#titanium rex
roleplayallday · 1 month
Hey folks! Wondering if someone is interested in roleplaying supermansion with me! I know the fandom is mostly dead but surely there’s someone out there that can indulge me!
I’ve had a lot of ideas that I haven’t been able to do for years that i’d love to rp!
I ship blackgroans and debbie/devizo for the most part but i can do robolex, courtney/lex, and i’m interested in learning about more rarepairs!
Dm me here or on discord! My discord is kazikuns
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botslayer · 1 month
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If I had a nickel for every Superman expy that fucked a bug, I would have two nickels. You know the rest of this copy pasta.
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valley-of-the-geeks · 2 months
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capndragn94 · 2 years
So I recently found out you call watch all three seasons of Supermansion, for FREE, on Tubi. Why wasn't this advertised? Why is this AMAZING show so far under people's radar? I get that it started on Crackle, so a lot of people probably just slept on it, but it is seriously one of the best superhero parodies I have ever seen. It can get a little corny sometimes, but I still highly recommend it.
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contentbunny · 2 years
New amv is finished! This one’s about Debbie and Devizo blaming each other for how they turned out.
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grettyetty · 2 years
Out of all the fandoms I end up in, it’s ALWAYS the dead ones.
I love supermansion with a passion, it is my current hyperfixation, has been for YEARS. I can’t write fics, writing by myself isn’t fun, which is why i’ve been posting roleplay posts nonstop for the past two years.
Seriously, i’m like the only one in the tags currently.
And i’m so sad.
I just want to roleplay some blackgroans, or debbie/devizo. I miss having people to talk to about this show.
I’m pretty sure it’s free on tubi or easy to pirate so it shouldn’t be as dead as it is! Please watch the show 🥲 i’m so lonely and I miss roleplaying being a common thing in fandoms.
I have roleplay posts in this blog constantly, and i have a whole rp blog if anyone’s interested.
Please be interested…
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therxtking · 11 months
"LYRIC" - Rex
"I'm talking loud, not saying much I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet Shoot me down, but I get up
I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose Fire away, fire away Ricochet, you take your aim Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down, but I won't fall I am titanium"
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deepdreamnights · 6 months
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Real name: Tyrannodus Maximus (translation) Known Aliases: Ty Maxon, the Dinoman of Wisconsin, Shellbreaker Occupation: Champion of Core City, adventurer Identity: Public Legal status: Citizen of Core City. Legal resident of the United States with a criminal record (pardoned), escaped felon in Ultramerica. Species: Dinoid Tyrannosaurus Rex Place of Hatching: Core City Martial Status: Single, betrothed. Known Relatives: TyrannoLucian (father), MegaloDiana (mother), TyrannoMaxine (grandmother, deceased), TyrannoCass (brother), TyrannoJulia (sister), Lady StegoJune (fiance), DeinoSteve (blood brother), Tyler Wrex (second cousin). Known affiliations: Warriors of the Core (member, current), Sevenfold Guardians (member, reserve), Wally Manmoth (ally), Johannes Factotum (ally), WoMinotaur (ally), Dr. Underfang (nemesis), Department of Inhuman Affairs (contractor). Base of operations: Soapstone, Wisconsin, Core City in the Fossilized World. First appearance: Tyrannomax #1 (1975)
From the Coctus Catalog, it's TyrannoMax!
His power/ability box is under the fold.
Physical Strength: TyrannoMax’s strength is exceptional, even for a dinoid. He can lift (press) 10 tons with his arms or tail. Known Powers & Abilities: Like all diniods, TryannoMax’s muscles and bone tissues are more dense and durable than human analogues, resulting in vast strength and resistance to physical damage. His scales can deflect an armor-piercing .50 caliber machine gun fire at 30 feet. TyrannoMax’s bite force is sufficient to bend a 5” diameter titanium rod. His teeth and claws are both sharp and strong enough to rend metal, and he’s able to leap up to sixty feet forward or twenty feet straight up from a standing position. Like all dinoids, TyrannoMax possesses a high degree of psychic affinity, which he can access through his psychic roar. This unique psychic talent allows TyrannoMax to imbue his roars with psionic power. He can attune the pitch of his roar to deliver physical psychokinetic force, stun the minds of those in its path, or induce fear and panic in enemies. Known Weaknesses: Dinoid physiology is only partially warmblooded and is vulnerable to cold. Temperatures below 56 degrees Fahrenheiht reduce TyrannoMax’s speed, strength and concentration in direct proportion to his body temperature. If lowered to the freezing point gradually, he will involuntarily enter a state of hibernation. Rapid freezing is deadly to dinoids.
TyrannoMax's art was made in the same fashion as the Wally Manmoth comic, with his body being composited out of several Midjourney attempts and his head coming from Dall-E 3, since MJ's rexes are always too modern for the 70s throwback of Tmax.
From there the colors were removed entirely, and the new lineart touched up and then re-colored using the classic comic colors from the DC 1981 style guide. And then "vintaged" in the process.
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brooklynisher · 7 months
Can you tell any info or HC you have for Rex Marksley?
Oh, in my hc he had the fattest ego. How could he not? His parents let him do what he wanted, he invented the coolest thing-a-ma-jigs, all self-taught, everyone, and their mother was in love with him, and he literally didn't know what fear was. What else would he think? He's the coolest guy in the whole world.
Now, when Ravaxis inevitably makes his rounds, that will humble him reallll good. He wouldn't know whether to feel pride in his bloodline or jealousy. Probably more jealousy. He'll hold back because it's not like he flaunts his ego. He takes pride in not being super annoying about how great he thinks he is, which makes him think of himself as even greater.
"Incredible, skillful, handsome, humble. That's you Rex Marksley" (He would say to himself in the mirror thinking that knowing how to keep your trap shut = being humble)
One thing that he was verrryy envious of was Gidget. He always wanted to build his very own human-ish robot, but he always failed. It tore him down for a little while, but eventually, he just accepted that it was just not in his skillset. But then he sees that Ravaxis has got his own robot pal and now Rex CAN'T accept that it's not in his skillset. Now, I don't think Ravaxis built Gidget, but it doesn't matter because Rex thinks he did. He doesn't want to ask him for help because he's super determined to be able to do it on his own. Spoiler alert: He can't. Another massive hit on his ego.
But no worries! Because there's a certain titanium robot out there that is more than happy to reinflate his ego. He'd even volunteer to become his personal robot if Rex really wanted that! (Rex never wanted that)
Now I did some digging and found mostly fan content, especially with The Spine just melting over the guy, but then I found something REAALLL interesting (Tw)
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The color difference between him and the house suggests it's just the window. Unless they opted to use the window to cover it up.
But could you imagine how crazy that would be if it was real? How would that change his character??? His lore????
Either way, something bad happened, or something bad's been happening and HOOOO boy
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firewoodwander · 11 months
🐈‍⬛ : creature/non-human + Cody/Rex
Trick or treat prompts
Rex had reckoned a nocturnal lifestyle was pretty understandable for a guy with a night job. He still stands by this. The other clues, like how Cody never liked the smell of garlic or had any mirrors in his flat or owned silver jewellery—these were tiny things. Things he could be forgiven for not linking together like a damn conspiracy theorist.
One day he’ll succeed in convincing Fives to believe that, too.
Cody always added plenty of other spices to his food and always looked flawless and had a lovely array of jewellery in titanium and gold. It wasn’t a big deal.
The uh, blood drinking, though. That kind of gave it away.
Rex hadn’t meant to walk in on him. He swears. But he’s staying over at Cody’s, they’d had a lovely dinner, are in the middle of a film, and Rex was psyching himself up to finally, finally make a move while Cody paused to go refill the snacks. It had been perfect.
Rex had thought he’d be helpful and lend a hand in the kitchen. Apparently Cody was psyching himself too, in his own way, over a small pouch of blood he’s avidly draining with his damned sharpened fangs in the middle of the floor.
“Oh,” Rex says, struck dumb while Cody holds his gaze with intense focus and finishes the pouch. When he removes the plastic to toss it in the bin a tiny drop escapes down his lip, fat and beaded and deep red as it rolls down Cody’s chin. And Rex’s eyes follow it, mesmerised, until his stupid hind brain kicks in and he opens his mouth. “So that’s why your teeth are so sensitive.”
Cody blinks at him. “Yes.”
Rex nods. “All right.”
Cody stares at him some more. Rex shifts on his feet a little, unsure how to move the conversation on and a little distracted by the gentle swell of arousal that’s making itself known in his pants. He reaches for the popcorn bowl, holding it absently to his chest and shoving a trio of freshly popped kernels into his mouth.
The snap-crunch of his chewing is suddenly very loud in his own ears.
When Cody sighs and traipses past, back to the couch in the living room with the surprisingly romantic nest of pillows and blankets, Rex trails along behind him.
“So,” he says, as they settle back onto the sofa. “All that stuff about—” he waves a handful of popcorn in the air between them vaguely, “drinking from a person. Like, in the books. When it’s sexy.”
Cody exhales like he’s been asked this question more times than he cares to count. “If stinging pain, feeling a bit like you’re being pulled through a straw, and making a bloody mess is sexy to you, then yes, it’s true.”
Rex continues eating his popcorn in silence.
Cody’s hand finds his knee beneath the blanket and slides its way gradually up. The contact is so warm and present Rex can’t help but twitch under it, breathing in Cody’s scent amidst the homey background tones of sugar and butter when he leans in and puts his mouth close to Rex’s ear.
“You wanna find out after the movie’s over?”
Rex already knows the answer, but he wants to find out yesterday.
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roleplayallday · 2 years
Making another supermansion roleplay post because all i’ve been thinking about for the past six months is a debbie redemption arc and this fandom is in shambles so i’m hoping to reach SOMEONE who still likes this show.
If anyone still wants to roleplay, dm me here or on discord! My discord is Kazikuns
So the idea is about Debbie being kidnapped by a villain for the use of the Heart of Amore, however the League comes to save her…plus Devizo despite Debbie thinking he had sworn to be a villain again. Well things go awry and the villain steals the Heart while also using a different artifact to send Debbie and Devizo back to the past to trap them there. The villain tries to send the League back as well but is unlucky in doing so.
So Debbie takes this as an opportunity to atone for her past and decides to have her past self destroy the Heart of Amore, which also destroys rhe Heart in the future so the villain can’t use it. However, they still need to get back to the past so Debbie and Devizo are forced to interact as they work to build a time machine. And that forced interaction has them making ammends and hopefully falling back in love <3
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altruistresistance · 8 months
On the Planet Mobius, all is quiet. The population of Humans and Mobians alike live in harmony. Or so it seems. Under the shining exterior, a cold war between extremists and the government is starting to boil over. Head of the Science Division, Dr. Ivo Robotnik plots to use scientific advancements to turn the population against one another. As such, the Guardians of the United Nations scrambled a small platoon of heroes with remarkable powers in order to stop him. The conflict has been going for three years... and it's reaching a boiling point.
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Cole "Sonic" Aleena the Hedgehog (Powers: Super speed, mild wind manipulation.)
Michelle "Sonia" Aleena the Hedgehog (Powers: Invisibility.)
Jordan "Manic" Aleena the Hedgehog (Powers: Super strength, limited seismic manipulation.)
Miles "Tails" Prower the Fox (Powers: Two-tailed flight.)
Amy "Rusty" Rose the Hedgehog (Powers: Super strength, invisibility, cyborg anatomy.)
Elijah "Knuckles" Meadows the Echidna (Powers: Super strength, hyper durability.)
Clara "Rouge" Hopkins the Bat (Powers: Psionic shield.)
E-123 Omega (Powers: Internal nanometal arsenal.)
Samson Robotnik Beowulf "Shadow" Terios the Hedgehog (Powers: super speed, super strength, mastery over Chaos manipulation.)
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Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik (Powers: Cybernetic enhancements Badnik control.)
Jason "Sleet" Fredrick the Wolf (Powers: control over the nanometal drones known as the Dingo Pack.)
Snively Robotnik (Powers: Badnik control.)
Neo "Metal Sonic" Metallix the Android Hedgehog (Powers: Nanometal copy ability.)
Xander "Infinite" Oliver the Jackal (Powers: Unstable Chaos energy manipulation filtered through the Phantom Ruby.)
Agent Breezie the Synthetic Hedgehog (Powers: Hypnotic mist.)
MotoBugs (Motorcycle beetles armed with submachine guns. Weak point, wheels.)
Buzz Bombers (Small VTOL wasps armed with low-burn plasma beams in the stinger. Weak point, torso.)
Crabmeat (Crustacean sentinels with claw-mounted rocket launchers. Weak point, joints.)
Optic Pods (Single-eyed scouts with micro missile salvos. Weak point, power core/eye.)
Slicers (Praying mantis guards with reinforced titanium blades. Weak point, back of the neck.)
SwatBots (Elite humanoid Badniks capable of speech that use built in high-burn plasma cannons and smart-lock missiles. Weak point, Achilles heel.)
Hover Units (Large helicopter drones armed with ultrasonic concussion cannons, fusion core missiles, and a deployable energy shield. Weak point, rotor blades.)
Tank-Rexes (Huge theropod-like tanks with powerful jaws, optical plasma cutters, drill tail, and hyper-concussive roar. Weak point, internal generator.)
Melee (Swords, hammers, pile bunkers, the list goes on.)
Ballistic (Firearms that use traditional bullets. Effective against lighter Badniks, but useless against SwatBots and large units.)
Plasma (Firearms that utilize plasma engines rather than standard ammunition. Rare, but effective against more elite Badniks.)
Explosive (Be it a rocket launcher or grenade, these weapons pack a punch. Can be just as damaging to the wielder as it is to the enemy.)
Sonic - Benjamin Diskin
Sonia - Erica Mendez
Manic - Johnny Yong Bosch
Tails - Anthony Del Rio
Knuckles - Khary Payton
Amy - Jamie Lamchick
Rouge - Grey DeLisle
Omega - Keith David
Shadow - Ian Hanlin
Eggman - Charlie Adler
Sleet - Steve Blum
Snively - Peter MacNicol
Metallix - Ron Perlman
Infinite - Liam O'Brien
Breezie - Laura Bailey
SwatBots - Isaac Singleton Jr.
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capndragn94 · 2 years
If you're a fan of Supermansion, please submit a content request to Tubi Support. The series expired on their site, but if enough people contact them they'll bring it back. It was free to watch when it was on Tubi, and the only other place to watch it is on Amazon Prime.
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myaoiboy · 9 months
Rating All The Metal Gears By Hotness
No, not the characters. Yes, literally the Metal Gears. If I forgot any, let me know.
Metal Gear TX-55 - 4/10
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This is just a lil guy. A friend, even. Reminiscent of a gonk droid from Star Wars. Sucks that he was made to do murdering. I can see where someone would find appeal, but not really for me.
Metal Gear D - 6/10
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This one I can see. He got some depth to him. Kinda shiny. More smooth, less boxy. Kind of insectoid. In most franchises this would be like an 8, but it gets knocked down because of what comes later being so much sexier.
Also can I say that MG2's spriting? Mwah. Chef's kiss. So pretty. Didn't even read the intro the first time I started it up bc I was marveling at the pretty spritework. I fucking love good spritework, just find it so much more satisfying than equivalent-quality 3D art.
Metal Gear G - 2/10
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Never actually completed or seen in game. Was supposed to be a smaller, mass produced version of D. Kinda sexy, loses points for being so fictional that it's only theoretical even in the games.
Metal Gear REX - 7/10
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OOOO YEAH, NOW WE'RE TALKIN'!! SHINKAWA ERA BAYBEY!!! Man's got impeccable taste. He could make a literal slab of titanium look inviting.
Rex is not the sexiest Metal Gear to me, partly bc Otacon treats it like a son or a pet dog and I find a 25-yo's son-analogue to be offputting. BUT. I must concede. REX is the blueprint for all the sexy traits to come. He's got the hips. He's got the saunter. He's just a lil too brutalist for me.
Metal Gear RAY - 11/10
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I know I have psychological problems because this thing's childbearing hips and murderous mandibles distract me during the boss fight.
Why is it so sexy?? What the fuck?? It's like mecha furrybait but specifically for people who are into garrus mass effect. Please tell me I'm not the only one, I'm pretty sure my boyfriend thinks I'm insane.
Arsenal Gear - 4/10
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Basically just an aircraft carrier. I would say not fuckable but it DOES, canonically, have a digestive tract and asshole so like. Technically fuckable I think. But at what cost?
Honorable mention for making me deal with Raiden's daddy issues and fight the sexy mech in this thing's enormous rectum (damn near killed 'em).
Shagohod - 4/10
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Not technically a metal gear. I can see the appeal, but it doesn't *quite* nail the drider-esque niche for me. It does get a bonus point for the way it moves being kinda sensual tho. Additional bonus point for being piloted by an evil fa-
Intercontinental Ballistic Metal Gear - 0/10
literally could not even find an image of this that wasn't completely dwarfed by the Saturn V rocket attached to it. Not really much to look at. If you've always wanted to fuck a Saturn V, I guess this would be a good way to get introduced.
Metal Gear RAXA - 2/10
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Somehow managed to capture "first day of kindergarten" energy in a death machine. I could be convinced based on its behavior tho. Damn, Portable Ops kind of an L design-wise, huh?
Gekkos - 9.5/10
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And the feet. Like, we gotta talk about the feet. Why? Why the toes? Why does it stomp on me with its weirdly well-defined toes??? Did they make this mech specifically to appeal to dinosaur foot fetishists? Why does it bleed? Why does it MOO???
Extremely fuckable to the point that it loses half a point purely because it *feels* like horny bait.
Dwarf Gekkos - 7.5/10
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This is an object that feels like it was designed by and for lesbians. I have no notes. Slightly offputting only due to the odd number of hands but it IS the perfect number for some activities, so honestly that may be a plus.
Metal Gear Mk II/III - 1/10
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Adorable. Not fuckable. This is a gopro with a personality. Not to be confused with the vampiric gopro with a personality from Ultrakill, V1. Literally just a baby.
Outer Haven - 5.5/10
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Only technically a Metal Gear by virtue of technically being a stolen Arsenal Gear which is technically a Metal Gear. Gains .25 each for being the site of the infamous russian tuant
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and whatever fucked up display of devoted homosexuality this is:
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also additional bonus point for being piloted by an evil fa-
Pupa - 3/10
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This is just the Shagohod but with an AI pod. -1 for being touched by Huey, but balanced out by the +1 from being made by Strangelove. Even if it IS creepy that she made her dead crush/girlfriend's psyche pilot it around.
Crysalis - 6/10
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Not super sexy but it does fly and has a rail gun where one could feasibly conceptualize a dick. Kinda MILF-like (has mini-drones). Has a grappling hook, so could do bondage. Probably would, ngl.
Cocoon - 1/10
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Pupa, but less sexy. I barely even remember this boss fight because the game became such a rush right around here, pushing you to the postgame/first ending.
Peace Walker - 7/10
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Weird dog, functioning by sheer lesbian willpower. She is beauty, she is grace, she would probably rate a lot higher if my emulator didn't suck ass and make me angry every time I see her now, fuck that bitch.
Rage aside, who doesn't love killing their momgirlfriend and then reliving that multiple times throughout the course of a single game, culminating in her just straight up pulling a Virginia Woolf.
Metal Gear Zeke - 6/10
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Really just nothing that special. Okay, wait, +2 for being piloted by an evil little girl in her panties for some fucking reason.
Also +1 for the sick ass boss fight.
Walker Gear(s) - 8/10
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HERE we go!!! Hell Yeah Babey!!! Basically human sized! Has lil Fuckin' Roller Skates!!! Carries My Ammo! My Best Friend! (Okay, third best friend, after Quiet and DD)
Yeah Huey developed it but it gets WAY more bonus points for letting me manhandle him.
Sahelanthropus - 7/10
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I can't deny the raw sex appeal of Sahelanthropus. Also, it's literally piloted by pubescent rage which is something I deeply resonate with ngl.
HOWEVER it DOES get docked points for uhhh
-getting strangelove killed
-making baby otacon a child soldier
-huey :/
Battle Gear - 0/10
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Is there even a single frame of this entire thing? Especially without Huey??
negative 1 billion points for blue balling me in the late game, i want to ride this motherfucker right into the kgb outposts and let 'em have it for what they did to babygirl
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grettyetty · 2 years
So we know Rex thinks of Saturn as his son, considering he thinks of the entire League as family.
But hear me out.
Devizo thinks of Saturn as his son as well. Saturn’s parents suuuuuuck, and anyone that shows him any sort of parental love and guidance is immediately his parent in Saturn’s mind lmao.
Also i just have an au where Debbie and Devizo stayed together and Saturn is their biological son.
Blue skinned Saturn would be very interesting
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I am insane so here is my list of nicknames for Tobias Forge. Please give me suggestions for ones I can add.
Tax Fraud
Toblerone Fudge
Toad Frog
Taco Friday
Tutti Fruitti
Toe Fungus
Tooth Fairy
Talking Flemish
Tall Flesh
Toxic Flowers
Technology Frogs
Turbulent Freckles
Thick Face
Tender Fucker
Thigh Floor
Titty Fungus
Tornados Fiddle
Truculent Fig
Territory Fire
Tickly Fractions
Tummy Fights
Teenage Frenchman
Tail Fucker
Tea Finder
Toe Friends
Tag Fights
Tub Fire
Top Front
Tiktok Fuckboy
Tumbling Fuck
Tooth Frog
Tiny Feret
Tumblr Fanboys
Today Federal
Trying Format
Type Formal
Trail Font
Terrorists Fingers
Tale Foreskin
Tuesday Fries
Thursday February
Tutorial Fungi
Tight Fit
Tranquil Form
Ten Feet
Tool Fangs
Trowel Food
Tower Flow
Took Forever
Treatment Favourite
Tormented Faculties
Torture Factory
Tartan Flag
Tingly Function
Twins Fox
Twat Fertility
Turnip Fabric
Tudor Fashion
Train Footage
Take Friendship
Thanks Fan
Telling Friendliness
Terrain Fun
Terror Fin
Told Fool
Toggle Flannel
Trousers Flem
Terzo's Family
Time Flies
Then Filtered
Twig Found
Tiger Fear
T-rex Fringes
Tween False
Twitter Facebook
Titanium Fewer
Taxidermy Frontier
Toepiss Frugal
Topic Feature
Topless Features
Tuned Facial
Tank France
Thanks Finland
Terms Failed
Tickletoes Football
Transparent Fluff
Transgender Federal
Translate Free
Teal Feat
Turquoise Foggy
The Federation
There Following
Teeth Floppy
Troubled Financial
Tobussy Fun
Tobacco Fungal-biologist
Tiebreaker Fluid
Toebeans Flattering
Tyrannosaurus Fillings
Tuna Follicle
Thalerophagous Family-Disturbance
Toyota Ford
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