#Scribe of the Gods : Thoth
once-was-muses · 8 months
As a deity from the second oldest human civilization known to the modern world, it comes as no surprise that Thoth has accrued a variety of attributes and titles over the millennia. Some are more traditional, ascribed to him by the early civilizations he was known to- while others have been given to him by modern beliefs. Whether they are concepts he governs over or matters he's called upon for aid, the things Thoth is considered "the God of..." include:
the Moon
Record Keeping
Religious/Sacred Texts
and in Modern Day,
2D Artists
Divine Communication
the Mentally Ill
Mental Insight
Space Exploration
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who-is-muses · 6 months
@gravevisited | Unprompted Starter [ ALWAYS ACCEPTING ]
“Welllllllll! What’s cookin, good-lookin?” Even if his face couldn’t be seen, the wink could be heard. As could his crooked grin, the same all these ages later as it was when Dio first visited Egypt. “How is everyone in your family hotter than me? Completely fucking unfair. Feel free to jump in and say ‘hi’ at any point, cupcake.”
As if Dio’s even come up for air, let alone shut up long enough for anyone to interject.
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A small whirlwind of a sigh seeps from Thoth's painted lips, lightly rustling the scroll held between his hands. His solid silver gaze only leaves the hieroglyphs for but a moment, just long enough to roll upwards in a display of displeasure- never mind the fact his back remains fully turned to the approaching foreigner. Perhaps, if he maintains his focus in proofreading the King's speech, he'll simply get bored and wander off. Maybe even let out all that hot air and run out of trivialities.
...When has that ever worked?
Scratching out an improper glyph- did that boy pay any attention to his teachings?- Thoth makes a quarter turn to look at Dionysus with a side eye. A quick, critical glance up and down, evidence only by the shifting glow cast from those moonlight eyes.
With a small tut, Thoth mimps, "I do not have family. If you spent less time ogling, perhaps you would have gathered that, what-" he quirks a perfectly shaped brow, "well over an epoch before?" Minutely pursing his lips in a distinctly condescending manner, he gives light huff before turning his attention back to the scroll.
As if that would ever be enough to shoo an Olympian away.
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nickysfacts · 1 year
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All hail the god Thoth, author of every work on every branch of knowledge!𓁟
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dduane · 6 months
we heard that you are jewish. is it true? either way, we appreciate you for respecting jewish culture!
I'm not Jewish. I did, however, grow up in what was for a while a very Jewish neighborhood in the Long Island suburbs... which is probably where I initially learned the respect. I remember during elementary-school-period catechism (one of my parents was Catholic) getting deeply pissed off at the nuns for talking shit about my Jewish friends—claiming that their prayers to God only went "so high" (indicating a measurement at about knee level)—and decided then and there that This Religion Was Crap and I was going to do some reading to find one that worked better.
And guess what? I'm still doing the reading. :)
People who read my work will find all kinds of influences surfacing, (More data and specifics in this old post.) And as it says over there, if it all seems a bit syncretic, and that makes me a syncretin? Guilty as charged.
Meanwhile—to keep all the differing religion-adjacent approaches in my mind from getting uncomfortable with one another—when I swear, I do it by great Thoth: inventor of alphabets and the art of writing, master of scribes, god of the invention and wrangling of languages, deviser of calendars and project manager of the infrastructures of spacetime.* Does that make me some kind of pagan, then? (shrugs) Damned if I know. After I'm dead, I'll inquire. :)
(ETA: Sometimes people will see/hear me saying, "Sweet Thoth on his e-bike...!!" or "...e-scooter"!" about something. For the edification of those interested: here he is.)
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*Probably also patron of fountain pens. See up above there? The thing he's carrying in his non-handlebar hand is the pen-case that scribes keep their equipment in. It's one of his formal attributes. ...Now let's all fight over which pens he uses, and what nibs. :)
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
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The Star
"In a general context, The Star indicates hope for the future, inspiration and contentment. With this Major Arcana card it evokes very positive feelings, motivated and free. The Star brings hope, renewed power, and strength to carry on with life. It shows how abundantly blessed you are by the universe as evidenced by the various things around you. It may not be directly evident at the moment, for this card follows the trauma of the Tower card. The Star indicates that you have come through the tough times with a renewed sense of self and the world around you. It is full of calm, well-balanced energy and represents the openness to healing wounds of the past. Whatever mental, emotional, physical or spiritual issues that were experienced...they are now behind you. You are ready to embrace what your future holds. Trust that the universe has a plan for you and trust the feeling you have that everything is going to be okay.  The card represents confidence and trust that people will like you for who you are. The Star can also indicate creativity and artistic flair. " "When the Star card is reversed, it means that you are feeling as though everything has turned against you. The challenges that you would normally see as exciting seem instead to make you feel as though you cannot overcome them. You have lost faith in something, whether inside yourself or with something you normally find dear.  Without hope, without faith, we cannot find the motivation to progress forward in the challenges that we face. Where in your life are you feeling hopeless? In what ways do you already feel defeated? And how does that affect your actions? The star reversed asks us to nurture our sense of hope and positive energy to help propel our actions with joy instead of fear. " The bird is an Ibis. In the Star card it is perched by the tree. It is associated with the Egyptian God Thoth, the scribe of the Egyptian pantheon that is associated with learning, science, magic and the moon. Thoth was often depicted as a healer and an arbiter.
This is the first I chose in a Stranger Things Tarot set I am starting. I think in the past I would have seen Will as the Hanged Man or The Fool, but with Season 4 and the prospect of Season 5 I think The Star is a perfect fit for him. <3
@cloudycleric @wheelersboy @perexcri @foodiewithdahoodie
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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RA ∆.∆∆ Talon Abraxas
A Hymn of Praise to Rā when he riseth in the eastern part of heaven. And the god saith:
“Thou shalt come forth into heaven, thou shalt pass over the sky, thou shalt be joined into the starry deities. Praises shall be offered unto thee in thy boat, thou shalt be hymned in the Atet boat, thou shalt behold Rā within his shrine, thou shalt set together with his Disk day by day, thou shalt see the Ant fish when it springeth into being in the waters of turquoise, and thou shalt see the Abtu fish in his hour. It shall come to pass that the Evil One shall fall when he layeth a snare to destroy thee, and the joints of his neck and of his back shall be hacked asunder. Rā [saileth] with a fair wind, and the Sektet boat draweth on and cometh into port. The mariners of Rā rejoice, and the heart of Nebt-ānkh8 is glad, for the enemy of her lord hath fallen to the ground. Thou shalt behold Horus on the standing-place of the pilot of the boat, and Thoth and Maāt shall stand one upon each side of him. All the gods shall rejoice when they behold Rā coming in peace to make the hearts of the shining ones to live, and Osiris Ani, victorious, the scribe of the divine offerings of the lords of Thebes, shall be along with them!” --From the Papyrus of Ani
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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Legends and myths about trees
Legendary tree deities (14)
Nut – Goddess of the sky & tree in Egyptian mythology
Nut the sky goddess was the most common tree goddess.  
A goddess, part woman, part tree on a 21st Dynasty cartonnage. This is a tree goddess. Usually the goddess is Nut or more rarely Hathor or Isis. The tree was usually the sycamore fig (though the word for sycamore, nht, was used as the general word for ‘tree’). Often the goddess is showing pouring out refreshing liquid into the hands of the deceased while their ba (in the form of a bird with human head) stands close by or flutters in the branches.
In ancient Egyptian mythology, Nut (pronounced “newt”) is the goddess of the sky and heavens. She was the daughter of Shu, god of the air, and his wife Tefnut, goddess of moisture and rainfall. Her brother and husband is Geb, god of the earth. It was believed that Geb's laughter created earthquakes and that he allowed crops to grow. When they were embracing, their father Shu forcibly pulled them apart and heaven and earth were separated. This myth is one of the most famous in Egyptian mythology, and the image of Shu standing over the lying Geb and supporting Nut is well known.
Nut became pregnant with five children and Ra, god of the sun, forbade her from giving birth during the official calendar year. The ancient Egyptian calendar consisted of only 360 days in a year, had 12 months of 30 days and 24 hours within those days. She asked for help from Thoth, god of the moon, scriptures, sciences, messenger and recorder of the deities, master of knowledge, and patron of scribes. It has been said that Thoth was secretly in love with Nut and didn’t hesitate when she asked for his assistance.
Thoth was able to play dice with the moon and granted Nut five extra calendar days in order for her to give birth to the five children: Osiris (god of the underworld), Isis (goddess of healing, magic), Seth (god of war, storms), Nephthys (goddess of the night, mourning), and Horus the Elder, the falcon-headed god. These children were not welcomed and were considered intruders in the divine community.
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伝説の樹木の神々 (14)
ヌート〜 エジプト神話に登場する天空と木の女神
第21王朝のカルトナージュに描かれた、女神のような、女性のような、樹木のような。これは木の女神である。女神は通常ヌート、まれにハトホルやイシスである。木は通常、スズカケノキ (エジプトイチジク) である (ただし、スズカケノキの単語 ‘nht’ は「木」の一般的な単語として使用されていた)。多くの場合、女神が故人の手に清涼な液体を注ぎ、その傍らにバー (人間の頭を持つ鳥) が立っているか、枝の中で羽ばたいている様子が描かれている。
トトは月とサイコロで勝負し、ヌートに5人の子供を産ませるために5日余分に暦日を与えることができた。その子供達がオシリス (冥界の神)、イシス (癒しと魔術の女神)、セス (戦争、嵐の神)、ネフティス (夜、哀悼の女神)、そして鷹の首をもつ長老ホルスである。しかし、これらの子どもたちは歓迎されず、神々の共同体への侵入者とみなされた。
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egypt-museum · 2 years
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Statue of Ramessesnakht
The High Priest sits with his legs crossed under him the typical pose of a scribe another office he held, his head is bent over his work, his own biography, in his left hand is poised to continue writing, the baboon embracing his head, offering him protection and counsel represents Thoth, god of the moon, sacred texts, mathematics, the sciences, magic, messenger and recorder of the deities, master of knowledge, and patron of scribes.
New Kingdom, 20th Dynasty, Ramesside Period, ca. 1189-1077 BC. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 36582
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santoschristos · 8 months
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Thoth He is The god of writing and wisdom, knowledge and truth, Thoth, he is also known as "Lord of Time" and "Reckoner of years" as he is credited with the invention of writing the alphabet, mathematics, surveying, geometry and even botany plus he was also the record keeper of the gods.
Thoth symbolized the passage of time and the powerful magic behind the divine knowledge of words. He was the patron god of libraries, astronomers and scribes, and was a divine ally and benefactor of humanity who provided them the heavenly gift of the spoken words. He is depicted as a man with the head of an ibis holding a writing implement. He holds a highly important position between the kings as he gave them the power to maintain order on his subjects. He played a role in the weighing of the heart in the hall of truth and was able to give a nut to five days of the moonlight to give birth to original five gods.
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August 28, 2024: Mercury Stationary, turning Direct.
On August 4/5, Mercury turned retrograde on the 4th degree of Virgo. It will turn direct on August 28 on the 21st degree of Leo.
In traditional astrology, Mercury describes our conscious mind; our ability to think, talk, and process information. It is also our reality construct – what we believe reality to be. Mercury retrograde periods provide an opportunity to revisit assumptions we hold about our experience of reality.
In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Mercury is allied with Thoth, the Sacred Scribe. Thoth is the creator of language, writing, and time and can be considered the creator of 3rd Dimensional reality.
In traditional astrology, Leo is the sign of the individual. Virgo is the process of purification that individual must go through in order to better enter into relationship with others.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Leo is allied with Anubis in his experience of abandonment in childhood. We have all been in some way abandoned. The invitation of Leo/Anubis is to discover, acknowledge and transform those feelings of early wounding.
Virgo is allied with Nekhbet, the Crone Priestess. Nekhbet encourages us to do the work necessary to move through our feelings around abandonment in childhood and into an adult expression of our soul’s calling.
Mercury retrograding from Virgo to Leo has provided a fertile time for personal work. Mercury direct provides an opportunity to take our new understanding for a test drive out into the world. The time of experimentation will last from August 28 to September 12 when Mercury will return to the point at which it turned retrograde on August 5. By September 12, a new level of conscious awareness will hopefully be in place.
Mercury/Thoth turns direct on August 28 at 5:14 pm, EDT.
August 28, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
Image: Thoth by Amaryan
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
#astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #MercuryDirect#Thoth #Leo #Anubis #Virgo #Nekhbet
Mara Clear Spring Cook
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once-was-muses · 1 year
@the-arkham-librarian | kiss roulette
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9. A kiss to the eyelid
Oh, how this mortal vexes him, seems inherently capable of turning his very thoughts and emotions against him. Even his own creation fails him at times in her presence, the words he wishes to speak remaining stubbornly lodged in his mind. He feels vulnerable. Hasn't felt so vulnerable in millennia, not since the priestess which trapped him merely because she figured out how and knew she could.
Vulnerable, yet undeniably pulled towards her. His vindictive side stirs at the thought, conjuring schemes to get back at her, repair some semblance of his ego.
The plan he settles on almost makes him cringe outwardly. Almost.
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Possessing none of the godly strength of his kin, the Great Ibis resolves instead to pin her chin between fingers and the talon like nail of his thumb, tilting her head up, up, up, to emphasize the height difference. Then his dark face goes down, down, down, aiming right for her face-
Only for soft lips to lightly press against an eyelid, then the other. None of the slightly glittery blue perfectly painted upon his lips transfers with the touch, instead a sort of electric feeling coiling up within her eye sockets. Harmless, only a shadow of the deity’s own sensation.
And- wickedly cruel though he can be- absent of the phantom pains.
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who-is-muses · 3 months
[ stealing this not-RPC meme dw about it ]
Why is your OC named what they're named? Is there a different reason in-universe than out-of-universe?
Antonio da Vinci
In-universe: he was abandoned at the orphanage with his full name (Luca Antonio Nicolò Bellissima) written on a piece of parchment tucked into his swaddle. He (much) later added the "da Vinci" piece on himself, both to mock his father and fuel his own ego.
Out-of-universe: I wanted him to have a period appropriate name with matching syllables to Leonardo- but at the same time, this fictionalized version of Leonardo would absolutely give a kid two first names and two middle names regardless if it was even heard of at the time.
In-universe: after his father got to name their first three children, Edwin's mother insisted on naming their youngest. There is no family meaning behind his first name or two middle names (Langdon Cassius), she just liked them.
Out-of-universe: in the '66 Batman show, Bookworm was given the name I.N. Kingor- but I wanted to play even more to the similarities with the Riddler to make it all the funnier that they have zero influence on each other before Edwin returned to Gotham, thus needed an Ed- name and have always liked the name Edwin. I have him two new middle names with different initials because "E.L.C. Kingor" sounds better than "E.N. Kingor" to me.
In-universe: it's the name of xis not-quite-dead-but-definitely-not-alive mortal lover xe stole from him to try and save his life (it's a long story.) Though it isn't xis real name, most fae are reluctant if not outright adverse to giving that out, thus xe has taken to using it as a default in his memory.
Out-of-universe: I wanted an old Germanic name for xem to emphasize the fact it's not his actual name- being an English-Irishman reborn as a Celtic mythical creature- and the fact Goswin means "friend of the Goths" won me over. It's in reference to the North Germanic tribe of people not the global subculture, but still.
Habeas Corpus
In-universe: their birth-name Caziiz has debated meaning, but undeniably religious origins and connotations. Arriving on Earth and beginning to consume whatever literature they could find, they were particularly infatuated with the Latin language- and quite liked the idea of bastardizing the writ they took their new name from.
Out-of-universe: Habeas Corpus is just one of those words or phrases that scratches my brain, and I really wanted to think up a kidnapping, cult-leading, eldritch monster to use it as a name/title for. Additionally, there is no h or s in Habeas' mother-tongue- only ch- and z- noises where they would be- but that was decided after giving them the name.
The Ichor
In-universe: their birth-name Athanasios didn't really have any special meaning beyond the name's etymology- essentially "without death"- their parents prone to eclectic, slightly outdated names. Their Killer title was actually one of the few not devised by a Survivor but another Killer- specifically Talbot, using the name as a descriptor in a report to the Entity.
Out-of-universe: as mentioned, the name Athanasios means "without death" or, more simply, "immortal"- and it was a bid for immortality that they were transformed against their will. Their surname Tavoularis means "literary assistant," essentially "scribe" or "secretary." As for their Killer title, the substance ichor was originally used in Ancient Greece and Rome to describe what flowed through the veins of the gods and some demigods- but also took on the meaning of the serum excreting from wounds while healing as well as the plasma found in blood.
In-universe: initially- and for several centuries after- the deity eventually called Thoth didn't have a name, and coyly refused to provide one to be called by. Getting fed up with this, Ra fashioned the ibis birds with their beaks curving like a stylus and provided him a name derived from them- Djehuty, or "he who is like the ibis." Millennia later, Egypt was invaded and conquered by the Greeks, and many of the resident deities were forcefully given new Hellenized names- Djehuty becoming Thoth, this being the name that spread most and is most common (but least powerful.)
Out-of-universe: historically speaking, the deity has been given a handul of different names and countless different spellings of each- I really just picked which were most common. Additionally, to my knowledge, there is no myth surrounding the creation of ibises one way or another- so the idea they were crafted for him specifically is an idea I thought up for Echoes.
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weidaoduzun3 · 5 months
ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ -- ABRASAX From a Hermetic Viewpoint.
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To the Gnostics, Abrasax is the great archon who created the whole world. There is quite a bit of nuance considering how Basilides Gnosticism views this deity. Nuance that I am not qualified to go over at the moment. Carl Jung refers to Abrasax as a truly terrible entity that encompasses all evil and all good, in his Red Book. I've seen negative reactions from people on Discord to this entity, but also some positive reactions.
But to the Hermeticist…who and what is this weird rooster head, snake-legged deity that is found all throughout the Greek Magical Papyri (PGM)? Let’s find out? 
In the Discourse of the Ogdoad and Ennead (D89) we are given strings of vowels and nomina Barbara for the Hermetic student, namely Tat as he is being taught by Hermes. To Christian H. Bull in his The Tradition of Hermes Trismégistōs, the string of Greek vowels and nomina Barbara/voces magicae is the totality of the Kosmos. Tat asks to receive the imprint of fullness by ways of hymns of praise to God. Bull seems to agree with Alberto Camplani that the “imprint of Fullness (Pleorma)” is coded within these string of vowels and voces magicae. 
From personal experiences — I have to agree with this, but I had to fuck around and find out for myself as I read this book many months ago when vowels and voces magicae were not big in my praxis. Anyways, here is the full hymn: 
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Great! So how does this tie into ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ and what is this names value to a Hermeticist? For starters — This name, has a numerical value of 365, according to isopsephy. 365, as the majority of you know, is the totality of days our Earth revolves around the Sun. In PGM VIII. 1-63, specifically in lines 45-50… we see a love spell invoking Hermes to which we are given the name of ABRASAX equaling 365 explicitly, and quite possibly a voces magicae for Hermes.
The Sun's importance in Hermeticism is ever-present. Most explicit in my opinion is SH 2a from M. David Litwa’s Hermetica II:
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Also important to note: Thoth. Many believe Thoth is just the god of the Moon, yet Thoth has a Solar form: the Baboon. Baboons and their screeches are believed to be connected to the language of the gods. This is confirmed in the Demotic Book of Thoth. Where a scribe of Thoth’s Scribal College: The House of Life [𓉑], says this about the great teacher, Thoth: "The signs revealed their form. He called to them and they answered to him. He knew the form of speech of the baboons and the ibises." Thoth is also believed to be the creator of not just words and language but also vowels (Philebus 18b-c). For clarity's sake, Thoth is an extremely important figure in Hermeticism. Our teachings are based upon a syncretic god: Hermes & Thoth — Hermēs Trismégistōs. 
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More evidence for the importance of ΑΒΡΑΣΑΞ is found in PGM XIII.1-343 — the famed Heptagram Rite, which we can perform more clearly and neatly here. This is a ritual that invokes Aiōn. Aiōn is believed to be the power of the Unknowable, Ineffable Godhead in Corpus Hermeticum XI. In lines 80-89 of PGM XIII, we are given voces magicae to Aiōn in 7 different languages as seen below.
(The voces magicae for Aiōn is continued in 'Falconic' and lastly hieratic languages). Thus, we can see a clear link to baboons and Thoth, the name Abrasax to the baboons, and their "language." We see a connection between Aiōn and Abrasax, and we also saw above in PGM VIII that it could also be used as a voces magicae to Hermes!
But let’s look at the imagery as well. A rooster head with snake legs. The legs, to me, are Chthonic of course, and curl up to shape an Ω, the seventh sphere, Saturn. The connection to Omega is something Christian H. Bill points out. The rooster is also a Solar animal. So to me, we have a beautiful image representing the totality of All Things from the Sun whose an image of Truth, directly subordinate to the One Primal Deity (SH 2a), down to the Du’at/Underworld. Both Hermes and Thoth are connected to the Underworld as well as the Sun. Hermes' planet, Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Hermes is also famously known as a psychopomp, a traveler and mediator between Hades and Mount Olympus, Death and Life. Thoth, with His solar connections stated above, is also a key member of the Ancient Egyptian Underworld. In the Ani Papyrus, we see Thoth as the recorder/scribe that lists every heart that is weighed up against the Divine Feather of Truth -- Ma'at.
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Thus what we have here, from a Hermetic standpoint, is that Abrasax is not a malevolent archon or a demon as denoted by the early Catholic Church, but rather a beautiful deity that is worthy of reverence whose name equals our revolution around the Sun, the Image of God. Abrasax — a name that is connected to both Hermes and Thoth, for reasons stated above. A name that also has a connection to Aiōn, an extremely important power/god in Corpus Hermeticum XI.
That is my interpretation, from a Hermetic standpoint. There are many interpretations of this elusive yet captivating deity. Abrasax can be a voces magicae for Hermes, or for Aiōn, it can be what I said, or you can take the Gnostic approach, or Jung, or Catholic approach to Abrasax. Regardless of what you do with the information, I shall continue to raise my voice in jubilation and cry out:
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mamamoon92 · 6 days
Major Egyptian deities✨
Aker – A god of the earth and the east and west horizons of the Underworld
Amun – A creator god, patron deity of the city of Thebes, and the preeminent deity in Egypt during the New Kingdom
Anhur – A god of war and hunting
Aten – Sun disk deity who became the focus of the monolatrous or monotheistic Atenist belief system in the reign of Akhenaten
Atum – A creator god and solar deity, first god of the Ennead
Bennu – A solar and creator deity, depicted as a bird
Geb – An earth god and member of the Ennead
Hapi – Personification of the Nile flood
Horus – A major god, usually shown as a falcon or as a human child, linked with the sky, the sun, kingship, protection, and healing. Often said to be the son of Osiris and Isis.
Khepri – A solar creator god, often treated as the morning form of Ra and represented by a scarab beetle
Khnum (Khnemu) – A ram god, the patron deity of Elephantine, who was said to control the Nile flood and give life to gods and humans
Khonsu – A moon god, son of Amun and Mut
Maahes – A lion god, son of Bastet
Montu – A god of war and the sun, worshipped at Thebes
Nefertum – God of the lotus blossom from which the sun god rose at the beginning of time. Son of Ptah and Sekhmet.
Nemty – Falcon god, worshipped in Middle Egypt,[18] who appears in myth as a ferryman for greater gods
Neper – A god of grain
Osiris – god of death and resurrection who rules the underworld and enlivens vegetation, the sun god, and deceased souls
Ptah – A creator deity and god of craftsmen, the patron god of Memphis
Ra – The sun god
Set – An ambivalent god, characterized by violence, chaos, and strength, connected with the desert. Mythological murderer of Osiris and enemy of Horus, but also a supporter of the king.
Shu – Embodiment of wind or air, a member of the Ennead
Sobek – Crocodile god, worshipped in the Faiyum and at Kom Ombo
Sopdu – A god of the sky and of Egypt's eastern border regions
Thoth – A moon god, and a god of writing and scribes, and patron deity of Hermopolis
Wadj-wer – Personification of the Mediterranean sea or lakes of the Nile Delta
Cite error: The opening  tag is malformed or has a bad name
Amunet – Female counterpart of Amun and a member of the Ogdoad
Anuket – A goddess of Egypt's southern frontier regions, particularly the lower cataracts of the Nile
Bastet – Goddess represented as a cat or lioness, patroness of the city of Bubastis, linked with protection from evil
Bat – Cow goddess from early in Egyptian history, eventually absorbed by Hathor
Hathor – One of the most important goddesses, linked with the sky, the sun, sexuality and motherhood, music and dance, foreign lands and goods, and the afterlife. One of many forms of the Eye of Ra.
Heqet – Frog goddess said to protect women in childbirth
Hesat – A maternal cow goddess
Imentet – An afterlife goddess closely linked with Isis and Hathor
Isis – Wife of Osiris and mother of Horus, linked with funerary rites, motherhood, protection, and magic. She became a major deity in Greek and Roman religion.
Ma'at – Goddess who personified truth, justice, and order
Menhit – A lioness goddess
Mut – Consort of Amun, worshipped at Thebes
Neith – A creator and hunter goddess, patron of the city of Sais in Lower Egypt
Nekhbet (Nekhebit) – A vulture goddess, the tutelary deity of Upper Egypt
Nephthys (Neb-t kha-t) – A member of the Ennead, the consort of Set, who mourned Osiris alongside Isis
Nepit – A goddess of grain, female counterpart of Neper
Nut – A sky goddess, a member of the Ennead
Pakhet – A lioness goddess mainly worshipped in the area around Beni Hasan
Renenutet – An agricultural goddess
Satet – A goddess of Egypt's southern frontier regions
Sekhmet – A lioness goddess, both destructive and violent and capable of warding off disease, protector of the pharaohs who led them in war, the consort of Ptah and one of many forms of the Eye of Ra.
Tefnut – Goddess of moisture and a member of the Ennead
Wadjet (Uatchit) – A cobra goddess, the tutelary deity of Lower Egypt
Wosret – A goddess of Thebes
Both male and female forms
Heh – Personification of infinity and a member of the Ogdoad
Kek – The god of Chaos and Darkness, as well as being the concept of primordial darkness. Kek's female form is known as Kauket.
Nu – Personification of the formless, watery disorder from which the world emerged at creation and a member of the Ogdoad
Ra (Re) – The foremost Egyptian sun god, involved in creation and the afterlife. Mythological ruler of the gods, father of every Egyptian king, and the patron god of Heliopolis.
Tatenen – Personification of the first mound of earth to emerge from chaos in ancient Egyptian creation myths
Anubis/Anput – The god/goddess of embalming and protector of the dead
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malzahran · 2 months
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Thoth, the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and writing, standing in a grand temple, surrounded by hieroglyphs and scrolls. He is depicted with the head of an ibis, holding a scribe's palette and reed pen, as the golden light of Ra shines through the temple pillars, casting a mystical glow around him , high details , high quality , cinematic ,32k
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aravas-writing · 8 months
I need to write something ffs
A funnyman's recap of Blue Archive
Volume 1 Chapter 1
The archiving system of this game's story can be confusing, but you end up rolling with it at some point.
Anyhow, we begin this first actual storyline of the game by Sensei accepting a plea for help from a smaller school.
Turns out Abydos Academy used to be the largest school before desertification ate most of the land belonging to it, resulting in attempts at disaster relief eating through funds. This got the school in deep shit with loan sharks...
And this is basically why that school only has 5 students remaining.
What the fuck.
But Sensei is undaunted and goes there on his own!
Except the district is still large as hell, so they end up lost and dehydrated after three hours. Considering it's a desert district...
But yeah, Sensei then gets found by a student who winds up taking them piggyback to Abydos Academy, where we meet the Foreclosure Task Force, aka the five last students of Abydos.
Now, I will have the cliffnotes less detailed here BC certain details will be mentioned as I go along this story.
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Sunaookami Shiroko
Very sporty
The one to take Sensei all the way to Abydos on her back
Wears a Sig SSG 556 "White Fang 465"
Rarely emotes
Has a fucking combat drone
Very attached to the FTF
Anubis, judge of the dead
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Kuromi Serika
Tsundere catgirl
AR70/223 "Sincerity" (lmao)
Extremely stubborn
Very hardworking
Bastet, goddess of cats
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Izayoi Nonomi
The curves on this girl wtf
Head of provisions (snack provider)
Wields her "Mini No.5", a GE M134
Rich as fuck, does not act like it at all
Will offer lap pillows to people she likes
Nephthys, a goddess of death alongside her sister Isis
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Okusora Ayane
Idk why, but that one was the full body pic I got for her in search
Treasurer of FTF
The one holding the Braincell
Flips the table when she reaches her limit
Compared to her, everyone acts like a nutcase (slight exaggeration)
SIG p229 "Common Sense"
Heals by drone strike
Either Isis, goddess of birth, rebirth and magic or Thoth, god of scribes and scholars
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Takanashi Hoshino
Perma eepy
Talks like an old man
Has a foldable riot shield
Seeming bing chilling, actually worrywart
Loves marine life, like whales
Head of the FTF and acting student council prez
Beretta 1301 Tactical "Eye of Horus" (guess what god she is)
These are the last members of their school, and they are up shits creek without a paddle. Under siege by delinquents and over 900 Million Yen (about 9 Million Dollars) in debt and with almost no way to earn money, plus the interest rate, things are dire.
At least the siege can be solved by Sensei ordering some ammo for all and coordinating a counteroffensive. The debt, not so much.
Turns out Abydos went ignored by the GSC for some reason (politics, probs) and Sensei is their first ray of hope in a while.
Sorta. We later learn that Nonomi is so motherfucking rich that she has a credit card with no known upper limit and could wipe the debt out in a swipe. However, principle of the thing, so no do that.
Bit dumb, considering, but they get by... barely.
So their next course of action to get some money is to find out about jobs in their area. Serika winds up falling for a pyramid scheme, so we all band together to fuck these fraudsters up.
Next suggestion: rob a bank!
Shiroko seems to be a big fan of Payday, enough so that her hobby is planning bank heists. Of course they need masks and a plan and new identities of this.
The name "Masked Swimsuit Gang" ends up sticking. (They don't even wear swimsuits here)
However, before then, a new threat arises! The loan sharks are a subsidy of Kaiser Corporation, the biggest corp in Kivotos and all-around assholes. The head twat hires a certain agency to ensure Abydos' demise and securing what remains of the land the last Prez sold off for loans.
They are Problem Solver 68 and they are....
A bunch of misfits
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Onikata Kayoko
Listens to death metal
Loves cats
The one with the brain
H&K P30L with Silencer "Demon's Roar"
Very level headed
Actual sweetheart
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Asagi Mutsuki
Nicknamed "The Imp"
Kind of kusogaki
Mischievous, likes pranking people
Will kill for the people she likes
Pranks the people she likes a lot
Her and her new year's alt has some of the most questionable Live2Ds
MG5 "Trick or Trick"
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Igusa Haruka
The kind of girl you just want to swaddle in a blanket and protect her from all harm
Went through horrible bullying in middle school
Nonexistent self esteem
Described to have a dangerous mind
Grows weeds because she associates with them
FABARM SDASS Tactical "Blow Away"
Who did this to her I just wanna talk-
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Rikuhachima Aru
That one Blue Archive song, "Unwelcome School", is heavily associated with her
You see her and think "badass"
Haruka thinks so; Aru put a stop to the bullying
She does not recognise the Abydos students when they're wearing just a mask
Loves to act cool, panicking inside
She founded her part timer agency because she wanted to be a outlaw
Her schemes fly by the seat of her pants
She is a complete lovable idiot
PSG-1 "Wine Red Admire"
Naturally, problem solver 68 ends up befriending their apparent targets (they didn't know at the time) while out eating at a ramen shop Serika works at. All of that before they go and attack the school and fail to defeat the FTF because Sensei magic.
Aru panics and regroups and then meets the girls again! While they're in masks and on their way to rob a black market bank because if has the money they paid as interest to fuck shit loans.
Everyone but Aru recognises them, who thinks they're so god damn cool for robbing a bank.
It's unfortunate that PS69- sorry, 68 gets outta dodge because asshole McGee is assmad they failed to put the screws on Abydos.
Sensei offers help, but has to be kindly refused. Don't worry, this lovable moron and her unstoppable crew of one punk chick, one imp and one High-powered depression-run bomb builder of a school girl terrorist will be back
And, yes, that one is Haruka, who winds up blowing up the Ramen store because she thought it would help Aru.
Help this girl.
Back to story: FTF can't take the money home because it wouldn't be okay, so they leave the bag with blown-up ramen shop owner (he's okay, just a little singed).
Suddenly, invasion! Not by Kaiser Corp, but by Gehenna Academy, one of the big three! They wanna learn what the fuck is up for reasons. This time, I'll write what happens with each of the featured characters in the bullet notes because that is their only appearance in the story.
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Shiromi Iori
Sporty, think Track and Field
Member of the Prefect Team
Very much for law and order
Hunts down troublemakers
Hot headed, spearheads the assault to Abydos and gets her cheeks clapped for it
One of the very few students canon Sensei acts lewd towards
We talking licking her feet (????), we talking bothering her with tasks, we talking looking up her skirt
Yeah, I don't know either, but she tends to send mixed signals
During summer event: "I'm not wearing a swimsuit so you can perv on me!" Proceeds to wear the skimpiest swimsuit the age rating can allow
Karabiner 98k (the deleter rifle from back when call of duty was still young). Hers is called "Crack shot"
Aaaa it turns out only 10 pics per post! Will reblog this with continuation
Oh btw, during that fight Serika tanks a grenade from a fucking Flak. We get told she just had to "sleep it off for a day"
What. The. Fuck. Are these students
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