#the Groaner
ignocubo · 9 months
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ignoring the fact that i love and/or hate every supermansion character equally (except maybe bugula because he beat my absolute fav's ass), this is my all-star team. may they fly high in "cancelled show heaven" 😔😔😔
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roleplayallday · 7 months
I haven’t heard much from the supermansion fandom in years however I really want to roleplay some Debbie/Devizo, Blackgroans, and Lex/Courtney.
I read a lex/courtney fic last night and it was suxh a good rarepair that i’d love to write something between these two!
Not to mention, I’ve been itching to do a debbie redemption story and i’d love to write that with someone as well! Where she redeems herself by saving Devizo from a big villain and destroying the heart of amore, which returns all the love to his heart.
If any of this sounds interesting please dm me here or on discord! My discord is Kazikuns
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glimglamglimmer · 1 year
Haven’t roleplayed supermansion in such a long time. If anyone’s still apart of this fandom and is down to do debbie/devizo or blackgroans, please dm me here or on discord.
My discord is Kazikuns
I’ve got plots that i’m dying to do but this fandom has been dead for ages.
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Evil Clown Contest Round One
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capndragn94 · 2 years
So I recently found out you call watch all three seasons of Supermansion, for FREE, on Tubi. Why wasn't this advertised? Why is this AMAZING show so far under people's radar? I get that it started on Crackle, so a lot of people probably just slept on it, but it is seriously one of the best superhero parodies I have ever seen. It can get a little corny sometimes, but I still highly recommend it.
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atashii-loves-ya · 2 years
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I was searching references, found this base and I had the idea of doing it with BlackGroans 😅 Saturn and Courtney are my BROTP of the series and I thought that this situation can be possible (?)
Then I realized that Saturn is taller than groaner, so I decided to do an opposite version
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I liked the first one more than the second one :'D What do you think?
Also! The base was made by @croxovergoddess 👇🏼
Encontré una base de personajes que se me ocurrió dibujar con BlackGroans, considerando que creo que sería posible una situación así con Courtney entremedio (Además que Saturn y Courtney son mi BROTP de la serie). Después, al darme cuenta que Saturn es más alto que Groaner, hice una versión opuesta :D
Me gustó más el primero que el segundo :'D Qué les parece?
La base fue hecha por @croxovergoddess, el link está arriba :D
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higgsbison · 11 months
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A thing I've really grown to appreciate when writing Discworld stuff, is how the style's designed for you to mash together a random shower thought, a cool fact you know and the most obnoxious pun you could think of, and then just plop it straight into the middle of whatever actual plot you're going thru AND you also get to call it worldbuilding.
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tinyhorror · 7 months
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they just want some pets and don’t know how to ask for them nicely ‘~’
insta | twitter | inprnt | redbubble
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ignocubo · 2 years
my life is simple. i wake up. i think about black saturn and groaner in episode one. i eat. i think about groaner being nice to mange, fully knowing it was black saturn. i work. i think about black saturn and groaner in 'lex as a weapon'. i return home. i think about black saturn and groaner at the halloween party, perfectly describing each other when asked about their ideal type. i sleep. i dream about black saturn and groaner being a married couple in the future, particularly in 'back to the black future'. and it all starts over.
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roleplayallday · 2 years
Heeey guys, it’s my birthday! And all I want is for someone to roleplay Supermansion with me!
Specifically debbie/devizo getting back together and making up after such a long time. And blackgroans, of course!
An old plot i’ve been raring to do lately is debbie and devizo being transported to another universe somehow and as they try to return to thwir world, they see how they could have been if Debbie had realized the heart of amore was actually causing problems. Along with Lex being their biological daughter instead of Rex’s 👀 imagine Lex with blue wavy hair and a superhero outfit similar to Devizo’s canon villain one.
There’s way more to this plot but i’m sure I can give you the run down or link you to the old rp post with a better explanation if you’re interested!
My discord is splodge#6863 so please friend me/dm me if you’re interested! Seriously, this fandom is so dead and I am so lonely with all my ideas lmao.
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glimglamglimmer · 2 years
Been thinking about supermansion again, rewatching my amv’s and debating on making a new one soon - but ANYWAY
I remember a plot I detailed in an older post, where the league & injustice club are mysteriously taken to another timeline where Devizo had become a hero with subtopian-like powers because of an accident that Rex caused, which also caused their friendship to fracture and this Rex to become a gadget-using villain (because according to early s1, Rex had been getting weak from being on the surface 👀)
Alternatively, I really want to add on an idea where thid timeline’s Devizo and Debbie are still together and happy. Which makes canon Devizo and Debbie reevaluate their past mistakes and slowly get back together.
Or, if all that’s too complicated, we could think of something else plotwise where Devizo and Debbie get back together. I just want some debvizo content, tbh. I want them to make up, and be toxic villains together. Or just be sweethearts.
I’m obviouspy always interested in blackgroans and robolex as well. My discord is tobey mcallister#6863 if any of this sounds interesting and you want to roleplay!
I’m dying for supermansion content, this fandom dies with me!
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Evil Clown Contest Redemption Round One
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capndragn94 · 2 years
If you're a fan of Supermansion, please submit a content request to Tubi Support. The series expired on their site, but if enough people contact them they'll bring it back. It was free to watch when it was on Tubi, and the only other place to watch it is on Amazon Prime.
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machinegh0ul · 2 months
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Groaner from Silent Hill
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atashii-loves-ya · 2 years
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Some sketches of these guys while I'm studying...I'm having a lot of ideas of drawings of Supermansion! I hope to do them soon :D
ALSO! Tomorrow us July 4th! That means a future fanart of American Ranger, oh yea 😎
Algunos sketches hechos mientras estudiaba...Tengo muchas ideas de dibujos con esta serie que espero poder hacer pronto :D
Por cierto! Mañana es 4 de Julio, lo que significa que debería venir su fanart de Ranger 😎
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