#kuruk what knife are they talking about
hitemwiththeoop · 7 months
i kinda just want someone to write a fanfic about the gaang reacting to the live action, if you want to make it canonesque like, doing it like it was another play like the one at ember island,,,imagine
aang getting angry because he didn't get to kiss katara at the cave and instead they make her more interested in jet and he begins saying things like I BET IF YOU HAD BEEN WITH HIM IN THE CAVE YOU WOULD'VE KISSED HIM. katara angry at her characterization like WHY DON'T I SPEAK UP??? I WOULD'VE THROWN HANDS and to sokka WHY DID THEY MAKE YOU ACT LIKE THE MORE MATURE ONE BETWEEN US, I HAD TO WASH YOUR SOCKS BACK AT THE VILLAGE. everyone absolutely confused at the fact yue was a spirit fox. Zuko criticizing himself ozai and azula like wth and why do i have drawings of the avatars and a journal about them, they make me look so obsessed, and sokka like, actually, i think that was spot on. suki and sokka cringing at the scene where she stared at him shirtless and him getting angry because they didn't make him dress up like a girl
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jaanii · 3 years
yknow what they’re just piling up in my notes, so here are some atla fics i want to write so bad it hurts:
(if anyone likes any of them and wants to write it or wants to write it with me i would very much like that and you should totally absolutely talk to me about it)
yueki au with yue as a ballet dancer and suki as a skater (projecting my ballet dancing and my skating onto both of them)
zukka au based off of honey girl by morgan rogers
zukka au based off of the movie stardust
YUEKI au based off of the movie stardust
zukka princess and the frog au WHEN (i’ve made a post about it alreadddyyyyy but it’s still there in my brainnnb)
mailee song fic based off of marceline by willow
maisuki fic where after the war the kyoshi warriors go train with the yuyan archers and mai is uh. part of the yuyan archers and and you get the picture?
yueki song fic based off of space girl by frances forever
BAND AU i want the gaang in a band
jinzula fic where jin is a social worker. that’s super important and i have no plot for it
into the spider verse au okay i just have the vibes for it with like maybe sokka as miles and piandao as peter b parker
yuetara as ladybug and chat noir (katara as ladybug and yue as chat)
ZUKKA as ladybug and chat noir (sokka as chat and zuko as ladybug)
mailee song fic based off of two slow dancers by mitski (actually this one is in le progress)
a rival sports team au somehow it will work okay
zukka and kataang au based off of the dcom lemonade mouth (i actually already started this one and it’s at like 5k words and i have soooo many thoughts about it i am exploding)
aang’s birthday is in spring. his birthday is in spring but he doesn’t want to celebrate it, he doesn’t want to think about it at all (sooooo many thoughts about this one and air nomad traditions and aang’s friends and memories and spring is my favourite season and i will project so much when i inevitably write this)
gaang road trip
au where zukka fake date to get yue and suki together (it is a dumb plan)
suki fic where she gets a pet
mako fic about his hair (it is so important to me i am. head empty only thoughts on mako’s hair and how it represents him. also he does not become a cop)
bolin and mako sibling relationship fic plus trans and autistic bolin (my friend and i found soooo much proof that he’s autistic) and how mako took care of bolin
mako and sokka parallel fic
kyoshi fic where rangi has died and kyoshi is trying to stay strong and having flashbacks to kuruk’s time when ummi died
songtara (is that their ship name) fic where they meet after the war and teach each other the healing things they know
sokka helps mai make her own knife (they carve the handle with pretty designs)
frozen au with zuko as elsa and azula as anna and jin as kristoff (also maybe a frozen 2 au with sokka as honeymaren and katara as ryder)
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jaxsteamblog · 4 years
Avatar Thuy
Click here to read the full fic on AO3
“Spirits, I should never have asked you.” Thuy muttered as she rounded another corner.
“It’s not my fault you can’t follow directions.” His tone was so irritating, Thuy had to stop, squeeze her eyes shut, and count to ten.
“Kuruk. You haven’t been GIVING me directions!” Thuy hissed.
“I told you to take a left after the scholar’s hall.” Kuruk snapped in reply.
“It was just another empty room. They’re all empty rooms!” Thuy shouted in exasperation. With a sigh, she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“It’s really not that hard.” Kuruk said sullenly.
“I’ve never been to the North Pole before.” Thuy said.
“No. Because you were born in a swamp.” Kuruk snorted and Thuy felt her shoulders fall as her anger left her in a rush.
“A swamp. The most powerful Waterbender since me is born in a disgusting-”
“You mean since Master Katara.” Thuy interrupted, now continuing down the hall.
“Excuse me?” Kuruk asked, his voice dripping with disdain. Thuy smiled to herself.
“Master Katara surpassed you when she was my age, and you were the Avatar.” She said.
“That girl-”
“-is twice the Bender you were, yes.” Thuy finished for him. “It’s a good thing you were the Avatar because you certainly weren’t going to make a name for yourself as a Waterbender.”
“Why you-”
“Goodbye Kuruk.” Thuy said sharply before severing her connection.
It had been nice as a child when she talked to Aang. He had been a grandfather and was very easy to talk to. Thuy wasn’t overly fond of Roku, but that was mostly because he was a bit stiff. Kyoshi was fantastic, which made it all the worse when Kuruk turned out to be so. Bad.
Still feeling smug, Thuy meandered for a bit longer in the halls. It was a long standing habit that when it got a little too people-y, she’d disappear. But this wasn’t the Swamp, where she could never get lost. The North Pole palace was just a series of buildings erupting from the ice around the important open spaces, like the dining hall. All she needed was a quiet space to process things, but so far every room she found was too big.
And she really didn’t want to be found before she was ready.
It had been her choice to come forward, and she told her parents she was fine leaving the Swamp for this debut, but nothing had been fine. Being so far from her roots made her feel raw and exposed. Plus, finally meeting her heroes in the flesh did not go as well as she had hoped.
Sadness drowned out her smug pride as Thuy recalled Katara’s stony look when they were introduced. Zuko had been much kinder, but in a polite, political sort of way. And Katara had been the one Thuy wanted to meet the most; seeing her so cold was like grabbing the blade of a knife.
“Avatar Thuy?” A voice called out in stunned surprise.
With a jump, Thuy turned around. It was one of the Kyoshi Warriors.
“Oh, um, Suki?” Thuy asked, trying to remember her name. The smile told her she was right.
“Were you looking for something?” Suki asked as she got closer.
“No.” Thuy said, shaking her head. “I just needed to take a break.”
Suki examined her for a second and then gave her a softer smile.
“Well, we’re close to my room. Come on.” She said.
Thuy looked at her in alarm. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. I’m a Kyoshi Warrior after all, so how could I offer anything else?” Suki replied lightly.
Thuy looked down, tugging on her parka.
“I’m not…” She said quietly, her voice fading into nothing.
“But you are.” Suki said firmly, putting her hand on Thuy’s shoulder. As Thuy looked up, Suki gestured with a tilt of her head.
“Come on.” She said. Leading the way, Suki guided Thuy further down the hall and into a room. It was small, as most of the common sleeping quarters were, but it was still well decorated. When they walked in, a vent somewhere in the ceiling clicked on and Thuy felt a cloud of warm air fall down the back of her neck.
“I don’t know how it all stays frozen.” Thuy said.
Suki paused, looking around, and shrugged.
“It must be sea ice. I can’t imagine fresh water holding up this way.” She said.
Thuy stared at one wall, tapping her lip.
“Don’t lick the wall.” Suki said suddenly and Thuy turned quickly.
“I wasn’t!” She blurted and Suki chuckled.
“That’s just the first thing I’d expect Sokka to do.” She replied.
Suki moved around the room and Thuy stood still, watching her. The Kyoshi Warrior was not a very big woman; Thuy was only thirteen and already as tall.
“You know that doesn’t matter.” Kyoshi’s voice rippled up in Thuy’s mind, and she blushed.
“You’re engaged to Sokka, right?” Thuy asked. Suki, stopping at a large wardrobe, nodded.
“Yeah.” She said, sounding wistful, and a smile curled up the corners of her mouth.
“So, do you know Master Katara?” Thuy questioned.
Suki pulled open the doors of the wardrobe and looked over at her.
“Of course. We spent a lot of time together in the war.” She answered. As she leaned into the wardrobe, Thuy looked down, tugging on her parka again.
“Does she hate me?” Thuy asked.
Suki didn’t reply, but Thuy kept her eyes down. She heard the wardrobe shut and felt the air sway as Suki walked back over.
“She doesn’t hate you.” Suki said.
Thuy looked up and saw Suki holding a bunch of green fabric.
“What’s that?” Thuy asked, scrutinizing the fabric.
“They’re your robes.” Suki said, shaking her arms out to get Thuy to take them.
“My robes?” Thuy, stunned, took the robes automatically. They were heavy and Thuy took in a sharp breath.
“There was supposed to be a whole thing.” Suki said, waving a hand dismissively. “But that’s not how we do things.”
“But I haven’t trained!” Thuy said in a panicked rush.
“You are Avatar Kyoshi, so they’re yours by right. If you want to train, I would be happy to make you, Thuy, a Kyoshi Warrior.” Suki replied.
“But I’m.” Thuy choked on her words, gripping the robes tightly. It was too much, and she started to cry.
Suki looked sad as she sighed.
“I know I’m going to say the wrong thing because I’ve never, you know, dealt with something like this before.” She started as Thuy sat down, burying her face in the robes.
Crouching down, Suki put her hand on Thuy’s back, lightly rubbing the space between her shuddering shoulders.
“The Warriors are traditionally a sisterhood, yes, but anybody can wear the robes and wield the fans.” Suki said.
Thuy’s heart broke in her chest and she cried harder. Still, as Suki sat down and gathered Thuy in her arms, she leaned into the embrace.
“But that’s not what I’m trying to say. The point is, the robes don’t care about the shape of the body. You are a woman. You belong in the sisterhood exactly as you are.” Suki continued.
Thuy’s crying lessened, but she remained curled against Suki’s side.
“Is that why you think Katara hates you?” Suki inquired gently.
Thuy shook her head. Taking a deep breath, she slowed her shuddering lungs and pulled away. Unfurling herself, Thuy laid out the robes across her legs before pressing her chilled hands against her hot, puffy face.
“Not a lot of people know that I’m…” Thuy fought against the tightness in her throat. “Trans.”
“I only figured it out because of your animal companion.” Suki said.
Confused, Thuy only looked at Suki, who shrugged before leaning back on her hands.
“Avatar Aang’s companion was a male Sky Bison. Roku’s dragon was male. Kyoshi’s was female. Kuruk’s was male. Yangchen’s was female. Yadda yadda.” Suki said, looking up at the ice ceiling.
“Not a lot of people know that Mister Whiskers is a girl.” Thuy said.
“The girls are smaller and have an even number of spine ridges.”
“How do you know that?”
“I took a single zoology class at a community college once.”
Thuy laughed as Suki rolled her head over to look at her.
“Let’s get you dressed and you can tell me why you think why Katara hates you.” She said.
Thuy looked up in alarm as Suki stood.
“Why not? You’ve got time to kill before your next event.”
Suki helped Thuy disrobe; she simply wasn’t used to all the layers and buttons of the arctic clothing. Seemingly more at ease with it, Suki made quick work of it all. As the cold air hit her skin, Thuy went silent, but Suki didn’t even flinch with curiosity. She only spun out the wide fabric before wrapping Thuy in the heavy expanse of emerald green.
“When you’re all done growing, you might actually fit in Kyoshi’s robes.” Suki remarked as she tied everything up.
“Is that even allowed?” Thuy asked.
“Sure. It’s just cloth. It’s going to rot away at some point anyway, might as well get the Avatar to wear it again.”
“Did Aang not?”
Suki shook her head, focusing on a smaller tie.
“I don’t think he ever wore anything other than his robes.” She answered.
Thuy went quiet as she thought. This was the first time she had actually spoken with the captain of the Kyoshi Warriors and she had already started crying. But then again, it felt like she had known the Warriors all of her life.
“Kyoshi thinks you’re a good leader.” Thuy said.
The robe slackened as Suki lost her hold on the fabric and Thuy winced.
“You talk to her?” Suki asked, her voice muted.
“I can talk to all of them, but it’s easier to speak with Aang since he was right before me.” Thuy said.
“Well. That certainly isn’t daunting.” Suki said with a laugh, finishing her ties.
“A lot of them are nice. Except Kuruk.” Thuy added with a growl in her tone.
“Really? I would have thought-”
“He’s an asshole.” Thuy interrupted.
Suki snorted and moved to the wardrobe.
“Not surprising. I mean, have you talked to some of the people around here?” She asked.
“Sokka and Master Katara are different.” Thuy said.
“Well, they’re from the South Pole.” Suki replied.
“Can you tell me about them?” Thuy questioned.
Suki turned, holding a wooden box, and smiled.
“I’ll be doing your makeup so you won’t be able to talk. I guess I can keep you entertained.” She replied and walked back.
Thuy noticed how Suki moved and was struck by it. For how small and physically feminine Suki was, she still moved with strong, sure steps. She walked like a man that had been trained to move delicately.
Kyoshi had spoken of course about her training. How her mother’s fans had ended up in a man’s hands. How her large feet had traced their own steps through her mother’s faded footprints. There was masculine and feminine in everything a Kyoshi Warrior did. Life was a woman’s gift, and death was a man’s burden, but a Kyoshi Warrior stood as a protector and a fighter. They wore robes like a scholar with their faces painted like the finest courtly dancers that had brushed her father's face. They were never just one thing, because a Warrior had to become one made of many.
Suki gestured for Thuy to kneel on one of the floor cushions and she did so while Suki unpacked the wooden box on a low table.
“I’ll tell you the story of how we first met.” She said, bringing over ancient clay pots and brushes.
Suki held her basket low at her hip as she casually looked over the meager items at the stall. From the corner of her eye she marked three other Warriors taking their positions at other stalls. They had been watching this dock for weeks, waiting for the right moment to take one of the ships, but nothing had come in.
The colony here was established purely to support the blockade. It dealt in fuel and rations, not bothering to create anything more human for the inhabitants. A single bar and pavilion served as cultural entertainment, but they were mostly utilized to numb the sailors and broadcast imperial propaganda.
Then they got word that a ship was pulling in to transport prisoners. Two blockade runners, nothing new. A few of those trickled in every season, or so the colonists said.
Hopefully the banality meant that it was a lightly armed ship that was mooring.
But as the figures descended the gangplank, Suki froze.
Water Tribe, their parkas reminding her painfully of home. A young man and woman, close to her own age. Both of them beautiful in their absolute rage.
“Aw, poor things. Probably starving and trying to find some food.” The woman behind the stall remarked.
“The rats should be used to the ice.” A man said, making Suki frown. “They should know better than to mess with the imperial ships.”
“Hush! They’re probably orphans.” The woman remarked sharply.
“And? I heard they leave their babes on the ice to hunt like animals.” The man replied.
“Just this today.” Suki said, taking the woman’s attention as she handed over a couple of coins.
“Thank you dearie.” The woman replied and Suki waved before walking off.
She had to get on that ship.
There was not a lot of cover for the Warriors to hide in around the town. Fire Nation policy was to raze the surrounding area and fortify it, leaving nothing to chance. Outside of the rusting metal walls were the sparse grazing grounds and rocky farms. She and a small clutch of Warriors were sleeping in a barn while the others were further away from the guarded perimeter.
This port was sloppy, which is why Suki had picked it, but it was sloppy because it was difficult to move unseen.
“The captain is staying in town for a few days. He expects summons from the governor.” Ji-won said as Suki sat back in a hay pile.
“And why does he think that?” She asked.
“One of the prisoners he brought in is a Waterbender.” Ji-won said. The other women stilled, their surprise registering quietly in their minds.
Suki frowned.
“The Avatar?” She asked.
“He’s saying so.” Ji-won answered.
“Probably why they’re still alive.” Song interjected.
“Suki, we can’t let them take the Avatar.” Ji-won pressed.
Suki frowned harder but didn’t reply.
“Suki.” Ji-won said and Suki glared at her.
“I know.” She snapped. Then, with a sigh, she rubbed her eyes. “We just don’t have the fans for a full assault.”
“But the Avatar can help us.” Ji-won said, her voice breathy with anticipation.
“We don’t know if the Bender is the Avatar. They could just be a Waterbender.” Suki said, looking pointedly at every woman there.
“But there’s a chance.” Song said softly.
“Avatar Aang died only a few years ago. The Avatar would only be a child, and even the girl looked at least my age.” Suki pointed out.
“If that was Avatar Aang.” Ji-won started and Suki leaned forward, pointing at her.
“Don’t start with that conspiracy. That’s gotten a lot of people killed.” Suki said sharply.
Ji-won looked away and Suki sighed again.
“More importantly, we can’t let another Waterbender die. It’s our job to keep the balance when the Avatar isn’t around.” She went on.
It was an oath they all took. By taking on Kyoshi’s name, by becoming her when they wore the uniform, they swore to uphold her responsibilities as the Avatar. Even lacking any bending ability, they worked to protect the balance as Kyoshi.
“So we rescue them?” Song asked.
“Yes. And we have to move tonight. We don’t know what they’re going to do to them.” Suki said.
“I’ll send a message to the others.” Ji-won said.
“Alright ladies, finish eating then suit up.” Suki said, looking around. “We have a ship to take.”
Knowing that they weren’t going to be leaving through the gate, the Kyoshi Warriors didn’t need to deal much with stealth. The moon was shrouded in clouds and only their white faces barely caught in flood lights lining the wall. The guardhouse on the northern side was lightly manned, so Suki went in and dispatched the few men sleeping inside.
Weeks of observation told her what she needed. What keycards could open doors and which locks could be cut with a fan. The reliance on technology only went so far when the intruders were ready for a fight. Alarms were tripped, but military protocol would be followed. The Fire Nation was nothing if not thorough.
Heading south, the Kyoshi Warriors darted through residential lanes and alleys. A curfew meant they didn’t need to hide from a crowd, but it did mean that the streets were monitored.
Still, it was a cloudy night and this was a sloppy port.
The actual jail was a bit trickier. Suki didn’t have a layout of the building, having made it a point not to get arrested.
But all she had to do was get in.
All of the windows of the low building were barred and there were only two doors. The back was sealed off; the only latch being on the interior side.
Taking their positions across the street, hiding in the padded shadows, Suki examined the front door. The one small window at the front was illuminated with bright fluorescent light. There was nothing to signal that anyone knew about the dead guards in the north, or that they were leaving to attend to it.
“I need a bucket of water.” Suki said. A Warrior disappeared without a word and the others waited.
“We push our way in and get the water as far back as possible. There should only be holding cells, and if we get the water to the Bender, we might be able to do this.” Suki explained.
“Wouldn’t there be the plumbing?” A Warrior asked.
“We should assume they’ve turned off the water.” Suki replied.
The sound of sloshing water came up to her side and Suki took a deep breath.
“Go.” She said.
And they went.
Front door was a bottleneck and Suki went first. Fans blocked the first assault of fire but the guns were certainly next. One fan left her hand and caught a guard in his neck. Disarming was not an option tonight.
The others broke in behind her, sweeping out to encompass the few in the lobby. A klaxon went off and the lights snapped off, with the low emergency floor lights coming on shortly after. The noise became a metronome and the Warriors pushed forward. The water bucket was tossed like a ball, playing keep away from the armed guards. Suki was able to retrieve her stained fan and she sliced open the lock to the back room.
It was a small building and they quickly filled the space. Three holding cells were simple spaces walled with bars.
And the water bucket when tumbling end over end toward them.
Immediately, Suki watched as the young woman gathered the water in her arms like so much washing. A thick whip lashed out at the bars and pieces slid slowly before clattering to the floor.
Ice made quick work of the fight, but then the pair disappeared through the backdoor.
“Don’t lose them!” Suki called out and the Warriors darted out the back door after them.
Marking the wounded, Suki sent them out toward the ship, to watch it and keep it from leaving. Then she went after the Water Tribals.
“Katara, you don’t know where you’re going!” The young man called out in the darkness.
Suki seized on that, running faster to close the distance.
“Please! Let us help!” She yelled recklessly into the darkness.
“Katara, stop!” The young man demanded.
The Waterbender stopped, turning sharply and pulling up a wall of ice spikes, pointed directly at the pursuing Kyoshi Warriors.
“We’re on your side!” Suki said as she pulled up short, skidding on the broken concrete alley.
“Why did you help us?” The young woman, Katara, asked.
“We’re the Kyoshi Warriors, that’s what we’re supposed to do.” Suki said.
“I don’t know what that is.” Katara retorted. “How do I know you’re not one of them?”
“Suki, there’s activity at the harbor.” Ji-won said. “We have to go.”
“Come with us.” Suki pleaded. “We’re taking a ship to fight.”
Katara looked at her companion and he nodded.
“Fine.” Katara said, melting the ice back into water and pulling it around her hands. “Let’s go.”
Having a Waterbender at a harbor proved useful and they took the ship easily. They only had to sail it up a short way to gather the rest of the Warriors before heading into the open sea. As soon as the port left their vision, Katara collapsed on the deck. The young man, who turned out to be her brother, laid her head in his lap.
“Is she?” Suki started cautiously.
“She’s exhausted.” The brother said and then looked up. “I’m Sokka.”
“Thanks for rescuing us Suki.” Sokka said, turning back to Katara and brushing her hair out of her face. The gesture warmed Suki’s heart and she turned away.
“Of course.” Suki replied curtly.
“Katara is thankful too. She’ll be better in the morning.” Sokka said.
“It must’ve been hard.” Suki commented.
“You have no idea.” Sokka murmured. Something in his tone kept Suki from replying and she only watched them for a moment. Turning away, she went to find the captain’s quarters.
“We traveled with them for a few weeks and then separated when we went to go join the Earth Kingdom army.” Suki concluded.
“When did you fall in love with Sokka?” Thuy asked. Suki chuckled as she packed up the box.
“Aren’t you a romantic?” She quipped and Thuy smiled sheepishly.
“Let’s see, I knew I was in love when we were in the Fire Nation. Katara was so different after the North Pole and she hated the Fire Nation, but Sokka was trying to find something human in it all. None of us were happy when he went off with Piandao for training, especially Katara, but it made me realize that there was going to be a life after the war. And I wanted my life to be with him.” Suki explained.
“So will Katara like me eventually?” Thuy asked.
“I think she’ll like you a lot sooner than eventually.” Suki turned and examined her handiwork, nodding with a proud smile.
“I’m going to grab a camera, hold on.” She said and, before Thuy could reply, bolted out of the room.
Thuy sputtered as the door shut and she was alone. Now she really regretted leaving Mister Whiskers back in the heated nest.
“How does it feel?” Kyoshi asked so suddenly that Thuy jumped.
“Heavy.” Thuy remarked and Kyoshi laughed.
“The new recruits often said the same thing.” She said.
“I like Suki.” Thuy said, changing subjects.
“As do I. And she picked a strong partner.” Kyoshi added.
“They all went through a lot.”
“All who serve in war must give everything.”
“And Suki said that the Warriors act in the Avatar’s stead.”
“They do.”
“So what do they need me for?”
“You’re the Avatar.” Kyoshi said matter of factly.
“But what does that even mean anymore? Aang told me about the White Lotus, they don’t even need me for Spirit stuff and I wasn’t needed to end this war!” Thuy balked.
“There will be challenges only the Avatar can face.” Kyoshi stated.
“Or they just get eaten by Spirits.” Thuy muttered.
Kyoshi was silent and Thuy winced.
“Sorry.” She said.
“Yun was a good man, and didn’t deserve Jianzhu’s treachery. Nor did Kuruk deserve his fate.” Kyoshi said evenly.
“He mocked the Spirits!” Thuy retorted.
“If you believe someone can ever do something to deserve ill treatment, does that mean you deserve yours?” Kyoshi asked.
“When you begin to believe that all people deserve to be treated well, you will have to face that that includes you.”
“I-” Thuy started but was interrupted as the door opened again.
“Hey Suki.” Sokka greeted as he stepped into the room, pushing the door shut with his foot.
“Actually-” Thuy started, trying to rise but catching herself on the robes.
Sokka’s eyes widened briefly before he threw himself down on the floor cushions next to her.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t realize anybody had to be in uniform for this.” He said.
“Er.” Thuy stammered, sitting back down and looking away.
“Song?” Sokka asked.
Thuy faced him, confused.
“Shoot. I know you all do your makeup differently, but your’s looks just like Suki’s.” Sokka propped his head up as he laid on his side, tilting his head to examine her face. “But like, a reflection or something.”
“She…” Thuy looked down and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Did my makeup.”
“Oh you’re one of the new warriors!” Sokka pushed himself up quickly.
“I’m not-” Thuy held up her hands in alarm but Sokka made a dismissive sound and waved her away.
“Sorry about barging in here. I was just looking for Suki; do you know where she is?” He asked.
“She went to get a camera.” Thuy said softly.
“Oh wow! Is this your first time all done up?” Sokka asked and clapped as Thuy nodded.
“Congratulations!” He said enthusiastically and Thuy felt her cheeks burn.
“Are you excited about meeting the Avatar?” He asked.
“I really wanted to meet Master Katara.” Thuy said.
“Her? Why?” Sokka asked incredulously.
Thuy held her hands together and leaned forward excitedly.
“Master Katara is the most amazing Waterbender in our history! She saved the world. Well,” Thuy caught herself and sat back. “So did you.”
“Are you a Water Tribal?” Sokka asked curiously. Thuy shook her head vigorously.
“I’m from the Swamp.” She said.
“Oh, so you probably already know the Avatar.”
“We’re, acquainted.”
“Well my sister is pretty great, but she’s also a massive grump.”
“No!” Thuy said sharply and Sokka’s eyes widened. “Master Katara is an amazing warrior and I’m sure she’s just very serious.”
“Serious?” Sokka laughed and Thuy frowned in confusion.
“Katara can’t let herself enjoy anything or else she would implode.” Sokka stated. As Thuy deflated, Sokka sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I don’t want to tarnish your idea of her or anything, but Katara despises hero worship. Neither of us wanted to be heroes.” Sokka explained, holding the back of his neck and looking off in some distant memory.
“She’s really kind, though. When we lost our mother, I thought she’d never be happy again.” He went on.
“If the Avatar had shown up earlier-” Thuy stopped as Sokka scoffed. He reclined again, idly scratching his leg.
“And what? We toss a toddler at the Fire Lord? You seem to be around the same age as the Avatar and I still wouldn’t let you get within sight of that creep.” He said and finished quickly. “No offense.”
Thuy remembered her meeting with the Fire Lord and shuddered. She did not like him, or his daughter. But at least Zuko was polite.
“See?” Sokka said. “Katara wants to blame the Avatar because it’s easy. She doesn’t want to meet her because she knows when she does, the Avatar will be real and she’ll know it wasn’t her fault.”
“Maybe she’s right.” Thuy said.
“Come on know, aren’t you two kin? That’s no way to talk about the Avatar. I think she’s a nice girl.” Sokka said and Thuy lowered her head.
“So will Master Katara meet with,” Thuy cut off her words. “With the Avatar?”
“We’ve got dinner tonight don’t we?” Sokka asked and Thuy looked up.
“Katara doesn’t have it in her to hate good people. Especially not other Waterbenders. I think once they start talking, it’ll be fine.” He said.
“What would Master Katara even talk about?” Thuy asked nervously.
Sokka shrugged. “Probably Zuko.”
“They do go off together a lot.” Thuy remarked.
“That’s what girls do with their boyfriends.” Sokka said.
“What do girls do with their boyfriends?” Suki asked and Thuy leaned back.
“Disappear for some diplomatic briefing.” Sokka answered.
“Oh, are we talking about your sister and Zuko?” Suki questioned, sounding giddy as she sat down next to Thuy.
“Who else?” Sokka quipped.
“Who knew the Avatar was a gossip?” Suki elbowed Thuy and she felt a jolt of fear. Sokka only smiled, winking casually at her.
“Avatar Thuy was trying to argue that Katara wasn’t a grump.” He said. Thuy relaxed and felt tears sprout in her eyes.
“Oh she totally is. That’s why she and Zuko work so well.” Suki said.
“Zuko is not a grump, he’s refined.” Sokka countered.
“Zuko is a little bitch.” Another voice said from the door and Thuy shrank. Seeing Rohan, she tried to calm down.
“Hey, that’s the Avatar’s great-grandson or something.” Sokka said and Rohan rolled their eyes.
Roku, from somewhere deep in Thuy’s mind, grumbled.
“Is there something you need Rohan?” Suki asked.
“I wanted to see if Thuy was up for some ice shenanigans.” Rohan asked.
“Let me take a picture really quick.” Suki said, holding up a fancy camera.
“Allow me.” Rohan said, swirling their hand. The camera lifted and Suki shook her head, but still smiled.
“Okay, everyone get together.” Rohan said. Sokka and Suki got up and pushed themselves over to flank Thuy. Rohan set up the camera and then left it floating in the air.
Darting forward, the Airbender laid across all of their laps and the shutter snapped audibly as Thuy burst out laughing.
“Rohan! The camera!” Suki called.
“I got it.” Rohan said, rolling off and holding out their hands. As they and Suki examined the picture, Sokka nudged Thuy with his shoulder.
“Just be happy Thuy.” He whispered. “It’s what we fought for.”
Thuy nodded, smiling.
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azwriting · 5 years
30 and 42 with Kylo :)
Tension (Kylo Ren x Fem!Reader) 
Summary: Reader is a Knight of Ren who has feelings for the Supreme Leader, something the other Knights enjoy teasing her about.
Prompt: “Hold me back!” + “Can I hold your hand?” 
Warnings: Language, angst, fluff, 
Word Count: 1873
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Muddy boots slapped against the floor of the new Star Destroyer, heavy breathing coming from behind each thick black mask. The Knights of Ren moved with such power each lieutenant and Stormtrooper messily hurried to clear the way for them, eyes always lingering on the imposing figures and trail of sludge they left in their wake. The sanitation division would not be thrilled…
Commander (Y/L/N) led the group of five behind her, in the absence of their Supreme Leader who had not been able to accompany them on their recent mission. Although Supreme Leader Ren had no quarry about leaving his second in command, a fellow Knight in charge of the rest. She was a well trained fighter and leader, someone he would always want by his side and in return she wanted to be by his. 
Underneath her mask, (Y/N) let a small smile work its way onto her face, fond thoughts of Kylo Ren plaguing her mind. He was tall, powerful, and beautiful underneath that mask. A massive part of her that she tried to bury deep down, wondered what it would feel like to be pinned underneath him as his plump lips pressed hot kisses against her skin. 
Clearing her throat, (Y/N) returned to the hallway, trying to shake away the heat blossoming inside her at the thought. There was an unspoken thing between them, a tension so thick that it could not be cut with a knife, but she only ever believed it was because of her own hidden feelings. It was unprofessional to have such lustful thoughts, but it was more unprofessional to make crude jokes about the unresolved feelings.
“Do you think (Y/N)’s mask will shatter from all the tension building between her and Ren? Vicrul asked, laughing to himself. (Y/N) stiffened at his words, but stayed silent moving through the seemingly endless halls of the ship. 
“It’s possible, Ren already broke his!” Ap’Lek joined in, both unaware of the second in command tightly clenching her staffs at their blatant disrespect. (Y/N) had to quietly remind herself it was not up to her to discipline them, surely when Kylo caught wind of their teasing he would handle it himself. She just had to hope they would not say anything to set her off. 
“Should we send them off on their own mission so they can be forced to face the truth?” Cardo asked trying to be quiet, but failing. 
“Perhaps both of them wouldn’t be so uptight if they just fucked!”
(Y/N) spun on her heel before she had time to digest the words flowing out from Vicrul’s mask. “That is enough!” She barked, switching on each of her staffs, blue crackling electricity emitting from each end. The other knights stepped to the sides, not wanting to get in the middle of the eventual fight. 
(Y/N) could practically feel the smugness radiating off of Vicrul. He was pleased to have gotten underneath her skin. He unsheathed his blade and held it forward as she twirled her two staffs, the electric currents humming out in the tense air. He nodded once, irking her even more, before her staffs came down harshly against his blade. 
The sound echoed through the halls, but they paid no attention, the two Knights too busy attacking each other. (Y/N) ducked as Vicrul’s blade came swooping down on her, only to end up lodged into the side paneling for the ship. He yanked on it, but to no avail it stayed cemented into the wall. She smirked slightly, standing back up to her full height, and swung at him. He too ducked down quick, but (Y/N) shoved a muddy boot into his abdomen, sending him stumbling backwards now with no sword. The other Knights watched in amusement until (Y/N) stalked forward ready to deliver the final blow to an unarmed Vicrul. 
Kuruk quickly butted in, wrapping his arms around her while Trudgen ripped her staffs from her hands. She struggled against Kuruk, “That’s right, hold me back!” 
Vicrul laughed and steam about poured from her ears, “You’re only proving my point!” With nothing in her grasp to inflict pain, she did the next best thing, she hurled her helmet at him. He dodged it with ease, only laughing louder. 
“Just wait until I get my hands on you, you bantha fodder!” She shouted, voice no longer modified, unaware of the incoming heavy boots.
“Is there a problem here?” (Y/N) stopped struggling in Kuruk’s grasp, looking back to see the towering build of the Supreme Leader, his eyes observing the scene before him undoubtedly. She cleared her throat, pushing Kuruk’s loosening arms off of her. 
“No, we were just having some fun Supreme Leader.” His mask drifted down to look at her distressed state, an undeniable tension between them. 
“I’m sure you two would like to have some fun.” Vicrul mumbled from behind her. (Y/N)’s eyes narrowed, moving faster than anyone could process. She ripped one of her black staffs from Trudgen’s hands and pressed the sizzling blue electricity into Vicrul’s chest. He flew backwards onto the ground, groaning and clutching his torso in agony. A smirk fell on (Y/N)’s lips, pleased with her work, but still she stepped forward ready to further imprint the message into his mind: Do not talk about her or the Supreme Leader. 
Before she could even take another step, she was hoisted up into the air, her abdomen hitting a hard shoulder as she was carried away someone. But not just anybody, no she knew just who carried her away by the size of the hand splayed across the back of her legs and the warmth seeping up through the layers of black beneath her.
 Kylo Ren.
Kylo carted her through the Destroyer, officer heads swiveling to take quick odd looks before their eyes would duck away afraid to be caught watching the odd sight. (Y/N) did not fight against him, it would only prove to be futile, instead she just rested her head in her hands and used the time to calm her anger. She knew she could not give anything away, if she had not already, when it came time to him questioning her outburst. He could not know the feelings she harbored. Kylo came to a stop and entered the access code to a door before entering with her in tow.
 Her eyes flickered around, gulping lowly at the realization that she was in his quarters. His massive hands slid up her black robes and placed her down onto the edge of his bed. Her eyes lifted to find his mask already looking down at her. She could feel the intensity of his gaze as he leaned back against the opposite wall, arms crossing as if he had all the time in the world.
“What happened back there?” His voice came out rougher than usual and she mildly feared the possible repercussions. He had never gotten angry with her before, well the only time being when she had gotten injured on a mission, but she had him were always on the same wavelength. Another reason they worked together so well.
“Nothing Supreme Leader-” 
He cut her off, “Kylo.”
 Her eyebrows furrowed unsure as to why he always insisted she called him Kylo, instead of Supreme Leader which everyone else was required to call him. 
“Nothing Kylo, I allowed Vicrul to get under my skin. It will not happen again.” She sighed, eyes falling down as she tugged off her gloves. 
“What did he say?” His voice was softer, a hint of concern woven into it. Her cheeks flushed as she recalled the Knights words and what they had been insinuating about the two of them. They were right on her end, which was most likely why she reacted so aggressively. 
“He mocked my fighting abilities.” She lied straight through her teeth, giving him a curt nod to sell it.
 “And that’s why you went feral out in the hallway and destroyed stuff?” 
(Y/N) winced, “I’m sorry.” 
Kylo let out a loud sigh, arms uncrossing, “Don’t be sorry, just tell me the truth.” (Y/N) dropped her head, fiddling with her fingers. She could not lie to him it seemed, her knew her better than that. She only feared that her words would either anger him or repulse him to no end. 
“Vicrul was insinuating that there was something going on between you and I. Which there isn’t, but it was still infuriating nonetheless.: She quickly added at the end, her eyes refusing to meet his hidden ones.
Kylo was quiet, too quiet, for far too long, but she did not dare to move or speak. “There isn’t?” 
(Y/N)’s head flew up immediately in shock over his question. Her lips parted unsure what to say, only knowing that she wished to see his face instead of the cold mask that concealed his expressive face. 
“Is there?” She questioned grasping her bottom lip in between her teeth. 
“I don’t know.” His hands released the gears of his mask and pulled it off in one swift move. As their eyes met no longer interrupted by the mask, she could not help but offer him a small smile, knowing he had heard her thoughts. His lips twitched slightly, almost unnoticeably as he took slow hesitant steps forward. 
As he drew closer, (Y/N)’s chest tightened, nervous about the thick tension hanging around them. Kylo kneeled down before her, eyes holding onto hers with uncertainty. Carefully he plucked each of his fingers out of his gloves, discarding them to the side without a second thought. His large calloused hands ran over the fabric covering her knees, drifting closer.
 “Can I hold your hand?” He asked, a light blush turning his face a sweet pink. (Y/N) had to blink a few times to process the lovely sight. She even wanted to laugh at the notion of the fearless Supreme Leader of the First Order asking to hold her hand, but during their time by each other side she grew to know the uncertainty that resided in him. So instead she slipped her hand into his waiting one. A soft sigh fell from both of their mouths at the contact, a spark igniting a wild fire inside them. 
(Y/N) lifted her free hand and rested it on Kylo’s warm cheek, a groan tumbling out from his plump lips. Oh how his unfiltered noises were music to her ears. He pressed his face deeper into her hand, basking in the long awaited contact. She smiled at the sight, content that her pinning had been mutual, that he wanted her just as much as she wanted him. There was an unspoken thing between them and it was beautiful. 
Biting her lip (Y/N) leaned forward, “You can do more than hold my hand.” Her lips gently grazed across his and a loud moan sounded from deep in his throat, before he eagerly closed the gap.
Much to her dismay, Vicrul was right and was about to be paid a lot of credits from the other Knights and even General Hux.
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desiraypark · 4 years
When the Sun Sleeps in Canto Bight [5]
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Previous Entire Work CHAPTER PLAYERS
The Knights of Ren: Ushar, Cardo, Trudgen, Ap’lek, Vicrul aka “Vic”, and Kuruk) Kylo Ren, Leader of the Knights of Ren Ruby Girard, The Beautiful Singer CHAPTER CONTENT N*FW -| Sexual content; mention of sex work; alcohol; language; back-story Additional Notes: Galactic Standard Calendar | 1920s Stockings, Tights, Nylons, Socks History by Vintage Dancer (scroll down to see how women of color (particularly Black women) wore their stockings) Word Count: 2,721
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“I don’t get it. You fuck ‘em good, you give ‘em money and nice clothes—put ‘em up in a nice place, and they still aren’t satisfied. If I was a broad, I would be a-fuckin’ okay,” Ushar said, leaning back in a chair and smoking a cigarette. “She wants the ring, man. She wants the ring,” Cardo said. He was cleaning his gun. “Well, I’ve got a damn wife! Shit!” Ushar proclaimed. The Knights of Ren—all but Kylo, Vic, and Kuruk—were sitting in office of The Garden Lounge—their flagship establishment for over thirty years. It was a placed that lived up to its name: beautiful plant décor in the lounge; sky blue walls and plush brown carpeting—girls dressed in just enough to not be obscene, but just a little to remind you of “nature”, if you will. Vic was out front entertaining guests and Kuruk was manning the office. Trudgen was leaning against the teak-wood desk, downing a glass of whiskey, while Ap’lek was stretched out across the chaise. Finally, Kylo came in. 
“Evening, fellas,” Kylo said. “Evening,” they responded. “Where’s Vic?” Kylo asked as he sat behind his desk. “Minglin’,” Ap’lek answered. “Do you have your fuckin’ shoes on my couch?” Kylo asked. Ap’lek sat up and planted his feet on the floor. “Sorry, Boss.” “What’s goin’ on with the wife?” Kylo asked Ushar. He shook his head. “Wife’s fine. It’s the other one that’s bein’ a fuckin’ brat,” he responded.    “Why don’t you get rid of her?” Kylo asked, organizing things that didn’t need organizing on his desk. “Pussy’s too good, man.” The Knights chuckled. “Can somebody get—” Kylo started. At that moment, Vic walked through the door and left it open. Kuruk stood outside but stayed close enough to the office to hear what was going on. Vic sat beside Ushar, and Trudgen sat beside Ap’lek on the sofa. Kylo looked up at Kuruk and waved him in. “Come on in, Kuruk. Nobody’s gonna barge in here,” he said. Kuruk nodded, closed the door, and leaned against the wall beside it. “What’s goin’ on, fellas? Ap’lek, anything you wanna discuss?” Kylo asked. “Nope.” “I hear the Kesyk gang’s got a hold of some new toys. Automatic. Fast,” Cardo chimed in. “What makes ‘em special?” Kylo asked. “Faster. More precise. Lightweight,” Cardo answered. “Interesting. Look into it. How’s tricks?” “Steady,” Ushar answered. “The johns are startin’ to get a little bold, though. One of ‘em got a little rough with Hela and she cut him.” “Why can’t these bastards shoot their fuckin’ nut and leave?” Kylo asked. “How’s Hela?” “You know her. She’s cool but she said she’ll do it again,” Ushar answered. “As she fuckin’ should.
“Yeah, but--you think that would drive men away?” Ushar asked. “These fuckin’ johns would step over alligators to get some ass. And they know we’ve got the best fuckin’ girls and guys in Canto Bight. If they act like they have some sense, they ain’t gotta worry about nobody pullin’ no fuckin’ blades on ‘em.”
Ushar shrugged in reluctant agreement, and Vic smiled to himself. 
 The booze?” Kylo asked. 
“Booze is flowin’. Hearin’ more complaints from South Side, though,” Vic answered. “They still waterin’ the shit down?” Kylo asked. “No. This time they’re puttin’ in too much,” Vic answered. 
“People goin’ in for a couple of drinks and walkin’ out eatin’ the fuckin’ concrete,” Trudgen chimed in. He polished off his whiskey. “Fuckin’ idiots. I guess the only thing we can do is give them a fuckin’ recipe book or somethin’,” Kylo said. “Anything else goin’ on?” “Nope/No, boss,” the Knights said in unison. Vic cleared his throat. “There is one thing. Ren’s cousin reached out to me,” he said. “Sheev? That fuckin’ weirdo. What does he want?” “He was very vague. Said he wanted to discuss business and his “retirement”. Said to swing by the Death Star anytime. I was thinking Primeday? Around 2?” Vic suggested. “No can do. Got plans on Primeday. Centaxday. Afternoon.” Vic nodded. **********************
Kylo had spent the afternoon before dreaming up the perfect Primeday dinner. Everything usually closed or closed early on Primeday, so he had to think fast. Once he got an idea, he made his list and headed out to the markets—the butcher for lamb chops; the produce vendor for potatoes, mushrooms, lemons, and carrots. He’d even snatched a bottle of wine from the Garden Lounge’s inventory, and bought a chocolate cake from the bakery. Ruby agreed to be picked up at three. 
When Kylo pulled up at about 2:55, Ruby stood outside her building wearing another pink dress, blue baby doll heels, white stockings, and holding a white clutch in her hand. Thick curls peeped out of her white cloche hat. As she walked to the car, he climbed out and lifted his hands. “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked. Ruby froze. “What?” “You’re supposed to wait for me to come to your fuckin’ door,” he said. Ruby shook her head and kept walking, and he walked toward her. She looked him over—his tall figure dressed from head to toe in black: black trousers, black shirt, black vest, black oxfords. “I just thought it would be more convenient for me to wait outside for you,” she fibbed. Truth was, she didn’t want Crystal sizing him up and asking him questions. Kylo took her hand and led her to the car.  
Kylo had called Ruby’s building a dump. His building was nice, but so lifeless and empty. No art on the walls; no flowers. His own apartment was similar. Clean. Very clean and neat. But no art. No colorful accents to catch your eye. He had a gramophone but owned no records. At least he had a radio. After he’d poured her a glass of wine in his tiny kitchen, she’d taken it upon herself to go into the living room and turn it on. Then, she got a better look at the place—no pictures. Just a burgundy couch that appeared to never have been sat on and a dining table with only two chairs in the corner. “You gonna leave me in here by myself, Babydoll?” Kylo called from the kitchen. Ruby smiled and walked back into the kitchen. Kylo had taken off his vest and rolled up his sleeves. He was standing over his stove, putting potatoes into a pot of water. Then, he went into the icebox and pulled out a thick piece of brown paper—stuffed with something. Ruby leaned against the counter and watched him work, trying to bite down a smile. “Tell me about yourself,” he requested. Ruby took a sip of her wine. “You first.” She saw his chest rise and fall, trapping a chuckle. “What do you wanna know?” Ruby thought back to the things Crystal told her. Where to start? Why did he call himself Kylo Ren if he was a Solo? An Organa? She chose to point at the most intriguing target. “Did you try to kill your father?” she asked. Kylo dropped pieces of meat into a bowl he’d filled with water. “I didn’t try to kill him. We got into a fight. He was winning. I pulled a knife on him to scare him off.” Ruby’s jaw dropped. “Oh…” Kylo didn’t continue. “May I ask what the fight was about?” Kylo sighed. He grabbed a bottle of vinegar from his cupboard and poured some into the bowl. 
“I’d been out with some friends. Fuckin’ around. Stayed the night with some br--some girl--and didn’t come home until the next morning. I was 18. Thought I was a man. My dad wouldn’t let me inside. Told me I was falling to the Dark Side...that I needed to repent and start coming to sanctuary with him, yada-yada-yada. I told him to shove his sanctuary up his ass and we just started brawlin’ in front of the neighbors.” “So, you’ve always been a little smart mouth,” Ruby joked. Kylo laughed. “Not always. I was just tired of people telling me what to do.” Ruby put her wine glass on the counter, grabbed the edge, then lifted herself to sit high. Then, she yanked off her hat and fluffed her hair. “What did your mom have to say about all of this?” she asked. “She did what she usually did. Defended me in front of him. Because she hates him just as much as I do. But told me how much of a disappoint I was to her behind closed doors.” Ruby’s watched Kylo move about in silence--moving the meat around in the bowl. Everything was making sense. The typical tale—poor little rich boy, rebellious and angry. He glanced at her, then avoided her sympathetic stare--placing his eyes on the pot of boiling potatoes instead. 
“I’m sorry you went through that,” she said. He shrugged and washed his hands.
"Eh. I’m over it. It was a long time ago,” he said. He dried his hands on a towel, then poured himself a glass of wine. “Your turn,” he said as he poured. 
“What do you want to know?” Ruby asked, echoing him. “Tell me about your parents.” He rested his hip against the counter and took a sip.
“I think…my mom is essentially your dad,” she said with chuckle. “Everything is dark-sided to her. Singing about anything unrelated to the gods. The radio. Picture shows. Lipstick. She didn’t have to put me out. As soon as I turned 18, I was outta there.” Kylo listened to Ruby speak, but found himself getting lost in her--her hands that moved with every word she said; brown legs that lifted by the knee when the edge of the counter started cutting off her circulation. Even when she talked, there seemed to be a melody in her voice. She spoke highly of her father—apparently he was a laid-back and funny man—and she justified her mother’s puritan ways by admission of her being protective and caring. “So, mom wouldn’t think too highly of me, huh?” Kylo asked. “Oh, she’d probably melt into a puddle, she’d be so incensed,” Ruby said with a laugh. She guzzled the remainder of her wine. Ruby’s laugh made him smile. He tapped his fingers against his wine glass. “What does Ruby think about me?” he asked. A stillness fell over her. She stared at Kylo’s face—dark eyes boring into her; long waves draped over the side of his face as the result of a side part. Her eyes fell onto the stitches on his cheek, then back at his irises. “I think you’re impulsive and hot-headed,” she said. Kylo rolled his eyes and smirked. “…and passionate. Maybe even loyal...in search of something…” Potatoes began to knock against each other in the pot. Kylo stared into Ruby’s eyes, then at her painted lips. They parted just a centimeter, as though tired of being pressed together. Tired of not being touched. Kylo leaned in close and stopped. Ruby traveled the rest of the space and pressed her lips to his. He moved to stand directly in front of her and held the nape of her neck, pulling her closer as she rested her hands on his waist. He stopped kissing her but didn’t pull his face away. “You want me to stop?” he asked breathlessly. His heart was pounding and he silently prayed that she said “no”. “No,” she said. Kylo pressed his lips back against hers and ran his hand up her thigh. She held the back of his neck and deepened their kiss—pushing her tongue into his mouth. He let her tongue in, and the hand that was on her neck, moved up to grab a handful of her curls. Ruby moaned into his mouth and opened her knees. The feeling of Ruby’s knees moving against him made Kylo stiffen. His hand moved further up her thigh, and in between them. He slipped two fingers past the seat of her panties and rubbed them against her outer lips. Then, he rubbed his way to her warm core and pushed them inside. Ruby pulled her face away and rested her head against the cupboard. Her eyes were wide. “Your fingers are big,” she said with shock in her voice. Kylo smiled and kept fingering. He pushed her left knee open some more, then watched her face crinkle. She closed her eyes and bit down on her lip—allowing ecstasy to overtake her. Then, he stopped fingering her and bent at his waist. Just as he did so, the water on the stove began to boil harder. He jumped up—annoyed at the stove for doing its job—turned the burner off, yanked Ruby’s panties down, and put them in his pants pocket. Then, he pushed back the skirt of Ruby’s dress. She tilted to the left to lift the right hem, then tilted to the right to lift the left—revealing the hooked garters that pressed into her fleshy thighs and held her nylons up. She let the bottom of her dress bunch at her waist.
Kylo stared at her vulva—everything. The lips; the slit leaking from its top and probably down to her core with arousal; the brown rosebud that was fighting to be seen. Ruby pressed her palms against the counter and opened her legs more. Kylo smirked. “Anxious?” he asked. “Yes. I am,” she answered—breath loud, hot, and sure. Kylo bent at the waist and turned his body to the side. He dipped his head between Ruby’s inner thighs, and without hesitation, rapidly flicked his pointed tongue against her clit. Ruby cried out and grabbed a handful of his hair, moaning as he lapped her up. He didn’t abandon an inch of her—tongue venturing around, over, and inside of her—causing her to grind against his face. With a mouth full of pussy, he stared up at her, ego steadily growing with every squirm, every twitch of her brow and every bite of her lip. When he stuck his fingers back inside, she tightened her grip against his scalp and finally looked down at him. The sight of him looking up at her with darkened eyes made her own eyes close again, but he put space between his lips and her flesh. “Look at me when you come,” he said. A chill went down Ruby’s spine and she looked down into Kylo’s eyes. He inserted a third finger and massaged her walls as he sucked and ravaged her clit. Suddenly, he felt her contracting over his fingers. Her jaw dropped and a strained sound left her throat. Then, she let out an endless high-pitched moan and tried to pull away from his lips—but Kylo didn’t stop until his tongue absorbed the very last drop of her sweet cum. She fell backward and rested her head on the cupboard again—loud breaths filling the quiet of the kitchen. Barely giving her a minute, Kylo peeled her off the counter and tossed her over his shoulder—making her squeal as if she were on an amusement ride. He carried her to his bedroom and dropped her onto his bed. He pulled off her shoes, then pulled at the buttons of his vest. Ruby sat up, pulled her dress over her head, unclasped her bra, and tugged at the hook on her right garter. “Keep those on,” he said. He stared at her thighs and licked his lips.
Ruby moved her hand and fell back. She watched Kylo get completely naked. She barely got a good look at him before he was on top of her, planting kisses against her neck. He grabbed her right leg and pressed it back so that her knee was over her chest. Shortly after, she felt something warm and stiff rubbing against the outside of her core—it pressed into her, and the pressure sent a wave throughout her entire body. “Fuck…” they whimpered at the same time. Then, they chuckled. Kylo kissed her lips and inhaled her moans as he pushed more inches into her. He caught her grabbing the blanket in his peripheral, and slowly penetrated her until he couldn’t go any further. “You okay?” he asked. “Yes,” she strained to answer. 
He grabbed her left hand and placed it over the meatiest part of his waist. Then, he dragged out of her, and drove back in. He held on to her right thigh, the leg still pushed back, and dipped in and out of her—fast enough to please, but slow enough for the both of them to feel their lover’s every twitch and pulse, and grip and stroke.
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loopy777 · 5 years
‘Traitor’s Face’ Planning Doc 2
More detailed outline focusing on Ac 1, with some information on the other acts.  Contains spoilers through Act 4.
UPDATED: Info on Act 5 and the Epilogue, originally REDACTED, has been restored.
How Aang affects Mai: He teaches her how to be good and care. How Aang affects Sokka: Gives him hope. How Mai affects Aang: Breaks his heart and grows him up. How Mai affects Sokka: Teaches him that the world isn't black and white. How Sokka affects Aang: Teaches him how to value family. How Sokka affects Mai: Teaches her how to mix her natural cynicism and practicality with Aang's teachings.
** Chapter 0 ** Kuruk's Folly
-THE SEARCH FOR KATARA- Chapter 1 Mai's family is on their way to the Southern Mining Settlement, when they crash into Aang's iceberg. Mai is there when he awakens, and Aang immediately falls in love with her. They banter before Mai realizes that Aang is an Airbender, but by then her father arrives and- realizing that Aang must be the Avatar- offers to take Aang with them so that he can recover. Mai realizes that her father is up to something, and thinks that this is perhaps something she should report to Azula. Cut to the Settlement, where Sokka is introduced; he has just finished the work on a platinum knife that is delivered to Zhao to be presented as a gift to Mai (there's a spoon for Tom-Tom, a comb for Mother, and a scepter for Father). He heads home and meets with Gran-Gran (establish what happened to the rest of the family, and Sokka's desire to Do Something) and Bato, and then goes to observe the arrival of Mai's ship. Zhao greets Mai's family, while Aang is snuck off the ship to be hidden in the mansion; Father doesn't want Zhao stealing his credit. Sokka observes Aang being taken off the ship and imprisoned in the mansion, and gets Ideas. Final scene: Mai's Father lets something slip, and Mai realizes that Aang is the Avatar. She sends a coded message to Azula.
Chapter 2 Azula meets with Ozai. He gives her something of Zuko's with his scent on it, and orders his servant Piandao to introduce Azula to June.
Sokka tells Gran-Gran that he's going to free the Avatar and leave the South Pole; they say goodbye. Mai gets her reply from Azula: orders to pretend to go rogue and free the Avatar, and then guide him somewhere so that Zuko can capture him and take him home. Mai goes to figure out how to spring Aang and get them both out of there, while Sokka prepares to put his own plan into motion.
Okay, Sokka causes an incident at the mines. Governor dispatches staff to deal with it. During the chaos, Sokka grabs a uniform and sneaks into the mansion to save Aang. Except Mai has already freed him, so Sokka bumps into them during their breakout and thanks to mistaken identity (Mai is a Fire girl with knives, Sokka is wearing a staff uniform for the mansion) he and Mai fight, but then they realize they're trying to do the same thing. They all get out, but Zhao shows up, having found out that the Governor is hiding something from him. Zhao arrests all three, but it turns out this is part of Sokka's plan, as he's the one who tipped off Zhao. After they've been taken to the Navy base, Bato does the Spirit appearance (he's a tug driver, so he has access to the base), scaring everyone. Aang and company make a break for it, and Aang leaves on the ship that Sokka steals, realizes Sokka is going to leave Appa behind, and flies back to go get him, dumbfounding Sokka and Mai. Sokka tries to turn around, and that's how Zhao's ship gets him, it crashes into him. Appa jumps on the sinking ship and takes on Sokka and Mai.
Azula and Piandao meet with June. June messes with Azula, and then they all set off to find Zuko.
Chapter 3 Sokka, Aang, and Mai are hanging out and having lunch. While Aang practices his Airbending, Sokka and Mai are sparring. Sokka has little-to-know fighting experience, as Tribals weren't allowed to have weapons, so he's been on her to show him a few tricks. Mai is aware that she probably shouldn't, according to her upbringing, but it amuses her, so she's indulging. The trio get to talking, and it comes out that they should start making plans. Sokka wants to go find Katara,
Mai is trying to figure out how to lead people into a trap, and Aang is all conflicted about the state of the world and how badly he screwed up. He promises to help Sokka. They ask Mai where Katara would be, but she doesn't know. She tells them about the prisoner processing center on Kyoshi Island, and realizes she can use that to send a message to Azula about where they can trap Aang. They check it out on Sokka's map, and Aang realizes that the Southern Air Temple is on the way. Sokka is put out by this, and Mai has no desire to go, but Aang is insistent. They reach the Southern Air Temple by late afternoon. They do the looking around thing, but it feels weird to Aang; contrast his enthusiastic reaction in the cartoon, here he has a bad feeling and senses a disturbance in the Force.
Azula and company find Zuko. He's living like a hobo and only has one eye. Azula reveals her plan: the Avatar has returned, Mai is going to set him up, and Zuko has to get ready to catch him. June is going to teach him how to bring in a bounty, while Azula and Piandao are going to get him in fighting shape. Zuko asks after Iroh, and Azula drops hints for the reader.
Night falls, and the ghosts show up. Sokka and Aang can't fight them, but Mai finds out that her platinum knife can hurt them. Appa is taken by the ghosts, and Aang is forced to go into the Avatar State and banish the ghosts, destroying their souls. Momo shows up here and helps the gAang in some way, and this time it's really Gyatso's rebirth as a lemur.
Chapter 4 The gAang comes to Kyoshi Island, guided by Mai to the Prisoner Processing Center. They're all wanted, of course, so they disguise themselves with Mai's expertise and infiltrate the town around the base. They find that the Processing Center is very high security, and also that Zhao is on the island looking for them. They don't know what to do, but before they can leave the town and start making plans, Aang gets caught by some local soldiers. The day is saved when the local rebels- a ragtag bunch known as the Unagi Resistance- arrive and take out the soldiers, destroying all the evidence. The gAang teams up with the rebels (including Suki!), to stage a distraction that will draw Zhao's troops away while the gAang sneak into the base. (Sokka and Suki have some mutual attraction, and Sokka asks Mai if she thinks Suki likes him, because he figures that girls can tell that sort of thing about each other. Humor and bonding!)
Mai takes the opportunity, after they find out that the Waterbenders are sent to Crescent Island, to send a telegraph to Azula revealing the gAang's ultimate destination. Meanwhile, Zhao finds out about it (Suki tips him off), and confronts Mai coming out. He realizes she's working for the Royal Family, and accuses her of working with the Fire Lord to undermine him. Mai pins him to a wall and escapes.
Mai meets up with the rest, and they step outside to find out that the Unagi's have put chum in the water and roused the Unagi itself. Aang and company defeat it, and leave. Then Zhao swoops in and takes out the rebels, and Suki is revealed as an informant. Turns out she's a Kyoshi patriot who has been helping the Fire Nation in order to buy her people's safety (another case of too much attachment, story themes for the win!), and Zhao makes her leave the island and help him get Aang or else he'll clamp down on Kyoshi Island and ship them all to the South Pole mines.
Chapter 5 Zuko adventure with June, and subplot with Aang, Mai, and Sokka. Zuko and June are traveling through the Earth Kingdom, on the way to a Fire Nation military base, and come across what June and Zuko recognize as a battlesite. June is already familiar with the ghosts popping up in the wake of Sozin's Comet, and wants to go around lest they encounter the living dead. Zuko and Azula are skeptical, but June puts her foot down, and she's the one driving. They encounter a village nearby, and after confirming that the battlesite is haunted, it comes out that a kid has gotten lost in there. (Stupid kid.) Zuko, roused for the first time by the prospect of saving his mother and getting the Avatar, wants to help, but Azula points out the stupidity of risking his life when victory (and Ursa) is in their grasp. June backs her up at first, but when Zuko points out that he'll never be able to save his mother without real experience, switches her support to Zuko. Gracelessly, Azula backs down and heads to Omashu to check for messages from Mai. Zuko expects June to go with him, but she resolves to drink away the chance that Zuko will die and she'll lose her commission, so he heads out alone. He's joined in the Ghostland by Not Mai- a spirit taking her voice, appearance, and mannerisms- a trickster mentor. Zuko beats the ghost haunting the place and saves the kid, but it turns out that none of it was real. He goes back to find June passed out drunk in the middle of the ruins of a town that's been gone for decades.
Meanwhile, Mai is sick of living in the great outdoors and has the gAang stop for a night at the spa place from 'The Avatar State.' She pretends to be Ty Lee and enjoys a nice bed'n'breakfast. The gAang talk a bit, Mai explains what a "Weapon of the Fire Nation" is, and generally bond while filling in some of the backstory that's being revealed in Zuko's segment. Also, Aang notices that Momo is missing and gets into hijinks looking for him.
Chapter 6 The gAang is making their way to Crescent Island, but in order for Appa to get there, they need to take off from someplace close to it in the Earth Kingdom (passing over the sea known as 'the Crucible' in the process), but the Fire Nation is aware of Aang's return now, and Zhao specifically has figured out that they're heading towards Crescent Island. The military presence is such that the gAang can't safely fly Appa where they need to go. They run into a Fire Nation force and make a running retreat, when they're saved by a masked rebel who takes them back to his group's base. The Blue Spirits are revealed to be an especially effective rebel group, and they're willing to help get the gAang on their way; they'll smuggle them through the Fire Nation colonies, and then launch Appa from a boat in the Crucible. Haru is a member; his dad was killed on the day of Sozin's Comet, even though he didn't fight back, so Haru was inspired to take up arms. During the operation, the Blue Spirit (actually one of several operatives using the identity of a folk hero, but this is the one who saved the gAang) discovers that Mai has a code wheel that lets her communicate with the Royal Family. He wants her to hand it over, but Mai- being secretly loyal to Azula- refuses. They have a tussle while the ship is attacked by Zhao's forces, leading to the gAang making a hasty getaway. Jet is revealed to be this Blue Spirit. Meanwhile, Zhao begins to suspect that there are great- more *Royal*- forces interfering with his mission to capture the Avatar.
RISE OF THE SPIRITS The gAang wanders the Earth Kingdom, helping Katara and learning about the Spirit uprisings. Meanwhile, Zuko and Azula team-up to get Aang, and deal with Mai's betrayal. Zuko should also be doing something with Suki and growing closer to her.
FALL OF THE HOUSE OF FIRE The gAang heads to the Fire Nation to save Mai's family from Zhao and Azulon, and confront the Royal Family. Zhao becomes Azulon's agent, but then "Ozai"/Ursa unleashes her plan. She's made a deal with Iroh to give him the platinum in exchange for becoming Fire Lord, and tries to team up with Aang to help her destroy Azulon. Azulon is dispatched but Zhao somehow causes trouble, her scheme is undone, Piandao betrays her in favor of Iroh, and with nothing left she drinks poison to die. The Fire Sages abscond to the North to crown Iroh, and Zuko and Azula are left with nothing.
WARLORD OF THE NORTH The gAang goes to the North to confront the new Fire Lord, Iroh. They meet Yue and Pakku. Iroh comes across as nice, if a bit ruthless, and he tries to convince Aang that he has a plan for dealing with the Spirits in the Earth Kingdom. However, then the gAang discovers that Iroh has Zombie Lu Ten hidden away and is feeding him humans, and plans to take control of all reincarnation/rebirth. Conflict happens, Lu Ten is killed, and Iroh betrays the White Lotus and flees to enact his ultimate plan- to use the stolen platinum to take control of the Tree of Time and gain control of all rebirth/reincarnation. (He has 49 days before he will lose Lu Ten forever to the cycle, so he need to act quickly.) The gAang gears up to go after Iroh, but Mai gets it into her head that she has to give up her face to Koh in order to do it. Does Iroh perhaps have Spirit protection? Yeah, that would work; it's some kind of protection that keeps Aang from killing him. That should really be set up, though, so that it doesn't come across as an excuse for Mai's tragedy... I wonder if that can be applied to the Blue Spirits..
THE TREE OF LIFE Iroh siezes the Banyan-Grove Tree in Foggy Swamp, since it is the real-world link to the Tree of Time. He is going to somehow use constructs made of platinum to pierce the tree and take control of the Time Energy, giving him control of all life, death, and rebirth. He plans to raise the dead in their original forms, rather than allowing them to reincarnate. Mai goes to Koh to become The Faceless Destroyer, while Aang and Sokka chase after Iroh. Confrontations are had, and Mai is allowed to die and be reborn thanks to Kuruk's Folly. Iroh offers to revive the Air Nation for Aang, but that would mean erasing all the people they have already become, so Aang refuses and defeats Iroh. The tree is mortally wounded, though, so Aang has to give his life energy to heal it, killing him.
EPILOGUE Aang reincarnates as a Foggy Swamp girl. Mai reincarnates as a boy who makes friends with neo!Aang. In the background, the war is over and the rebuilding is well under way. Aang's sacrifice fixed all the ghost problems around the world. Yay. Sokka and Katara find the new Avatar and begin her training.
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loopy777 · 5 years
‘Traitor’s Face’ Planning Doc 3
Another revision of the outline, fleshing out the rest of Act 1, with summaries of the other acts. Contains spoilers through Act 4.
UPDATED: Info on Act 5 and the Epilogue, originally REDACTED, has been restored.
How Aang affects Mai: He teaches her how to be good and care. How Aang affects Sokka: Gives him hope. How Mai affects Aang: Breaks his heart and grows him up. How Mai affects Sokka: Teaches him that the world isn't black and white. How Sokka affects Aang: Teaches her how to value family. How Sokka affects Mai: Teaches her how to mix her natural cynicism and practicality with Aang's teachings.
** Chapter 0 ** Kuruk's Folly
THE SEARCH FOR KATARA Chapter 1 Mai's family is on their way to the Southern Mining Settlement, when they crash into Aang's iceberg. Mai is there when he awakens, and Aang immediately falls in love with her. They banter before Mai realizes that Aang is an Airbender, but by then her father arrives and- realizing that Aang must be the Avatar- offers to take Aang with them so that he can recover. Mai realizes that her father is up to something, and thinks that this is perhaps something she should report to Azula.
Cut to the Settlement, where Sokka is introduced; he has just finished the work on a platinum knife that is delivered to Zhao to be presented as a gift to Mai (there's a spoon for Tom-Tom, a comb for Mother, and a scepter for Father). For his good work, Sokka is given an extra Food Token. He heads home and meets with Gran-Gran, who we see takes care of a group of abandoned half-fire children, and Sokka's extra meal tokens go towards feeding them. It's established what happened to the rest of the family, and Sokka's desire to Do Something, and that he's saving a present for Katara if/when he ever sees her, a water skin. Bato is there as well.
Sokka goes to observe the arrival of Mai's ship. Zhao greets Mai's family, while Aang is snuck off the ship to be hidden in the mansion; Father doesn't want Zhao stealing his credit. Sokka observes Aang being taken off the ship and imprisoned in the mansion, and gets Ideas. During this, Mai's Father lets something slip, and Mai realizes that Aang is the Avatar.
Mai toys with what to do with this knowledge, since Zuko is banished until he can find the Avatar. He's been out of contact for a while, though, so she decides to contact Azula.
Chapter 2 Azula meets with Ozai. He gives her something of Zuko's with his scent on it, and orders his servant Piandao to introduce Azula to June.
Mai get's Azula reply, that she's to free Aang, travel with him, and send a coded message back to Azula to arrange an ambush. The note is explicit that Mai is authorized to do whatever it takes to fulfill this mission, even if it involves working against Fire Nation interests or killing Fire Nation soldiers.
Sokka tells Gran-Gran that he's going to free the Avatar and leave the South Pole; they say goodbye. Sokka and Bato plan how to get Aang out of there, and the half-Fire kids volunteer to help.
Okay, Sokka causes an incident at the mines. Governor dispatches staff to deal with it. During the chaos, Sokka grabs a uniform and sneaks into the mansion to save Aang. Except Mai has already freed him, so Sokka bumps into them during their breakout and thanks to mistaken identity (Mai is a Fire girl with knives, Sokka is wearing a staff uniform for the mansion) he and Mai fight, but then they realize they're trying to do the same thing. (OR SHOULD SOKKA BE THE ONE TO GET TO AANG FIRST, AND HE'S THE ONE WHO TELL AANG ABOUT THE WAR BEING OVER AND BA SING SE BURNT TO THE GROUND.) They all get out, but Zhao shows up, having found out that the Governor is hiding something from him. Zhao arrests all three, but it turns out this is part of Sokka's plan, as he's the one who tipped off Zhao. After they've been taken to the Navy base, Bato does the Spirit appearance (he's a tug driver, so he has access to the base), scaring everyone. Aang and company make a break for it, and Aang leaves on the ship that Sokka steals, realizes Sokka is going to leave Appa behind, and flies back to go get him, dumbfounding Sokka and Mai. Sokka tries to turn around, and that's how Zhao's ship gets him, it crashes into him. Appa jumps on the sinking ship and takes on Sokka and Mai.
Azula and Piandao meet with June. June messes with Azula, and then they all set off to find Zuko.
Chapter 3 Sokka wakes up after dreaming about the death of his parents and Katara's kidnapping. He comes out sleep sobbing, and realizing that he can't stop, he runs into the nearby woods to hide it. Before he finishes, he looks over and sees Mai passing by. She looks at him, and then walks away without a word. Later, after Sokka has rejoined the group, Mai pretends that she didn't see anything and greets him as they she's seeing him for the first time that morning.
After breakfast, they all practice their fighting styles. While Aang practices his Airbending, Sokka and Mai are sparring. Sokka has little-to-no fighting experience, as Tribals weren't allowed to have weapons, so he's been on her to show him a few tricks. Mai is aware that she probably shouldn't, according to her upbringing, but it amuses her, so she's indulging. The trio get to talking, and it comes out that they should start making plans. Sokka wants to go find Katara, Mai is trying to figure out how to lead people into a trap, and Aang is all conflicted about the state of the world and how badly he screwed up. He promises to help Sokka. They ask Mai where Katara would be, but she doesn't know. She tells them about the prisoner processing center on Kyoshi Island, and realizes she can use that to send a message to Azula about where they can trap Aang. They check it out on Sokka's map, and Aang realizes that the Southern Air Temple is on the way. Sokka is put out by this, and Mai has no desire to go, but Aang is insistent. They reach the Southern Air Temple by late afternoon. They do the looking around thing, but it feels weird to Aang; contrast his enthusiastic reaction in the cartoon, here he has a bad feeling and senses a disturbance in the Force.
Azula and company find Zuko. He's living like a hobo and only has one eye. Azula reveals her plan: the Avatar has returned, Mai is going to set him up, and Zuko has to get ready to catch him. June is going to teach him how to bring in a bounty, while Azula and Piandao are going to get him in fighting shape. Zuko asks after Iroh, and Azula drops hints for the reader.
Night falls, and the ghosts show up. Sokka and Aang can't fight them, but Mai finds out that her platinum knife can hurt them. Appa is taken by the ghosts, and Aang is forced to go into the Avatar State and banish the ghosts, destroying their souls. Momo shows up here and helps the gAang in some way.
Chapter 4 The gAang comes to Kyoshi Island, guided by Mai to the Prisoner Processing Center. They're all wanted, of course, so they disguise themselves with Mai's expertise and infiltrate the town around the base. They find that the Processing Center is very high security, and also that Zhao is on the island looking for them. They don't know what to do, but before they can leave the town and start making plans, Aang gets caught by some local soldiers. The day is saved when the local rebels- a ragtag bunch known as the Unagi Resistance- arrive and take out the soldiers, destroying all the evidence. The gAang teams up with the rebels (including Suki!), to stage a distraction that will draw Zhao's troops away while the gAang sneak into the base. (Sokka and Suki have some mutual attraction, and Sokka asks Mai if she thinks Suki likes him, because he figures that girls can tell that sort of thing about each other. Humor and bonding!)
Mai takes the opportunity, after they find out that the Waterbenders are sent to Crescent Island, to send a telegraph to Azula revealing the gAang's ultimate destination. Meanwhile, Zhao finds out about it (Suki tips him off), and confronts Mai coming out. He realizes she's working for the Royal Family, and accuses her of working with the Fire Lord to undermine him. Mai pins him to a wall and escapes.
Mai meets up with the rest, and they step outside to find out that the Unagi's have put chum in the water and roused the Unagi itself. Aang and company defeat it, and leave. Then Zhao swoops in and takes out the rebels, and Suki is revealed as an informant. Turns out she's a Kyoshi patriot who has been helping the Fire Nation in order to buy her people's safety (another case of too much attachment, story themes for the win!), and Zhao makes her leave the island and help him get Aang or else he'll clamp down on Kyoshi Island and ship them all to the South Pole mines.
Chapter 5 Zuko adventure with June, and subplot with Aang, Mai, and Sokka. Zuko and June are traveling through the Earth Kingdom, on the way to a Fire Nation military base, and come across what June and Zuko recognize as a battlesite. (The place where Zuko slandered his father's command and was challenged to an Agni Kai.) June is already familiar with the ghosts popping up in the wake of Sozin's Comet, and wants to go around lest they encounter the living dead. Zuko and Azula are skeptical, but June puts her foot down, and she's the one driving. They encounter a village nearby, and after confirming that the battlesite is haunted, it comes out that a kid has gotten lost in there. (Stupid kid.) Zuko, roused for the first time by the prospect getting the Avatar and going home, wants to help, but Azula points out the stupidity of risking his life when victory is in their grasp. June backs her up at first, but when Zuko points out that he'll never be able to save fight anyone without real experience, switches her support to Zuko. Gracelessly, Azula backs down and heads to a Fire Nation base to check for messages from Mai. Zuko expects June to go with him, but she resolves to drink away the chance that Zuko will die and she'll lose her commission, so he heads out alone. He's joined in the Ghostland by Not Mai- a spirit borrowing Mai's face and taking her voice, appearance, and mannerisms- a trickster mentor. In between flashbacks to his confrontation with Ozai, Zuko beats the ghost haunting the place and saves the kid, but it turns out that none of it was real. He goes back to find June passed out drunk in the middle of the ruins of a town that's been gone for decades.
Meanwhile, Mai is sick of living in the great outdoors and has the gAang stop for a night at the spa place from 'The Avatar State.' She pretends to be Ty Lee and enjoys a nice bed'n'breakfast. The gAang talk a bit, Mai explains what a "Weapon of the Fire Nation" is, and generally bond while filling in some of the backstory that's being revealed in Zuko's segment. *Also, Aang notices that Momo is missing and gets into hijinks looking for him. References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakeneko http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angra_Mainyu
Chapter 6 Opening scene: the gAang are in a market, and a vendor is trying to sell Aang a new pet. Mai puts the kibosh on it.
The gAang is making their way to Crescent Island, but in order for Appa to get there, they need to take off from someplace close to it in the Earth Kingdom (passing over the sea known as 'the Crucible' in the process), but the Fire Nation is aware of Aang's return now, and Zhao specifically has figured out that they're heading towards Crescent Island. The military presence is such that the gAang can't safely fly Appa where they need to go. They run into a Fire Nation force and make a running retreat, when they're saved by a masked rebel who takes them back to his group's base.
The Blue Spirits are revealed to be vigilante guardians of individual towns, and this one leads Aang to a rebel group willing to help get the gAang on their way; they'll smuggle them through the Fire Nation colonies, and then launch Appa from a boat in the Crucible. Haru is a member; his dad was killed on the day of Sozin's Comet, even though he didn't fight back, so Haru was inspired to take up arms. During the operation, the Blue Spirit (actually one of several operatives using the identity of a folk hero, but this is the one who saved the gAang, later to be revealed as Jet) discovers that Mai has a code wheel that lets her communicate with the Royal Family. He wants her to hand it over, but Mai- being secretly loyal to Azula- refuses. They have a tussle while the ship is attacked by Zhao's forces, leading to the gAang making a hasty getaway. Jet is revealed to be this Blue Spirit.
Meanwhile, Zhao begins to suspect that there are great- more *Royal*- forces interfering with his mission to capture the Avatar. (Really Ursa/Ozai trying to aid Zuko.)
Chapter 7 The gAang has reached Crescent Island and the prison there. Sokka establishes that he'll be parting ways with the group once he finds Katara, because he expects her to need peace and rest, and he's going to stick with her. He wishes Aang good luck and hopes they meet again, but doesn't expect to actually be part of Aang's continued campaign against the Fire Nation.
Meanwhile, Zuko is waiting in ambush, hidden for now. Azula plans to run interference for him, while June has fulfilled her contract and has gone her own way.
The gAang discover that the prison is all underground, in the caverns created by Roku. The lava flows are used to dehydrate the air, making it a natural bane for the Waterbenders imprisoned there. The gAang has a surprisingly easy time of sneaking in, only to have the heavy end of the hammer dropped on them. Sokka gets separated from the rest as Zuko attacks Aang, and goes off searching for Katara and the Waterbenders. Mai teams up with Zuko, but Aang manages to dodge defeat and capture despite his shock and sorrow. There's a tense chase through the old temple complex where Aang hides and uses echoes to beseech Mai to help him.
Chapter 8 Mai is torn about betraying Aang, and realizes that he's actually going to die if he's brought back to the Fire Nation. She finds that she's grown human empathy, and cannot betray her friend like that. Meanwhile, Sokka goes on hijinks and eventually finds the Waterbenders. Among them are Katara and Hama. Sokka frees them all somehow- ooh, maybe he's been carting around a barrel of water or something, and breaks it open for all the Waterbenders to use, plus all this time he's been carrying a waterskin that Gran-Gran made filled with Southern Seas water for Katara- and then first thinks that he needs to get them all out while Aang plays rearguard.
Meanwhile, Zhao arrives. He attempts to move his forces onto the island in pursuit of the Avatar, but Azula blocks him. Zhao puts two and two together and realizes that she and Ozai are trying to aid Zuko. He can't get around Azula without disobeying royalty, but he finds an excuse to commence bombardment with his full fleet. (Perhaps he even sends a warning that he knows will be inadequate, so that Azula can get away but not Zuko and the others.) He aims at the old temple above the prison, as he's realized that's where Aang and Zuko are.
Aang is still dodging Zuko and Mai when the temple takes a hit from Zhao's bombardment. There's a running fight between Zuko and Aang where Zuko uses the fire to great effect, nearly defeating Aang. Then an especially explosive hit lands in the temple, collapsing a floor under them all, or causing a lava geyser or something. Zuko and Mai nearly die, but Aang saves them.
Sokka leads the Waterbenders out of the prison, and once they get outside, they have access to a beach and unlimited water. They start to absolutely dominate the prison staff, and they signal for Zhao's help.
Now having an excuse, Zhao leads his troops all over the island. He's less concerned about the Waterbenders, though, and personally heads up to the temple.
The Waterbenders seize one of Zhao's landing craft, and are going to leave, but Sokka realizes that he needs to make sure that Aang and Mai are okay. He says goodbye to Katara and is about to go back, but she decides that she's going with him. Together, they head out.
Mai realizes that she's picked the in-denial jerk over Aang, and when they all land safely, she stops Zuko from attacking further. (She pins Zuko, or takes a hit meant for Aang, or something.) Aang saves her, and they both get away, only to run into Zhao's main force. It looks like they'll have the fight of their lives, but then Sokka and Katara show up on Appa, and the new larger gAang gets away.
Zhao is upset at losing Aang, but finds Zuko, still pinned to the wall where Mai left him. He arrests Zuko for breaking the terms of his banishment, and takes him the brig on his flagship. Azula tries to intervene, but now she's the one hampered by red tape. Zuko ends up in a cell next to Suki.
Chapter 9
Sokka introduces Katara to his friends, and asks what happened. Aang is going to lie for Mai, but she admits to being a traitor. Harsh words are had, and while both Sokka and Katara hate Mai now (Katara is racist, while Sokka is more smarting from the personal betrayal), Aang sticks by her, and they agree to let her stay on the team.
Zuko has failed and been betrayed by Mai. He realizes how much he's changed, that she was horrified by his actions. It makes him doubt himself, but he refuses to give up. He needs to figure himself out, and decide his own fate. To do that, he needs to get out of jail. He does a jail break, and in the process finds Suki and helps her escape, too, once he hears her story and realizes the parallels in his own situation. Together they escape and jump onto Azula's passing ship, and she smirks at Zhao as they sail away.
RISE OF THE SPIRITS The gAang wanders the Earth Kingdom, helping Katara and learning about the Spirit uprisings, while Mai is slowly accepted once again. Aang seeks to contact the past Avatars to get their perspective on the spirit monsters.  Meanwhile, Zuko isn't so sure about capturing the Avatar, but Azula has her marching orders and is disgusted at both Mai's betrayal and Zuko's reaction. Zuko also insists on keeping Suki around, and they grow closer. It turns out that Katara is in no condition to go adventuring, and take Ty Lee (now a hippy studying with neo-Airbenders) into their party to help care for her until they can get her to some healers. Eventually, they makes contact with the Earth Rebellion- Long Feng, the Earth King, and Toph. (Plus assorted others.) They help him make contact with the past Avatars, and he is able to cleanse some of the land of Spirit problems, and also has the power to summon them again. In the process, the Rebellion is nearly found and defeated by the Fire Nation, but they're saved by Iroh's assistance. Zuko, Azula, and Suki are captured. Zhao escapes and heads back to the Fire Nation with news of Iroh's treachery?
Katara: http://www.professional-counselling.com/nervousbreakdown_panic_attack.html#.U7YZhPldWBY
FALL OF THE HOUSE OF FIRE Iroh makes contact with the gAang and proposes to help them take down the Fire Nation in exchange for calling in Koh's Boon. He gives them a plan for destabilizing the Fire Nation, by sending them to the Fire Nation. Their plan is to show the Spiritual power of the Avatar, either by bringing spirits to attack the Fire Nation (military targets only) or solving Spirit problems there for the people. Katara urges Sokka to go with Aang while she heals in the Earth Kingdom, because she doesn't trust Iroh and Mai and wants Sokka to look out for Aang.
The gAang (with Ty Lee) goes to a Fire Sage temple where an artifact of the Sun Warriors is being kept. The artifact is causing Spirit trouble, and Aang is to solve the problem, get the artifact for the Sun Warriors, and get the locals on his side. It turns out that Iroh was the one who plundered the artifact, and the gAang is clued in that Iroh may have an unhealthy interest in Spirit stuff.
Zuko, Azula, and Suki are in Iroh's custody, and understand that he's committing treason. Iroh lets them escape, because he knows that they'll add to the pressure cooker over in the Fire Nation. Why is Suki staying with them at this point? For Zuko?
Azulon hears of the work the Avatar is doing, and invites Aang to offer a truce? It would keep Zuko from ever coming back, and with any luck Aang will focus on healing on the Spirit troubles that have the Fire Nation scrambling for platinum. He's also open to the idea of just killing Aang if it doesn't look like the Avatar will let himself be controlled. Or directing Aang against Ozai. There are lots of possibilities for a clever old man, really. But Zuko and Azula's arrival heats things up for everyone. "Ozai" just wants to kill Aang lest he see who "Ozai" really is. That will also involve killing Azulon, which in the long term will mean dealing with Iroh.
Aang and Mai dance a Fire Dance with burning blades (Agni Budokai): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCNyHprEZK8
Meanwhile, Zhao is leading a coup (including the Fire Sages) to get rid of the whole Royal Family, out of fear that the Family will appease Aang. Things explode when Zhao leads a military attempt to seize the Fire Lord's castle, and the gAang find themselves in the middle of a war.
"Ozai" kills Azulon. The Weapons of the Fire Nation all have a "night of long blades" in the Capital while the citizenry hide, and they wipe each other out. Aang reveals that "Ozai" is Ursa. Azula has killed the Fire Sages. Zhao has retreated and Jeong-Jeong has taken over the Fire Nation in the name of the White Lotus, and reveals that Iroh- now technically the Fire Lord- has dissolved the office and abdicated. Piandao tries to kill Zuko and Azula but they are saved when Suki brings the gAang in. Zuko and Azula find their mother after she's swallowed a goblet of poisoned wine.
Azulon wants to drink Aang's chi and become immortal?
Zuko gives Suki a Kyoshi Warrior fan that was given to the Royal Family as a symbolic gift of conquest.
WARLORD OF THE NORTH The gAang goes to the North to confront the new Fire Lord, Iroh. They meet Yue and Pakku. Iroh comes across as nice, if a bit ruthless, and he tries to convince Aang that he has a plan for dealing with the Spirits in the Earth Kingdom. However, then the gAang discovers that Iroh has Zombie Lu Ten hidden away and is feeding him humans, and plans to take control of all reincarnation/rebirth. Conflict happens, Lu Ten is killed, and Iroh betrays the White Lotus and flees to enact his ultimate plan- to use the stolen platinum to take control of the Tree of Time and gain control of all rebirth/reincarnation. (He has 49 days before he will lose Lu Ten forever to the cycle, so he need to act quickly.) The gAang gears up to go after Iroh, but Mai gets it into her head that she has to give up her face to Koh in order to do it. Does Iroh perhaps have Spirit protection? Yeah, that would work; it's some kind of protection that keeps Aang from killing him. That should really be set up, though, so that it doesn't come across as an excuse for Mai's tragedy... I wonder if that can be applied to the Blue Spirits..
THE TREE OF LIFE Iroh siezes the Banyan-Grove Tree in Foggy Swamp, since it is the real-world link to the Tree of Time. He is going to somehow use constructs made of platinum to pierce the tree and take control of the Time Energy, giving him control of all life, death, and rebirth. He plans to raise the dead in their original forms, rather than allowing them to reincarnate. Mai goes to Koh to become The Faceless Destroyer, while Aang and Sokka chase after Iroh. Confrontations are had, and Mai is allowed to die and be reborn thanks to Kuruk's Folly. Iroh offers to revive the Air Nation for Aang, but that would mean erasing all the people they have already become, so Aang refuses and defeats Iroh. The tree is mortally wounded, though, so Aang has to give his life energy to heal it, killing him.
EPILOGUE Aang reincarnates as a Foggy Swamp girl. Mai reincarnates as a boy who makes friends with neo!Aang. In the background, the war is over and the rebuilding is well under way. Aang's sacrifice fixed all the ghost problems around the world. Yay. Sokka and Katara find the new Avatar and begin her training.
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