#the OA III??
britcision · 1 year
*blowing a horn* sorry my friends! For some ungodly reason for the past couple weeks Wednesday has been my busiest day/night? But never fear, I have not forgotten you and the new chapter is more than half done!
(Also got to go see a friend before she flies back to Newfoundland, climb another waterfall in 3” platforms, and do a photoshoot at said waterfall! Busy weeeeeeeek!)
So here is this week’s belated WIP Wednesday, with some more good news for y’all! Wonder Woman is here to save the day!
Well You Did Get Down On One Knee part iii
There was not a single thing on Earth or the Watchtower that he wanted less than to stop and talk to John Fucking Constantine and Diana after the meeting.
To be completely fair, Constantine clearly didn’t want to have that conversation any more either; Bruce had not been wrong about how well the magician would take the news that the United States had declared war on an entire dimension.
He was visibly green, had actually ground an unlit cigarette into a grainy mess against the table in lieu of lighting up, and looked about ready to lick up the tobacco.
Diana did not look happy either, but she never had. Her face was as stony and grave as Bruce had ever seen it, concern writ large even as she caught his eye.
The sure knowledge that her lasso would follow if he tried to leave was the only thing that kept him from ignoring her.
But since the only thing he wanted in the world at this moment was to have his son in his arms, and there was no chance of that happening until they were in the same dimension once more…
Bruce shot a quick, questioning look at Clark as the traitor made his way to the exit along with the rest of the Justice League. The Kryptonian at least had the grace to look a little guilty as he shook his head, stepping quickly out the door.
Wonder Woman hadn’t specifically told everyone else to get the fuck out. She had simply molded herself into an immovable force, concluded the meeting, and instructed Bruce alone to remain and discuss these… complications.
Bruce considered making an argument for Superman’s inclusion. They were the original three, and they’d probably need at least his and Aquaman’s help to handle the diplomatic situation.
Possibly the Oa, and Bruce was quite sure Green Lantern wasn’t looking forward to that possibility any more than he was. Hal Jordan talked a good game, always far too flippant, but he’d been pale enough by the end of the lecture that his suit made him look frankly unwell.
Unpleasant times would be in all of their futures it seemed. It was no real comfort as he slipped into a seat across from Wonder Woman and the slumped form of John Constantine.
The magician didn’t even look up, but clearly noticed.
“Didn’t fuckin’ think anyone’d fuck this up worse’n you, Bats,” he groaned, face still pressed into the table.
Bruce grunted, uninterested in his judgement.
“There are new complications we should focus on.” A vain hope, and one Diana instantly crushed.
“One that makes the contents of our discussion all the more vital,” she corrected sharply, piercing blue eyes narrowed as she watched his face. “It seems we have already caused unintentional offence.”
Which was an extremely light way to phrase the declared genocide, but Bruce didn’t bother arguing that position. Not when Constantine would do it for him.
But the mage just let out a long, hearty groan.
“Offence. Yeah. Maybe if we saw off the United States and toss it through a portal the rest of us will be fine,” he snarked, raising his head just enough to bang it off the table. Repeatedly.
By the third bang Diana gripped the back of his head, holding him in place against the table.
“Whatever the situation,” she growled, her tone daring either of them to comment, “we must deal with it as it is. You believe we would have noticed any countermeasures from the former Ghost King?”
She released her grip a moment later, and Constantine rolled his head just enough to glare at her through one eye.
“Pariah Dark? Sister, it wouldn’ta been a single town bein’ pulled off the map. We’d have lost the continent, and probably the world. You wouldn’t miss it,” he added with a bitter laugh, clearly considering banging his head off the table again.
Diana placed a hand on the table. Constantine set his head back down gently.
“And the new king?” She prodded, all icy control.
Bruce had to admit, even he felt calmer watching her.
He knew all the follies and foibles of gods, had no delusions about the limits of her power. He also knew her strengths. Her wisdom. Her ability to cut through complex issues with sword or words.
Whatever he missed, she was removed enough from this mess to catch.
Constantine shrugged, still not rising.
“No fuckin’ clue. All I know is they’re better’n Pariah, which is the lowest damn bar I ever saw. They call them Balance, and we’re not gonna fuckin’ like when the scales come due.”
Bruce’s brows furrowed. What could be a sufficient counterweight for demanding a whole people be hunted and experimented on until extinction?
The dead always vastly outnumbered the living.
Diana cut across his thoughts, her tone as sharp as her blade.
“So you believe we’d notice.”
Constantine sighed heavily and flopped back in his seat hard enough that he nearly toppled over. Diana steadied the chair with one hand, eyebrow rising archly.
Constantine stopped flailing, went to fold his arms, and instead stuffed his hands in his pockets.
“Probably’d be pretty hard to miss too,” he agreed gruffly. Diana nodded, having received the answer she wanted, and interlaced her fingers.
“Then we have time to rectify matters before word reaches his ears.” She paused, brow furrowing as she recounted John’s words. “Do we not know if the King is a man?”
Constantine shrugged again, pulling something unidentifiable from his pocket before hastily shoving it back in, coming out again with a lighter. He spun it between his fingers, eyes fixed on the metal lid.
“Nah. “King” is just a loose translation to living tongues, for what yer used to. Easier to say than “Supreme High Ruler, Core of the Realms”. Not even likely that they were ever human; not even the Ancients could take Pariah solo to take the crown, so a human ghost wouldn’t stand a chance.”
Huffing out a mighty breath, Constantine looked from the lighter to Bruce, his gaze somehow immeasurably more tired. Bruce had imagined that talking about Amity Park made the man look ancient.
He looked haggard enough to be an ancient ghost himself now.
Raising his other hand, he began counting off points on his fingers.
“We know they’re young. Everything agrees on that. Could be any time in the past few centuries, but it’s still a timeline. We know they’re tougher’n Hell and all its demons put together, cuz they put Pariah down single handed. Had to to get the throne. Might not have Ended him, the Casket of Eternal Slumber’s not turned up looking for a new occupant.”
The magician stared at his two fingers for a moment, then sighed and raised a third.
“And we know ghosts like them. They’re less scared, though most of ‘em never knew shit about Pariah. Didn’t even react to him waking, which had to happen for the change in power. That or it all went down too fast for the shockwaves to reach us here; not bloody likely. Wouldn’t take more than a day, and ghosts fight for decades on a whim.”
He hesitated for a moment, considering that last finger. Finally he sighed and shook his head.
“Can’t rule it out though. Pariah waking up’d be as much an emergency for them as it’d be for us, putting his ass back down is an all hands on deck situation on either side of the veil. If this new king is Balance, Pariah’d be their opposite,” he finished gruffly, glaring at all three digits before stuffing both hands into his pockets.
Bruce nodded, drawing a deep, calming breath in through his nose and then out through his mouth. Even this much discussion had something itching in the back of his mind, a building tension that he had to Get Away.
He was in control of it though. Could tell the difference between his own unease and the burning ember of the oath.
Turn and run right away his ass. Magic could never hold out against cool, calm logic.
“And this new king, Balance, has stamped a damn mark on Jason.”
And his breath hitched.
Sharp, white hot panic flared behind his eyes, every muscle clenching with the effort of not leaping straight from the table. The only reason he didn’t was because he had no idea where to go.
What would he even do? Run to Jason’s side? The boy was in another dimension, far beyond Bruce’s reach.
He was losing Jason again. Losing him to this Ghost King, this Balance, this-
Diana’s hand clamped firmly over his, the Amazon’s grip immovable steel. Bruce felt his bones grinding together before he even noticed he’d stopped breathing, before he managed to look up enough to meet her eyes.
Stern, determined, brilliant blue locked with his. Her grip tightened a little further, the ribbing on his gloves creaking with the pressure.
She wouldn’t break them… probably. They were designed to hold up against any of the supers the League dealt with. Prolonged contact was another thing entirely though.
His attention now locked on her face, Bruce managed a deep breath in along with her. Held it when she did. Let it out.
She didn’t release him for another few repetitions, until he was breathing mostly on his own again. Then she returned her attention to Constantine.
“What.” It wasn’t aggressive. Just a completely flat, completely toneless statement.
Constantine gave her an entirely hopeless smile, pulling his hands from his pockets to give her jazz hands.
“And that’s what he’s not ready to hear yet. Your boy, Jason, Red Hood, has gotten himself personally warded by the Ghost King. He’s the next thing to invulnerable right now,” he added bitterly, as if that made any of it better.
An icy hand clenched in Bruce’s chest again, but he forced himself to still. To breathe through it. To not turn and run, run until he found his child and tore him away from whatever influence had him.
The Ghost King had a hold of Jason. Jason who’d all but ordered Bruce to let him go.
“And Jason must have been in direct contact with the King to receive these wards?” Diana asked sharply, and Bruce’s head snapped back to her.
It was a good question. Important, obvious, there was a connection there that he should be making, but he couldn’t think. His head was spinning, heart pounding, and every shadow seemed black as pitch.
Constantine grunted an agreement, shooting Bruce an almost sympathetic look.
Could. Could this be the oath? Not his own instinctive, natural panic?
Bruce couldn’t tell, he’d been so afraid for so long, ever since he held Jason’s broken body in his arms. Ever since he buried his son.
It felt the same. But he had mastered that fear long ago, so this would not control him now. He had to be better.
Frowning at Diana, he leaned forward.
“Explain.” She’d probably assumed that he’d made the same connection. He probably should have.
There was just a brief flash of surprise on her face before her expression softened, her hand gentling over his.
“Jason was the one who told you of these Anti Ecto Acts, was he not?” She asked pointedly, a dark brow arching delicately.
Bruce about managed a grunt of agreement, his jaw clenched too tightly to speak. She waited a moment longer, watching his face, and then sighed.
“Then is it not likely that either he has told Balance of these Acts, or that Balance was the one that told him?”
Constantine jerked and got halfway through a bellowed curse before she cut him off with a glare. Her tone brooked no argument as she continued with a firm, frosted patience.
“Jason is a principled young man, even if not of the exact principles you prefer. Either he has warned you because he believes we have time to fix this, or because the King would prefer we handle it,” she said bluntly.
It sounded so simple, put like that. Far too simple. Bruce shook his head, leaning in.
“We can’t know for sure-”
“Batman.” There was nothing harsh in her tone. Nothing so overtly aggressive as the glare she kept giving Constantine. Just a calm, cool statement that sucked the air from his lungs.
The weight of her own mantle, the Amazon princess who would one day be Queen. Not his friend Diana; Wonder Woman.
Once she was sure he wouldn’t continue, she fixed him with a sapphire stare.
“Do you believe Jason Todd would condone the end of the world?” She asked simply, and that at least was that plain.
“No.” It didn’t even require thought; whatever he feared ever since his son took his first life, Bruce knew that.
Jason was fundamentally a good boy. So kind, so giving, ironically he had been the most well adjusted boy Bruce had ever given the mantle to.
Which was what made what he’d become so painful. It was everything he never should have been.
Wonder Woman nodded as if that solved all the rest.
“And yet you called the meeting, not him. He has known for several days already and did nothing to alert any of us. Therefore, he does not believe this is an urgent threat.”
It sounded good, and Bruce almost believed it before Constantine snorted.
“Yeah, great, except the kid has no fuckin’ clue what he’s dealing with. Didn’t even know he’d been fuckin’ marked or that sellin’ his fuckin’ service was the dumbest fuckin’ thing he coulda done,” he grumbled and Bruce’s heart fell.
Wonder Woman was not so easily swayed. She raised an eyebrow slowly at the magician.
“And could those protective marks have been placed on Jason against his will?” She asked pointedly, like she knew the first thing about magic.
Constantine hesitated. Frowned a little, thinking hard. Finally he threw both hands in the air and leaned back in his chair, scrubbing them down his face.
“Technically, yes, alright? But I can’t think of a damn reason why they’d bother. Like I told the old Bat, it’s technically a good thing; I couldn’t even get a basic diagnostic spell off, he’s completely fuckin’ magic proof an’ anythin’ that can read that ward will run like fuck.”
Something in Bruce’s chest flickered hopefully. Wonder Woman nodded firmly, then redirected her stare to him.
“Then until we have reason not to, we assume that Jason Todd has control of this situation. He has assigned us to deal with these Acts, either before his king discovers them or on their behalf. You, Batman, will defer to his experience along with that of our experts,” she declared with all the ringing command she was capable of.
It chafed. And yet… he could hear the echo of Harley’s words in her voice.
What if Jason was wrong? It was the kind of thing he always thought about, the kind of thing he couldn’t stop thinking about. The kind of thing that had the Batman able to stand and go toe to toe with gods.
But what if Jason was right? What if Harley, Diana, Constantine were right, and his usual measures would spell disaster?
He had a dozen contingency plans that any member of the League could use to take him down.
Tag List: @welcometosasakiworld @kyrianclawraith @someonebored0100 @stealingyourbones @starkcravingmad @frostedthroughghost @akikkobara @rainbowbunny0159 @littlefeather345 @violet-catsarelife @serasvictoria02 @wolfjackle @blacksea21090 @secretdestinywerewolf @anime-hipster-the-amazing @undead-essence @skitscratched @blackroserelina @snoodly-boop @mayoota-blog @xysidhe @little-apricot-the-writer @chaoticmistake @the-legal-shipper @bun-fish @aroranorth-west @demon-cat-goes-woof @perfectwastelandcreation @onyxlightdragon @larks-and-katydids @peachesandcreamfemboy @jesus-camp-the-sequel @may-rbi @mothman-the-mothman87 @viyatrix @stargirl1331 @idfk-man10 @thedepressedrobin @skulld3mort-1fan @rootsmudge @ravenshadow17 @cankoking @phantom-dc @mentalcarebear @magic-pincushion @redamancyardor @lyra689 @itsparadoxlacuna @alcorbearson @asphyxia778 @why-must-i-be-like-this @tkiesai i @greenpyrowolf @frivolous-pastel @honeysuckletook
Thaaaaaat’s a whole lotta new names that can’t be properly tagged, have I missed something?
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desultory-novice · 3 months
Why do I see Magolor using his ship to look into other timelines, to which he ends up stumbling upon the timeline where Adeleine and Noir end up fusing into that... thing and ultimately die. (Or any alternate timeline of Apologies really, they're all despressing and messed up!)
He probably turned the screen off pretty fast.
[Requiem For a Mask]
Magolor:  "Heheheh... Kirby and friends will be SO surprised when they see these masks!" (And I'm giving them a two for one deal! Am I generous with my genius or what?)
Magolor:  "But what to do for Adeleine? No offense, but from what I've seen, she's pretty boring--...I MEAN! She's a good girl with a stable head on her shoulders!" (...No one heard me say that right??)
Magolor:  "But that makes it hard to imagine a good alternate mask for her. Maybe she gets more interesting in another timeline? Lor...? Do me a favor and search her dimensional signature for me!"
Adeleine:"...You're not allowed to leave, Noir." Noir:"...I don't want to leave you either..."
Magolor:  "...Hmm? This looks different. ...I'd heard she had a brother, long, long ago. Is that what he looked like before he got turned into...?" (...You know what? I'm not ready to go there...)
King Dedede: "Hey, I think these two are still alive...!" Waddle Dee: "But...what are they...?" Meta Knight: "They don't look like anyone else alive on this planet." "Frozen remains of an extinct species?" "But how are they the only ones who..." King Dedede: "What they are is kids in need of help, obviously!" Meta Knight: "...Well, Kirby? It's your decision." (Hey, don't go above me! I'm the king here...!) Kirby: "I say we help them!"
Magolor:  "Ahh, yes, yes. And they get rescued! Happily ever after~! Just what I expected from Kirby and friends! ...Only difference I can see with her here is that she's not wearing that hat. Boy! Does that girl have a forehead you could park the Lor on or what? Heh he--"
Noir:"Adeleine...!! What did you DO to her?!" Dee Child: "We didn't do anything! We just asked if...!" Dee Child 2: "The ground!! It's turning to snow...?" Adeleine: "N...No...ir..." Dee Child: "Is that...her doing...?" Noir: "Don't TOUCH HER! Stay back...!" "...Stay away...from BOTH of us...!!"
Magolor:  "...Hmm? What's happening to...?" "O-Oh... Ohh Stars......."
""Is ts He un rk tr sa MD oe rm ea TS he ah nT Jo ut sn tI Mg yn Hi eh at ry tr .e Iv tE He ug rn tu sl IP no MT yt Sn oa uW lI""
Magolor:  "......Shut it off, Lor. Back out. Cancel the stream. Now."
- King Dedede: "Don'tcha hear them screamin' in there?!" Meta Knight: "...Of course I can! Which is exactly why we nee--!"
Magolor:  "................"
Magolor:  "...Boring is good, I think."
Magolor:  "Let's stick to boring."
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Zero III's dialogue reads: "It hurts more than just my heart. It hurts in my Soul." "I want to plunge everything into the same Darkness."
Since we're here, I just wanted to take this moment to regale how hair-pulling it is to write Zero III's dialogue!
It starts with thinking up something somewhat fitting for both siblings to say (Adeleine's dialogue always leaning towards sad or naive, Noir's always leaning towards rage or guilt) then stretching and twisting and trimming till they are the exact same number of characters, which generally means making a good guess, finally flipping Noir's backwards and painstakingly inserting each letter after Adeleine's, one by one, until I realize I was off by ONE letter and have to start the WHOLE PROCESS over again!
This happens about three times per attempt. All to come up with a dialogue quirk that NO ONE can read and that I have to spoil what they say at the bottom of the post anyway! XD
Also, Magolor's feelings on Adeleine do not reflect my own!! I think she is a good girl (/genuine) and I apologize for writing up a bunch of timelines where awful things happen to her! (...Looking at my Marx, Magolor, DMK and others, that's kind of a theme with me, isn't it? ^^;;)
And while the sadness will continue for a while longer, I can assure you that Apologies DOES end with Adeleine, Noir, and the rest of their new family both safe and content!
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punkpandapatrixk · 8 months
💠Oracle Alchemy 28
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Soul Alchemy for Being in Your Element, Always is up!♥︎
In today’s world, the attempt to be in your creative element always is an act of rebellion. Think about that for a second. With the noises of social media, for example (especially if you’re on TikTok, I guess?); with stories on the possibility of a World War III, as another example; and other stupid noises from moronic celebrities and even more idiotic netizens, as consumers of such celebs’ moronification of society propaganda (I guess?), it’s exhausting just to go by a day.
Suddenly you just don’t know why you’re tired every day, why you can’t focus for long on what truly matters, and many people haven’t even figured out yet what actually does matter to them on a personal, spiritual level. Those who are more spiritually awakened, such as yourself for even reading this, are more susceptible to depression and many kinds of mental lethargy when they’re not living a Life that’s authentic, and when they’re not serving their Life Purpose.
As leaders of the New Earth (whatever that means for you depending on what is ringing true in your Soul right now) it is part of your duty to master being in your element always, before you set an example for others who are going to learn from all of your future successes🐌If you’re wondering why this feels necessary for you to do so, it is because you have a great role in the future of Earth we’re rapidly manifesting, together, as of right now…
see you on Patreon~🧡
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[OA Masterlist] [Patreon] [Paid Readings]
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nesiacha · 3 months
Fernand and Helene Iveton a couple in the Algerian revolution the beginning of the End (part III)
In the previous post, we discovered the impact of Henri Maillot's death on Fernand Iveton. Together with a group including Félix Colozzi, Mohamed Hachelaf, Abdelkader and Jacqueline Guerroudj, Georges Accampora, and Mohamed Bennaceur, also known as Tewfik, Yahia Briki, they formed the Commando of Greater Algiers. They were supported by chemists like Daniel Timsit and Taleb Abderrahmane, a maquisard who came down from the maquis to assist the FLN in Algiers. Their operations included sabotaging wagons at the port and setting fire to international cork factories. One day, Fernand Iveton was assigned the mission to eliminate Gerard Etienne, a member of the colonialist organization Main Rouge, an ancestor of the notorious OAS. Fernand agreed, but the operation failed, and Mohamed Hachelaf took over the task.
To better understand the following events, it is important to contextualize Algiers in 1956. Executions of FLN militants by guillotine were in full swing, starting with the Algerian revolutionaries Ahmed Zabana and Abdelkader Ferradj, with many others following. These were mock trials under a military tribunal, where even the condemned were denied execution by firing squad—a practice viewed as an insult, which even the staunchly pro-colonial executioner of Algiers admitted should logically have been a firing squad given the military tribunal setting. However, many FLN militants, as well as innocent Algerians unrelated to the FLN, were executed by guillotine. This colonial "justice" was a farce, the extent of which would soon become apparent.
The bombing on Rue de Thèbes in August 1956 was a turning point. Two ORAF members, with police complicity, planted a bomb just before the Algerians' curfew to maximize casualties. The bomb exploded at 11:50 PM, killing over 80 people and seriously injuring 14. Many families in the Casbah were left homeless and without assistance. Everyone knew the culprits, but the incident was met with general indifference. Only a few lines were written about the tragedy, and the investigation falsely blamed Algerians for the attack. However, the act was claimed by a leaflet signed by the "Committee of Forty," which declared that for every European killed, a block of the Casbah would explode. Among the perpetrators was sub-prefect Achiary, known for his role in the May 8, 1945 massacre of Algerians.
The Algerians in Algiers were outraged and sought revenge. The FLN calmed them, promising similar retaliatory actions. This latest attack on Algerian civilians erased the last scruples most Algerian nationalists had about bombing locations frequented by European civilians. Violence escalated to a new level, with the FLN planting multiple bombs, including in cafes. This marked the beginning of what is known as the Battle of Algiers, although some historians like Gilbert Meynier prefer the term "Repression of Algiers" for this episode. The explanations for this part of history are vast and would require multiple posts.
Most PCA members integrated into the FLN disagreed with this approach. They supported targeting ultra-colonialists who already killed and generals involved in crimes but opposed killing innocent European civilians. Fernand Iveton naturally shared this view. He confided this in his wife Hélène, without giving her operation details for her safety and that of the network. He condemned the indiscriminate violence against European civilians, including children,impoverished civils , and believed it would lead to a dead end.
Nevertheless, Fernand was committed to the revolution. He decided to sabotage the gas plant where he worked using a bomb, ensuring no one would be injured. Taleb Abderrahmane made two bombs, Jacqueline Guerroudj transported them, and gave one to Fernand, who set it to go off late in the evening to avoid casualties. After this action, he planned to join the maquis ( The rule of the FLN was that to become a maquisard, one had to be wanted). However, the plant foreman, Oriol, suspicious of Fernand due to his CGT delegate activities, saw him enter a room with a beach bag and leave empty-handed. He alerted the police, who found the bomb. Fernand was arrested, marking the beginning of a nightmare for him and his loved ones.
Fernand was insulted by the police. Paul Teitgen, secretary-general of the Algiers prefecture, had forbidden the use of torture on Fernand Iveton, but his orders were ignored. A police commissioner assured his officers they would be covered for whatever they did. Fernand was brutally tortured, both physically and psychologically. He held on for his wife, Henri, his comrades, and others, needing to last at least 24 (or 48) hours to protect the network and evacuate everyone he knew. He was also threatened with harm to his wife.
The police demanded the location of the second bomb and his accomplices. When Fernand felt he might break, he cleverly claimed a blonde woman had given him the bombs (Jacqueline Guerroudj was brunette), misleading the police into suspecting Raymonde Peschard, a well-known PCA militant. They mistakenly believed she was behind the Milk Bar bombing (actually carried out by Zohra Drif). Raymonde Peschard, whose alias was Taous, evaded arrest and joined the ALN before being killed by the French army in the maquis on November 26, 1957.
When Fernand felt he could no longer hold out, he named Félix Colozzi and Mohamed Hachelaf, believing they had escaped. Mohamed Hachelaf's wife was arrested, but Félix Colozzi was not evacuated in time due to suspicious movements near his home. Both Fernand and Félix were tortured horribly. Helene, following Fernand's instructions, destroyed his hidden papers when the police arrived at their home. She delayed them by pretending to sleep and arguing through the window, buying time.I think her experience of hiding resistance fighters during the occupation of France by Nazi Germany must have helped her to deal with these situation . Ultimately, she let them in after ensuring any evidence was destroyed. The police arrested her as well.
Helene faced police attempts to turn her against Fernand. They falsely claimed he was unfaithful, but she retorted that it was fashionable to be cheated on and the police commissioner’s wife was probably cheating on him too. When asked about her knowledge of her husband's militancy, she lied, claiming ignorance and stating her love for him. The commissioner grew angry, but Helene remained calm. She was put in a cell next to prostitutes who cheered her defiance against a policeman insulting her husband. She earned the nickname "the tigress."
Fernand, meanwhile, was taunted by soldiers who showed him newspapers branding him a bloodthirsty criminal. Fernand mislead the police about an FLN hideout, manage to escape but was recaptured and beaten again.
The police released Hélène. She made sure not to acknowledge the police officers and took a taxi. The driver, named Farouk, noticed that she was sad. She confided in him, explaining that she could not bear the thought of her husband being tortured. This likely brought back painful memories of her uncle being tortured and killed by a Nazi officer during World War II in Poland, as mentioned in the first part. When Farouk learned that she was Fernand Iveton's wife, he was completely surprised. While Iveton was seen as a brigand and a traitor by the colonial authorities, he was becoming a hero to the Algerian population. When Hélène tried to pay for the taxi, the driver refused, saying that the wives of fighters do not pay.
The French authorities, including Robert Lacoste, celebrated thos. Soustelle falsely claimed Fernand wanted to blow up the entire city. Lacoste demanded Fernand's execution, a move meant to discredit the Algerian movement and paint it as communist-led to reduce American support.
It is important to understand that during the UN meetings, France was frequently called out for its conduct in Algeria and faced increasing international criticism from many countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, and others. The USSR remained neutral on this issue until it aligned with Nasser, but the FLN was able to count on significant diplomatic support from China as well as from the United States. In New York, M’Hamed Yazid and Hocine Ait Ahmed, later replaced by Abdelkader Chanderli, maintained contacts through the UN with the Americans.
An anecdote: in 1957, Senator Kennedy, although he was speaking in a personal capacity and not on behalf of the American government, stated that it was necessary to "accelerate the movement towards independence in Algerian policy." But now, an communist named Fernand Iveton was caught in the act of sabotage in the name of Algeria’s independence. This was an opportunity to try to discredit the Algerian movement and suggest that this revolution was primarily the work of communists, perhaps even under Moscow's influence, and that consequently, the Americans should stop supporting them. This was a desperate and foolish strategy by the French government, but Iveton paid the high price fot these. French newspapers like Le Monde gleefully branded him a brigand. Not to mention the colonial newspapers.
The French Communist Party abandoned him. Helene sought Gaston Amblard’s help, but the PCF forbade it, calling Fernand’s actions a "provocation" ( words of Leon Feix). The lawyer Gisèle Halimi explained in her book Le lait de l'oranger that she was outraged and ready to defend him, and she sent him a note. He sincerely thanked her but said that as a communist, he could only accept help from a communist lawyer. . Ultimately, Albert Smajda, a third-year communist trainee lawyer, defended Fernand, assisted by Charles Lainné of Secours Catholique a very good lawyer who defend the equality between algerians and Pieds Noirs . Both knew Fernand should not be executed in theory, but the charged atmosphere made anything possible. Fernand fought for clemency, refusing to be demoralized and the two braves and engaged lawyers will fight for save Fernand Iveton life.
Helene prepared clean clothes for Fernand for his trial, insisting they be delivered in person. Initially refused, the prison director, moved by her determination, assured that Fernand would receive them. On her way out, she noticed a policeman following her and told him to get out. Fernand and Helene, committed to each other and their cause, prepared for a new battle for save his life.
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yixbowang · 9 months
Porta Clave, Bingo!
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I. Describe the CT(s).
Sienna, definisi si paling cantiknya di Porta. Impresinya tentang Teteh tuh orangnya dinamis sama baik juga hatinya. Selama misi pun gak ada yang nyusahin [lovingly]. Pengen banget bisa lebih banyak ngobrol buat kedepannya!
Maddie, kadang nyampe lupa nama (plus orang) ini ternyata keren banget karna keseringan dipanggil Mamad. Si moodmaker, tiada hari tanpa absen muka cakepnya ntu. Ada aja topiknya kalau ngobrol sama Mamad berikut tingkahnya juga sangat ajaib!
Deon, si ganteng tukang gebuknya Porta. Denger-denger blio nih suka game toksik, afh iyh? Sayang banget waktu itu gak bisa ikutan ngetoksik [sobs]. Vibe-nya bang Deon tuh warna-warni plus rame juga orangnya!
II. Send greetings to 5 Pōtarurokku.
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III. Senra's latest playlist.
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IV. Senra's top 3 outfit choices.
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V. Messages for CT(s).
Ring out the old, ring in the new! The best is yet to come, health and happiness to you and yours in the new year ahead. I truly appreciate the effort you've put for us, thank you berry much. 🌹
VI. Binge-watching.
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VII. Most memorable missions or games.
Jujurly, semua games atau misinya seru-seru. Rasanya juga nano-nano, kadang ada yang syulit, yang terlalu gampang [halah], nyampe toksik. Tapi yang lucu tuh pas anime day deh, overall aku sih yes [insert mas anang voice].
VIII. Senra's thinking of Porta Clave.
It's super fun to be accepted in this OA. Porta Clave is truly remarkable and blissful home for me. Santai tapi gak sepi, anak-anaknya juga keren plus asik semua. Makasih udah selalu responsif dan nemenin kita sambil ngisi kegiatan tiap minggunya ya, Potarukaba. Sehat-sehat buat kita semua, happy holiyay!
The last mission is now completed. ──
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quantumpsychotic · 1 year
i made this sideblog in a frenzied nostalgic haze over the cancellation of The OA at the end of 2022 and i was so incredibly delusional about parts iii to v coming back to screen again 😭😭 brit and zal please save me with your new FX show like i’m so serious
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dgct2 · 1 year
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Dylan McDermott and Alexa Davalos as Remy Scott and Kristin Gaines in FBICBS 5x16 and FBIMostWanted 4x16 Imminent Threat II & III. 
I was delayed posting these photos since CBS waited 2 weeks before dropping the FBI Most Wanted photos. Glad to see that Kristin finally show up. I’m intrigued about her working with OA.  
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memoirnights · 12 days
Bagian III. Ketentuan
Tidak banyak aturan untuk bisa menjadi bagian dari kami, namun ada beberapa hal yang harus dipenuhi untuk menjadi bagian dari kami, selama 14 hari lamanya.
Semua jenis karakter diperbolehkan, asalkan menggunakan username yang berhubungan dengan karakter yang digunakan. Sedikit tambahan, kami sangat mengapresiasi semua yang melakukan update character dengan bahasa pribadinya dan tidak dengan melakukan retweet.
Skala keaktifan harus di atas 80%, karena rumah ini hanya akan berjalan selama 14 hari, kami berharap kalian dapat memanfaatkan waktu sebaik-baiknya.
Ada limit untuk kalian yang telah memiliki rumah, yaitu 3 OA. Dan untuk squad, kami tidak membatasi jumlahnya, asalkan kalian bisa membagi waktu setiap kami memiliki agenda.
Untuk hiatus, hanya akan berlaku selama 3 hari maksimal. Dan segala aktivitas seperti perpindahan akun, pergantian karakter, ataupun swapping character wajib dilaporkan kepada caretakers.
Yang terakhir, ayo nikmati rumah hangat ini bersama-sama dengan tidak membuat circle in circle dan saling menjaga antara satu sama lain.
Terima kasih atas waktunya! Sampai bertemu dengan Cia, Ivy, dan Zana di hari pembukaan!
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worldofrealm · 6 months
Eye contact
When two gazes met each other, thats the beggining of understanding.
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PAGE I: Basic terms.
We accept all stars (3D, all occupation and all nationality).
One account per head; selective, GENRP with display name and username related to the muse faceclaim. For dn, can use the blank
There's no twins, except the muse have a real twins.
New account its allowed, with minimum 60 followers and 200 tweets.
Control your following list, maximum 500.
Love wins with no NSFW hours.
No circle in circle, everyone must mingle well.
Maximum 3 OA (include us).
Must have 3 interaction with 3 different members in daily.
PAGE II: Registration.
Ask and tell the guardians before taking hiatus.
Hiatus allowed one time in two weeks.
Maximum days of hiatus: 5 days.
Not active withing 24 hours after verification.
Not active withing 3 days in a daily activity.
Did not take a participation of games 3 times in a row without permission. (Tell the guardians or moderator game if can't join the game).
Doesn't tell the guardians in 3 days, when your account got absence from Elon (suspend or lock).
If your account suddenly changing owner or get sell out without telling us.
CHANGING (usn, acc and muse):
Allowed changing account after a week of verification.*
Temporary swapt is allowed once in a week, with note its not twins with the member.**
Tell The Guardians when you want to changes username, account or muse.
* : with occasional note (suspend, flag or lock) when or a day before verification, its allowed.
** : tell us if it mission from another OA and happen gonna be twins faceclaim with other members.
Unlocked Realm will have 2 GDM; convo (when we open it) and others for information only.
You are allowed to send your interaction post maximum 3 post on convo gdm.
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bizworldinsights · 8 months
In 2019, the global osteoarthritis market is estimated to be valued at over US$ 2,205 million, projecting a robust CAGR of 9.1% from 2019 to 2028. This marks a significant 2.2X increase in revenue opportunity by 2028 compared to 2018. The industry landscape is characterized by consolidation, with major players heavily invested in R&D endeavors, particularly focused on the development of cell-mediated drugs. A transformative shift is anticipated as a considerable number of clinical trials progress into phases III and IV.
To read more about the topic please visit site : https://bekryl.com/industry-trends/osteoarthritis-market-share-analysis
Key Trends and Drivers Fueling Osteoarthritis Market Demand:
The prevalence of osteoarthritis cases has surged over the last decade, reaching over 316 million cases globally in 2019. Projections indicate an increase to 381 million cases by 2028. This rise in cases is driving the demand for effective treatment options, predominantly in medicated forms.
The competitive landscape is expected to intensify in the latter part of the forecast period (post-2024). The majority of products are currently under trial in phase II of FDA testing. Upon approval, this will lead to heightened competition, significantly impacting the market share of key players. Approximately half of the products are undergoing phase III and IV trials, with a concentration of clinical trials in North America, followed by Western Europe. Japan and South Korea are pivotal regions in Asia Pacific, witnessing clinical trials evaluating product efficacy. Pfizer stands out with the highest number of clinical trials and dominated the osteoarthritis market share in 2018.
Merger and acquisition activities are expected to be a prominent trend in the market. The heightened competition will drive companies to acquire the technological and market competencies of established players. Notably, in 2018, Mundipharma strategically collaborated with Kolon Life Sciences to market Invossa®-K in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, with subsequent extension to Japan. Invossa®-K, the world's first cell-mediated gene therapy for osteoarthritis, received approval in 2017 from the Korean Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS).
Global Osteoarthritis Market Size, Segment Analysis:
Drug Class: Corticosteroids, NSIADs, and Viscosupplementation Agents contribute to industry revenue. Viscosupplementation is expected to witness the highest growth during the forecast period.
Route of Administration: The market revenue for osteoarthritis drugs is analyzed based on oral drugs, parenteral drugs, and topical drugs. Oral-based OA drugs held the highest share in 2018 and are anticipated to maintain this trend throughout the forecast period.
Distribution Channel: Revenue analysis spans hospitals, drugstores, pharmacies, and online channels. While online channels held the lowest share, they are projected to experience double-digit growth. Major players are actively investing in online channels to enhance purchasing convenience for customers and foster long-term retention.
Global Osteoarthritis Market Size, Regional Outlook:
North America: Witnessed the highest osteoarthritis drug sales in 2018, contributing to 57% of total market revenue. With over 61 million people in the U.S. suffering from OA, the region provides a sizable addressable market. The U.S. sees robust sales of biologic analgesics such as Regeneron’s fasinumab, TissueGene’s Invossa, and Pfizer’s tanezumab.
Asia Pacific: Expected to register the fastest growth during the forecast period. Japan and China hold the highest OA market share in 2019, with Japan's market valued at US$ 169 million in 2018. China and India are projected to achieve double-digit growth due to increased healthcare FDI and improved healthcare infrastructure. Favorable reimbursement policies, such as India's Ayushman Bharat, are poised to make healthcare more accessible to lower-income individuals, boosting spending on osteoarthritis treatment in the region.
Global Osteoarthritis Market Size, Competitive Landscape:
Key industry players include Pfizer, Cara Therapeutics, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma, Ampio Pharmaceuticals, Cellular Biomedicine Group, Teva Pharmaceutical, Eli Lilly, Techfields Pharma, Healthcare Life Sciences, Seikagaku Corp, Kolon Life Sciences, Flexion Therapeutics, Ono Pharmaceutical, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Mundipharma, Samumed, Centrexion Therapeutics, TissueGene, among others.
Research Scope:
By Drug Class:
Viscosupplementation Agents
By Route of Administration:
By Distribution Channel:
Hospital Stores
Online Pharmacies
The global osteoarthritis market is poised for substantial growth, driven by escalating cases, evolving clinical trials, and significant advancements in treatment options. As the industry progresses into higher phases of FDA testing, competition will heighten, creating a dynamic landscape. Emerging markets, particularly in Asia Pacific, are expected to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of osteoarthritis treatment, presenting lucrative opportunities for industry players.
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wgonwoo · 9 months
Last mission Porta Clave.
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I. Desc:
(Sienna; sienna ini kaya mbak mbak scbd yang orangnya udah ilang tapi parfumnya nempel, terus lumayan strict sama peraturan kaya mommy kita semua deh pokonya, terus kalau on selalu bilang kangen banget sama Pōtarurokku sambil attach foto lucunya, ayo kita ngobrol yang banyak lagi!)
(Mamad; mamad sipaling patroli, dari awal pdkt pasti sering banget ngobrol sama mamad waktu diving. Salahsatu caretaker yang selalu care sama Pōtarurokku, mostly nanyain kabar kita in the cute way, selalu ada cara untuk ramein porta clave ya mad? Makasih banyak mamad udah exist.🥹)
(Deon; abang! Dulu kalau diving selalu banyak ya? Sampe lemes? Haha. Bang deon kayanya type yang manut manut, makasih ya karena nyempetin waktunya buat ngobrol sama kita semua, sehat selalu abang!)
II. Berikan makanan ke 5 Pōtarurokku
III. Lagu favorite Haris?!?!?!
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IV. Kesan selama berada di PortaClave.
Enzoy banget ga bohong, meskipun tiap hari ada games atau misi tapi semuanya santai, terus kerena gaada event jadi bondingnya udah pas sih dengan kegiatan setiap hari itu, caretaker dan Pōtarurokku juga semuanya bikin nyaman, ga pernah ngerasa leftout, i love this home.🤗
V. Pap 3 outfit muse yang kalian sukai!
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VI. Misi/games yang paling berkesan
Semuanya berkesan zuzur, apalagi misi wesane meskipun kadang bikin esmosi tapi misinya santai, terus yang paling seru itu wesane donat/kue, sampe temen rl pada cobain pas dilevel 20an, susah banget soalnya wkwk.
VII. 3 film favorite!
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VIII. Pesan untuk sienna, mamad dan deon.
Makasih banyak kalian bertiga, like i said in the first time, make an OA itu ga gampang, tapi kalian bisa bikin itu berjalan bahkan sampai sekarang itu keren banget! I’m happy to meet you guys, you’re the best caretakers!
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northeastjob · 1 year
IBPS CRP RRBs XII Northeast Recruitment 2023: 550 Vacancy
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personal-reporter · 1 year
Paul Gauguin, dalla Francia ai Tropici
Il pittore che cercava la calda luce dei mari del Sud… Paul Gauguin nacque  a Parigi il 7 giugno 1848, primogenito del giornalista francese Clovis Gauguin e Aline Marie Chazal, figlia di André Chazal, incisore, e di Flora Tristàn, una scrittrice peruviana. I genitori di Paul erano grandi oppositori del regime politico di Napoleone III, per cui furono  condannati all'esilio e nel 1849 dovettero  lasciare la Francia, per partire alla volta del Perù. Il padre di Gauguin  morì durante il viaggio e Aline e i figli arrivarono in Perù da soli, accolti dalla famiglia materna a Lima. Paul passò parte della sua infanzia in Perù insieme alla sorella Marie Marceline e solo sei anni dopo tornò in Francia insieme alla madre e alla sorella, poiché era  morto il nonno paterno. Dal 1859 Gauguin studiò nella città di Orléans presso le Petit-Sèminaire e sei anni dopo effettuò il test per entrare a far parte della Marina Militare, che però non superò. Nello stesso anno decise di imbarcarsi in un mercantile come allievo pilota, partendo nel mese di dicembre dal Porto di LeHavre e arrivò in Brasile,  a Rio de Janeiro, per poi fare  vari viaggi a Panama, nelle Isole polinesiane e nelle Indie. Gauguin nel 1867 seppe della morte della madre in Francia e, addolorato, decise di arruolarsi nella Marina militare francese, svolgendo le sue mansioni sulla nave francese Jéröme Napoleon e partecipando alla guerra franco-prussiana. L'anno dopo fu congedato dalla Marina militare e tornò a Parigi, dove cominciò a lavorare presso l'agenzia di cambio francese Bertin ma, grazie all’amicizia del pittore Ėmile Schuffenecker e su consiglio del suo tutore Gustave Arosa, iniziò a dedicarsi alla pittura, intraprendendo la professione da autodidatta. Nel 1873 conobbe Mette Sophie Gad, una giovane ragazza danese, che sposò nello stesso anno, da cui ebbe Ėmile, Aline, Clovis, Jean-René e Paul. L'anno dopo il pittore conobbe Camille Pissarro, grande impressionista francese, che gli diede consigli importanti che influenzeranno il suo modo di dipingere. Nel 1883 Paul lasciò il suo lavoro da impegnato per dedicarsi completamente alla pittura, non ottenendo però dei grandi successi, così lasciò la famiglia in Danimarca, per trasferirsi in Bretagna, una regione francese e li conobbe Ėmile Bernard, oltre ai fratelli Theo e Vincent Van Gogh. Paul nei due anni successivi partì alla volta di Panama insieme al pittore Charles Laval e poi si recò nella Martinica e, al suo ritorno in Francia, visse per un breve periodo ad Arles con Vincent Van Gogh. Tra il 1889 e il 1890 Gauguin tornò in Bretagna e l'anno dopo partì per Tahiti, dove dipinse nelle sue tele scene di vita quotidiana e le persone del luogo. Nel giugno 1893 lasciò Tahiti per far ritorno in Francia ed espose quarantuno opere realizzate durante il soggiorno tahitiano, tre tele dipinte in Bretagna e alcune sculture presso la Galleria d'arte francese di Paul Durand-Ruel. L'anno dopo, da aprile a novembre, soggiornò nuovamente in Bretagna, a Pont Avene, diventata celebre per le vacanze estive di molti artisti. Nel luglio 1895 Paul partì dal porto di Marsiglia, per poi giungere a Paapete, nell'isola di Tahiti, dove si stabilirà fino al 1901, quando si trasferì  nelle Isole Marchesi. Gauguin continuò a lavorare fino al giorno della sua morte, avvenuta l'8 maggio 1903 a Hiva Oa. Read the full article
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quantumpsychotic · 2 years
part iii of the OA was gonna be scott’s nde but it got cancelled… scott’s nde, which he received before he got resurrected
that means the setting for the cancelled third season derives from a person whose death was reversed… which can only mean the OA will also come back one way or another!!!
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valentineves · 1 year
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A breathtaking grey sky stretched across the vast expanse, casting a sense of serenity over the land. It was the arrival of spring, adorning the world with a kaleidoscope of vibrant blooms. Little did anyone know that she, the venus, yearned for adventure, longing to explore the mysteries that lay beyond the galaxy walls. So let the story unfold.
Page I
The venus first appeared on the blooming month of Gladiolus. She goes by the name Kayla Evangeline, lovingly nicknamed Kay, Kayie or Yiya but you may call her with any nickname you desire as long as it is not offensive. And as she graced the world in the month of August, the stars bestowed upon her a celestial tapestry of a leo sun, a libra moon, and a gemini rising. Gracefully embracing her true essence, she proudly identifies with feminine pronouns and delightfully unveils her ESFJ personality type through a journey of self-discovery.
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Page II
Fate may have brought both of you together, crossing paths and engaging in heartfelt conversations in wondrous settings. And among the magical locations where you can find her as Jane, Sanya, or other places, such as:
OA: The Brooks Club, La petit bakery, Monochrooms, La’Terrarium, dissnewclub, 22 Officers, Dittours (first batch), Haute Revue, Love Letter, The Good Doers, Rhythm Reel, Moon Gen Store, Carnival Day,
SQ: The 4395, Divine petals, Chaos Club, The Lonerz Club, Youngsters, All liners GDM
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Page III
Should one possess a sincere curiosity to unveil the intricate facets of her regal persona, the princess would be delighted to present a tapestry of facts. She graciously offers a glimpse into her magical world with a few intriguing trivia about her:
She loves reading just as much as she loves her chocolate in the morning. Her go-to-genres are self-development and romance. If you’d like to be her read buddies, feel free to to notify her
Fashion is her favorite topic therefore you might find her account filled with pretty things from designers or fashion related stuff. Oh beware she talks a lot
A cherub once said that a day is incomplete without singing your hearts out to the music, so she always has her headphones on to hear Taylor Swift, SZA, Ariana Grande, Olivia Rodrigo, Lany, Lauv, Ruel, Conan Gray, Keshi, Jeremy Zucker, James Arthur, Novo Amor, NIKI, Tate McRae, RINI, Clinton Kane, Justin Bieber, Tulus, Fiersa Bestari, Garamerica, and Hivi on the radio
Cooking is also her current obsession although she is still an amateur, she always tries to cook delightful dishes to boost her mood up or just… messing around with the recipe
She’s not much of a movie watcher but she looooves horror a bit too much. So hey, if you’re also into horror film, hit her up!
Running out of things to write down but that is all you need to know about her.
After a journey filled with magical moments and adventures, we find ourselves standing at the glorious culmination of our grand affair. The time has come to bid adieu to the wondrous tale that has unfolded, revealing the sweet chapters of her extraordinary life. With a tear and a smile, we gently close the book on this cherished tale.
Love, Kayla E.
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husteamet · 2 years
Den Perfekta Semestern - Tillbringa Sommaren I En Mysig Stuga
Letar du efter den perfekta semestern i sommar? Något som ligger lite utanför allfartsvägarna men som ger hemmets alla bekvämligheter? Att hyra en sommarstuga för din semester är det perfekta sättet att fly utan att gå för långt!
Du hittar massor av aktiviteter i närheten att uppleva och platser att utforska samtidigt som du har alla bekvämligheter i ditt eget hem - eller ännu bättre, en fridfull oas bort från allt.
Njut av vilsamma nätter i mysiga sängar omgivna av lugnande naturliga element som eldstäder, verandor utomhus eller till och med pittoreska odlingar.
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Och när du är redo för lite kul, varför inte prova en pool eller bastustuga närheten? Här är flera sätt att hitta den perfekta sommarstugan för din semester:
i. Välj Din Plats På Ett Klokt Sätt
Innan du börjar leta efter en sommarstuga är det viktigt att bestämma var du vill bo.
Gör lite research online på olika platser och titta på recensioner från tidigare hyresgäster.
Slå upp bilder och se vilket område som har de bästa bekvämligheterna som uppfyller dina behov. Tänk på faktorer som avstånd, kostnad och tillgänglighet när du fattar detta beslut.
ii. Ställ In Din Budget
Det är också viktigt att sätta en budget innan du påbörjar din sökning. Att veta hur mycket pengar du vill spendera hjälper dig att begränsa dina alternativ och undvika att slösa tid på att titta på stugor som ligger utanför din prisklass.
iii. Begränsa Dina Alternativ
När du har bestämt dig för en plats och ställt in din budget är det dags att börja begränsa dina alternativ.
Läs recensioner från tidigare hyresgäster noggrant och titta på bilder på insidan och utsidan av varje stuga.
Om det finns några särskilda bekvämligheter du letar efter, se till att de finns med.
iv. Leta Efter Specialerbjudanden
Många stugor kommer att erbjuda specialerbjudanden eller rabatter under vissa tider på året, så det är en bra idé att hålla utkik efter dem.
Du kanske kan få ett bättre erbjudande om du är villig att boka din semester under lågsäsong eller stanna flera nätter.
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v. Ställ Frågor
När du väl har några stugor i åtanke är det dags att börja ställa frågor. Kontakta ägaren och fråga om detaljerna, som om husdjur är tillåtna och om det finns Wi-Fi tillgängligt.
Få en känsla för platsen genom att ställa så många frågor du behöver för att fatta ett välgrundat beslut.
vi. Kolla In Omgivningarna
Innan du bokar din vistelse är det en bra idé att kolla in det omgivande området. Leta efter restauranger, butiker och andra attraktioner som du kanske vill besöka under din vistelse.
Du kan också se om det finns några offentliga stränder i närheten eller andra sommaraktiviteter du vill delta i.
vii. Boka Tidigt
När du har hittat den perfekta stugan är det viktigt att boka den så snart som möjligt.
Många populära stugor brukar fyllas snabbt, så ju tidigare du bokar desto bättre.
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Du kan också dra nytta av tidiga rabatter eller specialerbjudanden som kan vara tillgängliga.
En sommarstuga kan vara den perfekta flykten för en välbehövlig semester. Du kan enkelt hitta den perfekta platsen för din nästa semester med noggrann planering och forskning.
Från att hitta specialerbjudanden till att kolla in närliggande attraktioner, det finns mycket att göra innan du bokar din vistelse. Och med en mysig ladhus omgiven av natur, allt du behöver göra är att koppla av och njuta av din tid hemifrån.
Ta en titt på denna webbplats för att få mer information relaterad till bygga attefallshus.
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