devilsbound-a · 6 years
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❛ i’m quitting everything. ❜ wolfgang announced, though he wasn’t even sure if the person sitting across from him at the booth of the bustling bar gave a rat’s ass. ❛ i’m a brand new man, and i’m going to live a clean life. no more drugs, no more casual sex, no more drinking. well, ❜ he looked down at the beer mug he had in hands, still full. ❛ after this last beer, that is. ❜
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rcryx · 6 years
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              ‘ the seat is free , ’ the blonde-haired woman stated , green hues shining under the lights of the bar. it had been packed , many that would rely on the diner trying to find somewhere else to have their midnight cravings. without giving a care on the alliance of the person she was initiating the conversation with , she pushed the chair across from out with a ballet-shoed foot with her thin eyebrows pushing up on her forehead. ‘ i don’t bite , promise. ’ ironic , being a cobra.
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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the shitty washer that had accompanied his apartment had finally DIED with a sputter and a cough, leaving wyatt with a basketful of dirty laundry to tote to the laundromat in a HUFF. the man set his load down in front of a free machine, jostling quarters in his hand and slipping them into the slot. he noticed a WANDERING eye observing the mundane action-- he wondered why it might have drawn any attention, then realized a couple of his t-shirts were splattered and stained with the blood that had fallen from his knuckles a few nights ago during a intensive training session. wyatt offered a tight lipped smile in the direction of the on-looker. “promise it’s MY blood and not someone else’s, don’t worry.” he half-winced, realizing that phrase didn’t sound very assuring out loud, ESPECIALLY in a town like valdez. “doesn’t sound great, now that i’m saying it, but i swear-- just tore my knuckles up with the bag at the gym. hoping this--” he held up the stain remover he’d brought along with him. “will help me out.” 
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johnr-kelly-blog · 6 years
John was reading the paper. The world wasn’t too interesting today. More corrupt politicians, murders, earthquakes in the far east. Sighing, John began to turn the pages aimlessly his eyes not settling on the words for longer than a couple of seconds before moving on. He was aware of the figure approaching him the moment their feet had begun to move in his direction. When he knew they were well within earshot he cleared his throat, still not looking up from his paper.
“No, I don’t want to buy raffle tickets or chocolates or even those cookies.”
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waywcrdsons-blog · 6 years
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“I’m sure that we can sort this like rational human beings,” Maks announces, hearing how that sounded a lot like wishful thinking shortly before a glass whizzed right by his head and shattered on impact against the wall of the bar. 
Good try but bad aim, should he be counting his blessings for that? 
“Or perhaps not.” 
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frdknsll-blog · 6 years
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“ m-mm, ” ford hummed disapprovingly, slowly stepping in front of the door as his large stature serves as a barricade. “ turn around. ”
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savagcs · 6 years
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❝ hi ! i need some help. ❞ daisy stated the moment the other opened the door. she was surprised they had, really. it was late at night and the streets were empty, except for the red-haired woman, knowing randomly on doors hoping someone would open and take her in. the crimson blood on her crisp white blouse had already scared some folks off, but she hoped third time was the charm. ❝ i uh ... got run over ? yeah, yeah. i got run over. can i stay in here and hide, for just a couple of hours ? i lost my phone. fuck, i need to get my phone back. can you just ... i don’t know, borrow me some clothes ? i’ll pay you for them. ❞
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“Listen, I get it. I’m with you, I’m down with the cause. Mortal enemies. All that. Loud and clear. I got you.”
Her head nods earnestly, totally covert in her daisy sunglasses while she waits in line for the face painting.  
“But there’s deep fried Oreos, goddammit. You couldn’t just expect me to stay home. I’m only human.”
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shvmelesstv-blog · 6 years
it was the first time in a long time that glo woke up fully rested, she knew it had a lot to do with the amount of marijuana she smoked last night and made a mental note to ask her dealer for that same strain again. it was rare for her to walk over to the coffee shop, she hated being around more then five people in such a small space, but today was a new day, it was a good day. “i’m going to get a medium coffee and a blueberry muffin please,” she said to the cashier, glo glanced over her shoulder to the person behind her. “oh, and i’ll pay for their order as well.” she said stepping aside so the person behind her could make their order.
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gtfogerard · 6 years
“What the fuck is so important that you’ve gotta barge into my house?” Gerard growled from the couch, wrapped in blankets with his dog on his lap. “Are there really no other drivers available for whatever the fuck’s going on right now?”
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pssionfrvits · 6 years
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     while her own fresh coat of scarlet polish dries, sloane allows a faint smile to tug over glossed lips as she glances towards the unsuspecting figure beside her and examined their nails. ‘  looks like these could use some sprucing up,  ’ she muses playfully, dangling her little bottle of polish---- though she’s mindful enough to offer other colors for their potential selection.  ‘  c’mon, pretty please  ?  ’ 
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bruisedbrcken · 6 years
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     was leo upset caito lay six feet deep being chomped on by worms right now ? fuck no. was he pissed that everything was crumbling around them cause that asshole couldn’t keep ticking for a little while longer ? fuck yes. he’s also pissed he wasn’t the one to kill him in the first place. he needs to break something- or someone. his skin doesn’t fit right, his hand rubbing at his temple preparing for an oncoming headache, and he hears footsteps approaching. ❝ unless you’ve got painkillers, whiskey, or something for me to shoot i don’t give two shits about this conversation you wanna have. ❞
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ofbctrayals · 6 years
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eyes NARROW at the sight of a dent on the back bumper of her parked vehicle. the metal has been dented in, and now bears the paint of the offending vehicle atop the black it was MEANT to be. the brunette sucks in a breath, shaking her head. another thing for her to deal with--- someone else fucking up causing her shit. another figure exists in her peripheral vision, and samantha snaps and points in their direction. “you. hey. you didn’t happen to see who did this, did you?” she takes a step towards them, head tilting with the question she’s posing and wrist rotating to gesture to the damage done on her car. “or was it you? if it was and you’re still hanging around, you’re either a really GOOD person or a really fuckin’ stupid one.” 
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rncherry-blog · 6 years
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it had been a long day and cherry was more than ready for the shift change. she glanced up from the nurses station, most of the files stacked up for the next nurse━just in time to see a familiar face walk in through the door. she licked her lips, a small sigh escaping them. “i uh, i’ve got this one, but right after i’m going home. don’t expect me to take anymore of your patients.” she pushed herself off her chair and made her way over to the approaching figure. “i thought i was having a rough night.” she spoke, a small smile on her lips. “take a seat over there.. let me get a look at ya.” the nurse nodded, taking a seat on the small stool accompanying the paper covered chair for the patient. “what happened this time?”
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waywcrdsons-blog · 6 years
The look on Ashley’s face was nothing short of sheer concentration, scrutinising the small obscure picture on his phone and trying to verify if the person sitting where he and his online suitor had arranged to meet.
As always, he was ten minutes late which made him unsure if they had waited or was he looking at a random who just happened to be there?  
(This was what he got for going back to Tinder.) 
The only photo he had been able to sleuth of the person he matched with an hour earlier was more of a body shot -- a nice one at that -- which was great  for his eyes but not so illuminating when it came real life. 
Deciding to just say fuck it instead of loitering by the bar staring like Valdez’s very own answer to Quasimodo, he slid into the booth, phone in hand so the face of it was facing out towards the other. 
“Hey there, sorry if this is weird but is this you? I’m supposed to be meeting someone here and.. Yeah.” 
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harlowedhalls · 6 years
Harlow had just gotten off a stiff  –  uh, shift, if you could even call it that, when she emerged from the upper levels of the Church’s building. Her grey sweater two times too big, and hanging off her like leaves on a willow tree  and sleeves folded to stay on her wrists. She ran a hand through her hair, and sighed seeing the aftermath of the weekends shit show laid out in front of her. 
They’d managed to avoid the fires, but the bombs blasts had shaken bottles and glasses off the sleeves, toppled furniture and even blew out a few windows upstairs. All around her, she could see depleading dollar signs. Which is why she was working, despite the ache escaping through a second story window left on her body. 
She shouldn’t have gone, she was getting to old for climbing down ivys. 
Picking up a broom, she joined her other staff in the clean up and when she heard the door open, internally cursed them for not locking it. “Sorry, we’re closed.” 
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