#the bible is the manual
alchemyofmaya · 2 years
New Age spirituality with its love and light, is a trap in itself. Too many flowers and butterflies, and not enough truth about how you get to that other side where the grass is supposedly so much greener. The only way out is through. Through every moment of pain and suffering. Acknowledging the darkness and evil within. People like to pretend the evil doesn't exist. It does. It's a part of the All. But the part that we really didn't need to know. The serpent tempts us all, this is his realm of sin. Shows up dressed in a suit and tie, charming with blue eyes. Lucifer was always God's favorite son, the first Fallen Angel. the Light Bringer, the Golden One.
Imagine if all of this was about bringing that sinful part of us to redemption, healing and forgiving the Lucifer within, and bringing the fallen angel back home to his rightful throne, in God's Heavenly Kingdom. We are the Sons and Daughters of God. We are the embodiments of both the Light and Dark. We are the enlightened Christ, and the Morningstar lost in the deepest depths of the dark. It's time to remember and begin the journey home to the Kingdom within. Know Thyself.
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my-t4t-romance · 5 months
none of these words are in the star wars episode i racer owner's manual
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tomicscomics · 2 years
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I'm sure she's an immaculate roommate!
JOKE-OGRAPHY: In this Bible story, Jesus decides to stay at the house of the tax-collector, Zacchaeus, who has repented of his greedy ways.  Some onlookers wonder why someone as holy as Jesus would stay at a sinner's house.  In this cartoon, Jesus says that, if He couldn't stay with sinners, He'd have to live with His mom forever (because Catholics believe that Mary was sinless).  He says this as if it would be a bad thing, so when He catches sight of His holy mother eavesdropping from behind a nearby house, He quickly amends His statement so He doesn't hurt her feelings.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is yet ANOTHER Tomics Resurrection, where an old comic that has long suffered the cruelties of time is sent to the pasture to be... taken care of... while a new comic takes its place!  Here's the old version for comparison:
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ch4osm4ster · 3 months
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Murfy doodles
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lunarlegend · 5 months
-adds Game Genie codes to NESTopia so i can play DuckTales & Super Mario Bros. 2 like i remember-
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
I know there's a common thing of "christians are christians because they haven't actually read the bible" but I actually grew up being told to read the entire bible once a year once I learned to read. I even had a NIV kids' one with a checklist that had you read a certain amount per day. I only ever read my daily amount when forced to by my youth group or family members that did read the whole thing once per year and even then I usually faked it until they left me alone
#and yes my family did believe the conspiracy that NIV bibles were deleting verses since they knew kids would read it over KJV#and they'd grow up reading said bible without learning all of Jesus's miracles or something#turns out#said verses were not missing but put into footnotes since they might not have actually been in the original writings#a lot of my older family dropped out of school p early#so the bible was one of the few things they could readily get and read#and they knew someone would teach them if they couldn't read a part of it#my grandfather was the first to graduate highschool and he was the 13th child out of 14 who lived#my father was first to graduate from college#my mom was the first to finish medical school#so I got super lucky to have family around me that valued education like that#tho they started to get very extreme after that and pushed me towards more and more academic things until I was ready to yeet myself#so reading the bible had a special place in my family both from the fundamentalist standpoint and from an academic standpoint#they were poor black folk in rural NJ GA and FL so#not much to do but have babies do manual labor and go to church especially back then#for a while my family's churches were even anti-ipad bibles#until they learned they could have the audio playing so the older folks that couldn't read all that well#either from lack of education or declining eye site#n e ways I hope y'all enjoyed my ramblings about intersectionality and bible reading#I did attempt it once but got super uncomfortable reading about sex and stuff like that in middle school#and started having terrible intrusive thoughts so I stopped#I also recognize that it's a Jewish tradition to read the entire Torah once a year I believe#And it resets either during Yom Kippur or Rosh Hashanah#my jewish found fam can correct me on that later#but I get wanting to read your holy book to make sure you know what's up and refresh your knowledge#idk maybe I'll write an undergraduate thesis about how the bible comforts black americans as a concept rather than a religion#ex christian#religious trauma
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asking this question for future me: hi, um, when i soon start applying for colleges and they ask for my reading list/bibliography. how do i tell them that my reading interests are strictly fiction. and most books i read have pictures in them. and i have basically no interest in anything else.
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torreyadorable · 1 year
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Some D&D monsters, for no reason at all.
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about to get out my dad's dnd books and just. see how far i get reading through them. as a treat
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seventeen-sideblogs · 3 months
PSA to all trans people that feel invalid:
The DSM 5 has an entire section on gender and gender dysphoria. Don’t lose hope, there are still organizations that believe you.
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mazimekus · 3 months
THE MANUAL OF LIFEDo you know that everything created by man has a manual. Name them, a car, an air plane, machineries etc. They all have manuals. And a manual is a set of rules that determines how these items are used. Are you aware that since you are also a product of divine creation, you have a manual. And you know that every abuse of any manual of a product, leads to dare consequences . As…
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ilhoonftw · 8 months
my sperm donor forgets i exist for months only to call me 8:47 friday 'do you remember exact specifications and model of the fridge we have?'
that's what i get for being the designated "manual reader" :/
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greendomine · 9 months
rip lewis you would've written your sewerslide note in 9th grade during your french class and wouldve got caught by your teacher and been forced to go to outpatient therapy for weeks on end and then promptly get worse
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scripture-pictures · 10 months
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musicaldamage · 11 months
learning again how spectacularly bad I am at writing smut
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