#the ‘Omg I don’t care’ goes in practically every paragraph
doruumon · 1 year
Forums disappearing has made it even harder to get book recommendations without being in person. I can go to a library and talk to the employees there and they’ll point me to someone who will infodump about a series or author and it’s NICE. Same with book stores. Even if they don’t know much about a genre they’ll point me to someone who does. Digging around Reddit is exhausting.
I don’t care to fill out a rep bingo card I just want to know what the book is about.
Bad way to recommend a book: It left me speechless omg. It also has [trope w/o context]
Good way to recommend a book: [gives a summary of the book similar to the back cover/inside flap]
Best way: Giving a summary and then going on an impassioned rant for 10 minutes.
Like, I’ve been on a Thriller/Horror binge lately. Specifically, I want stories where it’s like, “this building/city/place is practically a character itself, it’s fucked up and may or may not make people/creatures act fucked up.” I love that supernatural shit.
And I’m like, okay if I don’t go to a real human being then something on like Instagram or whatever is gonna be like “hey read this then!!” And refuse to do anything but show the cover and I want to put them in a Fucked Up Location and make them disappear somewhere in there.
Good: “The house this family moves into is Fucked Up and nobody wants to believe it.” THANK YOU I will read it.
Bad: “This has good nb rep. No spoilers.” No. Leave.
(I do not actively use the infinite scroll apps for recommendations on anything except videos of cool frogs and embroidery, but they do sneak in sometimes and I get mad)
It feels like this goes back to people being so Weird about “spoilers,” like telling me the setting and a one-sentence explanation isn’t going to tell me every last twist and turn the narrative takes. There is a flap on the inside of a hardcover book, or a couple of paragraphs on the back cover of a paperback. Summarize that or tell me what that says exactly.
“Well why not just look up what that is yourself?” Stacey I’m gonna be real with you, if you can’t tell me about the book you allegedly enjoyed then we do not consume literature in the same way and I probably don’t want to hear from you. I want the passion, even if it’s disjointed. Goddam.
0 notes
mikeluciraphgabe · 2 years
If I was the “chosen one” it would go something like this.
“No I’m not fucking going. I got homework and if my grades slip one more time imma get whopped. I will also get my ass beat if I got with a bunch of strange teenagers who all have mommy/daddy issues and are in serious need for a therapist to fight some random gang lord.” “he’s actually a magic evil mastermind-“ “Omg I don’t care.”
“If I do this, can I get my side kick animal/robot now? Or do I have to wait for episode three or something?”
“Fine! But I’m going to complain the entire time and make y’all miserable.”
“Omg no one cares you’re an orphan. Stop bringing it up every three fucking seconds. We have bigger problems, like figuring out if we’re going to have steak for dinner tonight”
“I’m NOT eating that.”
“Wtf do you mean you’re in love? You’re like 15.” “You’re 15.” “Ok? And? I still know the difference between love and puppy love.”
“Omg he cut my hair!” “It’s for a cover-“ “YOU CUT MY HAIR”
“Oh fuck not this bitch again.”
“You know, he has a point… hold up lemme consider switching sides. My dude literally is trying to solve world hunger, over population, and pollution. I mean, it’s a fucked up way, but at least he’s trying.”
“Do I have to fight the evil old man that clearly has much more training and experience than me? I mean, I feel like the odds are in his favor considering I just started my training like two days ago.” “You’re the only one who can-“ “what about to dude who is training me??” “…” “EXACTLY”
“You are the chosen one, we have been wait decades for you-“ “what ever the fuck you were hoping for, low them fucking expectations right the fuck now.”
“Can I go home now?”
“Don’t kill me! … I mean unless it’s in a kinky way 👀👀” “I- uh- what-“ “Ah, I guess you’re right. This is the first meeting after all… unless👀👀” “I have to go. But next time I’m killing you-“ “Omg yes daddy slay!! Go off! Tell your supposed mortal enemy that you catch feelings for and than have a moral freak out that you’re gonna kill them in the most attractive way!” “*crying* wtf” “aww my lil evil meow meow.”
“Stop being a self sacrificing idiot? People love you! I… I love you-“ “did you just call me an idiot?? Bitch first of all, that plan was 100% full proof. I’m not gonna fucking die like that. That’s embarrassing. Second off, don’t tell me what to do. I’ll kill myself if I want-“ *completely forgets they just proclaimed their love* and that’s that!!”
*crying hysterically while eating some of the best food the entire time I was there* “Omg lm never leaving this place-“ “-the evil dude we’re trying to lock up lives here.” *starts crying harder*
*looking up at sky* “I DONT WANNA BE A MAIN CHARACTER”
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jiminrings · 4 years
coach! jungkook and y/n!!! jk being extra extra clingy
mvp: clingy
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pairing: jungkook x y/n
wordcount: 3k
notes: aHHHHH coach!koo remains as i think my most popular piece and this is actually the first actual drabble he gets!! :D
read most valuable, the piece that started it all!!!
so you see
this isn’t a brag or anything pinky promise
but uh jungkook.,..
jungkook rARELY feels insecure ok
those two words don’t belong in the same sentence!!
but god is he lying when he says he doesn’t feel the tiniest bit insecure with this mINgYu fellow
not to be that boyfriend but uhhh why don’t you laugh with him like THAT
“kook do you have someone in mind for a guest coach??”
jimin asks for the third time this week, looking mAjorly frustrated as he plops himself in the swivel chair
the dish was that y’know what!! it happens!! THIS happens!!!!
jimin’s been the longest assistant coach (and generally a coach) your team has ever had
he was practically there from the start!!!
whether he admits it or not, jimin’s a binding piece for you and the girls no matter what
then jungkook became head coach right
now the things was....
burnouts happen!! it’s normal!!!
it’s normal to LOSE your drive and passion for your sport as an athlete <3
the last season ended on a good note for sure because after all, you won the championships!!
not to mention that you were hailed mvp hee-hee :D
but then some months have passed
and the new season was supposed to start three months ago but of course it just had to be rESCHEDULED
it’s not necessarily an entirely bad thing
the extra time gave you more time to heal after your injury and your conditioning back to your prime is at top-notch!!
but it just can’t be helped
you and the girls??? your momentum??? aBSOLUTELY PUT-OFF
the training for next season just started last week and jimin and kook rEALLY prepared for this ok
there’s another reason to why kook is almost practically living at yours and jimin’s place nowadays lmao
... it just doesn’t work
it feels like every trick in both their books have been thoroughly used and it’s just not a challenge for you anymore
not to fLEX or anything but
basically the drills and the workouts just feel like warm-ups nowadays :D
and the warm-ups feel like a brisk walk in the park :D
that is both an insult and a compliment to jimin and jungkook because wOW!!! omg we instilled discipline and mastery to them <3
but at the same time it’s like you should nOT be giggling while i make you practice your pancake dives repeatedly
the two of them just need to BOOST everyone’s morale!!!
“actually, i finally found someone!! just thought of it last night but i didn’t wanna knock on your door because jupiter was in the living room and he thought i was an intruder aGAIN”
sometimes jimin can’t wrap his head around that he sees jungkook perhaps almost ALL the damn time
he wakes up disoriented and he sees you on the couch with a bowl of cereal and look!!! my best friend slash roomie already made me breakfast :D
then he plops to the couch and there is this bEEFY entity lying on it covered with a blanket and???? jungkook???? what are yOU doing here
then jimin’s taking a spoonful of his cereal while he’s thinking because uH are the two of you screwing???
“hyung that’s my cereal”
“i put yours in the refrigerator jiminie!! i know how you like it cold!!”
aH and then it hits him
oh right the two of you are a couple now and jungkook just likes crashing and sleeping over at his apartment with you
when his oWN place is not even thirty minutes away wtf
<3 anyways get out of my way jungkook that’s MY spot on MY couch <3
jimin perks up at that because god fuck finally!!! he needs to make calls immediately
“well? who is it??”
jungkook pauses for a dramatic effect before he claps his hands, also eager to start this mini workshop of sorts for a week to boost team spirit
“mingyu!!!! he was my teammate from my former team and well there’s no rival conflict or anything like that!! perfect score!!!!”
“y’talking about kim mingyu? tall guy, slicked hair, jumps high??”
“you know him??”
jungkook squints to himself because after all that was a little bit of a sTOOPID question
their games were televised and jimin’s a coach how could he nOT expect that
“yeah, yeah. he was my junior in high school and we were kinda friends i guess...”
there’s something in jimin’s tone and jungkook tries to dig in to that because well he thOught his hyung would be a bit more excited
jimin knows that kook could hear the cringe in his voice and it makes him scratch at the back of his head
“ah, you should probably keep y/n away. mingyu... well he was pretty mUCH notorious for stealing everyone’s girlfriends and opportunities from people and such.,.,..”
he still has a bit of resentment for mingyu ok
he was a fucking vULTURE
whatever he did first or whatever he wanted, mingyu would do and pursue the exact same
and jimin was definitely irked because people were hailing mingyu as the cool guy or sth for the things that he was copying off of jIMIN!!!!
they weren’t just coincidences!!!
they say imitiation is the best form of flattery but fuck that jimin is NOT flattered
“aish c’mon, jimin. you uNDERESTIMATE me!!! y/n only has eyes for me, silly!! :D”
jungkook may have been too confident this time
he knows you still LOVE him!!!! right??
pls say right
there’s this wrenching feeling in the pit of his stomach when he sees you and mingyu doing one-on-one drills as he goes through you all
it was just a simple rally!!! a back-and-forth of the volleyball!! nOTHING major right??
jungkook could only focus to how focused YOU look
and to how at one point mingyu gave you a tricky throw back and you still managed to give it back to him and how you gIGGLED!!!!
g i g g l e d
then you gave a tricky throw back to mingyu and passed it back and this time he laughed and you cACKLED!!!!
oh my god why is jungkook feeling this way
jimin’s standing beside him and he could hear these little growls from jungkook???
like it’s not exactly gROWLING but it sounds like it
it’s a hybrid between a light snore and a growl and with how jungkook has his eyebrows knitted he is definitely nOt sleepy that’s fo sure
ugh are the two of you fighting again???
does jimin need to give jungkook a wake-up call again or-
hold on
the jeon jungkook is inTIMIDATED by mingyu!!!!
he’s never thought that a day like this would come in which jungkook isn’t knocked down a couple of pegs bUT HERE IT IS :D
in your opinion this is GREAT for the team morale!!! coach mingyu was just a breath of fresh air for a guest coach and u are enjoying it
he’s given the team new insights and it helped break the collective burn-out!!
kook just feels insecure ok
and threatened
which is why the moment jimin called for a ten-minute break, jungkook immediately sITS you down
“hi hi okay whAt are you doing???”
you’re endeared but you’re taken aback because jungkook’s immediately hovering above you, swiping and patting down the sweat from your forehead
“i’m taking care of you, silly!! :D”
that’s nice, maybe???
you don’t wanna think much of it hehe jungkook’s just being a caring boyfriend u guess
although he’s never done this before ur gonna admit and you’re stILL dumbfounded
he’s going all-out
even getting a cold towel to put around your nape to help you cool down fetched you a sports drink aLLLLL by himself
he’s even gonna lift up your shirt and wipe down your boob sweat himself and tHEN you stop him
“koo baby i can do that by myself y’know!!!”
although it looks like jungkook doesn’t get why you dON’T want him to take care of you????
doesn’t waver though :D
just lifts your shirt in the slightest bit and shoves a towel to your sports bra and there he goes
“want a snack?? ah, want me to order pizza?? nO?? okay fine i’ll order oNE extra box just for you and me and i gUESS jimin if you want!!!”
it’s a spitfire of questions and you can’t even answer because jungkook’s already hopping on his merry way!!!
not before he presses a fat kiss to your cheek and exaggerates the mWAH sound
aha maybe he’s just being extra loving today
... maybe
“what do you want for dinner??”
“oh i was just thinking what about if we just order-“
“baby wHY do we need to order when your boyfriend is perfectly capable in making you dinner!!!”
ok then
something may be wrong with jungkook
it’s just not in his nature to take care of you this attentively
he takes care of you of course but not to the point that you don’t even have to move a single inch because he wants to do eVERYTHING
you immediately call out when jungkook’s out from the apartment because he said that he’d be out in a flash to get some things from the convenience store because he’s gonna make some dAMN cocktails in his own words
jimin’s showering atm and that doesn’t stop you from conversing by pressing yourself to the door
“did we lose a sponsor for the team or something????”
“no....? i even received another offer just awhile ago!!! what are you on about??”
oh really?? that’s nICE!!
but that isn’t really your point and you quickly recover before you get sidetracked
“huh?? nothing, minnie!! jungkook just feels a little... off,.,..”
jimin stops lathering his body wash on his loofah then because oh my god he thought he was the only one!!!
you asking basically confirms that jungkook being weird has nOTHING to do with you and his previous theory is 100% correct
you aren’t that bothered with jungkook being affectionate with you!!!
in fact you like it because wow.,.. love.,.. love that for me :D
but uh
this degree tho
“jungkook you are very uHh attached to me, aren’t you??”
here’s a list to how he’s been extra extra cLINGY to you
you were watching 50 first dates because it was the first thing that popped up when you opened the tv then the scene of the waffle house came on and you cOOED
and jungkook immediately jumped into action
by action that meant him literally DIVING to the other end of the couch where you were lying down and cuddled you
“i’m making you that tomorrow for breakfast!!!!”
you were a little sappy after that and it ended late and you just wanted to wash up before bed because there was still training tomorrow
nonetheless you were gonna wake up the next day because your boyfriend IS the head coach and ur roommate IS the assistant coach so u don’t really have a choice
might as well wrap up the night early
you had to wriggle yourself out of jungkook’s death grip to go to the bathroom and when he finally got his bearings???
you’re brushing your teeth :D
then jungkook’s just sat at the closed toilet seat :D looking at you :D
“wow... look at you.... ur so cute brushing your teeth”
“shwshshshw thwank you??”
it didn’t stop there however
of course you cuddled!! jungkook even takes his shirt off for it because in the middle of the night he could randomly get hot and fussy
this time jungkook was the bIG spoon
it’s no surprise that he likes being babied at times hee-hee but wOw so this was the feeling of warmth!!! of being wrapped around by a furnace!!!! it’s nice!!!
the next days however.,.,.
it was getting a little overboard
every single time he had the opportunity to, he would nuzzle his head to your neck and cling onto you until you tAP out
doesn’t care if mingyu sees him chasing you around with a towel on one hand and ice water on the other :D
of course why would he care :D
after all he iS the boyfriend and mingyu isn’t :D
when you bring down one hand as you just let the other scroll down your phone??
you scratch that part of your scalp that randomly gets itchy when you are incapable of itching it???
kook drops everything he’s doing to scratch at your hair and even presses kisses to your hairline!!
even in sleep he was aTTACHED!!!
kinda like how he’s a koala and u are the only branch left in the world for him to cling on
he has his leg trapping you down and his arm on your middle and you’re just about to maneuver yourself so it would be cOmfy
but then kook takes that as a signal that he was still too loose so he cuddles up even MORE
you’re just about to grunt but then you look over to jungkook and-
you immediately squeak and jungkook shuts his eyes sO quick and so hard that it becomes even more obvious that he’s awake
his eyeballs are trembling underneath his eyelids lmao
even his lip is twitching and his breathing isn’t as relaxed if he were ACTUALLY sleeping
“wanna tell me about it??”
“... no i’m asleep”
“want me to talk until you fall asleep??”
“yes pls i’m asleep anyway”
jungkook is even cuter this way :((
when he is beyond oblivious that he’s adorable by just being like himself basically
“training was great today!! i don’t know if you saw, but mingyu and i had a contest awhile ago to see who jumps up higher!! so mingyu-...”
jungkook oPENS his eyes at that only for them to twitch
all he hears is mingyu mingyu mingyu and frankly it’s iRRITATING
he reacts exactly when you mention the guest coach’s name and it makes you halt
“hmmm so it iS about him, huh?? jimin was right,” you mumble underneath your breath but he hears you nonetheless and it makes him huff
jungkook completely detaches and turns away from you in an instant as if he’s throwing a tantrum that makes you reach out for him more
“is that why you’ve been clinging onto me??”
he can’t lie he’s extremely sOFT the moment you try and wrap your arms around his huffing figure
“figured that if i’m attached to you by the hip, then you’d only think of me and nOt him”
he’s kind of ashamed as he admits because he feels like he’s being childish with his feelings
he’s not so used to being vulnerable and it makes him uHhHh vulnerable????
he doesn’t like it
“i don’t like mingyu, koo.”
he feels you pressing a tender kiss to his cheek that makes them squish
he hAS to have a stronger resolve than this
“then stOp mentioning his name!!”
he was tHREATENED that’s for sure
he doesn’t need to say that aloud because god what for <3 he’s already suffering he doesn’t wanna speAk
“you do know that you’re my oNLY best boy, hmm??”
buttering up jungkook could be a little tricky
but you seem to hit the notch just pERFECTly this time because he’s basically putty
“yeah? i don’t really know about that”
he’s a wHORE for affection!!! that much he’s realized halfway through the week of being attached to you
you seem to be also forgetting that jungkook’s shirtless and he’s taking his comforter down, a cheeky smile gracing him that you snOrt as soon as it registers in your mind
“remind me?”
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Omg omg omg omg everyone be quiet right now thank you @heyheyjay for THIS
For starters, it would absolutely have a very negative effect on Fran’s relationship with Arthur. He’s aware it’s irrational and his feelings are based on personal issues but having his rival/friend/lover defend a murderer? And have that murderer get away? Oh no, Fran would probably not talk to him for awhile after. Not because he’s mad AT Arthur, he just has to sort out his own feelings. He’s a complex guy and his feelings are like balls of colored yarn all tangled together. He has to take time to sort it all out and come to a conclusion. “I am not upset with you. I am upset with the outcome of that trial. I would like for us to go back to being friends again...If that’s alright...” he’s still closed off for awhile but eventually, he’ll open back up and go back to normal, the incident not forgotten but forgiven
The first two times Arthur saw Francis in a murder trial setting were VERY different. The first time, he was still somewhat of a rookie. He had gone up against Francis twice now in court and won both times. Now he wanted to study his way of speaking, his organization, his body language, that kind of stuff. So he sat in the crowd, off to the side out of the field of vison for the prosecutors booth.
Francis carried himself the same as usual. Confident and proud, speaking passionately on behalf of the victim, appealing to the jury. He did everything by the book and to be honest? Arthur was impressed. It was different watching him from the crowd than it was from the defense booth.
When Francis lost the trial, even Arthur was shocked. He watched him stiffly pack his papers away and leave the courtroom in a hurry. It was strange behavior for sure, something that he’d never seen before. Instead of his classic smile, he sported a frown and a look in his eyes that Arthur couldn’t place. To be nice, he caught up with him in the hallway “Look, I know I’m probably the last person you want to talk to but I want to let you know, you did fantastic in there. I don’t know how on earth you lost that-“ “Leave me alone, Kirkland” Francis all but shoved past him, making a beeline for his car. Arthur could hear the squeal of his tires from inside the courthouse
That was not the loud, extravagant Francis he knew. That was someone else, someone sad and angry...Maybe Francis was more complex than he thought (Spoiler alert: Yes. He is)
The second time he witnessed a loss, he was far closer with the Frenchman. He knew his mannerisms and his body language. The two were teetering on the edge of being in a relationship or just being super close friends. Francis didn’t want Arthur to go to this trial but he insisted “It’s my day off. I’ll come support you and we can go to lunch afterwards. No big deal. I like seeing you in court” Francis was reluctant but had him sit in the second row anyways for moral support
Again, he did everything right. Arthur was criticizing the defense in his head ‘you dolt, you’re talking too much. It’s giving Francis the upper hand’. Of course he wanted Francis to win. Even as a defense attorney himself, he knows a guilty face when he sees one. He’s once again shocked when Francis loses
This time he notices how his hands shake, clenching and unclenching. There’s tension in his shoulders, the mask of confidence gone from his face. He was fighting to suppress a frown, swallowing around the lump of guilt in his throat
Francis apologized to his clients when the court was released, hugging them and shaking their hands, promising paperwork in the mail....yadda yadda. Arthur noticed how tired he looked, the way his shoulders now sagged in defeat
“You did great out there love” “I don’t need your pity, Arthur” “I’m not pitying you. You did everything right” “Apparently not”
Arthur led him to the parking lot, cupping his cheeks when they were out of the public eye “I know how it feels to lose something big like this. It stings, I know. However, it isn’t the end of the world”
“‘It isn’t the end of the world’? Are you kidding me? You’ll never-! Forget it. I’m going home” “Francis? We were-“ “I don’t care about lunch” and with that, he got in his car and sped off, tires screeching once again
Arthur is invited over for dinner later on, Francis apologizes for the way he reacted and Arthur assures him that it was no big deal. He expresses his emotions differently than Arthur does and he is still getting used to it! And this is Francis’s first relationship since Jeanne so he’s still re-learning how to open up about more serious or intense feelings. There’s a learning curve for them both.
So I also I think I’m gonna talk about Jeanne again cause I WAS gonna have a single post dedicated to her effect on Fran and Art’s relationship but I think lll....Just go over it here. There is a small fic at the end but I can’t even really call it that, it’s 2 paragraphs of text lol so yeah :)
More under the cut cause this is getting long and I feel bad clogging your dashes :0
So Art knew about Jeanne before he really knew Francis personally. Before he goes up against prosecutors, he asks Eliza about them and their argument styles, stuff like that. She advised him to stay away from murder trials if Fran managed to get his hands on one and since he didn’t know about Jeanne he was like ‘pfftt what? You think I can’t take him?’ And she was like ‘No...He can’t take you’ oh...
Eliza told him like...The bare minimum. Francis’s girlfriend was killed behind a small party store and he was the one who discovered her body. That’s all he knew about it
But when he and Fran started to get serious relationship-wise Francis decided to sit him down to have a talk with him, pouring his heart out to him after a long, draining day at the courthouse:
// Uhhhh tw for the rest for death mention and description of finding Jeanne after her death. Like...blood and all so if that makes you uncomfortable: this is your warning :0 //
“We dated for five years. From eight grade to twelfth...It was like we were joined at the hip. We were always together wether it be baking in the kitchen, studying at the library, going to the movies or attending church camp. We did it all together. Hell...In highschool, we were voted ‘cutest couple’ every year. She was my date for every school dance and she would have been my prom date too if... If she had lived” Francis choked out a sad laugh “She had the most beautiful dress picked out and I had a suit to match. She was so excited about it...”
“That day was my nightmare. I relive that day over and over again in my dreams, thinking about everything I could have done to prevent that outcome. I should have taken her to the store earlier. I should have gone in with her. I shouldn’t have answered the phone and gotten distracted when my friend called. She was in there for forty minutes just to grab some streamers and a bag of candy for a piñata... When I went in to look for her she wasn’t there. I looked around, called her name, called her phone...no answer. The cashier helped me look too as I started getting worried. In the bathrooms, the stock room, the janitors closet, behind the refrigerators...All that was left was the rear exit. She didn’t go out there right? No...that was unlike her...” tears started to slowly make their way down his cheeks “When we pushed the door open, I remember seeing the pool of blood right there on the ground and thinking it was just a puddle. How wrong was I. My legs moved on their own, I rounded the corner and there she was. Her hair was covered in blood from the gash across her temple, her favorite floral blouse ripped and dirty. Her purse was gone. She was just laying there on the dirty, cold asphalt” Francis shook his head, rubbing his face as the memory replayed once more
“Out of the corner of our eyes, the cashier and I saw the perpetrator and he chased him down, catching him and sitting on him until the police arrived. I called them...I don’t even remember making the call but I distinctly remember them telling me not to touch her- not to mess with the ‘evidence’. I didn’t listen. I sat in the pool of blood and held her until the ambulance arrived, petting her hair as she slowly went cold in my arms...Praying that just maybe she’d make it. They were too late. I was too late.”
“What was it all for, you ask? That evil son of a bitch wanted her money. She only had $10 on her that day. He killed her over $10! And after all of my pain, her family’s suffering, that fucker got to walk free after two years? Two years! It isn’t fair at all. I don’t mean to ramble too much but before you and I become anything too serious I just- I need you to know about her. She made me who I am today, she’s the reason I practice law, she’s always here with me” he clutched his cross necklace in his shaky hand “Just because I still love her does not mean I love you any less, Arthur. I will always be here for you but at the same time, I will be there for her. I’ll still visit her grave and her parents...I’ll have her picture on the mantle...”
Arthur reached out to rest a hand on the blond’s arm. This was a new side of Francis he hadn’t seen before. Sure he knew about Jeanne by now, he had seen her picture in Francis’s apartment. He knew the other took the two hour trip up north to visit Jeanne’s grave and her family every other month. He knew she was important to him but he had never heard the full story like this before. He truly didn’t know the extent of the damage that day had done “I understand, dear. If Jeanne is important to you, she’s important to me. She’ll always have a place here with us” he assured, pulling Francis in to hug him against his chest to let him cry “I don’t think I can begin to express how badly I feel for you. But you can always confide in me, I’ll be here because I lo-like you a lot. I want you to be open with me. This...is a lot to bottle up” Francis nodded and wiped his eyes as Arthur brushed his curls out of his face “If it isn’t overstepping any boundaries, maybe I could come up north with you next time you go to visit her?”
“I...I think I’d like that. I’ve already told her and her family about you. I’m sure they’d love to meet you”
Well I hope that wasn’t bad! I haven’t written in a fic format in uhhh hehe a year or so so...yeah! Anyways! Yup! That’s all for now :) ❤️ thanks for reading this far if y’all did!!!!
((Looking back I hate the formatting of the ficlet thingy but tbh there’s not much I can do about it now :) ))
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Welcome to another profile on Behind the Screens, giving you personal insight on who your favorite creators are and what they do when they aren’t wowing you with their creative ability.
Hiya! I’m popping out of my writing cave to share with you the greatness of another artist, Glitter-cake20, also known as Sammy.  You’ve probably seen her awe-inspiring manips, gifs, incorrect quotes, and stories floating around your dashboard. In our talk, she shares her #1 guilty pleasure ship, creates her optimal Teen Wolf Puppy Pack spin-off, and lets us in her creative process.
Sammy! Why don’t we start off simple? Tell us about yourself. The catch: the word count is either to or less than the number of letters in your two favorite Teen Wolf episode names. (ex. Raving + Galvanize = 19)
Memory Found + Smoke and Mirrors = 25
I’m really lazy. I like reading. I’m great at killing zombies on Xbox. I have blood in my coffee stream. I have resting bitch face. 
Ooh, what makes these two your favorite?
Memory Found because i feel like that is really where Theo learned to be selfless. He fought with Liam knowing he could get killed or taken, and then later he literally sacrificed himself for a pack that wanted him dead.
Smoke and Mirrors - the entire Mexico trip was great but the part that really stood out in Smoke and Mirrors was when Berserker Scott had Liam pinned to the wall and Liam said “Scott listen! You’re not a monster, you’re a werewolf like me” which parallels to earlier in Season 4 when Scott had said that same thing to Liam. It was just beautiful because it showed how Liam had accepted himself as a werewolf.  Also, Derek evolving was just wow!
And how did you come to the Thiam fandom? What about them drew you in?
You know, I had just created a twitter account and I was just following few accounts for Teen Wolf, kind of just bopping along with all the other popular ships, and then someone made a post about “OMG what was THAT” and I opened the video and it was Theo and Liam making glorious eye contact, and I was never the same again.
What drew me in the most was that Theo was so vulnerable when Liam brought him back. He was once such a badass and now he was suddenly latched on to Liam - just made my heart melt. And Liam is my boy, but he made me so angry when he was mean to Theo! Like no boo, that’s not how Scott raised you!
Lately, there’s been exclamations from our pack about Thiam bleeding into their real lives (like, seeing their relationship in every movie/song or experiencing story plots in real life, etc.), have you felt this sensation recently? If so, in what ways?
Yes!  I was sitting at a coffee shop writing the other day, and this adorable couple walked in. My brain immediately went “That’s Theo and that’s Liam” And I’m like, what is actually wrong with me? And literally every epic movie quote is now about Thiam, I’ve actually done a bunch of edits about that, which I will share for the Thiam Movie Fest.
Omg! That totally happens to me all the time, everywhere!! Since you see Thiam in anything, would you say they’re your #1 guilty pleasure ship? If not, what are your guilty pleasure ships, couples where you don’t care who knew or who disagreed, you ship them regardless?
Oh gosh I’ve had many. Stalia was one.  I really liked the dynamic, in the same breath I was also pining for Stydia. I loved Jethan when that teaser came out.  Briam, although I don’t think anyone would disagree.  Brett and Mason!  And even when Scott and Allison broke up I was like, no but Scallison.  I literally ship anything. 
If you could build the ultimate paintball/laser tag team from any five characters on Teen Wolf, who’d be on your team and why? Twist: now, choose one Teen Wolf villain who’d be your secret weapon, provided they don’t double-cross you first, mwhahaha. 
Mmm okay…(this actually makes me excited!) So for paintball, first of all I’d choose Corey for his ability to disappear and strike from a position unknown to our opponents. Then I would pick Theo, he’s proven to be quite strategic and cunning in mapping out a plan! Peter, because he just no objection to kicking ass, any time any place. Kira, because she can divert the paintballs with her sword (and yes in my mind they would allow her to take the sword onto the field, shh). Braeden, because she’s just a total badass and I just love her. And for my secret weapon I would choose Jackson so he can paralyze the opposing team with his Kanima venom!! Ha!
Jackson would be a total knockout secret weapon. The game would be over in seconds lol! Let’s jump into your works. Like @da-smiley99​, our artist last week, you also create a little bit of it all: drabbles, gifs, manips, and incorrect quotes. For you, which would you say is your favorite art form? How do you balance creating them all? 
I really love doing the incorrect quotes, they are fun and I enjoy looking for gifs to match!
Whatever inspiration hits first is what I will do, most of the time its manips/aesthetics that I do for other writer’s work. I love appreciating and promoting what people have created because I know the effort that goes into it. There are still so many works I would like to do an edit for!
If your creative process for these pieces was a person, describe him or her to us. What do they do? Wear? Listen to? How do they handle conflict?
She’s running around in a pink fur coat, stilettos, champagne in hand, chocolates stuffed in her cheek yelling “OH MY GOD!” at everything. I imagine her in a clothing store, the clothes being ideas, and she’s just grabbing everything pilling it onto her arm in a heap, eventually losing her balance and falling over. So when the shop assistant (my family) is like “Mam, you need to calm the hell down” she just runs to the next store, her champagne spilling as she wobbles down the sidewalk in the way-too-high stilettos. She probably listens to Taylor Swift in her pink drop top.
And what’s hers (and your) writing Kryptonite? How do you two battle it?
With regards to writing -I come up with the most amazing and original idea for a story and I manage to write one mind blowing paragraph and then I’m stuck.  That’s why I take so long to create a story, it just takes me forever to get inspired again.  I have a few WIP’s and I don’t know what to do with them!
Creating comes pretty easy and I haven’t had many hiccups while editing. I just suck at making video edits and I honestly wish I was better at it because I have so many ideas! I usually fight writer's block with generous amounts of wine.
If you did become that video-making mastermind, which one of those ideas would you explore first?
I always wanted to do an AU vid of Thiam just living life you know. Id also like to do a “trailer” for these amazing fics that’s been written, kind of like what was done for Airplanes!
I sense a perfect opportunity to practice your videographer skills, mentally, of course! Say you were the Jeff Davis of the Puppy Pack Teen Wolf Spin-Off. Describe your very first and last scene of the pilot episode? How would you put your personal touches on those two scenes? 
Personal Touches: A-class lighting because we suffered enough with the ever loving darkness of Teen Wolf.  I’d like to see the characters develop more of a personal style, Liam would probably wear more ‘jock’ outfits as he plays varsity lacrosse now. I’d love to put Theo in shorts for a change, maybe an early morning kitchen scene where he is wearing boxer shorts…okay I’m getting distracted.
Eeek!  Okay so, the Opening scene would be Theo, Liam and Alec running from hunters, Theo has Liam by the arm, he pushes Liam and Alec into his truck and ducks in behind them. They speed off. Then he starts yelling at Liam “Are you crazy, Li?! I’m getting real tired of saving you!” (que fandom freaking because he is calling him “Li” now) and then at Alec “And you! What the hell did we tell you about sneaking out with Liam!?” Liam and Alec are just out of breath trying not to  laugh at Theo. Theo calls Mason to confirm that they are fine.
Closing scene: Liam flops down on the couch in the McCall house, next to Theo (because that’s where he is staying now) “So, uh, thanks for coming to get us today”. “You’re an idiot” but Theo smiles. “How did you find me anyway?” Liam is twiddling his thumbs, “Tracked your scent” Theo gets up abruptly and leaves. Yup it’s going to be a slow burn!
Oooh, and which TW characters would you bring back as cameos or minor characters?
Frikken Danny! I feel like the guy deserved better. So definitely Danny.  I’d make him the supernatural privy teacher at the high school. Brett would also come back -as a ghost haunting Liam, especially when Li gets angry then Brett would just be in the corner jabbing insults at him and the pack would look at him like he’s crazy when he yells at the wall to shut up. Scott would make regular appearances. Deaton, Argent and Melissa would be regulars, and I think a guest appearance by Jackson because for some reason they are going to need a vile of his Kanima venom. Kira’s going to come looking for her sword at one point. And Isaac shows up with Scott a few times.
I agree with you about Danny; we needed more of him! We should petition to get you in the writer’s room because I need your ideas to happen!! 
How about gifs/manips specifically? Where does your inspiration for those stem from?
I would think of a scene that I really would have loved to happen and then I try to match it as best I can using existing material. Sometimes i would just be scrolling through gifs and I’d be like “oh wait! This with this is perfect!”
Ooh, up for a quick demonstration? Let’s pick one of your favorite fanfiction scenes lately. Which images/thought processes would stick out to you? Any specific gifs come to mind?
So let’s take Airplanes 28 for example. The scene where Liam is weighing up all his options about how to deal with his feelings and Theo asks what his problem is.  I would use the scene from S6 in the locker room where Liam is punching the locker, it had a few different shots of Liam being frustrated. For Theo’s part I’d use the scene form 6x16 where he actually says ‘what is wrong with you”. Then I just use the app to edit and merge them and voila.
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That’s pretty neat. I didn’t even know you could use apps to mash gifs together! If someone wanted to get started with creating manips/gifs, what advice/steps would you give them?
If you’re doing it from your phone, like me, you have to firstly find the right gif app preferably one that does video to gif and vice versa. There are a few that work really well, so hit me up if you want more detail!  I’m also still learning so if anyone has any suggestions let me know.
We’ve chatted about your art for Thiam. Do you also create outside of the Thiam fandom? Original Fiction/Artwork? Other Fandoms?
I used to write and draw when I was younger, the Thiam fandom actually got me back into all of that! I don’t have any of my earlier writing works anymore but I still have drawings.
Aww, can you remember what you liked to write back then?
It was all fictional stories, mostly horrors! I loved writing scary stories, short or long and I would sometimes freak myself out a bit, especially late at night. I remember the one was about a guy whose car ‘broke down’ on a deserted road and he went looking for help at an old farmhouse and couldn't figure out why the people were so weird towards him, so after a few days he left, walking back down the road and he came across his car completely wrecked, his dead body hanging halfway out the door...he was a ghost haha.
Looking ahead, what’s one piece you’re working on that you’re dying for the pack to see?  
Yes! This is a snipped of the AU I’m doing for the Movie fest:
-“That’s him,” Corey said nodding in Theo’s direction “that’s the Judo champ”,
By the time Liam realised he had been staring it was too late, Theo’s head was tilted to the side, an amused grin spread across his face as he looked down slowly at this abdomen and then back up at Liam. There was no reason for Liam to deny that Theo Raeken was gorgeous, that he looked like a demigod in the golden light of the street lamps, but this was not the time for these kinds of thoughts. ‘Get it together Liam’, he shook his head as if to rid his mind of Judo Boy.-
I will also attempt some manips for this piece!
Ooh, intriguing. How dare you stop there! I guess we’ll just have to wait until next week, smh. One final anecdote before we wrap up?
Characters often find themselves in situations they aren’t sure they can get themselves out of. When was the last time you found yourself in situation like that and what did you do?
The PA of our department at work tried to sell me sex toys from this ridiculously expensive catalogue and tried to make me have a sex toy party for my birthday because she would get a free gift and commission for it. First I said, but my friends and family ain’t about that life, and she’s like “No I’ll just invite all my friends it's fine” (to my birthday?? Okay bih). So then I said I’ll think about it hoping she’d forget. She didn’t.  Eventually I told her that I’m not doing anything for my birthday but thanks.
Oh no, she didn’t! It was your birthday smh. You’re stronger than me! Not only would she convince me to throw the party, I’d have bought at least  two things from that freaking catalogue haha! Well, we’re coming to an end, but first, what’s next for you? Both in life and in the creation world? 
Career wise I’d like to do a few courses, and really start going into the direction of what I really love, which is anything creative, instead of just doing a 9-5 to pay bills, you know?  So I’m going to look for a way to bring these two worlds together so that I can always do what I love. Fandom wise, I really want to do more writing, explore different characters and ships!
And, we’ll be over here, looking forward to more of your writing! Finally, Is there anything else you’d like to say? The floor is all yours. Dance away!
I hardly get to writing my own ideas so I’m reluctant to say that I'll take prompts for fics and frankly I take so long to write that it will be disappointing, however, if someone has a scenario/idea for an incorrect quote, manip or aesthetic requests, I’m all for it! I would love to do it! Other than that i just want to thank this entire fandom, you guys are keeping this ship sailing and its beautiful! Keep doing what you’re doing!
Aww, thank YOU for writing, creating, and giving us a lens into your world! I’ll be looking forward to the day you gift us with all the Thiam videos haha. From there, we give you Glitter-cake20. 
As always, you can keep the conversation going; respond to any of her thoughts, ask more questions, send a prompt, or simply swing by for a chat with Sammy anytime. To dive into her works, check out her Tumblr. You can also find her on instagram!
Tumblr: Glitter-cake20
Ask Box: glitter-cake20
Instagram: @spraybitch_chrisberry
That’s all for now, so stay warm, amused, and tuned for next week’s Movie AU edition with @underthegallowws.
Over and Out <3 
Get involved in the Behind the Screen series! Have a Thiam Creator you fan over, from any platform (AO3, Tumblr, Wattpad, Instagram, FFN, etc). Please send us their names. Bonus points if you include any questions you’re dying to ask them. Likewise, if you as the creator, would like to be a part of the Behind the Screens series, give us a shout too! We’d love to get to know you, as well.
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all-about-wannaone · 7 years
Kang Daniel as a Father AU
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(He looked the most husband material here aka helping his wife to fold and do the laundry perhaps?)
And I have finally finished a request once again (before the 30th of July omg)!! :) This was a really cute request that I had received from @imagizibe through my ask box and I am so sorry for the fact that you have probably waited close to a month by now. TT.TT The same goes for my other readers/ followers too, especially those who have seen my multiple to-do lists and have probably wondered when I would actually get to do them. D: It has been long, but it’s finally done and I actually do intend to make it for Wanna One’s Hyung Line too! ^^ As for the maknaes, they would be getting a “(Name of member) as an Older Brother”! ^^ 
Thank you once again for being so patient and supportive despite my lack of updates nowadays. TT.TT I shall not hold you guys back any longer and I wish all of you a happy and fun read! ^^ Who knows? I might even write a Part 2! :3 
To @imagizibe : To make up for the fact that you had to wait so long, I included a short part of the wedding ceremony too when Daniel becomes the official husband. Hope you don’t mind! ^^
One thing’s for sure, if you are married to Kang Daniel, you can be sure that you probably married the right man.
Had one of the cutest and smiley proposals, with a sprinkle of awkwardness.
It was simple with him bringing you to the park to stargaze for a while after dinner, pointing out all the stars that you guys knew and bickering cutely about who was more knowledgeable about astronomy. 
You were lying on his chest and he had his arm around you, before he offered to get you a drink and cupcakes from a patisserie nearby. 
Obviously bought your favourite cupcake and drink, passing it to you before getting down on one knee and finally taking out the ring that he had kept in his pocket the entire night. 
Nearly messed up the paragraph that he had prepared for you but it was pretty obvious that you would say yes.
Cue an elegant wedding ceremony by the seaside on a cliff with the breeze caressing your faces and blowing through your hair.
Probably the groom to say “lawfully wedded wife” as “waffle-y wedded wife” because he was that happy (or more like excited)
An elegant wedding ceremony definitely comes with an equally grand after-party.
You and him probably get a little tipsy eventually, but it was a night to remember for the both of you. (not gonna go into the details ahem)
Now to the real part…
You announce that you are pregnant after you realise that you have not been getting your “time of the month” for 3 months (and of course, you had to check it)
He would stare at you in surprise for a moment because he needs time to process what he just heard.
When he finally does, he would take your hands in his and have the widest smile on his face before saying, “Oh my goodness, I’m going to be a father.”
You nod your head with slight tears in your eyes and he gives you a hug before you could see his own tears forming.
He would embrace you in a firm hold with his robust arms and you swear you could feel him smiling against your shirt.
“I have never felt so happy. Ever. Thank you for being such a blessing and look, we have another blessing.” as he points to your stomach.
Definitely expect to see him with the widest grin on his face (even bigger than the one on his wedding day) and he would be so elated that he would call all of his friends, family and colleagues (Wanna One etc.) to announce your pregnancy.
Also expect boisterous shouting like, “DUDE, I AM A FATHER.”
“진짜 완전 대박 리얼 헐… NO WAY.” (jinjja wanjeon daebak real heol)
From the time you announced the news all the way to the day of your expected delivery, he would take extra good care of you.
Daniel will literally be at your beck and call, satisfying all your food cravings, by your side through ALL the mood swings and will literally do anything you ask him to do. 
Even goes out of his way to learn how to clean the house (as we all know, he’s not exactly the cleanest) so that you won’t fall sick and learns how to cook healthy meals for the both of you.
Is occasionally playful and would place his hand on your stomach to see whether the baby would kick; gets uber excited when he feels it and would feel around again.
The child will be a happy foetus because his/her father sings to him/her all the time and gives him/her occasional kisses too (makes you giggle a bit because it’s ticklish)
He would literally take a day off work to stay by your side on the day of the expected delivery because he wants to be prepared to whizz you to the hospital when the time comes.
Bless the fact that it does because he apparently googled the night before on how he should hold onto his wife in labour, things to say and even songs to blast in the car to distract her from the pain.
Takes you to the hospital with ease and even tried his best to carry you bridal style, before realising how dangerous it will be for the baby.
When you are making your way to the labour room (in a lot of pain) and ready to give birth, you can definitely count on him to always be by your side.
Will hold onto your hand through the entire process, even if his hand turns white and feels numb after all the squeezing from you.
Comforts through hand holding but will definitely be encouraging, together with the nurse. They probably laugh a little, seeing how Daniel looks as if he’s watching a sporting match. (the nurses probably wished they had a husband like him actually)
When the baby is finally out, Daniel would be extremely exhausted but he will not show it and would probably give you a kiss on the forehead with a shy smile on his face.
Asked to carry the baby and he freaks out a little, until you remind him that he is the father of the child after all.
Is exceptionally good with children as the baby smiles the moment he/she takes a look at him and he coos, rubbing his forehead together with the happy baby.
“Welcome to the world, little Kang. You are going to grow up to be handsome/ pretty, like your parents. Trust me, I know so.”
Starting off wasn’t an easy task because whenever the baby cried, it was difficult to tell what he/she truly wanted; was it a change in diaper? Was he/she hungry? Was he/she sad and craving for attention? Who knows?
He doesn’t know what to do when the baby starts crying so he tries comforting it first by whispering soft words and when it doesn’t work, he’ll rock the baby gently and sing him/ her lullabies or will try to make the baby laugh through weird antics.
Doesn’t want to stress you out because he knows how difficult it was to carry the baby and promises to take most of the responsibility as the father.
When the baby cries in the night, he will be the first one to wake up to be by his/her side until the baby falls asleep and he is definitely the type to tuck the baby in and look at him/her for a little while from the top of the baby cot, smiling to himself and wondering how he got so lucky.
If the baby cries again, he’ll be up once more, until you were awoken by the constant ruffling of the bedsheets and the slight movement of the bed. You were just way too tired for the past few days.
Saw Daniel trying his best to comfort the baby and you feel bad that he has been doing a lot of work, so you volunteer to take over.
Stubborn initially but after you remind him that he needs to return to the industry in the pink of health, he unwillingly hands you the baby and tries his best to sleep without stressing over the fact that it was dangerous for you too with your state of exhaustion. (It didn’t affect you anymore really but he was just being protective)
Attempts to make food and healthy snacks for the baby through cookbooks and youtube videos, but he’s not so good with the things in the kitchen and panics when he does not understand the instructions given.
“Wait, they told me 3 tablespoons of flour?? But I thought it was supposed to be cups? And oh my goodness, I spilt some on the floor and is it supposed to be levelled or heaped?? It won’t affect the recipe right?”
It’s actually cute watching him cook, until you realise that he could have burned down the entire kitchen.
Attempts to make the baby’s milk too, and you had to teach him step by step because he was worrying way too much once again about the formula to water ratio.
Once he thinks he’s confident, he would volunteer to babysit despite his practices so that you, too, could have a well-deserved break time (since you had to take a leave from work and takes care of your child 24/7)
Would bring his baby to work in a little baby carrier (cutest thing ever omg) with everyone cooing over how cute the baby looked and basically take turns to carry the child at least once.
Very much prefers to stay at home from then on because Jaehwan threw the baby up into the air (which the baby liked VERY much) and Daniel swore he saw his life flashing before his eyes.
Still invites them over anyway since they love the child so much.
Despite the habit, there will be times he forgets almost every single thing about how to take care of a baby and asks the members for help.
His best friend Seongwoo would be even more clueless, while the more motherly members (Sungwoon, Minhyun, Jisung and Daehwi) will just shake their heads and even teach him how to take care of a child.
“Sorry bro, can’t help very much but your baby is adorable!!” - Ong Seongwoo
“NOT HELPING.” - Everyone else
When they are clueless as to why the baby was still crying or seemed unhappy, his fellow Wanna One members would either google through parenting websites and some would even call their mothers and sisters to get help.
Over time, he definitely gets more tired trying to strive for a work-life-parent balance and you genuinely worry for him, but he only smiles and says that he will take care of himself just fine.
In conclusion, he’ll probably be a pretty good father; supportive, a role model, committed, loves his child very very much, encouraging and will always be by the family’s side, no matter how busy he can get.
Clearly loves his little family and will always put them first, no matter what happens.
Oh, and let’s not forget that he’ll be an extremely good husband too. :’)
Check out my other stuff here! 
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chahchani · 7 years
Sewoon As A Boyfriend
-Sewoon is really the sweetest guy ever, you thought guys like that only existed in the movies but nope, here it is behold, the most swavay gentlmen that has ever walked this earth. 
-Because of him, you started to wear plaid shirts often. You guys are walking around with matching plaid outfits everyday of the week and it just became noramal for you to have like 600 plaid shirts in your closet.
-Knows your favorite colors, your fashion sense, what you like to eat and what you don’t, your allergies and many more from just the first few dates because he’s such a damn good listener so now by the 1st year you’ve been together, he knows your entire life story and your characteristics more than you do tbh. Sometimes makes you re-order something just cuz “believe me I don’t think you’ll like it.” “But sewoon I chose to order it, how you do you know i won’t like it, I’m gonna eat it.” “Alright sweetie but I warned you.” And legit it did tasted like armpit and you’re just like How did you know and he’ll just give you the sweetest smile (while trying not to laugh) like ‘always trust in your ponyo.’
-Sometimes he’s super romantic and cool, and other times he would do things like kiss your head during breakfast before sitting down and would say ‘goodmorning sweetie did you wash your hair, it stinks really bad’ ‘“Just eat your toast ponyo” .And he would just smile and grab your chin softly to give you a kiss because he still loves you and your unwashed hair regardless. “your morning breath stinks too.” “Then don’t kiss me!”
- He may seem like someone who doesn’t care for skinship but he has to always hold your hand in public, always making sure you’re on the inside of the street and never next to the road, occasionally having his hand on your waist when walking. He doesn’t act shy even when fans are around too; you try to let go out of his hand once when fans walked up to him for a conversation, however he noticed and grab your hand again,  intertwining your fingers together while he’s making conversation with them because he wants you to know that this is your time with him, even if people are around, you are what matters most and will never be left to the side. After watching him greet the fans goodbye while still gripping onto your hand firmly but gently, he looked back at you and gave the cutest pout ever. “Why did you let go?”
-Super easygoing and chill. “Yeah it’s fine go have fun with the girls, I’m ok I swear.” /“Don’t worry I trust you, if you want to go clubbing go ahead.” And youre like babe, are you lowkey upset or? And he would just be there drinking some OJ on the couch looking at you like ‘no babe I’m really fine with it, just don’t stay out too late looking so gorgeous like that though, you look amazing in that dress… I think I’ll be awake when your back. “Why? You don’t have to wait for me.” “Well, seeing you in a dress like that, I think I want to be the last person to see you in it.” 
-Always front row in his busking/street performances, you would never miss it for the world. He’s singing and playing the guitar in front of a big crowd but whenever he’s singing, he’s always staring at you and you would just get lost in his eyes and voice and the crowd would always ship you guys so hard, whistling and ooh-ing whenever he smiles at you after singing a sweet lyric and every song he writes is dedicated to you so whenever he sings them in public, everyone goes crazy because you guys are so perfect together. 
-You’re close friends with Jaehwan, Youngmin, and Donghyun and Gwanghyun but your lowkey jealous of all 4 of them because sometimes it feels like they legit want to steal your boyfriend away from you from how close they all are to him and you would get annoyed like “omg can i have my boyfriend back pls, and they would always laugh and try to act even more fake flirty with sewoon in front of you to tease you further especially donghyun, you swear the guy loves playing pranks on you just to see you suffer for his own pleasure.
-God, don’t even look super gorgeous around him or even a slight bit sexy because in public or when he’s in a public gathering with you, he won’t even act a slight bit aroused or in need (just chill as usual except you’ll notice a slight bit of a grip on your waist then usual) but when you get home it’s game on. Makeouts with you on the wall happen often, and he’ll take everything slow, he’s never the type to rush either when he’s pleasuring you however once he starts it’s like he’s a different person and doesn’t stop till he finishes. Lip bites and sucking on your skin are a must for him and it’s shocking cuz shit sewoon you have this side to you and you never get used to it but of course you enjoy every bit of it. Always whispers he loves you after intercourse because he means it when he says it.
-Doesn’t like being apart from you for too even though he acts very chill about it and is always thinking of you when he’s making music. If he knows you’re busy that day (of course he would know your schedule, he makes sure he does especially if you have an important exam or something) he will just leave one bigass paragraph of a text every end of the day talking about what he did that day and at the end saying he loves you, misses you and for you to have a good night. And you’re always so happy reading it after you get back home before bed because you can tell he misses you so much. Sometimes though when you’ve have a stressful day, you would text him at at 3am saying how you’re upset thinking he’ll read it in the morning but after a few second of sending it, he always calls you right away to make sure you’re ok and if you want him to come over, but by the time he’s even asking if he could, he’s already on his way to your place with his guitar because he was in the middle of practice.
-And even though he’s tired himself, he would play his guitar to you in bed till you would fall asleep, singing the songs he made for you because he knows you calm down whenever he sings them. Once your fast asleep, he’ll tuck you in softly and leave a kiss on your forehead before heading back to Starship to practice and maybe even write another song about you.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
THANK YOU SO MUCH, I’m ugly crying on the inside right now. I’m really so glad you liked the art, seriously this means a lot to me TYSM <3
I like how Hisoka turned out too :D I have a hard time looking at him though because WOW that’s way too much trash for once piece of paper
Be glad that I sent you the sassy Saiko, because I also drew a crying Saiko calling for Maman. I decided not to be a troll for once though ^^
I couldn’t do justice to OG Musical Maria though. She’s gorgeous…
That picture of Roy will be my legacy.
(as for the tiny dab, that is also Saiko in case the pic was too small for you to tell XD funny thing is that I wasn’t even intending to have that slip in when I took the picture. I drew a tiny, mouth-and-nose-less ‘I am not impressed’ Urie face next to it too but guess that didn’t make it in haha LOL
I'm actually sorta obsessed with drawing tiny, dabbing figures right now because I just discovered an easy way to draw dabs and…well. It’s fun?)
AWW tysm! Tbh though I get the struggle. I hated all paints for the longest time because I also had no idea how to use brushes and control the amount of water I used and ended up with shapeless blobs or super runny pics (also I’ve never actually learned how to paint or draw…a couple of short lessons when I was really little, a month(?) of lessons around last year or the year before, that’s pretty much it. So idk how to do things really lol). But I sorta-recently got obsessed with watercolor paintings (SO PRETTY) and that’s why I started ‘practicing’ (AKA watching/reading a bunch of tutorials and trying my best to remember the few things I actually learned XD). I still can’t draw stuff just with watercolors though, I need to do a light pencil sketch and then color with paint.
OK that sounds so cool but problem: My phone is a super old flip phone that I’ve had since I was eight(?), so mobile games are a no XD and my parents probably wouldn’t buy me anything that costs money (they let me play simple free RP games and dating games on the internet since those are usually fairly innocent (I mean, it’s plot/character-based stuff, almost like a manga) but not anything too 'big’ you know? If I was old enough to buy games like that with my own money I don’t think they’d care tho, as long as I didn’t get obsessed with games or anything.)
Also just realized that I’m stupid and apparently forgot that I don’t have Steam. I was going to install it but can I ask you exactly what it is/how it works, first? I’m just kinda worried about randomly installing this since I don’t quite get it yet ^^;; (sorry I can be really, really stupid when it comes to stuff like this)
THAT’S SO CUTE. Let me recommend you a game too- a free RPG/Dating game called Ascension by ImpQueen! No download, you just go to ImpQueen and play it. There are three(?) chapters. The first chapter might not be that interesting compared to other games, but the game and the story keep getting more complex as you go on :D you also get new dateable characters every chapter and the MC, Aida, is AWESOME. Also, in chapter two and three you can actually customize the main cast’s appearances, like you’d do in a dress-up game! Another cool thing is that you get different 'personality points' depending on the things you say/do, and the amount of points you have for a certain personality can change the outcomes of certain situations.
It’s also really fun because other than the romance, the plot and Aida’s journey is super interesting too.
Do you know I’ve been reading some Ishida tweets lately and look at this (yes these are all real)
Fan: Excuse me, is it ok if I ask what major you chose at university?
Ishida: I have studied worthless knowledge in University.
Fan: Please take good care of yourself and eat well! (I think that’s what they said? It was in Japanese so)
Ishida: I ate some tomatoes!
Fan: How do you draw Arima, sensei? It’s so hard to draw him ;-;
Ishida: Sadistic & Massive. I keep that in my mind.
Fan: I love you please marry me
Ishida: Sure! When is convenient for you?
Fan: Be sure to rest when you need to, sensei…
Ishida: I don’t wanna rest
Ishida: It’s natural, you know.
Fan with a picture of a cartoon skeleton for their profile pic: Will we ever learn what happened to Hide, sensei? Also, thank you for the sequel :) I love TG
Ishida: Well, I’m not sure…by the way, you are so skinny. Thank you!
Also, dude reads Shoujo manga. He tortures us with Touken, Kanae, Tsukiyama/Kaneki, Saiko/Urie…and then he goes and posts fanart he drew of a Shoujo manga he was reading and says that he’s sad it’s over omg
I’d probably never want to leave that flask HOW COULD A TINY INSIGNIFICANT HUMAN DEFEAT ME SO EASILY NOOO
*sigh* I didn’t raise you to be like this…
(I just got the funniest/weirdest idea though: So Evans is like Luna’s mom in this relationship, Riza is Roy’s mom. Imagine what would happen when Roy/Luna got to the 'meeting the parents’ stage in their relationship)
Mei’s version of subtle-
Mei: Mr. Scar, Evans thinks you have pretty eyes.
Scar: What
(basically catastrophe. And I would never have actually said that…Luna probably told Mei to say that I said something nice about him and that’s what the kid came up with OTL)
Well, he became a criminal in Civil War so not a big surprise really ;-;
For a second I thought that pic was you
Wow, that’s great! Bet it looks amazing on the queen <3333
Funny thing is I thought I liked physical contact (like cuddling, hugging, hand-holding) but turns out that’s not the case XD I get super awkward when anyone who’s not my mom, dad, or my little sister/younger cousin touches me. Tbh the only person I feel comfortable with cuddling anytime, anywhere is my little sister because she’s still smol LOL
It’s definitely weird when people who aren’t that close with you try to hug you though. The only thing that can make it worse is if they gush about what a good, sweet child you are while doing it XD
(btw, I sent you a message about the TG Re Volume 12 omake; did it get eaten?)
((EDIT AFTER NEW CHAP OF TG: WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUU NO URIE NO N O)) Feel free to send more art anytime! I’ll always be glad to see it ^^
Is he really that bad? I mean, I’ve seen some memes, but didn’t think he was that trashy XD
Oh wow, thank you for that :P Who knows, maybe I would’ve broken my computer screen, because end the suffering already.
Dabbing Saiko, best Saiko. I assumed it was her because of the hair, but wasn’t 100% sure. Isn’t that Urie’s default face, tho. I mean, when is that man impressed? He does show emotion when he’s  trying to comfort someone, but that doesn’t happen very often.  *stares at that paragraph* *dabs aggressively* 
Ah, that’s what makes it even more impressive! I mean, we had art in elementary school, but it was mostly the ‘learn stuff yourself’ kind of art. Needles to say, I didn’t learn a lot. But watercolours really are a nice way of painting, since they can have really vibrant colours, yet be serene at the same time. Most people I know who draw, watercolour or not, use sketches and references, so I don’t see anything wrong with that ^^ Just take your time to learn what you want ^^
Oh, I see! So, free, computer games for you… Well, right now, CP is the only one I can think of, but I’ll discover more in the future and share them with you when I do ^^ The only paid games I play are on my phone, since I’m too shy to ask my parents to but me otome games… I have 0 problems playing them on my own, but not a lot of people know that I play them. 
Right, steam.  It’s a gaming platform. Technically, it’s an app for the computer on which you can download games that are available in the steam store. Some are free, some are paid. 
Tumblr media
This is how the page looks. The little green button in the upper left corner is to download the app itself, and you’ll also need to create an account.  You’ll need to give an email, but it’s only for account verification and to send you bills if you decide to buy anything. However, if you don’t buy anything, the email will mostly be useless after the verification. I mean, I don’t remember getting a spam email from them at all.  After that, just go to the search bar, type Cinderella Phenomenon. And press play the game! It should automatically download the game to the steam app and you’re good to play ^^  No worries about asking questions! It’s actually admirable how you’re so careful around the internet ^^
Oh, I’ve actually played that before! I could never finish chapter 3, though… For some reason, it keeps glitching at one scene making me unable to continue further =3= It was quite fun to play! I just don’t remember most of it anymore, since it’s been a while since i’ve played ^^;;;
Ishida summarised my high school experience so far in a single tweet, only it’s about University XD
Wow. That’s so mean of him XD Seriously Ishida, why you gotta torture us so much??? (I just noticed my computer stopped auto-correcting Ishida, I think it finally learned I wanted to type it) 
Muhahahahaha I’ve contained the legendary dwarf!!! Now she won’t be able to convince a whole nation to commit collective suicide because their leader is a naive idiot!!
The two of you just talk about how randomly childish the two of us can get at times XD I think you’d get along pretty well with Riza, though. I mean, she’s a nice person, who knows what it’s like to be scared, so she’d be fine with taking lead of the conversation. 
Scar isn’t sure if it’s Mei’s idea of a prank or not, but he’d be slightly disappointed if it was cause he kindawantedEvanstothinkhiseyesarenice but nope he’s in denial.
From that day on, Luna learns that if she wants to get the two awkward dorks together, she’ll have to take things into her own hands. Probably goes something like this:
Luna: Evans, are you free at 5pm this Friday? Evans: Yeah, why? Luna: Scar, are you free at 5pm this Friday? Scar: Aha Luna: Great, because I’m not! Have fun you two!
My sweet sunshine child cap T^T
Aah, no, my hair i shorter than that ^^;;; Also, I look younger than I am OTL
I think it’s more of the ‘I like physical contact if I know the person and am close enough to them’ thingy. I mean, I have a few acquaintances who love hugs and I always shrink away from them, but with close friends, U’m sometimes the one who starts hugs. But you might also dislike contact in general, which is also fine, everyone has their own preferences ^^
I did, but I only noticed after I answered your message OTL Well, that’s certainly an interesting ship… Now I slightly ship it… 
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