#the Valentine's stuff is still being worked on but i REALLY wanted to post smth again in between
jovenshires · 8 months
hey gang!
i've been thinking, and i think it's about time i take a tiny, teeny lil hiatus. just wanted to let you know i'll be gone for a lil while (hopefully a week+ depending on how it goes). this is NOT because of any of you - in fact i am going to miss you all dearly. just think i need a bit of a mental health reset luvs.
i will have my queue running - i've upped the time and number of posts as well so it will run throughout my normal hours here - and i have content (incorrect tweets, some video edits, gifsets, etc.) lined up until. like may so don't worry about that snkjfk (i won't be gone for that long prommy i just do a lot of content prep). i'll also be watching smosh every day as per usual, and still working on stuff while im gone!! i think this'll be a really great opportunity to get some work done - i have so many fics and passion projects lined up that im really excited about, so hopefully i'll get to finish those in the meantime and i may be back to post them <3 at the very least i'll be back by valentines day for the smoshblr exchange!!
i won't be checking my notifs, the smosh tag, or anything like that. if you want me to see smth in the meantime, hit me with a tag or a dm and i promise i'll see it when i get back. my askbox is still open but i'm afraid i probably won't be answering anything for the time being. if you're an anon who sends me asks - please please please keep sending them to me. truly you have no idea how much i enjoy our silly lil daily chats, they mean the world to me. i will be back to answer them as soon as i feel like im ready <3 and as for dms, i will answer them once i come back, but if you wanna talk to me urgently, i have discord/snapchat/whatsapp/etc where you can find me if you want to hmu for those <3 even if we've never spoken before!! i don't bite and i love friends prommy. i'll def be around for the rest of the day if you want to get my info!
like i said, i'll be around if anyone has any burning questions or wants to chat. i love you all, keep going strong, and be good while i'm gone. in my honor, please follow my golden rules: be kind to one another, make lots of silly goofy content, and, most importantly, do whatever you want forever. love ya! :)
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hey, sorry if this is too much or smth, but i really don't wanna tell anything to my friends i fearike it'd be "too real" AND OBVIOUSLY I WANT IT TO BE REAL BUT, i don't know, i feel like i'll jinx or fuck it up somehow if i tell it;;
hello, again, okay so, a few weeks back we had this thesis project 6 per group and ive had converstaions w all of them except for 1.
by this point i was lamenting over a past love, we werent necessarily together since we were like, idk 14 or smth when it happened and its been 7 years, we kinda drifted apart after graduation since i thought 'it wouldnt last anyway' and i kept rejecting their advances for a year or two, but i still liked them;;; anyway back in 2020 we got in touch again and i told them that i still liked them and i was just dumb and all that and they seemed to return my advances and ofc i asked if they were comfortable and not just going w the flow yknow and they said yes so.
i confessed and they said not yet cause of school stuff but they do like me still and so i said id wait, THEN it was all okay since we joke and all that but they always seem to reject when i ask them directly about us or like even just to meet up or smth, and ofc i get it so i try not to bother them too much until valentine's rolls in and they post smth on ig with them and their friends and theres this girl with a solo shot of her being goofy and smiling and i just.
idk i took it as a sign to stop since he always used to do that w me before so yeh.
and then like with school i just got lost in all it and directed every ounce of my passion so we finished some stuff quite early, theres only 2 big ones of them we needed to do so a member suggested to split the work between us six. one of thems easier than the other so i got grouped with the guy i havent talked to, kinda scared abt it but all was fine. i added him (lets call him graham) on facebook so we could talk in messenger about planning what to do and all that, then after i found that he's friends with another group member who happened to be someone im close with, kinda AND they messaged me so i asked whats up cause i thought it was abt the project and they reply with smth along the lines of "nothing, graham's just rlly overjoyed since u addrd him cause he likes u" AND IM WHAT CAUSE IM P SURE WEVE NEVER MET then he follows it up w "ure his type, smart and hardworking" AND I DONT HAVE THE HEART TO TELL THAT IM A FALSE ADVERTISEMENT CAUSE IM RLLY NOT ALL THAT AND IM SCARED OF DISAPPOINTING ANYONE
anyway they let it be and i didnt think much of it cause maybe theyre just messing around yknow so nothing much happened, we finished the project and everything's all right until we were grouped for another thing through our society/club whatevr and i was kinda nervous since its my first time meeting them and everything was fun actually turns out it was graham's bday last tuesday so i greeted him and we joked a bit cause wednesday's the club thingy, i didnt even know what he looked like since his pfp's from when he was a kid
wednesday rolls in and im in the library with a friend, a mutual friend of ours and he said hello to me and i was so happy somehow??? I DONT REALLY GET IT MYSELF I USUALLY TAKE SO LONG TO ACCLIMATIZR TO SOMEONE BUT LIKE THE CLUB THINGY WENT WELL AND WE WERE JOKING BY THE END OF THE DAY AND I JUST, i think i like him as well?? he even asked to take a picture with me he seemed so nervous i wanted to hug him I ACTUALLY THOUGHT ITD BE OUR WHOLE GROUP IN THE CLUB but it turns out it wasnt so !!!!!!
thursday comes and we messaged a bit (he chatted first, abt the thesis) we were in a seminar and i was a bit late that day so i was at the back and our other classmates r upfront w him so never really met, until a friend of mine and i were going home and we MET THEM ON THE TRAIN ISTG MY HEART WAS JUMPING UNTIL I GOT HOME SMILING LIKE AN IDIOT WHILE WALKING
okay sorry but like, tldr, im a bit afraid that i only "like" him cause he liked me first, yknow after i waited for the previous person and evrything for so long and receiving little to nothing ++ i think his expectation of me's kinda high im neither smart nor hardworking im just anxious all the time so i have to do my work quick or else i'll die and some part of me's still doubting his feelings for me as just a prank cause nsjdhbf idk im not really pretty too so whats up why is this happrning but he's so fucking cute (generally) and i am falling as well and im scared cause we'd be graduating in a year so what if this also doesnt end quite well and i end up losing a friend?
i kinda also wanna just come up to him and invite him for a date but yeh :( and yesterday my phone died and i was stoked to meet him but he wasnt at uni so i was kinda sad then i find out the previous person i like messaged me and idk they were kinda flirty and i feel bad if i leave them again cause ive done it once and i was only left with regrets so what if im just repeating history aaaa its so hard to like manage everything too if graham and i somehow manage to be together im not great at balancing things what if i let him slip away or smth
again sorry for this i just wanted to know what other people think i really wanna shoot my shot at the same time i feel like im a people pleaser so yknow what if im just doing this cause of attention or smth idk huhu thanks in adavmce if u answer this but no hatd feelings if u dont thank u boo
Hello, you seem very stressed out! Please take several deep breaths, put on some calming music and remember that none of this is life or death.
First of all, you're right to let this past love go, it's simply not in the cards and I'm proud of you for recognizing that. Throw the whole man away, if he makes you feel bad(even if he's not doing it on purpose!) you don't need that drama.
I'm not going to diagnose you with anything over the internet, especially not based on one interaction, but I will say that in this ask specifically, you are exhibiting pretty high levels of anxiety and worry that it might be good to speak to a professional about. Your university should have free mental health services, if you have insurance you can call and ask what providers they cover, and failing that, there are many therapists and psychiatrists who offer sliding scale coverage for low income patients.
Alright, now that's done, what needs to happen here is something that I know you will not like, but is pretty much mandatory-you need to have a conversation with Graham. It's okay if it turns out you only like that he's interested in you, and when you get to know him you're less into him. You're not asking him to marry you after all. It's also okay if you're not smart or funny or hardworking (I think you're being too hard on yourself, but even so, it's okay).
If you talk with him and express your interest, you can set a boundary on how you like to be complimented(i.e., low pressure compliments that don't comment on your abilities) and specify if you want something casual just to see how you vibe. Even if you graduate, you might stay together, or you might not. You definitely won't know unless you try.
Also, who cares if you want attention???? you're human, that's totally natural. You're not gonna go to Needy Jail for it.
All that to say:
go to therapy
figure out what you want (in general and from Graham specifically. You can do this in therapy)
stop talking to past love
start talking to Graham about what you want
remember that even if things end up less than ideal, it's okay
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ravennanightcrown · 17 days
gbf WIPs
decided to share a bit about the WIPs that I haven't published yet. (i might make another post about the ongoing fics I already have published.)
Here's what I have, in varying states of distress progress, ranging from "i have outlines, and multiple scenes more or less planned and arranged for the entirety of this fic" to "I really really want to write this 1 scene/dialogue. who knows how i'll get there.", in no particular order:
the nonconsensual divine revelation danchou fic
moooore canaanswap stuff (mostly sandyswap and danchouswap, i think. there's still also A Lot which of snippets/ficlets ive written with my friend for this AU that i havent officially called drafts because I feel like i need to write more worldbuilding before even posting them)
the flavor text concept fic (although this one I currently consider as reworked into stargazers)
perpetuity ring fic (currently planned to include in stargazers, but who knows. i might get possessed to post it separately as originally planned. was supposed to finish this in time for Valentine's. welp
belisari ""fairytale""-themed fic
modern au danchou fic. (i describe this as being my Speakers fic even though they are like, 2 tiers below Danchou in terms of being a major cast characters. because this is the draft where they actually interact. for terrible reasons. terrible for danchou)
>>basically the AU is like, Danchou is Bahamut's grandchild (terrible, horrible) and an extreme jack-of-all-trades, Momchou is a daughter of Bahamut, Dadchou dropkicked Bahamut into a coma and had to leave the city with Momchou (status unknown), Lucio and Shalem are Bahamut's sexy secretaries that do not get shit done and are also hiding his true state of being in a coma by using a plushy of him obscured by a curtain to act as his stand-in during meetings. Bahamut is also somehow a CEO that kinda controls the city?? pretty terrible scenario, really
>>>other cast members we have cooked up are Lyria as Danchou's adoptive little sister, Vyrn as Vern (but like, a komodo dragon. or just a monitor lizard), Faasan as Bahamut's other adoptive rebellious child, the 6Dragons as directors in Bahamut's company who hate him, Orologia who gets elected as like, in-charge temporarily (send them help) and refuses to spread the workload huhu. Logia also is the one mostly providing child support to Danchou in lieu of their parents.
>>>some fun background characters we thought of are rosetta/yggy as flowershop owners whehehehe. Michael as this one dude that's part-timing for everything. Lowainbros as themselves. Katavira as patrons of this one cafe/patisserie. Mikaboshi as some professor.
>>>and, uhh, for some forks of this au I also considered having Alliah as Danchou's fiancee. somehow. lmao. AND. HAUHET. As this mysterious lady that questions Danchou about staying in god's terrarium.
>>>also. Vern (Vyrn) is Bahamut's missing exotic pet. Dadchou took him and gave him to baby Danchou.
sandanchou/lucisan afterlife fic. it's less about the ships but more of what """""death"""" is available to them. soup metafic [headholds]
modern au faajita/granbubs fic. I WAS POSSESSED BY THE MADNESS. astronomy-themed (djeeta is an astronomy enthusiast, faa is just some guy she finds who she is convinced is the falling star she saw one night; gran is like, working for a phd or smth for astronomy, bubs is his fiance), but metafuckery as a whole. smth smth existential crisis.
dear god, there are so many.
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nethercomfies · 3 years
Congratulations on 200 followers!! You deserve it and many more, you've become one of my top favourite blogs and you haven't even been doing this as long as some others! You've got serious talent :)
I'd like to request the prompt "is that a drawing of me?" Or at least I think that's it, I could be phrasing it slightly wrong ^^' With Albedo, Kaeya and Itto! I'm mostly sending this in for Albedo because I really love the thought of his s/o being skilled at art and shy about it in front of him hehe``
If you'd like to do this for different characters of course go ahead! Have a lovely happy day! Or night``!(✿^‿^)
Ahhh anon you’re so sweet!! Thank you, really, that means a lot <33
I’m so sorry these event works are taking so long… I didn’t NOT wanna do something for Valentine’s Day tho ToT
But this served as a nice pallet cleanser in between tons of Valentine’s Day fics (cuz they do get repetitive after a while, even tho they’re really fun to write ;; )
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Characters: Albedo, Kaeya, Itto
Prompt: "Is that a drawing of me?"
Content: Mainly fluff, use of pet names (sweetheart, darling), established relationship, gn!reader
My 200 followers event
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You’re completely absorbed in the way your pencil scratches across the paper, just allowing your hand to draw whatever comes natural. It’s not too big of a surprise that you end up with a familiar face, calmly smiling with eyes slightly averted and somewhat messy hair covering some of it. Your eyes wander to the alchemy table not too far from you where Albedo seems to still be fully absorbed in whatever experiment he’s currently working on.
When he catches you staring, his serious expression turns into a small grin. “Do you need anything?” He asks, setting the vial he’d been holding aside.
You shake your head. “I’m alright, don’t worry. Just wanted to look at your pretty face.” You grin at the slight blush appearing on his cheeks that clearly isn’t just there because of the Dragonspine cold.
Albedo approaches you and you instinctively pull your sketchbook closer towards your chest. He raises an eyebrow as he sits down next to you. “What’s that?” He asks, eyeing the sketch you’re so desperately trying to hide. You feel the heat rising to your cheeks, but allow him to see either way -- Albedo is always so sweet to you, surely he wouldn’t make fun of your drawings, right?
“It’s just… A sketch I made,” you mumble as Albedo curiously eyes the paper. “It’s not as good as the art you make, but…” You cut yourself off before you start nervously rambling.
“Is that… A drawing of me?” Albedo asks after a while, his fingers carefully tracing the sketch. You just give a shy nod, nervously glancing over at him. He softly smiles back at you. “It’s beautiful.” Albedo leans over to kiss your cheek with a small chuckle.
“You really think so?” You’re a little baffled, thinking that someone as skilled as Albedo would compliment your art. And yet, he looks so sincere as he smiles at you.
“Well… Usually it’s always me drawing other people. It’s a nice change to see someone drawing me for once… Especially when it’s done by someone I care about like you.” You blush at his words and carefully tear the page out of your sketchbook to hand it to him.
“Then I’d like you to have it,” you offer with a smile.
His eyes widen in surprise. “Are you sure? That… I would love that, really.”
You giggle as you carefully tear the page out of your sketchbooks, handing it over to Albedo with a kiss on his cheek.
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You sit with your back against the cold brick wall of the Knights of Favonius headquarters, finally having found a spot that’s ideal for drawing -- No wind blowing away your paper and enough light to see what you’re doing, but not so much that the sunlight would blind you when it reflects off the white paper.
Not quite sure what you should draw, you decide to just start and see what your hands create when left to their own devices. You actually zone out a little as your pencil flies across the paper, listening to the birds chirping and the chatter of people passing by.
You don’t notice Kaeya approaching until he’s leaning over you with a smirk. His eyes briefly wander to the drawing in front of you, surprised to see an image of himself there. “Oh my… Is that a drawing of me?”
The question catches you off guard and you look up with a surprised yelp, only to find your boyfriend smiling back at you. For a moment you just stare at him, until the question actually registers in your mind. You look back down at your drawing, only to see that he's right -- You indeed ended up drawing him. “Huh, I guess you’re right,” you mutter, then gaze up at him once again, a faint blush on your cheeks. “I was just drawing whatever was on my mind… I didn’t even realize,” you admit, to which Kaeya chuckles.
“Seems like I’m always on your mind, darling, hm?” You know he’s just trying to tease you, but he’s not exactly wrong -- You find your thoughts drifting to Kaeya quite frequently. Your cheeks turn an even deeper shade of red as you just nod, causing Kaeya to laugh even more. “Well, I have to admit I’ve been thinking about you quite a lot as well… What do you say… Wanna take a break from drawing for a while and let me treat you to a nice meal?”
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You watch from the sidelines as Itto is loudly cheering on his onikabuto while Ayato sits across from him, arms crossed with an amused smirk as his beetle is about to win for the third time today. It’s cute how passionate your boyfriend is about the whole thing and you can’t help but sketch him while he’s busy cheering.
The drawing is coming along quite well when Itto finally gives up after his fifth loss, letting himself plop down next to you with a dramatic sigh. He leans his head against your shoulder, whining. “I lost again… Y/n, cheer me up please?”
You set your pencil aside and pat his head, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry, Ayato just got lucky. I bet next time you’re gonna kick his ass,” you assure your boyfriend, you let out a chuckle at your words.
“That’s right! No one can truly defeat the mighty beetle gladiator!” He beams at you before noticing the notebook in your lap, peeking over to see what you’ve been drawing. “Woah, is that me?” He leans even closer, admiring the drawing.
“Yeah, I thought you looked really cute back there,” you admit, a faint blush gracing your cheeks. “Do you like it?”
Itto gives you a bewildered look. “Do I like it? Well no… I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! I mean, come on, this is perfect! Totally captures how cool I am!”
You giggle and lean your head against his shoulder. “I think it doesn’t quite do your awesomeness justice, but I’m glad you like it.” You carefully tear out the piece of paper and hand it to him. “Here… It may not be a victory trophy, but maybe it’ll make you feel a little better?”
He wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer with a wide grin. “Hell yeah! I don’t even care that I lost anymore… Who cares about some lost fight when I’ve got the most amazing and talented partner ever?”
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faerune · 4 years
🔫 27-47 for lux/viktor whore
who leaves their stuff lying everywhere? Lux! She’s used to traveling light in comparison to people who don’t live from place to place so she’s not exactly good at being organized and keeping things in their place. She’s like ok whatever well I remember where it is and it drives Viktor up the wall who is a neat person.
what kind of stuff can be found around their place? Boxing trophies, cybernetic, car, and mechanic magazines, dirty clothes and towels on the floor of the bathroom, pictures of their friends, their shoes just kinda haphazardly kicked into the corner by the door, Lux’s mother’s old china (has a few chips in it but relatively in good condition), a car battery half taken apart on the kitchen table with a bunch of spare parts, vase of fake roses that never wilt, movie and old boxing fight posters. Everything is warm and mismatched and very homey.
what do their cupboards or shelves look like? Mismatching bowls and cups, not “messy” but definitely not organized. Like spoons mixed in with the forks in the drawers, bowls stacked not by size but just however they were washed. They’re not really We Have To Have Matching Plates kind of people.
what does their closet(s) look like? Viktor’s is relatively organized. Not Extra but everything has a place and is hung up. Lux’s side is of course very disheveled. She can never find anything and Viktor teases her like hmm I wonder why.
what do they do when they’re away from each other? Pine! Call each other on the holo every night, moon over each other. It doesn’t ruin their days though. They’re both pretty independent people and just go about their days as usual just missing the other.
do they have nicknames or pet names for each other? Viktor calls Lux baby, sweetheart, honey, and doll/dollface. Lux calls him baby, honey, and tiger. Also [redacted].
how do they refer to the other in public? how do other people refer to the other? (i.e. “my partner”, “ask your father”, ”dad and papa”, ”how’s your wife?”, etc) Pet names or just their regular names. Lux calls him Vik a lot when they’re around friends. I can see Vik saying my partner when they’re dating and Lux says my man (🤢) or my partner too. If they ever have kids they’re definitely just mom and dad!
who is more likely to pay for dinner? Viktor! He’s old fashioned and chivalrous at least when it comes to that. He wants to spoil his girl and treat her right. Dates for Lux when she was growing up were a lot different (going on four wheelers out in the badlands, drinking on cliffs at night, watching movies in the fam’s RV) and she really likes the dates he takes her on and how he treats her.
how often do they go on dates? They try to ever weekend!
typical date night? out or at home? Vik is bent on taking her to all the good restaurants in Night City. The hidden gems that Lux really loves. They’re a dinner and a movie kind of couple and they’re very sweet. They love date night.
do they celebrate birthdays, valentine’s day, anniversaries? Yes! Lux is kind of bad at it at first but she downloads a calendar and makes sure she gets alerts now.
what would they get each other for gifts? For Lux, a new car part or tool along with flowers and chocolates. For Viktor, front row tickets to a fight that’s coming to Night City (even though he says all of the professional fights are rigged and bullshit he still gets excited) or a new watch/piece of jewelry. 
how do they spend christmas and new year’s (or equivalent family gatherings)? They usually spend it with Misty and whoever else of their friends are in town! They also do Christmas Eve dinner with the owner of the garage Lux works in because the two of them are close and her kiddos love Viktor. Lux refers to them as their “adult couple friends”. For New Years, they get nicely dressed and go to a bar with their friends!
who cusses more? They both are kind of at the same level - not dropping f-bombs on the regular like Johnny and Vera but Lux pulls ahead just a little bit for her propensity to use it more than Vik.
what would they do if the other one was hurt? Vik would try and insist he be the one to assist or help her. Which...is not the smartest if there’s a different option. He’s very nervous when he’s not around her/she’s out but he’s very soothing and always by her side when she awake and aware. He protects her feelings a lot by not looking as worried as he should be.
Lux is very openly distressed and has to constantly be by his side holding his hand. Wants to be there when he wakes up, wants to know everything that’s going on. Needs to know exactly what they’re doing to fix him and how it works because that eases her anxiety. 
what are little gestures they do for each other? Vik makes Lux coffee in the morning for her since she hates mornings. Always kinda makes sure she’s tucked into her little blanket burrito at night and gives her a kiss on the temple. Wipes any grease/oil that’s on her face off.
Lux always brings him food when he’s working, makes sure he sleeps and takes care of himself. She likes washing his hair/him in the shower. Massages his bad hand idly when they’re watching TV or something, kisses the palm. Likes shaving his face for him.
do they know how the other takes their coffee/tea? Yes! Viktor used to bring her coffee in the mornings before his shop or the garage opened. Because he was into her and liked to talk to her but insisted it was because they were friends (which they were but still). Lux figures out a little while later when she returns the favor after a couple months of that. Asks him about it offhandedly and then shows up the next day to beat him at getting her coffee.
do they feel they see each other enough, or do they have activities that take too much of their time? I think they’ve struck up a nice balance! It’s important to them to have their own thing and aspirations, it really makes them attracted to each other and makes coming home to see each other all the more special!
do they friend/follow each other on facebook/tumblr/livejournal/skype/etc? Yes! Vik is always tagging her in old man loves his wife posts.
morning routine? Vik wakes up first, makes coffee and breakfast. The two eat breakfast together (mostly in silence because Lux is still trying to wake up lmao.  Lux washes the dishes and checks her email while Vik takes a shower (sometimes she’ll join him but that makes them late). Lux will take a shower and they’ll get ready the rest of the wake together. Always! a kiss! before!! they leave each other!!
how do they make up after a fight? They’ll apologize and tell each other they love each other but won’t talk about it till the next day. That night they’ll do smth they both love to do together and then when everything else is kind of cooled down the next day they sit down and talk about it.
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