#also yes its my comfort anime no i dont want to hear it
boxwinebaddie · 4 months
i'm sorry, this has nothing to do with sp or my fics, but i just need y'all to know that i accidentally liked too many posts about death note on here bc i was rewatching it and now my tumblr dash is all fucked up
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xiaoscarasimp · 1 year
Cat Boi 3 (Now with more cat boys
As you and Scaramouche sat down after dinner one day to watch your favorite anime, your phone starts buzzing. You look down at it and notice that it was your co-worker Zhongli calling, which is odd since he's never done this before. 
"Hello?" You say hesitantly into the phone. 
"Ah, yes, this is Zhongli speaking. Is y/n there?" The voice on the other end sounds very professional; he's always been the serious type.
"Yes, it is."
"Oh, good. I must respectfully ask a favor of you. You see, I am about to have my fiance move in with me, but I'm worried my cat boy will impede the movers. I was wondering if you could watch over him for about a month. Don't worry, you'll be compensated for food, medical, or anything else he might need."
"Z-Zhongli," you stammer. "Let me ask Scara first. I know I've mentioned getting him a friend, but I do feel like he should get some say in the matter." Scaramouche looks over at you with a puzzled look at the mention of his name.
"Excellent. I look forward to hearing a favorable response." Zhongli hangs up and you turn to Scaramouche, trying to figure out how to breach the subject.
Luckily for you, he could read the room when he wanted to. "So, what's this about a possible interruption?" He asks, ears flicking with displeasure.
"So, my co-worker Zhongli asked me to look after his cat for a bit. It won't be permanent just for about a month or so while his fiance moves in," you explain gently. Your anxiety and excitement were running high because you really wanted Scaramouche to have a friend while you were at work along with the fact you didn't want to let your co-worker down.
"Will it only be for a month?" He asks, ears flat against his head, tail wrapped around your wrist. His eyes showed uncertainty, fear and perhaps a little something else. "As long as he remembers that I am top cat and that you're mine and only mine then I guess its ok!" His mood suddenly changed from unsure to pompous in the blink of an eye, causing you to chuckle. 
"Now remember Scara, you have to play nice and also don't get upset if you two dont like the same foods." 
You sent Zhongli a text saying that you could watch over his cat boy for a bit and he replied back rather quickly with a smiley emoji. As you and Scaramouche were watching anime, his tail never left your wrist, anxious because it was one of the last nights you two would have alone together for a while. 
In preparation for Zhongli's cat boy moving in, you decide to prepare Scaramouche's bed room to host two people. Needless to say, Scaramouche wasn't too happy about that. He threw an absolute fit about having to share a room, but you ended up pointing out that he barely slept in there anyways;he mostly slept with you in your bed and only his clothing was in there. 
"If it makes you feel better, I can move some of your clothes into my room? I can also get a spare mattress for you as well." You offer.
His ears perk up. "Do what you want." He waved his hand like shooing off a fly, but his ears and tail betray his actual emotions yet again. 
The move in day arrived quickly, and you heard the door bell ring, opening it to see Zhongli in a white shirt with a tie and some slacks and a cat boy hiding behind him, who was a little bit shorter than Scaramouche. He had black hair with green tips, sharp almond colored eyes, and red eyeliner, not unlike how your very own cat boy would do his. His ears flicked around nervously, you noticed they had slightly greenish tips. This cat boy was dressed rather comfortably, wearing baggy black pants, a skin tight sleeveless white shirt that had the silhouette of clouds on it and black slip on shoes. 
"Come in guys!" You smiled. "Hey, Scara! Come on down and meet the houseguests." 
You barely hear Scaramouche come down stairs, but he let you know he was there with a loud "hmph" when he saw the other cat boy. 'Oh boy,' you thought. 'This better not get messy.' He sat down at the table, tapping his fingers, ignoring the two new people in the house. 
"Thank you for accepting the favor y/n," Zhongli says. "Oh yes. Introductions are in order. This is Xiao. He's a bit shy, but shouldn't cause any problems." The cat boy was still hiding behind his master, ears and eyes alert, still scanning the area for potential threats. Xiao tried to give a polite smile, but faltered when he saw Scaramouche sitting at the table, tapping his finger while giving the guests a mean side eye. 
"Hi,  Xiao. I'm y/n and I hope we can all get along. That grumpy little thing over there is Scaramouche, or Scara for short," you introduce yourself formally. "Tell me, what would you like for dinner tonight? I can make just about anything. Scara prefers seafood, but if there's something you don't like let me know."
Scaramouche scowled at the fact you said Xiao can call him Scara for short; that was your name for him, and only you could use it. He really did have a mean possessive streak that you'd have to scold him about later. 
"...I love almond tofu, however I've been curious about seafood, but Mr. Mor -I mean Zhongli despises seafood. I don't eat a lot of other meat, though." Xiao timidly says, still not making eye contact with you. 
"Sure!" You beamed. "Any flavors you don't like? I have some yellow snapper in the fridge, and it won't be too fishy. I fileted them yesterday so they're fresh." Xiao nodded and you told Zhongli and Xiao to have a seat on the couch while you cook. 
Scaramouche was still sitting at the table, a scowl on his face because it felt like the new cat boy and his master were taking all of your attention; it was going to be a long month. When you walked over to the kitchen, he ended up following you under the pretense of "helping" you and by helping, he means impeding your way by accidentally knocking things over with his tail or being extra affectionate by hugging you while you gather food and spices.
Starting to get a bit irritated, you turn around to Scaramouche and tell him to go sit on the couch or at the table at the very least. "Maybe you can get to know Xiao a little bit as well." He gave you one last hug and sat down at the table, grumbling the entire time.
You had found a blackened snapper recipe the day before and wanted to try it out. You coat the fish in the blackening seasoning, which to your delight smelled pretty spicy. Hopefully this won't be too much for the cat boys, but honestly, this is the only way you'll eat fish if it's drowned in spices. A thought crossed your mind: what if we tried this seasoning on chicken? Your mouth started salivating at the thought of blackened chicken.
Once you've seasoned the fish, you put it in the over for a little bit and you start making the side dishes. Rice was always a safe bet, but you needed a veggie to pair with it for a balanced meal. You remembered you had some edamame in the freezer. Scaramouche comes over and attempts to distract you by headbutting your shoulder, but you pay him no mind other than petting his head gently. 
"Scara, dinner will be ready in five minutes. Have you talked to Xiao or Zhongli at all yet?" You ask, keeping an eye on the food timers. 
"Pffft, no. Why would I want to talk to people intruding *my* space? That Xiao fucker doesn't seem like he's all that and Zhongli has tried to talk to me about tea." Scaramouche rolls his eyes.
"I thought you liked tea though?"
"Yeah, I do but that does not mean I want to chat at some random stranger about tea,” Scaramouche rolls his eyes.  
"Either way, I'm gonna need you to behave. Can you help me set the table really quick?" You ask as all the timers go off. Scaramouche rolls his eyes yet again, but begrudgingly grabs plates, forks, and knives.  
"Hey, Zhongli," you call over to the tall man sitting in the living room. "I know Xiao said that you don't like fish, but I don't have much else to offer you. Will you be fine for tonight?"
Zhongli chuckles and tells you he has his fiance cooking dinner at home. Xiao and Scaramouche roll their eyes, to which you chuckle.
You plate the food and bring it over to the two cat boys who are just reveling in the smell of the fish. Scaramouche starts eating first, to which you remind him to do the pre dinner ritual while Xiao knows the custom and waits. After you guys do the traditional Inazuma "ittadakimasu," Xiao takes a small bite of the snapper, eyes wide, and trying to decide if he likes it or not. Scaramouche, on the other hand, starts devouring the rice first, followed by a few bites of the fish; neither of the boys seemed interested in the edamame, which was fine by you since it was your favorite part. 
"I-I think I like fish," Xiao murmurs quietly, you almost couldn't hear him. 
"That's great!" You beamed. "One of these days I'll try to make almond tofu. Can't guarantee it'll be any good, but we can give it our best shot."
After you finish dinner, you ask Scaramouche to help with cleaning up to which he gave you a bit of a hard time, but then reluctantly agreed. He complained every step of the way, griping about why Xiao wasn't helping or how the food stuck to the plates while washing them off. In response, you gave him a hard stare, and he almost immediately shut up, his tail flicked in agitation. 
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot: we need to bring Xiao's stuff in. Hey Zhongli, can you help me bring stuff in?" You ask the taller man. 
Surprisingly, Xiao did not bring that much: only a duffle bag full of clothes, shampoo, and other toiletries, as well as a giant stuffed animal in the shape of a bird. You chuckle to yourself. Who knew the seemingly stoic catboy would have a giant stuffed animal? You couldn't help but wonder if he brought enough, but Zhongli mentioned that the catboy didn't ask for a lot nor sought out anything. 
"So Xiao, here's your room!" You say as you lead him to the guest bedroom. "Let me know if I need to get anything for you or if you don't like something."
"You weren't that nice with me," Scaramouche grumbles under his breath. You pretend like you didn't hear him, although you shot back a glare that said "shut the fuck up or else." 
"...it looks great," Xiao mumbles. "Will the other one be staying in the same room? I notice two beds."
"Hell no," Scaramouche scoffs. "I'll be staying with y/n because I was here first." He sticks his tongue out, causing Xiao to hide behind you; he wasn't scared, just put off by the other's attitude. 
"Scara," you sigh. "Would it kill you to be nice for five minutes? Or least not be a freaking jerk to our guest?" 
"Pretty sure it would." 
As the two cat boys are glaring at each other, Zhongli takes his leave. "Be good for y/n ok, Xiao? Despite the rambunctious one, I believe this to be the best place to stay while Childe and I move all of our stuff to his new place." Xiao flinches at the mention of the other man in Zhongli's life. He was loud, annoying, and honestly a bit of a jerk. Kind reminds him of the catboy he's going to be living with in a way, although Scaramouche seemed more introverted and catty than Childe. 
The three of you bid Zhongli farewell, and once the door shuts, Scaramouche makes a beeline for your room, presumably claiming over half the bed for himself. You pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration because you wanted to at least let them get to know each other, or at least acknowledge each other, but that wasn't happening. Xiao flicks his tail as he slinks off to the guest bedroom, closing the door behind him; it was going to be a long month wasn't it? 
When you get to your room, Scaramouche is already in his pajamas, curled up, seemingly asleep with his ear twitching ever so slightly and his mouth slightly open, although you could tell he was just pretending to be asleep. He usually pulled this act when he knew you were angry at him to try and get on your good side, and the worst part was- it usually worked. He was just so adorable when he wasn't berating you or being a jerk in general. Tonight though, he was in deep trouble. 
"Scaramouche Balladeer the Sixth." You say sternly. "I know you are not asleep. You know you're in some deep shit." He tsked, his ruse ruined. 
"Look, I don't like sharing you or my space," He pouts, sitting up. "The sooner he's gone, the better. Luckily, he seems to be the quiet, obedient type, so there's that going for him." 
"Scara, please, will you at least try to make a friend?" 
Scaramouche sits deep in thought for a bit, interrupted by small squeaking sounds;almost like crying. You both whip your heads around trying to figure out the source of the sounds, only to realize they were coming from Xiao's room. You rush over to his room while Scaramouche stays on the bed, pouting because you left him again for a random person or cat boy again. Knocking on Xiao's door, the sounds stop, but still muffled sniffling persisted. 
"Xiao?" You call softly. Scaramouche stares at the door, annoyed that something interrupt his time with you. "Xiao are you ok?" 
You open the door and Xiao almost falls into your chest, cheeks stained with tears; his ears are flat against his head and tail drooped; he was clearly not having a good night. The green haired cat boy looks up at you, eyes wide, and almost confused as if he didn't know where he was. 
"What happened?" He mumbles, wiping his eyes, realizing that he still had tears at the corners of his eyes. 
"Y/n heard you crying and was concerned about you and you disturbed our alone time," Scaramouche spits out, leaning against the wall.  
"Scaramouche, " you groan. "I was actually laying into him for being a jerk. Are you ok? Did you want to come sleep in my room tonight? Scara and I won't bite. Ok fine *I* won't bite but he might try." Scaramouche glares at both you and Xiao before heading off to the bedroom.
"I think I'm fine," Xiao responds after the other cat boy disappears. "Thank you for your concern, I'm just not used to sleeping here yet."
"That's a-ok! I'll leave my door open in case you need me. Good night, Xiao."
"Good night y/n."
As per nightly routine, you gently stroke the top of Scaramouche's head to help calm yourself before drifting off to sleep. His purrs and ear flicks make it all the more soothing.  
Why were cat boys so damn adorable?!
The next morning, you wake up,  feeling strangely warm and notice that you have not one but two cat boys in your bed. Scaramouche was sleeping in front of you,  snuggled against your chest, tail wrapped around your right wrist. His breathing suggests that he is very much in a deep sleep and it would probably be wise not to wake him. The other source of heat was from Xiao snuggled up against your back, clinging on to your shirt. You notice his tail attempted to wrap itself around your leg, but it just ended up being draped over your thigh. If you had turned around, you'd notice that he still had tear stained cheeks, but otherwise looked pretty serene. 
Luckily, it was your day off, so you were in no hurry to move, but you usually liked to try and get breakfast started as soon as you woke up. Come to think of it, what was for breakfast? Bacon and eggs? Salted fish? Hashbrowns and grits? OK the last one was not appealing to you in the slightest. 
As you're lost in your thoughts,  the two cat boys start to stir. "Good morning Scaramouche.  Good morning Xiao," you greet them as Scaramouche and Xiao start rubbing their eyes. It was so adorable!! "What did you two want for breakfast? I was thinking of bacon, eggs, and toast personally." 
"Anything is fine by me," Xiao sleepily mumbles. 
"I want y/n," Scaramouche slurs, still very much half asleep. "Warm, fluffy, and slightly salty." 
"I'm going to ignore you, Scara." You were met with a tongue click. He was trying to get under your skin, and it was almost working, but you knew food comes first. 
"Now, if you guys would let me get up and start cooking, that'll be great," you continue on; Scaramouche's tail was coiled even tighter around your wrist, and you had to pull slightly to try and make him let go; he almost didn’t give in, but in the end, you won that struggle. Xiao’s tail was still over your thigh, but luckily he did not object to you moving it slightly so you could get up to make food. 
About half way through you finishing up breakfast, the cat boys drag themselves to the kitchen, tails drooping at first, but once they smelled the bacon and eggs, their tails and ears perked up slightly. Scaramouche reluctantly grabbed plates and utensils for the three of you , which you were extremely grateful for. Xiao sat at the table, too scared to make conversation with Scaramouche or even you; it was his first morning in a new place after all. He kept making glances at the antisocial boy, trying to figure out how to attempt to get along.
“What are you staring at?” Scaramouche spat out, tail swished angrily. He wasn’t used to having to deal with other people besides you in the morning and he hated people staring at him for no reason. 
“...nothing,” Xiao mumbles, ears drooping. Attempt at conversation: failed. Then again, he didn’t enjoy interacting with others too much. Xiao was hoping you and Scaramouche would be entertaining to be with at least, however you seemed to be fine, but the other one…maybe not so much. 
“Look, I don’t enjoy conversation to just fill the silence, especially first thing in the morning. If you have something to say, say it outright, otherwise leave me alone.” You groan internally at hearing Scaramouche say this to Xiao. Why couldn’t they get along? Was it because they seemed so similar that they hated each other? Was it because cat boys just don’t get along at first?
“Sounds good to me. I don’t enjoy talking much anyways, but Zhongli said I should try to be more sociable.” Oh good, they’re getting along, kinda. 
“Ok boys, breakfast is ready!” You start serving the scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon, and buttered toast to the hungrily waiting cat boys, who were already grabbing their forks in anticipation. “Scara, calm down, attacking the eggs as they’re coming off the pan won’t make them go in your mouth any faster. Xiao, don’t fill up on just bread, you need protein as well.” Gods, it was like taking care of children some days, although you couldn’t blame them: the food smelled divine if you said so yourself. 
You three ate in relative silence, like most mornings, although you were silently hoping that having an additional person there would help ease the atmosphere; the problem was it almost made it more stifling. Scaramouche kept looking at you, trying to see whether you favored him or the new cat boy better, while Xiao was trying to find the right time and words to try and break the silence. You, meanwhile, had barely sat down after serving breakfast to the two silent boys and making yourself a plate, so trying to make the breakfast table more lively or even hospitable was a bit out of the question for now. 
Hopefully soon, everyone could learn to get along; maybe Xiao could teach Scaramouche how to be more respectful and maybe Scaramouche could help break Xiao out of his shell. It was going to be a long, long, month. 
Writers block is a bitch and trying to find a nice wrapping up point is also a bitch
But holy shit 3k words of freaking cat boys because...reasons
Might do an H patch eventually but def more catboy fluff
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Bracket H Round 1
Poll 24
Skitt & Ena & Olive (@bootsieboots) vs. Apricity Nix (@decapod-appreciator)
495. Skitt & Ena & Olive (@bootsieboots)
skitt usez any, ena usez they/it/she (bc of her eczema), and olive usez he/they
The TL;DR 4 them is that theyre little fucked up guys living in a circus 2gether. Skitt is a repressed traumatized clown amphibian, Olive is a sweet jackalope who acts like an asshole as a defense mechanism, and Ena is a chaotic little shithead w a short fuse, whos actually secretly the mom friend. I like to put them in2 situations in my head and then never write said situations down. Also theyre all aspec and trans.
he is simply a little guy! (puts him thru the horrors puts him thru the horrors p) Oh, hes a bit fucked up actually.
-a mishmash of basically any amphibian features i think r cool! It is also a clown! Isnt that silly? Well its actually 4 trauma reasons. Lol. lmao.
-has rejection sensitive dysphoria and wants every1 2 love him so much all the time. Cries and throws up when it inevitably doesnt work out.
-super in2 fashion and makeup. Can u guess why? Trauma reasons, of course! Honestly most of her hobbies r rooted in wanting 2 escape something.
-i cant think of anything else non-spoilery 2 put here. Uhm. ze really likes bubble baths and swimming.
A little skrunkly autismic sourpuss. He wishes that he cud b more sincere w people sometimes, but every past attempt has been met w people shutting them down, in 1 way or another. The only person in the world he feels even mildly comfortable around is Ena (and later on in the story, Skitt).
-acts like an asshole around most people bc theyre used 2 being seen as one. And by asshole, i mean a little quiet, sulking, wet cat in a corner of the room who makes angy faces at any1 who invades their space.
-mute! This is bc bunnies do not have vocal chords. Communicates thru sign language and annoyed noises. Screams when overstimulated. Yes, bunnies can scream, just not using vocal chords. There r also other sounds they can make! (mostly annoyed sounds. He does purr as well! Just like a real bunny)
-very in2 music. Plays the harmonica and other woodwind instruments that r easy 2 steal. Can they play good? Uhm. havent decided yet actually.
-has a sort of heart shaped facial scar and a broken antler he got from entirely mundane causes (antler is permanently broke, dont question how that works bc i dunno).
-very incredibly touch averse, only tolerates Ena’s touch. theyre also fat and very fluffy! Great 4 cuddling! But he wont let u. Sorry.
Money gremlin!!! Chaotic anarchist motherfucker!!! Probably owes u money! Is currently being gay doing crime. In this world, 1 does not have to pay/steal 2 survive, but Ena does it anyways 2 fuck shit up and stir the pot.
-escaped from a shitty orphanage w Olive.
-horrible anger issues. If Olive is a sourpuss, Ena is a bomb waiting 4 an excuse 2 go off. This is bc in the orphanage, they learned that no 1 wud listen 2 them unless they scratched and fought and clawed and bit and punched. (and shocked!). Shes generally chill tho, just, its easy 2 get on her bad side.
-sorta the therapist friend, bc its good at telling ppl what they want 2 hear. Her charismatic attitude also helps when scamming people.
-uses prosthetics! In this world, aquatic animals r given the ability 2 stay on land 4 extended periods of time via prosthetics! Want 2 know more? Ask me :>
-basically blind. Electric eels have awful eyesight, and shes no exception! She can only see bright lights and colors. They use electrolocation 2 get around. (please ask me what it is if u dont know, i am v happy 2 infodump abt anything oc related!)
Remember kids, a vote 4 my ocs is a vote 4 disability, queerness, anarchy, the found family trope, little guys being put in situations therye entirely unequipped for, furries, and much more!
Skitt has a triangular dress with purple and yellow split colors, and purple leggings. Pointy, slender legs. A long pointed yellow hat with a little green thingy on top (idk what to call it). Blue eyes with froglike pupils. Minty-green, short, curly hair. A classic clown makeup look (off-white facepaint, a clown nose, and pennywise-esque makeup lines going from the bottom of his eyebrows to the sides of his mouth.
Olive is a jackalope with short, olive/forest green hair swooping over one eye. His eyes are the same color as his hair. Most of their fur is darkish brown, while his belly, his inner thighs, and lower left arm is beige. their right arm, lower legs, and the top of their ears are black. Only wearing black arm warmers thanks to sensory issues.
Ena is a vaguely pirate-themed girlie. Dark brown skinned, with grey arms and greyish legs. Big thicc tail. Mostly black hair. Tattered black shorts and an even more tattered, dark green crop top. Has red eyes and a red sash tied around its waist. Lots of little spots all over their skin. lazy-eyed.
496. Apricity Nix (@decapod-appreciator)
she's a werewolf she's aroace she stalks people on accident. she didn't know what a crime was until the police went after her. her best friends are a supervillan and a failed actress. she thinks she would make a good detective (she wouldn't). she's fun and friendly and sweet but still a fully thought out character. she runs away from her abusive home to find her sister and in the process finds a whole new family. she even takes down the government.
Pris is a short, pale girl with  black hair styled to look like wolf ears. she has brown eyes with diagonal red pupils and a bit of a snaggle tooth on one side.
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reficu1 · 2 years
hello i was wondering if i could get matched up (harry potter, male character)
im a girl, my prefered pronouns are she/they, INTP 9w1. the house i would be in is ravenclaw.
im filipino and chinese. im 5’2 and my skin is like a medium-light tone. i have black hair with curtain bangs and it goes a bit past my shoulder. i have brown eyes, theyre not dark but not light either, and i wear glasses that tend to stay at the tip of my nose. for my style, i wear a lot of sweaters or jackets, cropped shirts, and jeans with either converse or docs. i prefer dark, muted, or neutral tones over brighter colors. my style is kinda like the downtown girl aesthetic.
things i enjoy are reading, listening to music, playing video games, watching movies, and studying. my favorite books are schoolgirl by dazai osamu and our happy time by gong jiyeong. i dont read as much as i did before, but i do it here and there. ive been really interested in japanese literature and also manga, though, and ive always loved the works of dazai osamu and junji ito. i listen to music almost all the time since it sort of blocks out everything when it gets too loud. i wear my headphones even if im not listening to music since simply having it there kind of comforts me (i also have really bad sensory issues since im autistic. its not only with hearing but all of my senses in general). i listen to a variety of artists, but my favorites are laufey, mitski, lamp, tyler the creator, and childish gambino. besides listening to music, i also play the piano. i play a lot of video games, but its mainly genshin and osu, but i love horror and mystery games. its similar with movies, i love horror and psychological horror, mystery, and action. studying is what i enjoy the most even if it sounds odd. i love learning new things especially if its something im interested in.
personality-wise, im a very quiet and calm person, but im also very observant. i dont talk to a lot of people, but when i find someone interesting, i’ll most likely talk to them first. it also takes me a while to grow comfortable towards people depending on how they are. but once i get comfortable with someone, i become more talkative. i go on and on about what i find interesting and my passions. im also a good listener and im willing to listen to people ramble to me as much as i do to them. im open with my friends venting to me and i tend to only listen since im not the best at comforting people, but if they need it, then id try my best to comfort them. i have a really difficult time expressing emotions. i wouldnt call myself emotionless, i feel a lot of emotions to the point where it can be overwhelming for me sometimes, but expressing them it very awkward for me. im intelligent and i love all kinds of science (its my hyperfixation), but i despise english and history. im not bad at either of them, i just dont find them at all interesting.
just random facts abt me: i have the worst memory its actually concerning, im the youngest in my family i have two older siblings (a sister who im extremely close with and a brother), i love animals especially cats, i love the sky and i always take pictures of it.
(also dont know if this was necessary but just wanted to add it: stargazing, cafe, museum, park/flower garden, or study/library (except we wouldnt get anything done and we’re just in our own world) dates are my fav and my love language is acts of service!)
SORRY IF THIS WAS TOO MUCH HAHA but thank you so so much if you actually respond to this! i hope you have a wonderful day/night!
I match up for you...
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Ron Weasley. And I'm talking about Ron from the book, because in the film he is shown as a coward, stupid, weak and only likes to eat. But in the original, Ron is quite smart, he has a lot of "beyond expectations". Yes, he lacks perseverance. Ron has a strategic mind, if you remember his interest in chess. But damn, his game didn’t end with a checkmate, it was a check and the enemy could be blocked by a queen_._._ Your love of reading and studying didn’t bother him, he would probably sit next to you and listen to you if you want to discuss something, otherwise as he has many older siblings, he has a lot of experience that they passed on to him. But because of them, he would be less likely to express his thoughts or knowledge. Ron is very insecure, due to the fact that his mother always set only the older ones as an example, and Ron is the only younger one. But every year the guy learned from his mistakes and admitted them! This is a wonderful quality in people, it helps us to improve ourselves.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Can i uh request for the brothers and the side characs for mc thats like atsushi from bsd? Btw if u dont know that its fine and just do a detective mc. Love your works btw and one of the best ive read!
Hello anon! I have only watched one season of bsd so far, so I don't know how accurate my portrayal of an Atsushi-like character will be, but I'll try my best.
I'm happy to hear you enjoy my work, I hope this one will be to your liking as well!
the obey me cast with a detective mc
-> brothers and side characters
-> mc is based on atsushi nakajima from bungo stray dogs
a/n: since luke is gonna be here, this will be a non-romantic scenario
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: mild people pleasing mentions (not explicitly)
he's happy you are actually able to figure out who did something
the broken vase on the floor? yes, you knew who did it
you do ask lucifer to go a little softer on his brothers when punishing them
sometimes, when he is working late in his office, you'll bring him some coffee and snacks
you do encourage him to drop work and get rest, but he, as the avatar of pride, doesn't quite listen to your advice
'you're a detective? can ya tell me smart ways to cheat at poker, then?'
you think such questions mammon asks you are funny yet worrisome
you actually do end up giving him some tips to cheat in casinos, but you also tell the demon the cheating is a terrible idea in the first place
sometimes, you help mammon out when he is in severe debt and needs to pay many witches back, he really appreciates your help
there's definitely a bungo stray dogs rip-off in the devildom called bungo stray cats
levi will point out you're kind of like the main character in that anime, therefore he likes you
he will invite you to play detective games in his room, and will ask for your help when he's stuck on an especially difficult part
thanks to you, levi gets really high scores in these games
you two instantly bond
we all know about satan's detective novel addiction, so meeting a real detective is like a dream come true for him
whenever there's a 'case', like a broken coffee machine in the house, and you're asked to figure out who broke it, satan is happy to be your personal helper
having an assistant actually boosts your confidence in solving the case, so you're glad satan helps out
by the way, belphie broke the machine
asmo will ask you to answer the weirdest mysteries for him
mysteries like who stole his expensive bath bomb while he was in the kitchen at 12:36pm 50 years ago
honestly, you don't expect yourself to be able to find the culprit, but you still try to because you don't want to disappoint asmo
whenever you actually find the answer to such a mystery, he will cling onto you, praising and thanking you for your work, that's actually a nice feeling
he thinks you're very sweet, he admires your personality
a whole new world opened up for beel the first time you let him try chazuke
now you and beel occasionally beg lucifer or diavolo to let you go to the human world for a while pure for the chazuke
food aside, beel believes your work must be exhausing at times
so, when you're hanging out, he makes sure you're at your most comfortable
belphie assumes you must be good at stealthy things, since you're a detective
so, he asks you to take sneaky pictures of lucifer, so him and satan can have a good laugh
you think it's a horrible idea, but you do it anyways because you want belphie to be happy
lucifer actually catches you and figures out what was going on
rip belphegor, he was a good man
let's just say he's happy you got selected for the exchange program
diavolo is very interested in your work and will ask you many questions about it
but, when he finds out detective work can be dangerous, he feels the need to assure your safety
before you go to your work, diavolo will stop you and hand you a hockey stick for self-defence
you thank him, it's nice of him to worry about your safety
you're the kind of person barbatos can really bond with
he will invite you for tea when he has a free day from his work
during your little tea parties, you mainly talk about work, but also about other things
barbatos is a very nice host, you feel the need to thank him for his efforts
so, you learn how to bake and make him a nice, fancy cake to bring to your next tea party
both of you, being very polite, keep throwing thank yous, it's nothings and no problems at each other
he didn't really know exactly what kind of work detectives do, since he lives in the celestial realm and crime is very rare there, so there's no real need for detectives
once you tell stories from work, he is very invested in your words
so much, he writes a detective into the TSL franchise
but, when you write a book, you always have to do research on the topic aside from stories and simeon eventually finds out the work may be dangerous
so, as an angel, he decides to use his powers to protect you in silence
luke doesn't quite get what the concept of a detective is, as in he knows, but he's too innocent to understand they work with cruel criminals
like, he'll ask you where he can find the best apples for apple pie
you actually end up searching every store and market for the highest quality apples, and you bring luke some when you've found them
then, luke will insist you make the pie together
the first thing you want to know is why his cooking is so terrible
turns out, that's a mystery nobody can solve
solomon will ask you to solve questions that can actually be solved by anyone
for example, he'll ask you why asmo is mad at him after he stole his bath bomb
jokes aside, he has great respect for you and the work you do
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saikiscleansink · 2 years
Okay so i love sagau fics n have always had some of my own headcanons so i wanna share but idk if i would ever be able to write it bc i suck n have no idea where n how to start. Will come back and edit things every once in a while. More like my own notes for sagau fics. This is all my own opinion!!Pls dont come after me for this.
Sagau basic headcanons:
Blood red slowly turns gold (like really really slowly) glitter? Looks normal but slightly different? = can justify acolytes attempt to kill cos seems fake?
Lore: why kill someone for looking like their creator? Impossible for anyone to mimic creator’s look due to creator being god. Only if have gold blood then is creator. ie blames abyssal magic for creator looking person but no gold blood (refer to above point for lack of gold blood)
Can hear through screen? If game is on then they can hear you clearly. Places they can see you?: luhua pool, mona’s thing, holy places (church of favonius, narukami shrine, asase shrine etc) (my fave place ok its so pretty) If game is off then its muffled? Maybe blurry image?
Acolytes feelings warmth around the creator? Yes but also no? Godly aura wont load in so fast. Maybe can feel a little bit similar to when around the traveller.
Godliness doesnt really load in so fast. Reader’s body has to undergo cjanges to adapt to being in a place filled with magic unlike homeland?
Imposter au headcanons:
If creator dies and is sent back to homeworld. Only they can see their blood is gold? Go doctor or smt and they only see normal red blood? Scars also only reader can see.
Abyss can tell imposter is actually creator due to ancient connection with creator from Khaenri’ah / curse???
Kids cant tell but dont want to hunt? Cautiously looks after reader bc of morals? Too young to be clouded by their obsession with creator.
Khaenri’ans in general ie kaeya, albedo, dainsleif can tell bc abyss n curse?
Albedo n kaeya have me a little on edge tho. Cause they were raised in a human land? Maybe albedo would be better at sensing their grace? Albedo isnt exactly as human as kaeya and doesnt get influenced by others as easily as a normal human? But kaeya is khaenrhi’an so he can just tell?
Razor probably doesnt really understand all that much about their grace? He understands that theres an imposter and imposter=bad but he finds reader and only understands that reader feels warm and safe. Even if reader is an imposter, razor is safe and comfortable. Reader smells like home.
Heizouuuuu!!!! Hes literally the best detective. While the dumbass “acolytes” r so focused on hunting reader, he just notices small details about reader. He notices that the blood you leave behind has a faint golden shimmer that gets more and more gold as time passes (?). He notices the way that not only the “bad” creatures of teyvat flock toward you but also the innocent animals (squirrels boars even pigeons). While the rest of teyvat is saying that reader is the imposter because of the way hilichurls and slimes crowd around reader, heizou notices the way timmy’s pigeons dont fly away until someone else comes by. He notices how the birds seem to guide reader in their escapes. He sees the squirrels giving reader wolfberries (to help heal wounds) and mints and sweet flowers and berries. He can put 2 n 2 together to realise that an imposter wouldnt be able to earn the favour of innocent animals the way his grace can.
TRAVELLER JUST KNOWS!!! They spend the most time around you!!! Even if they are not in the party i hc that they are still there. They are you in a sense. 11/10 most loyal and huggable acolyte
headcanons: graceful. Flexible. can treat minor injuries (dance= injuries) sprained ankle, muscle cramp. Used to injuries ie hit in the head. Big stamina. Can work through stitches (exercise stitches)
imposter au: 9/10 avoiding and protecting? Very graceful. Can fix slight injuries due to past dance injuries i.e. sprainend ankle muscle cramp? Taekwondo dance= better hand-to-hand combat. Better at hiding due to flexibility?
darling au: teaching teyvat dances and music from homeland. Obv vv graceful & elegant. Scares acolytes due to dangerous dance moves / literally folding in half. Dancer!reader is very flexible. No safety in mind, only cool dance move.
headcanons: ALBEDO/ RUBEDO. Teyvat equivalent of homeland materials/scientific reactions? Electricity?? ALICE!!! she would work w albedo n reader (like the dodocommunication device). Reader probably can figure out a portal to homeland but doesnt want to go back because SO MANY NEW THINGS TO EXPLORE AND LEARN!!
imposter au: surviving and thrIVING. Doesnt care about being hunted (but also doesnt really want to die) albedo finds reader n is ?cautious? but reader shows albedo science from homeworld. Albedo protect? Albedo n reader learns. After finding out that reader is indeed the creator, everyoen tries to apologise but albedo probably says that reader has gone back to their world because they dont want to keep being hunted (reader can probably “off themself” due to stress from being hunted) but reader is actually still in teyvat vibing n trying to research? Albedo keeps portal a secret?
darling au: acolytes LOVE to help reader find stuff to mess around with. Probably turns albedo’s lab into kindom of science 2.0. Instead of food n hymns people gift stuff like rocks and crystals and weird stuff to reader bc everyone knows n accepts that to be reader’s thing. IMPROVE DODOCOMMUNICATION DEVICE. People cant reallt go see reader much bc dragonspine is hecking dangerous so ppl r sad. But even better for reader bc can focus on research?
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gogolstoelicker · 3 years
Aside from BSD can you write other anime characters ? If you can ,, can i req diasmonia with Katagiri Non like reader ?? From My sweet tyrant?
Diasomnia with Katagiri Non!MC
warning(s): i might got both characters wrong
notes: •yes. well i mean i can surely try even if i don't know the anime‼️i hope i get her character right tho
•do yall know just how much i love lilia😡
oh he adores u
he just loves u so much bro he might as well sob about it
like you're just so kind to him??? and you're so lovely????
u might gonna make him cry someday
he really does enjoy ur company and he would like to stay for a long long time‼️
"aren't u just lovely, child of man?"
he just LOVES how u always greet him so cheerfully
and if he's sulking? he's suddenly not when u came over and cheerfully greeted him
he goes bzz bzz⚡⚡ over not gettjng invited again?
no worries, u suddenly came over with an invitation again
he's so fond of u that if u offhandedly said u wanted smth, he'll get it right away
what? u wanted to see this specific flower?
he's already whipping up some magic to grow those exact flowers
u kind of wanted to see this extinct animal?
well dont mind him. he's just learning a potion to revive those things
he definitely likes it too
and the way u don't mind him appearing out of nowhere upside down? even better
well not that he would care much if u do mind
u might as well get some homemade sweets made from yours truly‼️its made from the bottom of his heart of just how much he adored u‼️
hm? why is silver stopping him from giving u his homemade muffins?
he might prank u a bit more tho
just because he's fond of u that he needs to prank u more^^!
you dont seem to mind it, in fact, you're still as cheerful as ever after every prank of his
he probably tried to make u join the light music club(?) so you guys can spend more time together
he also invited u over to diasomnia dorm to have tea together!
here, have some of his homemade cookies too!
ah, why is silver stopping u from eating his homemade cookies he had made especially for you?
he likes u.
the way u don't mind how he randomly falls asleep and can't really control it? even better
somehow that line gave me deja vu
he really enjoys ur company honestly
he tries to stay awake whenever you're talking about ur day bc he genuinely wants to hear u out
but then falls asleep bc he's just that comfortable being around you
he is now ur personal bodyguard
he would gladly whack someone if they ever tried to take advantage of ur kindness
and if u ever need help? he's always next to you to help‼️
just say the word and he would literally help u in a heartbeat
adeptus silver HELPPP
❌anti human❌
❌anti human
that's it. a few days of knowing u and that's it
he's gone frfr
like at first he thought u had some ulterior motives but it's just u being u
he ascended frfr‼️
he is now ur personal bodyguard(2)
someone is trying to exploit ur kindness? well he's already there and yelling at that someone
even if someone did as much as to accidentally bump shoulders with u, he'll yell at them
like hey! watch where you're going🤨😡
he always acted like he doesn't want to do smth like this tho
and that he's only following u around and protecting u bc you're a human and you're weak
in truth, u just have turned this man into an absolute simp
he would literally worship the ground u walk on if its not for his pride stopping him
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threepointseven · 3 years
Home(Dinner Part 2)
Im shortening the exchange students name to S/N AKA student name
Sorry i forgot to answer the person who actually requested this @kurooandkarmaswife thank you sm for requesting! I hope you enjoy 😩
Also lets pretend you cant have more than 1 pact with a human cause yeah. If you havent read Dinner yet go read it since you’ll really only understand this if u read the first part
Fandom: Obey me!
Pairing: not really with anyone but has subtle undertones of solomon & Simeon x reader
Length: sort of long
Genre: Angst with comfort
Gn! Reader and exchange student!
Part three!
Dinner last night, was, well...pretty terrible. I ended up waking up at 2 am to the brothers STILL not home. Apparently even Diavolo had taken a liking to the new exchange student.
A day goes by and finally i get to meet the new exchange student.
Is all i can think. I walk into the living room unnoticed as everyone is talking to the new exchange student, i wouldnt blame them.
They look incredible.
I felt a hint of jealousy wash over me. Seeing Mammon, Asmo’s and Beel’s joyful laughs as they talk to them. Their voice was ever so gentle, it’s what i imagine spring to sound like.
I tried forgetting about my distasteful thoughts of jealousy and walked over to them.
I called out to try and grab their attention
“Oh, MC! I didnt see you there;;”
Asmo said to me as he was taking selfies with the new exchange student
“This is the new exchange student”
Beel smiled
“Hi! My name is MC”
I happily introduced myself
“My name is S/N”
They brought their hand out and i shook it in return. Their eyes were ever so sweet, i felt the sadness come over me as i wore a soft smile.
Something tells me this wont end well.
Weeks go by as i barely get to see the brothers anymore. They’re always around S/N. I find myself longing the brothers touch. The random emergency texts i get from mammon, calls from Asmo asking me if i wanted to go to a club, Belphie always dragging me to his room to take a nap, Beel’s adorable goodnight texts, Lucifer’s complaints about work, Satan’s library dates, And levi’s rants about a certain anime he just watched.. i missed it all.
I guess i missed the warmth and the constant attention i got from them. The attention thats now being directed at S/N.
The new feeling of emptiness leads me to the Purgatory hall, a place i’ve been to quite often after S/N had won over the brothers.
I enter the room praying that i dont see S/N hogging Luke, Solomon, and Simeon’s attention....
Did i just think that?
Am i that jealous?
Have i gotten so used to being in the spotlight that suddenly i become like this when not in the center?
Its an unpleasant feeling and i try to snap myself out of it as i see Simeon, Luke, and Solomon all happily seated on the couch drinking tea and eating pastries Luke made.
“MC! Hey!!”
Luke happily greets me as well as Solomon and Simeon. Im pulled to the couch as im seated next to Luke. I take a bite of the pastry and embrace the comfort of the sugary sweets.
The conversation goes on for a long time as hours go by. Soon enough the entire tray of pastries and tea are long gone.
As the clock hits 8 PM i realize ive been at the Purgatory hall for too long now. Excusing myself i go back to the house of Lamentation to be once again greeted by smiling faces and S/N laying out plates filled with food for the brothers.
The brothers quarrels, Satan’s face of annoyance, Asmo’s whining... The smell of warm food on the dinner table being handed out....
As i hide from the view of the brothers and S/N i look back to when it would to be me that made everyone dinner and calmed them down.
My chair.
My chair had been occupied by S/N,
Did they expect me to sit on the floor for dinner or something?
As i slowly walked to my room i heard the deep voice of Lucifer
“Oh MC,,, sorry S/N is sitting on your spot, we thought you were gonna go to the purgatory hall for dinner tonight. We do apologize”
As i feel my throat closing up i smile and say in a bubbly tone
“Oh it’s fine! I was actually gonna go out with my friends for dinner anyways! I was just getting something from my room, i’ll be out in a sec!”
Lucifer gave me a warm smile and continued conversing with S/N
As i went to my room i started to realize the situation here. I’ve been replaced. I mean who wouldn’t replace me when the actual definition of an angel was right in front of them with their welcoming arms open.
As soon as i got to my room salty tears trailed down my cheeks,
Whatever the emotion was i wasn’t having it. Unlocking my DDD to be greeted by the wallpaper of me and the brothers all dressed up for a ball we went to together once. i tried to hold back my few tears as i called Solomon, a dear friend of mine.
“Hey solomon!!”
“Oh, yes MC? Is there anything you need?”
“I know i just left the purgatory hall but could I possibly stay there for the night?”
“Oh, of course! I dont exactly know why but Luke’s already whining about how you stayed for too little.”
“I’ll be right over”
I hung up the phone, my tears stopping after i heard that comforting voice of his.
That night i stayed at the purgatory hall, happily sleeping next to Luke, lulling him to sleep.
The purgatory hall became my escape. Solomon always made me laugh, Simeon always made sure i felt welcome there and Luke was practically my adopted son after how long i could stay with him.
As i went about the kitchen helping Luke make a pastry i showed him from the human world a strange feeling washed over me. The feeling of something being erased from my my soul, something was fading away. That something felt like it was piercing my soul.
I look around my body to see what it is. As i look around i see it.
My pact marks are starting to fade
I panic as i excuse myself and go back to the house of lamentation.
As i silently enter the room i hear the faint sound of the brothers, they’re discussing something.
“Cmon Satan you’ve gotta be quick! What if they find out?!”
“Removing a pact isnt that easy Mammon.”
As i listen more i realize what it is.
They’re trying to break my pact with me.
And for what exactly?
Because they want one with someone else.
That someone being S/N
It hurt. Who wouldn’t be hurt? tears flowed from my eyes in record time as i tiredly walk outside.
Devildom was a place the brothers always told me to beware of, but right now i couldnt care less.
While i walked around the town with puffy eyes and the stinging feeling of my pact marks being removed, i hear a certain group of people call my name, i look back to see Luke, Solomon and Simeon’s smiles quickly turn into frowns as they see my tears
“What’s wrong MC?!”
Luke worriedly asks
Unable to hold it in i tell Them.
“The brothers are trying to break my pact with them, they want one with S/N apparently. Im afraid i’ve been replaced by that saint..”
Solomon and Simeon’s face turn into faces of empathy while Luke’s turned quite sour
As Simeon came closer to me and pulled me close into a hugged he mumbles out a comforting phrase
“Whatever happens MC, you’ll always be welcome at the purgatory hall.”
The sentence made my stomach overflow with butterflies. I happily hug back, quickly accepting the purgatory hall as my new and improved home.
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juli-sama · 3 years
hii!! could you do a sp character x fem!reader playing video game really late?? sorry if its confusing! first time askin haha <3
Hey guys, this on landed on my like "private"?? (no idea what to call this blog) blog because the ask got send here.
You dont need to follow this one, dont worry XD
Anyway, I hope you enjoy what I wrote, even if I feel like I didnt do so well. ಥ_ಥ
the boys x fem!Reader - Video game weekends!
Cartman is the type of person that stays awake the whole weekend to play. Only if it’s a good game of course.
So, staying up with you is really no problem.
Between you too, you’d probably fall asleep first since he is so used to staying up.
He will still be surprised about the whole thing. A girl. Staying up late. To play videogames?
He sure learned something new that time.
Cartman is one of the best people to lean on to sleep, since he is pretty cuddly.
This boy will bath in energy drinks.
He needs them to stay awake, or he will just fall sleep eventually with a controller in his hand.
The idea of staying up late and play video games? He loves it to pieces.
He’s down to play whatever.
Just dance on the Wii? Yes.
Smash Bros on the Switch? Yes.
Story driven game on the console, where you change who plays after a chapter? Hell yes.
He’s also a snack master. He will get everything for a perfect gaming night.
Kyles’s mum will 100% make every snack possible when she hears you come over to play video games.
Kyle will be embarrassed when she comes in to give you more food, but calm down, once you tell him you like that she does that.
He doesn’t really care what you guys play, as long as its not super boring or not his interest.
He is willing tp try anything but will honestly tell you if he hates what you picked.
You two would eventually fall asleep, leaning on each other, controllers still in hand.
Sheila would secretly take a photo of it.
If you hang out at his place, Karen will be with you until she falls asleep, and Kenny has to carefully carry her to her room.
Kenny is a master at staying up.
After such a weekend you wonder if Kenny ever really sleeps.
You don’t see him sleep; he’s just always awake.
He is still awake when you slowly drift to sleep, and he is already up and making breakfast the next morning before you even get the chance to roll out of bed.
Kenny can’t offer to bring any games or even provide a console, so it’s a standard that you either stay at your place or you bring your stuff to his.
He’s super thankful for that, won’t complain about whatever game you want to play and takes care of snacks in return.
You just don’t know where he gets those from.
Butters has an Xbox but he barley plays on it.
He prefers his Switch (special Animal Crossing edition) much more and so you guys manly play on the old Wii he has or the multiplayer switch games.
Be careful though, as Butters will probably beat you in Mario Party or Mario kart every time.
He knows all the minigames by heart and is an absolute God in Mario kart.
But he’s a really enjoyable companion anyway.
You can try to persuade him to play other games with you.
Butters will eventually around two in the morning tell you its late and then you guys will stop playing to sleep.
He will bring sweets and get high on sugar.
Clyde stays awake because of all the sugar intake, be it gummi bears that he stuffs inside his mouth (he will do a fist full and show you how many he can fit inside his mouth) or the liters of cola he downs all night.
Around five in the morning he will have a tummy ache and fall asleep while crying about how much it hurts.
Clyde is one of the few people who take just dance super serious and he’s a master. Good luck beating him.
Clyde is open to any kinds of games, but prefers fun multiplayer games like Mario party or Smash Bros.
Falling asleep eventually with him means that you two will be all sprawled out on the floor, the game you played still running.
Token isn’t that used to staying up late.
He sure can stay up late sometimes, but almost every weekend, like some people he knows? Nope.
Anything you need for a perfect gaming night he will get.
New game? He has it. A Snack you like? Already there in neat bowls. Some drink you fancy? Prepared before you arrived.
He always wants you to choose the game and makes sure you are 100% comfortable and happy.
Token will always have a pair of sweatpants at his place that he gives you, so you can be comfortable. If you ask nicely, he might even give you (happily) a sweatshirt.
At 3 in the morning, he would maybe ask if you’re tired. If you are, great, he will suggest sleeping. If not, he will down an energy drink and stay awake with you.
Craig is a big stargazing fan, so its normal for him to be awake when no one else is.
So when you asked if you guys can do all-nighter videogame marathon, he was on board.
If you do it at his place, you will have Stripe in your lap at some point.
Don’t come at Craig with Mario party or something… He is more of a horror game fan. Resident Evil Village, Outlast, The Evil Within.
He will at some point give in and let you choose something.
Around one in the morning he will ask you if you want to go and stargaze.
If you agree, he will make sure to show you everything that there is to see.
Should you get sleepy, Craig will gladly offer himself up as a pillow to sleep on.
If Craig gets sleepy, he will just chill on the bed, and slowly drift to sleep, smiling while he is thinking about you.
Tweek runs on caffein and like Cartman, he has absolutely no trouble staying awake for long periods of time.
Don’t worry, you will be able to match him if you stay over, since his parents will make sure that you also get enough of their homemade coffee™.
He’s open to play whatever and to your surprise he has some hidden gems on his PlayStation that are super fun with him.
He will 100% bake for you guys whenever you make gaming nights and make them fit what you play.
You agreed to play a horror game together?
Get ready for horror themed cupcakes!
If you fall asleep somewhere late in the night, he will probably stay up and just chill next to you.
Mario party? Mario party.
Jimmy and you will know every minigame by heart once you’re done.
You don’t know how, but no matter how much you play, it just doesn’t get boring with him.
If you do get sick of playing with Mario and his friends, Jimmy will show you his collection of interactive story games. Detroit become Human, Telltale games, Life is Strange, Until Dawn and the likes.
Debating with him what’s the best path or choosing the obvious bad or awkward choices are fun.
Misses Valmer will gladly bring you some chips or bring you something to drink ever so often.
Sleep? For the weak.
When you’re with Jimmy, he is pure entertainment, and you just can’t get tired.
Jimmy himself is just super eager to do all kinds of stuff with you, so that keeps him awake.
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spookys-diary · 3 years
My headcanons as to what specifically each member of the family feels pressured by
(I could probably phrase that better but shhhh)
Pepa, kind of like Isabella, feels pressured to be perfect all the time, however, unlike isabella, she feels her moods have to be perfect instead of just being perfect in general. She has to be happy ALL the time (unless shes watering some flowers or something). And while thats enough pressure as it is she also has to live with the constant fear that she’ll end up causing a natural disaster that affects the whole town. Usually her emotions affect just herself, but during her wedding, for example, she caused a rainstorm that affected the whole town (in We Dont Talk About Bruno she says “in doing so, he floods my brain” so we can assume that it was her that caused the rain). And while that may have been a one time thing (where her gift affected all the weather instead of just the weather surrounding herself) she still fears that if she looses control too much the entire town will be subjected to a storm because of her. Yes, she may have been exaggerating in the song, but still i think its a somewhat natural fear when you control the weather, especially when that control is controlled by something as temperamental as emotions.
She has to make food ALL the time. This is incredibly time consuming and uses a lot of energy. She already had a line of people waiting for her food in The Madrigals song, imagine if something bad happens and a ton people get hurt, more people than she can comfortably feed. Also shes probably pressured into making perfect food every time she makes food. This probably isnt as prevalent in her older age, but imagine when she was younger and just got her gift. She would be expected to make good food all the time because thats her gift, but her gift is to make food that heals not to make delicious food. Also since that town has literal healing magic they probably arent too concerned with trying to stay safe. How many people have been faced with a dangerous situation and didnt even try to not get hurt because “julietta will just make food and i’ll be better”?
I think something that doesnt get talked about enough is how incredibly overwhelming it would be to hear that much all the time. Like im pretty sure she can tune into certain things (because at the end of the movie she tells mariano all the things she hears about him) but still how specifically can she tune in? Because even if she gets the general area she’ll still hear all the little noises that goes unheard/unnoticed by most people (such as sounds of footsteps, little vibrations, people/animals eating, etc.). And she might not even be able to tune her hearing and that would mean shes hearing the entire town all at once. I imagine her to have sensory issues in regards to her hearing which she has to suppress all the time. And since her hearing is so good her other senses are probably not good which can be under stimulating.
Camilo has identity crises Often. People in the town sometimes ask him to be them for hours to days at a time, and every time he spends too long as someone else he cant remember who he really is. He cant remember what he looks like and has to look at pictures of himself to remember and he cant remember his name until someone says it to him. He feels he has no real personality because he spends long periods of time as other people, he feels that any part of his personality is just something he took from someone else. He can never truly be himself in his mind. And sometimes when this happens he fears that he will never be able to shift back to be him. All of this has to be private of course. Hes caught looking at pictures of himself and his siblings joke about him being conceited, he keeps quiet because he doesnt want to be seen as weird or have his family pity him.
Antonio is obviously too young to feel pressure from his gift since he just got it not very long before the family reunited. Plus he was the first to get his gift after mirabels “failure” so he was treated as a miracle. However he can see how the others gifts affect them. Young children are super observant and he will be able to pick up on when the others are feeling pressured or in some way expressing hate for their gift (although its not really theyre gifts its the pressure that comes along with it but he cant tell the difference). Especially mirabel since they shared a room for his entire life. In the movie he tells mirabel that he wishes she had her own room, not her own gift. He is probably thinking that the gifts arent all theyre cracked up to be. Of course he still loves his gift and all the gifts of the rest of his family members but he also somewhat blames the gifts for the stuff his family is going through. He wants the gift because he doesnt want to be treated like mirabel but he also doesnt want it because he can see the pressures that come along with it. He did end up being super happy with his gift though.
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imaginewithtearose · 3 years
ooooh can i request a matchup with twisted wonderland? she/her, i come off as intimidating and serious to other people because of my serious expression but in reality, its only my normal face and im really shy and awkward when interacting with new people. im really loud and bubbly when im with my close friends. im moody and dramatic sometimes. i tend to overthink a lot of things and i really get insecure when it comes to my appearance. im also easily angered. i always laugh at small things. i always listen to my friends when they're having a problem then after that, i give them my advice. i love astronomy. i read books and write stories sometimes. i like to daydream a lot and i stay up late at night when i have a new idea about a new story. i always love watching horror exploration about abandoned places on youtube. i also love cats esp if theyre chubby. i love dark academia and greek mythology. thats all and thank you!! ^^
Of course! You sound like a nice friend!! Who will be your ideal date? Lets see! I hope you like him!!
Matchup loading . . .
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Oh, the results are here! Lets see...
The mirror matches you with...
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Idia Shroud!
Ok, he gets it. Intimidating aura, shy persona. Kinda a moe gap if you ask him.
Loves your bubbly persona when he is around you, specially the fact that you consider him so important that you feel comfortable in his presence. If you see his hair, the tips are pink.
Astronomy? Greek mythology? CHUBBY CATS? YOU TWO WERE MADE FOR EACH OTHER!!! an important thing to have in a relationship with Idia is things in common. And you got most of them.
Loves to hear you ramble for hours about astronomy and all of the novels you are writing. He just will watch you with a lovestruck sight and a cutesy smile. Of course he pays attention ;)
Your number one fan and your beta reader too! 3 am chats and calls with him discussing about your new idea. He gives you tips and helps you think about characters. He actually wants you to write a character similar to him... But will not say it out loud.
Late night dates with you two on a call, he drinking a caffeinated sugary drinks and you drinking tea or coffee while taking note of everything.
So you love watching exploration videos of abandoned places? Fufufu. Idia watches with you too! He jumps very easily so you have a scaredy-cat at your side. Hug him and he will be okay.
Matching dark academia outfits!!! YES!!! You two will look like the best students out there... Only if you two got out actually. Hehehe. You usually hang out in each others room to play games or watch videos.
The only time you two go outside is if you wanna go, and, if you two are in the search of a CUTE CHUBBY CAT. YES. IM LOOKING AT YOU LUCIUS.
Idia insists that cats approach you easily, mostly because he looks so scary compared to you...
Everyone runs aways when watching you together. They think of you two as the new Hades and Persephone. But are two goofballs. I will befriend you both, really :D
Dont scream to Idia when angry, he is sensitive. But if you are angry he will offer to listen or some distressful toys he has for when he loses online.
He gets your dramatic side actually, he sometimes its a little dramatic when losing or rambling in a quiet voice. Even if he doesnt look like it.
He says that you two would definitely be the best anime villains with your phrases and dialogues. Its a form of vent for you two, pretend to be anime villains or rivals. Its kinda cute.
Loves to vent to you, it makes him secure and less lonely. Yeah this happens in rare occasions.
But he is also worry about you, dont you are tired about so many hearing and advicing? He cant advice but can hear and offer a shoulder to cry.
“Y-Y/n, really, if you... Well, if you are tired... We can watch cat videos... And you can tell me about your d-day.... Please, just let m-me know if you are not okay....”
The first time he saw you, he screamed of fear. Really, you two were scared of each other. He approached you after accidentally discover that you were giving treats to Lucius. Another cat lover fella? You sure aren't that bad... Maybe a little normie...
And your friendship rised. Then your relationship with him messily confessing with everything he loved about you. Your hair, your kindness, your angry faces, your way to play with cats... All of you.
Congratulations, Idia will be a great boyfriend.
I hope this result pleases you! Here are some others characters i had considered match up with you: Sebek Zigvolt, Malleus Draconia, Azul Ashengrotto and Rook Hunt!
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tsukkismoonlight · 3 years
Im in a mood so to break my haitus (sorta) here's some headcanons for dating/'talking' with some hq boys !!!
▪︎Not only does he send you random memes that he does the small nose breathe-laugh thing at, but he also sends you a Lets Play episode of some youtuber for you to watch
▪︎ He brings a blanket everywhere, you cannot convince me otherwise. Kenma is constantly cold, so, when you see him trudge up to you with the blanket, you know exactly what to do
▪︎and that is to take the blanket, wrap it around you and then bring him into your lap and wrap it around himself as well
▪︎Late nights are a thing with you two. But around 3am is when you have to drag him to bed, and promise him that tomorrow you can pick up with whatever game/show/etc y'all stayed up doing
▪︎sleeping in or getting up early, when you wake up, he likes to make coffee, or your favorite drink. Its quiet as neither of you are fully awake, but its always a comfortable silence
▪︎First of all, he acts tough but boy is he such a sweetheart. He has spent countless nights thinking ahead, planning what to say and do, this talking stage is so much more than talking
▪︎he subtlety compliments you, and tells you that you're working hard and to take it easy. He dotes on you and somehow makes it look easy to keep it on the downlow
▪︎Noya just wants to share everything with you. His favorite sport, his favorite comics and his favorite movies. He wants to bring extra snacks and tends to bring an extra waterbottle incase you need it
▪︎He sends goodnight and goodmorning texts, he will wait so impatiently by his phone for you to respond, and then he just grins happily or snickers at your response
▪︎The minute that anyone throws shade your way, or tries to pull a stunt, he is on it. Short king or not, no one gets past him, and frankly, no one really wants to try (he's got those crazy eyes lets be real)
▪︎you go to his games, you cheer the loudest and his eyes always find you easily. Afterwards, you are the first person he texts, and in the night, he'll call you, loving the way your voice sounds when you're tired
▪︎First of all, he literally cannot get his hands off you. This poor boy just wants you. Your hand, your arm, thigh, to hold your face, everything and anything. He'll hug you, give forehead kisses, ofc only when you want them
▪︎That being said, he only ever sleeps well when you're over for the night. If you're not next to him, Oikawa tosses and turns all night (and then complains about it the next day)
▪︎Also, Oikawa is fairly vain, and so anytime you compliment him, it gets him going. He'll blush and then wave his hand as if to say, 'oh stop' but really he means the opposite
▪︎All he wants is for you to keep going, keep calling him cute, or adorable or handsome. He wants to hear you say his name or nickname, and he wants to know that you are only for him
▪︎Which leads us to the fact that he can get jealous easily. The moment another person looks at you, Oikawa flaunts the fact he's dating you. He'll grab your hand or kiss your cheek, when he wants to be painstakingly obvious about it, he just exclaims loudly that you are a couple
▪︎ And in all fairness, you probably love all of it. The hand holding, the forehead kisses, the pet names and his stares. He's so pretty, and when he's looking at you, it makes you feel the happiest and the luckiest
▪︎First off, Asahi has never dated anyone before let alone 'talk' to someone before, that being said, things can be a little unnerving for him. He's never sure what to say or when to say it, and he stumbles over his words when in person and misspells when texting
▪︎Not to mention the team is always giving conflicting advice. Tanaka says to go all out while Nishinoya says to play it cool, Suga says to be sweet and Daichi says to be yourself. But in the end Asahi ended up listening to Kiyoko the most, which was to yes be himself, but also to take his time if he needed
▪︎ Asahi makes sure to text you before school and say hello, and to remind you to bring your lunch and a water bottle. When he sees you there, he'll approach and ask if you slept okay and if he can carry any of your books
▪︎Slowly but surely he seems to get ahold of the talking stage, and even starts to get more confident. Confident enough to smoothly grab your hand and interlock his fingers with yours
▪︎Its the little things about him that you love the most, whether its the way he reacts to things or how he looks when his hair is down and his eyes aren't on you, or how his hand isn't exactly smooth but its not terribly rough or calloused, they're all the little things that make Asahi, Asahi.
▪︎Lets get the record straight, Bokuto is the perfect example of a Golden Retriever Boy. He gets excited or everything and looooves any and all attention. When out on a date, he never lets go of your hand and never stops smiling.
▪︎Every little thing you do makes him giddy. Like playing with his hair, snuggling with him on the couch or even just telling a story to him.
▪︎He just loves you so much. Everytime he looks at you, especially when you aren't looking, he just has those eyes, the ones that are filled with dreams of the future, whatever that may hold for you both
▪︎Your favorite thing to do with him however, is when you're both cooking in the kitchen in your pjs, music playing a little to loud and neither of you can really hear the other, besides the laughter that is
▪︎Oh and dont get me started on his hugs. On your best, or your worst days, Bokuto gives The Best™️ hugs. As much as it seems, he doesnt always gives those bear hugs. Rather his hugs are soft and tender. He'll wrap his arms around you with just enough pressure, and hold you close with your head against his chest so you can hear his heart beat
▪︎Okay so contrary to how he is with any other person in the world, Kentaro is actually a bit of a romantic but he just doesn't quite know how to show it. When he does he's a little aggressive, but not in the mean way
▪︎its a lot of "well maybe I want to hold your hand !" Or "you look amazing, okay?!" And honestly its kind of adorable when he does things like that.
▪︎He has to remind himself that you two aren't quite dating so he shouldn't come off too strong, but when you're together he just gets ahead of himself. Especially when someone else tries to butt in.
▪︎The moment someone says that technically, you're fair game since you two aren't dating, Kyotani gets defensive (and a little possessive) fast. If you're there, he'll grab your hand and pull you away, glaring at the person the whole time. If you're not there he'll just spit some nasty name at them and tell them to back off (and who's gonna tell him no?)
▪︎Another thing about him, is that he overthinks everything. He'll bring small gifts, whether its some snacks, or a stuffed animal, he figures that it'll make up for his brash personality, and that hopefully you'll stick around
▪︎which ofc you do. Not only do you know that he is so much more than his harsh exterior, but you know that you can be yourself around him, he isn't into the materialistic, as long as he knows that you're going to love him for him, thats all that he wants.
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empress-simps · 3 years
it is i, your friendly neighborhood 'squishy cheeks' requester!! upon this gorgeous day, i have arrived to tell you how much i loved my squishy cheeks reader ask!!! it was amazing i think my heart skipped like 10 beats!!! (´ε` )
so with that, may i request again a scenario with gn!reader(and yuuji, megumi and gojo) who had just woken up from a bad dream and goes to ✨the boys✨ for comfort? but they just end up talking for hours and hours until it's literally morning? imagine the others walking to their dorm and hearing these two idiots talking about snail facts at 4 am lolololo sorry precious sleep but snail facts are more important‼️‼️
did you know snails can take up to 3 year naps? i'd wish to be a snail but then i wouldn't be able to read ur works and that would make me sad :(
thank u for reading and take care of urself! ♡(ӦvӦ。) have a nice morning/day/evening darling!!! ♥️♥️♥️
Comforting their s/o from a bad dream
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▪︎Featuring: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi and Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen
▪︎Pronouns: They/Them [Gn! Reader]
▪︎Genre: Fluff and light crack
▪︎Warnings: NOT EDITED SO THERE WILL BE TYPOS/GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, a little angst and awesome snail facts you probably couldn't handle
Note: DANG IT THIS IS SO CUTE I- thankyou love aaack ur so sweet! I didnt know snails can take 3 year naps- time to research *cracks my knuckles* HOPE U LIKE IT! ALSO SORRY FOR THE DELAY I TOOK A SHORT BREAK FROM WRITING
》 Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
》 Main Masterlist
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You woke up with a start.
Your eyes darted around the room as beads of sweat gathered on your body along with a shaky and clammy hands.
You took a few steps and that lesd you to where you are right now. Your boyfriend's room. For a second you hesitated knocking ont wooden door but your worries were pushed aside when a sleepy Yuuji opened the door.
"Yuuji.." You mumbled and hugged the sleepy boy who wrapped his arms around yours. "Do you want a snack?" He asked, still disoriented to see the state you were in. "No.." you mumbled, that's when he noticed and all evidence of him being sleepy was gone and he's now checking you for any possible injury.
"Are you hurt?"
"No.. well, not physically." YUJI IF U DONT CUDDLE THEM I'LL BEAT YOU-
Yuji pulls ypu in and shuts the door, giving ypu both some privacy from the outside world.
Three hours later and you're holding your hands in your hair as Yuuji patted ypur back.
"It's alright honey.." He mjmbled and rubbed your back.
Megumi, who was about to go for his morning run paused behind Yuuji's door, leaning a bit. He grew alarmed when he felt the room was silent and heavy, resulting in him pressing his ear against the door vowing to beat Yuuji if he did something to you.
"They can take three year naps but some of them can only live up to three years Yu! THEY'VE MISSED OUT SO MUCH!" You exclaimed, putting your hands up in despair as Yuji akwardly tried to comfort you through your crisis. Please help this poor boi he's so lost, any will do
"I'm sure they didn't-"
"HOW WOULD WE KNOW!? WE AREN'T SNAILS!" You flailed your arms around startling Yuji and Megumi who was still listening in.
"This is stupid.. can't they be a normal pair for once" He groaned, putting his earphones in while sporting a mildly dsitrubed face for the whole day.
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"Gumi... Can I come in?"
You didn't even have to knock when the door swung open and hugged you tightly. The faint smell of Megumi clinging to your skin the longer time you both hug.
"Bad dream?"
"Yes.. but can we talk?"
Megumi almost had a heart attack as he nods nervously, "You're not breaking up with me are you?" He worries, making you laugh. He's just there like 💧👁👄👁💧
"No, you stupid. I just wanna talk about stuff to get my head of.. you know.." you mumbled, he breathed out a sigh of relief and nuzzled his face in your neck. "Of course, my love."
And there you are, in the crack of dawn spewing animal facts to your boyfriend while laying on his lap.
"Do you now snails constantly cry?" You asked, playing with his hands as he quirked an eyebrow at you. "Really? Why?"
You shrugged your shoulder, "Dunno. Science." Resulting in him laughing and ruffling your hair.
"Are you giys into snails..?" Yuji mumbled, horrified. How he managed to enter Fushiguro's room undetected remains a mystery.
Megumi furrowed his brows, "What? No- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!? HOW DID YOU ENTER!?"He yelled while his bestfriend panics.
Megumi clicked his tounge, "I don't have one! Get lost!"
"Well can you ask Y/n if they have ramen?"
"Nope. Sorry, I ran out.." You shrugged and apologized, making Yuji sigh in defeat and mumble dissapointedly as he leaves the room.
If anyone of you has spare ramen please donate it to him HE'S STARVING
Truth to be told, Megumi keeps a hidden stash of ramen inside his room. If it weren't for you sitting in his lap and looking adorable he would give some to Yuji.
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Now this man right here just bursts into yiur room unannounced. He would just embrace you and ask what's wrong.
Its like he has a built in sensor
"Satoru...? Why are you-"
"Sh.. I'm here..." he mumbles, nuzzlingbyour neck as you just spent some time inhaling his cologne and hearing his calm and steady heartbeat that eases your worry away.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Maybe not now.." you mumbled. He hummed and nodded "I see."
Now he's gonna make it a mission to get your mind off the dream that you had with the most random thing.
Animal facts.
Ngl, you didn't know if you'd be annoyed with him or just let him ramble since you'll feel bad. He's just trying to make you feel better after all.
"Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby."
Just as about you thought he ran out of actually interesting facts he pokes you and calls your name repeatedly. Like a toddler.
You internally groaned, "I'm notgonna embarass myself again Gojo. Don't try to test my knowledge about this.
He let out a laugh, "honey, I'm not embarassing you! Now, did you know some snails have hair on their shells-"
"What?" You made a disgusted face to your lover as he laughed and tried to show you pictures. "No! I don't wanna see- Gojo Satoru!" You shriveled as he made you look, laughing at your weirded out face.
"I shouldn't have listened in..." Nanami mumbled as he walked away, clearly tired from the antics he heard from the door. "The day hasn't even started yet they're making me tired already.."
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harrypotterfuryroad · 2 years
okay so. we assigned the words “male” and “female” to the two sexes of humans, the fertilizer and the birth giver. we then proceeded to push that label onto all animals and plants. there are physical differences between them in the sense that the fertilizer needs to evolve to fertilize correctly and vise versa, therefore we have secondary sexual characteristics like wider hips and breasts and stuff. eventually we realized that yes, there’s a difference between gender and sex. gender is based completely on how our brain feels most comfortable fitting into the gender binary thats been presented to us by the people who colonized the world centuries ago, when they were still so stuck in gender essentialism bc thats like how life was in Ye Olden days. had the colonizers not been so deep into their view of the binary genders that they forced them on everyone they came in contact with, we couldve been seeing indigenous people who dont ascribe to the gender binary for centuries. anyways now the whole world is colonized and has adopted a gender binary based once again on the very basic part of humanity that is physical sex. which is literally only relevant in medicine and reproduction. and i guess thats where my issue is. why do u feel the need to add all these extra words to say “female identifying as a man” when u could say “trans man”. thats 3 whole less words and in everyday context thats all anyone needs to know. when that person goes to their doctor they can then discuss their physical sex characteristics. or if they decide they want to have a baby. and in specific medical situations it can definitely be better to say “people with uteruses” or “people who can have babies” bc a) it is much more specific to the situation and b) its making trans men and women who have had hysterectomies or are infertile feel better. and like idk maybe thats a shallow reasoning but personally i like when other people arent sad. anyways im kind of rambling but ur the first blog ive found w this rhetoric who seems to actually be able to have genuine discussions on this so id like to hear ur thoughts. but also this ended up longer than i thought so feel free to ignore lmao
i can see where you're coming from generally but there are a lot of things that you're still getting tripped up on
we didn't "push a label" of male and female onto animals and plants, we observed that sexual reproduction was common in other species
we didn't realize that gender was different from sex - we created gender based on sex
gender isn't "how our brain feels most comfortable" based on some internal essence - gender is taught and externally enforced, or in other words, it's a social construct. a person can have their own feelings about that, but it's not a reflection of their true inner self or anything
gender essentialism is alive and well, it's not a ye olde days thing
you're kinda getting stuck in this noble savage thing, where you're assuming that non-european cultures had no notions of gender roles before the 1400s just because they didn't have our notions of gender roles. "indigenous people who don't ascribe to the gender binary" still upholds an idea of The gender binary. if there was some undiscovered civilization somewhere where let's say women all drove trucks and men all took care of babies or something that would still be a gender binary, just not the one you're familiar with. if you're referring to third genders in certain cultures, most of those are explicitly built to contain people who don't meet very rigid gender roles in one way or another. in other words those genders tend to uphold a binary by having a label for those who fall outside of it
sure i guess you can say that sex is "literally only relevant in medicine" but i think a lot of people would say that medicine is pretty relevant in their lives. and it's not contained to medicine - look at the way most of our society has been built with male as a default and female as an afterthought. so yeah sex is actually pretty relevant
"people with uteruses" and "people who can have babies" still fall under one wider category. i know plenty of women who have had hysterectomies who are still very active in the fight for access to birth control even though they personally won't need it, because it's understood that the issue isn't about making themselves feel better. women without uteruses are still negatively affected by legislation targeting women who do have them, just like how women who identify as men are still negatively affected by legislation targeting women, because the point of the legislation isn't the uterus itself, it's control. this is the biggest split here i think - people who treat gender stuff as an individualist platform and people who fight gender stuff (as a whole, not just in the context of trans issues) because it negatively affects women as a class
hope this was helpful but also i promise that lots of us around here are very open and genuine about this stuff and there are lots of much smarter people than me so don’t be afraid to ask around
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hotchseyebrows · 3 years
thoughtfulness in little things
a derek morgan x penelope garcia fic
a/n: can you believe that is my first ever full length morcia fic? me? resident morcia nut? wow. what a world. anyway!! i hope yall like this (and if you noticed it was already on ao3 earlier today shhh this is a scheduled tumblr post im Sleeping rn) and hopefully i dont take 4 months in between posting fics again, but i make no promises!!! my brain is Evil
thank you @blkantigone for being my beta and thank you @derekmorqan for letting me barf 1k of this in our dms a while back, i love you both sm
they do kiss a fair bit in this (it is, in fact, a first kiss fic) and its a little steamy, but by no means explicit and is rated teens and up on ao3 :)
read it here on ao3!!
Penelope splutters. “Sugar, you don’t have to stay here with me, it’s really not that big of a deal.”
He shrugs. “How am I supposed to party when my best girl is stuck at work?”
Everything changes during a late night in Penelope's batcave. But really, nothing changes at all.
word count: 3000
Friday nights without a case are a rare treasure for SSA Hotchner’s highly sought after team of profilers. Normally, Derek and Penelope would be taking advantage of the freedom by dancing all night, but sometimes the universe has other plans. 
Penelope used this week’s case-free time to put the finishing touches on an antivirus and security software of her own creation. The personal information of her beloved BAU babies was a hot commodity well worth the additional protection, and she’s always looking for a reason to fiddle with Quantico’s servers. It ended up being a whole production, taking the entire afternoon and then some. Apparently, she still doesn’t have all of the permissions required to make certain adjustments which means that she’s fiddling and bending her way into all of the things she needs to do. If that wasn’t bad enough, the whole damn thing crashed around 4:00. She managed not to pull her hair out, but it was a close thing and it set her back at least an extra hour.
Derek stops by a little after 5, his jacket slung over his shoulder. “Baby girl, I can hear the bottles of DC’s finest vodka and Hennessy calling our names, are you almost ready to leave for the day?” He pauses in the door, taking in her furious typing and furrowed brow. “Whoa, Mama, what’s the matter? You’ve got Hotch’s eyebrows.”
She throws her arms up. “The entirety of the FBI and also the world is getting on my nerves!” He walks over to her, leaning on the side of her chair and turning her away from her monitor. His hands gently grab both of hers and he rubs a soothing circle with one of his thumbs. 
“Explain, baby girl.” 
She does, eventually just ranting and raving about how annoying it is to still be put in metaphorical handcuffs by the FBI as if she can’t just do what she wants anyway. “I’m not even breaking any rules, technically, they’re just making things annoying and long winded.” She sighs, moving her hands to interlock their fingers. “But now that it’s started, it would be doubly annoying to stop it and come back later. So I’m stuck here until it’s done, which might take a while.”
He nods, thinking. Then he straightens up, grabs the extra rolling chair, and sits down. 
Penelope splutters. “Sugar, you don’t have to stay here with me, it’s really not that big of a deal.”
He shrugs. “How am I supposed to party when my best girl is stuck at work?” She blushes, turning away to hide it on instinct. 
“You cheeseball.” She spins around to lightly push on his arm. He just smiles. 
They sit together for 20 minutes in relative silence as she continues her work. It’s a comfortable silence; his occasional humming soothes her rising annoyance at how needlessly long this is taking. She can hear him playing with one of the fidget toys she keeps on her desk behind him. When she gets to another point of sitting and waiting, she turns towards him and asks him about his day. He tells her about how Prentiss helped him get Reid back for a prank by distracting him in the break room while he switched out the keyboard of Reid’s computer with an identical one with a grass garden planted inside. “It’s a long con for sure, but I’m hoping it sprouts this weekend.”
She laughs. “How long did it take you to set this up, dumpling?” She already knows the answer, but it’s nice to see his slightly sheepish but proud look about his dedication to his prank war. Her computer beeps at her, and she spins back around to begin working again.
He rolls closer, avoiding her question and wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “You getting hungry yet?”
She relaxes, leaning against him. As if on cue, her stomach grumbles. “Yes, I’d say so.”
He leans over and moves a strand of hair out of her face. “Okay baby girl, I’ll go grab us food and be right back.” She nods, lifting her cheek on instinct to meet the kiss she knows is coming. He stands and sure enough, leans down to kiss her cheek. “I’ll be quick. Be good.”
“How can I do anything else if you’re not here?” She bats her eyes up at him. 
He grins. “Oh, I’m sure you’d think of something.” He brushes his knuckles against her cheek. It makes her shiver.
She watches him leave, catching the kiss he blows at her from the door. Turning back to focus on her work, it feels like she blinks and he’s back. A glance at the clock tells her it’s been over a half hour. He puts the bag of food onto the table before coming to pull her away from the computer. 
“One minute, I promise, I’m so close to just letting this thing run for a little.” He twirls her hair around his fingers before dropping his hands onto her shoulders, rubbing away the tension. A minute and a half later, she leans back in her chair with a sigh. She tilts her head back and sticks her tongue out at him. He smiles at her. 
"Come eat, baby girl. Don't think you're getting out of eating my hard won dinner." He moves to the table and pulls out her chair. She follows and sits.
"Hard won — mon cher, you didn't tackle a wild animal and lug it home to our log cabin in the woods, you drove your car 20 minutes."
He kisses her temple, handing her a pair of chopsticks. "Yeah, but I would lug home whatever you needed anytime, so the sentiment is the same."
She smiles and knocks their feet together under the table lightly. He moves his chair, so they are sitting right next to each other on the same side of the table. The heat from his arm is palpable.
Derek grabs a box from the bag and splits the vegan pad thai within onto two paper plates. He opens the box of spring rolls and places it in between them while she places napkins in front of them both. He pops the cap off of her bottle of lemonade without her asking, and sets that in front of her too. “Thank you, handsome.” He smiles in response. They start eating and the comfortable silence returns. 
She talks him through what she still needs to do to fix everything in between bites, even though she knows he doesn't really understand her technobabble. But Penelope can feel his eyes on her, and without looking, she somehow knows that something has shifted in the air around them.
"What?" she asks, turning her attention away from gesturing at her computer with the chopsticks. "Do I have something on my face?"
He chuckles. "Actually, yes, c'mere." He brushes away a stray spot of sauce on the corner of her lips with a gentle swipe of his thumb. The rest of his hand stills on her cheek. She shivers. She can see him notice it, his attention focusing in on her. Penelope's blood is thundering in her ears as he glances in between her lips and her eyes.
She leans purposefully into his hand. His thumb brushes over her lips again and her mouth falls open a little. 
"Penelope, I-" he cuts himself off with a hard swallow. "Penelope." His eyes flicker down to her lips and back up to her eyes quickly again.
She can only blink at him for a moment. "Yes, Derek?"
"I don't kn- um. Can I-" She's never seen him flustered and unsure like this. But they've never been out of sync before and they aren't about to start now, so she nods, bringing up a hand to rest on his. A smile grows on his face before he starts to lean in. His hand slides along her cheek to more firmly grip her face- it makes her gasp.
He pauses, thinking something is wrong. "Penelope, are y-" Her heart swells at how careful he is to take care of her always, and she meets him in the middle, pressing their lips together in a soft, purposeful kiss.
For a moment, all is still. The world boils down to just the place where their lips are touching. Their lips barely brush against one another, but already Penelope feels light headed. Derek separates their lips for a moment before kissing her again, a firmer touch this time. She sucks in a breath through her nose. His lips are incredibly kind- that’s the only word for it. He doesn’t seem to know the word “take” right now because all she can feel from him is “give.” As he presses into the kiss and gently cups the side of her face, her brain wildly spins through thoughts about how of course he’s like this even when kissing her and how good he smells and how she can’t believe they haven’t done this sooner.
He draws her closer against him, pressing into the kiss more insistently before bringing his other hand up to her face and holding her. His fingers move to cup the sides of her neck and she tilts her head to the left a touch, letting her mouth fall open in a sigh. He makes a soft noise before tentatively sliding their tongues together. A full body shiver runs down her spine and through her limbs. Another small noise falls from the back of his throat. Her stomach swoops like they've just dropped down the side of a huge arch in a roller coaster. She places both hands on his chest, pressing forward. He moves with her, chair squeaking underneath him as he presses closer, one arm snaking around her back. Penelope’s heart pounds even louder. His tongue is gentle even in its insistence as their kiss turns slightly desperate. 
It feels like someone has lit a fire underneath Penelope’s chair, warmth washing over her whole body and radiating out from everywhere they touch. One of his hands tangles into her hair as he gently tilts her head back. If she wasn’t sitting her knees would have buckled so long ago, but now she would absolutely be on the floor. It’s no surprise that Derek Morgan is an incredible kisser, but knowing something and knowing something is so different. 
He pulls back, letting their foreheads rest together. Her eyes stay closed, tingles radiating from everywhere his fingers are tenderly holding her face. She tightens her grip on his shirt. He kisses the tip of her nose. "You still with me, baby girl?"
She nods, breathless. She slowly opens her eyes and smiles at him. "Hi." It's the first thing she thinks to say. 
He laughs. "Hey you."
She has so many questions- how long have you wanted to do that, can we do that again right now, can we do so much more right now, right here- but before she can ask any of them, her computer beeps loudly. "Oh!" She jumps at the sudden noise. He drops his hands and leans back, looking far too much like the cat who got the cream. "I should- right, I should deal with that," she says, standing on shaky legs. Heels were never so precarious. Of course, there is no hiding from a profiler.
He grins up at her. "Need some assistance?" His eyes are shining like he's hiding a joke. She scrunches her nose at him, biting back a smile.
"Oh, hush you. I’m perfectly capable of walking 3 feet, thank you very much." Her tenacity is a little undercut from the way her hands are trembling a little as she smooths her skirt, but still. The point remains.
He raises his hands in surrender. "Alright baby girl, go on then."
She walks over to her computer and stays standing to fiddle with the wires behind it before bending over at the keyboard and reading the report on the screen. "It shouldn't be much longer now, it just needs to run the last new anti-virus- what?" He's leaning back in his seat and staring at her, a small smile dancing on his lips.
"What, Mama?" But he knows what, clearly evident from the way he is trying to school his expression into something innocent.
She blushes. "Derek Morgan, I don't know what I'm going to do if you keep looking at me like that."
"Oh, I don't know. I might have some ideas."
She sucks in a sharp inhale through her nose. Playing nonchalant, she turns back to her computer. "Well, I might have to hear your ideas out."
She glances at him out of the corner of her eye and he's grinning.
"Yeah." she says, not trusting what will come out of her mouth if she elaborates (probably something along the lines of “I’d listen to all your ideas, do your ideas include any semblance of forever, if you keep grinning like that I'm gonna lock the door and do something reckless”).
They sit in relative silence, just the sounds of her typing filling the room. When she finishes, she spins her chair around. "Hi," she says again.
"Hi baby," he responds.
Her fingers twist and curl the hem of her skirt. "So, uh, well, that's gonna take at least another 30 minutes to finish running."
He raises one eyebrow. "30 minutes, huh?" 
She nods. "Might be a good time for some of those ideas." 
He stands and walks across the room to her. She takes his offered hand and stands as well. They stay there, inches apart and holding hands as the charged atmosphere around them seems to crackle. In the same breath, they lean in to kiss again. Both of her arms wrap around his neck as he tucks his around her waist. He pulls her against him, fully pressed together as the soft kiss deepens into something heated and desperate.
He bites her bottom lip gently before the kiss turns open mouthed and slick. She arches against him as they slide into a slow rhythm. She feels fluttery, like his arms are the only anchor point in the whole world and if he let her go, she’d simply float away. He tastes like lemonade, sweet and alive. She hums as he tracks his hands in a slow circle at the base of her spine. Her knees really do buckle a little as he attempts to tug her closer, but he holds her steady. She rests a hand on his cheek and grounds herself by using the other to grip the back of his neck. She’s utterly swallowed up by him, his arms and his mouth and just him surrounding her in their own little cocoon. He separates their mouths to kiss across her jaw and down her neck, hands flattening on her back. He places a line of long kisses down to the crook of her neck. She lets out a sigh, letting her head fall to the side to give him more room. He sinks his teeth into the same spot lightly, and she shudders. 
"Derek," she whispers. She can feel his smile against his skin as he kisses the same place again.
They slow to a stop, tucked against each other. He rests his face against her neck and mumbles something against her skin. "Hmm honey?" she says, hand rubbing a circle on the nape of his neck.
"I got us that Talenti ice cream you like," he says, only moving enough to be heard. “Chocolate peanut butter cup, and the color changing spoons are still in the break room.”
"Oh Der, that's so sweet, you didn't have to do all of that." Her heart skips a beat. 
He shrugs, kissing the side of her neck. "I wanted to."
She is half tempted to haul him in for another kiss, but as if on cue, her stomach grumbles. He picks his head up and smiles at her. "Come eat now," he says before giving her another quick peck. 
She lets him pull her to the table, but before they sit, she pulls him in again. He chuckles into the kiss.  "Eat, you menace." He mumbles against her lips. Pulling back, he plants a kiss on the apple of her cheek as he guides her into her seat.
She bites a retort about how she was trying to but he sees it on her face anyway. 
"Later, baby girl. Dinner first."
“Then dessert?” She tilts her head and gives him a flirty smile. 
He runs his thumb along her bottom lip. “All the dessert you want, Penelope.”
Much the same as before, they eat in comfortable silence. Except this time he rests a hand on her thigh, and traces a slow lazy circle with his thumb. The conversation picks back up and turns to unrelated things. Derek muses about possible retaliations from Spencer once he notices his new desk plants as he casually offers her a bite from his plate. She takes it, humming.
Something Penelope did not realize had lost its footing resettles in her chest. Nothing is different, not in any way that would scare her or be a loss. They are just the same as they've always been, but also more. (Though she'd be hard pressed to think of a time when this wasn't the way they were. Maybe things are just being unveiled, not changed.) 
When they finish eating, he goes to get the ice cream and two of the fun spoons from the break room. They split the pint and laugh far too loudly for how late it is. The computer beeps for a final time, software finally fully uploaded and settled. She still has to run tests and double check that everything is working, but that can wait. Derek offers her a bite of ice cream, and if he kisses her again to remove the ice cream from her bottom lip, she can't say she minds.
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plut00nline · 4 years
Fuck it im doing it
My 2020 top 20 movie list
(Disclaimer that most of these weren't made in 2020 but I just watched them this year. These aren't also really in a very particular order but they are lowkey ranked) (i also had to be choosey with the images i out cause of the limit, but yeah dont mind that)
20. The perfection
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The plot twist in this movie is *chefs kiss* there was no way for me to predict the ending, bug as far as thrillers goes, it is brilliant. And also, lesbians. It can be a pretty triggering movie for ab*se and general gore, but really I love the pacing and the thrill of it.
19. The shining
Ah yes, a classic horror, and though I may feel iffy about Stanley Kubrick, this movie was pretty good. But I am saying this as a person that didn't read the book. The blood rushing down the hallway was really my favourite visual on the movie. It was a movie that made me felt genuinely scared while watching it, like hiding behind my blanket but also sweating scared, the suspense was pretty thrilling though
18. Doctor Sleep
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Man do I love Danny Torrance, and Abra, fuck I love them both. Again, I never read the book, but my ignorance keeps me in bliss. The visuals of this movie are also great, and the emotions this movie puts through? I'm just glad headcanons exist, but really I did enjoy this movie even if it wasn't what I was expecting.
17. Birds of prey
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Harley deserved a movie, and the fact that it was directed by a woman makes me love it so much more because we just got to see harley doing the things that she fucking wanted. This movie is wlw solidarity, from Margot robbie to Mary Elizabeth Winstead, women with crossbows? Sign me the fuck up. And from all the DC films I've seen, it's so much brighter, in the visual sense, there's colour! There's character! And not everyone is just brooding in darkness, its the type of movie that would make me actually watch and enjoy DC films.
16. Charlie's angels
Firstly, lesbians. Thank you. But really, its a good action comedy and really I'll jump at the chance to see women kick ass.
15. My octopus teacher
I've never cried over an octopus before, so that was an experience. And even though this is technically not a movie, I still wanted to put it on here cause it was really just a great documentary, especially since it happened in my home country and im very oddly proud of that fact.
14. Knives out
Murder mystery and chris evans go so well together. I have made a longer post, but to sum it up, like most of the movies on this list. The colours and the pacing and just the atmosphere of the movie was spectacular, and even though I couldve guessed the ending, I was still on the edge of my seat for most of it
13. Ready or not
I love this new wave of eat the rich media. Samara weaving is a great actor and I am in love with her and this whole movie. It really was something that I hadn't actually seen before and the fact that the whole curse thing at the end was true was really just wow. Along with eat the rich, I love the feral female energy lately, and the whole white clothing slowly but surely being covered in blood.
12. Geralds game
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The line "youre only made of moonlight" lives in my head rent free. This movie, was really an experience and for a movie with only two people in it for the majority, it is really well done. I'll always feel iffy about a man writing a woman's experience (specifically) but I do love the way this movie went, yeah I hated the "Hand" scene, but I still enjoyed the after math of it.
11. The old gaurd
Again, more lesbians, what more could I ask for? The concept for this movie is brilliant, immortal mercenaries is the only trope I want from now on, and found family.
10. Parasite
Again with the eat the rich. This movie was mindblowing, and just, the imagery!! And im glad they didn't dub it in English cause fuck that, I enjoyed it perfectly with subtitles.
9. song of the sea
This movie, this movie! Is so precious and I had that song stuck in my head for days.the name Saoirse is also so oddly pleasing to hear. This story is so beautiful, the music is amazing and it makes me want to be a fae.
8. Scott pilgrim vs the world
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This movie really did pass what my expectations for what I thought it was gonna be, the music was amazing, the transitions and editing style was *chefs kiss* and even though I felt like I was in a fever dream the whole time, it'd be a fever dream I'd gladly rewatch.
7. The imitation game
Thank you Alan Turing. This movie recked me, like emotionally, I was a mess when I was done with it, but damn was it good, like I really just felt something while watching it, I mean most.of the movies on this list did, but this one just really hit me in some way.
6. Klaus
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At least there are still good Christmas movies being made. Actually, I was a mess for this one too, the second that child got that sleigh thing it was over for my emotions. The whole sirge of turning Santa into this big macho dude really is working out and that's how Santa should always be depicted. I could gush about the animation style of this movie all fucking day, I love it so much (and the shadows!!! Ahh the shadows!) It really is just incredible.
5. I'm thinking of ending things
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Hey man, I knew this was gonna fuck me up just by looking at the trailer, but there was absolitley no way to prepare for whatever was about to happen. Even after watching it, I have no idea what happened. But I still found it great, I love movies that give me an existential crisis.
4. Spirited away
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All I wanted to do, was eat everything in that movie, even if it would turn me into a pig, holy hells this movie is good. There was just this satisfying appeal to it that I can't quite put into words. Its beautiful like everything studio ghibli movie ever.
3. The Willoughbys
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I never knew I needed a found family movie with a bunch of kids that were already family. I've made a longer post about this movie, and I dont think I could really say more, this movie is so fucking touching and I love the direction it went in plot wise.
2. Howl's moving castle
Again, I may not have understood wtf was going on, but I'll be damned if I didn't love every second of it. There is no doubt that this movie is stunning, and I really am a suckered for early 2000's 2d animation, because!!! Look at it!!! Studio Ghibli films always just floor me with how good they look. I really wanna read the book, because I would absolutley love to see a feral Sophie giving howl shit for crying over hair.
1. Us
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This movie will always be my no. 1 it is amazing and I love everything jordan peele has done with his movies. Especially for it to have a full black cast, and those black people have darker skin than what is normally shown in media. The feral but also calculated nature of each character is beautiful and nothing can ever make me hate this movie
I hope you enjoyed this incoherent "review" of my favourite movies I watched in 2020, its been a shit show and movies really have been a place of comfort for me. But stay safe and happy new year!
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