#ya science fiction
charliejaneanders · 20 days
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Marcus Aurelius crashed my attempt to make a cool tableau to let y'all know that my YA threequel PROMISES STRONGER THAN DARKNESS is out in paperback today 😹🚀🎉🎸⚡💕💃
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hezzabeth · 4 months
It took Revati a while to realize she actually liked walking. The first few weeks on the road were filled with blisters, muscle cramps, and exhaustion. The next few weeks were filled with bewildering confusion, terrible weather, and moments where she wanted to beat the android into tiny pieces. But eventually, the blisters healed over. Her calf muscles grew strong. Eventually, she learned to deal with the weather and tune out the android's chatter. It was then that she began to notice things. The way smaller shack homes in villages slowly shifted into buildings. The way every town seemed to have at least one bronze statue of a long-ago-forgotten leader.
Most of all, she liked the way she could just stop sometimes. Stop and stare at the world her parents once saw. Everything was so much bigger than Olde Landon. The biggest town in Valles Marineris was really more of a small city clinging desperately to the canyon's rocky cliffs and ledges. When it first began, it didn't have a name; it was nothing more than a weather station. Now it was known as Athake thaka. In the double light of the two moons, the city was filled with light and shadow. Ancient buildings, with their intricately carved facades, seemed to merge seamlessly into the rugged landscape. Narrow, descending streets curved through the town, surrounded by carved townhouses.
There was one temple set right at the bottom of the canyon. "We don't have anything like this back home; most things are new," Bridgadeiro remarked, pointing down at the temple. It was the first time he had spoken during the entire walk. Towering spires and majestic domes reached up to them. "Amma said during her history lessons that the old desi billionaires teleported a lot of buildings here from Earth," Revati replied, staring at the temple.
When he was alive, her father would often sketch the temples he recalled. "These buildings are important; they are older than all of our known family history, older than every belief we know," Jay had once said. "I'm a woman of science, but even I have to admit that's true," conceded Amma.
They descended further into the night market. Shops and stalls covered by a rainbow of canopies were selling just about everything. Tables were laden with jars of dried spices, fabrics, and fresh flowers. Jars of tinned creatix sand sat on makeshift shelves next to old toys. There were no appliances. Instead, people were laughing as small children sat outside a stall seeking sweets.
One of the children was the little girl from the building; she stared briefly at Revati, pointing at her before giggling. "Making new friends?" Bridgadeiro asked curiously as the little girl vanished behind the stall. "Always, how long do we have before the next teleportation jump?" Revati asked. "One hour and twenty-six minutes, we'll jump from here to the New Singapore interstellar station! Then it's just one more jump to my space station and another two jumps home," Bridgadeiro smiled eagerly. "I remember the itinerary; you sent it three times," Revati pointed out, but her stomach still twinged with nerves. Revati had never actually teleported before. Most of the places she went to were appliance-occupied or neutral zones. The appliances firmly didn't approve of humans traveling without using their feet.
The little girl was back, but this time she was with a woman. A strange short woman with light green skin and masses of dark green hair. She was studying Revati; her lips in a thin line, a crown of night blooming jasmine on her head. Revati felt her stomach squirm; the last time she saw someone with green hair it was the Duke.
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The woman swaggered toward her, deep ochre yellow rags dragging on the ground. In the market squares, the night's bustle had given way to a serene calm. People were staring at the woman, still moving and selling but in a hushed quiet way. The people were nervous. "You came after the princess," the woman said. Her voice was quiet, like someone desperately trying to sound mysterious. It was soft and round with fine lines around her grey eyes. Revati and Bridgadeiro exchanged a look. A careful knowing look. "I don't know any princesses," Revati said, and the lady merely nodded at the little girl. "You fixed my little one's ankles; that gives you one card reading," the lady said.
"Really? You're going to reward me with a silly trick?" Revati asked dubiously. "Ah yes, your cynicism! But what did one father always say? It's a big universe... anything is possible," the lady said with a small serene smile. Revati felt her hand involuntarily squeeze Bridgadeiro's. "Fine, we have some time to kill, and I'd rather not spend any money," Revati said firmly.
"This is exciting, isn't it? I love a good card reading," Bridgadeiro smiled. "Mother said card readers are a scam, that it's incredibly rare for a person to be able to tap into the collective universal subconscious," Revati merely replied. Of course, Amma thought everything was a scam, including massages and inhalable vitamins. The green lady left her daughter at the sweet stall. She then led them behind the sweet stall to a small cave carved into the cliff. In keeping with her mysterious aura, the cave was, of course, unsettling. Cracked old dolls hung from the spider-web-covered ceiling. The walls were covered in paintings of stars and eldritch monsters. Revati shuddered when she realized one of them was a beastly ball of tentacles and eyes. "Now let me see, which is best for you?" The green lady asked before grabbing one.
The green lady handed Revati the doll. It was a naked fashion doll, the sort that when you pressed the button holographic outfits would appear on its skin. The doll's hair had been half-shorn off, and someone had scribbled all over its legs. "That's supposed to be you?" Bridgadeiro asked doubtfully. "It's a representation; now sit," the green lady smiled serenely, gesturing to two cushions sitting on the floor.
"Now place your hands upon the table and clear your mind," the green lady said smoothly. Revati rolled her eyes with annoyance, placing her hands on the smooth black onyx table. Instantly, the table flashed a deep golden brown. A sepia sketch appeared of two figures standing in the snow, leaning over something. "Your past, the ace of wands reversed. A destructive primal force being born. A chaotic energy that causes an explosive situation consuming all those who are near," the green lady remarked.
Suddenly, her eyes clouded, and she cocked her head to one side as if listening to something far away. "You were brought into this universe as a side character, to counter this force... you are not the hero in this story," the green lady remarked. "Well, that's rude," Revati shot back.
"Also, you're hardly a chaotic primal force! You're one of the most organized people I've ever met," Bridgadeiro reassured her, and the table flashed again, revealing an etching of Revati aiming her stun gun at the three witches years before.
"Two cards, the magician and the chariot reversed. You are fighting against your role in a story that has been told many times before. You have stalled the wheels of a chariot spiraling forwards. You have the energy of the magician, the ability to create a different ending," the lady said cryptically.
"Well, they could mean almost anything," Revati confessed.
"Maybe by saving my life you've created an alternate universe?" Bridgadeiro asked.
"Multiverses aren't real," Revati said with a wave of her hand.
The table shimmered again. Now a middle-aged, fat man was sitting on a wooden chair. The man had a craggy, worn face and green hair streaked with grey.
"The moon, a liar will enter this story... A deceptive false prophet," the lady said, and the table turned black once again.
"Good, are we done? That was all very unhelpful," Revati remarked.
The green lady smiled. "We are done... for now, but the Oracle of Delphi will come searching for you," the lady said with a small, gentle shrug.
"The Oracle of Delphi!" Bridgadeiro gasped with astonishment.
"I have no idea who that is," Revati replied.
"You wouldn't know; your world has been very small... there are many things you don't know," the lady replied, and Revati, sick of the lady's rudeness, stood up.
"Let's just go wait at the teleportation station," Revati replied, completely unsettled.
"Take the doll with you; she's yours now," the fortune teller smiled.
Outside, the market was still bustling, and Revati paused in front of a disintegration bin, holding the doll.
"You should probably hold onto that; the woman is clearly a witch," Bridgadeiro said with a small shudder.
"A witch? She said vague nonsense," Revati pointed.
"Your sister has spent four years flying around, turning appliances into sand! Sounds pretty chaotic," Bridgadeiro replied with a small shrug.
"And what about the whole defying destiny part?" Revati snapped back.
"Well, you are going to the apple festival," Bridgadeiro shrugged, and Revati glanced down at the doll. Like all fashion dolls, it had a blank face, its features switched off. Revati pressed the back switch, and suddenly, features appeared: big yellow eyes, a long thin nose, and full dark lips.
"That doll looks just like you; now that's unsettling," Bridgadeiro pointed out.
"Dityaa had a doll like this growing up. It scans your face and creates a hologram! It's just a trick," Revati replied.
Dityaa. She had brought the doll with them to the park; Revati had brought a plush dragon. For years, they played the same familiar game over and over… the princess and the dragon. Revati shrugged her backpack off and shoved the doll inside.
"Who's the Oracle of Delphi?" Revati had to ask.
"It's not a person; it's an AI being! It's used all over the solar system to solve crimes and pass judgment," Bridgadeiro explained.
Judgment. Technically powering off AI devices in neutral zones wasn't illegal... still . Judgment.
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Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao is a blaze of female anger and the refusal to bury it for anyone or anything. A mix of Pacific Rim and The Hunger Games, it depicts a world where men grow up to be pilots of Chrysalises, giant transforming robots meant to protect Huaxia from the aliens beyond the Great Wall. 
But to obtain their glory, they take concubines into battle—concubines that they drain and leave for dead to fuel the transformations. But Zeitan is done with it all. Her feet painfully bound, her sister dead at the hands of one of Huaxia's most famous pilots. She wants to see him die. Little does she know she'll emerge as one of the best and most controversial female pilots Huaxia has seen. 
I could not put this book down. It is satisfying and cut-throat. Zeitan is determined to watch this world burn, and so are we. I've been anticipating this one ever since someone at the Hugos told me they thought it was the best depiction of female rage they had ever read, and it filled that bill—everything Zeitan feels is justified from a lifetime of chronic pain and being taught that her life is only meant to serve as a man's energy well. 
The danger feels real, the chemistry in the romances is absolute fire, the twists are exciting, the systemic, structural misogyny is infuriating, and the imagery and action are incredibly cinematic. It's brutal, vivid, and powered by a main character who is cunning, uncompromising, and bold. Can't wait for the sequel. 
Content warnings for violence, domestic and emotional abuse, suicidal ideation and discussion, alcohol addiction, torture, ableism, and references to sexual assault.
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cheese-named-kyle · 2 years
The ending of Hell Followed With Us was so unsatisfactory? It left so many loose ends and ended five pages after the climax.
However, it does leave the perfect open ending to be picked up by a sequel, which would be amazing. Benji and Nick’s relationship hasn’t even been touched yet, but the ending scene with Nick injured in bed feels like the perfect throw back to this quote:
“Maybe we would meet someone: a
handsome nonbeliever who would
fall for me when I soaked his hands
in warm water and bandaged his
wounds. He would be sweet and a
little brash and queer as hell, and he
wouldn't mess up my pronouns
when he saw my chest for the first
I’m just saying, Benji tending to Nick’s wounds would be the perfect opening for a sequel.
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Have You Ever Been Grabbed By The Throat By a Book That Wouldn't Let Go Until You Finished It? That's This Book.
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Wu Zetian says that the triangle is the strongest shape, and if this book had hands, it would have wrapped them in a triangle around my throat. This book came out while I was still deeeeeeeeeeeep in burnout from my PhD, and I hadn't read a fun book in I don't know how long, and I was struggling to read for any length of time. It had been over five years since I had read a book in one sitting.
With this book, I had no choice. It grabbed me, pulled me in, and refused to let go until the bottom of the last page. And wow was it worth the ride! Let's talk Iron Widow.
The book was pitched as Pacific Rim meets The Handmaid's Tale crossed with a very loose reimagining of the rise of Wu Zetian, only Emperess of China, and that's absolutely in this book, but it's not ALL that's in this book, and I would tell you it's not even the most important thing in the book.
There are a ton of important things about this book, from it's deep, unflinching look at female oppression and patriarchal power structures to its representation of polyamory and disability to its look at how social media and advertising can affect the individuals behind the constructed personas.
All that said, the line that made me stop and cry because it struck a chord in my soul was when Zetian learned that she could leverage her Chrysalis to allow herself to fly, and nearly cries saying that just walking had always been so hard for her. Zetian had her feet broken and bound by her grandmother as a child, so walking is never not painful for her, and she spends not a small amount of the book using a wheelchair. However, finding that flight gives her autonomy in her motion absolutely floored me, because after I began experiencing rheumatoid arthritis, walking was always some degree of painful for me as well. I also had to find independence and autonomy in motion, and while I found that in the pool rather than in flight, watching Zetian discover it took me right back to that magical, pain-free moment of floating in the water. There were tears on reading that.
The other incredible thing about Zetian is that she is allowed to be prickly. She is allowed to be deeply, utterly furious, and she is allowed to go completely feral. I grew up with my SFF female protagonists who either were punished (or disallowed from being feminine) for being angry or who were never angry, and as an adult, I love a female protagonist who is allowed to be angry. It helps that Zetian also takes no shit and is plenty savvy enough to walk circles around other people when push comes to shove. And this is before we get to Yizhi and Shimin.
Yizhi initially comes off as a privileged rich kid who thinks money can fix any problem. Then, he learns to radically weaponize his wealth and influence to support Zetian. I like to think of him as Arthur Holmwood, Lord Godalming, if Arthur had weaponized throwing cash around instead of just signing the checks the rest of the vampire hunting squad wrote. As far as I'm concerned, Yizhi's best moment is when his father is trying to blackmail Zetian and drive a wedge between Yizhi and Zetian. Zhao sets up the scene for both Yizhi's dad and Zetian to argue their positions, but our boy Yizhi is having NONE of it. He fries his dad to a crisp before locking eyes with Zetian and saying "I believe you." Y'all, there was literal cheering and fist pumping when I read this. A guy believing a woman over another man shouldn't be radical, but APPARENTLY it is not only radical, it's a "hell yes" moment. We do not mess with Yizhi.
Next we have Shimin. Darling, sweet, alcoholic, anger-management needing Shimin, who honestly got absolutely screwed by life. Shimin just needs a hug, frankly. Watching his relationships with Zetian and Yizhi develop was honestly one of the best parts of this reading experience.
Overall, I cannot recommend this book strongly enough. It is compelling, has a ton to say, and is just an absolute roller coaster of a book. I credit it with helping my reading recover after my degree, and I cannot wait for Heavenly Tyrant to come out this year.
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sweet-selune · 4 months
What is this book called???
I read a YA science fiction book some time in the late 90's or early 00's that I remember vague details about, but have never been able to find the title of. Here follows my (likely inaccurate) recollection. If anyone knows what this book is, please tell me!
- It is post-apocalyptic. A girl lives with her father in a small house surrounded by nature. They are the only two people left, as far as she knows.
- Every day they must wind the many clocks they keep in the house. This is very important for some reason.
- She has a pair of artificial wings she can use to fly places. Her father doesn't like her flying too far out being gone too long or something like that, because of danger.
- Elsewhere, there is a community of people who live deep underground (or in caves?). They moved there to escape the apocalyptic scenario, which I think may have been disease-related? The people never see the sun, so are all pasty white and have vitamin D deficiencies. They believe they are the only ones left.
- A boy leaves the community. Is he running away, ejected and exiled, or does he leave to go get help? I don't remember.
- The boy exits the cave, blinking into the sun.
- The girl happens to be nearby, and they see each other, to their shock.
- The girl licks a finger and holds it up to test the wind direction. He is disgusted thinking about all the germs flying from her saliva towards him on the breeze.
- She takes him home to her father.
So that's all I've got, folks. If anyone remembers any parts of this from a book they know, let me know. Over the years my memory has almost certainly been distorted. Maybe parts of this are things I dreamt, who knows?
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lookingforamandaa · 1 year
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11 // 30 // 2022
sunrise & currently reading
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City of Shattered Light by Claire Winn
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Today's sapphic book of the day is City of Shattered Light by Claire Winn!
TW for violence mentioned in summary
Summary: "As darkness closes in on the city of shattered light, an heiress and an outlaw must decide whether to fend for themselves or fight for each other.
As heiress to a powerful tech empire, seventeen-year-old Asa Almeida strives to prove she's more than her manipulative father's shadow. But when he uploads her rebellious sister’s mind to an experimental brain, Asa will do anything to save her sister from reprogramming—including fleeing her predetermined future with her sister’s digitized mind in tow. With a bounty on her head and a rogue A.I. hunting her, Asa’s getaway ship crash-lands in the worst possible place: the neon-drenched outlaw paradise, Requiem.
Gun-slinging smuggler Riven Hawthorne is determined to claw her way up Requiem’s underworld hierarchy. A runaway rich girl is exactly the bounty Riven needs—until a nasty computer virus spreads in Asa’s wake, causing a citywide blackout and tech quarantine. To get the payout for Asa and save Requiem from the monster in its circuits, Riven must team up with her captive.
Riven breaks skulls the way Asa breaks circuits, but their opponent is unlike anything they’ve ever seen. The A.I. exploits the girls’ darkest memories and deepest secrets, threatening to shatter the fragile alliance they’re both depending on. As one of Requiem’s 154-hour nights grows darker, the girls must decide whether to fend for themselves or fight for each other before Riven’s city and Asa’s sister are snuffed out forever."
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autumn2may · 11 months
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Decided it was time to update our big (and incomplete) list of LGBTQIA+ authors for Pride! Let me know who I'm missing and I'll add them in!
Background image by Cecilie Johnsen.
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annafromuni · 6 months
The Fun Continues in Foul Lady Fortune
I have been biased going into Chloe Gong’s works because of two main reasons. One, she is a New Zealander and I have the dire need to support New Zealand writers. The other reason is that her books are Shakespearean retellings rooted in modern Chinese history and include very significant details in the development of modern Chinese history, such as the impact foreigners had on the cultural shift…
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charliejaneanders · 8 months
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I love seeing them like this!
Reposting from @torteen: Outsmart Your Enemies. Outrun the Galaxy. ⁣ ⁣ Star Wars meets Doctor Who, The Unstoppable series by internationally bestselling author @CharlieJaneAnders, is a fast-paced YA space opera set against an intergalactic war 🌌⁣ ⁣ All three books are available wherever books are sold! ⁣
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erinlasgalen · 1 year
Cool af sci-fi superhero YA story!!!!! One of the characters has wingsss!!!
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kmwatts · 1 year
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Tomorrow is the official release date for Born Andromeda! This has been a long time in the making and I'm so thrilled to be able to share this with the world. Born Andromeda is an action packed YA sci-fi adventure with a side of queer polyam romance. As an autistic author, it meant so much to be able to write a character like Andromeda. A queer, autistic princess who has agency and special interests and physical quirks. I needed a character like this as a teen, so to be able to write and publish a whole book with her at the center is so incredibly special. Featuring Space Pirates, Galactic Adventure, and Found Family!
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qbdatabase · 1 year
After the first settler on Titan trips her distress signal, neither remaining country on Earth can afford to scramble a rescue of its own, and so two sworn enemies are installed in the same spaceship.
Ambrose wakes up on the Coordinated Endeavor, with no memory of a launch. There’s more that doesn’t add up: Evidence indicates strangers have been on board, the ship’s operating system is voiced by his mother, and his handsome, brooding shipmate has barricaded himself away. But nothing will stop Ambrose from making his mission succeed—not when he’s rescuing his own sister.
In order to survive the ship’s secrets, Ambrose and Kodiak will need to work together and learn to trust one another… especially once they discover what they are truly up against. Love might be the only way to survive.
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My Top 4 YA Fantasy/Science Fiction Novels
Everyone just wants to escape sometimes. Whether that be to a world where everyone has superpowers, to a mystical retelling of their childhood fairytales, we all just want to get away. The following are a list of the 4 Best Young Adult Fantasy Novels that suck you into their vibrant world at the turn of a page! 
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black
    Fairies are a staple in one's childhood. Stories of Tinkerbell and her friends, The Fairy Godmother from Cinderella, Puck from a Midsummer Night's Dream, and even the Sugar Plum Fairy all assisted in illuminating my childhood.    However, the Fae in Holly Black's The Cruel Prince turned my perception of a typical "fairy" on its head. Instead of sparkles, glitter and shiny, glowing wings, we are thrown into the world of Fae: Brutal beings with god complexes, all ruled by a corrupt monarchy.     Jude Duarte, a mortal girl has been whisked off to live in the land of the Fae along with her twin sister Taryn and her half-sister Vivienne. Not a single day goes by that the Fae let her forget that she is merely mortal. That she is not a Faerie and will never be one, constantly inferior to the immortal, all powerful Faeries, and Jude despises this.     Jude's one and only goal is to be better than the Fae, not equal. And she will do whatever she can to make this happen. Including being right at the centre of the crowning of the new Fae king.  
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Truly, this is a story that keeps you on your toes. All the characters in this novel are morally grey people, therefore allowing for dark twists and turns throughout the story. Adventure, self-discovery, drama, heart-break and even enemies to lovers! A high recommendation!
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
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elitist Silvers in her country, the people that created the wide gap between them and the poverty stricken and harnesses elitist Silver type of powers, she knows that this may change the trajectory of her whole society. 
Though Victoria Aveyard's Red Queen seems like a typical story, be assured that it is absolutely not. Rather than a linear plot line, this book goes from high to low within a few pages. And all of it is a plot. A plot in attempt to save a precariously stacked hierarchy. Marriages to create political ties, alliances to sever what is the "norm". 
And a plan to topple the hierarchy entirely?
Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas
Everyone knows the story of Peter Pan, and how he whisked Wendy, John, and Michael Darling to a the wonderful island of Neverland, where no kid ever has to grow up!    However in this retelling, Wendy and her brothers go missing. Six months later, Wendy reappears. Only Wendy. Not a hint of Michael or John since they went missing with Wendy five years prior. Th
e town, the police, even Wendy's parents accepts her amnesia, and the thought of finding John and Michael alive is a distant hope; everyone is moving on with their lives. 
Until kids in the town start going missing again. And Wendy almost runs over a young man with her car. 
She quickly realizes that this young man, Peter, may be the key to finding out what is happening to the children of her town, as well as what happened to John and Michael. 
    Though, maybe, the reality of events is much more dark than Wendy had ever originally guessed...
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s someone who adores the story of Peter Pan, this is a phenomenally dark retelling of a childhood story, as well as a much more realistic one. Aidan Thomas illustrates realistic effects of the trauma that Wendy has endured, as well as the internal battles with her own subconscious amazingly, whilst exploring the unique dynamic between Wendy and Peter. 
Scythe by Neal Shusterman
Humanity has done it: Finally conquered death. 
No one dies of natural causes anymore. The only people that can take life are Scythes, and they do this to keep the population under control.     Citra and Rowan are two kids, forced to learn how to be Scythes, and compete for the role of one at the end of the following year.     Neither of them wants this. But the one who doesn't win, dies.     However, both Citra and Rowan quickly realize that the Scythe world is full of corruption. Scythes that Glean (kill) in mass amounts, Scythes that kill in 
unbelievably cruel ways, Scythes that enjoy killing.
Both Citra and Rowan are terrified of becoming them. 
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The character development of each character in this novel was absolutely amazing. 
Rowan was less typical of a main character than Citra in the way that you could feel him second-guessing himself, his pangs of guilt and his internal conflict throughout the novel, whilst with Citra, it was explicitly stated. His journey and character arc throughout the novel was extremely satisfying. 
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2023 SFF New Releases that I am PSYCHED for:
The Blood Gift by NE Davenport (out April 18)
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The Surviving Sky by Kritika H. Rao (out June 13)
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Dark Water Daughter by HM Long (out July 11)
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Immortal Longings by Chloe Gong (out July 18)
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The Jasad Heir by Sara Hashem (out July 18)
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The Water Outlaws by SL Huang (out August 22)
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The Phenix King by Aparna Verma (out August 29)
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Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree (out November 7)
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The Ashfire King by Chelsea Abdullah (out November 14)
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