#the 1st time that happened i freaked out but he just pooped it out
pleaktale · 5 months
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My cat's expression after I scolded him for eating a piece of double-sided tape. It wasn't the 1st time.
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Valentine's tag game 💗
I was tagged by @gemini-mama, thank you :)
The most painful love crush/disappointment in life? When the guy I dated last before meeting Danas broke up with me. We dated for about 6 months and he broke up on january 1st, and I just hadn't seen it coming. We had so much fun together and were literally (good) chaos when we saw each other (we later found out we both have adhd lmao), but deep down I also knew we wouldn't last. He wanted kids eventually, and I didn't. I wanted to travel, and he didn't. in general our energies together were just draining eventho we had so much fun. but that break up truly messed me up. however, because we had such a good connection, we are still friends and catch up every now and then (yes, Danas has even met the guy to see there is literally nothing between us anymore other than friendship.) I didn't date anyone after him for most of the year until I met Danas.
What was your first real date like/what do you imagine your first real date like? I can't really remember what my first date was like. I know with who it was but what we did???? no idea lmao
What would be the most awkward situation for you on a date/has happened to you while dating? Travelled through the country to meet some dude and we had a good time until his roommate showed up (a girl) and he asked her to join us???? and they casually pulled out a bong while I was the only one who wasn't into that so??????????/ it was so fucking awkward and honestly never saw him again after that. fuck outta here
What was your first kiss like/what do you imagine your first kiss to be like? A guy lowkey forced kissed me (just a peck on the lips) when I was like 15 and I hated it because I did not like him so yeah that sucked
Do you have any sexual quirks that others would find strange/is there anything you would never do when it comes to sex? i doubt that light BDSM freaks people out here but there's that. I'm a bratty sub(can be a switch when needed). I like to wear lingerie/outfits, be collared, spanked, choked, blindfolded, "manhandled", handcuffed/tied up, wear horror/halloween masks, have my hair pulled, put those fingers in my mouth daddy- you get the point really. and there's a long list of things I wouldn't do, main things being anything involving poop, piss and/or vomit. I don't ever want a 3rd person (or more) ((unless it's Sihtric okay)). also no anal, no serious degrading and I sure as hell ain't gonna pretend I'm furniture either
Kinkiest thing you've done/could do with a partner? well well, wouldn't you like to know????
The most romantic thing ever? if I don't say my proposal then what am I even doing? last year on our fifth anniversary Danas took me to the national park close by where we went to on our first date. He took me to the exact same bench we sat at that day and then he became all fidgety and nervous after a few minutes and then got down on one knee and asked the question. he was so relieved he had asked and that I said yes that he forgot to put the ring on my finger and I had to remind him. I lowkey knew he was going to pop the question but I also felt nervous regardless. after that we went for dinner in a restaurant nearby and it was just perfect because it was nothing outrageous or attention drawing, because that's not how we are either. and, in general Danas has done many romantic/cute things to surprise me over the years so I truly can't complain when I look at couples around me. find a Lithuanian dude is all I can say lmao
I see some moots have been tagged already and idk who else to tag so?? if you see this go for it if you want!
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amgeryporcupine · 2 years
Hi :)
This is for that one anon whose request I've mistaken for something else.
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Hmm where do I start? Honestly, this whole TobiMada family thing that I thought of first came out to be angsty lol.
Like how Tobirama and Madara get together, or how it's possible for Madara to get preggo (not a/b/o). The original back story I had in mind can be defined as "it gets worse before it gets better".
But enough of that- let's just say they both lived happily ever after with many kids.
Please know that I'm poop with names so I just reused a bunch.
1st born - Quadruplets
Izuna (1st) was named after his late uncle. He is the Uchiha clan heir and the biggest troll Konoha has ever seen. He is also Itama's shoulder to cry/whine on. He may act carefree but he is the best when handling diplomatic missions.
Kawarama (2nd) is very much a grump, short-tempered, and has the issue of people standing behind him. He also happens to be a sensor as strong as his dad but would often get overwhelmed so his brothers are always there for him in case it gets too much. He is very protective of his siblings but he can be overbearing sometimes.
Itama (3rd) is a moody crybaby. He's like the combination of his uncle Hashi and his late uncle Itama. He loves to annoy his brother Kawarama for the sole reason of: "it's because Kawa-Chan makes funny faces when he's mad" even if he gets hit in the head and loses a few brain cells. He is also very well-loved by the people of Konoha as his character and behavior remind them of their previous Hokage (Hashirama). He is also expected to be the 3rd Hokage when Tobirama retires from the position.
Sousuke (4th) loves playing with fire. No words can describe the number of forest fires he's caused or the small villages he accidentally burned down. He's a pretty chill guy and very very straightforward with his words. He is socially awkward but he tries his best. He is considered a good team leader and would often be sent on S-rank missions, even if he prefers to do it alone. Some would say that his strength and thirst for a good fight came from his mother (they're not wrong tho).
2nd born - Triplets
Satsuki (1st) has a very poised and dignified persona. She loves dressing up in expensive kimonos with intricate designs. She doesn't listen to anyone's bs unless they wish for a painful death by drowning. She has received many suitors from different clans but none fit her high standards (Tobirama's practically leaping with joy as his daughter will stay as his princess forever. Or so he thought). She is also an Iryo-nin along with her two sisters.
Makoto (2nd) is a perfectionist. She is also a clean freak and practically tidies up any mess her sisters make. She loves to read books let be they novels, or medical texts. She's not one to dress as fancy as Satsuki but she'll let herself be dressed up like a doll as long as her sisters won't bother her for the next hour. Most of the time oblivious when someone is interested in courting her. She has a history of "accidentally" sending her suitors to a friend zone.
Nagisa (3rd) is very energetic and adventurous. Not disgusted with handling anything, even bugs (for which Satsuki and Makoto would lose their vocal cords). She loves trying out new things and would often encourage her sisters to join her in it. She is also the mediator when her sisters bicker too much. Has been in many relationships before but it doesn't last because her partners couldn't keep up with her. (her dad and older brothers take very much care of her exes, and the twins are glad to have another to add to their collection).
3rd born - Twins
Hikaru (1st) and Kaoru (2nd) are two peas in a pod. They won't do anything without each other. Are born prodigies and have made many of their own jutsus. Unintentionally handling S-rank missions (only because of how often they get the unfortunate chance of being dragged into one) leads to gaining Jonin-rank at a young age. They dissect (animals) to study the organ system, skeletal structure, find the cause of death, etc. They received a human cadaver on their 10th birthday after presenting the things they've studied through years of dissecting and the council found it beneficial to give them the chance in order to contribute to the greater good of medicine.
4th born
Harumi is the epitome of sunshine and rainbows. It would take a lot of convincing for people outside Konoha to believe that this little girl is a spawn of Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Madara. She has mastered the deadly "puppy dog eyes" and has made uncle Hashi her favorite victim. She was a surprise to the family. Madara never thought that he'd conceive again with his age, but nonetheless, he and his husband were ecstatic to meet their youngest. Tobirama would drop everything he was doing if his little Harumi ever requested to be carried. Harumi got called "Hime" as a joke at first but the Senju and Uchiha both agreed that she is indeed a "Hime" and nothing would change that.
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Wips related to this au
The whole family goes to the beach but in a modern setting, the quads as babies, and all 10 of them in one photo.
There's another fanart of this au in my old account @angeryporcupine
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septimore · 3 years
I dont wanna talk about it yet
Rant tw death
Back at the end of January my gma passed and we from an aneurism that shed had for years. We all knew that was gonna be the thing that got her, it's the thing that got her father too. So the whole family was prepared and she had funeral arrangements sense the 80s. But it was the 1st time someone I knew died. 2 days later my bfs brother brings up his moms 14 year old dog because she had to move out of her house and into an apartment and had too many pets. This dog was my bfs dog when he still lived at her house
I really funneled my grief into nurturing this old deaf dog and making sure she was comfortable. We took her to the vet over the last 3 months and got her cauliflower ears- not quite fixed- but better and she could hear the air kicking on and she could hear cars passing by. About a week and a half ago we asked the vet if we could put her on arthritis meds, and that really helped her. But the last 2 weeks, right before we put her on meds she wasnt really eating much, still drinking water tho.
And we were putting little pads down because she was having problems going down stairs to pee. The day before yesterday she pooped in the house and when o went to pick it up it was black. Google says that's blood in the upper digestive system and the vet was closed so yesterday morning I had my bf call the vet and ask if we needed to take her in or take her of the meds or.... what was going on. Our vet was at another animal hospital for a few days and the vet tech scheduled us to take her there today at 10.
Our dog also was kinda staring off into space and zoning out alot and breathing kinda hard starting the day before yesterday. So I was waking up every hour last night and checking on her, and she was dozing in and out but still not breathing easy, this morning I woke up and we had an hour before her appointment and I was petting her to calm her down and she died while I was petting her
Man , I'm crying writing this
So my bf started freaking out, said to call my mom (who was our ride to the appointment) and while I was talking to her he called his mom and was yelling at her about giving us a dying dog. After he calmed down a little he called our usual vet and asked what we need to do and they said bring her in to our usual place.
So my bf kinda looked at me when he was off the phone and I said I can carry her down
We went to the vet and they came out and grabbed her and asked about what we'd like to do now about cremation or burial and my bf just froze because we hadnt talked about it and he hadnt even thought of it yet
I had a little so I told her cremation and they said that we can worry about payment when we pick up her ashes but like
Guys. My dog died while I was petting her. I've been avoiding thinking about my gmas death from January because my gma and i talked on the phone like once a week and I went over to my moms where she was staying like twice a week. I am not going to be doing okay but I dont think I'll post much about it on tumblr, probably just gonna deal with it on my own
And i gotta make sure the bf is okay because that was his dog when he was like 15 and gotta check on my mom because she watched the dog twice a week while we were at work, and this is the first thing, animal or human, that's passed sense her mom
Idk guys. I feel a little better after having typed stuff out, my notes are full of lots of things like this. But idk why but I want this one is on tumblr
And my sister just messaged me so I'm sure mom told her already
Man I'm gonna have to work tonight
I didnt call out when gma passed either. I was scheduled 2 days off when that happened and my 1st week at work was brought, but I made it through my shifts
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jse-egopocalypse · 5 years
2016 Egopocalypse Detailed Timeline
now that you got the gist of the egos, we’ll get to the 2016 egopocalypse (from FNAF sister location to Say Goodbye)
so again, i’m putting every video (with time stamps and links to the said video) on this post and some pictures and screenshots that are important and from varies of social media.
(video playlist for this entire timeline is at the end)
Click keep reading to view
1st video: THE START OF THE NIGHTMARE | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #1
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timestamp: 4:28
this is the first video anti appeared in. it was for a few minutes until he showed himself in the video.
more anti apperances timestamps:
8:20, 15:29, 20:19, 26:25
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he also said his first line: “Get the fuck back there or i’ll fuck you back there”
33:23, 34:10, 35:29, 36:52, 39:27
and then the outro music was very distorted.
in the description though, there was a weird zalgo text.
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“You’ve waited a long time Now I wake”
2nd video: THEY HAVE AWOKEN... | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #2
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timestamp: 0:01
the first second of the video and anti already wants to pop in to say hi.
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timestamp: 1:19
there’s a very subtle face behind jack.
more anti apperances timestamps:
4:00, 9:09, 9:13, 9:20, 12:55, 16:27, 17:09, 17:12, 18:08, 19:01
then the outro music is still distorted
and another zalgo text was in the description
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“Follow the signs release me”
3rd video: SOMETHING INSIDE | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #3
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timestamp: 0:02
2 seconds in and anti’s already showing up.
more anti apperances timestamps:
1:13, 2:35, 5:27, 5:31, 8:22, 8:25
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anti either said: “I am near” or “I am here”
10:43, 10:46, 14:31, 14:42, 17:27
and yet again, the music is more distorted.
there are more zalgo texts and it looks like it’s getting out of hand
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“I see you understand now keep watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfgFNd6D408″
and you see that link right there?
4th video: Sͮ̏̿ͯ̈͐̈́̚̚͏͖͔͞ǫ̆͋͂̈ͯ̂̉҉͕̪͈͎̙o͊҉̛̜͔͚͓͔͈̗͠n̾́͂̾ͦ̓ͥ͏̪̖
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it’s just this with creepy noises and MORE zalgo texts:
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“Very good you may be worthy”
and then anti put up a comment:
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“I’m glad I have your attention now”
5th video:  The Temple Of No!
the first 10 mins was very chill and fun until...
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timestamp: 11:12
and sean looked into the camera and said: “we all know about anti don’t we?” and the facecam glitches.
in 20:37, there was no glitches but he did say “god, there was a weird sound...ticking in my ear. I thought it was in my room...now im weirded out.”
6th video:  PLEASE DON'T KILL ME | Hello Neighbor #2
just almost 10 mins in the video, he showed up randomly.
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timestamp: 9:45
and then the game crashed twice.
7th video: MERGED TOGETHER | Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location #4
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timestamp: 0:00
and not even a second, anti already glitched the facecam.
more anti appearances:
1:18, 2:40, 3:15, 5:14
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timestamp: 7:30
and he said: “I’m near”
10:05, 10:12, 10:24, 20:11, 22:00
and then the outro...again. was more distorted than the last one.
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after the outro, he said: “oh, i don’t feel so good”
the facecam slightly glitched and...
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he just appeared in full screen in a few frames.
and the description still has the zalgo texts
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“We are together as one now in Five Nights At Freddy’s Sister Location”
“It’s almost time I grow stronger”
8th video:  CHOOSE YOUR OWN GOAL | ClusterTruck #16
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timestamp: 12:41
anti appeared when sean said “thank you to everyone who made a level for me or in commemoration of me...commemoration sounds like im dead”
9th video: GRANNY DAB | Stuntfest #1
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timestamp: 8:34
sean said: “im out, im free, im d e a d”, anti appeared.
10th video: SWIMMING IN POOP | Pipejob (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)
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timestamp: 12:17
“hi there, my name’s jack” and he glitches then smiled.
11th video:  ROBOT WARS | Manual Samuel #3
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timestamp: 21:33
the orphange house in the game got blown out and you could hear laughter as he glitched.
12th video: ALONE AND AFRAID | Layers Of Fear - Part 1
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timestamp: 20:30
there was a bit of a glitch...
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timestamp: 20:33
“i don’t like the double face thing”
and there’s anti
more anti appearances:
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timestamp: 22:08
the facecam glitched as the rat ran into the fire. anti laughed and sean said: “what the hell was that weird sound?”
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there’s something in the description though
it says: “it’s time to say goodbye”
13th video: SORE FROM LAUGHING | Stuntfest #2
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timestamp: 2:19
anti showed up as sean coughed and asked: “the hell was that?”
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timestamp: 5:00
as anti glitched, sean said: “ah my eye is twitching.”
14th video: BULLETPROOF CHEST | Mr. President #3
anti appearances:
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timestamp: 11:15
the WHOLE game glitched out including the face cam whilst anti was chuckling
after the outro music
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timestamp: 15:50
he appeared with that iconic grin as sean said: “i like how it gives you smooth jazz in the background, so you don’t wanna kill yourself anymore.”
15th video: SCARIER THAN IT LOOKS | The Cubicle (HTC Vive Virtual Reality)
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timestamp: 1:40
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timestamp: 3:47
anti appeared in a single frame...
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timestamp: 3:49
and then anti turned around to look at sean
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timestamp: 7:26
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timestamp: 7:27
after sean said:“what just happened to me?” anti sang: “one...two, anti’s coming for you, and he’s dead” and then the facecam disappeared
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timestamp: 7:32
again, anti appeared just for a split second and disappeared.
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timestamp: 9:16
and then, he just faced us and said: “i have come” and jack just said: “i could have sworn i just heard something.”
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there’s another zalgo texts that says: “tomorrow ends him”
16th video: THE SIGNS ARE THERE | Layers Of Fear - Part 2
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timestamp: 4:39
more anti apperances:
7:51, 7:55, 10:21
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timestamp: 13:03
anti winked at us
20:12, 26:03
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another zalgo text in the description that says: “it’s almost time”
17th video: S̺͍͉͔͉̞̪Ḁ̸̰̮͝Y̶̪ ̳͇̭͍̥̭͉ͅG̕҉̡̦̲O̤̫͖͎̗͜͞ͅÒ̴̬̠̺̪̥͉̳͉̥͝D̨̺̦̯͙͙͔̯͚͠B̸̬̻̝͉͍̻̀͝Y҉̫̝̖̹̝̠͠E̲̩͟͝ͅ
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timestamp: 2:19
sean heard a weird sound, stood up and said “the fuck was that?” and strated to slightly glitch.
he opened the door to his far left and said: “hello?”
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and then he appeared...
more anti apperances:
2:32, 3:18, 3:41
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timestamp: 4:22
sean said: “this smell isn’t making me feel well” and he got a nosebleed.
4:32, 5:32, 6:35
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timestamp: 8:07
“it’s time...to die!”
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timestamp: 8:28
he got quiet and listened to the thud sounds he heard. stood up and said: “i swear to god, i’m hearing something. that is fucking freaking me out.”
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timestamp: 8:43
he appeared again but with black eyes.
and then proceeded on saying: “maybe it’s just the neighbors i’m hearing. sounds like something’s walking around or something like stomping or banging, christ. maybe i’m just paranoid ‘cause it’s halloween” 
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timestamp: 9:09
the video slightly glitched when sean said: “but if you wanna make him look like he’s rotten or decayed”
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timestamp: 9:49
the video slightly glitched again before anti’s shadow appeared
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timestamp: 9:50
and then sean glitched
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timestamp: 9:51
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timestamp: 10:36
before sean finishes his sentence, anti cuts him off and took over him.
- tw: blood and gore -
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timestamp: 10:47
anti slits sean’s throat and killed him.
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timestamp: 11:03
and now, anti has fully taken over sean...with a voice saying “help me”
and then he proceeds with his monologue that we have to say goodbye to sean.
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in the description though, it says: “You wanted me.....well here I am”
- E N D -
moving on to the other social media, before the ‘say goodbye’ video, anti has been taking over sean’s instagram and twitter.
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i know he also took over his tumblr but it has the same vibes as his twitter. (bloody icon and zalgo bio)
and that ladies and gents, is how he died and now he’s in a coma.
coma? i’ll tackle more about that during the 2018 egopocalypse post soon!
HERE’S THE PLAYLIST TO THIS POST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5wG46uK8MEOkOZFY4k9x9tSGECzF9l8z
i hope this is helpful to anyone who didn’t get to experience this or just forgot about what happened during that time of year.
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke's Monsterween: Scooby Doo The Movie
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Xtra Where We Are Continuing Duke's Monsterween...
Where Yesterday On Duke Reviews, I Reviewed The Original Dracula, Starring Bela Lugosi But On Duke Reviews Xtra We're Going A Little Kid Friendly This Year By Reviewing Some Halloween Movies Done By Disney In An Effort To Somewhat Continue Our Look At Disney...
We're Not Looking At Disney This Week, But Instead We're Going To Look At 3 Scooby Doo Movies This Week, Starting With Scooby Doo The Movie...
This Movie Sees Mystery Inc. Breaking Up After An Argument Between Fred (Played By Kanan Jarrus) Velma (Played By Hawkeye's Wife) And Daphne (Played By Buffy The Vampire Slayer), Leaving Scooby And Shaggy (Played By The Best Shaggy In The World) To Go Off On Their Own...
But Years Later When The Gang Is Invited By Theme Park Owner Emile Mondavarious (Played By Mr. Bean) To Investigate His Theme Park When People Start Acting Weird When They Leave The Park...
Will Mystery Inc Be Able To Put Aside Their Differences And Work Together For This Mystery?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Scooby Doo The Movie...
The Film Starts At The Wow-O Toy Factory Where The Gang Is Working On The Case Of The Luna Ghost...
(End At 2:51)
Once The Ghost Is Captured, We Get A...Pamela Anderson Cameo?...
No Offense, But Of All The Celebs I Would Rather See Have A Cameo In This Movie, Pamela Anderson Was Not One Of Them...
With The Ghost Revealed And Everyone Except Shaggy And Scooby Start Arguing As Fred As He Always Takes Credit For Velma's Plans While Daphne Is Just Tired Of Being Captured During Every Mystery...
This Leads Fred, Velma And Daphne To Quit Mystery Inc. Leaving Shaggy And Scooby To Go Off On Their Own...
Two Years Later, Shaggy And Scooby Are Asked By A Representative For Emile Mondavarious To Solve A Mystery At His Theme Park, Spooky Island, But Not Interested In Going To Anyplace With The Word "Spooky" In It, They Initially Refuse...
But When The Guy Says That There's An All You Can Eat Clause In Their Deal, Scooby And Shaggy Change Their Minds And Are On Board...
Going To The Airport, Shaggy Finds Out That Fred (Who Has A New Book Out) Velma (Who Works At NASA) And Daphne (Who Has Become A Black Belt)
Because It's Sarah Michelle Gellar And We Have To Make Use Of Her Skills On Buffy In Someway...
Have Also Been Asked To Go To Spooky Island As Well By Mondavarious...
But Only Seeing Shaggy, Velma Wonders "Where's Scooby?" Which Leads To Scooby Entering Disguised As A Woman As They Don't Let Big Dogs On The Plane...
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But As Velma Starts Arguing With Fred And Daphne Again, Shaggy Tries To Play Mediator And Try To Make Them Realize How Great It Would Be If They Teamed Up Again...
Daphne's On Board But Only If Fred And Velma Are In, Which They're Not...
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Once On Board The Plane, Shaggy Falls Head Over Heals For A Girl Who Likes Scooby Snacks Also Named Mary Jane (Played By Isla Fisher, Or As She's Called Nowadays Mrs. Borat)
And Yes, I Know Mary Jane Is Another Word For Marijuana, But To Me, It Is Just A Name, Let It Go!
But Unfortunately She's Allergic To Dogs So Shaggy Has Scooby Go Spend Time With Fred And Velma While Shaggy Gets To Know Mary Jane A Little More, But When Scooby Sees A Cat, He Starts Barking And Chasing It All Over The Plane...
With The Gang Arriving On Spooky Island, They Meet Emile Mondavarious, Who Notices A Slight Change In The Teens That Leave Spooky Island, Believing That It's A Magic Spell And They Definitely Notice A Change...
The Type That Causes Your Pants To Poop...
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With Mondavarious Very Terrified And Scared For The People That Come To The Island, They Decide To Help Only Fred, Velma And Daphne Go Off On Their Own...
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Later That Night, Velma Catches A Stage Show Hosted By A Man Named N'Goo Tauna And His Partner Zarkos, Who Tell A Story Saying That The Island Was Once Home To Creatures, Who Lived Undisturbed On The Island..
But When Mondavarious Built Spooky Island, He Antagonized The Creatures And Have Since Been Plotting Their Revenge...
Meanwhile, Shaggy Is Out On His First Date With Mary Jane, While Scooby Gets A Phone Call Saying That Someone Has Hamburgers For Him All He Has To Do Is Go Into The Dark Shadowy Part Of The Forest Where No One Can See Him...
Seriously? Did You Honestly Think Scooby Was Going To Give Up Hamburgers Even If It Was A Scary Voice On The Phone Who Told Him To Go To A Scary Place To Get Them?
Hell, No!...
But Unfortunately When Scooby Gets There, He Discovers That The Hamburgers Are Fakes And That There Was A Monster Waiting For Him...
He Tells Shaggy And Mary Jane About The Monster, But All They See Is A Guy In A Costume...
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But As That Happens, Daphne Take With A Resident On The Island, A Voodoo Man, Who Warns Daphne To Get Off The Island And Stay Away From The Castle On The Top Of The Hill...
Despite Coming Up With Various Stupid Theories On What Might Be Up There, Daphne Gets Shaggy And Scooby To Help Her, Despite Refusing At First Because It's A Spooky Castle...
Joined By Fred (Who Followed Weird Footprints Up To The Castle) And Velma (Who Thought It Was The Most Obvious Place To Hatch An Evil Plan) They All Decide To Split Up And Search For Clues With Daphne Staying Where She Is, Scooby And Shaggy Going In Search Of Food...
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And Fred And Velma Searching Other Parts Of The Castle...
But Someone Activates The Ride And Causes All Hell To Break Loose!...
(Start At 0:11, End At 2:15)
With The Ride Shut Down, Velma Finds The Secret Access Panel That Opens The Secret Room, Leading Her And Fred To Discover What Looks To Be A School For A Secret Cult...
Which Means It Could Only Be One Person...Granny Goodness!
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Ok, It's Not Granny But It Could Have Been...
Meanwhile, Daphne Comes Across A Golden Pyramid That Was Left Alone In The Middle Of A Room, So, She Decides To Grab It, But Turns Out That...
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Luckily Though Daphne Manage To Escape Before The Trap Fully Activates...
But As That Happens, Shaggy And Scooby Discover A TV Studio Where...Well...See For Yourself...
(End At 1:11)
With Alarms Going Off, The Gang Reunites And Quickly Fills Each Other In On What They Found Before Having To Hide From Henchmen Headed Their Way, One Of Them Being Zarkos, N'Goo Tauna's Right Hand Man..
Eventually Managing To Escape, They Head Back To The Spooky Island Hotel So They Can Fill Mondavarious In On The Clues And Their 3 Suspects Which Include N'Goo Tauna, The Voodoo Man And Mondavarious Himself (But Only Because He Freaks Fred Out)
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While Daphne Researches Cults On The Net, Velma Looks At The Mysterious Pyramid She Discovers That There Is More To It Than Meets The Eye.,,
Talking With A Boy She Met Earlier, Velma Tells Him That She Believes That It's Called The Daemon Ritus (After Hearing A Guard Mention That Name While The Gang Was Hiding)...
And That It Describes An Old Race Of Creatures Through It's Inscriptions That Are Reminiscent Of Ancient Pandaemonous Texts Which Explain A Sort Of Ritual...
Eventually Velma Starts Reminiscing About The Past Which Leads To A Flashback About The Old Days Where We See Everyone And I Do Mean...Everyone...
Ok, I've Dreaded Coming To This Moment, But Obviously I Have No Choice Especially Since Since Some People Tend To Complain About This Character, Let's Talk About Scrappy Doo...
First Off, I Would Like To State That I Love The Character Of Scrappy Doo, I Think He Is Very Cute, Is One Of The More Memorable Hanna-Barbera Characters And Sidekicks And Is Not As Annoying As Everyone I've Heard Talk About This Character Believes Him To Be...
The Sad Thing However Is That This Movie Does Not Play To Those Good Traits...
They Make Scrappy An Asshole And A Complete Egomaniac
And I'm Sorry But I'm On The Side Of Mystery Inc, That Brat Needs To Be Taught A Lesson! Maybe Not As Extreme As Leaving Him On The Side Of The Road But Still..
Anyway, As Velma And Her Possible Love Interest With No Name Laugh At Scrappy's Expense...
Scooby Sees One Of The Monsters And Starts Panicking, This Leads Fred To Berate Him Before Telling Everyone That There's No Such Things As Ghosts Before Being Proven Wrong, 2 Seconds After Saying That..
Monsters Scour The Entire Hotel Kidnapping Nearly Half Of The People There, Including Fred, Velma, Her Unnamed Love Interest And Mr. Mondavarious, With Shaggy, Scooby,Daphne And Mary Jane Escaping Before The Monsters Got Them...
They Follow Them To The Area Where N'Goo Tauna Had His Show But Their Path Ends Up Blocked By A Stone Slab, This Leads Mary Jane To Call The Coast Guard But They're No Help As 2 Of Them Are Monsters...
This Movie Is Quickly Becoming Body Snatchers 2...
The Next Morning Everything Seems Back To Normal With The Hotel Repaired And Nearly Everyone Completely Back (Though Not As They Once Were)
Deciding To Split Up, Mary Jane Goes To Find Her Friends While Daphne, Shaggy And Scooby Look Around...
As Daphne Has An Encounter With Sugar Ray...
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Not The Boxer, The Band!
Shaggy And Scooby Find Fred Only To Discover That Everyone On The Island Has Been Possessed By The Monsters As Daphne Gets Kidnapped By Zarkos...
(Start At 0:46, End At 2:12)
But As They're Driving, Scooby Discovers That Mary Jane Is A Monster As Well...
He Tries To Explain This To Shaggy, But He's Too Blinded To Even See It Leading The 2 Friends To Fight, But When Scooby Is Captured, Shaggy... Doesn't Figure Out That Mary Jane's A Monster But Decides To Put His Friendship First Before His Relationship...
Dropping Into The Same Hole That Scooby Fell Into, Shaggy Finds A Vat Filled With The Spirits Of Everyone Who Arrives On Spooky Island...
Hearing Velma's Voice, Shaggy Saves Her So She Can Go Back To Her Body So She Can Discover That The Creatures Are Weakened By Sunlight...
Shaggy Also Manages To Save Fred And Daphne Too (Whether Daphne Likes It Or Not) But There's A Little Mix-Up...
(Start At 0:46, End At 1:33)
Ok 1st, If I Were In Sarah Michele Gellar's Body, I'd Do The Exact Same Thing And 2nd, You're Married To Her, Freddie, See Her Naked On Your Own Time...
When The Gang Reunites, Daphne Gets Mad Over Fred Touching Her Body, But The Problem Is Soon Remedied By The Daemon Ritus Which Switches The Team's Bodies Until They're Back To Normal...
Seeing An Explosion Afterwards, It Leads Them To The Voodoo Man Who Was Doing A Sacrifice In An Effort To Protect Himself From The Creatures Darkopolips Ritual, Which Will Allow Them To Rule Earth For 10,000 Years...
Or In Other Words...
However, In Order To Pull It Off, The Leader Must Absorb A Pure Soul In Order To Do So, Thus...Scooby...
But The Question Lies Who Is Behind All This? And Unfortunately, It's The One That Brought Scooby There....Mondavarious, Who Convinces Scooby To Be His Sacrifice...
With Fred Still Wondering If Mondavarious Wanted Scooby Why Did He Bring All Of Them, Shaggy Tells Fred That It Doesn't Matter And That They Have To Save Scooby...
This Leads To Fred, Daphne And Velma Finally Reconciling So They Can Come Up With A Plan To Save Scooby...
With The Plan Set, Everyone Arrives For The Ritual Including Mondavarious And N'Goo Tauna, But As They Prepare To Start, Fred And Velma Are Discovered As Shaggy Joins A Bunch Of Henchmen In Bringing Out Scooby Which Leads The 2 Buddies To Reconcile...
But They Don't Run Off In Time And The Ritual Begins As Scooby's Spirit Is Taken From Him. Luckily, Shaggy Frees Scooby From The Spirit Pincher And Back To His Body While Hitting Mondavarious With The Pincer In The Process...
Going To Check On Mondavarious, Fred And Velma Discover A Possible Mask But Actually Mondavarious Is A Robot Who Is Piloted By...(Sighs) Scrappy...
First, Let Me Say That While This Is Defiantly A Disservice To The Character, This Was A Good Twist Despite Some People Thinking That It Was Too Obvious...
With Some Souls In Him, Scrappy Transforms Into Scrappysaurus Rex As He Reveals That He Brought The Team There To Witness His Moment Of Triumph...
Meanwhile On The Roof, Daphne Tries To Open The Vent So Light Can Enter The Cave As They Release A Skull Disco Ball Which Will Destroy The Creatures But Unfortunately, She's Confronted By Zarkos Which Leads The 2 To Fight...
(End At 2:46)
With The Souls Released From The Vat, The Creatures Are Ejected By Their Host Bodies As Scrappy Reverts Back To Normal And The Disco Skull Is Released Causing The Creatures To Go Boom...
Afterward Velma And Shaggy Reunite With Their Potential Love Interests, They Rescue The Real Mondavarious And Fred And Daphne Consider Starting A Relationship In Both The Movie And Real Life...
News Crews Arrive On The Scene, So Velma Can Tell Them All What Happened And Who Did It As The Gang Announces Mystery Inc Is Back Together...
We Get A Pre Credits Scene Where Spooky Island Delivers On Their All You Can Eat Deal And Shaggy And Scooby Gorge Until They Drop...
And That's Scooby Doo The Movie And How Is This A Bad Movie?
The Story Is Interesting, The Characters Are Funny, And The CG On Scooby (Despite Some People Saying That Gollum Was Better Done Than Scooby) Was Pretty Good And Lifelike...
Yeah, It May Not Have Been A Great Mystery But This Is Scooby Doo, Not Sherlock Holmes, You Want A Great Mystery, Then Go Solve The Mystery Of Your Huge Ego, But If You Want A Funny Mystery With Funny Antics, This Movie Is Definitely For You...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off..,
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umi-tama · 4 years
October 1st 2011
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My baby is rich! This morning his band manager showed up and brought him his first salary:
1,000,000 gp! O.O *gasp* I wonder, if this will increase, when he starts to get awards and stuff...
Oh, and Noda and his band finally had a couple of gigs again today :)
Their first gig (where they performed something classical again) was practically sold out. It didn't change anything about their chart ranking or number of fans, though. Neither did the second show.
The third show made them go up to 2nd rank. An hour later they were 1st ^___________^
Here are my boys rocking out:
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Noda is always flirting with the folks in the first row, making them squeak, scream, and sometimes even faint with his broad smile and adorable winking *snicker* He's all too well aware of how charming he is... 4 yr, 30 lb hungry ❤❤❤O happy ❤❤❤❤ stress: 01 tone: 999 rhythm: 999 original: 999 genre: Classical Music star ranking: 1st tama fans: 501,611,861
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Kitty grew up today! 
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But unfortunately, I had to start all over after taking the picture above. Because right before little Kitty was supposed to go to bed tonight, I checked on her, and... apparently squeezed the shell/battery case a bit too tight, because suddenly the screen went blank and I had to reset :/ So have a newly born kitten again now, which I'll just name Kitty II. and also treat like a girl. Whatever *sigh* Here are her stats when she went to sleep: 0yr, 1 lb hungry ❤❤❤ happy ❤❤❤ discipline ❤❤
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Look who says Hi!
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I tried out binary's very awesome Tama-Go gotchi points cheat code and now little Till has about as much money as Noda - who's a freaking rockstar, after all - had this morning *hehe* We immediatly spent a couple gp to redecorate Till's appartement. He got a nice big couch now... of which I forgot to take a picture ^^' Btw, I noticed, that there's also a game option behind the door icon. I wonder if I simply didn't see it yesterday or if it maybe only got unlocked, when Till evolved into a toddler o_o Anyways, I'm very glad I am not forced to play coin catch anymore to fill up his happy hearts. Shoot the Bug is way more fun (even though I feel kinda bad for the poor bugs ^^'). Aside from that, not much happened today. We went to the park and he met an adorable Memetchi, with whom he built a sand castle, and got to seesaw with a nice little Lovelitchi. He's only just a toddler, but apparently the ladies already love him ;P Here are his stats at the end of the day: 1 yr, 10 lb hungry ❤❤❤❤O happy ❤❤❤❤❤ train [▪▪▪▪▪▪▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫▫] friendship ❤❤❤❤❤❤ gotchi points: 999610 EDIT: Oooh, a couple minutes after going to bed, my little one evolved into Kilalatchi :3 What a handsome young man he is now <3
October 2nd 2011
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I think today was the first time ever since Noda was born, that his hungry hearts completely emptied out. Took me a bit by surprise, to be honest (because my other two tamas, which I ignored, too, still had at least one heart left), but might've been, because his stress level went up. Maybe the hearts empty faster, the higher it gets o_o
He got another million gp salary. Oh, and his star ranking went down to 4th again overnight :/ I guess you only get awards, when you're already #1 when going on stage, not when becoming #1 after a show, huh?
Curious about this theory, I messed around with the time a bit, so the guys (who are performing as a jazz combo these days) have their concerts a bit earlier today.
After the first show, their star ranking went up to 2nd.
The second show made them #1.
The third show was followed by fireworks and the Tamagotchi King himself showing up, presenting my boys their first award 🥇
Ha! So that's how it works then.
Good to know ^^
To celebrate my baby's success, we purchased an UFO. That totally beats the shiney cars and big houses most rockstars own, don't you think? ;P
Anyways, at an Aftershow Party later tonight, Xero's band manager introduced Noda-chan to a sweet little Memetchi. It was practically love at first sight. They disappeared somewhere, only to come back blushing and giggling quite a while later... with a wriggling little egg o_o I mean, I heard fame does that to people - making them rush relationships and all - but I never expected Noda to be one of those cases, too.
Well, I took him, his new girlfriend and their egg home, and it didn't took long for their kid to hatch.
Noda is now proud daddy of a little baby girl :)
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Those three look just too happy and adorable to be mad at them, don't they?
(Btw, I tried to make the family play with Noda's toy rocket, but they refused. Does Noda feel too "mature" to play anymore, now that he got a kid? o_O' Or is it, because his stress doesn't raise from practicing anymore anyways?)
Here are his stats when he went to sleep:
5 yr, 31 lb hungry ❤❤❤❤ happy ❤❤❤❤ stress: 00 tone: 999 rhythm: 999 original: 999 genre: Classical Music star ranking: 4th tama fans: 457,947,934
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Kitty did nothing but being a typical kitten today. She kept on sneaking around, lying down wherever she considered the floor soft and warm enough, and demanding attention every once in a while.
And later today she finally evolved again into the same form she had yesterday, before I had to reset her ^^
I still haven't figured out how to know what she wants, everytime the attention icon flashes. It happened all to often already, that I thought she was just calling out out of boredom, because all hearts were filled, but then, after I scolded her, a pile of poop appears on screen or she was asking for milk or I needed to play with her. *sigh* But I don't plan on giving up yet. Not until she's completely grown up and I figured out the best strategy to care for her ^^V
Here are her stats when going to bed:
1 yr, 3 lb hungry ❤❤❤ happy ❤❤❤ discipline ❤❤❤
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With Till, nothing all too interesting happened during the day, except that I managed to take a pic of him in his adorable teenage form ^^
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Shortly after going to bed, he evolved again, into Kuromametchi! Omg, I always wanted this character, but I never expected to get him on my first generation already! <3 He's just so cool and adorable, I don't even... awww!
Unfortunately he immediatly went back to sleep, but I'm sure I can take a couple of pics tomorrow! :D
His stats at the end of the day:
2 yr, 30 lb hungry ❤❤❤❤❤ happy ❤❤❤❤❤ train [▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▫▫▫▫▫] friendship ❤❤❤❤❤❤ gotchi points: 1,004,320
October 3rd 2011
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If I Noda was already low-maintenance before, he now managed to get on the verge of being boring o_o' Like, grating on my nerves every once in a while, with practicing loudly (I stopped praising him, I just go to his stats, so he'll stop), but the rest of the time doing absolutely nothing. Just bouncing on the screen, next to his beloved family, being all happy and stuff. We managed to get the Classical Music Award today, though. And buy a lot of yummy yummy food from his latest salary, so his daughter doesn't have to worry about that, when her parents leave her :) Here are his stats when he went to sleep: 6 yr, 35 lb hungry ❤❤❤❤ happy ❤❤❤❤ stress: 00 tone: 999 rhythm: 999 original: 999 genre: Classical Music star ranking: 1st tama fans: 156,994,273 (random number is random) 
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Remember how I announced to not give up in my post yesterday? The screen went blank again, when the keychain tapped the battery case. I give up 😩
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Since Till is an adult now, he, too, is very low maintenance (except for the occational poop, since I didn't potty-train him, and once in a while for calling out to me for the sheer sake of attention). But he's also very very adorable. I always liked Kuromametchi, ever since I saw him for the first time :3 Here are a couple of pics of him in his newly decorated home/bathroom and the park:
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And here his stats at the end of the day: 3 yr, 32 lb hungry ❤❤❤❤❤ happy ❤❤❤❤❤ train [▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▫▫▫▫▫] friendship ❤❤❤❤❤❤ gotchi points: 953,450
0 notes
photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 3 Episode 15: The Semi-Finals (Commentary & Guesses/Clues)
Hello fellow Masked Singer lovers! It’s that time of the week aka Ana’s Masked Singer recap time, my favorite time of the week especially now during quarantine. Wow, we are now at the semi-finals with only 4 contestants left, I can’t believe it, we are almost to the end of these recaps & I am not gonna lie, I am a bit sad about it. Anyways, again, we will be honoring the judges with some trophy emojis because they are getting there and I am kind of shook, but this time I am also gonna give the judge with the worst guess ever a poop emoji because it was a horrible guess. This segment is called “Panel Spotlight.” Ok, so having said that, let’s get started! (Disclaimer: Spoilers ahead, proceed with caution.. don’t say I didn’t warn you)
Alright, to begin, we have the masked contestant who came in 4th place which was: 
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Alright, am I surprised? Nope, not at all. Am I a bit upset? Yup, a little bit, but again I saw this coming so not that surprising. However, if it were up to me, he would’ve left after Frog, but I digress, I don’t control these things. Anyways, about his performance of Humble and Kind by Tim McGraw, it was one of his best performances I feel. No, it wasn’t super performance/dance heavy but it was really strong in terms of vocals & he played the guitar which was amazing. No, he wasn’t the strongest, but I also don’t feel like he was the weakest. 
Anyways, the Rhino was revealed to be... 
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Yay another one that I figured out woo hoo!! I am not a baseball fan myself (not a sports fan in general haha), but my dad is & through some Internet research I kinda figured it out (also thanks to CinemaBlend’s clues & theories... the guy who hosts it knows a ton more about sports than me especially with how the clues match up). Anyway having said that let’s look at the most recent set of clues & how they match up to Mr. Zito:
In the clue package, he was talking about a monumental event that happened recently, which was the birth of his 3rd baby boy a few days before the performance. 
#9 in toothpicks= he was 9th pick in the 1999 MLB draft 
For the after performance clue, it was called the “closer look clue” where the clues were on the contestants & they had to go very close to the judges for those clues to be seen. Rhino’s was a baby elephant pin which again alludes to his baby. 
Now time for the PANEL SPOTLIGHT:
Alright so yay we are giving 2 🏆 to two panelists, Jenny McCarthy (not surprised) and Ken Jeong (very surprised). Also, never thought I’d say this, but Ken nailed it with saying he appeared in JAG season 9 episode 9 (even though that’s not what the 9 meant but whatever let’s give the man some credit for once in the season) 
However, the worst guess aka the 💩 was the guest judge, comedian/former SNL cast member Jay Pharaoh, who guessed freaking Blake Shelton. His legit logic was um idk any country stars but I do know Blake and he’s tall so yup that’ll work. Terrible logic if you ask me. 
Alright, we finally have our 3 finalists going into next week’s finale. To honor the finale, I am going to put them in reverse order as to where I think each of them will be placed (and no it’s not based on how much I like them, it’s more objective with a dash of subjectivity... you’ll see.. I’ll explain as I go): 
3rd Place: Night Angel aka Kandi Burruss    
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(Side Note: These guesses are so obvious that they are making side to side pictures of them when you search the contestants on Google Images... These photos are not mine, I didn’t make this, it was already made, so even the media is catching on) 
So, as for why I put her in 3rd place, I feel like she’s good and all but Frog gets hyped up way more than she does for some reason so he might go farther than she does in terms of placing. If it were up to me, she would’ve been runner-up, but objectively Frog is probably going to be placed higher because he’s an audience favorite. 
As for her performance, she sang How to Love by Lil Wayne (aka Robot) and honestly it was one of her best performances. It was her most energetic by far and it was very memorable that she took a risk by performing a song that is way out of her typical bubble (aka vocally challenging songs by strong female singers) so I commend her for that. However, I wasn’t wowed with her performance as much as like Jenny was (she hyped her up way too much like damn). 
As for clues, here’s what I got: 
In the clue package, she mentioned someone she lost, calling them a guardian angel. Kandi lost her brother Patrick when she was 15 in a car accident, so that’s who she’s referring to since she has stated that he is her guardian angel. 
Her closer look clue= a moon pin = featured in Rashida’s song from 2012 “Legs to the Moon” 
Now time for the PANEL SPOTLIGHT:
Alright so yay we are giving the 🏆 to her hype beast, Jenny McCarthy who has guessed her for a while but I am still going to give it to her because she kept insisting.  
However, the worst guess aka the 💩 goes to Ken (unsurprisingly) who guessed Ciara (even though that would be cool for her to be on a future season) who is (or was when the show was being filmed idk) pregnant & Night Angel isn’t pregnant as you can tell by the above photo. So, ya that’s a no on that Ken, but hey at least you got Barry Zito. 
2nd Place: Frog aka Bow Wow 
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Alright, so pretty much I put him at 2nd place because the dude gets a ton of hype on the show, but he’s not my favorite by any means so no way in hell am I putting him in 1st place even though he might win sadly (I genuinely don’t think he should win, but whatever... it is what it is) 
As for his performance, he sang Naughty by Nature’s Hip Hop Hooray and ughhhhh this again... I’m sorry I sound like such a hater, and if you like the frog, I’m so happy for you, but like he keeps doing the same thing over & over again, it’s starting to get annoying. He keeps performing such similar songs every time & he isn’t a strong singer/rapper, so I personally feel like he should have left ages ago and he is way overhyped on that show. 
As for clues, here’s what I got:
In the clue package, he was playing basketball with the Men in Black & also got strike by lightening= he starred in a basketball movie called Like Mike where his sneakers got strike by lightening & he gained Michael Jordan’s skills
1000 on an album= he was on the Millennium tour 
Her closer look clue= mom pin= mom upside down is wow like bow wow get it? & also he is very close to his mom, she was his manager when he started his career as a kid
Now time for the PANEL SPOTLIGHT:
Alright so yay we are giving the 🏆 to Robin Thicke & guest judge Jay Pharaoh (who took me on a rollercoaster ride with his explanation) for guessing Bow Wow (Robin is persistent & did that mom upside down is wow thing so I gotta give him points for that) 
However, the worst guess aka the 💩 goes to Jenny (yup I said it) who said Chance the Rapper, which like what? Seriously? What clue made you think that? 
1st Place/Predicted Winner of Golden Mask: Turtle aka Jesse McCartney 
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Ok, ok here comes me being a bit subjective here... yes I have a soft spot for the Turtle/Jesse McCartney, but I have literal reasons why I think he should win that aren’t “I am just in love with him & he gives me the feels,” I swear they’re legit. First, he has an amazing voice, falsetto on point man. Next, he can stand toe to toe with the Frog because the dude can dance. He just has the whole package while Frog can only dance. Can Frog hit those beautiful falsetto/high notes? I don’t think so... mic drop, case closed, Turtle’s winning! (I predicted Fox last season, and I feel good about this one) 
As for his performance, he sang Jealous by Nick Jonas and it was full of falsetto (how many times can I say that word without sounding snobby?). I freaking loved it, it was fun, energetic, and dare I say sexy... yes, I just called a guy in a Turtle costume sexy, I am embarrassed for myself as well. 
As for clues, here’s what I got:
In the clue package, he spoke about his love for Robin Thicke, apparently he is a Robin super fan = well Mr. Jesse McCartney did cover Robin’s song, The Stupid Things on his Beautiful Soul album in 2004.
Back street sign= he did tour with the Backstreet Boys in 2005 & 2013, but he isn’t a member of the boyband (we will get into that in a second)  
His closer look clue= a big diamond ring on “that finger” = he got engaged to his girlfriend, Katie Peterson, on September 2019 
Now time for the PANEL SPOTLIGHT:
Alright no  🏆 for the panel because everybody was way off, and I am annoyed at how way off they were because they kept getting caught up with the whole Backstreet Boys clue. 
However, the worst guess aka the 💩 goes to Nichole, because even though she guessed a Backstreet Boy like everyone else (her guess was Nick Carter), the fact that she guessed Jesse last week & then changed her answer irritated the living hell out of me... like girl you were right for a split second & now you are so wrong. 
Anyways, that's it for my second to last recap (damn, I can’t believe it). Stay tuned for next week because we have not 1, but 3 reveals that we will be talking about so no more guessing, just commentary... I am very excited for the finale. Do you agree with my predictions? Let me know in the comments. See you guys next week for the last time (until fall because season 4 starts around then). 
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wary-era · 8 years
So this might be boring but I’d just like to write out my birth story. I’m mostly writing it for me, to try and put my memories all in order
I woke up February 1st feeling pretty nauseous. After seeing Akay and A out the door I went back to bed a slept most of the morning, I think 😂 woke up around noon or so and eventually made my way out to buy groceries. Prepared supper when I got home and cleaned the kitchen, ended up eating supper right after my guys got home because I was ahead of the game 😛 Nausea was completely gone. Akay was really good that night albeit tired, but no tantrums or meltdowns (thank god). A and I watched Zoolander after Akay fell asleep (I hadn’t seen it before), I ate some pineapple while watching, not because I was thinking of induction but it was really ripe/juicy and the craving was strooong. During/after the movie my tummy was upset and I ended up in the bathroom quite a bit, didn’t strike me as weird due to the nausea earlier. A and I ended up having a shower together with the intention of getting ‘it’ on but we both were too tired afterwards 😂 parent life, man. A went to bed around 11 and I stayed up a bit to watch Legend of Korra. I was tired but not fall asleep tired, ya get me? What else was I gonna do at 11 o'clock anyway? Around 11:30 I started getting cramps that hurt a bit but didn’t really think they were a big deal. I started timing what I assumed were Braxton hicks anyway, at that point they were about 30 seconds and 5 to 10 minutes apart - at the time I didn’t think it was going to amount to much. Another 30 minutes pass and suddenly the ‘Braxton hicks’ really freaking hurt. Like I stopped watching LoK to breath through contractions/think… being the turd I am I decided to wait and see if the contractions stopped/slowed when I got up and moved. No such luck. I waited another 30 minutes before deciding it might be baby time 😅 by this time it was 12:30 and instead of getting A up right away I decided to make the guest bed because someone would need to come over for Akay. After making the bed I went to get A. Walked into the room and he woke up: Him: “Hey what’s up?” Me: “I think I might be in labour.” Him: “What??” Me: “We might have a baby tonight.” He stared at me for like 20 seconds before getting up and walking upstairs. Why did he go upstairs? To get me 😂😂 then walked back downstairs and said, “It guess we should call your parents?” And again walked upstairs. Lmao he seemed so lost. I was still timing contractions at this point which were still 30 seconds but consistently 5 to 8 minutes apart. Called mum and she was so out of it too! Granted it was close to 1 am… she wanted to know how far apart/how long contractions were and if it was a ‘come over right now’ scenario, in fact she almost sounded like she wanted me to wait. Nah, dad got in his truck and got to us a little bit before 1:30. We ended up leaving a bit after 1:30 for a drive that takes around 15 to 20 minutes 😐 By the time we got to the hospital it was close to 2 am and by that time I sure as shit wasn’t closely timing contractions, they sucked! They were still 30 seconds but more often 4 minutes apart. Getting through emergency was easy enough, took about 5 minutes and then it was a 5 minute walk up to the Labour and Delivery ward… now where it got fun. Admitting in L&D took at least 5 minutes, they’re super chill and take their time presumably because they’ve seen it all before. I got into triage pretty fast but had to wait for a doctor. A nurse came in to monitor baby and me and kept asking the exact same questions the admitting nurse asked (annoying af). Mid shitty contractions she kept asking me to lie down or hold still, I did my best but Jesus Christ it sucked. No damn way was I timing contractions anymore, I was just getting through them as each one came. Great, so triage nurse leaves to get a medical student and check my cervix, which took them I dunno, 10 minutes? Felt like an hour of course. By that time I’m standing, rocking against A, and making tons of noise through contractions. I felt like such a turd making all that noise but it seemed to help a bit… Eventually triage nurse and medical student come in the check my cervix. I asked if the anesthiologist is busy which she wasn’t, “awesome!!” I’m thinking; I lie down, nurse sticks her hand up there and just goes wide eyed. The medical student then double checks my cervix and they both run out after mumbling something about needing a room. I’m lying on the bed contracting like, “the fuck is going on?” 😮 right away an L&D nurse with a wheelchair comes in and basically shoves me into it. She literally took off running and called over her shoulder to A that we were in room 1. We arrive in the delivery room and right away about 3 nurses are talking to me, telling me my doctor has been called, asking if I need to poop 😅, a million questions… they wanted me to lie down but I kept contracting and asking for a minute (late sorry ladies!). I then asked if there was still time for an epidural to which one nurse said, “Oh hell no, you’re 10 cm. Baby is coming right away.” I was kind of shocked at that point to be honest. My doctor had mentioned labour would be faster this time but this much faster?? Not my proudest moment but I panicked at that point, I kept telling A I couldn’t do it, wasn’t ready, etc. He was really supportive and encouraging though, despite it falling on deaf ears 😊 I got maybe 2 minutes of nitrous oxide before my doctor came in and I wasn’t allowed that good stuff anymore 😜 my doctor checked my cervix right away (I was already lying down) when I felt a warm gush. I sat up and exclaimed, “Oh my God did I pee on you or was that my water?” Not sure if they laughed but it was definitely my waters breaking. Thinking back on it I laugh, but I’m sure they hear it all the time… I was then instructed to push, which I thought I was doing for some reason but my doctor told me I was just making noise 😅 hah oops. A told me to relax and 'grunt it out’ (exact words), which surprisingly helped. One contraction and I hear my doctor say, “Whoa okay slow down…” next contraction comes right away and my doctor is telling me not to push as hard. I heard that last time with Akay but it still sounds baffling in the moment! From start to finish pushing time was less than 5 minutes. Isla’s head popped out and she screeched at my doctor! She was so tiny and perfect, she came out easily and was put on my chest, the official birth time was 2:27 am! I was so shocked by how tiny she was, not that she was below average but I definitely thought I was having a bigger baby. She was 6 lbs 11 oz to be exact, Akay was a week earlier than she was at 6 lbs 12 oz. A then started to cry 😊 which he did off and on all day. Everything was presumably smooth sailing after that but I won’t lie, as corny as it was I was too entranced by my tiny, gorgeous girl. She kept crying in spurts and eventually I got to feed her. A got to cut the umbilical cord and she wasn’t taken from me for about an hour after she was born, which was much different from Akay. Isla was literally perfect in every way, especially to us. Her apgar scores were 7, 8, and 9; an hour and a half after delivery my doctor asked if I wanted to go home that day 😀 we got home by around lunch!
Now, I know for a fact I pooed on the bed right before I started pushing 🙈 it just kind of came out…I know they say “you won’t care in the moment” but holy I am still embarrassed. Yeah I’m sure they’ve seen it all before but uuuugh so gross. I’ve contemplated sending L&D and my doctor a thank you card that says something to the effect of, “Thanks for delivering my baby! Sorry about the poo… shit happens” 😂😂 everyone keeps telling me to stop worrying but aaaaahhhh. Yes I worry about dumb things.
So to recap, contractions started at 11:30, I got to the hospital by around 2 or shortly before, baby Isla was born at 2:27. 😁 we sure cut it close. If I were to have a third would I even bother going to the hospital? Haha
P.S. 'the ring of fire’ is no goddamm joke. I had an epidural with Akay and stupidly did not expect it to hurt so much without.
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How Do I Do SEO For My Real Estate Investing Website?
I keep being asked: How Can I Learn SEO? How Do I Do SEO For My Website? The mistake everyone makes is this. Everyone wants SEO done. They know everyone talks about it, they know it is a good to have, but they have no idea what it REALLY is. How can you execute a plan based on a tool you have no idea to fully use ad what the benefits of that tool is? It ll starts with What EXACTLY IS SEO anyways?!
Although I am into real estate investing, and this is a post about SEO For Real Estate Investors, this obviously can be applied to ANY business.
Just so you will read this entire HUGE article, I will give you the results right now.
With SEO I have the power to Not only get a ton of leads (HIGH quality leads) for free, I also get to decide who stays in business and who gets bankrupt in my market!
If you want to be the top dog in your market.. READ ON!!
SEO = Search Engine Optimization. Yeah duh… I know. If you didn’t know this… I will buy you a ticket to CT and invite you to my home so I can bitch slap you 3 times!
What this means is simply this…
Search Engine Optimization:
Whatever you do, for Google to display your site first (high) on the search results page when someone does a search on Google. 
Being 1 in the search results will get you a lot of customers, no matter what business you are in. This is why people pay SEO companies a fortune to rank #1. No matter how much it costs, you are most likely going to get it back 10 fold if you convert this inflow of customers into leads, and then deals.
It is an investment with a ridiculous ROI. If you know what you are doing or have someone that knows what they are doing, do it for you, it is the best possible marketing you can possibly do. Getting to be #1 is not easy, but once there it is doable to stay there by just maintaining that position.
What EXACTLY IS SEO Anyways?!
So everyone gives the same answer when someone asks about SEO. “You get leads for free online”… “And these leads are high quality leads as these are people begging YOU to buy their house vs you begging THEM to sell their house with other forms of marketing.
Let me give you the REAL power of SEO through an (evil and brutal ) example…
So first… Let’s be honest. We ll know what SEO RRRRRRELLY stands for right?
SEO stands for Seriously Evil Ostriches.
  This is what Google unleashes on yo Butt when you don’t take Search Engine Optimization seriously. It is such an underappreciated weapon people just ignore and it is beyond me why!
When you master SEO you are pretty much a God online. You control your business and more importantly you control other people’s businesses. You sit on your throne and pass judgement who gets to live and who doesn’t.
Wait whaaaat????
Let me give you a brutal example what power you actually have on others.
Long long long ago there was this awesome little monkey. He was minding his own business being awesome, cute, sexy as hell, helping fairies build him the best website in the world. Ohh really important fact.. He was SUPER SEXY OMAGAAHH!!!
Then the Evil Butthole Of The West saw how awesome his site was and decided to copy the copywriting, layout and my…  ohh sorry, I mean his brilliant ideas. ahem..
The awesome little monkey said.. “ohh no you don’t! you little poop“
So the overlord supreme (the little monkey) of the Google SERPs (search results) decided to pass judgment! The lil monkey checked which cities the Evil Butthole Of The West was doing deals in.. and did a Google search to see where they ranked.
And yup,..
they ranked #1
You dare to copy me.. MEEE MEEEEEEE and think you will get away with it? … he said.
Destroy Your Competition… (If You Want To)
The monkey checked to see which cities the Evil Butthole Of The West invests in and he took them ALL.. by creating specific city pages on his site targeting those cities the sad little butt of the west invests in.
EVERY single one of them.
How long do you think it took to overtake him?
Why? How?
It is called Google trust.
Google trust happens when you have proved to  Google you are sexy as hell. When Google trusts you.. this happens…
Consider this…
Branding Your Company Is Important!
The word “Xerox” is a brand name correct? It has become such a strong brand that now people use it as an actual word.
“I have to Xerox this document”= I need to photocopy this document.
So now when you type “Xerox” int Google, Google knows you actually mean Xerox the company and this happens..
This happens because Google KNOWS Xerox is a company.
Now similarly.. in my market… the keyword “We buy houses in connecticut” is the number 1 typed in keyword to find companies that offer services of buying houses for cash. Well guess what happens when your company is now so sexy, and has Google trust?
Yup, Google now actually thinks that when someone types in that keyword, they are SPECIFICALLY looking for the company CALLED “We Buy Houses In Connecticut”..
And THAT company shows up.. like so:
But that is not all. See the circled “Mini links”? That increases Click through rate drastically… leaving competitors in the seh-MOKE!
How To Brand Your Company
Branding your company (like Xerox did) is one thing. Making google think your company is a brand is completely an other, but the principle remains. How does the community think you are a brand (like xerox)? Simple. You have to become an authority in that market. You become known, the go-to- business in the technology, the leader. (Have you noticed “Google” is a brand too? “How do you stop my dog from humping my cat”? Reply: “Google it you Dumbass”.  Google, the word now means something).
Branding your company is no different in Google’s eyes. Become the authority, the leader. How? Google needs to see people are talking about you, you need to be the authority in the business, have internet presence. Have you noticed that in my blog I m quite vague sometimes? I have to because people STEAL everything from me. I only show you the TIP of my iceberg.. damn that sounded dirty didn’t it. Only a select few get the full scope of my SEO godly knowledge. Yup I started consulting and only those that work with me get this power!
You must be thinking.. DAMN this SEO stuff is interesting.. huh?
Well Not even close to be done here, Silly Butt. So shut up, sit down and FOCUS!!
Look what the first page of Google looks like for someone with godly SEO skills…
Everywhere there is a blue arrow.. is us! We absolutely DOMINATE the first page of Google.
Now for those that have NOT me in their market.. be happy.. Gaadamn it be VERY Happy!! But for those unfortunate souls that have to deal with an evil maniacal little monkey… life sucks! WHY?
Let me show you why pumpkin..
SEO Gives You Control Over Your Market And Your Competitors Market.
Think about it… how would YOU get leads if some butt monkey is hogging Google?
Direct Mail Marketing..?
Bandit Signs?
… right? .. and here is where SEO REALLY works for me.
Have you seen the sites that do PPC? Often they know NOTHING about SEO and let SEO companies take over… well SEO companies ONLY do SEO. they do nothing about your conversion tactics or credibility score.
So when users see their sites.. they SUCK. Seriously horrible sites.. and as I am #1 they obviously see my site and my site.. as mentioned before.. is the best site in the world (as fairies made it).. they simply get more motivated to choose me because well duhh.. I am credible and awesome. (well so they think).
For Direct mail marketing.. this is even MORE brutal. So a potential seller get a weird yellow mailer: …
Margarette: “Hey George.. GEORGE.. GEOOORGE you old senile freak I am TALKING to you!”
George : ” Good lord I’m right next to you woman, what do you want you old hag!”
Margarette: “well you old prune, I just got a card here i the mail with this young man wanting to buy our house in cash, how odd”
George: “That can’t be real Margarette.. WHO buys houses in cash.. just Google it you will see I am right”
So dear ol Margarette Googles:
We Buy Houses In Connecticut
Sell my house in Connecticut
who buys houses in Connecticut
cash for houses in Connecticut
Guess who is on top of the list? And a NASA scientist no less, helping old people walk again through robotics (CREDIBILITY)…
Don’t believe me?
      Bandit Signs?
Oh please I won’t even go there. What looks more shady, and screams for “google me”, than a nasty sing stapled to a street pole with “We Buy Houses” written on it. More so, no one will remember the phone number on such signs, so when they are interested and try to contact the owner of such a sign, what will they do? Yup Google: “We Buy Houses In Connecticut“, and 3 guesses who will be on top of the search results? Moi!
This is the most interesting part and this shows off Google Trust. I do not put bandit signs out. I think it is juvenile, too much work, and ILLEGAL! BUT…
Look what happens if Margarette happen to see a bandit sign on the street. Imagine she can’t remember the phone number on the sign.
So she would google.. maybe:  “who puts we buy houses signs in ct“. You kids want to see the result?
Yes? I bet you do!
Although I am the 3rd choice, the 1st, and 2nd result are not relevant to that search. So she would click on my site!
One more? Okie Dokie then!
Can you start to realize how powerful this is?
SEO Is King If You Know How To Use It Cleverly (Evilly?)
So not only aren’t they getting any leads organically.. even DMM, Bandit Signs, or PPC is giving ME most of their leads.. why?? SIMPLY because I am better at SEO than they are! Bragging much? You still do not get it do you. It is irrelevant if I am bragging or not. The underlying message remains. Everything I mentioned here is truth. The screenshots is obvious proof. So of this is true, then I proved my point. No marketing beats SEO!
So… Tell me again.. what is the best form or marketing?
Why You Shouldn’t Hire A SEO Company To Do Your SEO
As you can see I bet every SEO company that takes on clients in CT! How do I know? Because I rank 1 duhh. So how can that be? That is what they do, I m just a little monkey that took on SEO on my own… yet here I am, no one can touch me.
And this is exactly why I am untouchable. An SEO company needs to do SEO for how many people? A lot. If you do SEO for 2 sites, why would site #1 out perform site #2 if you are doing the same SEO for both? Not going to happen. Do you think an SEO company is going to spend 3, 5, 12 hours working on your site, when they have 30 more customers that need SEO lovin from them? No!
Take me for instance. I breathe SEO, eat SEO, Poop SEO, I make sweet love to SEO, I make not so sweet even rough, maybe a little perverted love to SEO 10, 12, 14 hours a day. I come up with novel completely unique SEO techniques (which I am obviously not sharing unless you hire me for a consulting gig!). Yes you are not going to beat me with SEO (easily). Don’t care how big of a company you are. The FACT you are an SEO company IS your weakness, going against me!
An SEO company has no chance with the dedication drive and obsession an individual will put into for their own company. So I know this reply feels like a lot of bragging… but it is done purposely.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
I can put ANYONE in my market out of business eventually by taking over their market… driving the to spend a fortune on marketing and in the process taking all their leads THEY paid for… All because of SEO. Should you?
Of course you shouldn’t. There are deals for everyone…   OMG I am sorry. I couldn’t write this with a straight face.
YES you moron. DESTROY, Annihilate, OBLITERATE, CRUSH, your competition. Why?
To be at the top is not about being the best one. Someone else will always be better than you, just wait long enough and you will be overtaken. no no.. the saying goes.. to be on top you need to be sure you are the ONLY one! Yes brutal. Believe me when they are successful, and their success is killing your business, when you need the money to feed your kids, no one will old back and give you a chance. You need to grab your chance be sure no one pushes you down. If you do not have this mentality. Get out now. You will not make it.
Does this mean you can’t help others? Of course help others. I am helping you by writing this aren’t I? Help others succeed by all means. But don’t hold back when it comes to your own success!
SEO is more powerful than you can possibly IMAGINE.
SEO Without Credibility Means NOTHING!!
SEO is not everything.
For all you Math lovers out there, prepare to get excited.
OK so now…
Let’s look at par 1 of the equation:
SEO/DMM/my dirty boxers with my phone number written on it/…
This section just gets you noticed. It gets you in front of the seller.
Now the 2nd Part Of The Equation.
Credibility. This convinces the seller you are the best solution to their problem
SEO without credibility…
You are in front of a seller and you say something like:
“Yo my name is Zimbwabambiniwe,  give me your bank account number because I want to give you 1M dollars so I can get my 10 M dollars“.
Shady much?
So what if you are in front of a seller, no one will believe you are credible without credibility.
Now let’s consider the other way.
Credibility Without SEO
Without SEO or any marketing, you could have bought 3 gazibilion houses and you could have paid 3x the market value of the house with concrete proof… who cares if no one even knows you exist, let alone find you.
So you need both!
Yes yes I am friggin awesome I know I KNOW!!
The Result:
And if you are as good at SEO as I am…. you are dangerous! Very dangerous. And I am such an evil butt douche. I am maniacal!
But all this means nothing without results… concrete results:
    I keep telling people. Be a YODA in SEO
If you have no one like me in your market…
KNOW how lucky you are!!
Become that “ME” in your market BEFORE someone else does (or convinces me to help them become the local SEO Yoda), because..
IF you don’t.. game over!
BUT BUT BUT.. I have to admit.. it is not all SEO goodness… being handsome beyond comprehension does help. Don’t believe me?
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Damn I am hot!
  How Do I Do SEO For My Website How Do I Do SEO For My Real Estate Investing Website? I keep being asked: How Can I Learn SEO? 
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goldytwilight · 7 years
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Long time no post! Well since this was a pretty momentous occasion I decided to break my GTL dry spell and give you guys the whole shabang on how this baby came into the world. Photos featured here are my last ever preg photo, Sen running wild in front of our tree which happened to be his last moments as an only child, the Ward boys and Rhys! Here we go!….
Wednesday, December 20th: Routine doc appointment to find out I was 2.5cm dilated AND the doc wanted me to head to triage for borderline high blood pressure. They ran additional tests and none of the other tests indicated I had preeclampsia so they let me go home. While in triage the nurse had me hooked up to monitors to find I was having contractions that were 3-4 minutes apart and were about a minute long. I wasn’t feeling these contractions so went about my business.
Thursday, December 21st: Sen and I woke up with colds. Boo!! I did start feeling funky this morning but wasn’t feeling contractions and chalked it up to getting a cold. I worked from home that morning and made Sen & I some veggie soup to kick the colds. That afternoon Scott, Sen and I went to pick up our Christmas tree and to Whole Foods for an epic shopping trip to stock up on food for my parents coming to town and in case the baby was to arrive. I wasn’t due until Dec 27th so was still convinced I was going to have a New Years baby. While Christmas tree shopping I did notice 2 contractions that made me curious if the baby would come sooner. We literally galavanted all over Oakland that afternoon then went home to have dinner and a family dance party around our 1st fam x-mas tree and I went to bed at 9pm still oblivious to what my bod was up to. Then , at 11pm I woke up to a serious contraction. For the next hour I barely kept tract of the timing between the contractions that were uncomfortable but not painful and tried to rest and just breathe.
Friday, December 22nd: At midnight I was convinced the baby would be here by morning but I was playing it cool and still breathing through the contractions. No profanity yet. I got up to pee around 12:30 and my water broke in the toilet (thank god) so that is when the contractions started getting crazy. I yelled for Scott and he started putting my hospital bag in the car and got Sen out of bed. Had the baby arrived a day later my parents would have been in town to watch Sen but since they weren’t there yet he had to join in on the fun. I jumped in the shower (why? Self? Why?) and think the shower made everything speed up more. Also, why shower when you will just lose control of all bodily function and shit your pants as your husband is driving 100 on the freeway to the hospital as you are screaming like a wild banshie ??? Thank god for the lack of cops in the Oakland hills so that we avoided getting pulled over. So yes. Anywho, let me back up to the shower. The only position that was comfortable while having contractions was on all fours. So for like 30 seconds I could stand and wash my hair and then had to get on all fours again, and again, and again in our driveway. I have no recollection of making it from the shower to the car other than thinking I was about to give birth in our front yard. Miraculously we were finally in route when barely driving down our street and scott stops the car and gets out and I’m like WHAT THE FUCK? Well I guess the left over x-mas tree twine had wrapped around his ankle during all this and was also caught on our wheel so yeah, Scott could have also amputated his foot during this whole process. Welcome to the world Rhys! Welcome to your footless dad and mom that poops on you. Okok … I must back up again cause that didn’t happen (the pooping yes but amputated foot no.) Scott quickly removed the twine and we were on our way shortly after 1am. Here is where I pay homage to my skilled raced car driver of a husband. He kept his cool and I was out of my mind. I was a pot and the baby was boiling water and I could feel the baby move down through my body as Scott was going 100. I don’t recall consciously pushing but wouldn’t doubt if I was. Regardless, mid drive I pooped my pants and had to yell about it during a contraction and made Scott laugh. From that point on it was only 5 minutes till we would arrive at the hospital. Upon pulling up to the hospital I was relieved and horrified. Scott ran for a wheel chair for me and came out and got me. Upon moving from the car to the chair I felt the baby’s head come out and started freaking because Scott was wheeling me to labor and delivery but Sen was still in the car. I was screaming about my baby but not the one being born in my pants but the one left alone in the car in the dark. Luckily the nurses took over my wheel chair and Scott went back to grab Sen but that moment was just very heart breaking for me. The nurses wheeled me into room #1 and rolled me onto my side and ripped my pants off. I pushed once and the baby was out. Scott and Sen missed the birth by 1 minute since he had to go back to the car to grab Sen. We arrived at the hospital around 1:23 and Rhys was born at 1:26. Rhys arrived with the cord wrapped around his neck 3 times and a knot in the cord. Had I not been so lucky with 1.5 hours of hard and fast labor I can’t even imagine what the outcome would of been. Once he arrived and we realized what a bullet we had dodged a calm and overwhelming feeling of gratitude washed over me. Since this moment I still feel this along with the adrenaline and exhaustion of such an intense experience. It’s profound and there are no words to describe.
Scott and Sen were so amazing during the experience. They were both so calm and positive and amazingly kept their composure the entire time. Sen wasn’t worried and never cried out of fear but just asked Scott “is mommy ok?” It still baffles me. When the doc was fixing me back up after having the baby he was so well behaved and just calmly watched the doc while Scott explained that the doctor was helping mommy. I mean, he’s 2, and it was 2am. He’s such a good kid. If Rhys is half as good as Sen I’m a lucky mom.
Lastly, I did it! I hadn’t made the decision to go natural until later in the pregnancy. Around 36 weeks I decided I had to do more yoga and practice labor poses every night before bed and I did. Every night for about 40 mins I’d turnoff the lights and light a candle and do every squat position known to mankind and just get my yoga groove on. I really think this was the key to my quick delivery. On the flip side I never would have had time to get an epidural. Now as I type this at 1am with a newborn in my arms I feel very happy and lucky I have the yoga knowledge and experience that helped get me through this. While I am looking forward to getting my bod back in order I don’t feel so anxious about it as I did with Sen. My bod intuitively got me through this cause I practiced and remained healthy and it will get back to normal in due time. Also, as much as I loved my epidural with Sen it made my recovery so much slower. I’m already feeling like my bod is healing and am not even a week postpartum yet.
So there you have it Goldies! Love you all! Merry Christmas 2017!!
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jeffdonaldsons · 7 years
The Merc Renovation HAS BEGUN!!!
Is this even real? I CAN’T BELIEVE IT. You guys we FINALLY started renovations on the Merc yesterday! Pinch me, slap me, tickle my butt, cause this thing is happening and its the greatest day of my liiiiiiife!!
As we embark on this wild adventure, I am being hyper vigilant about sharing everything. I know that loads of people would love to restore an old building but for whatever reason can’t do it. So here is me, standing proxy for all of you, cause we’re doing this thing together! (Since we’re in this together can I borrow $20k?) This means, even when I’m dead exhausted and write things like tickle my butt I’m here sharing it all.
We’re also trying something completely new…Vlogging!! You know cause why try to simply raise a family, renovate a 100 yr old building, run a business and brush your teeth every day when you can do all of the above AND become a videographer!?!
In short, posts will be here, daily vlogs on YouTube, insta stories on insta all day son, and my heck if you bring me a snow cone I’ll drop everything to give you a personally guided tour. I like Pomegranate.
You can’t escape me.
So do you want to know what Day 1 uncovered?!
I met our AMAZING general contractor Brent and the plumber at 7:30 this morning. I’ve thought about this for so long and tried to figure out the step by step process during my 3 am obsess sessions and still couldn’t figure it out.
This is what it looks like. First we met with the plumber. The Merc has very little in the ways of water and drainage pipes so we have to trench through the concrete slab to run everything. From the extremely rough sketch that the city had (that was from 1995) the sewer line ran alongside the Merc. Which was great. The plan was to tie into the sewer line just outside the 1st bedroom wall.
We had a plumber (different kind, this one is the kind you call if you have plugged pipes) come and use the coolest contraption to determine where the line actually goes. Its a snake that has a sensor on the end and emits a signal to a handheld tool that tells it where it is and how deep it is in the ground.
Guess what?
The line, instead of running parallel to the Merc and down to the road actually runs perpendicular all the way across the parking lot and 4 feet into my next door neighbors yard.
On a scale of idealess this is a -57.
Knowing this, the next step was to have the framer come out and chalk where all of the walls are. This way we can find out the best way to run the plumbing.
Once all of the lines were chalked he sprayed them with clear spray paint, that way regardless of what’s happing on the floors the lines stay nice and clear. Pretty brilliant right?!
This was probably my favorite part of today. It feels so great to be able to see where everything is and the room sizes, to be able to walk the hallways and get pumped about furniture placement. Its my freaking kryptonite.
After the framer left it was time to demo!! Here’s what I learned, sheetrock installed with nails comes off in big sections, sheetrock installed with screws comes off in pieces the size of a cookie. Super lame.
As we were demoing the ceiling in one of the back rooms we found today’s #mercperk, a SKYLIGHT! So cool, except for the part that there was reeeeeeediculous amounts of water damage around it. So yay and also poop.
The last discovery that we made today is the hobbit hallway. Remember when we chatted about the quirks that we just had to embrace? The unique hallway situation was at the top of the list (you can read about it here.) Basically we had to use the openings that were already there because the walls were built out of cinder block. I had the highest of hopes that the smaller doorway had been furred in on all sides and we’d be able to make it wider and especially taller
You know what we found? Ciderblock DIRECTLY behind the sheetrock. No studs, no furring, no space for the masses of spiders to chill, nada. Shoot. So we moved on to the top of the doorway and what we found was even worse! A steel beam supporting the cinderblock that had completely come apart from settling. I don’t know how we’re going to resolve this but its critical so we’ll figure it out! Any suggestions?
All in all I feel like today was awesome, I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!
Check out our Day 1 vlog here, and don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss anything!!
 The post The Merc Renovation HAS BEGUN!!! appeared first on Vintage Revivals.
via Mandi at The Merc Renovation HAS BEGUN!!! via Jeff Donaldson’s Blog The Merc Renovation HAS BEGUN!!!
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