#and accidentally kill someone or his handwriting would be so illegible that no one would die actually i am crying
boxwinebaddie · 4 months
i'm sorry, this has nothing to do with sp or my fics, but i just need y'all to know that i accidentally liked too many posts about death note on here bc i was rewatching it and now my tumblr dash is all fucked up
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can’t get mad scientist! theo nott out of my head. he leaves hogwarts with a shit ton of money and no way to spend all of it, so he decides to fuck about a little bit with the known laws of the universe. he goes absolutely off the rails with his research, he’s got the conspiracy boards in the basement and journals upon journals of borderline incoherent ramblings and theories and hypothesis in handwriting so scratched it’s like every word was written to stab through the paper. he owns as many dark or hard-to-find books he can get his hands on, the majority very illegal due to their contents. his hours, when not actively making something in the lab (read: the entire west side of his house at this point) he’s pacing and muttering formulas and possible ideas. yes, people have walked in on this and yes they are adequately concerned. his experiments are on the same level of lunacy: replication spells that work on organic matter and create living replications, a time-turner made in an attempt to break the known laws of only one singular timeline existing at any given point, portkeys that can carry entire estates because he wanted a sea view, a sentient being he made somehow and named something stupid and now it just lives in his house, replicates of the dark artefacts he lost when the aurors raided nott manor after the war. you name it, he’s either made it, in the process of making it, or will add it to his list now that you’ve suggested it. it doesn’t matter how many years it takes he will try it goddamnit. his main motivations are either that he wanted something that didn’t currently exist, or the expansion of science, alternatively titled he’s bored and why not. may god help the world if he decides to get into necromancy, because even if it’s physically impossible he’ll fucking try and that will end up with so many horrible consequences he’ll let be because he doesn’t see the point in dealing with them.
he doesn’t have the limits that a lot of traditional mad scientists in the fact he does not give a singular fuck about the moral standings of his creations. frankenstein feared his monster, jekyll couldn’t live with the guilt of hyde, nott eats breakfast with the sentient blob every morning, it makes surprisingly decent conversation after he taught it to read. what can he say, they both like the classics and share similar tastes in media. his restrictions lie in what is genuinely, undeniably impossible and what would break the world if he pursued it any further. he may be mad but he is no idiot, so he doesn’t test everything he wants to in case he accidentally starts the apocalypse. do not let this man read Frankenstein, unless you want to meet the monster. he also doesn’t tell people what he does, people vaguely know he dabbles in shit that should be left alone, and he does get commissions from the odd collector or two, but it’s mainly a secret so the Aurors don’t drag him and his entire house to the department of mysteries. i’m imagining someone popping over and seeing the sentient blob and freaking out because what the FUCK, theo, what is that questionable mass and why is it in your house!?! and theo Does Not Elaborate bcs the blob is just a part of life now, he just waves. the blob waves too but that freaks them out more. if he ever does get caught he’d probably get executed for crimes against nature or locked away until they manage to pull how he made half the things he did from his head, and then they kill him because like hell they’re leaving him alive, he broke time.
reposted from my old blog
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1987vampire · 4 years
A Good Something? | Judd Birch
Fandom: Big Mouth Word Count: 1.9k Warnings: a hurt racoon, the f slur, just a lot of cussing.  Request: None! A/N: This isn’t established Judd x reader, this is meeting him for the first time so if I write more fics for him, I have something I can refer y’all back to :) If y’all want to see more Judd, an ACTUAL judd x reader, I can give y’all that ALSO the reader has dyed hair in this - not blue - it’s not super important but there’s a line in here that references it.  Extra: 
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” your words were stressed as you slammed on the breaks. The rain made it hard to see; it wasn’t your fault that the animal had run into the middle of the road. You weren’t even going that fast, they should have been able to hear you.
You flung your door open harsher than you meant to, but you had to move quickly in case someone came speeding down the road, and you ended up bleeding out right next to whatever you had hit. The road was slick underneath your feet. You almost slipped and fell as you skidded to a stop in front of them. It was a racoon, a fat one at that, and it was staring up at you with big doe eyes. His leg was twisted, and he was letting out small grunts of pain.
“Oh, I’m sorry, little buddy,” You cried. “Can I pick you up? I’ll find somewhere to take care of you, I promise.” You hadn’t really expected an answer- it was an animal after all – but he nodded up at you, reaching his little paws out in hopes that you would help. You paused for a moment, taking in the situation and trying to figure out how to pick him up without hurting him.
You reached an arm under his butt and the other under his neck so you wouldn’t jostle his leg too much. He made little chirping sounds as you steadily walked over to your car, using your head as a shield so he wouldn’t get rain in his eyes. You let out a quiet stream of ‘I’m sorry’s as you did so. You made it into your car just in time to close the door as someone sped down, narrowly missing you as they went.
The little racoon shivered in the passenger seat, but you covered him in blankets and spare clothes you kept in the back, turning the heat in your car on high, trying to dry him and heat him up at the same time. He stared up at you thankfully as you put the car in gear, driving home even slower than before, never going over twenty-five-miles-an-hour.
Once you had reached your apartment, you had to sneak him in in hopes that your shitty landlord wouldn’t notice. He had a strict no animals policy, but this was a bit more important. Fortunately, you could sneak past his office by telling the raccoon to be quiet, since he seemed to be good at listening to directions somehow, and hiding him underneath the pile of clothes, passing him off as laundry.
Finally, inside the comforts of your apartment, you laid him down on the couch and set to researching what to do. After a few calls to a few vet offices and a lot of google searches, you were able to give him a makeshift cast and lay him in a way that would be best for his recovery. He was still talking in his little racoon language as you went. It really looked like he was trying to tell you something, but unfortunately, you were human and could not understand him.
That was until he held your hand in his little paws and pulled them to his neck. How had you not noticed the skinny collar he was wearing? His thick fur had almost completely covered it. Really, it wasn’t even a collar but a thick piece of cord with a circle nameplate in the middle.
You fiddled with it, reading the information attached. ‘Contact Judd. 555-4200’ was engraved onto it in someone’s personal handwriting instead of with a machine. “You know it’s illegal for someone to own a racoon around here, right,” you told him. The racoon made a noise of disapproval and fiddled with the collar again. “Do you want me to take it off?” He hissed in displeasure, making you stop abruptly. “Call him?” He nodded enthusiastically. “You’re a strange little guy, you know that, right?”
You pulled out your phone and dialed the number, tapping your foot against the floor anxiously. It took a few rings, and you were sure he wouldn’t pick up, when a deep voice answered the phone.
“Do you know what fucking time it is, right now?”
Your breath caught in your throat, and you turned towards the first clock you could find—three o’clock in the morning. “I- I’m sorry. I can call back in the morning if you want. I just have this racoon with me, and his ankle is twisted because I accidentally hit him, and he had your number on his neck, and I- I-“
“Racoon?” His voice cut you off, and you could tell that he was waking up at the information. “You hit one of my fucking racoons?”
“He ran out into the middle of the road when I was driving. It was raining, so I could barely see, and I couldn’t swerve to miss him because there was a car on one side of the road and trees on the other. I wrapped his leg, and he’s resting, but he wanted me to call you, so here we are.”
He let out a few grumbles, and my fingers instinctively rose to my face so I could bite at my nails. “Fucking hell. Why was he in the middle of the road?” It was a rhetorical question, but you had almost wanted to respond even though you didn’t have an answer. “Does he have any distinctive marks on him? A missing toe, clipped ear, maybe he has uneven stripes.” Your eyes fell on the racoon again. He looked pretty normal besides the leg.
Almost like he knew what you were talking about, the racoon pulled one of his hands up to his forehead. After you pushed some of his fur to the side, you knew what he was pointing at. “He’s showing me that he has a scar on his forehead - like he split his forehead or something.”
“Of course it’s fucking Gerard – the fat fuck.”
You frowned at the statement. “He’s not that fat.”
“I mean the sentence in the most loving hatred filled way I can mean it. He knows I don’t mean it. Can you give the phone to him?”
This was the weirdest fucking situation you had ever been in. “Oh yeah, I guess.” you placed the phone in the racoon’s hand, and he made a chirp as a hello. You could hear Judd’s voice lowly in the speaker as he talked to him, the racoon making noises of acknowledgement as he went. You could make out very little besides him asking if you were taking care of him and then berating him for being stupid. The racoon – well, Gerard – kept trying to talk to him, but Judd refused to let up, barely giving him a moment to speak even if he did understand him.
After a few minutes, Gerard pushed the phone towards me, and I took it back. “So, what do you want me to do with him. Like, I can take him to yours, since I guess he belongs to you, or-“
“Fuck off. What are you – the feds? Give me your address, I’m not letting you see my shit.”
“Well, usually people ask me on a date before seeing my place, but-“ the words had slipped from my mouth before I thought about what I was saying, and my eyes immediately widened with embarrassment. “Oh my god- I’m sorry-“
He laughed loudly and pulled the phone away from his ear. “Well, we can think about that after I get the fat fucking faggot in your house.”
Your arms crossed. “You better part of that community if you’re using their slurs, fuckface.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he mused. “Give me your address. I’m getting in my car.”
After giving him the information, you hung up, itching at your arm as you stared at Gerard. “He isn’t very nice, huh,” you told him. He chirped and shook his head as if defending him. “Is he really mean or is it a front?” He chirped at the second part, and I smiled. “Well, he’ll be here soon.”
And soon it was. It only took him about ten minutes before you heard a loud knocking on your door, banging more like. You jumped from sitting beside Gerard to the door, peeking out into the dark hallway, the latch still connected. “Judd?”
On the other side of the door was a decently tall man with black and blue hair, his sides shaved til it was only stubble. He was clad in a gray hoodie and black jeans, gray converse on his feet. His face was set in a glare as he stared at you. “Who the fuck else would it be?”
You shut the door and unlatched it, opening it wider so he could come in. “You knock like my landlord.”
“Landlord?” He pushed into your apartment, his sights set on the racoon lounging on your cheap couch. “You don’t look old enough to have a landlord.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m nineteen. This is my apartment.”
He glanced at you over his shoulder. “And you let some strange man in? Pretty stupid if you ask me.”
You frowned and pursed your lips. “I can kick you out- keep your racoon if you don’t start acting nice.”
“You could definitely try.” He picked up Gerard’s leg, inspecting it. “You did a good job with this. Almost as good as my work.”
“He was a good patient.”
Judd scoffed, sticking his hands underneath Gerard to pick him up just as you had earlier that night. “He was probably just basking in a pretty girl’s attention.”
Pretty? A smile was climbing onto your face. He was pretty, too, if he didn’t have such a sour attitude.
His eyes fell onto yours as he turned. “I like your hair by the way. The color suits you.” You ran your hand through your dyed hair, suddenly very conscious of how you looked. “You should try blue next time.” Gerard made a loud noise in his arms and reached out to you. Judd frowned down at him. “You had your fun, dumbass, but you’ve got to go home now. I’m sure the others are worried about you.”
Judd looked back at you. “Yeah, I was – uh – training a battalion of racoons to kill my younger brother.” He groaned quietly. “Now they’re good for catering and attacking intruders, but they refused to hurt him. Got a few scars because of it.”
You chuckled quietly and shook your head. “You sure are something, alright.”
His lips upturned the slightest bit into a tiny smile. “Is that a good something?”
“Sure, we can say that.”
You opened the door for him as he started taking strides towards it. He paused right past the entryway, something sitting on his tongue. “Try not to hit any more racoons, alright?”
Your fingers drummed along the door, and you laughed. “I’ll be sure to call you if I do. Just in case.”
He was already walking away when he responded. “You have my number.”
You hesitated on shutting the door right away, choosing to listen to him begin to berate the racoon as he walked down the hall, something along the lines of, ‘you make me come out in the middle of the night, scared shitless. You could have died, you fucking cunt.” He continued as he disappeared out of sight, but you didn’t even have the heart to ask him to cover the racoon as he left, preferring to just deal with your landlords berating the next day.
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haikyuu-philia · 5 years
HQ!! Secret Santa 2019 - Sent via Mistletoe Post
A/N: Have a wonderful Christmas, everyone!! This post is dedicated to, made for and inspired by the lovely person that I got to be Secret Santa for - @oinkawater <3 Everything was organised by the awesome @supern-a-vengers, thank you so much! 
Sent via Mistletoe Post | A Personalized Semi x Reader Oneshot
„I wished you could be here for Christmas.“
Semi gritted his teeth at the mere thought of how sad you would sound, if you had said that directly to his face. The message on the screen made his heart ache in a way which he had never imagined before meeting you. But he knew it was just a matter of time for the pain to go away again.
„Seriously, I miss you so much.“
Fate decided to not have any mercy with him. His fingers hovered above the keyboard to type a reply and nearly chose to let the whole idea blow up. Weeks of planning, including taking way too many shifts at the café, would go to waste with it.
It hurt. It physically hurt him to read your texts. 
For a moment he had to put his phone at the table to brush his trembling hands through his hair. One message would be enough to make you smile again, three tiny words.
Though he didn’t plan on actually sending them. In less than 48 hours everything would be fine, you would be fine. So he took a deep breath before replying to you to keep up the facade.
Your present will arrive on Christmas morning. Look forward to it!
Well, this wasn’t an actual lie. Something would be there then, but nothing that you were expecting. At least he was hoping so.
And for now the effect seemed to kick in like he had planned to. Finally you were sending emojis again and you started to randomly write in capital letters of excitement to guess what your present might be. Semi cracked a smile at the screen.
If he hadn’t already prepared something, he would have a dozen of ideas today. 
With a small groan he rubbed his eyes that were demanding a break. The printer rattled next to the boy, which instantly reminded him of a thousand reasons why he wasn’t allowed to go to bed yet. Tomorrow might be even worse with all those things that he had to deal with before the mission could start.
After he had reached for the slightly warm piece of paper, he nevertheless informed you about going to bed soon.
Looking at the printed timetable Semi couldn’t help it but sigh for the approximately thirtieth time this day. The price of living this far away from you to attend his dream university sucked sometimes.
At the same time he received your goodnight-text, wishing you nice dreams and a comfortable rest. 
„Do it for Thea,“ he whispered while smiling at the picture he had set as his background. „Do it for her.“
When he finally had collected all the necessary papers he retreated into his dorm room. On the bed a halfway filled suitcase was waiting for him to finish packing. 
In the morning the last thing he put into it, happened to be a little plushie - A bear holding a bright red heart which had ‚Good luck‘ written on it in golden yarn. This cute guy had been your parting present for him when he had to leave you behind on the other side of the airport security for the first time. He remembered how you had hugged him until the last second.
Attaching the keychain to his backpack didn’t come to his mind as it might fall off, get stained or messed up in some other way. Not an option for Semi.
Before he closed the suitcase he gave the bear a light squeeze. You were with him all the time, no matter how far away you actually lived. 
„See you soon, little one.“ Even he himself wasn’t sure, if he had been talking to the plushie or to your spirit inside of it.
To the airport by train, then through security and to his gate, resting during the flight, grabbing his luggage before boarding the bus to the station near your dormitory on the campus of Tokyo University - All of that sounded so easy. Stressful, but easy and manageable.
It was, until Semi was actually sitting at his assigned seat in the plane. In his opinion the boarding had been fast earlier, maybe too fast. 
Ever since the announcement that boarding was completed had been made, nothing had changed. Minute by minute passed while Semi recalculated his time buffer over and over again. 
„Ladies and Gentleman, this is your captain.“ Instantly he sat up straight, ignoring his heavy eyelids. „Due to a current snow storm in Tokyo we will have to remain at this gate. We will start approximately 45 minutes late.“
The not-so-soft backrest collided with his back as he suppressed a bad word from slipping out of his mouth. Of course there had to be the first snow storm in years when he was about to fly there. Such a typical karma-move. 
He fingered his phone out of his pocket to connect it with the power bank he had brought with him. Just in case that you would text him like you usually would on a free day.
The moment it began charging, the screen lighted up to reveal his background picture. In order to not attract weird questions the lock screen was a plain standard one. But once he had unlocked his phone, one of his favourite pictures would pop up.
You smiling into the camera, holding up a sign that said I love you in your handwriting. 
A week after you had had to go different ways at the airport last year, the message had arrived to cheer him up. Nevertheless the first days in a completely new area had been stressful for him. 
Only a few more hours, then he would be able to finally feel your warmth in his arms. He caught himself grinning at the screen like an idiot in the reflection. That was how far you had managed to push him out of his snail shell - To blush in freaking public because he had been thinking about a hug.
And yet the process of getting together with you had been long. So freaking long.
In the end Tendou had been so heavily annoyed by Semi not making a stupid move to settle the redhead’s OTP that he unceremoniously had locked the two of you in a storage room. A pretty dark and small storage room to specify it.
„Why exactly did he lock us in here?“ You had said while he had tried to put his hands somewhere without accidentally touching you. 
Staying calm hadn’t happened to be the easiest task as you were practically standing just a few inches away. At the same time his idea to distract himself had consisted of creating plans to kill Tendou as soon as he would get out of this place.
But it had gotten worse. 
Out of nowhere Tendou had screamed from the other side of the door: „How about our dear SemiSemi having a thing for you?“
Silence. Awkward silence. He hadn’t been able to see your eyes properly, though he could feel them staring holes into him. Someone was really provoking to be murdered that day.
Basically that was the story of how he had awkwardly confessed to you in a storage room with shallow light and Tendou being less than an armlength away. What an unique experience. 
Semi checked his watch for the seventh time since the captain had announced their delayed departure. Right now you would most likely be at the Christmas party that Reon was hosting in his dorm room. A surprisingly high number of former Shiratorizawa third-years were attending Tokyo University at the moment.
Therefore he had planned to casually walk in to surprise you as a living Christmas present. The last time you had seen each other had been more than a month ago for his birthday. No one knew about his intentions of coming.
Especially not Tendou because this nervous dude would immediately spill everything in his excitement.
Well, at the moment he was still waiting for the plane to move at all. 
Around him the fellow passengers had separated themselves into two groups: Those who were ranting about the circumstances and asking the stewardesses for update every five minutes. And those who decided to simply play UNO to kill the time. 
Additionally, there was him. The dude scrolling through his phone’s gallery to find pictures that would stop him from illegally leaving this crowded plane right this instant.
Like the one that showed you wearing his Shiratorizawa trainings jacket when you were cheering for him during the final that they sadly lost to Karasuno. 
Or the picture of the both of you that Tendou sneaked during your graduation dance’s couples dance.
Last but not least, you teaching him a bit of netball in return for him helping you to improve your volleyball skills. The ball had landed in his face gracefully.
He starred at so many photos for quite a while, sliding his fingers down the screen several times to somehow feel close to touching you. Your lips hadn’t brushed his for way too long, even though Semi felt the heat in his cheeks as soon as he imagined it.
This hadn’t changed at all during the nearly two years of your relationship. Instead of forgetting about situations that had been more than just a little socially awkward, like asking you out or thinking about how to ask you to hold hands with him at the summer festival, he remembered every single one of them in the most stupid moments. For example while sitting in a plane.
In his mind the scene was playing how you had visited him back home for the first time, including meeting his parents. Semi could groan because of the memory.
„It’s so nice to meet you, Thea! We have a lot of questions because our Eita usually never talks about your relationship,“ his mom had greeted you.
Death glare from Semi, not effective. Pleading eyes to stop telling embarrassing childhood stories, ignored. Mouthing to distract her from calling him Ei-chan in front of you, denied. His father had witnessed it all and had decided to not jump in to save his son’s honour. Lovely.
Worst had come to worst when they began to ask you, if you could imagine becoming part of the family. Three months into the relationship, nothing more than hand holding and cuddles had happened, but his parents had seemed to have forgotten about the definition of privacy. 
The probably most torturing evening of his whole life had ended with him bringing you to the door, where you had said good-bye with a tiny blush on your cheeks. 
Before he could react to it, you had pressed a kiss on his cheek and walked away. Seeing him as a flushed mess, not even able to form a decent thought, his parents had already begun to plan the wedding. 
Due to the amount of unnecessary questions, the stewardess needed at least five minutes to walk through the plane. On her way she had to explain that she didn’t possess any new information, if so the captain would inform the passengers as soon as possible. 
As Semi was sitting far in the back, he could hear and see it all. How she apologized for not being able to hand out anything else but water and for a delay that she hadn’t caused in the first place.
„Ladys and Gentleman, this is your captain again.“ 
The formerly noisy crowd got silent within a second. Most of them leaned back, buckled their seatbelt and carried a relieved smile on their faces. 
„Due to the weather situation at our destination we are still waiting for the allowance to take off. We will remain here for another 45 minutes.“
A monotone sigh went through the rows when everyone realised that the suffering would go on. Life definitely hated all of them today. Probably no one would travel the day before Christmas ever again.
Just like that his phone vibrated in his hands, indicating that he had received a new message. Two finger movements later he had opened the chat to read your text. His display showed a picture of you, Tendou, Reon and even Ushijima more or less smiling into the camera with the most hideous Christmas sweaters on.
8 pm. Let the party begin!!
While answering he leaned back and ignored the annoyed comments from the other passengers that were demanding things from snacks to a refund. He imagined you to squeal of happiness once he would step through the door. Wearing a Christmas sweater as well.
Underneath his brown coat it was waiting to be revealed with a gigantic reindeer as the motive. What a pain it had been to take off the jacket for security and feel the stares coming from everywhere across the hall. 
Ugly wasn’t a strong enough word for that piece of clothing. 
Exchanging messages with you made him remember how close and yet so far away he was. His legs were slowly starting to ache, a baby had decided to cry a minute ago and the stewards were busy with making apologies.
Semi could tell that things were going South when even the UNO players lost interest in their calmness. Maybe for the first time in his life, he wished to be back in that storage room from two years ago.
But texting helped to lose track of time. Whenever his phone vibrated, he answered you quickly instead of checking his watch every thirty seconds. It didn’t take away his tiredness though. 
Traveling was draining, interaction with most people was draining - Nevertheless he couldn’t stress most enough since being around you always managed to restore his energy somehow. Only one of the many things that made you so special.
„Why aren’t we flying already? I’ve been awake for nearly 15 hours and I have work to do!“ Some middle-aged man in the front finally snapped. 
And I have a girlfriend to kiss, shut up. - Semi only rolled his eyes before sinking into his chair even more.
In the end the plane took off with a delay of a solid two hours, only for him to make up some stupid excuse for not being able to answer your texts until he would arrive in Tokyo. At some point he fell asleep, despite his efforts to open his eyelids every time they had closed. The constant shacking of the aircraft put him into a deep slumber.
It needed a stewardess, who accidentally collided with his shoulder while passing the snacks, to wake him up. From this second on he knew that you weren’t so far away anymore, which totally kept him from falling asleep again.
Not much later the bright lights of Japan’s biggest city and capital appeared underneath the plane. Like billions of fireflies lighted up the night. 
Long story short, Semi preferred to not talk about the absolutely unnecessary chaos that the airport staff had called baggage claim. 
But he didn’t care anymore because his mind was busy with figuring out how to leave the grounds fast to get to the trains. According to his new plan he would be seeing you in about an hour once he would have entered the train. Emphasis on would have because the screens informed everyone about the aftermaths of the snow storm - Nothing left the station. No train, no human, no nothing. 
Close to midnight Semi found himself stuck at the airport. The taxis were completely overran, the few buses nearly exploded without being able to let everyone enter. And he felt the urge to scream slowly growing inside of him.
Screw it. Screw everything, including all the plans, even his sanity.
He placed his phone next to his ear while it was already trying to reach the other person. Semi wasn’t surprised to hear his loud shouting. 
„Tendou, I know you remember locking Thea and me in the storage room.“ For a second he stopped, hesitating about making the right decision here. „You owe me one.“
Only god knew how Tendou managed to pull around the corner in a car, that definitely wasn’t his from what Semi could recall, less than 90 minutes later. Maybe Christmas wonders still were a thing. Or he had committed a felony, as it was Tendou he was talking about.
The red-head beamed at his former teammate: „SemiSemi! Long time, no see! How was your flight? Get in!“
On the ride to the dorms, he had to remind himself why he was doing all of this. From overworking at the café to boarding a plane on Christmas Eve and then ending up in a car with the Guess Monster as the driver:
There was your smile that had the ability to make him forget any kind of stress. 
In addition, he couldn’t wait to feel your soft skin at his fingertips while closing his arms around you to feel your warmth. He had always adored your height difference.
The way you said his name or called him by his pet name - Honey - pushed all his buttons and melted his heart on the spot. 
Then the moment of truth had arrived after more than half a year of planning alongside saving everything he had to afford the tickets. Sadly, he didn’t have a real present for you when he stepped out of the car at four in the morning.
„Ushiwaka texted me that she has fallen asleep on the sofa in Reon’s room. You could do anything!“
Semi would never admit it in public, but he had somehow even missed Tendou’s bright grin and his comments filled with so much sass that it was nearly impossible to bear. Oh dear god, the sleep deprivation seemed to get the best of him. The time deserved the adjective unholy.
On his way to room 534 they passed multiple mirrors, for example the big one in the elevator. Not even your pleading eyes would have been able to convince to look into one just to confirm his dead-like look. A vampire might be proud or jealous.
When Tendou had carefully opened the door to Reon’s dorm, Semi didn’t move for multiple seconds. 
Seeing you all wrapped up and nuzzled into a big blanket while sleeping on the couch, he suddenly didn’t want to wake you. A lot of things had gone wrong for him, but you shouldn’t be interrupted during your rest. It wouldn’t be fair. Simply egoistic, even though he wanted to hear your voice so bad. Your sweet voice that always sounded so different on the phone.
In the silence, Semi exchanged a nod with Ushijima, thanking him for staying up to look after you. The last member of the Still Awake Squad happened to be the host himself. 
Reon gave Semi a pat on the shoulder: „I will sleep in Ushijima’s room. See you later.“
After some protest coming from Tendou, they all left him when the door closed behind him. For the first time in 44 days, he could place his hand on your head, dreamily smiling at your sleeping figure. It wandered to your cheek where it rested for some time. If it wouldn’t be so creepy to stare at you like this, he could do it forever. 
„Hey Princess,“ he whispered while caressing your cheek with his thumb. 
In response you quietly groaned a bit, probably because of being distracted during your sleeping time.
„Sorry that it took me so long. But I’m here now. I’ll be here for two weeks, even for New Year’s. I can’t wait to spend the time with you.“
Every single one of his words dragged you more into reality, out of dreamland and back into the dorm room. When you opened your eyes, they were so heavy that you immediately wanted to close them again. You didn’t even know what date or time it was. 
That was until you turned around to not face the backseat anymore, but therefore you ended up staring into Semi’s eyes. Even in the dark you would recognise this beautiful pair. Nevertheless your mind needed a moment to proceed the information.
Once it did, it hit you hard. Your eyes widened as fast as your mouth opened, placing your hand on his in disbelieve.
„Eita? What happened? Why are you here? How did you-„
He cut you off in the middle of the next question by pulling you into his arms. His chin rested on your forehead, which allowed you to look up to him a little. 
„I’m sorry, I couldn’t hold back any longer. A charger was more than needed,“ he mumbled close to your ear. „Tendou called it the Mistletoe Post. Please tell me that Reon doesn’t have any mistletoes in here.“
Obviously his body still felt way more than just simply heavy, his head might explode into a migraine soon and every limp begged him to never do something like this again. Holding you in his arms, the suffering didn’t matter anymore. Not even the pain could kill this warm and fuzzy feeling inside of him. 
You chuckled, an oh-so heavenly sound in his opinion, „No mistletoes. Just a big, comfortable couch with an enormous blanket that could easily fit two people.“
Honestly, it hadn’t been a real challenge to notice the bags underneath his eyes, his pale skin or cold hands. From what you could tell, everyone else had left anyways.
Soon you were laying on top of Semi - head placed on his chest, feet intertwined - covered in the fluffy blanket. Your boyfriend played with a streak of your hair while slowly drifting off to sleep. At the same time your brain told you go back to bed as well.
„I love you,“ you spoke into the silence.
Semi didn’t stop his doing while he was warming his other hand by having it placed on your back, „I love you, too. Merry Christmas, Thea.“
You nuzzled into him, trying to find the position that would warm him the most. His calm breath told you that he didn’t care about that anymore because he was knocked out. A minute later you followed suit.
Several hours went by before the boy trio checked on you. They used their chance to sneak a new picture for the SemiSemi being soft for Thea collection: Semi and you being all cuddled up on the couch, he protectively holding you close with his arms, both of you wearing nearly matching Christmas sweaters.
What a night to remember.
I’m off to working on all those amazing requests! See you soon :3
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thepersephonecabin · 6 years
So I finally finished my @festivebastion​ fic for @greaseonmymouth​! Sorry it took a while, but hopefully you like it!
read on AO3!
Pairing: Alcibiades/Caius Greylace
Rating: General Audiences
Summary:  Returning to life from exile has good days and bad days for Caius Greylace, but Alcibiades is always there for him to lean on. After a particularly bad breakdown, Alcibiades decides that Caius needs some good old-fashioned rest and relaxation in the country air. How will Caius take to life on the farm and meeting Yana and Al's family?
They had a code for when one wanted to see the other. “Red.” It was a nostalgic way of remembering their time back in Xi’an, daring to wear red to the peace talks while also continuing their relationship, their this, whatever this was.
Caius had been the one to come up with it. Over their time together, Alcibiades had realized that Caius was actually rather sentimental in his own way, although he wouldn’t have thought so at first. After all Caius had gone through as a child, Al had expected him to destroy all the reminders of his time with the Esar, but it hadn’t been the case. The first time he’d been allowed into Caius’s Miranda apartment in Thremedon, he’d been surprised to find one such remnant in display.
It was an ornate vase, porcelain blue with gold leaf, sitting atop a white pedestal. The flared top narrowed before flaring into a globe-shaped bird’s cage which broke up the glass top and bottom of the base with delicate, gold bars, trapping a glass bird within. It was the only blue in the purple scheme of Caius’s lounge, making Alcibiades wonder how Caius, ever conscious of the surrounding color scheme and always the first to criticize the clashing tones of people’s clothes and interior design choices, could stand the way it stood out in the room.
Upon inviting Al into the flat, Caius had disappeared into the kitchen to bring out tea and pastries, leaving Al to wander around the lounge. When Caius reappeared, he’d been bending down to pear through the bird cage vase, internally remarking at how he could wave his hand behind the vase and see it through the cage.
“Oh, do you like my vase?” Caius chirped. Without waiting for an answer, he went on, “It was given to me by the Esar when I was barely eight. It had been part of the Bastion’s blue wing, and I spent so much time admiring it, he said I could have it if I did well enough in my velikaia training with Antoinette.”
Ah, Antoinette. That explained it. Of all the people Caius looked back on from his youth, it was his old mentor that he remembered most fondly. He’d always seemed to have a soft spot for her, even going back to their period sequestered in the Basquait with the plague, when he seemed to be hurt at finding out Antoinette had spent all that time in the same building quarantined with them, but never coming by to see Caius.
“It’s ridiculous. You couldn’t put anything in it,” Alcibiades said.
Caius tsked at him, “Not every vase is for carrying water. Can’t it just be visually appealing?”
“No,” Al argued. “A vase is a container. It’s meant to contain things.”
Caius sipped his tea. “You needn’t insult my belongings just because you are incapable of appreciating the aesthetic, dear.”
And that had been that. That had been months ago, and by now, Alcibiades had been to Caius’s apartment enough times that he didn’t pay the vase any mind. He hardly remembered it existed until the day he received a one word note from Caius- “Red.”
Something about the message worried him. It wasn’t unlike Caius to send vague notes, but the handwriting was all wrong- shakey and near illegible. Caius’s normal hand was looping, impeccable cursive. Alcibiades supposed that Caius could have asked a servant to pen the note, but generally, Caius preferred to keep his correspondence private.
“Did he say anything else?” Alcibiades asked, turning the parchment over in his hand.
The courier, a young lad in a flat cap and gloves with holes in the fingers, shifted from foot to foot, scratching his back. “No, sir, will there be anythin’ else?” He held up a hand for payment, and Al scrambled in his packet for a chevronet.
“No, thank you,” he said, dismissing him. He’d better just go straight to Caius, not bother with a reply.
By the time he got to Ciaus’s apartment, it was approaching the afternoon. He knocked on the door, only to be met with a muffled, “Come in,” from inside.
Al entered, finding the foyer empty. “Hello?” he called.
A choked, “In here,” called back from the lounge.
Something was very wrong. Caius sat on the floor, head bowed. Alcibaides couldn’t see his face through a curtain of white-blonde hair, but by the shaking of his shoulders, Al knew he was crying. He cradled a bloody hand in his lap, the blood staining his immaculately pressed silver trousers and frilly white shirt. In front of him were the shattered remains of the bird cage vase.
“Caius… what’s wrong?” Al asked, moving forward cautiously.
“I… I broke the vase,” Caius said, flinching as the glass crunched under Al’s boots. “I didn’t know what to do, who to call.”
Al knelt down, reaching out for his hand. “It’s just a vase. Come on, let me see your hand and get some bandages.”
“It’s not just a-“ Caius began before cutting himself off and looking away. “No, you wouldn’t understand.”
“Try me.”
But Caius stayed silent. Al sighed, and stood up before moving to the bathroom to find the first aid kit. Caius didn’t offer any further information as Al came back, cleaned away the blood, and bandaged the cuts on his hand.
When he was done, Al pulled Caius up and said, “Come on, pack a bag.”
“Where are we going?”
Al didn’t need to say more. He kept a small flat in the city where he stayed whenever he needed to deal with the Basquait or Magician business, but he and Caius both knew his home was hours from Thremedon.
Caius had enjoyed his time back, relearning the city after years in exile, but Al had long suspected it had taken a toll on him as well. Having missed so much while he was away, combined with the vicious rumors of Thremedon’s elite had left Caius reeling some days. The worst, in Alcibiades’s opinion had been the first ball Caius attended at the palace following the end of his exile. No one had been pleased to see Caius return, never mind the fact that he had saved the peace talks by preventing Emperor Iseul’s attempts to sabotage them and the failed assassination attempt on his younger brother, the new leader of Xi’an. While Alcibiades and the other Magicians returned from Xi’an as heroes, Caius was still regarded as dangerous pariah. The other nobles never faltered in sharing their opinions of him, the freak who nearly killed another Magician ages ago. The night had ended in Caius accidentally shattering a champagne flute with his grip, then leaving near tears. Alcibiades had no doubt living in the city had continued to push Caius’s mental health to the limits. He only hoped that Caius would benefit from being removed from the city for the time being, not relapse even harder from being in the country as he was in exile.
The carriage ride into the country was more quiet then Alcibiades could imagine Caius could be. Usually Caius was so chatty and full of life, even in the most needless and incessant of conversations that Alcibiades had no idea how much he’d grown used to Caius’s voice until now that he remained silent.
Finally, around an hour into their journey Caius spoke, “He was going to have me killed, you know. For the Magician.”
Alcibiades didn’t need to ask who “he” was. The Esar had never been especially well-loved by the people of Volstov, at least not more than any other ruler. However, following the news of his sudden decline into a comatose state and Esarina Anastasia’s rise to the throne, more and more people had begun seeing the areas where his dedication to the empire had been left wanting. As a former member of the Esar’s inner circle of Magicians, even, or perhaps especially, at his young age, Caius had seen the lengths the Esar could go to for success, even when it came with great cost- a cost so frequently paid not by the Esar himself, but rather by one of his endless line of expendable pawns.
“How do you know?” Alcibiades asked.
“Another Magician acquaintance of mine who was also in his service at the time. She had been there when it happened. Apparently, the only reason he decided against it was because Antoinette threatened to abandon him if he did. I’m told he agreed with the stipulation that she cut ties with me,” Caius explained.
“That’s good, though, isn’t it? It means she hasn’t been avoiding you because of you. She was probably just trying to protect you from what he’d do if she tried to contact you after you got back.”
“It’s been months since he fell asleep, though, and she still hasn’t said anything,” Caius refuted.
“She’s a busy woman. What with the change in power, I’m sure she’s got a lot of ground to make up seducing the new empress,” Al grunted, rolling his eyes.
Caius scowled, “Really? What would poor Yana think to hear you speak of a lady like that? Besides if you think she hasn’t already made progress on that front, you aren’t up on your court gossip.” Alcibiades gaped at him and Caius scoffed, “Oh, come now, surely you didn’t think you were the only one in the empire to be interested in more than one sex.”
“Of course not, I just thought she’d wait until the Esar’s throne got cold before moving on to the next monarch.”
Caius hummed. “Yes, well, Nicolas was hardly the most attentive partner one could ask for. I could hardly blame the Esarina for wanting someone to fill the gap.”
“Now that I can see,” Alcibiades relented, just as the carriage began to roll to a stop. “Seems like we’re here.”
It seemed that “poor Yana” was a misnomer. Yana, though barely five feet in height, was a whirlwind of a woman. As soon as he met her, Caius realized he had been mistaken to ever think she was “poor” anything.
Upon first stepping out of their carriage and looking on to Alcibiades’s family farm for the first time, Caius broke out of his sadness long enough to worry that he’d be intruding. After all, Alcibiades had been too busy taking care of Caius’s nonsensical meltdown to send message ahead to let Yana and his other family that company was coming. Not to mention, if Caius had known he’d been coming to a farm in the country, he would have surely have worn something more appropriate and less made for the fashions of Thremedon. He should have worn something more sensible and humble. As it was, he was draped in a blue, satiny dress. He supposed to someone more familiar to the countryside’s overreliance on cotton and burlap he practically looked like a painted member of Our Lady of Fans.
Though, if Yana thought anything like that of him, she sure didn’t show it. She simply took one look at him, then slid her gaze to Alcibiades and said, “I wish you had told me you were bringing your special friend. I would have gotten out our nice china.”
“You have plain china in addition to fancy china?” blurted Caius. “How quaint! Al just keeps the plain kind, and I just keep the fancy kind. Oh, I’m sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself. I should introduce myself, I’m Caius Greylace.”
“Oh, don’t worry, child, I knew the moment I saw you who you were. My boy has told me so much of you, I knew you must be the famous Caius. I’m Yana.”
“Yana…” Al said reproachfully.
Yana gently whipped his arm with the washcloth she held in her hands, “Oh, don’t start with me. Dinner is nearly ready, bring your Caius in to the dining room and say hello to your siblings.”
It turned out Alcibiades had many siblings, though he explained that not all of them were siblings by blood. Yana never failed to take in someone in need of a home, and had taught her children and grandchildren to do the same. This resulted in a large, loud group of seemingly endless siblings and aunts and uncles and nieces and nephews.
One woman, brunette and smiling wide, tried to deposit her toddler in Caius’s arms but he had been too shocked to respond, so Alcibiades plucked the child from his mother’s arms, swinging him around and tipping him upside down, eliciting happy giggles and squeals from the boy. “He isn’t used to being around kids,” Al explained. “We’ll break him of that soon enough.”
Another child, this one appearing to be a girl, ran up, clutching Al’s leg. “Uncle Al! Uncle Al! What did you bring me?”
“What did I bring you? I brought you a person, isn’t that enough? This is my friend Caius.”
“Oooo, your friiiiieeeend,” the girl chorused, before looking to Caius for the first time. Her eyes widened at the sight of him. “Are you a princess? You look like a princess.”
“He’s a bo- Ow!” Alcibiades began, but Caius slapped his chest before he could finish. Whatever he said would only be half true anyhow. Caius’s relationship with binary gender was precarious on the best of days.
“I am,” Caius said, “and what is your name, sweetheart?”
“Antigone,” she answered. “I like your dress and your shoes.”
“Thank you, darling. Maybe if your parents say yes, you can come over tomorrow and try on some of my dresses,” he told her. “Though, they may be a little big on you.”
She let out a pleased noise, before running back to her mother , presumably to ask permission right away.
Yana pushed her way through the swinging doors, a steaming pot of stew in her hands. “Alright, alright everyone settle down so we can say grace and eat.”
And they did, and it was good.
It stayed good until the next day after lunch. Caius was in good spirits after meeting everyone and in his new habitat. They had enjoyed dinner and retired to Alcibiades’s childhood bedroom. After a rough day and being introduced to so many new people, he had thought it was best to let Caius have a nice quiet night just the two of them, and Caius had been downright affectionate with gratitude for Alcibiades taking care of him, and they had cuddled all the way into sleep.
The next morning, Caius had been reasonably accepting of being woken up by roosters at dawn once he was awake enough to get excited about being in close proximity to roosters. He had eagerly gotten out to try his hand at feeding the chickens, then nearly wiped out, slipping in the mud. Then Antigone and her sisters had come over to play dress up. Caius was thrilled when they all curtsied to him, as the news of Caius’s supposed status of being a princess had spread, and the troop spent hours marching around in Caius’s high heels and skirts before Yana called them to eat sandwiches for lunch.
No, the trouble had started after lunch, when Caius was helping Yana wash and dry the dishes. He’d insisted in helping because he was a guest in her home, after all. It had all went wrong when under the soapy water, Yana cut herself on a knife. She yanked up her hand, and Caius, unthinking, grabbed it to help.
Alcibiades could see the change from across the room. Yana’s entire body went relaxed, and Caius’s eyes contracted as hers dilated. He was halfway to them before he even realized it, but Caius raised a hand, motioning him to stop.
Caius looked like he was ready to crack, but he took a breath to steady himself and spoke, “Yana, dear, everything is fine.” Tears welled up in his eyes, and his voiced cracked on his last word. “I need you to remain calm. I’m going to leave now, and you need to stay here. Alcibiades will take care of you.”
Caius bolted, running at top speed to Al’s room. Al caught Yana as she snapped out of Caius’s trance. “Yana, are you alright? I’m sorry, I didn’t know he’d do that.”
She shook her head, “You need to go to him. Al, you don’t understand… when he touched me, I felt him, this profound sadness. A sadness like that shouldn’t come from a boy so young. I’ll be fine. It’s just a little cut. He’s hurting far worse than I am. Go. Go!”
Alcibiades went. Caius in his bedroom was doubled over sobbing into his hands. At seeing Al he sobbed even harder, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to I swear. I just wanted to help.”
Al took him into his arms, “It’s okay, Cai. You didn’t hurt her.”
Caius buried his face in his chest, and repeated, “It’s okay, it’s okay…” like a prayer.
Caius and Alcibiades didn’t always stay at the farm, but it never seemed to stop Caius from carving a place out there. Caius helped take care of the animals. He had even refused to leave the barn when Bella, one of Yana’s cows, had her calf in the fall. Caius seemed to have an uncanny way of making the animals calm around him. Alcibiades was half tempted to credit it to some velikaia mind trick, but Caius simply waved his hand at Al and said, “Don’t you recall that I had a pet tiger for a time? Taming a horse or a pig should be short work comparatively.” This was immediately followed by Caius encountering horse dung for the first time, but he never let Alcibiades tell that part of the story.
Caius had also been readily accepted by Al’s family, which wasn’t necessarily a surprise given Yana’s “We take all kinds here,” principles. He had especially bonded with some of the women of the family thanks to their similar reading habits. Every time Caius and Al visited, it seems that the hens of the house gathered for an informal book club meeting in which males, Caius excluded, were prohibited from joining because they, “just wouldn’t understand.”
Al had made the mistake of sneaking a peek at Caius’s book when he laid it down once. He made it through half of one sentence- “Floriana’s chest heaved as she reached down to stroke the man’s girth and-” before he dropped it in disgust, just in time for Caius to re-enter the room and see it.
Caius tsked wordlessly at him, picking the book off the floor and bending the pages that had been bent in the fall back into place.
“You read that filth?!” Alcibiades exclaimed, fighting the urge to wipe his hands against his clothes as if they were dirty.
Caius gasped in mock offense, placing a slender hand to his chest. “This is literature, General. I’m sorry you can’t appreciate it for its worth.”
“Worth?! It’s dime and nickel trash!”
“I do not criticize your testosterone-rich war novels, I shall expect you to respect my reading choices as well. This is why we don’t invite your brothers to sit with us as we discuss our books,” Caius said. “You big strong men have no taste.”
“You mean this is what you talk about with all my sisters?” Alcibiades looked horrified.
Caius rolled his eyes, “I don’t see why you should be so surprised. There’s nothing to be ashamed about some harmless fantasizing. Maybe you should join us, sometime. I think the average man could do well to learn from these books about what their partners want. You would make a rather dashing romantic hero yourself.”
“Thanks, but no thanks,” Alcibiades said, blandly. “I’ll take a rain check.”
“Suit yourself, general. We meet next Thursday afternoon if you change your mind.”
If Alcibiades had been smart, he would have remembered to steer clear of the den Thursday, but going about his daily business it must have slipped his mind that Caius’s perverted, little book club was meeting until he walked in with freshly cut wood logs hoisted over one shoulder to find half the females of his family gathered in a circle with books on their laps.
“General, what a pleasant surprise. You aren’t here to join us are you?” Caius asked from his favorite wingback chair, ankles crossed and with the close-lipped smirk he always had when he’d found something to toy with.
Al bit back a snappish retort, and replied, “Nope, just here to put some fresh kindling in the fireplace before it gets any colder outside.”
“How gallant of you, dear. I’m sure we’ll all enjoy the heat,” Caius said, earning a chorus of giggles from the women around the room. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to pull up a chair? We were getting ready to discuss the part where the protagonist is whisked up into the man’s arms and thrown over his shoulder, rather like all that wood you’re carrying.”
Al felt his face flush, turning to Caius once more now that he had deposited the logs into the fireplace. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” More giggles came from around the room. “For me to join, I mean.”
“You know I always enjoy your company, General.”
The next time they sojourned to the farm, it was the beginning of winter and time to celebrate the winter holidays.
Once more they found themselves talking for great lengths of time during the carriage ride from the city, this time surrounded by all the shiny, foil wrapped presents Caius had insisted in bringing for all of the family. Even with as crowded as the carriage was now, Caius had fretted for days that he hadn’t bought enough to give to everyone, despite Alcibiades trying to assure him that if anything he had gotten too much.
“I haven’t embarrassed myself, have I, Al?” he asked, gazing at the presents as the carriage took them further away from Thremedon. “I was so worried that I couldn’t possibly repay your family for their kindnesses over the past year that I didn’t consider that I might make them feel bad for not being able to afford such expensive things for me.”
“It’s a bit late to return everything,” Al grumbled. “Everything will be fine. The presents aren’t the real meaning of the holiday anyway, so I’m sure everyone will be pleased with what you got them.”
“Of course, they’re the meaning of the holiday,” Caius scoffed. “You don’t expect me to believe in that tosh about Regina-“ He paused suddenly. “I apologize. Of course you do. You’re the most pious man I’ve ever met.”
“What you don’t? Believe in Regina and the holiday and everything?” Alcibiades asked.
Caius smiled thinly, “No, I never have. I can certainly see the appeal in it. It must feel rather comforting to believe that there’s a higher power looking out for you, controlling your fate. That if things are meant to be they’ll be. But, no, I’m afraid if there is anyone is to blame for my mistakes in life, it is me.”
But, when it came time to exchange gifts, Caius showed no lack of enthusiasm for the holiday celebrations. As expected, the gifts Caius received were significantly plainer than what he had given everyone else, but he was no less excited to get them. Yana had sewn him some nice, cotton dresses to match the ones more common to the countryside farm life. He immediately had tried them on and loved every stitch and seam put into them.
“Al, Al, look!” he exclaimed, sticking his foot out at Alcibiades. “You can see my ankles!”
“Yeah, now you won’t have to worry about all your ridiculous skirts getting dragged through the mud and filth all the time like the rest of us,” Al said, making room for Caius on the couch.
“You love my ridiculous skirts,” Caius replied, pushing the foot he’d displayed earlier at Al’s face in retaliation.
“Yeah, yeah, well, settle down, you’ve got one more present to open.”
Caius cocked his head to the side, “Do I? I thought that was the last of them.”
“This one’s from me,” Al said, handing Caius a box.
“A present from the General. I do hope it’s appropriate to open in front of the family,” Caius teased, already pulling at the box’s ribbon and wrapping paper. He pulled open the box and stilled.
“I hope it doesn’t upset you. I knew it meant a lot to you, so I got it fixed. But if the memories are too much, you don’t have to keep it,” Alcibiades explained, watching Caius pull the once broken vase with the bird cage from the box. The cracks had been sealed with gold-dusted lacquer.
Caius hugged the vase to him for a moment, before reaching for Al and pulling him in for a kiss. “It’s perfect. Thank you.”
After returning to the city, they saw each other again at the Esarina’s New Year’s ball. Alcibiades was dressed in a new red military uniform coat given to him by Caius to replace his “ratty” older one. At first Alcibiades had resisted the new coat, insisting that his old one was perfectly fine, but he had to admit that his old uniform had seen better days. After all, what better way to show Caius his interest than by appreciating the gift he’d been given?
On his third glass of champagne, he finally found Caius among the crowd, and he was dazzling.
Dressed in head to toe in scarlet, Caius sported a floor-length gown bejeweled in rubies with a long cape flowing down his back from his shoulders. When he caught Alcibiades looking, he quirked his blood red painted lips, and with a single finger beckoned Alcibiades to him. Alcibiades took one step to him, and he turned, weaving through the crowd, then down the winding palace halls to somewhere more private.
By the time Alcibiades caught up to him enough to wrap his arms around Caius’s tiny waist and pick him up, his ears rang with Caius’s laughs, and all he could see was wonderful, beautiful red.
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kimnamjelly-blog · 7 years
Thicker Than the Water of the Womb
Write a self para about your character of at least 1800 {total is 2684} words about their love life and/or their wished for love life.  {a day late but i’m not trying to qualify so eh}
Peaches irreparably reminded him of Ares—from that first day he spoke to him, the first time he dipped down to touch lips and tasted traces of homemade peach ice cream left from it, falling asleep during his lessons under the peach trees... There was a tendency for the three of them to compare Ares to an angel. In some ways it was a joke, because no people knew better than them what Ares could be like, but it was also hopelessly genuine. Peaches and angelic smiles. That full-body laughter that made Namjoon’s heart ache like it’s too small to hold so much warmth. Those looks Ares gave him sometimes, like he was the whole world in some ways, and Namjoon was sure, absolutely sure, that he would die for him. Maybe die because of him.
Jazz was a king, the gentlest man, the youngest, silently still, soft stars. He was more than skin and scars and tattoos could contain. Meeting him was a fluke, and inarguably a brilliant blip in time. Those deviations persisted until he could feel harmonies singing under his blood. Jazz was his strength in ways he could never imagine, given that he saw him a few days a week past midnight like the universe’s most beautiful, captured dream. He imagined his fingers interlocked with his when he hadn’t quite learned for himself what steady hands were, and Jazz’s were the steadiest. There were fences he didn’t realize he could climb until Jazz was on the other side, asking him whether he had the strength to come along. He did, he found out, and wanted that love that didn’t leave him gripping the edge of the sink and sobbing. That love that was tucked into the soft smile Jazz got, that forgave him for things Namjoon hadn’t even gotten to yet, that asked him questions and sought answers he hadn’t realized were worth giving. Where Ares was still yet an unreachable seraphim, Jazz was tangible and more than enough. More than enough to realize his perspective on support and smiles was completely wrong. Love wasn’t a fluke like first meetings could be, it wasn’t an act of providence, it wasn’t just in passerby or just the local angel. It was close by and steady as a rock, even when its cracks showed.
There were laws in order that suggested when paths intertwined too many times without meaning, the world would conspire to make them meet. Burned cheeks under layers and layers of sunscreen, hands awash in painted rainbows like a gay pride parade, and the distinct memory of laughter caught under his tongue and an earnestness to know. There was a humor to Hazel that was aglow in the boniness of his arms, defiance and strength met head-on that had seen things Namjoon simply hadn’t yet. In so many ways, Namjoon yearned to be loved. He asked it of Hazel, and somewhere, somehow, he’d given it over because he was gentler than Jazz and sweeter than Ares under his bruised, grumbling eyes. He could have met him amongst honey bees, or under Jongup’s steady hands and ink, but he met him alone, surrounded by sunlight and brick and an almost-toppled glass of water. For a time, he was most afraid of failing him, of being less than Hazel had imagined him to be—especially when he had a moat, a cave, a whole decrepit childhood castle of worthlessness and injury—but somewhere, somehow, he realized he’d failed to see Hazel as so, so, so human. And that’s when he fell in love, sitting at the apartment table across the room and doing nothing. Nothing of import.
They’d snuck into his heart like he’d never had walls there in the first place, and he was pretty sure he’d let them. If there had been a fight, they bore no bruises. No stretch marks (no, he’d been to slow for that). Just him trying to remember when, exactly, he’d given them the key to the front gate one by one, and how they managed to see him broken and bleeding and bruised and sobbing and still wanted him.
Calling it a miracle wouldn’t do them justice.
Eventually, they’d find and ask about the journal he’d forgotten about, with entries so old his handwriting was not only chicken scratch but almost completely illegible. But they wouldn’t know about its companion for some time, and Namjoon kind of preferred it that way. It wasn’t that it was filled with horrors and nightmares. It was, in fact, the first’s exact opposite. Writing out all the bad things to make sense of them was nice in theory, but once the pages started being filled deep into the latter half of a hundred, the negativity was overwhelming. So he’d been given a second journal where the first twenty-three pages were in smudged lilac pen and the rest would make do in varying shades of purple. Most of the lilac pages were crowded with Kijung, sometimes Kitae or Jiha, and he’d memorized the pages where his parents had made it in so he never had to read them until he was ready.
But around when the magenta fountain pen had started being used, and what was Korean turned into shaky English, there were mentions of Ares. Right when the violet pen started running out came Jazz, and with the pinky-lavender was Hazel. He had a vague idea of what he was doing when he wrote about them, harboring a suspicion that if he looked back on these things he’d want to hide this journal both from himself and somewhere deep where no else one could find it either.
So he usually wrote with as much maturity as he could muster for the sake of whatever future self decided to self-inflict embarrassment, but still things like, “He’s so cute I’m going to vomit” made it in there. Luckily, given most contexts, he couldn’t really blame himself. It was still relatable and applicable and probably always would be.
Didn’t mean to not write for so long. Hyunja locked me out of our room. The roof is better than sleeping next to him, anyway. There are some really bright stars even with all the street lamps on. Maybe I can sneak out to visit the library? To look up constellation names or something. Kinda need sleep, though, and the shingles aren’t exactly God’s best mattress. Work was gross today (temperature was in the high thirties and I wanted to peel my skin off), but the peaches are really pretty. They get this kinda reddish color. I expected them to be lighter for some reason. More pinkish. I met Park Jimin yesterday. He’s younger than me, I think? I was really embarrassing, but he made me smile. Some guy was being dumb and Jimin-ah punched him. I’d let him punch me, too. If he wanted. Forcing me to take credit for the peaches he picked was as close as I’ll get, though, probably. Equally as humbling. I was kind of thinking of his ears the whole time because I said some stupid things (I didn’t really expect him to speak Korean, actually, which I guess was pretty stupid of me) but he also has nice ears. If he blushes they go more pink than the peaches. The whole of him is really nice though. And I mean whole. He punched someone but I would have, too, if I were him, and he’s really nice. About as nice as his parents, so I guess it runs in families, huh? Gotta wonder about me, then. But if Jimin-ah liked me okay, I must be nice enough, too. (Consensus: “nice” is the word of the day) Remember when I said I thought maybe I could be gay? He was really cute. I wonder if he’s okay being called that? It’s probably not better to call him pretty, but. Yeah. It’ll be nice to have someone to talk to if I see him again.
On a scale of petty, where would I lie for locking Hyunja out of our room? Just hypothetically, really. I don’t feel like getting scalped today. Or ever. Update: Jimin-ah’s laugh just about killed me today. He still hasn’t punched me, but I’m waiting. It’s an open (unspoken) invitation. For the record, he did laugh that first day but I was kinda distracted by how embarrassed I was to be me. Existence is a real struggle. I’m fully prepared for this crush. But he’s not too distracting, which is nice. I mean, he’s distracting if he can be distracting, but I’m still getting plenty of work done. Accidentally broke some shit today and was ignored, which is better than literally any realistic alternative.
Hey, America? English sucks. Kim Namjoon Kim Namjoon Kim Namjoon Kim Namjoon Park Jimin Park Jimin Park Jimin. He has good p a handriting. That looks wrong. I didn’t He’s really, really nice. I think noona would have liked him? I miss It was cooler out today because it rained last night. Grass grows really fast. There’s already some green everywhere, so I hope it rains again (even if I can’t go out at night). I miss the flowers.
Somehow no one has noticed I d have my ears pierced. It has been more than two weeks. Eiht Eighteen days. They said six to eight weeks, so I will listen to them. My ears feel okay, though. It will be worth the money to buy earrings. Small circles? Hoops. If Hyunja sees them, I think he will rip them out, but I have been sleeping out on the roof again. I forgot the word, sorry. I was right. Jimin looks nice. I do not know how to describe him. Not in English, but I promised I would practice. Verb tenses are worst. Writing this has taken a long time. He looks at me sometimes and I do not think it. I freeze up and want to cry kind of. I have to leave this job soon, though, and I do not want to. I will miss the peaches. Jimin goes to the same high school as me. I will not miss him as much. Because of him I am far in my English classes even though it is not my language, but it still takes time to read assignments. I do not have a lot of time. The CHSPE does not need good grades before though. I will do my best.
I still think America writes their dates... stupidly. I just took the CHSPE and I’m sending Jimin kisses for all he’s done for me (like I’ll ever kiss him aha). And my English teachers, of course. The test didn’t go so bad, but it’s hard to tell until we get the results back. I have to wait for those and pretend like someone’s not going to have my hide if I end up failing. The math was easiest, but I feel an okay sort of confident. It still sucks not having any classes with Jimin, but I never have. Also, Halloween still makes me laugh. If Hyunja goes to answer the door this year I’ll hit him with a frying pan. He can keep his gross hands off of the children dressed like Darth Vader and stuff. They’re so little every year oh my god. I mean I have my nieces and nephews but it’s different. Plus mine don’t dress up like Snow White, you know?
okay okay okay okay I’m so gay it hurts. I’m okay.
So I met someone on one of my midnight things. It was the frozens section and I was embarrassing as usual but oh my god he had the cutest smile and I’m still hurting. His name is Moon Jongup, which I’m writing down so I don’t make a fool of myself when I see him again. I had to show him something so I asked him to find me on the street off of where I went when I was avoiding the dead body in our room. Which is morbid I guess but the place is really pretty, and it’s not like I’m going to tell him why I went there? I hope he likes it. It’s far enough from home that we should be okay. I wasn’t really thinking when I asked and now I’m really nervous. But what’s done is done and I’ll meet him. Bring a book, maybe, just in case he doesn’t show up. Which would make sense. I’m reading a really good book right now. I’ve been reading it for ages, though, so it’ll be nice to have an excuse to maybe get past chapter seven. I haven’t seen Jimin a lot lately, but sometimes he’ll drag me to sit with him at lunch if he finds me cleaning. Someone should tell him he’s beautiful since I’m in too deep to properly do it. He might hear it all the time, actually, but telling someone their appearance is beautiful is different than telling someone their personality is beautiful, you know? I’m usually really tired by lunchtime because I don’t know what sleep means, but he brightens my day if he’s there.
So I had another gay awakening with Jongup, right? But that’s kind of whatever, because he’s just really easy to talk to. And that’s better than any gay awakening. We have to keep agreeing to meet each other because he doesn’t have a phone (he’s younger than me, which like wow. Where does he get off looking like that at 15? That feels really young, by the way, but only when I realize I’m 16, which still doesn’t feel real). He told me about constellations. We didn’t end up waiting for sunrise because the sky was cloudless and those sunrises are kind of boring, but it was a really nice night to look at the stars, and he seems really passionate about those. It suits his family name really well. Also, he has a few tattoos already and I know not to ask about them, but he’s kind of amazing. For making decisions like that already, and they’re really good looking. They’re just these small details, and I obviously can’t know if the ones I’ve seen are all he has visible because it’s cold as balls at night still and long sleeves are a survival measure, but yeah. They look good on him.
I told Jongup about the artist who’s painting the side of the restaurant, and even if I didn’t make the artist laugh, I made Jongup laugh. So I’ll settle. Which yeah by the way, there’s an artist painting the side of the restaurant. Because I think there was some miscommunication about lunch, I ended up giving him some of mine. I don’t know the details, but it was super gross outside, so I figured he’d want something. Water and stuff. His art is really beautiful. He was painting this lily when I went out to talk to him first and... I guess I wouldn’t peg him as someone who paints flowers, but it’s really beautiful so far. I can’t wait to see it finished. Also, I hope he doesn’t get heatstroke. If I had a standup umbrella or something I’d bring it for him. Think I can make him smile? It’s gonna be a feat when it looks like he’s been running on two hours of sleep and has been sitting out in the sun for hours on end, but I kind of want to see it.
GUESS WHO MADE HIM SMILE. It took fucking forever and he’s just about done with his mural but hey guess what. It’s really cute. Turns out grumpy artists paint the best flowers and have the best smiles. I gotta go but I had to make that announcement at least. Bye!
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baeleywilliams · 7 years
You got it boo!
2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet?
I had a beta fish that I named “rainbow fish” and I had another beta named Korn (after the fucking band) and my mom accidentally killed Korn because when we cleaned his tank and replaced his water the water was too cold, killing him instantly
4.) have you ever tried drugs?
No, and I don’t really have the intention to
6.) have you ever made someone cry?
apparently but she was a bitch to me too so idgaf
8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it.
Oh definitely. Um. God this is gunna be gay. But most recently it was with my current BF Charlie @thecreamsiclefox and. I don’t really know when it was but I guess I just. I finally realized that I want to spend as much time as possible with him and that he’s someone I never wanna let go of and I really could spend the rest of my life with him, romantically.
10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them?
12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love?
lmao technically
is he out yet??? anyways he was gay so I guess that counts?
14.) what is your favorite tv show?
I don’t really watch a lot of TV but I loved Firefly like a fuck ton
16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)
The first one that comes to mind is Shake by Jared Mees and the Grown Children. I was in the car with Charlie and we were driving late at night, I think he was taking me home? it was near either the end of senior year or the end of summer. It’s all about forcing yourself to be happy even though a lot of shit is going down and I was feeling that really hard because I had to go to college and “I am trying to love/What I have to leave/And I’m trying not to grieve/Prematurely” really hit home because I had been thinking about how much I needed to soak up loving my friends and hanging out with my boyfriend because I’d have to leave soon and I didn’t know how often I could come home and I was so scared everything was going to just go away. The song wasn’t even half over and I was just weeping in the passenger seat and I asked him to just skip the song. I’ve relistened to it since then and it’s honestly a fave of mine and I don’t really cry anymore. But it just really hit me hard that first time, and it still does if I think too much.
18.) have you been out of your country?
no :/
20.) how many people have you kissed?
Four? and then like maybe two halves depending on what you count. But whatever.
22.) what is your dream car?
a manual compact that works and is paid off
24.) what is your favorite flower?
I’ve never really had a favorite flower, but I guess I really like orchids?
26.) have you ever been on a blind date?
No actually
28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends?
UM NO?? And if I have it was NOT intentional I love my friends
30.) do you have neat handwriting?
Other people think I do. but I need to write more or else it’ll get really bad
32.) do you want a friend with benefits?
Uh no thanks I’m good. If I were single maybe but probably not. I get emotionally attached very easily
34.) have you ever been blackout drunk?
Definitely not
36.) how many concerts have you been to?
Not including festivals or like, the rodeo: 11. I think that’s it
38.) do you have a hidden talent?
bruh I don’t got no talents
40.) do you think money can buy love?
No, but buying things for the one you love is always nice
42.) have you ever done something illegal?
oh yeah
44.) what is an unusual fear you have?
I dunno if it’s unusual but I am deathly afraid of roaches. like you can have one smaller than ya pinky dead in the corner and I’ll just start yelling and crying and I will straight up leave
46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures?
duh wtf el chupacabra RAISED me
48.) what is one quality you need in your partner?
They gotta make me laugh
50.) does size matter?
I mean. I MEAN. more than a mouthful and all that. but like. yeah.
52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Either mint chocolate chip, rocky road, or red velvet
54.) ever been on a plane?
Twice! Round trip to Seattle
56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t?
I kinda wish I still talked to a lot of my childhood friends, but I don’t so :/
58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make?
??? idk I’m p satisfied w my current friendships
60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am?
Yeah. And I’m going to have to do it a lot more starting next semester. Welp
62.) are you scared of rollercoasters?
64.) do you have any plans this weekend?
The weekend is over today. But i did go record shopping with a friend yesterday (Chase if you must know). idk what I’m doin this weekend.
66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now?
MY DUMB GAY PIECE OF SHIT BOYFRIEND. He’s taking like a time out chill day and keeps getting distracted
Honestly I just wanna like. HANG OUT WITH people. Like my college friends and some more friends I haven’t seen in a while
Technically I’m perfectly capable of talking to anyone right now but I mean anxiety
68.) who is your favorite superhero?
JUBILATION LEE (Jubilee). She’s Marvel, an X-men
70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s?
FUCK NO WE AIN’T DOIN THAT. One song for every ten years?? chill
72.) who is your biggest OTP?
shut up I hate myself JohnVris Homestuck AND I’M NOT EVEN CAUGHT UP
Oh or maybe CeciLos, Nightvale
74.) do you want to be married one day?
It would be really cool
76.) do you drink enough water daily?
lmao no
78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you?
80.) when was the last time you cried?
fuck if I know. not today though!!! proud of me.
82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed?
I hope so
84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself?
emo gay sad
86.) what is your favorite season and why?
Summer because I can wear shorts and have fun
88.) do you know how to play any instruments?
I know the bass and the clarinet and I can kinda guitar probably
90.) what are you allergic to?
Nothing actually, I even had testing done
92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be?
Uh probably but idk who my fave character is so
Rachel (Friends) goes through too much damn drama but I want her closet
94.) are you outgoing?
Sometimes but not really
96.) are you a good flirt?
Sometimes but not really
98.) which planet is your favorite?
100.) are you a good listener?
I like to think so
102.) would you kiss any of your friends?
uh like on the cheek or smth maybe but the mouth is reserved for Charlie whether he likes it or not (he doesn’t but too bad)
Send me a number!! (any odd number?)
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greenscissors · 8 years
Name chart
-this has been in my drafts for a while, so fuck it, I'm just gonna upload it. Its really just for me to keep track of who’s who.
Also, this was updated randomly for a while, though most of it I just dumped here today.
Will keep updating whenever.
Victor: Sad sad purple man. A curious, happy child, who turned into a sad, scared, timid child, who turned into a sad, timid man. His life has changed SO much for the better after meeting Wonder. He actually started going out. Thank you Wonder, you turned this hermit into less of a hermit. L.O.V.E.S pretty clothes. Wanted to learn how to sew at a young age, finally learned when he was around 20. Has had many years to practice. He’s around 110. Not sure exact age. Around 110. Past a little. Maybe he's 118?? Around. After his mother died, would constantly have nightmares and night terrors about it. Couldnt sleep. Eventually turned to not so great methods of getting to sleep once he got older. Has a fondness for butterflies. He likes their wings, they're pretty. Likes pretty things in general. A fan of tea. Its the only thing he can cook. Has started to get cooking sessions from Ilo. Loves Ilo. He loves Ilo. God does he love Ilo. Have I mentioned he loves Ilo? He does. A lot. Is planning a life together with his boyfriend, soon to be maybe husband?? (Ilo.) Is happier now because of that. Recently got his mom back, in a way. The tree she turned into is planted near his house now. Constantly visits her. Like everyday, if possible. Just talks to her. Would like to think she's listening. Taught himself French, English (writing, their language is spoken the same as English (CAUSE I WASNT ABOUT TO COME UP WITH A WHOLE NEW FUCKING LANGUAGE, FUCK THAT, FUCK YOU FOR THINKING I WOULD THATS TOO HARD I BARELY HAVE PLANTS AND ANIMALS OH MY GOD MY WORLDS BARREN AS HELL PLEASE HELP) but not written the same), ballroom dancing, sewing, and piano. Maybe other stuff? Is smart (he better be, he's had more than 100 years of life to learn stuff.) Soft spoken. Was a lot more sassy, and I need to bring that back, I've fallen into this awful pit of writing him WAY too timid, I need sassy Victor back I miss him. Was totally freaked out the first time he found Earth. Now has gills. (thanks Ilo) Helpful. Now he will not drown when he spends time with his fish boyfriend. Likes spicy food. His favorite fruit are cherries. Now has half a pair of matching earrings with Ilo. Like rings. It's very hard to draw. :/         Gay. Taken. (by Ilo)
Sage: Hound Wonder and Victor tamed in the Little Vic older Wonder AU
Rascal and Lifur: Two chitters Victor tamed in the LVOW AU
Ruler: Victor’s favorite fish that lives in the pond in the, you guessed it, the LVOW AU.
Raphael: “Pet shop” owner. Probably smokes. His voice sounds like it. Idk where he is now??? He MIGHT be alive??????? I hope he is he's garbage and I wanna use him. Loves to fuck with people. Good at mind games. Smirks way too much. My most anime character yet.    
Sirin: Pronounced Seer-E-in.  Hates Raphael with a burning passion. Black Market leader. Used to be shit, but now is less shit. Actually pretty nice. He’d punch someone for saying that though, he has a reputation to uphold. Loves Ari and would murder armies for him. If he ever gets his hand on a guitar or bass, would love to learn it. Trying to learn how to write English. Has not the best handwriting. Its not awful though, he used to have to write a lot. H A T E S paperwork. Likes his hair slicked back. Loves snakes, a snake from his world specifically, called the Spiked Bandit. Got it tattooed on his back. I have been told it looks like a tramp stamp. Oops. Snakes are his favorite, but he likes lizards too. Is not a fan of squishy animals. Got his name from shop keepers as he was growing up in the streets. Loves his name. Its a word in old Grey language. Means “snake”, “thief,” “trickster,” “lier.” God he was so proud of that name as a kid. Since he had to steal to get food, it would be a pretty good thing to literally be called thief I guess. Anyway, he was good at it. Got kidnapped at a very young age, and “used” at the black market. The old boss had taken a liking to him. It was not a good time. Once Sirin got a little older, he started to be able to use his magic, at the same time the black market decided he’d be good as an actual worker. As he trained for whatever common workers in the BM do, (I dunno, scale buildings and stuff. Learn the lay of the town, good spots to run, hide. Steal people. Sell drugs. Ect. Illegal stuff.) he would teach himself how to use his magic at night. Doesnt like fighting close. His magic usually manifests as chains, appropriate. Can change the density (?? how much they would hurt. Ex: getting hit by a pillow, vs, getting hurt by a chain.) how many they are (can make up to six at a time), how fast they can move, can suspend them for a few seconds, if they are spiked or not. He can also form spikes along his body. Is mostly a reflex, and he can accidentally hurt people with that. EXTREMELY scared of accidentally hurting Ari that way.      Born High Winter day 15 probably. Was dumped in the trash shortly after being born. (his mom was young, she couldnt take care of him. shes dead. Dads still alive in a different town.) Used to have a tattoo marking him as “property” of the black market, PROMPTLY sliced that off once he killed the old boss and took his place. Actually, now that i think about it, his back is REALLY fucked up from that. Wow. Okay. Will update that when drawing him. Besides that mess, his back is littered with smaller scars, along with the edge of his shoulders, a bit around his neck, a little on his sides, and some around his hips. Will not allow people to see his back. If someone gets to see his back it means he really trusts them.  Halfling, unknown to him until recently. I'm not really sure about his age yet. He could be like around 40, but maybe not, cause like, its more like he's in his 20s so maybe he's just in his 20′s idk. Is perpetually tired. Seems to always have some dark under his eyes. Would eat pure sugar if he could. He could. He has. One of the first things he did once he was no longer under the black market was buy a few cakes then ate cake until he threw up. ......Then started eating cake again. Skin is a light green, and a little rough if you rub it one direction. Sorta like shark skin, but less. Can see in the dark. Eyes glow when under stress, or extreme emotions. Once Typheous was killed (by him) he put Sena in charge. Checks up on her occasionally. Put an old abandoned building to use, made it free housing for some of his lower ranking workers, as well as the orphan kids around town. Would always bring food to them. Can't really do that anymore, he's never around. The building looks kinda like a warehouse/hotel?? Idk. No body really knows who started the house, only that it's a safe, if dingy and kinda cold, place to find shelter. It's dry at least. Sirin made sure no one knew who did it (reputation.) He has a small apartment there. Keeps his clothes in the cupboards. Not a lot of furniture in there really. Has a habit of going out in the cold without proper clothing. Sits and just thinks sometimes. Used to sometimes just sleep in a tree outside of town when it was warmer. Has anger problems. Still a little bit of an asshole, depending on who he's talking to. Has a burning hate for apples. Will still eat them though. Hates spicy food. Likes meat. Has had a hole punched through him by Seldom. Was briefly a doughnut. A person doughnut. Gosh this boy is just fulla injuries past and present. The hole situation is better now.              Pansexual. Typheous: (Tie- fee- O ss) Used to be Sirin’s second in command. Meaning, Sirin loved to annoy the hell out of him. Used to be in charge of a lot of the stuff in the market. VERY homophobic. Was garbage, not the best kind. Was the “new leader” for a short time, as Sirin was stuck with Victor/Wonder/and Ilo. Poked around in stuff that was none of his business, was an asshole about it, and is dead now. Bye.     he was straight. Very. Very. straight.
Cisor: (Si- sore) Raph’s hound. Aggressive. Was probably a cute puppy.
Ciro Niver: (Si- row  Nigh- ver) Gilli and Lita’s little brother. A. Dor. A. BLE. Wonder did something to him, and I guess he has a little magic now??? Idk. Will clarify. Almost died cause Seldom’s an asshole. I think he's 6 at the moment. Somewhere around there. Pretty sure it's 6 though. Never met his dad. Loves fluffy animals the best. A rascal. Thinks his sister is loud. Would be the kid that says girls have cooties. His sister has cooties. He loves his sister. Hates when his mom makes soup with the gross green leafy stuff in it. Likes when they have meat. Likes the new house, but misses his old room. He shouldn't. He used to live in a tiny cold attic. His mom used to have to crouch when she went up there. And she's short. EVERYONE had to crouch when they went up there. Kinda misses the squeaky stairs.            Straight, when he's older? And I guess now?? Does it work like that??? Idk he's 6. His greatest love is his toys at the moment.
Tide: Gilli’s boy friend. Has a smoking problem. Likes to never wear a shirt. That doesnt work too well in Winter.      Gay.
Itella: (E- tell- la) Victor’s caretaker and guardian. Seldom killed her. Was totally cool, a complete badass. I miss her. Had a spider torso. Loved to wear low cut dresses with tons of ruffle at the bottom. Kinda mean, but for the best. Loved Victor. Super smart. Used to be an assistant/ partner with Nico. Kept lots of plants around in her house. Her house was a mess. Books and plants everywhere. Dusty in places. Never ate in front of Victor, didn't want to frighten him as a child. The habit stayed even when Victor was older.             Asexual, aromantic.
Seldom: Victor’s father. Dick. Was banished from whatever the name of his people’s lands are called. I gotta name stuff. Conquest’s son. Blind in his lower eyes, and had his lowers arms removed when he was born. They didn't work.     Straight.
Rune: Victor’s mother. Dead. Killed by her husband, Seldom. Very nice. Now a tree. Still very nice. Died Summer day 2???????? Same race as Rapheal, whatever that is. They turn into plants when they die, I still gotta develop them.      Straight.
Nico: Reformer. Knows Tulli. Is someone close to Itella. Not sure of their relationship yet, besides partners in business, like, coworkers. They do science or something?       Aromantic. Pansexual.
Riva Niver: Gilli's mom. Super sweet. Has a stutter. Extremely relived to have a new house, thank you Wonder. No longer has to worry about brittle stairs that Ciro woNT STOP RUNNING ON. Still sad about her husband’s death, but tries not to let her children see that. Loves her kids more than anything.     Straight.
Sena:   Silver. Girl left in charge of the black market in Sirin’s stead. Used to just work the shop they used to hide an entrance. Was understandably freaked out when she was just put in charge of the whole market. Many people would like her dead now. She's got a good bodyguard though. I hope she doesn't die, she's nice.
Lita Niver: Ciro/Gilli’s sister. An adorable miss. Best friends with Miki. Loves cute clothes, sweets, going out and getting drunk and hitting on cute guys. Wishes she had a boyfriend. Works at a cafe across the cafe Miki works at. Isn't treated so great there. :/  Is optimistic. Has a shitty apartment that she refuses to believe is shitty. Its shitty. its basically a closet. Very small. I love her.     Straight
Ryko: Centipede man. Will wait days at a time for food. Could eat any animal really, but prefers the taste of people. Sadistic. An asshole. I love him. Has cool tattoos on his arms. They might not be tattoos and just markings. They're probably markings. He's a fucking centipede man who lives in the fucking jungle, WHO IS GONNA GIVE HIM TATTOOS?? They're markings.       ????? I dont know What the fuck he is. Straight??? Maybe.
Serena: Purple haired man’s sister. A human. Getting married soon. A no-nonsense attitude.            Straight.
Arrvin: Human. Serena’s brother. Has dyed purple hair. Has a pigeon named Randy. Sweetest guy he's so great. ;w; Wants to be an architect probably. He lives in an apartment. I dont know how he gets the money yet. He sure does have a job though. Maybe a few. Can make bomb ass waffles. Birds love him. Maybe he just always has birdseed in his pockets. Can birds smell that??   Asexual, panromantic.
Cena: Reformer who lives out in the jungle. Has a relationship of sorts with Ryko. Is blind, but good at getting around. Unlike the other Reformers, doesnt keep “helpers” around. Isn't lonely though. Prefers silence and tea. On rainy days, she likes to sit in her library near the window and just listen.
Ossis: Wolvos who lives up North. Friends of Felix, and Cole. A good good happy boy. Likes eyeshadow. Kinda tough to get where he lives, whenever he goes to a big enough town he's sure to pick some up.
Kai: Leader (?) of the Wolvos. Kinda hate loves Felix and Cole. Like, the kinda love where they’re just constantly exasperated with them. Lives up North, with the main tribe. I still really need to work on him.
Gilli Niver: (Gi- lee) Tide’s boyfriend. Lita and Ciro’s big brother. Very easy going. Owns a little shop with Tide. I think its a bakery?? Favorite season is Spring. A fan of bitter drinks paired with sweets. Used to do drugs. Bad, bad Gilli. Doesn't anymore. Hates Winter.          Gay. 
Miki: The coolest. Best friends with Lita. Speaks with a bit of an accent. Would kill to protect Lita. Probably knows how to properly hide a body. Buff as hell. She’s so fun to draw, I love her.       Gay. Gosh she loves girls.
Felix: Wolvos. Adorable. A soft boy. Gets into trouble sometimes. Seems to know everyone. A person who would always have “"a pleasure to have in class” written on their report card. Prefers always being in semi wolf form. Likes running for miles when he's out of town, and is an actual wolf. Owns a stand with his brother. It's across from the fabric seller Victor always buys his fabrics from. Has heard a lot about Victor (everyone has, only bad rumors though), and would like to actually met the guy one day. Has a favorite scarf and likes to wear it. Dresses well.             Bisexual.
Lokell Niver: Riva’s dead husband. Was a nice dude. Died in an accident.
Silis: Some guy Sirin's friends with. Owns a building company. Said company will work for the BM when hired, usually through Silis being paid in both money, and organs. He eats em.   Looks bored half the time. Loves gold stuff. Trans. Is already done with someone's shit before he even meets em. Naga.
March: A cute goat (maybe fawn, idk yet not set in stone, I think he's a goat) guy. Can disguise his voice to sound like anything. Loves masks. Has a neat lil collection in his house. Prefers loose clothing. Likes reading. His magic takes the form of purple electricity. Trans. Unlike Tulli, Nico, ect, he can't really change how he looks (ex: Tulli can turn into a bird, “dyes” his hair, Nico’s a tree, ect) but makes up for it with the voice thing.
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