#the L shrine wall in my old apartment was...Frightening
boxwinebaddie · 4 months
i'm sorry, this has nothing to do with sp or my fics, but i just need y'all to know that i accidentally liked too many posts about death note on here bc i was rewatching it and now my tumblr dash is all fucked up
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Demon Bride Ch23 Problems Solved Problems Made
(DISCLAIMERS AND IMPORTANT INFO!!!: EVERYONE in this story is in their early 20s-30s! This story will contain mentions of past abuse and death! I'll be keeping it as SFW. Some backstories have been slightly altered for this particular story, and some characters cannonically dead or harmed is alive and well. I own nothing.
Credit to @flanelltees​ for the designs I based the demons off to look more demon-like with tails and pointed ears.
This story will be sfw, but there will be some blood, implied death, fighting, some gore mentioned, and a few other things that will be made aware by warnings. Pay attention to warnings at the top of any chapters just under the summery please.)
Once in the mountain villages it was a custom that once a year on the night of the new year's first moon, an unlucky young lady would be selected and left for the demons to become one of the unlucky few who married such a husband. In exchange for this offering the demons would protect the villages and leave the humans in peace. Until one day a powerful warrior drove the demons away freeing the humans of them. Now 2,000 years later, it's become a tradition that once a year, a new young lady would be picked and wait for her future husband to retrieve her from a shrine in the mountains. And now the lucky tradition would fall upon Y/n L/n. It would be her own turn to take on the tradition and not have to worry about demons. After all that part of the old tradition was just fake, made up by paranoid ancestors. Everyone knew demons didn't exist.
(WARNINGS!!!: Enmu gets slammed to the ground again and Akaza attempts to hit him.)
First Part Here:
Demon Bride Ch 1 Thus It Begins
(WARNINGS AND DISCLAIMERS!!! EVERYONE in this story is in their early 20s-30s! This story will contain mentions of past abuse and death! I'l
Last Part Here:
Next Part Here:
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(I ask everyone to be and thank you already for patience. Please remember it akes time to write and many things irl takes up time. Thank you for reading.)
Usually when one of the Twelve Kizuki is yelling at someone it was a scary sight to see, two would've been very scary to anyone. And they would've most likely attacked Enmu if you hadn't thrown yourself between not just one but four demons that was baring fangs at one another- Or more accurately Akaza, Kyogai, and little Rui was glaring at Enmu with the hare of a thousand hellfires. However like you expected Enmu didn't give two dams about possibly being beaten up. Instead he was behind you with his head leaned against the top of your head and his hands grabbing your shoulders. An amused smile on his face. HOW DID YOU GET YOURSELF INTO THESE THINGS?! You just didn't feel like having four demons brawl in the mansion even if you disliked the one you currently had clinging to you.
Enmu let out a coo before leaning harder on your head. "I'm afraid Y/n-chan is the only one who may put her hands on me.~"
You blatantly saw veins appear on Akaza's body, Kyogai's hand hovered over the drum on his right thigh, and Rui looked...oddly calm but with a frightening expression he had just before he wrapped up Enmu in spider's web and tossed him out the door. You obviously didn't want to get in trouble for Rui physically attacking a demon lord so you went out to make sure he was alright but when you opened the door, you were stunned to find none other than Akaza there pulling the threads apart with his fists to see what was going on while Kyogai was yelling at Enmu for the damage to his wall where Enmu made impact when Rui tossed him out. Akaza had just finished untying the struggling demon when Rui walked up behind you and demanded that you would come back inside away from the pervert that that laid his hands on you. 
You practically had to dive at Enmu and tackle him away from Akaza's fist hitting the floor and leaving a giant hole in the floor. Kyogai had started yelling at Akaza about the damage to his floor but then it sunk in what Rui said and then he directed his anger at Enmu and now you and Enmu were backed into a wall (literally) with three demons wanting to start a fight. However they wouldn't. Not while you stood close enough to be hit if they tried anything.
"NOBODY is doing ANYTHING!!," YOUR voice sternly said calmly faced with these demons. Staring Akaza in the eyes you didn't back down. "Akaza, stand down!"
"He touched you." He didn't even look at you. Instead his eyes stayed right on the smiling lower Moon.
"Yes. And it was for medical practice. The only time it wasn't was when he attempted to kiss me."
Maybe you shouldn't have said that because a GIANT vein popped on his forehead and his eyes nearly broke out bloodshot. " Y/n. Move."
"No. You'll try to kill him."
"I won't kill him. I'm not allowed to." Bones popped as his fists tightened. "But I can sure make him hurt."
''If you hurt him. I'll never forgive ANY of you." Finally his eyes turned to yours which glared right back. "If I want you to attack someone on my behalf then I'll say it, but clearly since Im putting myself in danger right now, I don't want you too. Now. All of you. STAND. DOWN."
Akaza despite your words took a step forward.
Silence. Stone Cold. Dead silence. 
...Akaza stepped aside a bit and you saw himself forcibly relax. "..I will. But not for his sake-" 
"And you're not going to attack him once he leaves. I won't allow more fighting involving me while I'm here. And I'm going to be taking responsibility for my stupid mistakes. That being said...Akaza. I'm sorry I gave you the wrong impression when we first met." He flinched but you kept talking. You HAD to take the chance to fix this. No more misunderstandings! "I didn't know something like me offering a friendship could be taken out of context to you, but I still messed up. Akaza I didn't make any marriage offers to you. I'm sorry."
There. He could hear his whole world shattering into pieces that moment. However a coo also made you growl and look up to the demon that started this mess. 
"And that goes double for you! Don't think I would find you fond now that I've cleared one problem out of the way!" Enmu fell silent for a long moment but if it was possible pulled you gently closer to his beating chest. 
"I-...I w-was already informed about your misunderstandings for us." You were pulled back to Akaza who had reached a shaking hand out to grab your hand and you froze. His hand was shaking so badly that yours was also shivering. "I know you didn't mean to-...And that's alright but I want..too..." You blinked at him in shock. "...I promised to think about it and I did while I was gone. I still want you. And if you'll have me-" His other hand reached out to brush against your cheek." Soft. Warm. She was so pretty...So beautiful.  "I wish to start courting you. Because I love you. I can't explain it...But I do love you."
You were shocked into silence, mouth agape and when nothing came out his hand on your cheek slid along your face to gently close your mouth with a smile. His eyes briefly glancing at your lips. They looked as soft as rose petals.
"You know..." You finally spoke still stunned. "You're the third person who's confessed their love to me since I've been here. And I don't know how to take it right now."
"Who has confessed?"
Well one was the clingy person hugging you, and the other...Your eyes briefly glanced to Kyogai as he just stared at you..before sadly looking away. It would be better to keep that info to yourself. Actually Akaza would be the fourth to confess if you counted Kaigaku giving you his necklace but you'd deal with that headache when he got back. You were just glad you were able to get one problem cleared! Now there was only three others. Hantengu, Kaigaku, and Rui. While you still tried to talk sense into Rui, you could wait for Kaigaku to return and then clear the air from there. Then that would be another problem off your chest.
"It doesn't matter. What matters is that I fix the mistakes I caused starting here on out. And like I said, I don't know how I feel towards any of this."
Akaza nodded and slowly released your hands. "I understand but maybe I could help some how."
You weren't sure what Akaza could do but before you could say anything Kyogai spoke up. "Actually you can!" You both looked at him. He looked at Akaza. "Do you happen to know where Hantengu's sons are located?"
Akaza seemed confused by that part but nodded. "They're all very far from here searching through many children's homes and known orphan populations for a runaway child the Master wants. Why?"
"Hantengu seems to have gotten into his head that Y/n has accepted an arranged marriage between her and one of his sons."
"It's a long story but don't worry. If they've all been on the other side of the Master's provinces then they wouldn't know yet. But could you perhaps locate Hantengu and explain it to him that Y/n didn't agree BEFORE his sons find out? You do know where he lives right?"
"Then you'll do it?"
"Absolutely." If it means less competition for Y/n's heart then he would gladly take on that responsibility. "He lives three days to the south from here. I have nothing important needing my attention so I can spare the time to make sure they're aware of the situation before it gets out of hand. Thank you for making me aware of this. I assure you that he'll understand the situation once I'm finished with him."
You sighed in relief. This was perfect! With Akaza helping you, you wouldn't have to worry about actually trying to track down this Hantengu and explaining everything to him. That was two problems solved, now that only left two others. But you'd worry about that later when Kaigaku eventually came back. 
"Ah. If you also need someone to take the boy off your hands, I can speak to the Master himself.~'' 
All of you paused before looking at Enmu, and you had to really wriggle yourself out of his grasp in order to look at him. And he still smiled through all of this. "What?"
"I don't have the equipment to examine blood myself so the Master was gracious enough to let me use his!~ And your blood is so beautiful might I add.~" You frowned. "The Master would know the perfect person to care for the child! After all he's the one who assigns all the tutors for his daughter.~"
"... Actually...That might actually work," Kyogai mused with a hum before nodding. "Alright." A claw pointed right at Enmu's face. "You ask the Master what he wishes to do with the boy and we'll do that. In the meantime I'll try to get him to un-imprint on Y/n." 
"Can you actually do that?"
"It's not unheard of but it'll take a while. Right Akaza?"... Kyogai turned. "Akaza, what are you doing?"
Akaza had magically disappeared from sight while the three of you were talking and had gone about calming Rui. By the time you three looked over, Akaza was already holding the small boy I'm his arms, cradling him and Rui was munching on something he pulled from a small bag. 
"Mother look!" He held up the small bag now calmer. "Mr. Akaza gave me candy!" He innocently fumbled with the bag. "I like him now."
"He's running a small fever," Akaza spoke a hand pressing to Rui's forehead. "Kyogai, have your healer look over him once I leave." Rui blinked as he was handed over to Kyogai.
"Oh are you leaving now?"
Akaza nodded. "If this needs to be resolved then I better get to Hantengu before his sons do, which means I'll need the head start." He paused before looking at you. "Y/n...I k-know it's selfish of me t-to ask this but.. could you at least think about what I said?"
...you nodded. "I will but I don't promise anything to o anyone."
"That is fair enough.'
You smiled at them all beautifully, lovely. "Thank you."
Hearts skipped a full beat for the three watching. Faces full of red. A thick floral scent making them woozy. However it was only one that spoke.
"Ah! There's that smell again!" Enmu smiled. "Begonias! Such a pretty scent for a pretty human.~"
"... Begonias? Are you dense?" Kyogai frowned at Enmu. "The only flower I smell is rose."
"Then you both need to have your  noses checked." Akaza rose a brow. "I smell neither begonia or rose. Amaryllis blooms is what's here."
You looked between them all confused. "What are you three talking about? I don't smell anything."
The three demons stared silently....before Enmu reached into his overcoat collar and pulled out a notepad and paper before opening it and proceeded to write in it.
"What are you doing you lunatic?"
"Taking notes on the human's strange condition. It seems the strange effect her blood has on us doesn't affect her at all, and even if it does it doesn't seem to be harmful to her and she can't detect whenever it's happening." He explained with a confused hum. "Although the effects are ... strange. It doesn't seem to be harmful to us either but it effects our sense of smell. Perhaps some kind of camouflage tactic? Maybe a calming tool?... Whatever it is, it seems to affect everyone differently. For example I smell nothing but begonias. Kyogai has roses and Akaza had amaryllis blooms. How strange?' He looked up at you. "Has anyone else experienced any strange floral scents from you?"
You blinked. "Uh... Kaigaku mentioned once that he thought my blood smelt like peach blossoms."
Enmu's brows shot up. "Really? He mentioned your blood specifically?" You nodded and he proceeded to write that down. "So it's not just me who connected the smells to your blood. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this."
"I have!" Rui's little hand went up gripping some more candy gaining everyone's attention. "But you're all wrong. Roses and peaches are dumb guesses. Mother smells like beautiful carnations." He then shoved the fistful of candy into his mouth chewing noisily.
"Carnations? That's an interesting take actually as carnations are widely accepted to symbolize motherhood." More scribbling as you stared stunned at Rui. "Before I leave Id like to ask a few of your servants of they also smelt anything strange like us. It might just be the key to what is going on in her body."
"Huh? Oh. Yes. You may ask Eri. She used to be the human's personal aid and I must summon her anyways to look over the boy." As if on cue he hit the drum on his stomach twice each letting out a BUM sound each time. "You can also ask Nagi who's currently serving her. But be sure that's the only thing you do!"
"You called me, my Lord." Immediately a servant appeared and bowed to him. 
"Yes. Tell Eri I want her to come here immediately."...He then eyed the cracks in the wall from Rui throwing Enmu and the hole Akaza had punched in the floor and sighed. "And tell Mayla to get some builders over here to repair all the damage. My home is not a fighting ring!" He shot Akaza a look.
"Oh...I apologize for the damage."
The servant bowed. "Of course. Will there be anything else?"
"Mother, I'm hungry. I want lunch."
"*Sigh* And bring food for the child and human from the kitchen."
The servant bowed and left leaving you all there. Akaza again apologized to Kyogai for the hole in the floor before also leaving, but not before coming back to give your hands one last squeeze before leaving. The next to leave was Enmu after you saw him speak to Eri and a few other servants writing all of it down into that notepad of his before he returned to you smiling.
"Well it seems like quite a mystery. Besides myself and four other specific demons, everyone else doesn't smell a specific flower."
"So ..they don't smell anything?"
"Oh no. They do. But it's totally different. You see everyone I spoke to agreed that you smell like flowers..But they can't tell me one specific TYPE of flower. To them it's just an indescribable floral scent that doesn't have any one specific flower where as myself and four others ONLY smell one kind of flower and for each of us it's different."
"So...I smell like flowers to all demons, but it's more of a field of flowers that they can't make out? Except for a few like you and Akaza that smells just one specific flower?"
"Now you're getting it! And for each of us it's different, but I haven't figured out how or why yet." 
You watched as he slipped the notepad back in his coat and lean over to grab his suitcase. "Then what will you do now?"
"Well..First I'm going to contact the families of the demon that Kyogai killed when they chased you in here. Perhaps something in their bodies are affecting you, but since their corpses were burnt, I can't take any direct samples from them. So I'll need the next best thing." He smiled wider. "I'll need to take blood samples from their closest family members and compare it to yours to see if there's any similarities. If there's nothing connecting you to them then we can rule out blood contamination by demon DNA. But first I need Kyogai to pull up their records to locate any family. "
"That sounds like a lot of work and just for me of all people. I'm not that important."
"Oh how wrong you are.~," he cooed and tilted his head, "And.." Teal eyes became half lidded with knowing. "I do want to genuinely help you, Y/n.~" He slightly bowed to you. "I shall do my very..."
He paused mouth open in a smile as two arms wrapped around his middle and pulled him against a warm body. Her body leaned against him in an embrace- THUD!! The suitcase dropped from his hand as his body froze. 
"I know this is asking a lot of work from you, and you can be... difficult, but I do appreciate the help you're giving me and I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you and everyone else. I promise to fix everything as soon as I can. Please don't stress yourself out on my part." You slowly let him go and stepped back watching his shocked face. And smiled. "But maybe just tone down the perverted nature a bit from now on."
"....No one had ever t-t-thanked me genuinely before." The shock melted away as he shivered and smiled genuinely. You blinked as a hand tucked under your chin to raise you head just a bit higher. Huh...when did his teal eyes suddenly get closer? "Do you know I also have a strange medical condition?~" He mumbled closer. "You make my heart beat faster.~" purple eyes widened as his face was five inches awa-
.....You blinked......And looked at your feet.
The touch was gone. And so was Enmu- No. Enmu was still there but now he was laying at your feet laying face down on the floor as flat as a pancake. Behind him, one of his legs was slightly suspended in thin air, and wrapped around his ankle was a spider thread. You slowly followed the thread to where Rui was standing next to Kyogai and firmly held the thread in his hands.
"Do your business with the drum man and leave." Rui then held up the thread to Kyogai. "Here you go. I get extra food now right?"
Kyogai chuckled before gladly accepting the string just as Enmu looked over his shoulder. "I think I'll miss having this child around. Come along, Enmu. I'll get you the documents." He then turned and walked away dragging the other demon behind him
Enmu was quick to grab the suitcase as he was dragged away before smiling and waving at you. "Good bye, Y/n-chan.~ Parting is such sweet sorrow.~"
You stood there for a long moment before blinking and reaching a hand to slowly rub your face. Yep. You had too much to think about right now. Small footsteps ran up to you before someone small threw their arms around your legs. 
"I don't like him! Mother you best stay away! Come read me more stories instead."
You sighed and reached out to pat the top of his head. Whelp...At least most of your problems would be fixed now. Hopefully Akaza would be able to talk sense into Hantengu. Only time could tell.
Loud footsteps approached a familiar but annoying door and a large fist knocked loudly on the wooden surface demanding an answer. A moment later footsteps approached and the door opened to a sniffling face.
"Akaza. What do you want here?"
A firm push was enough to get inside and walk his way inside without a fight. Of course a whimpering mess was there to greet him by the fireplace. 
"Oh calm down. I didn't come here to drag you back to work. I came to just talk." A few more sobs and whimpers. Sigh. Ok. He'll be nice for her sake. "First of all, I want to congratulate you on your retirement and your sons for getting such a high positions."
"*Sniffle* Thank you."
"Secondly, I apologize for dropping I'm unannounced like this. But we need to talk."
"*Sob* It's alright."
A stern look. "Lastly, I need to let you know something serious. A few weeks ago, you had a girl agree to marry one of your four older sons. But you should know that the human woman didn't really agree to that. She didn't agree to any engagement and she didn't understand what you meant. So any engagement you thought about presenting to your sons is off limits. There will be none. Am I being clear enough to you?"
.....A sniffle. "Too late, too late. There's no going b-back now."
"What are you talking about?"
"*Sob* They a-already want to be married. *Sniff* It's not M-My fault young men yearn for a married life."
"Well when they get here tell them it's off!"
"N-No. You don't u-u-understand. *Hic* Th-They are on their way to get her now."
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