#the avatars would be like wtf i never did that nor said that
hitemwiththeoop · 7 months
i kinda just want someone to write a fanfic about the gaang reacting to the live action, if you want to make it canonesque like, doing it like it was another play like the one at ember island,,,imagine
aang getting angry because he didn't get to kiss katara at the cave and instead they make her more interested in jet and he begins saying things like I BET IF YOU HAD BEEN WITH HIM IN THE CAVE YOU WOULD'VE KISSED HIM. katara angry at her characterization like WHY DON'T I SPEAK UP??? I WOULD'VE THROWN HANDS and to sokka WHY DID THEY MAKE YOU ACT LIKE THE MORE MATURE ONE BETWEEN US, I HAD TO WASH YOUR SOCKS BACK AT THE VILLAGE. everyone absolutely confused at the fact yue was a spirit fox. Zuko criticizing himself ozai and azula like wth and why do i have drawings of the avatars and a journal about them, they make me look so obsessed, and sokka like, actually, i think that was spot on. suki and sokka cringing at the scene where she stared at him shirtless and him getting angry because they didn't make him dress up like a girl
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themattress · 5 years
Underrated Bad Guy Blurbs - XANA
The Big Bad of obscure French cartoon Code Lyoko deserves acknowledgement. 
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When Waldo Schaeffer aka Franz Hopper invented a powerful supercomputer as part of a military-industrial complex conspiracy, he never imagined that its central processing AI, which he named XANA (after the word “Xanadu”), would go rogue. Nor did he imagine the steep consequences XANA going rogue would have not only on him, but on the entire world.
XANA caught my attention as a particularly terrifying villain in an animated show, for several reasons. First, there’s his theme music. Just listen to it! Doesn’t it give you the creeps?
Then there’s the fact that he’s a computer AI, which means he has no corporal form and is thus incredibly difficult to defeat. You can’t just find and attack this guy, he’s made of data. The most he ever materializes in the physical world is as dark, ghostly wisps of smoke!
He grows increasingly more powerful as the show goes on, with his real world-affecting abilities growing more and more expansive. Worse still, this often happens because he manipulates the show’s heroes into making it happen! He’s literally making them make it harder to defeat him! This is another thing that’s frightening about XANA: as a computer AI, he is smart. He knows how to strategize and develop the best possible tactics in his ongoing war with the heroes. Take the first season finale, for example. All season long, the only reason the heroes didn’t just shut down the supercomputer to kill XANA is that it would kill Aelita as well, so they had to find a way to de-virtualize her first. But when they finally do, attempting to turn off the supercomputer still almost kills her, since XANA had taken a vital part of her when she was just data that ties her life to his, meaning they have to keep the computer on and thus allow XANA to make more attempts at escaping. Oh, and by the exact point in time that they finally get that vital part of Aelita back? XANA escapes, fully liberated from the supercomputer and can now roam the internet. XANA, you magnificent bastard.
Finally, there’s the fact that he’s utterly ruthless and megalomanic. Devoid of any humanity, XANA will do anything to achieve his goal of world domination. The first episode of the show I ever saw had XANA infecting the city’s power grid and sending a massive electrical current through the power lines toward a nuclear plant so that it would explode. Damn!  And he just keeps going with even more fucked-up, destructive shit like this for the rest of the series.
The one thing I wished XANA had was a physical avatar, but that probably wouldn’t ha-
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Yep, XANA even gains a consistent physical representative in the absolute most perfect character in the cast he could possibly have used: William Dunbar, the rebel kid who dressed in black and red.  Any time that XANA!William showed up in Season 4, shit got real, fast.
The one disappointing aspect I find in XANA is his resolution. While the final fight with the Colossus in Lyoko and XANA!William in the real world was great, the fact remains that XANA’s master plan was revealed to be that he was constructing an army of killer robots in Siberia that he would use to conquer France, and then the rest of the world. A truly epic finale was teased, and then taken away from us as the heroes managed to destroy XANA before he ever got his army out the door of his Russian factory. I guess it just wasn’t in the budget.
Still, XANA was more than a worthy adversary to contend with from start to finish, managing to make an impact on everyone who watched the show. His villainous legacy is a pure one.
Eh? Fanficcy sequel novels? A crappy live-action TV show? WTF are you talking about!? I just said XANA’s villainous legacy is a pure one, damn it! He’s dead, let him rest in peace!
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