#tobimada family au
amgeryporcupine · 4 months
TobiMada Family Au: Sentimental Tobirama is lethal to Madara’s health
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Welp, I've been busy lmao just finished 2nd yr and am now taking summer classes :>
Thought I'd share some more of this familyAu
I kinda missed it and am just trying to revive myself from artblock. Also, commissions are open if interested
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writingmessynaruto · 3 years
An Eve
A Queerplatonic! TobiMada Modern! Holiday AU fic. (Yes, I know I'm late for the holidays, i wrote this and totally forgot about it, you're welcome.)
TW: implied homophobia, secret relationship, implied abusive father
Dedicated to all of us who really struggle around the holidays. We are not alone.
[ Read on AO3 ]
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It's late. Everyone has gone to sleep.
Christmas was as strange as Tobirama imagined. Awkward, confusing, tense at times, and other times oddly familiar. Everything Madara said.
Nobody knows the extent of their relationship. Except for Izuna. But even he knows better than to out Madara like this. Especially in front of their dad.
The house is quiet now. Tobirama has been given a guest room. Madara sleeps in the same bedroom as his brother. It feels archaic, the energy in the house. Long past it's expiration date. Yet it sits here, frozen in amber-colored time.
Tobirama can't sleep. It's not unusual for him. Only he's thirsty. He knew he would get thirsty, he did, and now he's got to get up.
He's a very quiet sneak, even on the old flooring. He remembers Madara telling him almost affectionately about the squeaks in the floorboards, how he and his brother know where each one is. It doesn't seem so affectionate now.
Tobirama's feet land on the cold tile of the kitchen, and he's safe. He fills a glass and breathes in relief. The water feels as cold as his feet. He shivers. It's so quiet. He almost hates it.
Somehow it's even more quiet in his room though. He almost wants to sit in the family room for a minute. On the way to the kitchen, he could partially see the tree lighting up the room with a faint yellow glow. It's the only thing that seems to feel safe or warm. Especially at this time of night.
He sneaks across the floorboards, guessing and checking the squeaks. It's halfway interesting, something to do. But when he gets past the threshold, in the family room, he sees a figure.
Madara, of course. Unmistakable hair.
He's huddled up on a couch opposite the tree. His eyes visibly meet Tobirama's.
A small, nigh inaudible whisper escapes his dark figure, the tree lights giving his face a dim golden outline.
"Can't sleep, huh?"
Tobirama matches his volume. "Not really." There's something weird about the air in here, and Tobirama has wanted to stay near Madara the entire time he's been in this house. Of course, that wasn't possible earlier, even with their best efforts. But now, it's seemingly safe. Tobirama wastes no time taking a seat next to Madara; a little closer than he typically would sit. It's been a while, after all. And things feel tense, even without Tajima looming over the room.
Madara shivers visibly.
"Hey," Tobirama whispers gently. He wants to soothe, but he doesn't know entirely what to do. He didn't expect Madara to be so... shaken from all this. At least not this shaken.
Madara turns and looks at him. The tree lights hit his hair from behind, and he looks.. beautiful. And scared.
He looks like he's slowly falling apart. Crumbling. Gods, what is this place? This horrible place.
Madara struggles to ask for physical affection like this. As much as he wants to. Gods, Tobirama wishes Madara had told him a bit more. Maybe that this visit would be hard on him. Maybe they could have come up with an excuse, both of them, and just stayed at school. Maybe they could have gone to a friend's place. Anything but their houses. Anything but their families.
But it's too late. Now they're here.
Madara is shaking with stifled tears. His body has tensed up, as if he's wincing in physical pain.
"Tobi..." he whimpers, his hands almost trying to reach out.
"Please come here," Tobirama says. He can't take it anymore. Madara is too stubborn. He's got to learn to say what he needs. But right now is not the time to be petty. Madara trembles against his shoulder, clinging to Tobirama's shirt.
"I fucking hate this."
Madara's whisper seethes with hot, shaking anger. Regret. Guilt. "I'm sorry I brought you here. I didn't mean to..."
"You're okay." Tobirama makes sure his voice sounds certain. Reassuring.
Madara's body loosens more. Quiet sobs escape him. He's barely intelligible. "This literally sucks."
"I know." Tobirama feels slightly guilty saying that about Madara's family, about his childhood home. But only slightly. It's true. This place feels dreadful.
"I just want to leave."
Tobirama's eyes glance out the front window, into the shallow snow. He remembers the gas station down the road, on the way to the highway. Only an hour from home.
"Let's go then."
Madara freezes. "We.."
The room is quiet for a moment. Tobirama pauses, waiting for Madara's words, which never come.
"We don't have to stay," Tobirama says calmly.
Madara slowly pulls away, hesitating. "But my dad."
Tobirama's hand stays gently rubbing between his shoulders. Light as a feather. "It's up to you. But if you don't want to stay, we don't have to."
"He'll be so mad."
"I'll be here the whole time. That might not make it better, but I'll be here. I'll stay with you, whatever we do."
"I know." Madara's eyes are big. It's as if he's never run away before, and he's only now contemplating it for the first time. "I just... don't want him to..."
Tobirama waits for him to continue.
"... I just..."
"We don't have to go either. Or we could go for a drive and come back."
"I want to go." It's shaky. But it's serious. Tears are in his eyes. But he's angry and scared and so determined. And Tobirama really wants to get him out. He needs out.
"Alright. Let's gather up our things."
"Please stay with me."
"I'm here, 'Dara."
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Tobirama knows.
This is not the last time they'll run away.
They'll run away together for a long, long time.
And, that's okay.
They need it.
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dimancheetoile · 5 years
Quarantine Reading Material
Lots of thanks to both @thekatthatbarks and @raendown for thinking about me <3
I post mainly on AO3 and all my drabbles are here.
Main fandoms are:
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
One Piece
Main pairings are:
Warden Mahariel/Tamlen
Warden Mahariel/Zevran
Most popular fics are:
There is sunshine on his forehead (Gen, Minor SakuSai) - Soulmate AU The first words your soulmate will say that will break your heart are written on your forearm. Sakura is five, and she already knows two things: her mark is awful, and whoever “Sasuke” is, she’s going to kill him. Withered Flowers (Hiashi/Fugaku) - Canon Divergence Hizashi is dead. He’s dead, and Hiashi is alone. It should have been the start of the end of the world, one thing leading to another until a rabbit goddess comes out of the moon and— Except it’s not. Except a butterfly, somewhere, changes everything when Hiashi finds himself drinking his sorrows away in the same bar Uchiha Fugaku decided to drowned his as well. It should have been the start of the end of the world. Instead, it would lead to the most massive change in Konoha’s history. our oath (we’re expendable) (Gen, Sakura-centric) - Post-War canon divergence The war is over and the headcount is made official. Sakura frantically goes through the list of names, dread pooling in the bottom of her stomach. The verdict is finale. Sakura is the last Haruno. This is the story of how she’ll become Clan Head, and rebuild her clan from its ashes. wake up (this is my promise to you) (Gen, Sakura & Sasuke friendship) - Crossover w/ Fullmetal Alchemist, Time-Travel AU Barukh watches, from the roofs of his village. He watches the desert, and waits for the signs of blue uniforms and blond hair, for the sun mirrored on the blade of a soldier. Instead, he sees a shape, stumbling out of the desert, burned skin blistering and dehydrated. He sees a woman, carrying something big on her back, so exhausted she looks about to fall with every stop she takes. She’s not wearing blue. She doesn’t have blond hair. So Barukh gets off the roof, and meets the woman halfway to offer her rest in the village. He doesn’t know yet that he just invited the savior of his people.
I’m finding I’m not her (the girl I thought I’d be) (NaruSasuSaku) Trans!Sakura, Coming of Age There are lies on her ID and sneers waiting for her at home, shame and scorn and torn dresses and harsh words. But then she sees Naruto’s smile and the fragile hope in Kakashi-sensei’s eye that maybe, he won’t screw this up and the peace in Sasuke’s shoulders and she thinks, maybe, it’ll be okay in the end.
Personal favorite fics are (all of the above count):
if i could i would (challenge your demons at dawn) (Warden Mahariel/Zevran) Origins retelling What if, when Duncan forces Mahariel to join the Warden, Tamlen and her have a child? A story about war, parenting, healthy relationships and communication. A story about a Dalish who hates shems, forced to lead them, and an Antivan assassin forced to follow his failed assassination mark. It all goes well, in the end.
drown in dreams of daylight (Gen, Sakura & Tsunade-centric) Soulmate AU The first words your soulmate will say that’ll make you respect you are tattooed on your body. Sakura is weak and alone and her fathers just died. Kakashi-sensei is sleeping in the hospital, Naruto left her behind to go chase a new Hokage and she’s alone and her fathers just died. Then Senju Tsunade walks into her life and Sakura doesn’t remember how to breathe.
all the leaves are brown (SakuIbiki) Time-Travel Fix It AU They call her Honeytrap Haruno, and like every awful nickname given to the elite of Konoha's force, it sticks. She’s ugly and she’s harsh, they don’t know where she comes from and she adopted the Fox kid right after he killed his parents and Sarutobi forced all of them to shut up about it. Suffice to say, no one likes her. Tough luck, cause she’s not going anywhere, and Ibiki might be a little bit smitten (ft. the most vanilla sex you can think of and two people enjoying it very much)
samurai verse (ShikaSaku) Ronin!Sakura on-going series of one-shots telling the story of samurai Haruno Sakura from the Land of Iron and her complicated love with Nara Shikamaru, honeypot and prostitute extraordinaire and secretly Konoha shinobi. child of the mist (ShikaSaku) Trans!Sakura, also Wave-born!Sakura Sakura looks in the mirror and she hates, with everything she has, every fiber of her being, until the self-loathing is so primal, so ingrained, that she’s bursting at the seams with the rage and the self-hatred, and Shikamaru doesn’t know what to do, how to help, how to heal them both. It gets better, one shower at a time.
the thing you’re becoming (is a bloody wonder) (ShikaSaku) Shikamaru has amnesia AU Hokage Sakura comes home from work to find her husband, his skull cracked open in their garden, his hand still gripping the paintbrush he was using on the fence she complained the night before wasn’t to her liking. When he wakes up, he remembers neither her, their family, nor himself. 
If you ever only read one story of mine, let it be this one:
dusk (we will never look back) (ShikaSaku) let’s-escape-into-the-forest-and-start-a-new-life-just-for-us well. it’s exactly that. they escape into the forest and start a new life, from building their own home with their own four hands to growing a garden, their love, and a family. the story i’m the most proud of, indisputably. 
The best story I ever wrote, in my opinion:
soldiers never die (they only fade away) (Shepard-centric, minor Shepard/Joker) Post-Reaper War, PTSD!Shepard Shepard suffered brain damage during her final moments in the Crucible. The Alliance parades her around in a victory tour for as long as they need her, before shoving her back into the Normandy with her reassambled crew and not enough psychologists in the Milky Way to make sense of the mess in her damaged brain. How can you lead a crew when some days, you can’t even remember how to zip your pants closed.
Tagging @mouseymightymarvellous @omelettedufromage-24601 @castorlovescourgette @screwtheprinceimtakingthehorse @the-formerone @lvllns @fineillsignup @shadesofmauve
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crystallized-shadow · 5 years
Tobimada 2 and 3 for the combined au thing
2. Royal AU and 3. Modern AU (list can be found here)
Madara is a prince, kinda like Prince William, from the Uchiha Royal Family. He doesn’t always get along with his father, the king. So one day, in effort to spite his father, Madara ditches his security detail and dones a rather clever disguise so he can be around the “common folk” his father detests. At first it’s boring, but then he quite literally collides with Hashirama. After a lot of apologizing, and several invasions of personal space, Madara decides he doesn’t mind the guy and they become friends. Madara ends up sneaking out more often to hangout with Hashirama.
During one of these meetings, he accidentally meets Tobirama, who dismisses him as dull. This of course ticks Madara off, who sets out to prove he can keep up with Tobirama’s mind. Hashirama is completely lost once they start talking science, but he finds the whole thing adorable and watches them bicker like an old married couple. He is the first to realize they have feelings for each other and decides it’s his job to set them up on a date. Hashirama’s attempt all utterly fail, but it does push Tobirama and Madara closer together as they attempt to avoid him.
In the end Madara realizes he has to confess who he really is before he can properly ask Tobirama out. Much to his shock Tobirama has already figured it out and was just waiting to see far Madara would go to keep up his act. Madara, thinking he’s going to be rejected because of Tobirama’s very anti-Uchiha views, runs away. He mopes around the palace for a couple days, before Tobirama finally sneaks in and calls him an idiot and declares he missed the results of their last experiment. Tobirama asks Madara out on a proper date, provided Madara keeps up his disguise so the paparazzi don’t try and stalk them (and possibly mess up future experiments), to which Madara happily agrees.
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sumigakure · 7 years
Winter Wishes 2017: Wish List
We’ve got a list, and we’re checking it twice! 
Prompts cannot be claimed until Dec 1st. See the Event Post for all Rules, Dates and Info.
Wish: In an AU where Orochimaru never took Danzo up on his offer for labs, Sarutobi dumps a trio of genetically-altered brats on him and hands him a ‘Teaching for Dummies’ book, which is not appreciated. Turns out, Orochimaru is pretty good with kids, but thinks he isn’t. Nobody else is buying that lie though.
Likes: Snakes being awesome. And Orochimaru being awesome. I blame @blackkatmagic. She did this to me.
Dislikes/Triggers: I’m pretty chill, but not keen on sexual abuse or non-con. It just feels like crossing a line, even if they are essentially paid assassins. Like, murder is one thing, but it’s just… nope.
Bonus for: Danzo trying to steal Oro’s brats and getting curb stomped.
Porn/No Porn: I do like porn on occasion, but I don’t think this wish needs it - unless Sakumo is alive in this AU, and has seduced Oro. But don’t strain yourself if you’re not comfortable.
Wish: Pacific Rim AU. Preference for MadaTobi, but I’m open to any pairing, romantic or otherwise. Doesn’t have to follow the movie, can follow the comics.
Likes: ghost!Drift (specifically to Pac Rim, anyways)… I’m pretty game for anything not in my “Dislikes”?
Dislikes/Triggers: No incest or pedophilia (not even allowed in this collective, but gonna state it anyways); Abuse - physical or emotional; if this gets porny, no noncon or dubcon or bloodplay, emetophilia, or scat. HARD NO On COCKROACHES.
Bonus for: background Xanatos Gambit, not necessarily for the kaiju, but someone else and doesn’t have to be evil. Morton’s Fork will similarly be accepted.
Porn/No Porn: Either is good. Writer’s choice.
Wish: I would like to see Madara taken from post-death (whichever of the 3 canonical instances best suit your narrative) and dropped into an AU, either replacing his otherself or having his otherself be dead/missing. It can be a trope influenced NRT world, (i.e. Soulmate Marks, ABO) or a crossover-fusion world, (i.e. NRT characters in a Star Wars or BNHA setting) or just switching out ninja for mainstream scifi or steampunk or magic. Cue Madara flailing and being overly dramatic.  I would prefer a happy ending. Gen is fine. I basically want to see Madara screaming about how little sense the AU rules make while simultaneously snuggling his little brothers. B/c Madara is the Most Extra.
Likes: TobiMada. Effective Communication. Madara oblivious to (Tobirama’s) flirting. Fussing over baby brothers.
Dislikes/Triggers: Character Bashing. Non-Con. Unaddressed Dub Con.
Bonus for: n/a
Porn/No Porn: Sure, if you’re feeling it or the story calls for it. ^_^
Wish: Sasuke really, stupidly likes being fingered. Team 7 obliges 
Likes:  healthy polyamory, kinking the fuck out of Sakura’s super strength, and gentle ribbing/teasing the fuck out of Sasuke/poking fun or dirty talking to embarrass him a little
Dislikes/Triggers:  uh the normal squicks, you’re probably good. Dislikes non-bi all of them. Dislikes feminization of Sasuke
Bonus for: Sasuke totally gets off a little on being embarrassed/dirty talked to/them talking about him. Also he’s stupidly in love with them.
Porn/No Porn: Porn, pls. Obvs
Wish: NaruSakuSai, their first time. Sakura is coming home from a mission where she almost died and the boys need to make sure she’s doing fine. Featuring lots of fluffiness, some worship and praise kink because Sakura deserves it.
Likes: Honestly, everything that deals with their respectives issues would be great. Sai probably doesn’t like being touched much, but loves touching them, Naruto needs to show his love, Sakura enjoys the praises and attention.
Dislikes/Triggers: non-con, in any way, shape or form. As long as the characters are mainly true to their canon selves, I’m good.
Bonus for: Naruto putting on lipstick to leave marks on Sakura and Sai + morning after cuddles.
Porn/No Porn: Porn. Lots of porn, pretty please with a shinobi on top.
Wish: At some point in the Chuunin Exams arc (post-Forest of Death, but pre-Tsunade’s arrival) Sakura travels back in time to Kakashi’s attempt to rescue jinchuuriki Rin. She’s not much good fighting at that point but her sudden appearance causes enough confusion to allow a few crucial seconds such that Obito arrives while Rin is alive. And then…?
Likes: ObiSaku would be nice, no pairing is also fine.
Dislikes/Triggers: Cannibalism or humans being eaten generally.
Bonus for: 13 y/o Kakashi being a better teacher than 26 y/o Kakashi.  
Porn/No Porn: Not unless you put in a big timeskip
Wish: I’d like to see a story about how Tenzou fathered a bunch of kids (doesn’t need to be from one woman or be romantically involved with one at all) because he wanted his wood release to be carried on to future generations. Just him as a father training and raising a bunch of kids which some (if not all) have his wood style.
Likes: I like family fluff and maybe a little angst but nothing too heavy.
Dislikes/Triggers: I dislike character bashing and any general cruelty but I’m not Triggered by anything but I don’t think that will be something for this type of thing to worry about.
Bonus for: Tenzou just being a good dad and doing his best and maybe Naruto helping train the kids and maybe even passing on the start of how to do the rasengan to them or the shadow clone to help them train.
Porn/No Porn: No porn for this please
Wish: Everyone in Konoha lost something on the day of the Kyuubi attack, and Genma Shiranui is no different. But not everyone can say they gained something. All of seventeen years old, he finds himself with a dead sister and her daughter Tenten to care for. Let’s hope he doesn’t screw this up.
Likes: Family fluff, obviously. Also Genma freaking out over how to parent.
Dislikes/Triggers: Just don’t be too gross I guess???
Bonus for: the Talk and Tenten’s first date.  
Porn/No Porn: No porn please.
Wish: Time travel with Kakashi peferably during the warring clans era or some form of supernatural creature thing.
Likes: dork!Madara, Gai. Angst in moderation. (Kakashi)
Dislikes/Triggers: Overly emberassing moments, like the level of romantic comedies. It can take me months to read such things.
Bonus for: troll!Kakashi
Porn/No Porn: No porn please.
Wish: Sakura is sent on a long term mission with Team Eight. What the mission is is up to the author. What I want is Sakura and Team Eight being awesome.
Likes: Sakura/Kiba, Hinata and Sakura friendship, Shino
Dislikes/Triggers: Non-con, dub-con, A/B/O
Bonus for: Sakura/Kiba
Porn/No Porn: No porn.
Wish: Genma and Raidou+the desk chuunin have many late nights in the tower, to make it better they play some music, one things leads to another and suddenly it's a dirty dancing competition! And it's all fun&games until a jounin coming in from a late mission walks in. The chuunin are embarrassed, but the jounin ends up joining in too???
Likes: Side-characters, dancing to cheesy early-2000s pop music, random fluff, multi-pairs/poly pairs (if you are up to writing it)
Dislikes/Triggers: Character hating, non-con, daddy kinks, etc
Bonus for: The jonin who walks in is Kakashi.
Porn/No Porn: Either is fine for me, it depends on how the story is going for you.
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amgeryporcupine · 2 years
I've done TobiMada Family/Mpreg Au before... who's to say I wouldn't do a HashiMada one? HAHAHA *yeet*
Does this even need a tw? Oh welp-
TW: mpreg / child birth (?)
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Deal with it or scroll away if u no like uwu
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amgeryporcupine · 2 years
Would Itama go Berserk if he saw someone hurt his family? He sounds like such a happy guy that he would he extra scary if angered
If you're talking about Itama from my TobiMada family au then Yesss! he'd definitely turn the world down on his feet if someone dared to lay a finger on his family. Like imagine Tobirama's brutal/savage attacks + Hashirama’s dead on the spot/showing no mercy + Madara’s explosive rage and thirst for blood- jwdnjwndjwhdqifnef
And Itama was the first amongst his siblings to activate his mangekyo sharingan.
It's always the nicest people that are scariest when angered.
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amgeryporcupine · 2 years
Hi :)
This is for that one anon whose request I've mistaken for something else.
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Hmm where do I start? Honestly, this whole TobiMada family thing that I thought of first came out to be angsty lol.
Like how Tobirama and Madara get together, or how it's possible for Madara to get preggo (not a/b/o). The original back story I had in mind can be defined as "it gets worse before it gets better".
But enough of that- let's just say they both lived happily ever after with many kids.
Please know that I'm poop with names so I just reused a bunch.
1st born - Quadruplets
Izuna (1st) was named after his late uncle. He is the Uchiha clan heir and the biggest troll Konoha has ever seen. He is also Itama's shoulder to cry/whine on. He may act carefree but he is the best when handling diplomatic missions.
Kawarama (2nd) is very much a grump, short-tempered, and has the issue of people standing behind him. He also happens to be a sensor as strong as his dad but would often get overwhelmed so his brothers are always there for him in case it gets too much. He is very protective of his siblings but he can be overbearing sometimes.
Itama (3rd) is a moody crybaby. He's like the combination of his uncle Hashi and his late uncle Itama. He loves to annoy his brother Kawarama for the sole reason of: "it's because Kawa-Chan makes funny faces when he's mad" even if he gets hit in the head and loses a few brain cells. He is also very well-loved by the people of Konoha as his character and behavior remind them of their previous Hokage (Hashirama). He is also expected to be the 3rd Hokage when Tobirama retires from the position.
Sousuke (4th) loves playing with fire. No words can describe the number of forest fires he's caused or the small villages he accidentally burned down. He's a pretty chill guy and very very straightforward with his words. He is socially awkward but he tries his best. He is considered a good team leader and would often be sent on S-rank missions, even if he prefers to do it alone. Some would say that his strength and thirst for a good fight came from his mother (they're not wrong tho).
2nd born - Triplets
Satsuki (1st) has a very poised and dignified persona. She loves dressing up in expensive kimonos with intricate designs. She doesn't listen to anyone's bs unless they wish for a painful death by drowning. She has received many suitors from different clans but none fit her high standards (Tobirama's practically leaping with joy as his daughter will stay as his princess forever. Or so he thought). She is also an Iryo-nin along with her two sisters.
Makoto (2nd) is a perfectionist. She is also a clean freak and practically tidies up any mess her sisters make. She loves to read books let be they novels, or medical texts. She's not one to dress as fancy as Satsuki but she'll let herself be dressed up like a doll as long as her sisters won't bother her for the next hour. Most of the time oblivious when someone is interested in courting her. She has a history of "accidentally" sending her suitors to a friend zone.
Nagisa (3rd) is very energetic and adventurous. Not disgusted with handling anything, even bugs (for which Satsuki and Makoto would lose their vocal cords). She loves trying out new things and would often encourage her sisters to join her in it. She is also the mediator when her sisters bicker too much. Has been in many relationships before but it doesn't last because her partners couldn't keep up with her. (her dad and older brothers take very much care of her exes, and the twins are glad to have another to add to their collection).
3rd born - Twins
Hikaru (1st) and Kaoru (2nd) are two peas in a pod. They won't do anything without each other. Are born prodigies and have made many of their own jutsus. Unintentionally handling S-rank missions (only because of how often they get the unfortunate chance of being dragged into one) leads to gaining Jonin-rank at a young age. They dissect (animals) to study the organ system, skeletal structure, find the cause of death, etc. They received a human cadaver on their 10th birthday after presenting the things they've studied through years of dissecting and the council found it beneficial to give them the chance in order to contribute to the greater good of medicine.
4th born
Harumi is the epitome of sunshine and rainbows. It would take a lot of convincing for people outside Konoha to believe that this little girl is a spawn of Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Madara. She has mastered the deadly "puppy dog eyes" and has made uncle Hashi her favorite victim. She was a surprise to the family. Madara never thought that he'd conceive again with his age, but nonetheless, he and his husband were ecstatic to meet their youngest. Tobirama would drop everything he was doing if his little Harumi ever requested to be carried. Harumi got called "Hime" as a joke at first but the Senju and Uchiha both agreed that she is indeed a "Hime" and nothing would change that.
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Wips related to this au
The whole family goes to the beach but in a modern setting, the quads as babies, and all 10 of them in one photo.
There's another fanart of this au in my old account @angeryporcupine
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amgeryporcupine · 2 years
Hi! Same annon about the a/b/o kids? I actually meant the TobiMada babies xD i saw them on your other blog and thought they were so cool!
Besides i love the idea of Mada having big litters and Tobi liking it very much
oh- OH! so that's what you meant! omg, I completely forgot about that TobiMada family I made in my old account. I thought no one was interested in that au lmao I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Actually, I have a few sketches of it but I didn't bother posting them. Ah!! you're so wonderful asking for this. I'm so happy rn! I've always wanted to post more about it!
Will get back to you as soon as I can with fanarts and a short background of how their family came to be! :DD
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