#the arkham librarian
blackwingsbluedings · 2 months
@the-arkham-librarian is being stalked by the Court of Owls
Talon's orders were clear: eliminate the high risk patients at Arkham Asylum with extreme prejudice; no needless casualties. The Court wouldn't appreciate deviation from the mission.
That was why this Woman wasn't owl food yet.
"Move. Or you will be moved." Talon warns, flashing the blade on his wrist.
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twcfaces · 2 months
"'You're not alone in this. Take your time; I'll wait."
In a functioning facility, there would be a button to press to call for security - or one of the guards would be standing by, attentive to any signs of distress.
There aren't enough guards at Arkham Asylum and the reason why is as plainly obvious as the insanity of its patients.
Maybe it's the new medication they added to his cocktail recipe of prescriptions. Maybe he glimpsed a familiar name in the papers, or found himself overwhelmed by the deluge of negativity in the news. Maybe there was a sound, or a smell, or a word that reminded him of something painful.
Beyond painful.
The point still stands that she should not have to be the first line of defense between an outburst and everyone else.
He sunk away from her. His arms covered his head - like a kid in a tornado drill, protecting his head and neck.
"No, I'm not alone in anything." he said, under his breath. "You can take the paper back. I'm going to need - a second."
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crowned-relapse-king · 6 months
Eliza reaches up to touch the horns, “Oh sweetheart….how do they feel?”
He's unsure, wincing a bit out of anxiety when physical contact is initiated. It's still very fresh, and Julian jolts as he feels her touch upon the horns.
It takes a few minutes for him to settle, coming to rest on his knees, carefully avoiding not to cause Elizabeth harm from the new appendages, closing his eyes and finally relaxing under her touch.
"I'm...I don't know..."
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enignoema · 7 months
Ring ring || accepting
What your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
What your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
A stack of old books
What your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone
"Well if it isn't the only bookworm in town" line from beauty and the beast
My muse’s last text to your muse
If you don't hear from me in like an hour you'll probably see me at work lol
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once-was-muses · 7 months
@the-arkham-librarian | SEND “ ✿ ” FOR 2 HEADCANONS FOR OUR MUSES’ RELATIONSHIP.
✿ (eliza and thoth)
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After learning about the multiple ransackings of it, Thoth absolutely places a protective sigil within the Arkham library; anyone who so much as dogears a page will find centipedes, frogs, locusts, or some other undesirable critters amidst their belongings soon after. He of course claims it was done solely to protect the (for him) holy location, which is entirely plausible- but there is also substantial evidence to suggest otherwise.
It would take some persistent hounding to have him agree, but there are few teachers that could be on parr with the Egyptian God of Magic. Granted he wouldn't teach her anything particularly advanced and the Egyptian magic system is different from most others.
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thehighscarecrow · 7 months
Eliza wiggles up next to him and rests her head on his shoulder.
Instinctively he wrapped an arm around her and shifted his smoke to his free hand. Leaning his head slightly he rested his cheek against her. "Ah been awhile. Thought you might have gotten lost in all those magical books of yours." Teasing her a bit he blew out a few tendrils of smoke that faded into the air. "Missed ya."
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doctorbrown · 8 months
Clara wearing pants. That is all.
Clara would rock pants in any century that's simply just how it goes.
Doc vc: that's my wife!!!
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alicesought · 8 months
Eliza gives him a kiss on the cheek.
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♡♠♢♣ ⁀ Why did everything just turn pink?
It was all gray, mere moments ago, as he helped her with one favor or another, as he was often prone to helping her with all kinds of things on the occasion he could. He couldn't resist. Any excuse to see her smile, to be the reason she did, to garner praise. Because she was very nice to him. And like a ghost, the more she invited him in without warding him off the closer and closer he inched himself into their days until--
A sharp gasp. You'd almost think you hurt him it seemed to startle him so, a trembling hand finding the marked spot on his face. Then he seems to melt, shoulders falling lax, faint and thoughtless giggling-- but his nerves tense to brace against what's coming. A single sane thought uttered in his head before this rising warm feeling started to drown him in rosy tints--
... Oh no.
" I- um... Anything! That is-- anything for you, of course! Why, had I known it was all for but a sliver of your affection I really might have done... just about anything. " A laugh, as if to joke, a little too sharp, as he backs away to leave them. " Fairfarren, my dear~... " He can't help but hum even despite his nerves. He just needs a moment to think. That's all.
Yes. That's what he said last time.
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minodalus · 8 months
❛  are you okay? are you hurt?  ❜
forty random questions!
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all he can do for the foreseeable next few seconds is to metaphorically bite his tongue, just to not snap at her. for a moment, all he sees is dots —- a stabbing pain in his foot leaves him breathless and with the instinctive need to let out a yell. all that leave his thin lips however is a long hiss. "yes —- yes, i'm fine." a heavy exhale then, or rather a rushed blow of air. "or not. i think i broke something. or fractured. probably fractured. i'm —- jesus." deep breaths, edward.
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twcfaces · 2 months
‘  do you ever shut the fuck up?  ’
Rude was okay. Anyone who worked at Arkham surely deserved a few moments of uninterrupted peace and quiet.
It was a Hell of a place, where the fringes of sanity stopped at the door - so Harvey understood. She was probably tired of the day in and day out chatter - he obviously felt her snapping at him it wasn't particularly warranted, but he understood where it was coming from.
"Not usually."
Harvey's voice is more amused than offended.
"Do you ever mind your own goddamn business?"
Two-Face is clearly more offended, right on Harvey's tail end.
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crowned-relapse-king · 6 months
“Julian, would you like to do something for Christmas?”
"What are your plans, my dear?"
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enignoema · 7 months
He's hidden a note in one of the books he's returned. He's handwritten a crossword puzzle for her, except all the clues are popular riddles.
Anyone who knows the Riddler would consider this highly dangerous suspicious behavior, and would turn it in to the GCPD immediately. He'd had to sneak around to even write it.
But for once he just wanted to share something he enjoyed with someone he knew would appreciate it
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once-was-muses · 7 months
@the-arkham-librarian | Misc. Asks
“Antonio I’m sore,” she flops next to him, “could you give me a back rub?”
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Pausing mid pencil stroke, Antonio stays perfectly in place save for his eyes which pivot up to give her a look. Maybe he's been around her too long- it's almost as if he's leering over a pair of geometric glasses.
Nevertheless, he sets the sketchpad down on the table- with a great sigh- and motions for her to scooch over to him on the couch. "If you want charcoal smeared all over you, mia columba."
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doctorbrown · 9 months
put that down !
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Emmett's head whips around, surprise written clear on his face at the sudden shout. He hadn't realised his curiosity extended to him lifting one of the trinkets off the shelf to examine it under more careful scrutiny, and so, properly admonished, he gingerly places it back where he found it, matching the angle and placement exactly.
❝This is quite old—does it have some special significance?❞
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alicesought · 8 months
△ “Jervis, if given the chance would you really hypnotize me?”
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♡♠♢♣ ⁀ ... The immediate nervous giggling might have given him away before he did. " Well-- I-I- its hard to say, you know, since anything isn't impossible, that is to say-- " He sighs and winces at himself, finally catching his stutter. " Dear Ms. Eliza... you have given me the chance. Many chances, in fact... You are not exactly prone to following protocol, now are you..? " He quirks an amused brow at them. " You drink tea within inches of me, you look me in the eyes, you don't cover your ears, you let my hands within reach of your head-- and yet...? " He shyly shrugs.
" Sometimes, its true, on my way out of Arkham I think... I wish I could keep you. You're very, very nice to me... and I always wonder why you are... But, still, I don't. "
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arkhampsych · 1 year
There’s a rose on his desk with a note attached. “Care to join me in the morgue?” / @the-arkham-librarian.
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A hand dove into his black suit coat to retrieve silver half frames. He put them on as he picked up the note, running a hand through a mess of dark brown tufts that were smeared out of place by his mask. His brow quirked curiously at the message and the flower that was placed delicately beside it. couldn’t hurt to see a friendly face at the end of a long day … he thought as he dropped the note back onto his desk.
He made an attempt to fix his unruly hair, in the elevator. The result certainly wasn’t what it had been that morning, but it still looked far more put - together than how it appeared after he’d completed a session with a subject. When the elevator stopped, Crane quickly ran a hand down his front to smooth out his suit’s dark lapels, knit blue - tie, and pinstriped button down. Confident in his apparel’s composure, he left the elevator and approached the doors of the hospital morgue.
“ have you, any new arrival’s ? ” he asked impassively, ambling over to a steel bed.
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