#the “swift quake” thing has made it to People Magazine
redbeardace · 1 year
Okay, so now how can I get an idle question about asexuality to end up getting written about in People Magazine?
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evolutionsvoid · 3 years
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At last a dream and at last one that actually has a monster in it! Don't get a whole lot of them, and I am pretty sure I forget most of them, but this one stuck! This one didn't have a whole lot going for it story wise, but it certainly stuck out in a different way!
So there I was doing a video chat with an old high school friend of mine, who had upped and moved himself to the new colony on Neptune. Obviously technology had advanced quite a lot, what with the flawless transmission between my old laptop and someone stationed on another planet. What we were talking about, I don't recall, probably about him being on Neptune. During our talk, the colony got struck with a tremor, which put everyone on edge, but such quakes were not uncommon. However, shortly after the shaking ended, the floor of the dome he was in started to split open and bursting from the ground was these horrid worms. Other folks of the colony were running and screaming, as more worms emerged and started to feed on them. They erupted from underneath people, rising up with mouths open wide to catch their victim. When a person was caught in their toothy gullet, they would feed on them in quite the horrific manner. Despite their mouths being filled with teeth, they instead used suction to tear apart their prey. You know how people can whip off a tablecloth in one swift motion, leaving all the stuff on top untouched? Well, imagine doing that to human skin. They pulled people apart, layer by layer, sucking these ripped off pieces down into their throat. The victims screamed and writhed, but their movements just caused them to shred themselves on the teeth. At this point, my friend fled, knocking over his camera and turning my view of the carnage lopsided. Before my dream ended, I saw one worm emerge to survey the scene. The top of its head flipped up like a toilet lid, exposing a gnarly mass of tendril-like muscle and ropy flesh. Strung up amongst this meat were two exposed eyes, rolling about in a ludicrous manner. And that was all I remembered.
I do love the goofy design of them mixed with the sheer horror of their feeding method. With their colors and alien nature, they do very much feel like monsters from those old sci-fi magazines. Which of course is why I went with this name for them!
Also, a continuation of my dreams featuring body horror! At least I think this counts. Someone being peeled apart like an onion being attacked by a vacuum cleaner seems pretty body horror to me. ----------------------------------------------------------------
On another note, I finally got to play Monster Hunter Rise, which may seem entirely unrelated. The good thing is I love it, the bad thing is that productivity is at an all time low! Trying to find a balance, but I am not made of stone and how else am I going to get those drops?!
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