#the amount of propping up captain carter so much in this season is getting ridiculous
lunarspiral1127 · 9 months
Okay, how is it that when she punched Strange Supreme with all six Infinity stones, her arm isn't burned? She's not wearing the Infinity armor anymore so all that power was concentrated in her fist instead of spread out. Hell, back in GOTG, Quill took the Power stone and he was in pain and he's half celestial. Thanos, Hulk, Tony, they all had their arms and some of their sided burned. How is she okay?! And it can't be because she's a super soldier, cause we've had beings stronger than her get burned by just snapping alone!
*sigh* Anyway, Strange is dead. Apparently, the episode really is using his grief as an excuse for him being this way, and he prevented his demon side to do anything while they were falling and sacrifices himself to bring back his universe, and Christine.....f***ing bullcrap. They really did Strange Supreme dirty in this season. They ruined his character all because they couldn't come up with another multiversal threat? Why couldn't it be Kang the Conquerer?! That would've been so much better. But, nope. It's Strange and he's gone.
Also, can we please stop propping up Captain Carter so much?! We get it, she's awesome, she's bad@$$, but there are other characters who are just as awesome or even more awesome that we should be seeing. I don't care if she's the main character in what's supposed to be an episodic series. Can we just move on from Peggy and focus on someone else for a change?! Yeah, there was Kahhori who was really cool, but Peggy was still the main focus here.
And, Loki's tree at the end. Does this mean that in season 3, it's gonna be Uatu AND Peggy narrating? I really hope not.
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