#the barbie girl; buffy laurel
prxcticalmxgic · 2 years
❛ I wish I’d done this before. ❜ / buffy + jax!
"Yeah, because you definitely would have done this of your own accord without me bullying you. Don't be sassy. Now hold still--" Buffy chuckles from her position sat straddled on the older mans lap, lifting his chin upwards so she as a better angle for visuals as she carefully applies the clay mask around his eyes and the lines of his facial hair.
"I know you have that rugged-blue collar-silver-fox thing going for you -- and trust me, it's working -- but your lack of skin care is starting to hurt my feelings."
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“Listen, I get it. I’m with you, I’m down with the cause. Mortal enemies. All that. Loud and clear. I got you.”
Her head nods earnestly, totally covert in her daisy sunglasses while she waits in line for the face painting.  
“But there’s deep fried Oreos, goddammit. You couldn’t just expect me to stay home. I’m only human.”
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prxcticalmxgic · 4 years
prompt: “ okay no — i can’t handle the way they keep staring at you. ”  from: jax to buffy [ @sinsoakedsaints​ ]
Buffy’s voice is indignant, but there’s a good-humored laughter in it as she turns to look at Jax. 
“You’re the one who told me to wear this dress,” she reminds him with an arched brow and a lift of her chin as she looks over his face. 
The silk black dress does, admittedly, leave very little to the imagination when it comes to clues to how her form is shaped beneath it. With the high slit along the leg and the plunge in the neckline, she can understand why people are looking. That was kind of the point of it. 
However, when she remembers that many of the men in the room are former clients of hers, it’s easier to understand why Jax had become suddenly territorial. 
Buffy reaches for his arm and pulls it around her waist so it can rest against the small of her back -- a bit lower than what’s probably polite in public, but she’s beyond caring about what others think of them. 
“You’re the one who gets to take me out of this dress later. No other sorry asshole in this room can say that.”
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prxcticalmxgic · 5 years
🌋 buffy & nikki
“Ride or die, cradle to grave, baby.”
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prxcticalmxgic · 6 years
💬 buffy // for @heartrendcrs
"Sorry, its just that I get very nervous when someone else is driving."
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prxcticalmxgic · 6 years
💬 // @sinsoakedsaints
"The way you flirt is shameful."
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⋆ ◦ ° ☾ haley lu richardson + cisfemale + she/her — have you met buffy laurel? they are a twenty five year old known around town as the barbie girl. they’ve been in the gang life for five years, and currently work for the cobras as a lookout. they are a bisexual leo, which means they are passionate + humorous, as well as stubborn + self-centered. strawberry milkshakes, flower crowns, the entire discography of ariana gande. × ooc clara. twenty five +. she/hers. cst. ×
Elizabeth Marie Laurel; goes by Buffy, Lizzie, Kiddo
Born August 1st, 1993 in New Orleans, Louisiana to Bonnie and Warren Laurel
Buffy was the youngest of three children; she has an older sister, Margot, and a younger brother, Calvin.
Buffy was raised in a very strict Christian home -- church twice every Sunday, Christian education. Strict emphasis on the ten commandments and chastity.
With their parents constantly working to pay rent and put food on the table, Margot did the majority of raising Buffy and Calvin -- but their parents were always sure to eat breakfast with them before they went off to school. Buffy never doubted her parents love for her and her siblings.
Buffy was twelve when Hurricane Katrina hit. Her family lost everything. FEMA relocated them to a Habitat for Humanity home in Ohio, but things were never the same after that.
Her father was the first to move out after having an affair, Buffy was fourteen. 
At age fifteen, Buffy got pregnant after getting her first real boyfriend (he didn’t want a thing to do with her after the test came out positive). Knowing that she did not have the means or maturity it took the raise a kid, Buffy put her son up for adoption. The adoption is technically closed, but the parents of her child send her a picture every year on his birthday.
Buffy’s pregnancy was rough on her relationship with her mother. First, her mother nearly disowned her for having sex out of wedlock, but also her mother intensely wanted Buffy to keep her son -- her mother still makes her feel guilty as often as possible for “giving away her only grandchild”.
Buffy skipped town with her latest boyfriend the summer she graduated high school. (She had a history of being in blind-puppy love with any guy who gave her the least bit of attention -- no matter how big of an asshole he really was.)
Her boyfriend was a small time weed dealer, who decided that he wanted to set up legit shop in Colorado after the drug became legal. 
To help with extra money, Buffy started working as an escort under Jax.
The boyfriend (for reasons she doesn’t enjoy going into) didn’t last and he skipped town a few months after Buffy started work as an escort.
Jax, knowing that the Cobra’s were going to split off and that Buffy wouldn’t ever be able to live with herself as an escort permanently, put her withing the newly forming ranks as a lookout.
Buffy is surprisingly good at her job. She’s ever observant, and she doesn’t draw suspicion -- no one ever thinks that a girl in a pink sundress with a hello kitty phone is up to no good.
Buffy is, above all else, a glass half full kind of girl. Nothing brings her greater happiness than bringing smiles out of other people. When she’s sad she keeps that shit to herself. She loves to be goofy, laugh loud, and have fun. Nothing brings her more joy than a stupid meme or a finely placed Vine quote. Her loyalty for the Cobra’s is purely bound by her love of the people there.
I’m gonna be pretty freewheeling with this girlie! Always welcome connections are one night stands (she loves love!), friends with benefits, friends, found family, coworkers, bar buddies, flirtationships, someone she holds a secret for, maybe some unrequited romances! DAZZLE ME, I’m open to pretty much anything!
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prxcticalmxgic · 6 years
closed starter for @sinsoakedsaints
She would almost – almost – fool herself into believing she was dreaming. After all, it has been five years, and yet they’ve never gotten themselves into this situation.
Waking up together, that is.
In his bed, more specifically.
But it’s the smell of his pillow that she would know anywhere – the mix of cigarette smoke, his cologne, and whatever shampoo he uses – It’s the first thing that confirms that the events of the night before had actually taken place and not been dreamt up in her dozing mind.
The second is his arms around her middle, and the familiar sensation of his beard against her neck.
She peeks an experimental eye open, catching sight of sunlight leaking in beneath his drawn curtains. Who knows what time it was — Vegas locals lived like vampires; sleep in the day, work and play at night.
A yawn wrinkles her nose as she slowly shifts to turn her body to his, bare abdomens brushing as her hand reaches up to brush her fingers down the scruff of his beard – a delicious soreness in her muscles as her legs stretch out.
“You’ve been holding out on me,” she murmurs to him, lips brushing lazy against his with her words. “This bed is so stupidly comfortable. Well, either that or you really wore me out last night.”
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It would be a lie for Buffy to say that she was completely apologetic for the way she had behaved during the carnival, but there were definitely parts of it that she felt bad about. For instance -- Did she regret that she had called Wolfgang a irreparable twat? No. Did she now realize that the name calling and ass-whooping she had fully intended on doling out would have been better saved for a more ‘meet me in the parking lot’ type of setting as opposed to a charity event? Yes, absolutely.
The only apology she had in mind was for the man whose hold had stopped her from flinging her small body at Wolfgang; the man whose son she had been threatening in line for face painting. The one guy who the thought of having him be mad at her made it hard for her to sleep -- so she hovered in front of Ajax’s apartment door. 
Buffy took a long breath, chewing her lower lip and knocking on the door in a quick rhythm before she lost her nerve. She hoisted up the bottle covered by a brown paper bag to her chest, thinking maybe if he was considering her through the peephole and didn’t find her presence alone enticing enough perhaps the bottle would convince him. 
“Hey, boss?” her voice calls carefully as she steps closer to the door. “It’s me. Open up?”
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elizabeth “buffy” laurel // general gif moodboard
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“Yeeeah, of course it goes to voicemail. Of course you don’t wanna talk to him. You fucking goddamn coward–” Buffy’s words are interrupted by a hiccup as she holds the receiver of Ashley’s phone away from her face (because she’d never had Wolf’s number, and now it seems as if that was a very safe choice). “You listen here you little skidmark. You–you wart on the asscrack of civilization. He deserves better than you. You hear me? You were never goddamn good enough for him. And maybe if you’d kept your infested dick in your pants and spent some time actually loving him instead of always having your eye out you would have realized that! You had a treasure. A mother. Fucking. Treasure. Do you hear me? Little piece of –” [Message reaches time limit]
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ツ bashley
Send me ツ for an excited text.
[text to Ashley, 3:42 PM] OKAY I KNOW WE’RE ON A JOB RIGHT NOW BUT
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“We’ll see how long that lasts.” nikki & buffy
She’s distressed enough to be drinking vodka – her least favorite of the ‘sure to get you fucked up spirits’ due to the memories it brought up of the small town in Ohio she’d been raised in, and how it was mostly the only thing kids would bring to parties where underage drinking was commonplace (because the worst tasting kinds were cheap and easier to get their hands on).
They’re commiserating in the most dimly lit back booth together,  watching Ashley and Wolf talk over drinks at the bar, laughing and flirting and hands running over each other in a way that makes her sick – but not with jealousy. Her nose curls with disgust.
How could she possibly tell Ashley the things that Wolf had said to her earlier in the night? How could she be the cause of his heartache when she’d never seen him smile quite like that before.
“Fuck,” she concludes, lifting her chin from where she’d sulkingly rested it on the table to instead slouch lower into the booth, laying her head on Nikki’s shoulder with a miserable groan. 
“It’s already lasted too fucking long.”
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“Just look at me while you do it.” (nikki & buffy)
“Jesus Christ –” Buffy laughs, her hands moving to cover her face to hide the blush on her cheeks as the music is cued up to the bluetooth speakers in the apartment that she fondly referred to as the ‘den of thieves’.
She knew it had been a mistake once the words had been out of her mouth – that she had been a cheerleader in high school, and knew all the moves from Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies’ choreography. There was no way they'd let her leave without a performance. 
“No, no, fucking no—” she adds with another cackle for flustered glee,  playfully batting away the phone she saw Nikki holding up in an attempt to video record the moment. “The last thing I need is for this to go viral.”
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prxcticalmxgic · 6 years
bax / [ 📲 • sms ] —— are you trying to sext me?
[Buffy 📲 Jax ] – i know that you’re bad at texting but this is truly next level.
[Buffy 📲 Jax ] – how about you just come over for the real thing?
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elizabeth laurel + ajax anderson // relationship moodboard
I’m falling In all the good times, I find myself longing For change And in the bad times, I fear myself
I’m off the deep end Watch as I dive in I’ll never meet the ground Crash through the surface Where they can’t hurt us We’re far from the shallow now
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