎵 - Song from Playlist
Feels like Loneliness by Sabrina Carpenter from my dance/choreography playlist!
Didn’t mean to be charming, such a beautiful darling, didn’t want to make you think we could be a thing I give you everything love
📚 - Book Quote
“Front seats are for people who haven’t been kidnapped by fucking numpties” ~ Fiona Pitch, Carry On
Tbh it’s my favorite thing to say if anyone attempts to sit in anything remotely similar to the front seat. (Ex: people in the desk in front of me)
🔎 - Buzzfeed Unsolved
💙 - Blog Compliment
Your blog is so much fun to scroll through, and it’s obvious through every post you reblogged that you’re hilarious! Not to mention, you’re so supportive of other blogs, and never hesitate to reach out if they’re feeling down. Keep up the amazing work!
🌙 - Lunar Chronicles Blog Rate
Species: Earthen, Lunar, Part-Lunar, Wolf Mutant, Shell, Cyborg, Android (with a personality chip)
Best Friend: Linh Cinder/Selene Blackburn, Iko, Prince Kaito, Scarlet Benoit, Ze’ev Kesley/Wolf, Ran Kesley, Crescent Moon Darnel, Carswell Thorne, Winter Hayle-Blackburn, Jacin Clay, Liam Kinney, Emilie Monfort, Solstice Hayle, Evret Hayle, Linh Peony, Ryu
Enemy: Levana Blackburn, Aimery Park, Channary Blackburn, Letumosis, Sybil Mira, Wolf-Mutants, Fire, your own hallucinations, Linh Adri, Linh Pearl
Home: Eastern Commonwealth, Luna, France, Satellite, American Republic
Job: Ruler/leader, pilot, mechanic, spy, Lunar operative, thaumaturge, biochemist, engineer, Lunar courtesan
Special Skills/Powers/Tools: Lunar gift, immunity to Lunar gift, tranquilizer dart shooting mechanism, built-in lie detector, technological knowledge, diplomacy, hand-to-hand combat, pilot training
🎇 - Inter-blog OTP/BROTP
BROTP of @beatitimreading and @highladyofthesith
First of all, your ship url is @beatitimasith
Overall, I feel like the BROTP you two are most like is Cinder and Winter’s from The Lunar Chronicles. You of course being Winter. Cinder is super sassy and capable and feels the responsibility of her power (in high lady’s case, she has a fantastically awesome blog and rp blog). You on the other hand approach your tumblr with a sense of “I think this post is funny so I want to share it” and you tend to reblog pretty adorable comics, which I feel like is something Winter would do. Not to mention you’re incredibly supportive. Honestly, I feel like you two’s blogs correspond to how Cinder and Winter’s would be if they had a tumblr, and your friendship reminds me of them.
🎭 - Pig Latin Translation
So you didn’t pick a sentence or anything so I’m just gonna translate the longest sentence from your ask!
“tIay eelsfay ikelay ustjay esterdayyay ouyay ademay emay ollowfay ouyay uringday anishSpay assclay (lol), mostalay ettinggay emay niay oubletray orfay eingbay noay ymay aptoplay.”
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Hey Kiraaaaa congratulations on 150 💚🎉💙 you’re the best ily! Can I get 🎶 🌙 🖍 plz thank you 😁
🎶 - Song from Playlist
Candy Store from Heathers: The Musical from my Slytherin Playlist
Of course if you don’t care, go and braid her hair, maybe Sesame Street is on
🌙 - Lunar Chronicles Blog Rate
Species: Earthen, Lunar, Part-Lunar, Wolf Mutant, Shell, Cyborg, Android (with a personality chip)
Best Friend: Linh Cinder/Selene Blackburn, Iko, Prince Kaito, Scarlet Benoit, Ze’ev Kesley/Wolf, Ran Kesley, Crescent Moon Darnel, Carswell Thorne, Winter Hayle-Blackburn, Jacin Clay, Liam Kinney, Emilie Monfort, Solstice Hayle, Evret Hayle, Linh Peony, Ryu
Enemy: Levana Blackburn, Aimery Park, Channary Blackburn, Letumosis, Sybil Mira, Wolf-Mutants, Fire, your own hallucinations, Linh Adri, Linh Pearl
Home: Eastern Commonwealth, Luna, France, Satellite, American Republic
Job: Ruler/leader, pilot, mechanic, spy, Lunar operative, thaumaturge, biochemist, engineer, Lunar courtesan
Special Skills/Powers/Tools: Lunar gift, immunity to Lunar gift, tranquilizer dart shooting mechanism, built-in lie detector, technological knowledge, diplomacy, hand-to-hand combat, pilot training
🖍 - Cath-Style URL
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YAY CONGRATULATIONS ON 150 CATH! I'd like a 🎶 and 🌙 !!
🎶 - Song from a Playlist
Diamonds Are Forever by Sabrina Carpenter from my confidence Playlist
Steal my heart and steal my kiss but you can’t check my balances
🌙 - Lunar Chronicles Blog Rate
Species: Earthen, Lunar, Part-Lunar, Wolf Mutant, Shell, Cyborg, Android (with a personality chip)
Best Friend: Linh Cinder/Selene Blackburn, Iko, Prince Kaito, Scarlet Benoit, Ze’ev Kesley/Wolf, Ran Kesley, Crescent Moon Darnel, Carswell Thorne, Winter Hayle-Blackburn, Jacin Clay, Liam Kinney, Emilie Monfort, Solstice Hayle, Evret Hayle, Linh Peony, Ryu
Enemy: Levana Blackburn, Aimery Park, Channary Blackburn, Letumosis, Sybil Mira, Wolf-Mutants, Fire, your own hallucinations, Linh Adri, Linh Pearl
Home: Eastern Commonwealth, Luna, France, Satellite, American Republic
Job: Ruler/leader, pilot, mechanic, spy, Lunar operative, thaumaturge, biochemist, engineer, Lunar courtesan
Special Skills/Powers/Tools: Lunar gift, immunity to Lunar gift, tranquilizer dart shooting mechanism, built-in lie detector, technological knowledge, diplomacy, hand-to-hand combat, pilot training
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💙🌙 could you do these if it isn’t too much trouble also a massive congrats!!!!!!
Of course it’s no trouble, Alex! Thank you so much, lovely ❤️
💙 - Blog Compliment
Your blog is absolutely amazing! Your content is fantastic to the point where I could just scroll through only your blog and be entertained (and who’s to say I haven’t done that before oops) Content aside, you were one of the first ever blogs to message me, and were so incredibly kind right off the bat, and were one of my first friends I made! Thank you Alex ily ❤️
🌙 - Lunar Chronicles Blog Rate
Species: Earthen, Lunar, Part-Lunar, Wolf Mutant, Shell, Cyborg, Android (with a personality chip)
Best Friend: Linh Cinder/Selene Blackburn, Iko, Prince Kaito, Scarlet Benoit, Ze’ev Kesley/Wolf, Ran Kesley, Crescent Moon Darnel, Carswell Thorne, Winter Hayle-Blackburn, Jacin Clay, Liam Kinney, Emilie Monfort, Solstice Hayle, Evret Hayle, Linh Peony, Ryu
Enemy: Levana Blackburn, Aimery Park, Channary Blackburn, Letumosis, Sybil Mira, Wolf-Mutants, Fire, your own hallucinations, Linh Adri, Linh Pearl
Home: Eastern Commonwealth, Luna, France, Satellite, American Republic
Job: Ruler/leader, pilot, mechanic, spy, Lunar operative, thaumaturge, biochemist, engineer, Lunar courtesan
Special Skills/Powers/Tools: Lunar gift, immunity to Lunar gift, tranquilizer dart shooting mechanism, built-in lie detector, technological knowledge, diplomacy, hand-to-hand combat, pilot training
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