#the Republican party in a nutshell
beauty-funny-trippy · 29 days
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If any other person in history had incited a violent insurrection against the United States, they'd have been labeled a traitor, thrown in prison, and have absolutely no chance of a political career. But when Trump does it, Republicans make him their candidate for president.
Somewhere along the line, Republican politicians took a hard right turn, straight into insanity —found Republican voters already there waiting for them— and decided that batshit crazy is now their brand.
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boxingcleverrr · 2 months
...Nikki Haley is almost definitely winning the R primary race Vermont? My state is wacky as hell, I love it.
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so-what-then · 24 days
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"I'd rATher 1 GEnoCide" 🤪
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tomorrowusa · 11 months
Don't think that patiently explaining the legalities and details of the Trump indictment will change the minds of the MAGA crowd about it. Those folks, like Trump, simply don't believe in the rule of law.
There may be some Republicans who secretly believe the charges have merit but are scared shitless of what may happen if they say so in public.
A reasonably healthy party might give its indicted leader some benefit of the doubt, while calling for judgment to be withheld before he has his day in court. But Republicans correctly understand that their party will consider Trump an innocent martyr regardless. The sickness of the Republican Party as it is presently constituted is that there is no conceivable set of facts that would permit it to acknowledge Trump’s guilt. What has brought the party to this point is the convergence of its decades-long descent into paranoia with its idiosyncratic embrace of a career criminal.
Yep, the GOP has been drifting in this direction for a long time. Trump's emergence finally nudged them into being a full-blown paranoid cult.
The Republican Party’s internal culture has been shaped by what Richard Hofstadter famously described as “the paranoid style” in American politics. Hofstadter specifically attributed this description to the conservative movement, which, at the time, was a marginalized faction on the far right but has since completely taken control of the party and imposed its warped mentality on half of America. To its adherents, every incremental expansion of the welfare state is incipient communism, each new expansion of social liberalism the final death blow to family and church. Lurking behind these endless defeats, they discern a vast plot by shadowy elites. In recent years, the Republican Party’s long rightward march on policy has ground to a halt, and it has instead radicalized on a different dimension: ruthlessness. Attributing their political travails to weakness, Republicans converged on the belief that their only chance to pull back from the precipice of final defeat is to discard their scruples. A willingness to do or say anything to win was the essence of Trump’s appeal, an amorality some Republicans embraced gleefully and others reluctantly. Trump, by dint of his obsessive consumption of right-wing media, grasped where the party was going more quickly than its leaders did. This aspect of Trump’s rise was historically necessary. All Trump did was to hasten it along.
This is Trump's legal philosophy (if you want to call it that) in a nutshell...
Trump was not raised in a traditional conservative milieu. He came into a seedy, corrupt world in which politicians could be bought off and laws were suggestions. He worked with mobsters and absorbed their view of law enforcement: People who follow the law are suckers, and the worst thing in the world is a rat.
Trump is basically a petty mobster. That explains why he hates the FBI.
It is the interplay of the two forces, the paranoia of the right and the seamy criminality of the right’s current champion, that has brought the party to this point. Trump’s endlessly repeated “witch hunt” meme blends together the mobster’s hatred of the FBI with the conservative’s fear of the bureaucrat. His loyalists have been trained to either deny any evidence of misconduct by their side or rationalize it as a necessary countermeasure against their enemies. The concept of “crime” has been redefined in the conservative mind to mean activities by Democrats. They insist upon Trump’s innocence because they believe a Republican, axiomatically, cannot be a criminal.
That Manichean view fits in well with the radical Christian fundamentalist tendency in the GOP. Though instead of Jesus Christ, the credo of Republicans is to accept Donald Trump as their personal Lord and Savior. By that reasoning, Donald Trump is incapable of wrongdoing.
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soberscientistlife · 2 months
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The Republican party in a nutshell.
Vote away the hate.
Vote Blue
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pilvimarja · 5 months
Why do people hate Miles Teller? I am not trying to be cheeky! I really have no clue! I never heard about him being hated. Has it to do with shipping or are they jealous because of his wife?
I don't think it has anything to do with any shipping or fandom related things, and I don't think most people even know who his wife is because she's not a celebrity. Based on my personal observations, there's a handful of "key reasons" that tend to come up time and again when people say they hate Miles Teller.
The first one and the origin of the "Miles Teller is an asshole" rep seems to be the infamous interview he gave to Esquire magazine in 2015. You can find the whole interview and the reactions to it just by googling it. I get the feeling that Miles and the interviewer weren't on the same wavelength, Miles' sense of humor rubbed her the wrong way, they clashed from the moment the interview started, and both of them ended up looking like jerks.
There's also been some reports that Miles (allegedly) was difficult on the set of F4 and War Dogs, but in hindsight, knowing what we know about the nightmare production of F4 and its problematic director who barely has a career anymore, and Jonah Hill who was Miles' co-star in War Dogs, it's probably safe to assume that Miles at the very least wasn't the only asshole on those sets and maybe had a reason to bitch.
The third big reason seems to be the assumption that Miles and his wife are Trump-loving Republicans. I think his wife's parents are Republican, but the only time I've heard Miles himself bring up his own political views is when he mentioned attending Robert De Niro's (who, as far as I know, is a vocal Trump critic and a Democrat) election night party in 2016. So we can probably assume that he and his wife don't support the Orange One even if some people in their families do.
The fourth and the most recent reason is the assumption that Miles didn't care about Covid and caused the entire production of The Offer to shut down because he (allegedly) refused to get vaccinated. As far as I know, the production was actually shut down and Miles did get Covid, but he also gave a statement where he said that both he and his wife had been vaccinated "for some time" when that happened. So I guess you either believe him or the anonymous "inside source" who claims he's anti-va**. And I'm not defending him, but I was vaccinated three times, always wore a mask and did several tests, and I still managed to get Covid twice, so you can get it even if you're careful.
So that's my nutshell take on his negative rep. I think most people don't care to find out what he's actually like and which things about him are true, which is valid. I don't go around doing deep dives into celebs who I have no interest in. And I admit that I myself spent years under the impression that Miles Teller is an asshole because I had only seen unflattering headlines about him on Oh No They Didn't and various other gossip blogs. But I don't think Miles himself cares enough to make an attempt to fix his reputation. It's been almost nine years since that Esquire interview, but the fallout from it is most likely permanent.
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meandmybigmouth · 2 months
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The Republican party in a nutshell!.
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So shit like this, shows me how inept people that vote blue are. You all think, "Well this thing is called "x" so it must be so". It's literally this meme in a nutshell:
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Then there was the, "Inflation Reduction Act" which itself did almost nothing to reduce inflation and the only projected loss of inflation would be by a % and only by 2027. Trump was a New York Democrat. And he explained why he didn't run as one several times. And the reasoning was because the Dems would not have let him win. The same way they didn't let Bernie win. And policy wise, Trump and Bernie were not super far off. It's why when Bernie got gutted during the primaries, a lot of Bernie voters went Trump.
And just because Trump doesn't align with the new socialists doesn't mean he's not still a Dem at heart. Just means the modern Dem party keeps moving further and further left. Which if you want tyranny then keep voting for them. You'll get it soon enough. Oh and the prospect that I am "Only critical of Dems" and I "Promote Reps" is fucking stupid. I'm far less critical of Reps because I KNOW they are mostly stupid. But I will let the right criticize their own, and when Reps do something I'm very much slighted by I talk about it. Like when I complain about Abbott. And the only Reps that I promote are more libertarian party members while only being republican in name. And that's both Rand Paul and Ron Paul. Also Tulsi is a Dem I like. But I guess she's not Commie enough for your tastes. Because she's anti war and the modern dem party is extremely pro war.
Fact is. I only like Trump in so far as he protected our borders, pushed the Abraham Accords, and did his best with LYING generals at his side to pull us out of wars and bring our troops home. Of which I am ALL for because I'm a prior. Get my brothers and sisters out of these pointless wars. And out of these dangerous war torn countries that never stop fighting. Trump is a crass man who's self important to a fault. I'd never deny that. He has done some not great things in his past. But did he fly to Epstein's island dozens of times? Not according to flight logs. Bill Clinton on the other hand took several trips to said island. Bill Gates took several trips to his properties and I believe the island once or twice.
If you are going to come at me saying, "TRUMP'S RUNNING AS A REPUBLICAN SO HE"S NEVER BEEN A DEMOCRAT!", Well sorry just proves you can't parse words. Just because you don't see him as one doesn't mean he isn't one. He's not currently threatening to ban abortion. Most Reps would be. He's not threatening to ban Gay Marriage. Some Reps would be. Hence you miss the point. IE: You miss the forest for the trees. Reps are voting for Trump because the economy was good under him and he didn't want communism or socialism. And if you believe that there was no election meddling going on, you clearly didn't read Time Magazines, "The shadow campaign to save the election". In which they outline a number of things they did behind the scenes to make sure Trump could not win.
Many of which would be LEGALLY considered election meddling. Like IDK. Hiding the Biden laptop under "Misinformation". Which is funny because most modern "Misinformation" as reported by Dems and Mainstream Media just means, "4-6 months until proven true". Like the machines that DID flip votes. But the "Fact check" websites will tell you, "Well yes it did happen but we caught it and fixed it". Ok.......so it happened, meaning it could have happened to other machines, and no investigation was allowed to happen on those machines beyond, "Here you can look at it physically sitting on a pallet in shrink wrap and that's it". Yeah that's "Investigating" surely.
Yeah, if that had happened to Dems you'd still be shrieking to this day about a stolen election. But because you won, any and all funny business is reasonable and fine and shouldn't be investigated. Which tells me you don't care about fair elections you care about power. Because if you did care about fair elections, you'd have voted against policy changes that were against constitutional law. But unlike me (not a rep) you don't have morals. So long as you win and wield power like a weapon you don't care how you get there. And if that's the Democrat party I want nothing to do with it ever. Real things happened in 2020 that never got investigated. You don't give a fuck. Trumps voted blue most of his life. But in no true scotsman fashion, he's "Not a Democrat because he's not aligned with my idea of modern Dems". Spare me.
All communists should be purged. You aren't people so much as I'm concerned. You're a cancer on this earth. And modern Dems are basically Communists. Certainly not all. But far too many.
Oh and "Our enemies are trying to get Reps elected. Oh so Reps like Bernie Sander and Jill Stein?
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And this is only one report. Several others actually claim that Hillary was in fact aided by Russia herself. Sadly the MSM doesn't care about it and buries it because it's damaging to their narrative of "Trump is Super Hitler". Get over yourselves. Your party is currently flooding the US with illegals and putting US citizens on the back burner.
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never-was-has-been · 5 months
“Wars throughout history have been waged for conquest and plunder… And that is war, in a nutshell. The master class has always declared the wars; the subject class has always fought the battles… To turn your back on the corrupt Republican Party and the corrupt Democratic Party—the gold-dust lackeys of the ruling class—counts for something. It counts still more...to join a minority party that has an ideal, that stands for a principle, and fights for a cause.” ~ Eugene V. Debs speech December 25th 1921 ~ (born November 5, 1855 – died October 20, 1926)
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spongebobafettywap · 4 hours
Alright, my friend, I've got answers RE: Fresh Prince.
I honestly don't know how intentional it is, I have to assume very, but it's the same trend that you see with most Black civil rights activists who screwed around tryna change things from the "inside". You either die or live long enough blah blah. Ultimately, in order to move up in the food chain, you have to be absorbed into the same situation you were just protesting against. The show is a little bit vague on what kind of law he practices, but since there's so much money in it, it's clear that these are the wealthy elites that are funding his lifestyle.
Ultimately, so many social movements die because those that are impacted die and those that can rise above stop being allies, and it's the same thing with Uncle Phil. I think the show tries to balance it by showing that he cares far more about the happiness and security of his family than he does anything or anyone else (including Will, for a time), and that he's more than willing to sacrifice others (again, including Will) to make sure they're secure. That is, in a nutshell, the activist to right winger pipeline. Unfortunately, we're supposed to think that's a good thing (It is NOT).
They also try to balance it by having him run as a Democrat when he runs for judgeship, but he's clearly a conservative Democrat, and also he technically loses the election.
Idk if that's actually an answer, just that the show wants us to know he's a sellout who "grew up" and "screw it, I got mine"-d everyone else. Other Black people (like Will) struggle to succeed not because of racism, but because they just didn't apply themselves enough, and it's clear that he looks down on them for it. He was able to rise up from his roots, he was able to "talented tenth" his way to wealth, and everyone else simply isn't trying hard enough.
Now Aunt Viv being fine with him being conservative, they did a terrible job with that.
Oh yeah I'm aware of activists going right winger is a thing, I mean even being a left wing person seems to somehow eventually get a huge chunk of people sympathising with right wing nationalists from the East for no real reason and you can easily find these people on twitter. They literally support frigging Christofascists in the East as long as they say "America Bad" which is insane to me. That's an extreme example of course but basically I've very much aware these people exist. (as I've wound many up for having this garbage morality LOL)
Honestly I'm not sure how much the show wants us to think what Phil does is a good thing, given how often Will calls him out for this and its Phil's liberal policies that are the celebrated ones. I mean I guess Phil went from Activist to Republican to Democrat maybe the Republican part was a holdover from the earlier story where Phil's story wasn't as fully developed and they envisioned the Banks as behaving more posh. I dunno to me I just found it confusing because I can't think of many Black Civil Rights activists going conservative in that time period at least though I'm sure examples exist of course, to me it just seems more likely they'd lose their edge and become liberal democrats.
Honestly with Will it seems like what you said in the ask is mostly contradicted by the show, I think there's a few times where Phil is willing to sacrifice or send Will away but more often Phil does show that he wants to help out the younger generation/other black people like that scene where he tells Will he worked hard to open doors for him (the younger black generation) and it doesn't make him any less of a man to walk through them.
Aunt Viv is a whole mess given the background situation on her lol but I think that may be answered in another post, I have my own headcanons for her. But I agree I just can't see her being Conservative either let alone being okay with Phil being one. But stuff like this makes me think the perception of those political parties was slightly different back then.
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evanvanness · 4 months
The Wire is the most right-wing show ever aired?
I've just finished re-watching The Wire. When I was watching it, I remember there were some random semi-annoying preachy political bits.
Creator David Simon is a left-winger, for sure. Without checking, I'd guess that he's the type who may not feel the Democratic party is nearly left-wing enough. Here's wiki:
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So maybe I was right? Inconclusive, but seems like I was likely correct.
So how can it possibly be a right-wing show?
That sounds crazy.
But I can't think of a single other show that routinely depicts individuals as heroes (if flawed) that just get ground down by the government system. The whole show is about how politicians and bureaucrats in Baltimore have created a failed state that fails its citizens in every way.
Now if you were to ask Simon that, he'd blame Republicans for the War on Drugs*. In fact, in the series he explicitly does that when Major Bunny Colvin creates a zone ("Hamsterdam") where the drug trade is legal. He finds a few blocks where it's mostly vacant houses and legalizes the drug trade there. Crime goes down and law-abiding citizens get their corners back, although Hamsterdam is a total mess.
But the experiment ends because the "evil Republicans" in DC shut it down. The mayor is already queasy, so when they get told that the (implied to be George W Bush) administration will block as much funding to the city as possible, Hamsterdam is dead and Bunny Colvin's distinguished police career is over.
Yet if there's a singular Republican argument in my lifetime (at least, pre-Trump, ahem) I'd argue it's the idea that we should lower federal tax rates and end the system where bureaucrats and politicians in DC direct money at their whim.
In fact that's what the American Republican was supposed to be: 50 sovereign states with a limited federal government that only did the minimum necessary.
50 laboratories of public policy instead of a one-size-fits-all out of a windowless office building in Washington, DC.
That's why I'd argue it's a right-wing show in a nutshell. It's full of petty partisan shots particular to the GWB presidential era. Many of them ring true, but the whole show is about government dysfunction. Hardly a ringing argument for more government.
But perhaps the most poignant character is Bubbles. A dope fiend from the start of the show who becomes a police informer. He makes lots of cases for the police. Many of the things they need to know come from him.
The police let him down over and over again. It's sad, but Simon really drives it home in nearly every season, to the point that Bubbles eventually gets so sick of it and misinforms so that the police arrest a politically-connected black minister. .
The only institutions which care about him are private institutions like Alcoholics Anonymous and individuals. In a heartwarming end, he gets invited out of the basement for a meal at his sister's. Despite the fact that he had stripped all of the copper out of her house and sold it a few years before.
Earlier I pointed out how even the heroes are incredibly flawed, showing fundamental right-wing belief that the nature of man is imperfect and thus utopia is impossible.
You root for the heroes. Detective Mcnulty cares so much about solving murders that it destroys his personal life, over and over. Same with Bunk. And Giggs. Cedric is great, possibly the only member of police leadership that seems remotely ethical. When he makes it to the top, he's instantly decapitated from what are made to seem relatively minor sins of the past.
But even outside of a broken system making it hard for the heroes, I can't imagine watching The Wire and thinking utopia is feasible, or that we'd just solve Baltimore's problems by raising taxes and spending more.
-* Yet no one ever talks about the fact that fetanyl is magnitudes (100x? 1000x?) more lethal than heroin. Perhaps the correct decision is a more rational policy on things like marijuana and a true war on things that end lives and destroy cognition even if you don't die.
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trmpt · 1 year
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frankterranella · 1 year
For Trump, all allegations of wrongdoing are political
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I have heard it said that human beings have an infinite capacity to ignore facts that are not convenient. That thought comes to mind this week as we anticipate a former President of the United States being indicted in New York on charges of committing a felony. That potential indictment comes against a legal background where several other indictments are simultaneously being contemplated by prosecutors in other states. I remember a time 50 years ago when millions of Americans were ignoring the fact that Richard Nixon had committed criminal acts. It was unthinkable. No President had ever been indicted. And now millions of Americans are ignoring the fact that Donald Trump may have committed crimes. How is this possible? The answer is Propaganda. According to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Holocaust Encyclopedia: “Propaganda was used as an important tool to win over the majority of the German public who had not supported Adolf Hitler. It served to push forward the Nazis' radical program, which required the acquiescence, support, or participation of broad sectors of the population. Combined with terror to intimidate those who did not comply, a new state propaganda apparatus headed by Joseph Goebbels manipulated and deceived the German population and the outside world. Propagandists preached an appealing message of national unity and a utopian future that resonated with millions of Germans.” Today the propaganda is much more sophisticated and is disseminated not only through online sources, but in mainstream media like Fox News, which we have recently learned did not believe its own propaganda but disseminated lies for profits. They thought it was what their audience wanted to hear. What this propaganda does is allow people to ignore the inconvenient facts about Donald Trump. It allows them to ignore the evidence. This means that rather than address the known accusations, they attack the prosecution. They say the prosecutor is a puppet of liberal billionaire George Soros. They say this despite the fact that there is no evidence of any direct contributions by Soros or any evidence that the two have ever met or even talked. (I often wonder what Republicans are going to do once the 92-year-old Soros dies.) In a thinly-veiled intimidation effort, House Republicans called for the New York prosecutor to testify in a House inquiry about “politically-motivated prosecutions.” And that in a nutshell is the Trump defense. No matter what crime he commits, if he is prosecuted, the prosecution is politically motivated. He has no respect for the justice system. Instead, he calls for his supporters to fight the justice system. This is a threat to our democracy and it’s how far the poison of propaganda has infiltrated our national bloodstream. There was a time not long ago when politicians of both parties who were indicted would routinely assert their faith that the judicial system would find them innocent. They did not call for their supporters to break them out of custody like some Mexican drug lord. If Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden or even Joe Biden was charged with a crime, Democrats might similarly assert a belief in their innocence, but they would then have faith that the judicial system would vindicate their beliefs. They would not attack the system. This is the difference between Democrats and MAGA Republicans. We all have to get back to having faith in the government of the United States, and not just in one individual politician. We need to stop ignoring inconvenient facts. We need to learn the lessons of Germany.
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cattarattat · 1 year
Fox News lying and blaming the wrong people again...
Fox News owner, Rupert Murdoch, and Upper 1%-ers like him have LIVED OFF middle/lower class tax-dollars ANNUALLY with many paying little-to-zero in income-tax ANNUALLY.
In a nutshell, Upper 1% monopolied corporations pay-off Republican Party politicians to keep the federal minimum-wage at an increasingly unlivable slave-wage by not raising it proportionately & concurrently with inflation via new legislation in Congress.
The current federal minimum-wage???
It would take literally over 3X that amount TO REACH a generalized 'livable' federal minimum-wage across the United States within today's current inflated economy.
That means an entry-level position flipping burgers at McDonald's earning a livable/non-slave wage would earn this worker roughly $25/hour! (Professional salaries would also raise as professional wages are based off of the federal minimum-wage.)
For example, when monopolied corporations like Walmart offer new hires $15/hour for an entry-level position...Walmart is POCKETING the other approximate $10/hour EVERY HOUR OF EVERY DAY that employee is working.
Or when monopolied corporations offer new hires a $1500 BONUS...
Understand, that this exampled $10/hour LOSS for a 40-hour-per-week full-time entry-level worker would equate $1600 in ONE MONTH!!!
So basically, even with an entry-level bonus, they are offering you ONE MONTH of a livable & non-slave salary WHILE POCKETING the other $1600/month the other ELEVEN MONTHS OUT OF THE YEAR!!!
Still think it's a great deal?
THE PROBLEM is the public has grown more and more accustomed to living within excruciating financial hardship increasingly so through unquarrelingly getting by on less for roughly SIX DECADES NOW. This has created an obedient middle/lower class WEAK under the greedy hands of these corrupt monopolied corporations, their corrupt corporate benefactors, and their corrupt bought-and-paid-for Republican Party politicians.
So that when these corrupt monopolied corporations, their corrupt corporate benefactors, and their corrupt bought-and-paid-for Republican Party politicians RUN OFF WITH 'TRILLIONS' IN MIDDLE/LOWER CLASS TAX-DOLLARS ANNUALLY WHILE OFTEN PAYING LITTLE-TO-ZERO IN INCOME-TAX ON MILLIONS/BILLIONS IN CORPORATE PROFITS, it is heinous & insulting for them to guilt the middle/lower class AND heinous & insulting to throw the middle/lower class mere breadcrumb amounts of their own middle/lower class tax-dollars! The very same middle/lower class which starvingly gobbles up these few breadcrumbs with unwarranted gratefulness & thankfulness to monopolied corporations which continue to have record profits!
We need legislation which catches the current unlivable federal minimum-wage up to a 'livable wage'. Thereafter, we need legislation which bumps up the federal minimum-wage EQUALLY & AUTOMATICALLY with EVERY RISE IN INFLATION. When this happens, the federal minimum-wage always stays a 'livable wage' as well as the professional salaries adjusting above them (e.g. university educated).
So when Rupert Murdoch's 'Faux News'...
Oops! I'm sorry. 😆
Rupert Murdoch's 'Fox News' TELLS YOU to give up on university education because they have made-up more illegitimate reasons to cover up the REAL REASONS behind waning university education salaries...
Remember, that it is always an uneducated public which is EASIER for the corrupt monopolied corporations, their corrupt corporate benefactors, and their corrupt bought-and-paid-for Republican Party politicians TO CONTROL.
If the middle/lower class WISES UP AND DEMANDS that only non-corrupt legislation become law. If the middle/lower class WISES UP AND DEMANDS their middle/lower class tax-dollars go for federal programs helping the roughly 325+ million majority of Americans making up the middle/lower class along with enforcing that monopolied corporations pay legitimate Eisenhower era income-tax, the Upper 1% LOSES THEIR FREE RIDE.
Essentially, the only way these Upper 1% MOOCHERS became BILLIONAIRES (and soon, if not already, trillionaire) IN THE FIRST PLACE.
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meandmybigmouth · 9 days
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chargetheintruder · 2 years
This is it, once again.
The sum of all nightmares is upon us.  We have to pull it together and rise up again, and AGAIN, to shut out the traitors and the QAnon inbreds and worse among us decent people.  We have to be the adults in the room and protect society because the so-called other side just doesn’t give a shit.  They’re too hellbent on being Nazi whenever possible.  The Media isn’t helping--most of it is out to make people depressed and apathetic.  Twitter’s BEEN no good, ditto with Facebook.
And this is where we have to resist.  This first message is targeted.  It is specific.
That article appears to be free and objective for the time being.  Those six states are the ones who need help the most.  And here’s what I have to say, in a nutshell.
--IF you have a Vote By Mail ballot, USE IT ALREADY.  IF you are in one of those six states your vote MATTERS more than most, as far as both Congress and Governorships are concerned.  Vote straight-ticket blue, Vote Democratic ONLY, give NO votes to Republicans or to anyone who doesn’t declare a party, and yes, hold your nose and Vote blue even if the candidate is a Blue Lives bitch, and here’s why.  Trump and his lost the police when he attacked them in the media after the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid.  Some of this ass-kissing is going to be tactical on the part of candidates, they’re trying to pick up pro-police people so they DON’T bloc-vote red/Traitor Party/Trump Party.  You CAN vote now and withdraw support for the person afterwards if they REMAIN too pro-Nazi-Cops after the Midterms.
But yes, fucking vote already if you can vote early.  Preferably by mail as the inbred psychos among us are stalking and harassing people at ballot boxes now.  Be elusive and discreet.  Drop your ballot off at the mailbox with your bills as you pay them, or with your normal mail.
--Whether you are voting early or on Tuesday the 8th, get ready to use the Buddy System.  Go in groups, and be discreet.  Look out for your family, and also for the elderly and disabled.  But go in groups of at least three and show up as early in the morning as you possibly can.  Be at the head of any lines, act like you belong there and MAKE SURE you are registered, at online web sites for your state, BEFORE you are in line.  Don’t wear anything election-specific on your person so you don’t get accused of electioneering--let that one be on your stalkers.  Insist on going as a group and let NOTHING STOP YOU.  Have at least one person RECORD the whole trip on their smartphones for as long as possible as you approach the polling place.  One per group.  Make it clear that the stalkers of the alt-right aren’t the only bastards watching.
--In the meantime, until after you’ve voted, early or not?  Freeze out the media.  IGNORE the fuck out of the babble coming from Oz and Lake and M.T. Greene and all of the retards.  They WANT you upset so you mess up when their butt-buddies of the police show up.  They WANT you easily provoked.  Don’t give them that.  Stay quiet, discreet, smile for the cameras--yours, theirs and everyone’s--and vote like you are raping them with a ten-foot flagpole.  No lube.  But stay ICE COLD as you do that.
--After you’ve voted?  Get to a safe place, relatively speaking, and start calling the police on the Ballot Box and Polling Place stalkers.  Leave anonymous tips.  Have the LICENSE PLATE numbers of people’s cars and trucks ready to report and especially know how to describe vehicles that don’t have plates.  REPORT them for being ILLEGALLY PARKED and BLOCKING TRAFFIC.  Do this for the entire rest of the day after you’ve voted first thing in the morning.  Also report vehicles that are in bad shape--busted lights and things--as those count as offenses too.  Turn the stalkers and their butt-buddies ON each other whenever possible.  And again, ICY.  Smile as you do this.  Stay calm and cool about it.  Don’t shout, don’t flex, you’re an anonymous concerned citizen doing a civic duty now.  But don’t give your stalkers a minute’s rest.  And don’t give them any chance to cast their own votes.
--After you’ve voted?  Look, I’m not saying you should hunt and stalk bastards yourself?  But it does need saying: the 8th of November is this coming Tuesday.  IF you are able-bodied and have voted early already, with a Vote By Mail ballot, you should have gotten an email by now telling you your vote’s been received.  Once that is done, go off.  You have a few days to arm yourself, get a posse up and literally make sure your local neighborhood Q-Head or Fox News freak catches some hands.  Or some BOOTS.  Or maybe a brick to the face.  Team Traitor, Team Trump, is going to largely go all-in on the White Privilege side of Election Day.  Meaning odds are they will wait until Tuesday.  And maybe they’ll try to show up in groups, or maybe they’ll just sneak in alone.  Pick off the guys going in alone.  Out number them at least 3 to 1 if not by 6 to 1, and assume somebody on their side is going to have a gun--so make it quick and brutal.  Hurt them and keep them OUT of Election Day proper on Tuesday.  Nobody’s casting a ballot from the Emergency Room of a hospital.
Essentially, whatever you do, PLAN IT OUT, make sure you come in numbers, and BE FUCKING RUTHLESS.  Vote like the survival of the human race depends on it, because it does.
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