#the Pokèmon GO ones at least.
lact101 · 9 months
God thinking about the dlc, it was so good but I've got so many unanswered questions
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fallershipping · 6 months
The Absolute Atrocious Audacity... of Anipoke's version of the Hoenn Battle Frontier
The Battle Frontier was arguably the first time in a mainline game where we got introduced to Battle Facility Characters. For a while, we had the titular Battle Tower, but for the first time, we had a unique boss to get to.
Much alike to Gym Leaders, they give out "badges" to commemorate your victory; Hoenn's being Silver and Gold Symbols.
However, for the time, many casual players that didn't focus on Competitive Training missed out on these special characters almost entirely. At the very least, they'd see them in Player's Guides along with their Silver and Gold Pokemon Teams.
But especially during that time, most, if not all, knowledge of these characters came from the botched version of them in the Ash Ketchum Anime.
I say botched because it's an honest to goodness fact that man the writers of the anime made some wild decisions.
This will be focusing mostly on Anabel of course, but I've been doing some snooping around the original Battle Frontier and Emerald's in-game text.
I'll go over why Brandon was never supposed to be the "leader" of the Hoenn Frontier, why Anabel was wrongly mistaken as psychic, why the Battle Tower was the real head of the battle frontier, and etc.
1.Who is the leader of the Frontier Brains?
Short answer, no one as far as we know. Long answer is that there are a lot of NPCs that, while making note of all the unique facilities, the Battle Tower is ALWAYS a stand out amongst them all.
When asking a guide about the Battle Tower, you get this dialogue:
"... It is the gigantic tower considered to be the BATTLE FRONTIER's symbol."
A child right outside the Battle Tower itself claims:
"Wow! It's huge! The Battle Tower feels special. It's different from the others."
Also to note that when looking for the Exchange Service and Rankings Building, they will be pointed over as "Near the Battle Tower" .... Which also points to how important the Battle Tower is to the Frontier as a whole.
It's good to note that no other battle facility gets this kind of fanfare. The Tower is uniquely special in its iconography.
... Seeing how both the Adventures Manga and Ihara's Manga puts Anabel as the symbolic 'final boss' of the frontier... It's safe to say that she's at least part of the very foundation and centralized symbol of the Hoenn Battle Frontier.
2.Why was Brandon the leader in the anime?
Chauvinism Brandon is often referred to as Chief... By only his Pyramid employees, and mostly in the vein of his whole gimmick of the Pyramid being an Indiana Jones type of adventure. So Brandon is the Chief of the expedition team that you meet inside the facility itself.
Brandon is never pointed out as anything particularly special or more important than the other facility heads.
He's probably a dev favorite, or for some reason, Anabel wasn't "leader" material for the anime. You know, the brain of the Frontier's central icon and one who became a head Chief/Boss within Interpol many years later.
3.Why was Anabel written to have Psychic Powers?
Oh you're not going to believe this. But I found that there IS an NPC at the Battle Frontier that is Psychic and can read a Pokemon's mind.
There is a little girl that is often cited to appear a lot at Spencer's Battle Palace. Here's her dialogue:
"Ehehe! I can tell what POKÈMON are thinking! Please! Can I see your POKÈMON?" + "That's silly! An EGG is asleep! I can't talk to it!"
Supplementary NPC dialogue:
"How charming! That little lady claims she can understand POKÈMON!" Beyond this, Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald has an unfortunate Psychic Trainer generic NPC that looks like this:
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So the anime writers might have put two and two together that someone who is mysterious and has purple hair MUST be a Psychic type specialist.
Otherwise, the only dialogue in relation to Anabel has absolutely zero implications that she is or was ever psychic to begin with. Which takes me to...
4.Did they change Anabel's personality?
First of all, Lucy got it so much worse. NPCs describe her as a "Scary trainer," with a particular incident causing an NPC to retell their bad encounter with her:
"A while back, I met this older girl at the BATTLE PIKE. She had these eyes that were scary in a real ornery way. She got all furious: "Will you quit eating!" Then she whaled on me. It was a hair-raising kind of scary experience, sure enough."
Another NPC, one who deals in rumors, also titles her as the "Scary Trainer of the Battle Pike."
And she is scary! She doesn't hold back! She tells you firmly that she fought her way to her title, and she IS SUPER PISSED that some kid like you just beat her, telling you to just leave her sight already.
Ahem. IN THE ANIME, Lucy's anime counterpart is kinder and friendlier, probably because kids are watching. But all of her sharp edge is just kinda gone. What's worse, she is so commonly known for a gag in which she was the first woman to "reciprocate" Brock's affections.
For a gag. Because she just liked his close eyes look, as her anime counterpart collects squinty eyed Pokemon like Cyndaquil and Skitty.
Also, Brock is 15. Lucy is stated to be an adult woman in Masters, plus she's pretty tall. The anime is known to de-age characters sometimes but... Echk.
Onto Anabel... Oh sweet Anabel-- Just like Lucy, Anabel's edge was dulled into just being some generic sweet girl for her counterpart. As we know in the games, Anabel is not shy to telling you just how she feels about you; she is not impressed by the rumors she has heard of you, and even when you lose to her in the first battle, she will straight up call it 'disappointing.' She expected nothing and was still disappointed.
Here's some NPC dialogue involving Anabel:
Ace Trainer: "Man! Oh man! I've never lost once before! But I got wiped out with no saving grace at all! And then I'm told I don't have any talent?! Man!" NPC next to Ace Trainer: "This guy ran into a horribly tough TRAINER while he was on the BATTLE TOWER challenge. Now look at him... You need to be cautious if you ever decide to go to the BATTLE TOWER."
Also, Anabel apparently is said that when she's using a fucking Snorlax, Alakazam, and Entei on you, she's trying to "measure up her opponent." When she's serious, she uses Raikou, Snorlax, and Latios.
... Anabel in the anime was a joke. Her counterpart was made a glorified psychic type gym leader with none of the very sharp personality she had before. Perhaps kids would have hated a girl who shot down Ash the moment he stepped into her tower. Honestly she could have given him the same treatment Nanu did MAAAAANY seasons later.
But no. Had to be sweet and kind. And had to have a Metagross that dies to a Tauros using Take Down and she also was given an Espeon to replace Snorlax? An Espeon which was just "girly version of Ash's Pikachu" because it had Zap Cannon, Iron Tail, and Quick Attack WHICH IS SUCH A BAD MOVEPOOL FOR ESPEON GOOD LORD.
And of course, the elephant in the room that this version of Anabel's only fucking thing that people remember is that she had a crush on Ash. Why? Because May was being rewritten to have a thing with Drew so Ash needed a "romance"(?) for some reason. Not like it even went anywhere or was ever needed? They had no romantic interactions and it was basically a last minute reveal that she gained feelings for him just out of nowhere. Ultimately, Anabel never came back, and this entire point was practically retconned or erased from existence as OTHER girls later down the line would fill the "romantic undertones" role for the season/series, each one making the former fucking meaningless.
Plus, Anabel and Lucy in Emerald are both referred to as "Older Girls", possibly a localization of "Oneesan", with Anabel being a bit taller than May and Brendan in Emerald, so her original appearance was most likely at the very least a teenager older than the protags? Not that it's TOO bad echk but... CHRIST. WHAT WAS THE POINT? WHY???
The only point for Lucy and Anabel to have pointless crushes and character changes to be appealing and sweet and kind is because "Boys only like girls who are cute and like them and aren't combative."
salt over im so angry good lord. People thought this was Anabel for YEARS. Can you believe it??
Whew this was a long one.
5.Why was the Hoenn Battle Frontier in Kanto?
Firered and Leafgreen promotion :'y Had to be made a Kanto thing to "mix the elements" of FRGL and Emerald. This was hilariously walked back on when Ash revisited the Frontier in Journeys... Now exactly in Hoenn and appearing exactly as it did in the games with none of the frontier brains actually appearing.
You can tell they totally have no regrets about doing it the other way. :))))
6.Why did Anipoke do so many changes?
Not out of malicious intent.
The pokemon anime was always primarily made for kids. It's going to have cheerful adventures, and I can see why perhaps Lucy shouldn't be a scary woman on screen or why an adult like Brandon would be easier to see as the "big leader" of the brains due to being an older man.
Lots of decisions were made with kids in mind... Anabel's competitive and strategic nature would never have been as showy as "heehoo Brandon has THREE LEGENDARIES that means he's the strongest!"
Due to mostly boys watching Pokemon.... Girls got a really bad hand. Girls were apparently written to be changed with each new game series and are probably most remembered by being love interests. This is why no one talks about Greta-- She didn't have a romance. She wasn't tugging at the growing mind's "maybe girls aren't so icky" brain cells, idk.
And frankly, the Battle Frontier would just be boring otherwise, I guess. It's very much an older kid/adult set of facilities for advanced players, and Ash Ketchum is not an advanced player.
He is the representation of the little casual kid who believes in the power of friendship. He's not going to use competitively viable Pokemon he's going to use his iconic starters that sometimes don't evolve because they're cute and have a lot of character as their smaller forms. He's not going to climb a tower of high level trainers nor understand what EVs and IVs are. Hell he usually loses championships because he needs to be moved to the next region to start anew all over again.
So... They wrote the Battle Frontier as just. A glorified Kanto Gym Challenge, as they have done. They looked at the characters and their Pokemon and wrote alternate versions of them all to fit a series that is very kid oriented.
Things needed to make sense for kids. Older adult guys are the leaders, girls get crushes on boys, and Pokemon isn't about competitive play but the power of friendship to overcome all odds.
And unfortunately, because so many players were young and didn't get competitive battling, that was the only thing Anabel and the Frontier Brains were known for. Not their original games; but the heavily revised versions made because they needed to fit a children's TV show.
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gnzma · 9 months
eleven year ago...
Someone calls for him, stopping the complete wreck of the umpteenth desk. Guzma stops with the damn thing about his head, about to throw it out of the window just like the rest of the gang told him to, and offers the youngest member of the team an annoyed look as he stopped the fun -- a nuisance that turns into mild panic when he continues, telling him that the cops are coming.
To be fair. They should've seen this coming. You can't go in a big school near a town in the middle of the night and smash everything you see and not expect someone to call the guards. It was a miracle if Hala himself didn't rush in to pick 'em up yet.
Still with the desk over his head, Guzma watches as his little group of rejects goes left and right, some with the hand in their hair, some other even trying to fix the chairs they broke just a few seconds ago, some others thinking if they should just let their Pokèmon go free instead of ending up in jail. That's... it, then. That's the end of their little rebellious streak.
...the scared muttering is stopped when the table is finally thrown out of the window.
"I dunno you guys, but I ain't gonna let those Pignites make our fun end."
Silence turns into confusing grumblings while he paces towards the teacher's desk, swinging a previously discarded baseball bat he just picked up with one hand, pointing the finger of the other towards the door.
"In just a few minutes, those assholes will burst in and force us to play nice. They'll throw us back home if we're lucky, behind bars if we're not. They're gonna try to push us down again. They're gonna make us into this stupid fucking Region's least favorite chewtoys again. And y'know why?"
Golisopod lets out a worried chirp, falling silent as the baseball swings towards the teacher's desk, breaking it in half.
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"'Cause they're scared of what happens when the dog they kicked 'till now bites back."
He hated the look in his mother's eyes when he had the guts to react, not realizing until now how much it pissed him off to see her so terrified of him. Not realizing until now that, instead, the same fear in his father's eyes, trembling under him after all those years, made him feel so...
"...tonight" his improvised weapon rests on his shoulder as he tilts his head on the side, finally showing a toothy grin "we take control of our lives, folks. Ya can leave. Accept your fate, live as the good little Rockruffs they love to push around."
He can feel the excitement rising in the room as he takes a moment of pause. The hype and adrenaline in his people's eyes as they don't move, if not when they start mirroring his expression.
"Or. Ya stay here. Ya stay, and tear 'em apart like the Lycanrocs we've always meant to be!"
Another swing of the bat, now towards the blackboard behind him. It crashes on the floor, but the noise is barely audible under the cheers of his audience.
"Tonight, ya numbskulls--" a foot is placed on what remains of the desk as he roars in triumph "WE SHOW ALOLA WHAT DESTRUCTION REALLY LOOKS LIKE!"
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peta-official · 8 months
So with Palworld being the hot, new thing, I got to see some of what it had to offer, but mostly the discourse and the like following it. Ignoring accusations against the company, yes, they were parodying Pokèmon, and that especially includes the design.
This leads into my main point of this post. Most of the Pals are perfectly servicable designs. They are usually similar to Pokèmon designs, but they at least put a bit of a spin on them, or at the very least they look interesting. However, one rather popular one right now actually upsets me with its design. I don't like Lovander's design at all.
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Now, I'd like to show a back image to accompany it and help show my critiques, but this is the single image I can find of it at all.
In terms of furbait, it succeeds. I conceed the point that they made it a very furry design. But the problem I have is that it fails at being a lizard design; I would not call this scalie or scale-bait.
So Lovander appears to be a take on Salazzle, the poison/fire scale-bait Pokèmon. In particular, it appears to resemble its shiny. it might also be inspired by shiny Lopunny, what with the hair and arm pieces.
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They've nearly the same palette, while also being sexy lizards. As an aside, the reason why Salazzle is Like That may be inspired by mo`o, lizards of Hawaiian myth would would eat men at night.
Anyways, Salazzle is a design I can appreciate as it at least looks like a lizard; it has a long tail, slim body, claws, you get the point. When you see it, you think, "wow, that's a sexy lizard", and "wow, that's in a kid's game." On the contrary, Lovander has a design that doesn't immediately scream reptile. When I first saw it, my thoughts were, "Lopunny II", and "this is gonna happen in every Pokèmon-like game, huh".
It took a bit of close inspection to make the connection to Salazzle, and an even longer time to learn that it is a reptile, not a mammal.
So first and foremost, a big reason why this didn't click as a lizard Pal, is the biology of it.
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Look at these salamanders. lizards are usually slim, because they scuttle and also because they hide in small spaces. Salazzle is indeed slender, which helps it look right. Lizards also don't have protruding ears, fur, or mammory glands. Yet again, neither does Salazzle.
With Lovander, they go for a more typically attractive humanoid design. They gave it breasts, hips, and what appears to be hair. Together, these design features make it less and less similar to actual, ya know, salamanders. To be clear, I'm not saying that the Video Game Animal Girl has to be a biological mirror of its source material, but it helps a design look nice if it at least tries to be similar. Despite the game saying its a reptile, nothing in its design would imply that. I can at least forgive the hair though, as it may have been designed to be like the Frilled Lizard. In that case, yeah, that is a rather cool trait.
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They also got rid of its tail, which does not help its case.
Now, its design is not the only reason I dislike Lovander. It's name doesn't make sense. it took me 22 days, (days since Palworld was released, as of writing) to realize it was supposed to be a combination of the words "love" and "salamander." When you say it, it sounds far more similar to "love" and "lavender". One of the points I was going to make if I'dn't procrastinate on writing this post, was the lack of lavender in its colour palette. Lavender is a light purple, but Lovander has a dark and bold purple instead. It would have been That Easy to make it a 3-in-1 name with a minor colour change, but that is not the case.
Overall, I say this not as a jab at Palworld or anything, I just like complaining. Palworld is a game that sure does exist. I do not care for or against it. This one design has been peeving me, and I just wanted to say something about it.
In other news, welcome to Peta-official! Side blog of @teeth-collector64. Not sure what this'll be for, but it made sense for the subject of Palworld.
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beezonia · 6 months
A past better left forgotten
A little miraculous mons drabble
No warnings but mentions of death.
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Nathalie wakes up with a pounding in her head most days. She doesn’t know why.
Ori always ends up perched on one of the bedposts, checking on her heavy breathing to make sure her trainer isn’t dying.
Maybe it’s just that she’s sick, or that she’s slowly going insane after years and years of running from her problems.
Nathalie still doesn’t know, logic isn’t helping her after all these years of using it.
It’s sort of painful.
At least she could get comfortable being back in the spotlight soon, get back to how life used to be.
Although, after everything that’s happened.
Nathalie doesn’t believe things can go back to the way they were.
Jade sits there on her yoga mat, the Persian looks like she’s snoozing. The blue gem on her forehead glinting in the early rays of light.
Well that was one distraction she couldn’t use. It was time to think of something different.
Ori chirps as if she’s trying to point her in the right direction, her beak stretching out to the small garden Nathalie has managed to take care of.
It’s where she’s more likely to find the steel duo, Darack (her skarmory) and Tiny (her Aggron and yes, the irony was not lost on her)
So the champion lets her feet drag along the tiles of the patio, smiling when she sees Darcak perk his head up at the noise.
The bird instantly lunges himself towards her and Ori, the woman has to sidestep to make sure she doesn’t get the brunt of the collision.
She’s sure the Skarmory has scared the absolute shit out of Ori, so much so the smaller bird ended up in the trees!
“Hey you, what were you looking at?”
Nathalie crouches so she can pet Darack’s head, he chirps turning his beak upwards as of to say he was admiring the sky.
It was a pretty sky, the pinks and oranges slowly merging into blue to make way for the day.
“I’ll have to send Vincent a picture, Arty would love it.”
She’s talking about her best friend and his smeargle, the pokèmon always loved staring up at the sky.
To bad Nathalie didn’t have anyone to share it with, apart from her pokèmon her role meant most people were just going to use her for fame.
It’s sad, but true. It reminds her of a past she’d rather forget.
A past that seems to want to haunt her too.
Hades had only become part of her team about a year ago. The Dusknoir had appeared on her doorstep one from afternoon and it wouldn’t leave till she let him in.
Persistent much like someone else she knew.
God how Nathalie hates reminding herself of the blonde, nothing good ever came from it. Even if that smile still made her swoon, even if she felt her heartbeat gain pace just staring into those emerald eyes.
No, the Kalos Champion would not falter. She would not let herself fall back into those old habits.
She was about to show the region just what she was made of.
Even if it was just all a facade to get through the long days she had ahead of her.
Even if she found it hard to progress each day. Nathalie would keep moving forward.
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Hope you like this guys!
Wanted to explore a bit of Nathalie’s bonds with her pokèmon and more so what she thinks in her head most of the time!
Thanks for reading!
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busygirlgcttagc · 5 months
[ actually sitting down and write down what, exactly, is canon for each verse she has
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which. mostly means saying which game is canon and which isnt lfandsmg ]
VERSE-CANON GAMES: any game in the blog-canon timeline up to the Last Revelation, including of course everything told in Chronicles
she got caught by the Entity with Set after the ending of the Last Revelation
technically set between the ending of TLR and Chronicles, with Von Croy still looking for her and everyone else thinking she's just missing; time is the Realms, so while it's been just a few weeks on Earth she could've been stuck in there for longer, never aging
if she ever returned to Earth, escaping the Entity, everything would return to the proper timeline with her meeting Putai and forgetting everything about the Entity
VERSE-CANON GAMES: any game in the blog-canon timeline, of course set in a Pokèmon world, and featuring her Team
she's from Galar, the Fiamma Nera cult is from my fanregion Eteria, any encounter with T-Rexes involve Pokèmon battles between her Team and particularly aggressive Tyrantrums, her encounter with Set involves instead a powerful Legendary from some Egyptian-based Legendary and so on. Just Pokèmonize locations and events and you should be good generally speaking
rather than ending up in the Floating Island and in Avalon, Lara ended up in the Ultra Space via Wormholes created by the Fiamma Nera and Amanda; she's a Faller, and I consider that private knowledge
she actively helped with the SWSH post-game events and still tries to track down both the SwordShield brothers and Rose, and had run-ins with Calyrex
in the same way she's not seen in a good light in Paris, she'd much rather avoid Kalos after she had to deal with one death cult involving immortal beings; the least she knows about Flare, the better it is for everyone
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VERSE-CANON GAMES: any game in the blog-canon timeline
she went through all her adventures but everything is set back a few years to fit in the TF2 timeline, including her birthdate
this means that in this verse she was born in early-to-mid '30s, and reaches New Mexico in the late '60sm with everything in the timeline taking place in those years
not really on either side, but she seems to have better interactions with the REDs so far. once again, she only plays for sport
VERSE-CANON GAMES: only the games classic Lara went through, so from Tomb Raider to Angel of Darkness
any classic games retelling or remastered except Anniversary are canon, since she's some sort of "videogame actress" à la Wreck it Ralph in this verse
the 10th Anniversary edition is canon
any app that uses classic Lara like Reloaded or Go are canon
her presence in TV spots, Fortnite and Call of Duty is canon
she went through the adventures but she's aware she's a videogame character, and normally is chill in her own manor when she waits for people to restart the games
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tarofairey · 6 months
How much does your muse know about the Pokèmon world? Repost, don't reblog ; Bold whatever your muse knows! Italics is a maybe.
Note from Lacey : pay attention in school and to the news, and you’ll know at least as much as I do!
Basically, most of the bolded / italicized stuff are subjects that I’m very certain would be covered in one of her classes ( like “ Twentieth Century World History ” ), or by a Unovan news station ( including any event that nearly destroys the world ).
Mewtwo's Creation | Red battles against Team Rocket | Team Rocket's Radio Tower attack | Shadow Pokèmon | Kyogre and Groudon's awakening | Rayquaza's awakening | the meteor headed towards Hoenn | Cyrus controlling Dialga and Palkia | the Distortion World | Team Plasma's attacks | the shooting of the Ultimate Weapon | the existence of different universes and timelines | Ultra Space | Ultra Beasts | the existence of Fallers | the Darkest Day | Sada or Turo's death | Paradox Pokèmon | Dialga and Palkia's Origin Form
the history of the Burnt Tower | the legends of the two Unovan Dragons | Arceus's Creation mythos | the Kalos war | Calyrex's legend | the Emperor of Paldea | the discovery of Area Zero | Hisui's legends | Team Galactic's origins
Team Rocket | Team GO Rocket | Giovanni's involvement with Team Rocket | Team Snagem | Team Aqua | Team Magma | Team Galactic | Team Plasma | Neo Team Plasma | Team Flare | Lysandre's involvement with Team Flare | Malva's involvement with Team Flare | Team Skull | Aether Foundation's crimes | Team Yell | Macro Cosmos' crimes | Team Star | Volo
Articuno | Moltres | Zapdos | Mew | Mewtwo | Ho-Oh | Lugia | Celebi | Raikou | Entei | Suicune | Kyogre | Groudon | Rayquaza | Deoxys | Jirachi | Regirock | Regice | Registeel | Latias | Latios | Dialga | Palkia | Giratina | Arceus | Uxie | Mesprit | Azelf | Heatran | Regigigas | Cresselia | Darkrai | Phione | Manaphy | Shaymin | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Victini | Cobalion | Terrakion | Virizion | Keldeo | Tornadus | Thundurus | Landorus | Meloetta ( well, she’s unknowingly in regular contact with it ) | Genesect | Xerneas | Yveltal | Zygarde | Diancie | Hoopa | Volcanion | Cosmog | Cosmoem | Solgaleo | Lunala | Type: Null | Silvally | Tapu Koko | Tapu Bulu | Tapu Lele | Tapu Fini | Magearna | Marshadow | Zeraora | Meltan | Melmetal | Zacian | Zamazenta | Eternatus | Calyrex | Kubfu | Urshifu | Regieleki | Regidrago | Glastrier | Spectrier | Zarude | Enamorus | Koraidon | Miraidon | Ting-Lu | Chien-Pao | Wo-Chien | Chi-Yu | Ogerpon | Okidogi | Munkidori | Fezandipiti | Terapagos
Nihilego | Buzzwole | Pheromosa | Xurkitree | Celesteela | Kartana | Guzzlord | Poipole | Naganadel | Stakataka | Blacephalon | Necrozma
Safari Zones | Pokèathlon | Contests | Mega Evolution | Z-Moves | the Island Challenge | Dynamax/Gigantamax | Terastallizing | Regional forms
Mount Silver is Haunted | Mount Silver also erupted once | Team Rocket cloning/genetics experiments | the PWT winners | Area Zero is under armed surveillance | people can get Pokèrus | People with Pokèmon powers | Legendary Pokèmon are able to shapeshift into humans | People can have connections with Legendary Pokèmon, even without capturing them ( already proven through history, like Unova’s Twin Heroes ) | Area Zero crystals corruption | Missingno/Glitch City
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childofaura · 1 year
Any thoughts you have on Wendee Lee?
She did Veronica, Lyn, Sophia and the new voice for Emmeryn (replacing Erin Fitzgerald).
Outside of it, she’s Athena from Ace Attorney and Melony in Pokèmon Masters EX
So fun fact, a couple of hours ago I was LITERALLY 95% done typing the review to this ask... and then Tumblr deleted ALL of it after I switched from one tab to another on my phone.
This is partially why I usually try to answer these on my computer. ;w;
BUT ANYWAYS, let's see if I can't rebuild what I mostly typed up.
Ok so... I LIKE Wendee Lee. But when it comes to FEH, I have some issues with her work in FEH. 50% of it isn't her, honestly; it's being cast as characters who are pretty similar in energy, so I get that it's hard to differentiate. I like some of her work outside of FEH, I haven't been able to play it (RIP) but from the clips I've seen, I enjoyed her role as Trish from DMC 5.
I'll try to break it down a bit. Wendee Lee plays Veronica, Lyn, Maria, Sophia, and now plays Emmeryn.
So performance is... all right. But sometimes it feels like her line deliveries are repetitive. Especially her lines as Emmeryn, two of them start off as "I am" and I swore I thought they were the same line until the rest of the audio played out. But Veronica, Sofia, and Emmeryn are very dead-pan in their delivery; I get it, Veronica is supposed to be disconnected. It's just that if you mixed their audio lines and asked me to guess who's speaking which line, I wouldn't be able to tell you because their deliveries sound so similar. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt in that it's the notoriously inconsistent voice directing that happens in FEH, but that's only a part of it. I will say though that with Maria and Lyn, their deliveries are a little more up-beat at the least, and I think Easter Maria's line where she gushes about her outfit is cute. And I DO like Brave Veronica's "There, there", like she's trying to be a good ally to the Order, but she's super awkward about it. Part of the issues though, at least with Lyn and Emmeryn, is that I tend to lean more towards what I've initially heard with them, Awakening with Emmeryn and Smash Bros with Lyn. I know Lyn's supposed to be a teenager and that Smash Bros voice was probably WAY too mature, but if Wendee could have compromised a little by leaning into her Trish voice, I could see that working out better for the performance.
I do think she fits everyone she played, though I also remember your ask with Lizzie Freeman, and I still stand by that she would have been a better fit for Veronica. But Wendee's not a BAD choice for Veronica, just... not the best when you hear Thrasir.
I have to be honest, there's not a whole lot of range going on with Wendee's characters. She's kind of got the Greg Chun issue where all her performances sound the same. Again, part of that I blame on the voice directing for not catching that and just going "Yeah that's good" instead of having her switch it up a bit, but that reasoning only goes so far.
I hate doing this, but for Wendee I'd have to give her a 7/10. Again, outside of FEH her work is stellar and I like it, but I think it's FEH's format that kind of holds her back.
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strawberrycriisiis · 9 months
[ also yknow what. list of funny canon-divergent stuff for Fresa since she's technically a rival rather than a protag!! ]
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she got Miraidon from her dad when she returned to Paldea
she didn't complete the Gym trials until after the game-verse, and as for now she didn't go through the Champion exam (but she's working on it!)
she wasn't Cassiopea's nor Arven's first choice when it came to the Stars and the Titans; she started fighting the Stars mostly to prove Cereza she was stronger than her, and instead went with the Titans to actually mend an otherwise crumbling friendship with Arven
she fought off an alpha Koraidon rather than a Miraidon in Area Zero
she didn't free the four Pokèmon of Ruins, but know of their existence. In fact, she had much better nights before learning that Pink freed at least one of them!
she knew Kieran and Carmine before the events of the DLC, since she went on vacation in Kitakami quite often; it's because of one of those vacations if she's there for the Festival
she wasn't chosen by Ogrepon, but still helped defeating the Loyal Three
she got the Blood Moon Ursaluna tho!
INDIGO DISK: (spoilers under cut)
she's one of the HANDFUL of students who was chosen for the exchange
while she joined the League club and defeated the Elite Four, she didn't accept the Champion title
she's currently accidentally stumbling into various Legendaries from other Regions. she isn't capturing them but she sure is having some situations
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auraguardians · 1 year
how much does your muse know about the Pokèmon world? Repost, don't reblog ; bold whatever your muse knows!
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I also starred things Riley has had *direct* involvement or contact with, things that are only italicized are things he's heard rumors about but not familiar with details!
Some verse-dependent notes: Riley is learning more about Hisui in his Hisui verse (he IS Rye); he is a Faller himself in at least one verse (specifically Mystery Dungeon verse) but still doesn't know what those ARE; and in his Dark Mirror verse Riley is completely familiar with Shadow Pokemon and Team Cipher because he was taken by the team himself!
Mewtwo's Creation | Red battles against Team Rocket | Team Rocket's Radio Tower attack | Shadow Pokèmon | Kyogre and Groudon's awakening | Rayquaza's awakening | the meteor headed towards Hoenn | *the Distortion World* | *Team Plasma's attacks* | the shooting of the Ultimate Weapon | the existence of different universes and timelines | Ultra Space | Ultra Beasts | the existence of Fallers | the Darkest Day | Calyrex's legend | Sada or Turo's death | Paradox Pokèmon | Dialga and Palkia's Origin Form
*the history of the Burnt Tower* | the legends of the two Unovan Dragons | *Arceus' Creation mythos* | the Kalos war | Calyrex' legend | the Emperor of Paldea | the discovery of Area Zero | Hisui's legends | Team Galactic's origins | *legends of the Guardians of Aura*
Team Rocket | Team GO Rocket | Giovanni's involvment with Team Rocket | Team Snagem | Team Cipher | Team Aqua | Team Magma | *Team Galactic* | Team Plasma | Neo Team Plasma | Team Flare | Lysandre's involment with Team Flare | Malva's involment with Team Flare | Team Skull | Aether Foundation's crimes | Team Yell | MacroCosmos' crimes | Team Star | Volo
Articuno | Moltres | Zapdos | *Mew* | Mewtwo | *Ho-Oh* | *Lugia* | *Celebi* | Raikou | *Entei* | Suicune | Kyogre | Groudon | Rayquaza | Deoxys | Jirachi | Regirock | Regice | Registeel | Latias | Latios | Dialga | Palkia | *Giratina* | Arceus | Uxie | Mesprit | *Azelf* | Heatran | Regigas | *Cresselia* | *Darkrai* | Phione | Manaphy | Shaymin | Zekrom | Reshiram | Kyurem | Victini | Cobalion | Terrakion | Virizion | Keldeo | Tornadus | Thundurus | Landorus | Meloetta | Genesect | Xerneas | Yveltal | Zygarde | Diancie | Hoopa | Volcanion | Cosmog | Cosmoem | Solgaleo | Lunala | Type:Null | Silvally | Tapu Koko | Tapu Bulu | Tapu Lele | Tapu Fini | Magearna | Marshadow | Zeraora | Meltan | Melmetal | Zacian | Zamazenta | Eternatus | Calyrex | Kubfu | Urshifu | Regieleki | Regidrago | Glastrier | Spectrier | Zarude | Enamorus | Koraidon | Miraidon | Ting-Lu | Chien-Pao | Wo-Chien | Chi-Yu | Ogerpon | Okidogi | Munkidori | Fezandipiti | Terapagos
Nihilego | Buzzwole | Pheromosa | Xurkitree | Celesteela | Kartana | Guzzlord | Poiple | Naganadel | Stakataka | Blacephalon | Necrozma
*Safari Zones* | *Pokèathlon* | *Contests* | Mega Evolution | Z-Moves | the Island Challenge | Dynamax/Gigantamax | Teracrystallization | Regional forms
*Mount Silver is Haunted* | Mount Silver also erupted once | Team Rocket cloning/genetics experiments | the PWT winners | Area Zero is under armed surveillance | people can get Pokèrus | *People with Pokèmon powers* | Legendary Pokèmon can be able to shapeshift into humans | *People can have connections with Legendary Pokèmon, even without capturing them* | Area Zero crystals corruption | Missingno/Glitch City
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mnstcrbnll · 1 year
Eleven stellar contestants wanted to give it another shot and discover the secrets remaining... and while some did amazing, some others... not so much~!
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Now, first of all, time to spoil who sent those last few secrets... and then we'll go ahead and see who got the golden star... and who ended up at rock bottom!
" i still like a guy who cheated on me and broke my heart and idk what to do about it. i know i shouldn't be. i think i need some advice." was STRELITZIA'S SECRET, and half of our contestants guessed correctly! Let's hope someone will give her some advice after all!
"killed a man by adding 4x the spice to a chili. he never recovered." was BRUTO'S SECRET, and while the majority guessed right, plenty thought it could've been Anzu's, Lyra's or Molayne's secret as well. Guess nobody is a good cook, here!
"I ACCIDENTALLY CAUSED THE GREAT SUNNYSHORE CITY BLACKOUT AND NOBODY KNOWS. I CRASHED MY BIKE AGAINST A BIG ELECTRIC PANNEL AND RAN AWAY." was WILLOW'S SECRET, and with my surprise a vast majority thought it belonged to Mable! And while I'm at it, I want to remind our stellar audience to go visit Eternara's Rickshaw & Daughter's for all your biking needs!
" I once broke a thunderstone earing my classmate lent to me by chewing on it." was LYRA'S SECRET, and people equally guessed her and Molayne! We'll have to gift them both some high quality earrings!
" I have had done something naughty in the break room or my place of work " was MOLAYNE'S SECRET, but the majority guessed Bruto! My oh my, sooo spicy~!
"I have horrible Phasmophobia, but ghosts seem to love me anyway." was RIKA'S SECRET! She got the majority of votes, but that seemed to throw off a lot of people too!
"I've been trying to get back into drawing fanart of my favorite childhood book series, PokeMorphs. I even had a PokeMorph-sona back then, who was a Stantler, and I'm trying to redraw her. Who knows, maybe I'll have her evolve into a Wydeer or something" was MABLE'S SECRET, and much to my surprise, while the majority guessed her, just as many people thought it was Rika's secret! Maybe you too should meet for some fanfiction ideas!
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Now now now, the moment you've been waiting for! Last time, Riley ( @auraguardians ) was on top... but this test put everyone in a very rough spot, making someone even go under ZERO STARS! In fact, at the very last place, with MINUS THREE AND A HALF STARS, Volkner ( @low-charge )!! But fear not, someone did way worse: in fact, GRUSHA ( @crushed-ice ) he decided to go ahead and threaten your galactic host on camera and we decided to give a little malus ♥ This means that, at the end of the day, with MINUS FOUR, Grusha loses! ♥
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But, now, to see who became our new STELLAR GOSSIPER... with NINE STARS after she guessed every single secret of round 2 correctly, and after she oh-so-boldly went ahead and sent her guess for the first one barely five minutes after the start of our show
For that, she's allowed to recieve... ONE WISH! Nothing too big, of course, we don't give out Mythical Pokèmon and potions of eternal youth... but after spreading your dirty laundry, the least you could ask for in return is a first class ticket, right?"
cue canned laugh
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"Congratulations to all partecipants, and I wish you all a STELLAR EVENING!"
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kplays · 2 years
My initial impression
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Paldea feels lonley. 
It's probably too soon to make that judgment of the game. After all, I've only just beaten the bug gym in a bombardment of firepower. But so far, that's the vibe I've gotten. 
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I walk the road alone, with my characters pokèmon, and other wild pokemon, interrupted from the scenery and fights by the occasional trainer or item. And yah, that could describe any pokèmon game, as pokèmon are always your main companions over any one human. Rivals and friends and leaders come in and out of your journey to tell you things, and that's it, right? 
I'm here to say no. There were also the NPCs. Be they the trainers marched out of their hiding spots to announce whatever was on their mind and fight me, or the NPCs who I talked to in hopes of finding something, they all had their own little things to add to the experience. And the atmosphere of the area. 
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Quick, what's one of the most memorable areas of Gen 1? If you thought about Lavender town and its tower of graves, we are on the same track. The music was spooky. The residents certainly help with that impression. Such as the little girl who implies that you have a ghost hanging around you. And the tower itself? Full of possessed channelers here to fight you. That's not even getting into Mr. Fuji's backstory, which is not relevant to Lavender town itself actually. 
And they don't have to be story mandatory either. You could play pokèmon GS without encountering the legi- dogs in the burned tower. That was a story you got from talking to the NPCs and going to discover it yourself. In Crystal they, or at least Suicune, was a little more integrated into the story. 
Less talked about is the Shipwreck in Hoenn. I didn't discover that until I was trying to get the correct path for Regis in RSE. It's filled with Trainers who probably also just ended up here by chance, and it has one room with water and a dive spot that's needed to get an item to complete an optional quest, should you choose to help an NPC on this ship. (You can totally leave it's fine). Or trick house, this maze filled with lost trainers and hired clue givers created by this one man who's competing with you in wits. Only triggered by successfully finding him in his house where he hides. 
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You don't even need living people to add to the atmosphere, as gen four proves with its ghosts, standing out the most with its haunted abandoned mansion. That was a moment that got me really excited and tried to recreate for my brother and friend. And as no one in game really makes note of the mansion until post game, you could totally miss it. 
The older games had all these little secrets and lore attached to them that made the world interesting. They didn't need to be huge expanses of land, they just needed to have little stories attached to them, and be interactable. A man digging a cave to connect to his girlfriend. A story behind the item given to me. The ability to battle people while on a ship or even a restaurant. Or heck, even the ability to add instrument's music by talking to people. 
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In Paleda most of the people I talk to have text boxes with an arrow. Most houses are closed away from my nosey curiosity, and therefore can not be opened. Some NPS chat to each other, words in the air, nothing to say to me.
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 I try to talk to some guy sitting with his phone, even though he has nothing to say to me, and make eye contact instead with the birds on the umbrella.  This would have probably happened even if he had something to say. Vibin, protag is probably autistic. Pokemon represents!
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missingstarter · 2 years
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[ very specific headcanons ; ACCEPTING ]
[ 🙏 ] is your muse religious? what do they believe in, if anything?
[ yes and no? like every other relationship in his life, the one he has with religion is just as complicated. he wouldn’t consider himself a man of faith, but he still holds a lot of respect for pokèmon others consider “godly” such as arceus, palkia, dialga & co. they might not be the creators/protectors of the world or whatever for him, but they’re still powerful beings who do their best to take care of at least their region, as far as he knows. 
so. while he doesn’t really actively partecipates to mass prayers and religious festivals and whatnot, you might occasionally catch him praying to ho-oh or occasionally going at its tower to leave a wish or some donations. just in case the rumors are true nad it is actually a pokemon able to give eternal happiness or something ]
[ 🧸 ] does your muse have any guilty pleasures or hobbies that make them embarrassed? ; also asked by @tm1o &  @irxnmaiden
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[ his sketchbook it’s His Thing okay. as i said he got caught sketching every now nad then by strangers, and. art people know how it is, they go closer, ask if you did that, say it’s pretty, sometimes they ask if they could keep the drawing and. that makes him so embarassed always ]
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gnzma · 11 months
👬🤸‍♀️👀🖼 annnd 🎆
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👬 shipping
[ it's fun!! but i wish that in the year of the lord 2023 people realized that this isn't the only important thing in a fandom shoutout to all the t/rueshipping or the s/parkedinferno shippers i promise you can chill out. i promise these characters can be their own without being all about their shipping partner
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otherwise. idk while i do have my handful of ships - most of which are crack and weird -, i mostly ship with chemistry and depending from person to person. like an obvious proof is guzma's relationship with @planespc's and @axhroma's colresses, one is a funny little guy he wouldnt mind kissing and the other is a boring nerd to him :^) ]
🤸‍♀️ OCs
[ this is a loving OCs zone if you don't love OCs go away leave don't even LOOK at me we love OCs in this house powerful OCs cringe OCs OCs shipped with canon OCs with pokemon powers OCs that are just sitting there good OCs evil OCs i love you guys !!!!!!!! ]
👀 dash commentary
[ i think that's literally the best way to interact with one another, especially new people. like fully knowing that most of the time it's meta, i think we should dashcom a little more actually. and comment about other's dashcomms. and reply to dashcomms.
i think i met most of the people i actively interact with by dash commenting their threads or the silly topic of the day and we shoudl do it MORE ]
🖼 dash events
[ oh boy uhhh. they're hit or miss. i think that even now we're going through some situations with dash events. either we get 34 at the same time or one right after another, most of which are pretty similar, or we spend ages with not a single one. i think that's why i got a little tired of them and i'm barely partecipating other than the fact that most of the time i don't think it would make sense for my muses but thats another can of worms fndsgf
idk i like dash events that can make me my muses grow the most tho. balls and parties can cute - even if they lack of the absolute madness of the past years where christmas trees were set on fire and people started stealing random shit and legendary pokèmon would show up to make everyone scream -, but i think the last dash event i truly felt like involving myself in that i didnt host was the improv school occupation held by @seginbeats. it was different, it was unique, it felt like it could bring some growth from a lot of characters -- growth that i actually saw, at least personally, in a few muses!! more stuff like that please!!! ]
🎆 magic anons
[ okay gang fr we need to remove our rose tinted glasses magic anons were BORING!!!!!!!!!!
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for every good one we had at least a few dozens that were like "surprise youre another gender/a child/a cat now!!" or "surprise the trauma youre going through is fixed now!!" or "surprise youre HORNY AS FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" so. i'm gonna be real
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shepherd-tothestars · 2 years
what's the pokèmon type you think fits your muse the least? why? ( for any muse youd like )
steel and phyco because he doesnt have a backbone (haha but kittu u said his ultra beast resemblance is stakataka)
im not funny
okay serious answer time im sorry i had like 2 hours sleep
Dulse - Dragon/Ghost (Literally the Opposite of fierce, it is impossible for this guy to be Scary) Zossie - Dark (She usually has a bright and cheerful attitude, and she don't got a bad bone in her body) Phyco - Fighting (He really isn't much of a fighter and is very easily manipulated) Soliera - Normal (She is Not very approachable) Rhi - Ground (He is not very solid in his values and can be convinced rather readily, he doesn't like being grounded in one place either)
For what types that do fit them the most (because I wanted to do it too I can do what I want)
Dulse - Ice/Fairy (He's cold but he gets attached :CATCRI:) Zossie - Flying/Fire (She is very passionate with soaring potential, she wants to go places) Phyco - Ghost (Haunted by his family past history and unable to really move on from it all) Soliera - Fighting/Dragon (She is going to Bite you and Fight you, she's fierce) Rhi - Normal/Bug/Water (He's just a lil guy, a bit unpredictable :) Goes with the flow and is totally Not creepy:tm:)
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Fic Titles That Start With P Masterlist
Paint Me In Your Sunshine (ao3) - mukeclemmings michael/ashton, minor luke/calum M, 26k
Summary: Ashton is smiling and it grows when he turns to look at Michael. Dimples, is all Michael can think and then he notices the bit of blond coloring in his hair and oh my god, is he going to be in this class everyday? Because Michael knows he won’t be able to focus on anything else with Ashton right here.
(Michael is an awkward, freshman art major who really wants to kiss the dimples of the upperclassman who sits beside him in painting class.)
Paper Hearts (ao3) - pseudolixinho luke/ashton G, 3k
Summary: “If my heart was paper, I’d fold it / Throw it to the wind and just hope it ends up with you / I’d sign it with love from me to you / I’d try to be cool, but my feelings, they don’t allow me to / And all that I ask, is that at least you write me back / I’m waiting / Here’s my paper heart, won’t you hold it?”
It’s been over a year since Ashton last saw Luke and he hasn’t been able to move on ever since. He writes Luke a letter in an attempt to say all the things he’s wanted to say to him for over a year now. He can only hope Luke gives him what he needs to move on.
paper valentines (ao3) - dafeedil michael/ashton M, 30k
Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and Michael and Ashton have erased each other from their respective memories, along with the entirety of the last two years they’ve spent together.
However, sometimes erasing past mistakes only means you’re ultimately doomed to make the same ones all over again.
passport control (ao3) - nothingliketherain (39_killer_queen) michael/ashton T, 2k
Summary: Michael reunites with the boys after the passport mishap of 2014. Hugs happen. One hug in particular surprises Michael.
Pepper (ao3) - 1loulu5 calum/ashton T, 4k
Summary: There’s whining from the other side of their backyard fence. Scratching sounds that sound like nails on a chalkboard. Scolding from an aged voice.
permanent jet lag (ao3) - kingscrossinseptember michael/luke G, 1k
Summary: Meanwhile, Luke had tried sitting in practically every position he could in his cramped airplane seat and, as far as Michael knew, had yet to drift off for more than a couple minutes at a time. Michael glanced over to see Luke burrowing his face into Ashton’s shoulder. His neck was bent at an awkward angle and he was more hunched over than Quasimodo. To put it simply: he looked like crap.
Perplexity (ao3) - mattymerlotte (orphan_account) michael/luke M, 53k
Summary: I, Michael Clifford, only have twenty days or so left of my freshman year in college. My experience so far is the definition of mediocre. Until one Friday night when Calum decided to go out partying that I chose to do laundry and while patiently waiting for my clothes in walked a tall blonde boy with shimmering blue eyes. Immediately caught off guard I somehow speak fluent English and talk to him. Mumbling and muttering every word I’m stumbling with each sentence I let out. He tells me his name is Luke.
Pika Pika (ao3) - Ravenclaw_WolfPrincess luke/ashton N/R, 605
Summary: 5 Seconds Of Summer are in Japan and Micheal is excited for all the Pokèmon and anime there is.
Pills (ao3) - coolbabyblue T, 4k
Summry: Luke had hated everything about Calum. Had, very specifically in the past tense. You see he learnt to love him when the brunette showed him how to be himself, but now, he’s just lost. – Luke wasn’t thinking straight. Not at all. He got like this often. Suppressing his feelings and fears with alcohol and drugs, why did it have to be so easy for everyone else to be normal?
Playing With Chemistry (ao3) - fourdrunksluts michael/ashton, luke/calum E, 17k
Summary: It’s the busiest week of the year at the escape room Ashton manages, and it’s hard enough without Michael Clifford tempting him at every turn.
Point of View (ao3) - FayeHunter luke/ashton T, 2k
Summary: Ashton’s been attacked by a werewolf. Calum shows up to the hospital to see how he is.
Popstar (ao3) - L4sht0n luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 54k (WIP)
Summary: Luke didn’t need a fake boyfriend. He had some problems, every celebrity had some problems. Drug, sex and alcohol was Luke’s getaway, but there was nothing wrong with it. A bit problematic yes, but he did nothing wrong. Luke was losing fans because of his bad behaviour, and he was kind of an asshole. Luke could admit this. But he didn’t need a fake boyfriend. He didn’t need Ashton Irwin to play his fake boyfriend and clean up his mess. If Luke’s management wanted to clean up Luke so badly they should just hire a cleaning lady. Luke didn’t need a fake boyfriend, didn’t want it. Then why did the fake relationship feel so real?
Potato Salad (ao3) - tigerlily_sunshine michael/ashton, luke/calum, past michael/omc T, 21k
Summary: “Can I have that?” asks the stranger.
Michael hums in his throat, confused. He looks at the stranger, but the stranger isn’t looking at him. His gaze is locked on the potato salad spilled out on the sidewalk. There is a pink flush to his cheeks, but it is different this time. It isn’t modesty. It’s embarrassment.
“If you’re just going to throw it away, can I have it instead?”
(In which Ashton is a homeless stranger who is starving, and Michael has a kitchen full of food.)
Presents (ao3) - koogolplex luke/ashton E, 4k
Summary: Lukey loves presents, especially when they’re from daddy.
Or, Ashton hasn’t let Luke cum in over 4 days and his boy is so, so desperate. So, Ashton comes home with a butt plug for his princess.
Princes Among Peasents (ao3) - magicalmadhatter michael/luke, luke/calum, calum/ashton N/R, 4k
Summary: Five years ago Michael escaped his kingdom in the cover of darkness with his friend and advisor Ashton. The pair of them have made a life for themselves in the lower city of the castle in the neighboring kingdom. But what if the past they thought they left behind wasn’t so far behind them? Especially after they are uprooted from the life they have made and thrown into the hustle and bustle of what their past life was.
Prove It (ao3) - notonguexwithbutt michael/luke M, 8k
Summary: “A stretch of silence follows and Luke can feel his cheeks begin to heat up again. Because…Michael is telling him he can stay. And hang out. With him. Luke was leaving and Michael stopped him. His heart speeds up again and a smile starts tugging at his lips.
God, he really better not fuck this up.”
Michael’s day to himself gets interrupted when a very nervous Luke Hemmings shows up on his doorstep, acoustic guitar and bright blue eyes awaiting him.
Protector (ao3) - starstruk97 luke/ashton M, 4k
Summary: There are certain rules that come with being the eldest of your group of friends, the number one rule being: Always protect your younger friends.
“ From then on, Luke joined the group, and I had someone to protect and look after. Someone to teach and guide. A baby ‘brother’. And it was my favourite thing in the world. Still is. I don’t care how many fist fights, detentions, suspensions and groundings I have received for standing up for him, I don’t and never will regret any of them because each one of them saved my little bro some kind of pain. ”
Puppies, Pastries, and Other Sweet Things (ao3) - LyricalPary (hoseoky) luke/ashton G, 16k
Summary: When Ashton heard someone scratching on his front door in the middle of the night, he expected it to be a burglar, maybe even extraterrestrial beings who planned to take him to another planet. However, the last thing that he expected to find was a lost puppy who simply wanted shelter from the rain.
Puppy Pile (ao3) - BabyBaby3 ot4 T, 2k
Summary: Michael works at an animal shelter to put himself through school and make a little side cash. He ends up finding perhaps the best emotional support dog possible.
- aka -
The boys just can’t say no to not one but two sets of puppy dog eyes
Puzzle with a Missing Piece (ao3) - littleluke luke/ashton, michael/ashton M, 2k
Summary: Ashton Irwin has just been granted an academic scholarship to Sydney’s most illustrious boarding school - Concordia. He wasn’t expecting it to be easy, trying to fit in with a bunch of stuck up rich kids when he’s the complete opposite. But after being roomed with Luke Hemmings, the school’s biggest homophobic jerk, he realises just how much of an understatement “it won’t be easy” is.
Or, the one where Luke and Ashton are polar opposites, or so they assume.
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