#the balek band
adjst · 5 months
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moonandinternet · 2 years
Best Albums of 2022 + よく聴いた旧譜とか
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Axel Boman - Luz / Quest For Fire [Studio Barnhus] (2022) Bandcamp Luz: Apple / Spotify Quest For Fire: Apple / Spotify
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Betonkust - Concrete Coast [World Of Paint] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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“Blue” Gene Tyranny - Out Of The Blue [Lovely Music] (1978) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Born Under A Rhyming Planet - Diagonals [DDS] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Boomkat
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Dry Cleaning - Stumpwork [4AD] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Horsegirl - Versions Of Modern Performance [Matador] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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ind_fris - Portfolio [Scaffolder Recordings] (2022) Bandcamp
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Jack J - Opening The Door [Mood Hut] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Loris S. Sarid, Innis Chonnel – Where The Round Things Live [12th Isle] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Lucky Mereki - You Got Me Dancing [Accord Music] (1991) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Ludwig A.F. - Air [Exo Recordings International] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Metamatics - A Metamatics Production [Clear] (1997) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Move D & Dman - All You Can Tweak [Smallville] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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The Other People Place – Lifestyles Of The Laptop Café [Warp Records] (2001) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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Palmbomen Ⅱ - Make A Film [World Of Paint] (2021) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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PinkPantheress - To Hell With It [Parlophone] (2021) Apple / Spotify
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Rosalía - Motomami [Columbia] (2022) Apple / Spotify
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Sonny Ism - Clock Without Hands [Northern Underground Records] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
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越智義朗 - Natural Sonic [Newsic] (1990) Apple / Spotify
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V.A. - V4 Visions: Of Love & Androids [Numero Group] (2022) Apple / Spotify / Bandcamp
順位はつけていないけれど、ダントツでお気に入りがAxel BomanとBorn Under A Rhyming Planetなので、ぜひ聴いていただきたい!
ずっと推しているAxel Bomanの、夢見心地でミステリアス、小気味よいパーカッション感覚は相変わらず。ダンスミュージックとしても機能するだろうし、日常生活にも取り入れやすい朗らかさ、柔らかさがある。2枚同時リリースで、フィジカルは豪華な3LP。レコードのインナースリーヴにショートショートが書いてあって、ジャン=ジャック・アノー監督『人類創生』(原題:Quest for Fire、1981年)リブート版の撮影を計画する、映画監督のルーカス(って誰?)に雇われ、現代に旧石器時代を表現しようと……、というストーリーがおもしろい。いろいろな聴き方を試した結果、通しで聴けるBandcampが好きかな。ここ数年の趣味で園芸をしているので、10月にチューリップの球根を植えるときにかけたら、春に花が咲く脳内イメージと重なって至福の時間が過ごせた。
Born Under A Rhyming Planetは、Move DらとConjoint、Studio Pankowをやっていた、ジェイミー・ホッジのソロ・プロジェクトということから知る。リンクをつけているBoomkatの紹介によると、ティーンのとき、シカゴ音響派の代表格Gastr del Solのレコーディング・リハーサルを目撃、東海岸の大学見学ついでに寄り道してカナダのリッチー・ホウティンに会いに行き、リッチーのレーベルPlus 8からデビュー、その後ハイデルベルクにも行っちゃうなんてアツい男だ。未発表曲や未完成だった曲を仕上げて収録したこのアルバムは、新鮮な音像をもってテクノ、ディープハウス、ジャズ、アンビエントの絶妙なバランスにほれぼれする。短い曲が多いのでデモテープ的といえるが、その儚さが独特の魅力となっているし、ひとまとまりの作品として完成度が高く、意識が研ぎ澄まされる気がして何度もリピートしてしまう。私が今年 Apple Musicでいちばん再生した曲は“Menthol”だった。日本語の勉強をしているそうなので、来日お待ちしています。
年始にハマったLucky Merekiが掲載されているのをとっかかりとして、初夏にようやくSanshiro『ポスト ハウス・ミュージック ディスクガイド』をゲット。この本が出たあと再発された盤もあって、予言の書みたいだ。収録されているAntal(Rush Hour)のインタビューが腑に落ちた。彼は新譜やリイシューをチェックするほかにシャーデーなどクラシック(定番)なアルバムをよく聴いているらしく、
と語る。これを読み、最近はなんでも簡単に聴けるから、うっかりすると消費が浅く加速しがちな状態がキツく感じていたので、レコードを手に入れたらじっくりリスニングするのを心がけたいと思う。今回紹介しているアルバムは、カセットのLoris S. Sarid, Innis Chonnel以外すべてレコードで購入した。購入したものを寝る前に気軽にApple Musicで再生することも多い。ベッドサイドに置いたSONYの小型Bluetoothスピーカーはなかなかに悪い音質で、小中学生の頃に使っていたCASIOのCDラジカセよりもひどい気がする。そんな環境でも良い音楽に感じたものは、いざレコードに針を落とすとほんとうに素晴らしく聴こえるのだ。
毎年恒例「FRENCH BLOOM NET」年末企画、2022年のベスト音楽に参加しました。好きだったものからフレンチしばりでPhoenix、Sweely、The Balek Bandについて書いています。プレイリスト 2022 Best 100+ Tracks(Apple / Spotify)も作ったので聴いてみてください。
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burlveneer-music · 5 years
The Balek Band - Danse Primitive EP (Beauty and the Beat) - Claremont 56-like grooves
Danse Primitive is the second effort from Nantes collective The Balek Band. For the French speakers, here's a bit more history about the project: "The Balek Band explore les codes de la musique électronique, s’affranchit des genre pour plonger dans un univers à la croisée des mondes. Puisant aussi bien dans la disco que le jazz, c’est au coeur de l’expérimentation que naissent leurs morceaux assurément dance-floor et psyché. Cette formation atypique utilise guitare, bass, percussions, boîtes à rythmes, synthétiseurs aussi bien en studio qu’en live et livre une performance aussi libre que précise, simplement guidé par leurs émotions." The Balek Band is Vidock (drum machine, synth, efx), accompanied by Samuel Creach (bass) & Vinz Zeppo (percussions and synth). All tracks recorded, mixed, arranged and produced by Vidock except Disconiels (Mystic Jungle's Riot of Unicorns Rework) by Mystic Jungle. Additional percussions on Disconiels recorded during a vodoun session in Togo. Ras Sankara on vocals and Wakko on percussions feature on 'Disconiels'. Cassy Kolt features on vocals on 'Bayoyo Sou' All tracks have been mastered by Matt Colton.
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queermycelium · 2 years
🤖 - Any non-human alters? (I know you told me that but I forgot sorry) 🌸 - Does anyone have a particular aesthetic?
🌻 - Any special interests?
🤖 Yes! I can list them too.
Mike- Realistic humanoid robot fueled by a spirit
Cricket- Insomnia demon
Balek- Demon (formerly human)
Roxanne- Animatronic wolf
Ace- Shapeshifter
Michael- Fallen Angel
Cecil- Half Angel
Code- Literal computer code
Eef- We have no fucking idea what he is
🌸Yes, some of us share aesthetics but there are a few standouts. Roxanne prefers very bright saturated colors and both vintage and neon aesthetics. Foxy prefers old-timey pirate aesthetics. Burner is like. Steampunk/Cyberpunk mad scientist. Code likes specifically bright saturated greens and anything with that color. Honestly if someone wanted me to I could probably make aesthetic posts for each of them on my system sideblog. So I guess lmk if you want to see that.
🌻 The current list of long-standing special interests is: Markiplier Cinematic Universe, JSE Egos, Call of Duty Zombies, Twin Peaks, Unus Annus, Welcome to Night Vale, Phasmophobia, The Adventure Zone: Balance, Analog Horror, MFP National Park, FNAF, The Band Ghost, Twenty One Pilots, witchcraft, the paranormal, UrbEx, cryptids, space, dinosaurs, and Marble Hornets.
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kerbaucokelat · 5 years
27 Mei (1)
Mau curhat banyak bangeeet. Mari dimulai dari bagian yang paitnya dulu ya wkwk
Subuh Selasa, 27 Mei,
Aku lagi duduk santai di kasur sambil nonton video di youtube. Kondisi sedang kenyang abis saur maem nasi+ayam goreng plus satu mangkok sayur sop, alhamdulillah nikmat sekali. Tetiba masuk DM seorang teman. Intinya yah teman ini protes kalau aku posting kpop mulu, katanya. Padahal aku lagi gak posting apa-apa soal kpop. Pikirku awalnya ini becanda gitu jadi masih ku ladenin. Tapi lama-lama ngeselin yah beb.
Dia mulai selera-shaming bahkan aqidah-shaming, wqwq. Ngatain aku fanatik, kpop itu dajjal, illuminati lah dan lain-lain. Atuhlah disangkut pautkan dengan teori konspirasi. Akutu cuma suka kpop bukan pengikut dajjal huhu nista amat keknya seleraku.
Puncaknya dia bilang; lagian kamu ngapain suka cowo-cowo berponi gitu iwh joget-joget, nyanyinya ga jelas mending artis baratlah kemana-mana.
Uhm...okay... diri ini masy usaha untuk bersabar...
Setelah sejaman aku tahan-tahan akhirnya aku ndak tahan aku omelin balik aja. Dah puas dia ngatain aku, aku gas balek hhhh. Udah lamaaa banget rasanya ndak marah-marah kayak kemaren tu. Astaga rasanya dada ini panas, kek manalah ya jelasinnya orang lagi emosyi gitu wkwkwk.
Padahal ya gak semua per-kpopan juga ku ikutin, yakali capek dan ngabisin waktu. Selama ini pure buat senang-senang aja, dengerin lagunya kalau enak sama nonton variety shownya yang selalu lawak itu. Semua soal pilihan, soal ‘kesukaan’. Ada yang waktu senggang orang milih nonton bola, nonton badminton, nonton talkshow dan banyak pilihan kegiatan lainnya buat sekadar hiburan. Begitu juga soal genre musik apa ya balik lagi ke ‘kesukaan’ masing-masing orang. Aku sukanya banyak. Apapun yang menurutku enak atau bagus liriknya ya aku dengerin. Bahkan band ndangdut dari Kulon Progo, Guyon Waton pun aku suka, suaranya Mas Bagus itulhoo, empuk gimana gitu, enak kali didengerin walaupun aku gak ngerti liriknya apa soalnya bahasa jawa wkwk.
Cuma ya yang terlihat sama orang aku selalu update soal kpop. Emang beda sih kulturnya. Kpop itu persaingannya ketat banget sesama boy group atau girl group. Mereka juga nge-treat fansnya dengan selalu ngasih asupan tontonan. Ya gimana aku ndak gatel pengen ikutan ngeposting juga, konetennya banyak, lucu pula wkwk. Updetannya macem-macem. Vlog-lah, variety show, bahkan ada game-nya dll banyak banget pokoknya. Aku bener-bener ngikutin group namanya BTS hampir 1,5 tahun ini aja udah 4 kali mereka comeback dengan 4 album terbaru. Gils gak tu album bukan single :”) belum lagi world tour tiap era. Ku liat-liat mereka tu ya kerja terus.
Kadang aku mikir industri kpop ini ndak sehat juga. Beberapa group juga terlalu pakem dan seragam. Jadi terlihat setiap group standarnya sama gitu. Belum lagi ada war antar fans, biasanya sih ini oknum dan yang ngelakuin dedek-dedek masih esde ato esempe gitu yang ngebelain oppanya sampe ngehina dan jelek-jelekin fandom dari group kpop lain. Ini mungkin salah satu alasan kenapa orang ngeliat fans kpop tu lebay dan norak. Tapi percayalah sahabat, aku ndak norak kok, kalau lebay? mungkin iya hhhh.
Aku paham sih perasaan teman-teman yang liat aku selalu posting tentang kpop, dulu sebelumnya aku juga ngikutin perkpop sama sekali. Cuma ngikutin k-drama sama Kim Hyun Jung doang sebelum into kpop kayak sekarang. Segimanapun temen asrama ngeracunin Suju, Bigbang, SNSD, 21NE jaman itu, sama sekali aku gak terpengaruh. Ya namanya gak suka mau gimana kan selera beda-beda. Oh ya, soal temanku bilang boygroup tu kek banci hhhh susah ngejelasin sama orang yang emang gak mau tau dan gak mau ngerti, malah judgmental dan ngehina. 
Akhirnya setelah ngomel cukup panjang, ku minta maaf. Gak enak hati juga ternyata ngomelin temen sendiri. Akhirnya kita maaf-maafan walaupun lebaran masih seminggu lagi.
Pelajaran buatku kedepannya mungkin harus lebih hati-hati berkata, tidak perlu ribet dan ngatur “kesukaan” orang lain. Kalau kamu gak suka konten yang orang lain posting ya gak usah jadi judgemental juga. Lagian ada tool namanya ‘mute’, nah itu tinggal diaktifin aja atau unfollow sekalian ga masalah. daripada daripada.
Huft banget kemaren tu, masih subuh udah misuh-misuh. Takut puasaku sehari dihitung makruh huhu ampuni aku Ya Rabb.
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HOLYKILLERS - Another World (Ost. Balek Rimbo)
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The Kids Just Don’t Understand: July 7, 2022
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Image: Grýlurnar
Surprise fill-in!
stream on Mixcloud
Automatic - NRG
Talking Heads - Listening Wind Get Smart! - Eat, Sleep a Go-Go Seems Twice - Abrupt Alteration Lime Crush - Téléphone Total Nada - Total Nada Huda Asfour, Rehab Hazgui, Maurice Louca, Aya Metwalli, Sam Shalabi and Aalam Wassef - Girani
Chad and Jeremy - Progress Suite Movements 1 to 4
Kate Bush - Delius (Song of Summer) Grýlurnar - Betri Er Limur En Limlestir Droopies - Microverse Bathroom Renovations - Apathetic Hell The Proletariat - Options
Syndrome 81 - Les derniers jours Neutrals - Pressures of Life R.E.M. - White Tornado Budak Bawah Blok - Pusing Pusing Balek Balek Sama Les Désaxés - Teenagers Electriques No Entry Band - Cold and Lonely Life
Elecktricka - No Hay Final Crash Course In Science - Flying Turns Dr Sure's Unusual Practice - Collapse Anthony Moore - Judy Get Down Mižerija - Crni Grad DJ Me DJ You - Soul Transportation
Mick Trouble - Me and the Riddle Tree ABC 80 - Pop I Radion METZ - Demolition Row Zellots - Social Elite
Girlsperm - Good Job Skiftande Enheter - Lyckan i Din Hand Grassy Sound - Another Blue moon Fuera de Sektor - Necesito Combustible Mock Execution - Apocalypse Now The Shifters - Que/Welshman at Oxford Rouge - Angerman Elti-Fits - Their Grip
Pink Plastic & Panties - Bla-Bla Crime of Passing - World on Fire Buari - Ye Koaba Modernettes - Static
Elements - Both Feet on the Ground Subhumans - Reality Is Waiting for a Bus Young Canadians - Hawaii The Petticoats - Dreams Pinch Points - King Rat
The Exploited - Troops of Tomorrow
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ohwhenthesaints21 · 3 years
Jeudi 27 Mai
Saint Augustin de Canterbury
Aujourd'hui Saint Augustin, pas le grand théologien un autre, qui vécut au VIeme siècle.
Il était moine à Rome, tranquille pépouse quand le pape Grégoire vient le chercher pour aller évangéliser les barbares de Grande Bretagne. Comme il connaît assez bien la bible et qu'il gère bien les affaires courantes de son monastère de saint André de Rome le pape se dit que ce sera le gars parfait pour mener le petit troupeau de moines évangélisateurs. Grégoire a tout prévu ; le roi du Kent Elthelberht est ok (sa femme Berthe est catho, il s'est laissé convaincre), les rois des différents coins de France sur la route pour l'angleterre sont ok pour leur fournir gite couvert et interprètes; c'est une mission bien ficelée !
Augustin et ses potos partent donc pour l'angleterre mais sur la route ça bavasse ça bavasse et en échangeant des potins sur les rosbifs les petits moines se rendent compte qu'ils vont se faire bouffer tout cru ! Ils paniquent et demandent à saint Augustin de faire demi-tour. Il envoie une petite missive au pape Grégoire pour savoir si c'est possible de rentrer à la maison. Bien sûr Grégoire lui répond "balek, dépêchez vous de reprendre la route pour évangéliser ses gros païens du nord avant que je vous mette mon pied au cul bande de petites natures!" (peut-être pas dans ces termes mais c'était pour qu'on comprenne l'idée).
Finalement ça s'est pas trop mal passé, le roi Elthelberht s'est fait baptiser sans encombre, et il installe Augustin et ses potos moines à Canterbury (Cantorbéry en version francisée moche, disons le) d'où Augustin évêque de Canterbury. Il en profite pour créé les évêchés de Londres et Rochester.
Avec tout ça Augustin s'est un peu enflammé et dans sa lancée il a voulu réconcilier l'église celte avec l'église romaine. Mais si il était bon catholique il n'était pas bon diplomate. Il n'a fait que froisser les rois et les évêques celtes en se prenant pour un cador parce qu'il avait été envoyé par le pape de Rome. Du coup ils l'ont envoyé bouler, sans surprise. Il faudra 100 ans pour réconcilier l'église bretonne (de grande Bretagne en fait ) et romaine. Faut pas être pressé !
Augustin de Canterbury est considéré comme l'apôtre des anglais, il a bien bossé quand même faut le reconnaître.
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thecollectivebham · 4 years
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The Collective with Dave Pickering [One million Sunsets] 27/08/20
This week The Collective continue their Summer guest selector season with Dave Pickering of One Million Sunsets on the show to provide a mix of music that he has been appreciating over 2020. Dave has a deep understanding of downtempo music and a passion for world music, ambient, jazz and Balearic music blended with care, love and attention. He has radio shows on Reform Radio in Manchester and Music for Dreams.
Mendes and Alcada - Coaster (Idjut Boys Version 1) The Balek Band - Tometsi Double Geography - Golden Pothos  DK - Keyboard Study My Friend Dario - Danoy Henry Wu - Reflections
‘One Million Sunsets Summer Mix’ 
Laura Groves - Friday (live) A Girl Called Eddy - Did You See The Moon Tonight ? Paul McCartney - When The World Is Blowing Larry John Wilson - Sapelo (YZ rework) Cigarettes After Sex - Keep On Loving You TOPS - Echo of Dawn The Soft Cavalry - Only In Dreams Mojave 3 - Love Songs On The Radio Khruangbin - Dearest Alfred Lucy Dacus - In the Air Tonight Reva Devito - Cali Leisure - All Over You Sillyboy's Ghost Relatives - Muscle Car Rivage - La Plage Private Agenda - Aura (Max Essa Extended Vocal Mix)
Mamas Gun - This Is The Day (Full Band Version) Joe Dassin - Home Made Ice Cream (Ole Smokey Instrumental) Quincy Jones - Summer In The City Cantoma - Closer ft Luna Asteri (Apiento Remix) Zee Erf - Southern Freeez (Mudd’s Mix for Emma) [One More!] 
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aquariumdrunkard · 7 years
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SIRIUS/XMU :: Aquarium Drunkard Show (Noon EST, Channel 35)
Our weekly two hour show on SIRIUS/XMU, channel 35, can be heard twice every Friday – Noon EST with an encore broadcast at Midnight EST.
SIRIUS 489: Jean Michel Bernard – Générique Stephane ++ Brian Eno – No One Receiving ++ Talking Heads – I Zimbra ++ Arthur Russell – Make 1, 2 ++ 6ix – I’m Just Like You ++ Can – Vernal Equinox ++ Placebo – Balek ++ Tom Tom Club – L’Éléphant ++ Brenda Ray / Jingo – Keep Holding On ++ Dwight Sykes – Bye  ++ Johnny Walker – Love Vibrator ++ William Onyeabor – Better Change Your Mind ++ Talking Heads – Born Under Punches (The Heat Goes On) ++ Chariot Riders – Do It Nice & Easy ++ Ofo & The Black Company – Allah Wakbar ++ Talking Heads – Fela’s Riff (Unfinished Outtake) ++ Fela Kuti – My Lady Frustration ++ Fela Kuti – Lover ++ Fela Kuti – This Is Sad ++ Ty Segall – Music For A Film 1 ++ Joni Mitchell – The Jungle Line ++ It’s A Rainy Day, Sunshine Girl ++ White Denim – Light Light Light ++ Ramases – Dying Swan Year 2000 ++ Cate Le Bon – Rock Pool ++ White Fence – King of The Decade ++ Jack Name – New Guitars ++ T. Rex – Pain And Love ++ Thee Oh Sees – Web ++ Rob Jo Star Band – I Call On One’s Muse ++ Bitchin Bajas – Bajas Ragas (outro music)
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Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera warga Tumblr ku. Alhamdulillah pada 25/01/2017 sehingga 08/02/2017 selama 14hari kami berempat telah berjaya menjejaki kaki ke tanah Eropah (bukan tanah suci k. hahaha). Sebelum cerita panjang lebar tentang bajet travel serta kenangan2 terindah dan pahit yang dilalui sepanjang perjalanan kami di bumi eropah, boleh enjoy video montage ala2 vloggers di bawah ni terlebih dahulu. (Don’t judge our video please, masih noob bha!!)
Total Budget
Roughly our total budget is RM6,579. 
Flight return (London - KL - London) - RM2,900
Hotel - RM1,123
Train/Flight/Bus including swiss pass +  cable car to schilthorn (transit each town/country) - RM2,102
Underground + Metro + cab - RM454
Makanan aku xmasukkan sebab itu ikut org tu juga, kalau nak makan nasi bayar lebih kalau nak makan magi+roti je bolehla jimat. And budget utk ke Reading - London - Reading pun aku tak masukkan.
1. London (25/01 - 27/01)
arrived at Heathrow airport then we took a large cab to Reading (to our friend’s house at Foxhill) and it costs us (45gbp). yang ni korang boleh skip je, sebab kami ada reason tersendiri kesini. So aku tdak masukkan ke dalam total budget. 
from Reading tu kitorang naik train to Paddington station, London and it costs us (11gbp). 
lepas tu kitorang beli Oyster Card (5gbp) then reload 25gbp (5gbp tu kira deposit la and klau korang nak balek malaysia blh ambik balik 5gbp tu tpi kena kembalikan Oyster Card tu balik (tapi better simpan utk kenangan or maybe nak pegi lagi haha).
function Oyster Card is for underground public transport and the rate per swipe depends on how far you’ll go. Kalau nak jimat just jalan kaki je la to each landmark yg korang nak pegi. But for me la, better use underground as it save you more time then you can go to many places (and in 2days stay pun dah boleh complete round London tu). Yang bestnya, sometimes dia ada limit potong kau pnya oyster card for 1day and when you have reached the limit you can use it for free for the rest of the day. 
1) London Eye, 2) Big Ben, 3) Tower Bridge, 4) Buckingham Palace, 5) Oxford Street, 6) The Mall, 7) St. James Park, 8) Trafalgar Square
and banyak lagi tempat yang best tak sempat pegi but anyway the top attraction semua boleh cover dalam masa 2hari. 
as for Hotel kitorang stay dekat Edgware Road Inn at Edgware Road kalau nak ke center of London just 8minutes using underground train. 
Hotel 125gbp (2Nights) which was 31.25gbp/pax (RM172.50/pax)
kalau part makan, kami just ke Malaysian Hall. Sana ada jual nasi ayam penyet, nasi ayam and nasi campur (5gbp for 2 lauk). 
korang boleh je makan kebab or roti ada je jual (banyak kedai arab and india). 
2. Old Trafford, Manchester (28/01)
Naik bas from Victoria Coach Station and arrived at Manchester Coach Station (perjalanan nearly 6 hours). 
Bus (National Express) London to Manchester - (8.65gbp ~RM48)
Taxi to Manchester Stadium (10gbp).
Taxi to Manchester Coach Station (10gbp).
Bus (National Express) Manchester to Luton Airport, London - (22.25gbp ~RM123).
3. Paris (29/01-30/01)
Flight (EasyJet); Luton Airport, London - CDG Airport, Paris (26.5euro ~RM125).
Arrived at CDG Airport then naik train ke La Tour-Maubourg (10euro)
harga underground train for 1way pass is 1.9euro. Tapi kalau banyak tempat nak pegi beli ja 1day pass which will cost you 11.40euro (this price only for underground zone 1-3). hari 1st tu kitorang beli 1way pass je sbb kurang jalan (so beli 3 1way pass) but for the 2nd day kitorang beli yang 1day pass. 
1) Eiffel Tower, 2) Musee du Lurve, 3) Le Lurve, 4) Arc de Triomphe,  5) Les Invalides, 6) Grand Palais, 7) Pont Alexandre III, 9) Petit Palais, 10) Pont des Arts, 11) Champs-Elysees.
Makan Kebab/Burger (ala carte for 3euro & set for 7euro)
Hotel 169euro (2nights) which cost us 42.25euro/pax or RM200/pax.
BEWARE: Dekat paris banyak celuk saku. Diorang pnya trick licik gila, where diorang akan approach kita with  a paper to sign and dalam paper ada banyak column yang nak kena isi, haa...!!! time kita tgah belek2 kertas tu and isi details tula diorang kluarkan skill celuk saku diorang and mostly mangsa dia org yang ada handbag. And btw kami haritu hampir kena nasib sempat sedar bag tu terbuka sikit. 
Selain celuk saku, beware juga time beli ticket underground. Don’t trust people yang nak bantu dekat situ, kalau memang tidak tahu cara nak beli tiket just pegi ke kaunter information. Jangan sesekali percaya dengan org yang tunjukkan kad staff diorang and try nak belikan korang tiket. JUST DON’T. pegi ja dekat kaunter information tu. 
4. Geneva, Switzerland (31/01-01/02)
Train (TGV Lyria) Paris Gare Lyon - Geneva Cornavin (39euro ~ RM185)
Hotel Lido = 140chf where 35chf/pax ~ RM154/pax
This was a last minute plan, it can be more cheaper. However our credit card was declined during the first attempt and they just notified us during our stay in London. Thus We have to make a new booking and the price way more expensive than the first one. 
5. Lauterbrunnen, Interlaken, Grutscalph, Thun, Murren & Schilthorn (01/02 - 03/02)
using 3days Swiss Travel Pass (185chf ~ RM825) this price is for youth age of
Stay in Camping Jungfrau, Lauterbrunnen.
Hotel 300chf (2Nights) where 75chf/pax ~ RM267/pax
Kami check in hotel dulu lepas tu baru jalan ke tempat2 menarik. Nak jalan dekat sini senang je if ada swiss pass. Train will be available anytime and everywhere. 
01/02 - Lepas je check in kitorang direct ke Interlaken untuk jalan.
02/02 - Kitorang naik Cable car from Lauterbrunnen to Grutscalph. From Grutscalph tu kena naik train untuk sampai Murren. Lepas jalan2 dekat Murren kitorang naik cable car pulak untuk sampai ke Piz Gloria, Schilthorn (cable car yg ni kena bayar 41.10chf ~ btw harga ni dah kena 50% discount sebab ada swiss pass). IT IS WORTH IT! View dekat atas tu law gila wei! and luckily I met SUHO (EXO) up there yehaa..!! hahaha
Kalau dah sampai puncak Schilthorn tu kau nak turun bila2 pun boleh asal sbelum pkul5 la, sebab diorang buka sampai pkul 5ptg je..haha
After that, we went to Thun Lake naik train je semua. 
Kitorang tak sempat pegi Grinderwald sebab time memang pack. 
03/02 - Kitorang gerak ke Zurich naik train juga. Disebab kitorang punya swiss pass 3hari je, so terpaksalah gerak ke Zurich hari ni juga.
6. Zurich (03/02 - 04/02)
Dekat Zurich ni kitorang rehat puas2, tak banyak jalan dekat sini. Jalan pun pegi cari sourvenir je tu pun tak jumpa benda yang org minta kirim. ahaha
Swiss Star Apartment = 91.6chf where 22.9chf/pax ~ RM102)
Apartment dia law gila and sangat luas tapinya area ni banyak pelacur. hahaha. kami pun terkejut turun2 ja bnyak pelacur tepi jalan dah lah kerepot mcm mak org. expired punya pelacur hahaha
7. Milan, Italy (04/02)
Train (Trenitalia) Zurich HB - Milano Centrale (39euro ~ RM185)
1.3euro (1way) metro ticket to Milan Cathedral (return total 2.3euro to Milano Centrale)
Kitorang tidak stay dekat Milan, just a 1day trip pun enough dah dekat Milan ni. 
Milan ni tempat org nak shopping (harga dia lebih murah banding tempat2 lain di Eropah). 
8. Rome, Italy (05/02 - 07/02)
Train (Trenitalia); Milano Centrale - Roma Termini (32.6euro ~ RM155)
Hotel ~ Lucky Domus = 190euro (2Nights) where 47.euro/pax ~ RM225/pax.
1day metro pass cost 7euro (total 14euro for 2days)
Sana kami makan Beriyani Ayam (6euro) & mineral (1euro) utk setiap kali makan.
Rome banyak penyeluk saku, kalau mau jalan pun rasa insecure sebab banyak kaki mabuk tepi jalan and pengugut. Nasihat ku jangan jalan tempat gelap sendiri terutamanya pada waktu malam. Kami jalan waktu pagi je, malam tu kitorang rehat je. 
Semua tempat yg popular boleh pegi naik metro je.
1) Colosseum, 2) Roman Forum, 3) Fountain De Trevi, 4) Pantheon, 5) Vatican City.
9. Pisa, Italy (07/02)
Train (Trenitalia); Roma Termini - Pisa Centrale (17.4euro ~ RM155)
There are many shuttle bus from; Pisa Centrale to Pisa Tower (use the redLAM) Pisa Tower to Pisa Airport (use yellowLAM)
Flight (RyanAir); Pisa Airport - Stansted Airport, London (16.66euro ~ RM79)
Then we took train from STN airport to Liverpool St. (price around RM60)
From Liverpool St. we took underground train to Paddington St. (use Oyster Card sbb masih ada balance from hritu hahaha)
From Paddington St. we took train to Reading ST. 
Then the next day on 08/02 we went to Heathrow airport (T3) using cab (as usual charged 45gbp).
From part Paddington tu korang boleh skip je la, from Paddington tu ada juga train ke Heathrow airport (or you can take a cab).
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darryllevey · 5 years
Invisalign at Affordable Prices | Milton Keynes Orthodontist
Invisalign at Affordable Prices In Milton Keynes
Highly experienced. Outstanding results. Invisalign at Affordable Prices.
Invisalign is one of the most competitive sectors in dentistry. It’s therefore very important to get the right dental team. We are the largest private dental practice in Milton Keynes. We are open 7 days a week and we’ve been in the city of Milton Keynes for over 40 years.
Our Orthodontic Treatment Pricing
We offer a Free Orthodontic Consultation and at the end the patient will get a written treatment plan with choices and costings for treatment options.
Cost: £0.00
Patients pay £25.00 to make the appointment and the £25.00 deposit will then be is refunded on arrival for the appointment.
TreatmentGuide FeeAverage FeeMetal Braces for 1 archFrom £2000£2500Metal Braces for 2 archesFrom £2500£3000Tooth Coloured Clarity Braces for 1 archFrom £3000£3500Tooth Coloured Clarity Braces for 2 archesFrom £3000£3500Full Invisalign for 1 archFrom £3000£3450Full Invisalign for 2 archesFrom £3500£4000i7 InvisalignFrom £1500£2050Incognito Braces (Lingual) 1 archFrom £4000£4150Incognito Braces (Lingual) 2 archesFrom £5000£6500Invisalign GoFrom £2500£2500Bonded Retainers per arch£155£155Removable Retainers per arch£125£125
Invisalign treatment
It is important to remember that when you are choosing where to have your Invisalign treatment that you choose a dentist who is experienced with these appliances. for full invisalign HERE
Gone are fixed brackets and wires
Instead, the Invisalign brace uses a series of removable aligners to gradually and gently move your teeth into the desired position. Better still,
the aligners are completely transparent, so they’re really inconspicuous – even up close.
Invisalign at Affordable Prices in Milton Keynes
Are you looking for the best Invisalign Dentist in Milton Keynes? At the Hub Dental Practice, we offer the best Invisalign treatment in Milton Keynes. Our Orthodontist is highly experienced and produces outstanding results at very affordable prices.
What is Invisalign Milton Keynes?
Invisalign is the ground-breaking brace that’s responsible for straightening over 5 million smiles. When it launched in 2000, it turned orthodontics on its head and completely transformed the way we move teeth.
How does Invisalign works?
Gone are fixed brackets and wires. Instead, the Invisalign brace uses a series of removable aligners to gradually and gently move your teeth into the desired position. Better still, the aligners are completely transparent, so they’re really inconspicuous – even up close.
Very Good Reasons to have Invisalign
Who is our Orthodontist?
Dr Konstantinos (Kostas) Tzamalas has been designated “Specialist Orthodontist Practitioner’ status by Invisalign UK. This means, he is highly experienced to provide The Full Range of Orthodontic Treatments including using the various Invisalign clear braces.
You can be completely confident that your orthodontic treatment is in very capable hands. Kostas is a perfectionist and takes great pride in creating naturally beautiful smiles. It’s never too late to achieve your perfect smile.
What are the benefits of Invisalign Milton Keynes?
Over 5 million people worldwide have improved their smile discreetly with Invisalign, now it’s your turn ! Call us today to start your journey to your dream smile.
Easily Removable. ​You can remove your aligners to eat the food you want and clean your teeth
​Virtually Invisible. ​The aligners are virtually invisible, so most people won’t notice them
No Metal Wires Or Bands. There are no metal wires or bands to irritate your mouth
It is important to remember that when you are choosing where to have your Invisalign treatment that you choose a dentist who is experienced with these appliances.
What our Clients are Saying
Jennifer Balek
★★★★★ 3 months ago I just finished my orthodontic treatment and I must say I am 100% happy with the results and everything was very quick compared to what I’ve thought that it was going to take around 2 years. Thank you Dr. Aurela Doru and Daniel, you have made me journey incredible and the results are amazing, you are very professional and passionate about what you do. I recommend them with all my heart.
Micuci Sebastian
★★★★★ 2 months ago I’ve previously been there for an emergency examination after a filling came out and now I am about to start my orthodontic treatment with Dr. Aurela Doru and Daniel. From what I’ve heard they are the best which makes me very excited and I am looking forward to having my teeth straight , will look into whitening as well. This practice has it all.
Read more reviews here
Emergency Dentist Needed Today? VISIT HERE
Visit The Hub Dental Practice Blog
The Hub Dental Practice News Pages
The Hub Dental Practice in Cambridge is also open 7 days a week offering a full range of dental care including the only 7 day emergency dental service open to everybody in Milton Keynes.
Created by marunes
Sharing is caring!
The post Invisalign at Affordable Prices | Milton Keynes Orthodontist appeared first on Dentist Milton Keynes.
source https://www.thehubdentalpractice.co.uk/invisalign-affordable-prices/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=invisalign-affordable-prices source https://thehubdentalpractice.blogspot.com/2020/03/invisalign-at-affordable-prices-milton.html
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marynnorth · 5 years
Invisalign at Affordable Prices | Milton Keynes Orthodontist
Invisalign at Affordable Prices In Milton Keynes
Highly experienced. Outstanding results. Invisalign at Affordable Prices.
Invisalign is one of the most competitive sectors in dentistry. It’s therefore very important to get the right dental team. We are the largest private dental practice in Milton Keynes. We are open 7 days a week and we’ve been in the city of Milton Keynes for over 40 years.
Our Orthodontic Treatment Pricing
We offer a Free Orthodontic Consultation and at the end the patient will get a written treatment plan with choices and costings for treatment options.
Cost: £0.00
Patients pay £25.00 to make the appointment and the £25.00 deposit will then be is refunded on arrival for the appointment.
TreatmentGuide FeeAverage FeeMetal Braces for 1 archFrom £2000£2500Metal Braces for 2 archesFrom £2500£3000Tooth Coloured Clarity Braces for 1 archFrom £3000£3500Tooth Coloured Clarity Braces for 2 archesFrom £3000£3500Full Invisalign for 1 archFrom £3000£3450Full Invisalign for 2 archesFrom £3500£4000i7 InvisalignFrom £1500£2050Incognito Braces (Lingual) 1 archFrom £4000£4150Incognito Braces (Lingual) 2 archesFrom £5000£6500Invisalign GoFrom £2500£2500Bonded Retainers per arch£155£155Removable Retainers per arch£125£125
Invisalign treatment
It is important to remember that when you are choosing where to have your Invisalign treatment that you choose a dentist who is experienced with these appliances. for full invisalign HERE
Gone are fixed brackets and wires
Instead, the Invisalign brace uses a series of removable aligners to gradually and gently move your teeth into the desired position. Better still,
the aligners are completely transparent, so they’re really inconspicuous – even up close.
Invisalign at Affordable Prices in Milton Keynes
Are you looking for the best Invisalign Dentist in Milton Keynes? At the Hub Dental Practice, we offer the best Invisalign treatment in Milton Keynes. Our Orthodontist is highly experienced and produces outstanding results at very affordable prices.
What is Invisalign Milton Keynes?
Invisalign is the ground-breaking brace that’s responsible for straightening over 5 million smiles. When it launched in 2000, it turned orthodontics on its head and completely transformed the way we move teeth.
How does Invisalign works?
Gone are fixed brackets and wires. Instead, the Invisalign brace uses a series of removable aligners to gradually and gently move your teeth into the desired position. Better still, the aligners are completely transparent, so they’re really inconspicuous – even up close.
Very Good Reasons to have Invisalign
Who is our Orthodontist?
Dr Konstantinos (Kostas) Tzamalas has been designated “Specialist Orthodontist Practitioner’ status by Invisalign UK. This means, he is highly experienced to provide The Full Range of Orthodontic Treatments including using the various Invisalign clear braces.
You can be completely confident that your orthodontic treatment is in very capable hands. Kostas is a perfectionist and takes great pride in creating naturally beautiful smiles. It’s never too late to achieve your perfect smile.
What are the benefits of Invisalign Milton Keynes?
Over 5 million people worldwide have improved their smile discreetly with Invisalign, now it’s your turn ! Call us today to start your journey to your dream smile.
Easily Removable. ​You can remove your aligners to eat the food you want and clean your teeth
​Virtually Invisible. ​The aligners are virtually invisible, so most people won’t notice them
No Metal Wires Or Bands. There are no metal wires or bands to irritate your mouth
It is important to remember that when you are choosing where to have your Invisalign treatment that you choose a dentist who is experienced with these appliances.
What our Clients are Saying
Jennifer Balek
★★★★★ 3 months ago I just finished my orthodontic treatment and I must say I am 100% happy with the results and everything was very quick compared to what I’ve thought that it was going to take around 2 years. Thank you Dr. Aurela Doru and Daniel, you have made me journey incredible and the results are amazing, you are very professional and passionate about what you do. I recommend them with all my heart.
Micuci Sebastian
★★★★★ 2 months ago I’ve previously been there for an emergency examination after a filling came out and now I am about to start my orthodontic treatment with Dr. Aurela Doru and Daniel. From what I’ve heard they are the best which makes me very excited and I am looking forward to having my teeth straight , will look into whitening as well. This practice has it all.
Read more reviews here
Emergency Dentist Needed Today? VISIT HERE
Visit The Hub Dental Practice Blog
The Hub Dental Practice News Pages
The Hub Dental Practice in Cambridge is also open 7 days a week offering a full range of dental care including the only 7 day emergency dental service open to everybody in Milton Keynes.
Created by marunes
Sharing is caring!
The post Invisalign at Affordable Prices | Milton Keynes Orthodontist appeared first on Dentist Milton Keynes.
Via https://www.thehubdentalpractice.co.uk/invisalign-affordable-prices/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=invisalign-affordable-prices
source https://thehubdentalpractice.weebly.com/blog/invisalign-at-affordable-prices-milton-keynes-orthodontist
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themasonshow · 7 years
Playlist for 09-14-2017
The Poets Of Rhythm - More Mess On My Thing - Practice What You Preach The Budos Band - T.I.B.W.F. - The Budos Band The Shaolin Afronauts - Journey Through Time - Flight of The Ancients Lafayette Afro Rock Band - Darkest Light - Remastered - Malik The Shaolin Afronauts - Kilimanjaro - Flight of The Ancients Ebo Taylor - Love and Death - Love & Death The Souljazz Orchestra - Mista President (Remastered) - Freedom No Go Die (Remastered) Marc Moulin - Balek - 2006 Remastered Version - Placebo Years 1971 - 1974 BadBadNotGood - Confessions (feat. Leland Whitty) - III The Budos Band - Up From The South - The Budos Band Snarky Puppy - Shofukan - We Like It Here GoGo Penguin - Seven Sons of Bjorn - Fanfares Polar Bear - Peepers - Peepers Trichotomy - Shut Up - The Gentle War Portico Quartet - Endless - Art in the Age of Automation Portico Quartet - Lines Glow - Art in the Age of Automation Disasterpeace - The Last General - Hyper Light Drifter
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samvitailleurs · 8 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
BALEK BAND ——18.03.17 —— St Exupéry 
0 notes
marynnorth · 5 years
Invisalign Affordable Prices | Milton Keynes at The Hub Dental Practice
Invisalign In Milton Keynes at The Hub Dental Practice
Highly experienced. Outstanding results. Affordable prices.
Invisalign treatment
It is important to remember that when you are choosing where to have your Invisalign treatment that you choose a dentist who is experienced with these appliances. for full invisalign HERE
Gone are fixed brackets and wires
Instead, the Invisalign brace uses a series of removable aligners to gradually and gently move your teeth into the desired position. Better still, the aligners are completely transparent, so they’re really inconspicuous – even up close.
 Invisalign Milton Keynes
Are you looking for the best Invisalign Dentist in Milton Keynes? At the Hub Dental Practice, we offer the best Invisalign treatment in Milton Keynes. Our Orthodontist is highly experienced and produces outstanding results at very affordable prices.
What is Invisalign Milton Keynes?
Invisalign is the ground-breaking brace that’s responsible for straightening over 5 million smiles. When it launched in 2000, it turned orthodontics on its head and completely transformed the way we move teeth.
How does Invisalign works?
Gone are fixed brackets and wires. Instead, the Invisalign brace uses a series of removable aligners to gradually and gently move your teeth into the desired position. Better still, the aligners are completely transparent, so they’re really inconspicuous – even up close.
Very Good Reasons to have Invisalign
Who is our Orthodontist?
Dr Konstantinos (Kostas) Tzamalas has been designated “Specialist Orthodontist Practitioner’ status by Invisalign UK. This means, he is highly experienced to provide The Full Range of Orthodontic Treatments including using the various Invisalign clear braces.
You can be completely confident that your orthodontic treatment is in very capable hands. Kostas is a perfectionist and takes great pride in creating naturally beautiful smiles. It’s never too late to achieve your perfect smile.
What are the benefits of Invisalign Milton Keynes?
Over 5 million people worldwide have improved their smile discreetly with Invisalign, now it’s your turn ! Call us today to start your journey to your dream smile.
Easily Removable. ​You can remove your aligners to eat the food you want and clean your teeth
​Virtually Invisible. ​The aligners are virtually invisible, so most people won’t notice them
No Metal Wires Or Bands. There are no metal wires or bands to irritate your mouth
It is important to remember that when you are choosing where to have your Invisalign treatment that you choose a dentist who is experienced with these appliances.
the hub
Our Orthodontic Treatment Pricing
We offer a Free Orthodontic Consultation and at the end the patient will get a written treatment plan with choices and costings for treatment options.
Cost: £0.00
Patients pay £25.00 to make the appointment and the £25.00 deposit will then be is refunded on arrival for the appointment.
TreatmentGuide FeeAverage FeeMetal Braces for 1 archFrom £2000£2500Metal Braces for 2 archsFrom £2500£3000Tooth Coloured Clarity Braces for 1 archFrom £3000£3500Tooth Coloured Clarity Braces for 2 archesFrom £3000£3500Full Invisalign for 1 archFrom £3000£3450Full Invisalign for 2 archesFrom £3500£4000i7 InvisalignFrom £1500£2050Incognito Braces (Lingual) 1 archFrom £4000£4150Incognito Braces (Lingual) 2 archesFrom £5000£6500Invisalign GoFrom £2500£2500Bonded Retainers per arch£155£155Removable Retainers per arch£125£125
What our Patients are Saying
Jennifer Balek ★★★★★ 3 months ago I just finished my orthodontic treatment and I must say I am 100% happy with the results and everything was very quick compared to what I’ve thought that it was going to take around 2 years. Thank you Dr. Aurela Doru and Daniel, you have made me journey incredible and the results are amazing, you are very professional and passionate about what you do. I recommend them with all my heart.
Micuci Sebastian
★★★★★ 2 months ago I’ve previously been there for an emergency examination after a filling came out and now I am about to start my orthodontic treatment with Dr. Aurela Doru and Daniel. From what I’ve heard they are the best which makes me very excited and I am looking forward to having my teeth straight , will look into whitening as well. This practice has it all.
Via https://www.thehubdentalpractice.co.uk/invisalign-affordable-prices/
source http://thehubdentalpractice.weebly.com/blog/invisalign-affordable-prices-milton-keynes-at-the-hub-dental-practice
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