#the big wretched quiz of the year
cavewretch · 6 months
i've been shadowing portuguese since july lets test my skills by translating felps clips i have in my phone
felps: there's something (nonsense words? idk) BLINGALINGALING i'm going back I'M GONNA BE ATTACKED HERE PEOPLE i'm gonna get attacked here let's go im going wRONG i don't know ah cuz i can't see cuz the flashlight turned around . lets go lets go i'll look at this house i'll look at this place lets go i don't want to but ah inside here inside here ah the inside of the—
demon: i'm surprised to be seen
felps: ai no i'll go then . lets go ne? i'll go then! we'll see you later i'll come back i'll go i don't want to i don't need to be here understand ? (something he says fast and high pitched i can't figure out)
chat: shit
felps: shit ......... shit
demon: i am hungry
felps: what do you want
demon: can you give me something
felps: something
demon: something that smells good. smells of death.
felps: ah he wants the bird.
demon: do this for me.
felps: he wants the bird huh. lets go lets get some food for mr demon. thats it man. mr demon who lives inside the toilet. how incredible, how incredible. a game about feeding a demon who lives inside a toilet. lets go then
0 notes
bnhabadass · 5 years
Standing on the Edge of the World: A Bakugo Fan Fiction - part 1
(A/n): I hope you guys enjoy part 1 of this multi-chapter fanfic
Pairing: Bakugo x reader Warnings: Swearing, angst, usage of drugs and alcohol
“Eviction notice!?” Your friends were crowding around you as you clutched the envelope with sweaty palms. You were backed up against the arm of the sofa, cowering in fetal position.
“How is that even possible?” Iida asked. He and Midoriya came home later that day. You waited until everyone was back to break the news. You were being kicked out of the housing the school provided. You had a rough idea as to why. The letter you received stated it was due to financial corruption.
“I think it’s because of my grandfather,” you said with a cautious tone in your voice. “He’s on the board of trustees in the school and he’s the only reason I’m enrolled here to begin with.” Your friends knew that already, but what came next was a surprise to them. “A couple days ago he had a pretty nasty fall and he’s in the hospital right now. The doctors said he’d be alright, but I guess because of that my room and board payments are frozen for the time being.”
“(Y/n) why didn’t you tell us?” Uraraka sat next to you and placed a comforting hand on your knee.
“I’ve been going to the hospital to visit him and he’s doing better. I didn’t want to worry you guys.” You played with the corner of the envelope, sticking it under your finger nail and pulling it away to reveal some of the dirt that was trapped underneath.
“You don’t have to worry about that!” Midoriya threw his arms over you, giving you a tight hug. “We’ll always be here for you when you need it. You know that, right?”
You nodded and gave a half-hearted smile. There was too much on your mind right now. You couldn’t even think about the pile of homework weighing down on you. “Thank you,” you said.
“If it’s financial trouble I’m sure my family wouldn’t mind helping you out until your grandfather’s assets are no longer frozen.” Iida smiled at his own idea.
You shouldn’t have been surprised. His family was rich after all. “That’s alright, Iida. Thank you, but I don’t want to put that much trouble on your family.”
“Please, (Y/n) it’s no trouble at all.”
Leave it to your friends to make you feel shitty about your own financial instability. You know they mean well, but it’s hard not to feel inadequate when half the time you hear Iida, Momo, and Mina talking about their families’ vacations to the Bahamas or their massive trust funds that you couldn’t even dream of. “I’m visiting my grandfather later today to work this all out. Please, guys. Don’t worry about me.”
“Do you want one of us to come with you?” Uraraka squeezed your hand.
“It’s alright. It’s probably best if I go alone.” You squeezed her hand back lazily. You were so tired, but you had to deal with this now. It was Friday night. You could sleep in Saturday morning.
“If you need us to bring anything over just let us know.”
You nodded at Iida. Midoriya was still hugging you. When he finally let go he smiled down at you. “Just give us a quick call and we’ll be over in a jiffy.”
You smiled at your friends. They were too kind for this world. You really didn’t deserve them. “I should probably get going,” you said. You broke free from the couch’s warm embrace and grabbed your coat off of the peg rack.
Your friends watched as you wrapped your scarf around your neck and slung your backpack over your shoulder. “I’ll text you guys when I’m done.” You smiled at them and went out the door.
“Text us if you need anything,” you heard Uraraka call as you closed the door. She really was too good for you. They all were.
You could feel the knot in your stomach tighten as you made your way down the stairs. You visited your grandfather the second you got the call from the hospital. A fractured wrist. It’s wan’t too bad, but they wanted to keep him a few days for observation because of his age. You were worried, that much was obvious. And you were confident that he would pull through this time, but what if he falls again. He’s a stubborn man. Forty years on the board of trustees and the man refused to retire. There would undoubtedly be another fall from the infamous Gran Torino, as his colleagues like to call him. What would you do then?
“Hey watch it!” You were so caught up in your thoughts you didn’t realize you had bumped into someone. You looked up and saw it was the blonde guy from earlier. The guy who shoved that wretched eviction notice in your hands earlier that day. “Do you ever watch where you’re going?”
“Look dude.” You were not about this shit right now. “I’m having a pretty shitty day so leave me the fuck alone.” You turned around and went out the door. If that bastard had anything else to say you didn’t hear it. You looked around outside before letting out a soft “shit” as you remembered how far away you needed to park.
“It was their fault, I tell you. They did it on purpose, having me lying helplessly in this hospital room like I’m dying. I ain’t dying any time soon!”
You nodded lazily, head resting in the palm of your hand as you listened to your grandfather go on about how him ending up in the hospital was just a ploy. “I’m sure that you ending up here was not their fault, grandpa,” you said for what seemed like the thousandth time that night. “You just have to face the fact that you’re getting older and accidents like this are likely to happen a lot more now.”
“Ugh you sound just like your mother.” Your grandfather rolled his eyes and looked back at you. “So tell me, why are you here now instead of studying for the upcoming finals?”
Oh Gran Torino, always overtly prepared. Finals weren’t for another month. “I have a big problem,” you said. Better out with it now. “Because you’re in the hospital they’ve frozen your assets. You’re not technically paying for my room and board, and now I’m being evicted from the apartments.”
“What are you talking about? I haven’t heard anything about this.” He looked surprised at the envelope you held in front of him. His eyes widened at the bright red letters stating 'Eviction Notice’.
“I got this in the mail today. It says I’m being evicted because of financial corruption.” You played with the hem of your sweatshirt and swiped away the few strands of hair in your face that clouded your vision.
“It was Hakamata! That bastard has always hated me. He’s the reason I’m in here now and the reason why you’re being kicked outta your apartment.”
You buried your face in your hands and let out a muffled cry. “Why can’t you take this seriously?” You asked. “I’m being kicked out of my apartment in a week and I don’t know where I’m going to stay or what I’m going to do.”
Your grandfather frowned. He could tell that this was really weighing on you. “Get some sleep,” he said. “We’ll figure this one out tomorrow. But go to sleep. You look exhausted.”
He wasn’t wrong. You checked the time on your phone and saw how late it actually was. “Okay.” You stood up and threw on your coat, not bothering to tie your scarf into a knot. “I’ll be back tomorrow. I’ll bring you some taiyaki.”
He laughed and laid down in the hospital bed. “I’m holding you to that,” he said as you made your way out the door.
“Love you,” you said while smirking. You could hear the muffled little recognition that your grandfather gave to what you just said. He never was one for a lot of emotion, but that never really bothered you. You left the hospital only to be hit with the slap of cold air outside. It wasn’t ideal weather to be walking in that’s for sure. You walked through the windy parking lot before making it to the safety of your car. The wind had messed up your hair but that was the least of your worries at the moment. You were about to start your car when you heard a ding coming from your phone signifying a text. You smiled as you saw Mina’s name, followed by a slew of pink emojis, pop up on your lock screen.
Party at my place 2nite. No need to pay. Just bring that cute lil booty of yours over here!
A party. You were so tired, but at the same time you really could use a beer to help forget about everything that’s happened that day. You turned your keys in the ignition and made your way to the nearest gas station for a coffee.
“There’s my girl!” Mina embraced you in a wide armed hug. The pop punk playing from the speakers was insanely loud. You could hear it walking up the stairs to her front door. “It’s been so long!”
“It really has been,” you laughed.
Your friends all made their rounds giving you hugs and complimenting your outfit. Before you went upstairs to the suite you went back to your apartment and changed into a dark red sweatshirt with the U.A. University logo on it and black skinny jeans. It was a very casual outfit, but one you could lounge back in.
“What have you been up to?” Momo asked.
“Well I–"
“You’re going to the concert with us next Thursday right?” Jiro interrupted.
“Yeah of course, I–"
“What did you get on your quiz last Friday? I thought it was kind of hard but then again I didn’t do the reading.” You didn’t mind that your friends kept interrupting you. It just meant that they miss you is all. You thought of telling them about what came in the mail and how you were being evicted, but you supposed there would be another time and place for that. You came here to party after all.
“Alright, babe,” Mina said. “What will you be drinking tonight?”
“I could use a beer,” you said. “Unless that punch bowl is mostly vodka. Hey do you just have any vodka?” Your friends laughed; you always were the funny one in your little friend group.
Momo cleared her throat. “I think I know what you need.” She moved swiftly to the kitchen cabinet and pulled out a bottle with a clear liquid in it. Next she pulled out five shot glasses. “We usually charge everyone a dollar for shots since the booze can get pricey, but you’re our little exception.”
In any other circumstance you would have groaned at the mention of money, but in a weird way you almost felt like royalty getting free liquor. You watched as Momo poured each shot delicately, not spilling a drop on the counter the five of you were situated at. You grabbed the shot glass and tipped it back along with your other friends. The five of you let out a howl, almost as if you were a pack of wolves. You looked over at the creak of light coming from the front door as it had opened. Your (e/c) eyes met crimson as you were suddenly staring at the blonde boy from earlier that day. You had never met the boy up until now and all of a sudden it was as if he was everywhere.
“Hey Kiri! Hey Bakugo!” You heard Mina yell.
The blonde stopped glaring at you and turned to your best friend. “Sup raccoon eyes,” he said. What a dick!
“Ugh how can you stand that guy?” You asked, popping open the beer that Toru handed you.
“Who, Bakugo?” Mina laughed. “Why, have you met him?"
“Yeah he was a total dick to me earlier today,” you said, taking a sip from the beer.
“Oh that’s just how he is. He can be a little rough around the edges but he’s actually a real sweetheart once you get to know him. He’s a good guy, just don’t tell him I told you that.” She giggled before taking a swig of her own beer.
“Huh.” Your eyes wandered to your sneakers and then back up to Mina, but she was already talking to someone else. You looked around to find anyone else you might know. Midoriya and Uraraka were around here somewhere, and Iida was also at the party earlier, but he left after seeing a few minors because he didn’t want to be associated with underage drinking.
Midoriya was over in the corner of the living room talking with Todoroki and some other guy with purple hair. You’ve seen him around campus before.
You averted your gaze to Uraraka who was hanging out with Tsuyu and Tokoyami, two people you aren’t very close with. You were brought out of your thoughts when you heard the familiar voice of Toru screaming your name. “Huh?” Some eyes were now on you and you felt your face grow hot from all the attention.
“Come over here!” She gestured for you to join the rather large group of people on the floor. “Come smoke with us.”
You smiled and sat down between Toru and one of her friends. The guy waved at you.
“I’m Kaminari,” he said.
“(Y/n).” You aren’t really a big smoker. You prefer a good drink, but when you’re offered a hit on the bong there’s a better chance you’ll say yes than no.
The guy packing the bowl looked up at you, a look of realization coming across his face. “You’re in my behavioral psyche class,” he said. “I copied off of your exam during midterms."
“I’m sorry?” You asked. You didn’t really care about the fact that he cheated, just that he trusted some girl he’d never met to have the right answers.
“Here.” He stopped packing the bowl and fiddled with whatever contents were in the brown leather bag at his side. He pulled something out and tossed it at you. “A thank you gift. I’m Sero, by the way.”
You looked at what he tossed you to see a small plastic baggy with about a gram of weed inside. “Thank you, Sero,” you said, a little weirded out by the drug lord in front of you.
“Don’t mention it.” He went back to packing the bowl. “Alright. Who wants the first hit?”
Those around you were eager to get their lips on the glass pipe, but you held back, waiting for it to come to you. When it finally did come to you there wasn’t much left. Really just enough for you and Toru to each have a hit. You thanked Kaminari as you took the lighter and pipe from him and put the flame up to the bowl. You sucked in for four seconds and held held it for another three before letting the smoke escape your nose. You handed the pipe and lighter off to your friend.
“That was beautiful,” Sero said.
Kaminari nodded slowly in agreement and you couldn’t help but laugh. You really were surrounded by stoners. It was a vibe you weren’t used to, but you kind of liked it.
“Do you want another hit?” You shook you head at the question, not even knowing who asked it. You were already starting to feel a little buzz.
Sero’s weed was really strong. It hadn’t even been a minute and you were already smiling like an idiot and laughing at the smallest things. “Hey Bakugo,” you heard Sero call over. You mentally groaned as you watched the angry blonde making his way towards the little cohort you were now a part of.
“What?” He asked. You noted the IPA in his hand and began longing for your own drink, which you had set down somewhere in the suite. You looked around for it but gave up after a few seconds.
“Wanna hit?” Sero asked, holding up the pipe.
“God damnit,” Bakugo said. “You’re gonna kill your lungs with how often you smoke.” You had a dumb open-mouth look on your face as you listened in on their conversation shifting your head to look at each of them as they spoke in a way too obvious manner.
“Relax, man.” Sero was a smiling mess. Then again, you can’t remember ever seeing him not like this in class. “It comes from nature so it can’t be bad for you.”
“Do you know what else comes from nature? Syphilis.”
You lost it. That was too funny. You were literally rolling on the floor laughing.
“The hell?”
You couldn’t stop the loud bouts of laughter escaping your mouth.
“See this is what happens when you smoke too much.” Bakugo widely gestured to you, spilling part of his beer in the process. “You turn into fucking laughter McGee over here.”
“Heh, I like this one,” Sero said. “She’s cute and because of her I ended up getting a C minus last block.”
“Wow a C minus,” Bakugo said, rolling his eyes. “You really caught yourself a winner here.”
You knew he was insulting you but you still couldn’t help but laugh. You spent the rest of the night drinking, dancing, and drinking some more. You weren’t sure what time it was when you started feeling ill. Momo told you to sit down, which you were about to do, when you felt your body collapse on the floor. You were out cold, and in the distance that was the blackness of your mind you could hear faint whispers and screams of people, your friends, not knowing what to do.
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acathea · 4 years
The Ridiculously Detailed Inquisitor Questionnaire that No One Needed
I’m just five years late for this. Taashath edition, impossibly long. @customhawke‘s inquisitor quiz was extremely time consuming to fill out but so fun!
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Give some basics for the Inquisitor:
Name: Taashath Adaar
Age: 32 (By the end of Trespasser, 34.). Born on Drakonis 3rd, 9:9 Dragon.
Race: Qunari
Gender/preferred pronouns: Trans Woman – She/her
Class (warrior/rogue/mage): Warrior
Preferred weapon/spell type: Two-Handed Swords
Specialization: Champion
Romance: Josephine
Give a detailed description of your Inquisitor.
Taashath has coppery, almost metallic-looking skin and bright red eyes surrounded by a black sclera. She has thick, long crimson hair that falls past her waist, which she keeps tied in a simple braid when out on missions. She takes excellent care of it and is very proud of the way it looks. Her eyebrows are dark, thick, and arched, of a red so dark it almost looks black if the sun is not shining on them. Her face is heart-shaped, with high and pronounced cheekbones and deep-set eyes, where subtle crows-feet rest, made more apparent when she smiles. Crowning her head are two large, dark horns that end in an upwards tip, chipped in places from her many fights throughout the years.
Taashath is tall compared to the other races, but stands at a rather short height for a qunari - at 6’9’’ft (205cm). Her body is muscular and toned, shaped from years of fighting and travelling. It’s scarred in numerous places, and it’s why she tends to wear clothing that covers her entire body not to show them.
Does the Inquisitor have any scars/tattoos before the game’s events? If so, tell how they got them/their meaning (for example, what elvhen god does Inquisitor Lavellan’s vallaslin represent, and why did they choose them?)
A horizontal scar crosses the length of the right corner of her mouth to her cheekbone, that she got on a job while still an inexperienced warrior. The debris from the explosion at the Temple of Sacred Ashes also hit her left eyebrow, leaving a nasty mark. Her body is scarred in numerous places due to her life work as a mercenary, notably her arms, and she always makes a point of covering them. Even when it should be too hot for long sleeves.
She wears mostly practical clothing, with little space for frivolousness. Usually in the dark colours of the Inquisition. After the events of the main game, she allows herself some prettier clothing and lighter colour schemes.
OPINIONS. Give your Inquisitor’s stance on:
The Chantry: Taashath dislikes the Chantry and would rather not be called the Herald of their Prophet. She doesn’t have any fond memories regarding priests of the Chantry, but only of the stones they would throw at her and her parents when passing through a village. She is interested in the history of the Chantry. She especially takes time to study it all in her time in Skyhold, but she holds no illusion that most in the Chantry want her dead. She has no issues with the Maker or Andraste, per se, however, even though she doesn’t believe in any kind of higher power.
Tevinter: Taashath has mixed feelings about Tevinter. She knows of the complicated history between the Qunari and the Imperium – but also, she’s Vashoth. Does that really apply to her? Of course, she holds mostly disdain for the way Tevinter controls its people and enslaves everyone they deem inferior. But she’s also intrigued by the culture of knowledge-seeking, were it not corrupted by lust for power.
Ferelden: It’s… brown. And cold. And it rains a lot. Taashath is more used to the warmth of the north, the brightness of it, but she falls in love with the culture and the people. Would she live in Ferelden? Absolutely not. But she doesn’t hate it.
Orlais: Orlais is… a very sore spot for her. For a chunk of her young adulthood, Taashath worked towards being admitted into the University of Orlais, her biggest dream. She wanted to study history and languages and geography. She wanted to walk in the University’s library and devote her life to knowledge. They laughed in her face, refused her entrance and kicked her out. Her experiences in Orlais after that were riddled with anxiety. When she visited the Winter Palace, however, she enjoyed beating the orlesian nobles that looked down on her at their own Game. She doesn’t like orlesians much, except a select few, and visiting the country is always the last thing she’s looking forward to.
Mages/Magic: Magic has always served Taashath well, and she sometimes envies those she encounters who have the gift. She is a big supporter of the mages’ freedom, although she agrees that they need a place where to study their magic – one where they’re not prisoners, maybe. But she’s not a fool, and she knows it can be dangerous – just like the weapons she carries.
Templars: While they never bothered her personally, Taashath is acutely aware of the abuses the Templars perpetuate and how power-hungry they can be, as she heard of the events of Kirkwall. She thinks their abilities may be of some use. Still, their affiliation with the Chantry and their methods don’t align with her moral principles. She would only ally with them if it was the only thing she could do. There must be some other way to protect people from demons other than Templars.
The Mage/Templar War: She believes it was inevitable. Wherever she went in Southern Thedas, she would always hear of the abuses of the Templars – either from apostates who wanted to join the Valo-Kas, or from the people they encountered. When the Chantry in Kirkwall exploded, she was surprised it didn’t have major consequences in all of Thedas sooner, taking another three years for the rebellion to fully take place. She supports the mages’ freedom.
The Dalish and City Elves: She is fascinated by the ways of the Dalish and would trade everything of value she has for the chance of learning more of their history and culture - and Shaevra is more than happy to share her culture with someone who seems to deeply appreciate it. She fails to make the connection between the nomadic way of the Dalish and the life she was living travelling with her parents. In regards to the city elves, she never knew much about them. It was only after becoming Inquisitor that she learned more of them from the servants in Skyhold. Then she sees first hand their living conditions in Orlais, and she feels much pity for them – although she admires their strength and sense of community.
Dwarves: Taashath hasn’t had much chance of seeing how the dwarves live in their thaigs, although she’s very curious about it – again, only after becoming Inquisitor does she have an opportunity to experience more of their culture. She’s more used to dealing with the Merchants’ Guild and surface dwarves. While she doesn’t have a particular liking for them, she also has no issues with them – unless they call her an ox-woman, which has unfortunately happened on more than one occasion.
Qunari/Tal-Vashoth (do they even know the difference?):  It’s… complicated. She’s qunari herself, although she is Vashoth. For followers of the Qun, she is nothing – like she doesn’t exist. For non-qunari, she is just like them, so she’s seen as a violent savage before a person. The only other example of qunari outside of the Qun are Tal-Vashoth like her parents, which she ran from because she believed she’d be better off without them. The others are either the Tal-Vashoth she is hired to kill, or the ones she works with, with whom she doesn’t feel any real connection to. It’s because of her feeling like she doesn’t have a culture of her own that Taashath is so interested in those of others. She feels like a fish out of water and is both interested in the ways of the followers of the Qun and wary of them. As I said, it’s complicated, and the only subject that genuinely makes her head hurt when she thinks about it.  
Humans: In her youth, Taashath used to idolize humans. She wanted to be like them, to be one of them – mostly because she only wished to have a roof over her head and not be thrown out of villages having sticks and stones thrown at them. She used to think that they must have been right about her parents, that they were savages and if only they allowed her in, they would see she was not like them. Now it’s different. Taashath has been hurt too many times by humans. She is wary and distrustful of them – the reason why she was convinced she wouldn’t have survived the events of the Conclave is that she was a qunari amidst angry humans. Of course, she can be swayed to think differently of some humans, but she treads very carefully when dealing with them. She likes the Avvar, though, and enjoys her time in the Frostbacks because of them.
What is their favourite place to travel to?
The Hissing Wastes. She loves the vastness of it, the climate, she loves the oasis. It’s also where she tames her wyvern mount, so it holds a special place in her heart.
Their least favourite?
Val Royeaux/the Winter Palace. It makes her feel anxious – she always has to watch her step and her mouth, always has to make sure she appears perfect in every way. It makes it hard to enjoy the architecture and pretty colours.
Honourable mention: the Fallow Mire. She hated being there, hated the climate, hated the mud and the water and the rain and everything that was there. She was glad to be out of that wretched place.
Describe what your Inquisitor is like before the game’s events–preferably, choose three words that describe best. Then explain why those adjectives are appropriate descriptors.
Quiet – During her travels, Taashath learned what misunderstood words might bring her in human society, and afterwards, it just stuck. She rarely spoke unless spoken to, and she much preferred entrusting her thoughts and musings to diaries and poetry rather than spoken words.
Apathetic – Or at least, on the surface. Taashath forces herself to appear unbothered and undisturbed by anything because, as usual, people will assume the worst when she expresses any kind of positive or negative emotions. This actually drives people away from her, which is… not what she’s aiming for when she does that. This also results in her basically shutting down her emotional side - which is ironically exactly what people expect of a qunari. It’s hard for her to trust people, to let herself go and be who she is – something that she only allows herself in private - and in turn, this created a sort of shell around her that, at some point, became more of prison than a protective measure.  
Level-headed – Taashath takes a lot of time to think things over. What she says, what she does is always the result of careful calculation and pondering. Not just in dealing with people, but with situations that come about as well. This makes her an excellent leader because she – usually – does not let emotions speak for her. There are a few exceptions, though.              
Does your Inquisitor change over the course of the game’s events? If so, how? What events affected their character arc the most?
It’s a mixed bag of feelings. Taashath learns to voice her feelings, her opinions, not to filter herself as much as she was used to and learns how to make friends. But after the events of the main game, the weight of being Inquisitor starts being too much. Every decision she makes leads to major consequences for the people involved - and even those who weren’t! - and they’re not always predictable. Each failure weighs on her even more. Sometimes, she feels herself becoming paralyzed by fear and doubt, and it’s only through the connections she’s made over the years in the Inquisition that she doesn’t break.
Being a lover of history and knowledge, seeing what happened to Ameridan shocked her quite a bit. Not only does she now doubt everything she’s ever read, but she’s also afraid that – with time – the Chantry will do the same to her. That they will erase her from history, make her a human, and rid the records of there ever being an Inquisitor named Taashath Adaar, of the qunari peoples. It’s disturbing, and she feels much pity for Ameridan and what was done to him. The events of the Descent also shake her, but mostly because she realizes there is so much more to Thedas than she realized. She wonders what other things there are still to discover or uncover.
The events of Trespasser truly break her. She fears and dislikes what the Inquisition is becoming, and she feels that everything is slipping out of her control. Even her advisors start making decisions without her, taking actions she wouldn’t have approved of. She thinks that finally, the charade is over and that she will be revealed for the fraud she is. She is glad, in the end, to disband the Inquisition. It was getting too big, too frightening, and something she was not proud of. She feels like a failure, honestly. Losing her arm also does not help, as her fighting style depends on it, and now she cannot even write – the only thing that brought her comfort for so many years. She feels that in some way she’s been stripped of her identity and made into something she doesn’t recognize.  
Solas betraying her was the worst thing. He honestly acted as her mentor, because he was the only one that knew something about the Anchor and how to control it. Taashath feels everything spiralled after he left. When she finds out that not only is he an Ancient Elven God, he is responsible for everything that happened, and what he is about to do will destroy the world, she just really doesn’t know how to cope with it. She is broken for a while. But, like always, she picks herself back up out of sheer willpower. She wants to save her friend, even if it means protecting him from himsef. It’s the only thing giving her purpose, now, the only thing she will not allow herself to fail at.
Use three words to describe your Inquisitor at the end of the game, and explain why they are appropriate. (If there are any that are still the same from the beginning of the game, explain why they are still appropriate DESPITE the game’s events.)
Authoritative – Taashath, through her knowledge of history and nobility, through being a good strategist, learns to use her voice and make herself heard, learns to make decisions and take control of the situation, and to live with the consequences of what she does. She’s also less afraid of not appearing perfect in front of the nobility – she knows who she is, and nothing will change that.
Paranoid/Insecure – She makes decisions. She lives with the consequences. But each day, those decisions and their repercussions weigh more and more on her, with the death count rising, always. She doubts herself, she is afraid she is not suited for the role and that she should pass it down to someone else instead. But she doesn’t do it, because she is also afraid of what someone else might do with the power of the Inquisition. In the end, it was never its fate to last, and she knew that.  
Dedicated – Despite her doubts, her fears, Taashath simply cannot give up. She will do anything it takes to find Solas, to make him see that this world is worth keeping, and to save him from himself – and the people of Thedas from him. It’s her only goal, and she puts everything she has in herself towards it. She will act, even if it means more decisions, and more weight on her shoulders. She can take it.
Life Before the Conclave
What is their combat skill level before the events of the game? Are they already skilled fighters, or can they barely hold their weapon of choice properly?
Taashath’s father was a Karasten, well trained in the way of fighting. He always believed that his daughter should be able to protect herself, given their nomadic lifestyle, and trained her with sticks first and real swords later from a very young age. She is quick and agile, nimble for someone of her stature and the weapons she wields. She’s an excellent fighter, despite it being something that she does only to defend herself and not because she actually enjoys it.  
How well do they improve after becoming the Herald/Inquisitor?
With The Iron Bull’s help, Taashaths learns quite a few tricks. Not just that, but he teaches her how to make training something to actually relax with, something she can do to wind down and keep her body and mind sharp. She does indeed come to enjoy sparring with him, Cassandra and Blackwall (as the other soldiers will not fight her). Losing her arm, her fighting hand, is absolutely the worst. If all else fails, now she cannot even fight. Of course, after Dagna makes her a very flexible prosthetic, she starts training again – as if she had never held a weapon before. She’s not at the level she used to be, but she’s still quite the fighter.
Does the Inquisitor have family they left behind? Friends?
She learns this during her time in the Inquisition, as for a long while she thought they were dead, but her mother and father are still alive and well. Moreover, she’s got a younger sister and brother. Her ex-partner, a Tal-Vashoth mage, also asks for her help in the Emerald Graves and helps the Inquisition as an agent. Taashath’s mother, Asala, was a Tamassran under the Qun. She taught Taashath everything she knows and, when she came out to them as a child, Asala wasted no time in making Taashath comfortable and teaching her about herb mixtures to help her growth. Taashath’s father, Berestaar, was a Karasten. He often had more trouble than Asala in expressing his feelings and emotions, and could appear like a distant father, but he always loved and cared for her daughter and wanted nothing but the best for them.
Hissera is Taashath’s younger sister, a little spitfire that causes trouble wherever she goes.
Finally, Kost is Hissera’s twin. He’s not as restless as she is, and is also a mage.
Hissra was Taashath’s first love, and they lost each other for a couple years before the events of Inquisition. After Taash helps her personally in the Emerald Graves, Hissra joins the Inquisition as an Agent until its disbandment out of loyalty and gratitude to Taashath.
How do they feel about being separated from them?
It’s very complicated. When she was young, Taashath resented having to always be on the run. She hated that they had nowhere to stay, she hated the way people looked at her parents – her. She hated that they did not speak the King’s Tongue well, she hated that they didn’t seem to make an effort to at least appear less threatening. When she was fifteen, before her mother found out she was pregnant again, she ran away and never looked back. She felt that, on her own, she had more chances of being able to build a life for herself in human society – and she was wrong. By the time of Inquisition, she is very ashamed of what she did, the words she said to them, and wishes she could take it all back. She fears they might be dead. She reveals this to Josephine one evening, who in turn informs Leliana and asks her to look into it as a personal favour. They reach Skyhold, and it’s a very emotional reunion. Now she knows she won’t let go of them ever, and bought a house for them to stay in Antiva, near where she and Josephine live.
What is the most important/influential moment of their life before the Conclave?
There are a couple, at least. Running away from her parents was one such moment. Her breakup with Hissra was another. But most definitely her most defining moment was when she got turned away from the University of Orlais. Even after all those years on the road, and having to work as a mercenary to gather the coin because no one would hire qunari for anything else, she still hoped she could make it. She was genuinely convinced that if she argued her points well, they would admit her. After all, the University was the only place elves were allowed to study in, so how far of a stretch could it have been to allow a qunari in as well? It was the moment she gave up on her dream, forever, and resigned herself to a life of mercenary work just to get by.
Why were they sent to the Conclave?
It was just another job with the Valo-Kas. Go there and look threatening, make sure no one started anything. She knew the importance of the Conclave and was interested in seeing its outcome. Still, she knew nothing would personally change in her life. Or at least, she thought so.  
How does the Inquisitor react to the Anchor and the idea of closing the Breach–do they want to do the right thing, are they only along because they are a prisoner, or something else?
Taashath is thoroughly freaked out the entirety of the prologue, even if she tries hard not to show it. She knows she didn’t do anything, but she can’t remember what happened. She’s surrounded by angry humans who blame her for the death of their religious head figure, and she knows how much humans hate and fear qunari. She wants to do the right thing and accepts anyway, but she honestly thinks that she won’t survive the ordeal – Anchor or no.  
Do they take the mountain pass with the scouts to the Temple, or do they charge with the soldiers?
The mountain pass was without a doubt the safest and smartest choice – charging aimlessly to fight a force she does not yet know is not her style at all.
How does the Inquisitor react to being called the Herald of Andraste?
She doesn't like it, and asks everyone not to call her that. Not only because she does not believe she’s the chosen of Andraste or the Maker, but because she’s afraid of what will happen when other people realize she’s neither of those things.
Do they believe it themselves?
Absolutely not. Taashath is an atheist, and she believes Andraste was just a very powerful mage who communed with a spirit. She holds no illusions of being the chosen of any God.
How does the Inquisitor react to Chancellor Roderick’s presence and the threat of the Chantry?
Taashath does not like him, and definitely does not like the way he calls for her beheading every two seconds – but he’s nothing new. She knows how much power the Chantry and its lackeys hold, so she can only hope that he won’t bother her too much.  
Does the Inquisitor decide to approach the mages or the Templars?
Taashath does not want to be affiliated with the Chantry in any way. However, she’s working for an organization that is technically under its banner. Still, she chooses the mages because she figures they can help more with this magic rather than following Cullen’s conjectures.
How does the Inquisitor feel about mages and about recruiting them?
She has a deep respect for magic and mages, and is a supporter of their cause. She goes to the mage without seconds thoughts because she genuinely feels they are the only way to help, and if she can help them in return, she will do anything in her power to do so. When she finds out they basically sold themselves into slavery she’s perplexed as to exactly why they would do that – but she also sees that they thought this was the only way they could escape the Chantry. This just further convinces her that she wants to help them and their cause.
How does the Inquisitor react to the idea of allying with Tevinter to gain the mages’ support?
Very practically. She is not allying herself with Tevinter, she is helping the mages and making sure they are not going to be slaves in a foreign land.
How do they react to being thrown a year into the future? Do they believe they can get back? Are they focused on their goal, gathering information? Or are they just freaking out?
Taashath, as usual, is very calm on the surface. She is very freaked out about the whole situation and what she sees, but she’s also very fascinated by how this was achieved. Having Dorian with her also helps, as even if she initially did not trust him, he quickly proves to be a valuable ally. Shared trauma is the quickest way to make friends, apparently. What really disturbs her is seeing how her companions have suffered, and seeing them die for her does a number on her. Her top priority after that becomes making sure there are the least number of casualties possible.
Did they ally with the mages or conscript them? Why?
She allies with them. She’s not about to force people to help her, and she doesn’t want the mages to go from one prison to another. She figures that the only way the Inquisition will survive is if it makes allies rather than enemies, as it already has quite a few of those, and conscripting people is not the best way to make lasting friendships.
What is the Inquisitor’s relationship with Fiona?
She is confused at first by Fiona’s reasoning, but she does not blame her more than what she feels is her right because Taashath is neither a mage nor an elf – there is clearly nuance there that she is lacking the life experiences to fully get. However, as they spend more time together in service of the Inquisition, she becomes fascinated with her stories and her life, and often comes to her for counsel.
Does the Inquisitor help Harriet and save all possible citizens of Haven? Why?
Of course! She saved everyone, and was willing to die herself to see the innocent people of Haven survive. Even if she did not like some of them, they had all given themselves to a cause and she is a firm believer that even the most “insignificant” of people has value. Everyone deserves to live, and she makes sure everyone makes it to the Chantry safe and sound.
How does the Inquisitor feel about being a distraction for Corypheus while Haven flees? Are they resigned to their fate? Resentful? Determined to defeat the enemy/survive?
In a way, she figured she would not survive Haven. She is afraid, and while she feels like shaking in fear, she knows she cannot show any weakness at this moment. She is resigned to her fate, and she only hopes the Inquisition will be able to defeat Corypheus. They have Cassandra to lead them, after all. She has closed the Breach, her duty is done, and although she is not ready, she wants to give everyone a chance.  
Does the encounter with Corypheus change their opinion of being Herald? Does it make them believe they are the Herald, lose faith, or affirm to their previous belief?
Nah, it doesn’t. It just makes her believe that she has to stop him at all costs - although she’s fascinated by what he said about the Black City.
How do they react to Solas telling them the orb is elvhen?
She’s so fascinated, and asks tons of questions. She wants to know more about it. She agrees nobody else should know the orb is elven in origin because she fears the reaction of the humans in the organization, and what it might mean for the elves working for it. 
How do they feel about being chosen for Inquisitor?
It’s the first time in the game she actually shows some emotion – mostly, bewilderment. She can’t believe a bunch of humans are making them her leader, and she doubts anyone will follow her. She thinks someone like Cassandra is more suited to leading the Inquisition, and gets a bit teary-eyed when she sees the outpouring love and support the people she helped save show her. She enjoys it - initially.
What do they say are the principle foundations for the Inquisition?
Uncovering the truth, protecting the people, defending the freedom of the people of Thedas – of all its people, not just humans.
How does the Inquisitor react to Hawke’s presence?
Taashath has read the Tale of the Champion quite a few times, and is fascinated by meeting the Champion herself. She asks lots of questions, and she is surprised to see how mellow and quiet Hawke seems to be – so different from what Varric had written in his book.
Does the Inquisitor side with Varric or Cassandra during their fight?
Varric. He is not responsible for what happened at the Conclave, and she does not fault him for not trusting Cassandra.
How well do they get along with Hawke? Do they agree with Hawke’s decisions?
They get along pretty well. They find much in terms of common ground and Taashath values Marian’s help a lot. Taashath doesn’t know what she would have done in Hawke’s place, so she does not judge her. Marian has had many dealings with qunari of all backgrounds, so seeing Taashath does not really phase her.
Who is the Warden contact?
In-game? Stroud. In my personal canon? My own Hero of Ferelden. After getting news from Varric of who is responsible for the Breach, Marian contacts Anthra for help, and Anthra interrupts her search for a cure (close to bearing fruit) because she believes Corypheus is the Wardens’ responsibility. Her wife Everelle follows in tow, and they’re joined by their daughter Fen’na shortly afterwards.
How does the Inquisitor get along with them?
With Stroud, she doesn’t form much of an opinion. He keeps to himself and gives her directions and information, and so she does the same. With Anthra, she is very fascinated by her and asks her tons of questions. She’s read the Chronicles of the Fifth Blight a thousand times already, but she doesn’t pass any chances to inquire about something with the Hero of Ferelden herself. She respects her, admires her, and admires her prowess in combat.
How do they react to finding out the Wardens are being used by Corypheus?
It went against everything she knew about the Wardens. Honourable warriors dedicated to defeating the darkspawn, allying themselves with a powerful one? She did not understand, and was pretty shaken after discovering it.  
How does the Inquisitor react to being in the Fade?
Extremely enthusiastic, despite the circumstances. She takes notes of everything she sees, until it becomes a little too freaky for her liking. She never expected to see the Fade in person.
Do they ever believe the spirit is actually of Divine Justinia?
For a brief moment, yes. And for a second, she started freaking out that if the spirit was truly Divine Justinia, then maybe she was really the Herald and all that other nonsense. She was thoroughly pleased to find out it was all as she believed initially - no higher power to speak of.
How do they react to the revelation regarding the Wardens’ involvement in the Conclave attack?
Disturbed. She had hoped they had no part in what happened at the Conclave, purely out of the respect she feels for the Order, but seeing her memories made it impossible to keep staying in denial.
Do they agree with Hawke or the Warden more?
In-game? Neither. Stroud’s “how dare you judge us” feels like he’s trying to avoid any kind of responsibility, while Marian would never blame what happened on the use of blood magic. In canon? Marian feels pity for how the Wardens were tricked. At the same time, Anthra can’t believe the Order let itself be fooled and forced into slavery by darkspawn. There is nothing to agree with, they all feel it’s a shitty situation.
How do they respond to Hawke’s and the Warden’s fight?
In canon, no fights happen, while in the game, she tries to make Stroud and Hawke realize that fighting while they are held hostage by a Nightmare full of demons is probably not the best decision.
How do they react to learning it was the Divine behind them in the Fade, not Andraste?
She feels relieved that it was not Andraste, sad for the Divine’s death, guilty for failing to help her.
What would the Nightmare Demon have said to rattle the Inquisitor?
“Try as you might, you won’t be able to hide forever. One day, they will all see what you really are. And I will be waiting.”
What is on the Inquisitor’s tombstone (what is their greatest fear)?
“Lost herself.”
Who does the Inquisitor leave behind in the Fade? Why do they choose to do so?
Both in-game and in canon it’s not actually Taashath’s decision, but I’ll explain the canon version: Anthra was ready to give herself for the cause, believing that Corypheus is the Wardens’ responsibility. However, Hawke believes otherwise. She failed to kill Corypheus, so in a way, she feels it’s her fault this all happened. She pushes Taashath and Anthra away with magic and forces them out of the rift before it closes. It’s her responsibility. She will pay the price.
Does the Inquisitor decide to exile the Wardens or have them fight alongside the Inquisition? What is their reasoning behind the decision?
Despite their mistakes, despite the revelation that the Wardens are not as infallible as she thought they were, she is not so stupid as to exile them. Two Old Gods still lie in the Deep Roads waiting to be awakened by the darkspawn, and when that time comes, the Grey Wardens will once again need to save Thedas.
What is their opinion on attending the ball in the first place? Do they think it’s a waste of time, a necessary duty, or something exciting?
It’s a necessary duty, but one she dreads. She dreads appearing in front of the same nobles and scholars who regularly mock her and call her ox, and she fears she will make a blunder and ruin the Inquisition’s reputation.
Do the companions/advisors believe the Inquisitor will do well at the palace, or is there a fear they’ll be kicked out within five minutes?
Everyone fears the outcome of the evening because they are attempting to stop a murder. But while no one is afraid Taashath will bring shame to the Inquisition, they do have to sit down with her and try to get her to be more warm and friendly - teach her to recognize some of the nobles. Vivienne especially helps in this situation, as she’s familiar with having to appear perfect in front of a group of people ready to eat her alive.
How does the Inquisitor actually fare? Are they the belle of the ball, or do they barely scrape by?
Taashath does incredibly well. It’s like the nobles are at her fingertips, she manoeuvres and manipulates them all. She finds the Game quite delightful, and discovers herself a good player.
Does the Inquisitor gather blackmail information for Leliana? Gather caprice coins and stone halla? Find the Red Jenny caches?
If there was a chance, yes, but she didn’t go out of her way to find stuff that was not directly related to the mission at hand – save the blackmail for Leliana. That was valuable and essential information that would have helped them even after the evening at the palace was over.
Does the Inquisitor fight Grand Duchess Florianne, or expose her?
She exposes her. Taashath fears that a divided Orlais will be worse for the balance of Thedas than Corypheus might be, and she does what she can to make sure there is someone to rule it.
Who does the Inquisitor support for Orlesian rule?
She forces Celene, Gaspard and Briala into a truce. She holds no love either for the Empress nor for Gaspard, and wishes to see Briala and her people thrive. Still, both the Empress and Gaspard have numerous allies and enemies that balance each other out, and her only interest was a united Orlais for what was to come.
She also, not so very subtly, enjoyed the humans having to bow to her demands, for once.
How does the Inquisitor get along with Morrigan?
She asks her questions, but she is wary. Morrigan seems more interested in the power she can find in the Temple of Mythal rather than stopping Corypheus, and this concerns her. She also sees how her Dalish ambassador and her clash, and she can’t help but take Shaevra’s side.
Does the Inquisitor take the Pilgrim’s Path, or fight their way through?
She follows the Pilgrim’s Path. She takes in as much of the Temple of Mythal as she can, having never had the chance to be so close to Ancient Elven culture. She wants to see everything for herself.
Does the Inquisitor ally with Abelas and the elven sentinels?
Of course. If she could, she would ask them tons of questions, and would love to hear their stories. She is very frustrated that there’s just no time to do that, and she has no wish of fighting them.
Does the Inquisitor weaken Samson’s armour before fighting him?
Yes. Weakening an enemy’s allies is the first thing she takes care of.
Who drinks from the Well of Sorrows? What is the reasoning behind the choice?
In-game, Taashath takes the knowledge of the Well for herself. Ancient history? Culture? There was not a chance she was giving that up. One of the only selfish choices she made during the game, as she knew Morrigan would benefit from it more. In canon? My own Lavellan, Shaevra, drank from the Well, as Taashath would never take that away from her. It’s her people, her culture, and she finds Morrigan’s comments terribly out of place, and a confirmation that she was more interested in the power of the Temple rather than helping fight Corypheus.
If the Inquisitor drank from the Well, how do they react to finding out they are now a servant of Flemeth/Mythal?
She regrets it a bit, because she realizes she didn’t think about the consequences - and she always thinks of the consequences. It surprises her to find out Mythal is in a human body, but she’s still fascinated by everything that’s happening.
Shaerva is not bothered by being a servant of one of her gods per se, but again, she is surprised first and angry later that Mythal chose a human vessel. She’s angry with Mythal, because she could have helped them all those years, and she didn’t. She doesn’t know what to make of it.  
How does the Inquisitor feel about facing Corypheus for the last time? Do they feel confident? Do they believe they will survive the encounter? How do they cope with the possibility of failure?
Honestly, Taashath believes that this final confrontation will be the last. The Breach, again? Corypheus and his dragon? This has to be it, she thinks. Her biggest regret is not having had enough time for her family, but at least she knows she’s done all she can.
Who becomes the next Divine? Is the Inquisitor in support of the decision?
This is actually the hardest decision Taash had to make - who to support. She, of course, realizes that the Divine being someone who used to work for the Inquisition is extrmely important and valuable. Her heart says Leliana, because of her outspoken support of nonhumans and mages. Vivienne also was a candidate in her mind, and talking with her personal apprentice, Sefridi, she was swayed to her side. It is only after Anthra herself gives her opinion that Taashath finally comes to the decision that Leliana is the best suited to become Divine.
How do they react to Solas’ disappearance?
Confused, sad. She always came to him not just to have stories told, or to have him walk her through the Fade, but also when she had doubts, second thoughts, when it came to the Anchor. They spent a lot of time together, and she deeply respected him. He was very much her mentor. She misses their ritual of greeting the morning on the roofs of Skyhold more than anything.
What does the Inquisitor decide to do after Corypheus is defeated? How do they focus the Inquisition?
There are still rifts out there that need to be closed, and the Inquisition’s work is not done. Corypheus’s mess is not entirely dealt with, so she doesn’t feel like there is any other path for her aside from continuing to lead the Inquisition. She wants them to keep the peace and protect the people of Thedas, though she realizes the organization is getting too big and slipping out of her control. After the events of Trespasser, Taashath dedicates herself to finding and stopping Solas, and try to save him from himself and make him realize this is a world worth preserving.
How does the Inquisitor generally judge prisoners?
If there is a way for her to make use of her enemies so that they bolster the Inquisition’s forces, that is what she will do.
What are the specific judgments passed to prisoners in-game?
Gereon Alexius (If Mages Recruited): Execution/Imprisonment/Work With Mages/Made Tranquil/Research Magic
She has him researching magic, especially the time magic he was able to use in Redcliffe.
Florianne’s Remains (If Confronted and not killed): Encloisterment/Recruitment/Farm Work/Exile/Jester
Recruited her. No way she’s wasting that potential.
Magister Livius Erimond: Imprisonment/Execution/Made Tranquil/Remand to Grey Wardens
She sends him to the Grey Wardens, as she is sure they will punish him appropriately.
Ser Ruth: Divine Forgiveness/Humiliation/Imprisonment/Refuse Judgment/Exile with Wardens/Exile to Deep Roads
Refused to judge her.
Captain Thom Rainer: Pardon/Give to Wardens/Servitude
She gives him to the Grey Wardens – she can see he regrets what he’s done and willing to make amends, so she sends him where he was initially supposed to go anyway.
Samson (If Mages Recruited): Serve Inquisition/Give to Dagna/Remand to Kirkwall/Exile/Imprisonment
He serves the Inquisition.
Chief Movran the Under: Banish/Public Display/Arm and Exile to Tevinter/Assign to Abernache
Arms and exiles him to Tevinter.
Mayor Gregory Dedrick: Give to Grey Wardens/Exile/Death/Imprison in Fereldan
She has Ferelden authorities deal with him, as even though the crimes pertain to the Blight, she still feels it’s not her place to make that call.
Crassius Servis: Imprisonment/Returned to Corypheus/Recruited (Informant)/Recruited (Smuggler)
Recruits him as an informant.
Mistress Poulin: Rebuild Town/Released/Put to Work/Execution/Money Confiscated for Trevelyan
She had Poulin use her own funds to rebuild the town.
Does your Inquisitor generally use Force, Secrets, or Connections to complete War Table Operations? Why?
She rarely, if ever, uses Cullen’s forces. Only when it comes to something military-related does she call on him, otherwise all the work goes to Leliana and Josephine’s agents.
What does the Inquisitor usually spend Inquisition Perks on?
Secrets. Taashath knows that, to use the Inquisition to its fullest potential, she has to know everyone and everything about Thedas.
Does the Inquisitor take time to collect the shards? Do they complete the Temple of Pride? Why or why not?
It’s secret knowledge – of course she’s not letting that slip out of her hands. She is, however, horrified to find out how the oculara are created.
Does the Inquisitor complete the Astrariums? Why or why not?
She loved testing her knowledge of the stars and enjoyed completing the puzzles – always refusing any help.
Does the Inquisitor take time to complete side quests/recruit agents? Why or why not?
Unless she was on a mission that required to make haste, Taashath always takes the time to help people in need and spread the word of the good work the Inquisition does. As for agents, she recruits as much as she can, and never turns down help or a chance to gain more influence.
Who does the Inquisitor prefer to have in their party? Why?
Cole, Solas and Dorian/Vivienne. They take turns. Cole is a spirit in a very unique predicament, Solas knows much about magic and the Fade, and Dorian is her bestie. She also really loves Vivienne’s company.
Which advisor is the Inquisitor closest to, if any?
Josephine. She helps Taashath a great deal adjusting in Haven and then in Skyhold, and she feels really drawn to her. She also really loves hearing about her time in Antiva and Orlais, but she comes to Leliana when she has doubts about what she’s doing or the Inquisition itself.
Who does the Inquisitor most often turn to for advice?
Solas, mostly. They have this ritual where they will greet the morning, relaxing their bodies, stretching them, it helps her relax a lot and start the morning with a clear mindset. She also finds venting to Dorian very helpful, and the two grow very close.
Who is the one the Inquisitor hangs out with the most in their free time?
Dorian, absolutely. They’re both bookworms and spend their time talking about what new things they’re studying, their favourite scholars and the like. He tries to get her to loosen up a bit, and although met with some initial resistance, the two grow very fond of each other.
Who would be the one the Inquisitor tells their deepest, darkest secrets to?
Cole already knows them all, and she knows it. Her deepest and darkest secrets? Leliana, the only one who will treasure them carefully.
Are there any companions the Inquisitor wishes they were closer to? If so, which ones?
Sera. Taashath feels that winding down with Sera is the best time she has in the Inquisition, but her duties always make it so she can spend little time with her, and she wishes she could be more like the elf - wild and carefree. However, after some time, they find solace in each other and help each other deal with their issues regarding their own heritages.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Leliana?
She’s the voice of reason compared to Cassandra, and she trusts her from the beginning, purely because she’s level-headed despite what is happening.
Does the impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
Taashath always trusts Leliana and considers her a powerful and valuable ally. However, during the events of Trespasser she grows frustrated with the liberties Leliana takes, and her failures as well.
What does Leliana think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Leliana sees Taashath as a wonderful woman. Knowledgeable, well versed in the fighting arts and a diplomat to heart. Honestly, Leliana couldn’t have wished for a better Inquisitor.
Does the Inquisitor help Leliana find the Divine’s last message for her in Val Royeaux?
Of course she does. Having her advisors be at peace and entirely focused on her work is a top priority.
If so, do they “soften” Leliana or confirm her “hardened” nature?
Leliana doesn’t need Taashath to tell her who she is. She only tries to remind her that there can be space for a gentle heart even when making the toughest decisions.
Does the Inquisitor support the idea of Leliana being Divine?
She swings back and forth between her and Vivienne until she finally decides to support her. The Chantry needs radical change, and Leliana will bring just that. She loves how outspoken she is in favor of non-humans and mages, and she knows she will be a friend of the Inquisition. It’s an all around win for everyone, she believes.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Cullen?
He’s angry, he’s got a sword, he’s giving her the stink eye. She doesn’t like him.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
Not really. She’s apathetic towards him at best, or wishes they could find a better replacement for him, but the soldiers seem to like him, and she only wants the Inquisition to be united.
What does Cullen think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Cullen knows full well the Inquisitor doesn’t even think him necessary to the operations, and he tries to make her see things differently. When she challenges him on his views and his methods, he realizes he only buried his bigoted views under the false pretence of having “gotten over it”.  
Does the Inquisitor play the chess game with Cullen? Do they let him win, play fair, or cheat?
She doesn’t really like spending time with Cullen outside of work, so no.
Does the Inquisitor convince Cullen to stay off lyrium, or tell him to start taking it again?
She’s not gonna have him keep taking lyrium – it’s going to lead to madness eventually, and she urges him to push through it despite the pain. Genuinely, it’s when she feels sympathy for him. What he goes through cannot be easy, and even though she doesn’t like him and him being free of lyrium addiction would help the Inquisition, it’s mostly for his own good that she pushes him to power through it.
Does the Inquisitor assist Cullen in finding Samson’s base?
Yes. She is disgusted by him calling Maddox “Samson’s Tranquil” like he is some sort of pet, but in the end the only thing she cares about is weakening Corypheus’s allies.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Josephine?
Taashath thinks Josephine is lovely, and appreciates her efforts to make her feel comfortable. In her opinion, Josie is also a very beautiful, striking woman.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
She thinks Josephine is, along with Leliana, the most important asset to the Inquisition. Her knowledge and network of contacts is vital and she cherishes having such a prepared and professional woman by her side.
What does Josephine think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Josephine is initially nervous about Taashath’s apparent stoic nature, but eventually learns to recognize the subtle tells of the qunari’s feelings, learns to read them, and becomes her confidante. She greatly appreciates Taashath’s interest in politics and eagerness to help.  
Does the Inquisitor initiate a romance with Josephine?
Yes. To be honest, in the beginning, Taashath went to her to vent and relax. She would compliment her constantly in what could be considered flirtatious comments, but to her she was only admiring the woman she was speaking to. It didn’t even occur to her that she was developing feelings for Josephine, as she would never assume Josephine would waste her time with her, and it is only when Leliana gives her “the talk” that she’s forced to think about her feelings and realizes just how much she cares for her.
What is it like? Why are they attracted to each other?
Taashath is interested in Josephine’s work and stories, and she enjoys her quiet company. Josephine appreciates Taashath’s work ethics and driven mind. It’s all professional at first… until it isn’t.
Does the Inquisitor find Josephine an example of her old family crest?
Yes. Taashath takes any chance she has to make Josephine happy, and spends a great deal of time finding that antiquity – she loves collecting old wine bottles as well, and thus she knows where and who to look for when it comes to trinket-hunters.
Does the Inquisitor duel Lord Otranto for Josephine’s affections? Do they confess their love to Josephine when she intervenes, or allow Otranto to marry Josephine?
Initially, she wasn’t going to. If Josephine said they were done, Taashath was not going to force anything on her. However, this caused her a great deal of suffering. She was a mess, and this to her was just reaffirmation that no one would ever love her the way she loved them. She got blind drunk and collapsed on the sofa in her chambers. Ironically, it was Hissra – her previous partner – who found her in that condition and made her realize she had to fight for Josephine. Her yelling “because I love you!” in the middle of the square was probably the most emotional she’s been, and has allowed herself to be, in quite a bit. She poured her heart out for Josephine in that moment, and to have her love reciprocated was… more than she could have ever hoped for.
They get married sometime before Trespasser.
Does the Inquisitor talk to Josephine about her work to help her relieve stress?
Yes. They go on and on about it, and Taashath tries to give helpful advice, or just offer an understanding ear.
Do they enjoy it? Does it continue to occur?
Oh, yes. It becomes a regular occurrence, so much so that Josephine is always ready with wine and appetizers for Taashath’s visit. Yes, those are dates. No, they don’t realize it for quite a while. Everybody else knows but them.
Does the Inquisitor help Josephine reinstate her family’s trade in Orlais?
Of course!
If yes, do they kill the agent from the House of Repose?
No. The agent came to speak, and so did she.
Do they decide to take Josephine’s route of nullifying the contract, or Leliana’s?
Taashath would prefer doing what Leliana suggests because it’s fast and easy, but ultimately chooses to follow Josephine’s route and elevate the Du Paraquettes. Having nobles owe you favours is convenient.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Cassandra?
She is mostly afraid of her, because she understands she’s in a position of power and is very, very angry at her for something she didn’t do. Does not bode well.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
They become good work colleagues after the events of the Temple, and sometimes they share book recommendations and advice. However, Taashath does not like how Cassandra pushes for her to believe in the Maker, and her general lack of tact when it comes to asking about Taashath herself prevents them from becoming fully friends, although there is much respect between the two..
What does Cassandra think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Cassandra is surprised by Taashath’s prowess as a strategist and warrior, and is content with her being Inquisitor, although she disagrees with some of her choices.
Does the Inquisitor initiate a romance with Cassandra?
Nah. Taashath likes Cassandra well enough, but she regards her more as a colleague rather than a potential partner.
Does the Inquisitor find out about Cassandra’s “guilty pleasure?” If so, do they convince Varric to make the next chapter of Swords and Shields for her?
Yes. She finds it all amusing, really. She’s read Sword & Shield herself, and finds it very shallow – not to the level of poetry books that she usually reads. However, she sees how much Cassandra likes it, and sees no harm in nudging Varric towards finishing another chapter.
Does the Inquisitor help Cassandra track down hunt down criminals left unchecked by the Seekers’ absence?
Yes. She has Leliana check their backgrounds herself first, but she helps her in the end.
Does the Inquisitor go with Cassandra to Caer Oswin to find the missing Seekers?
Yes. She sees how important it is for Cassandra, and wants her at peace.
If so, does the Inquisitor support Cassandra’s idea to rebuild the Seekers, or do they discourage her from doing so?
Taashath knows what the Seekers mean to Cassandra, and she sees she’s horrified by the secrets they kept and wants to do better by them- Plus, she believes Cassandra is the perfect fit to guide them, so she lets her go. Her hope is that the Seekers of Truth will now be worthy of their name.
Does the Inquisitor support the idea of Cassandra being Divine?
Nah. Cassandra is not suited to deal with nobles, or politics. She is a firm believer, sure, but that alone is not enough. She would keep the peace at the cost of people’s lives – as much as Taashath’s respects her, she does not trust her with the Sunburst Throne.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Varric?
She doesn’t ever really know how to respond to his jokes, but he’s an accomplished writer and a good person at heart, and she sees that. For her, it’s good enough.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
Varric’s charisma gets to her, too, and she often drinks with him. They share stories and writing tips, and after Taashath has him read some of her own writing, he tries to hook her up with someone who might publish her poems under a pen name, successfully. Sometimes, occasionally, she vents to him, but she deals with things that are so far beyond a normal person’s understanding that he rarely knows what to say, so she tries not to make him uncomfortable. Like Dorian, he tries to get her to loosen up, but it’s actually because of their shared passion of writing that they grow fond of each other and become good friends.
What does Varric think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Varric’s dealings with the qunari in the past have left him wary of the people, but he also sees Taashath is genuinely trying to do what’s best. He only hopes things will turn out better than they did with Hawke, but Taashath seems better suited to deal with the situations thrown at her than Marian was.
If Varric could give the Inquisitor a nickname, what would it be?
Red. Her red eyes are the first thing he noticed about her, not to mention her red hair and coppery skin, and how she dresses. Red, to describe her, is the first thing that comes to mind.
Does the Inquisitor find and destroy the Red Lyrium sources across Thedas after learning about them from Varric?
Absolutely. It’s vital to her in destroying Corypheus, not doing so would be irresponsible.
Does the Inquisitor help Varric and Bianca find the thaig inside Valammar?
Does the Inquisitor blame Bianca for what happened?
Yes. She loves learning more, and knowing more, and figuring out stuff. But lying? Putting people in danger? Refusing to take responsibility? That does not sit right with her.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Solas?
She's' very uncomfortable with him grabbing her and yanking her arm, but she quickly comes to trust him - especially once she finds out he kept her alive while she was unconscious, and thanks him for his help.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
She immediately trusts him with her doubts regarding the Anchor, and often comes to him for advice. She loves walking with him through the Fade, she loves listening to his stories, they have their own little ritual in the morning. She considers him her mentor.
What does Solas think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
He is… surprised. He knows what she really is, where she comes from, what she comes from, and expects her to be nothing but a savage who will not understand the power she holds in her hand. Instead, Taashath reveals herself to be level-headed, reasonable, eager to learn, and interested in everything he has to say. Maybe he misjudged her people.
Does the Inquisitor help Solas find and activate elvhen artefacts to strengthen the Veil?
Yes. It’s part of the Inquisition’s job to deal with the Veil now, only natural that she would.
Does the Inquisitor help Solas rescue his friend in the Exalted Plains?
Of course. She sees how distressed he is, and she only wants to help him.
Does the Inquisitor choose to destroy the summoning stones or fight the Pride Demon?
They’re there to help Solas’s friend, even if the friend has been corrupted. Solas will deal with it when everything is over.
Does the Inquisitor let Solas kill the mages or do they stop him?
She stops him. It was all a mistake, one that was not supposed to happen, she doesn’t want him killing mages who didn’t understand what they were doing. Let them live, and learn from their experience.
How does the Inquisitor react to finding out Solas is Fen’harel?
It’s all a whirlwind of emotions. Some things make sense, others are completely upside down. That she was spending her time with an Ancient Elven God all this time, when she didn't believe in any higher power, shook her to her core.
Does the Inquisitor choose to look for Solas after he disappears? Why or why not?
Of course! She needs to know more, and knows that – deep down – Solas wants to be stopped. And she will.
Is Sera recruited?
Definitely. A network of spies that uses people no one ever expects to do this kind of work is exactly what Taashath needed.
If she is, does she ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
Absolutely not. Taashath values Sera’s network greatly, and she clearly wants to be with the Inquisition. Why turn down her help, when she gives it freely?
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Sera?
Amused. She doesn’t really know what to make of Sera, but her skill with a bow and her quick-witted nature are a breath of fresh air for her.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
They have a complicated relationship. Taashath sees a lot of herself in Sera, and not in the best sense. The way she looks down upon her own heritage, the way she shuts down when something becomes too overwhelming – it’s like seeing a younger version of herself. Taashath tries to help Sera in coming to terms with her own “elfyness”, and Sera ends up doing the same for her. They help each other like that.
What does Sera think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Sera finds Taashath to be a beautiful woman, and she’s captivated by her. Helps her relax and keep her eyes looking towards the little people. Sera is always watchful for the moment Taashath becomes like the nobles she hates - and yet this never happens. Sera and Taashath remain good friends even after the end of the main game. She has her loyalty.
Does the Inquisitor initiate a romance with Sera?
No. Taashath finds Sera to be too young for her.
Does the Inquisitor complete the Red Jenny War Table missions?
Yes. After all, that’s why she recruited Sera in the first place.
Does the Inquisitor agree to send a presence to Verchiel for Sera?
Yes. She trusts and values Sera’s input, despite what others might say.
How does the Inquisitor deal with Lord Harmond? (Do they ally with him, force him to work for the Inquisition, let him leave, or let Sera kill him?)
Normally, Taashath tries to find a way so that her enemies can become her allies. However, after seeing how Harmond treats people, and seeing how distressed Sera was, she allows her to kill him. People like him would bring no good to the Inquisition, anyway.
Is Vivienne recruited?
Yes. Taashath is aware of who the Madame de Fer is, and is very intrigued by her invite.
If she is, does she ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
No. Taashath deeply values Vivienne as an ally and friend.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Vivienne?
She’s… almost enchanted. The way she handled the confrontation with the noble, the way she got straight to business immediately. Everything from the way she was dressed to the way she acted told Taashath this was someone to keep close. Maybe she even flirted a little bit with her, with no hopes of achieving anything, of course. She’s not that deluded.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
Taashath wished Vivienne’s opinions on the Circle were somewhat different, although she still understood where she was coming from. But she comes to respect and regard Vivienne as a dear friend, and often came to her for advice or to vent. Vivienne was always willing to help, and to offer a listening ear. They enjoyed quiet evenings together, discussing politics and drinking fine wine.
What does Vivienne think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
At first, she saw Taashath as a rather weak leader, because of her demeanor. It does not fool VIvienne that a lot of her perceived stoicness is actually a shield. Then, she came to respect her and what she did, and regard her as a friend and valuable ally. Taashath became someone Vivienne could rely on. Does the Inquisitor help Vivienne look for the three tomes for the Circle of Magi?
Yes. It’s not exactly related to the Inquisition, but she always wishes to keep her closest ally content.
Does the Inquisitor agree to find Vivienne the heart of a Snowy Wyvern?
Yes. It’s the first time Vivienne directly asks for her help in a private matter, and she realizes this must be terribly important. Madame de Fer seems distressed also, and Taashath jumps to her help because she finds it so uncharacteristic of her.
Do they actually give Vivienne the heart, or do they give her the heart of a regular wyvern?
There is no reason to give her a fake heart, no reason not to trust Vivienne. After seeing Vivienne’s soft side, she feels more connected to her and was glad she tried to help, even if ultimately the Duke died.
Does the Inquisitor support Vivienne, the idea of Vivienne being Divine?
Not at first. She resonated more with Leliana’s ideas, and she had a mind of supporting the Left Hand of the Divine. After her personal assistant and apprentice, Sefridi Trevelyan, spoke to her in private, Taashath was more willing to support Vivienne in becoming Divine - especially because she is a mage. However, after more careful consideration and a talk with the Hero of Ferelden, Taashath ultimately chose Leliana.
Is Blackwall recruited?
Yes. The help of a Grey Warden when dealing with a darkspawn? Yes, please.
If he is, does he ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Blackwall?
She is… honestly disappointed. She expected Grey Wardens to be different. For one, he does not offer much in the way of information, the very thing they recruited him for. Second, he is even reluctant to speak of his life as a Warden. But he seems like a good man and gives himself to the cause, so she values his help, although she’s not really sure he’s the best Grey Warden they could have come across.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why? She is hurt that he would lie about it all, when he could have simply joined the cause as a normal warrior. She wouldn’t have kicked him out for that. After some thinking, she figures that he is truly seeking atonement, and that he should be allowed to do that. He’s helped her all this time, after all, even if it was under a false name. She’s not one to not repay favours.
What does Blackwall think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
Surprised that Andraste would choose a qunari. But then he sees that she is a good woman, willing to do what it takes to close the Breach and defeat Corypheus, and vows to do better in regards to his own prejudices.
Does the Inquisitor help Blackwall find Grey Warden information across Thedas?
Yes. The more information they can gather, the better they can understand what’s going on. And it makes Blackwall happy, anyway.
How does the Inquisitor react to finding out Rainier’s true identity?
Very hurt at first. Why would he lie? Why would he not trust her with the truth? And then, angry. What are Leliana’s spies doing? Do they just believe anything they hear reported, not doing background checks? It’s a moment that makes her a bit paranoid, and becomes a little harsher in the way she deals with possible allies.
Do they leave them in Val Royeaux or bring them back to Skyhold for judgment?
She brings him to Skyhold for judgement. He is her soldier, she will deal with him herself. And then, she sees that he truly regrets what he did, and decides after all this is done he will become a real Warden.
Is Dorian recruited?
Yes. Shared trauma through time travel is the quickest way to friendship, as I said.
If he is, does he ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
No. He and Taashath basically become best of friends, always with their noses buried in books, chatting, supporting and confiding in each other. They enjoy their fair share of nights spent talking about life - lots of “I wish I could have” conversations - while enjoying some wine. Always in moderation, of course..
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Dorian?
Distrustful. He’s from Tevinter, and when she meets him she’s dealing with hostile Tevinters. It’s not really the best of introductions, but she’s willing to hear him out.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why? Yes, absolutely. After what they’ve been through in Redcliffe, they spend much time together. Taashath is quick to trust him after their ordeal and comes to him for questions regarding magic and Tevinter – as she’s never met someone from the place besides her ex-partner, and she has no fond memories of the place. As usual, she compliments him on things, sounds flirtatious because she has kind of a way with words, he flirts back because that’s just entertaining. This goes on for a while, until he comes forward and tells her he’s not interested. It’s… awkward, she tells him she’s not interested either. Wait, you’re gay? Wait, you’re lesbian? They laugh a lot about it, and it sorts of become their way of joking with each other.  She finds his opinions on slavery gross, and tells him of her former partner’s experiences in Tevinter. It’s hard for him to accept, but she doesn’t let it go until he realizes he has much to think about.
What does Dorian think of the Inquisitor? Does this change? At first he is nervous. He’s afraid this qunari will punch him down and not trust him, but she demonstrates herself  to be a valuable ally. After what they’ve been through in Redcliffe, he knows he can count on her, and slowly comes to considering her his best friend.
Does the Inquisitor help Dorian find and track down Venatori?
Yes. It’s not only a favour for Dorian, but beneficial to the Inquisition. Two birds and all that.
Does the Inquisitor learn that Dorian’s father wishes to speak with him?
Do they tell Dorian about the letter or not?
Of course. It’s not her place to keep anything of the sort from him.
 Do they urge Dorian to reconcile with his father, or do they let Dorian leave without reconciliation?
She understands, and she doesn’t want Dorian to feel like she’s forcing him to do something, but she tries to reason with him that this might be the last time he sees him, and if he wants to try – she’s there for him. It’s personal for her due to her own relationship with her family.
Is Cole recruited?
Yes. She found him immediately very interesting.
If he is, does he ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
No. Sometimes Taashath doesn’t know what’s best for him, but he feels useful and she finds him interesting. Almost feels a maternal instinct towards him.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Cole?
His existence is something she didn’t think was possible, and is intrigued by the possibilities. She also finds his way of speaking very soothing.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? If not, why?
As they spend more time together, she comes to appreciate and grows fond of Cole not just as a strange occurrence, but as a person she has grown attached to. Sure, she wants to know more about him, but she’s also eager for him to experience the world as a person, and not just a spirit perusing beyond the veil.
What does Cole think of the Inquisitor? Does this change?
She tries to drown her own light to survive, but she’s still so bright. She is gentle, kind, and she understands.
When Cole helps people, does the Inquisitor encourage their spirit-like methods (such as making people forget him and mercy killings), or convince him there are different ways to help?
She encourages him to seek out different methods of helping, and tries to help him make connections with people so that he can help them better.
Does the Inquisitor urge Cole to forgive the Templar and embrace his spirit nature, or learn to grow by confronting the Templar and becoming more human? Cole – the spirit of compassion – was in pain for what Cole – the boy – suffered through. That boy’s pain was his pain, and was she going to tell him to just forgive and forget? For starving a helpless boy? She encouraged him to do what he thought was best, and this led to Cole confronting the Templar.  
Is Iron Bull recruited?
Yes. He’s a valuable asset.
If he is, does he ever leave the Inquisition, and why?
No. His contacts are important, and she… gains insight into an actual follower of the Qun.
What is the Inquisitor’s first impression of Iron Bull?
Surprised. At first she thinks he’s another Tal-Vashoth, but is left astonished when he confesses he’s a Ben-Hassrath. Asala told her of Ben-Hassrath, but still, she did not think he would be… so animated. She herself is prejudiced regarding qunari, as during the years she internalized what people said about her kind. She doesn’t know what to make of him, and this makes her anxious. She still recruits him, as his presence offers various advantages, but it’s almost like she’s studying him as well.
Does this impression change over time? If yes, how so? if not, why?
Definitely. He teaches her more about what it means living under the Qun, and helps her reconnect to this part of her heritage that she was so detached from. Their sparring sessions become a little relaxing ritual for her, and she enjoys the company of the Chargers, and admires the family bond he has with them. She envies him, in some ways. In time, this envy turns to admiration, and the two become great friends.
What does Iron Bull think of the Inquisitor? Does this change? She lives outside of the Qun, her parents are Tal-Vashoth – yet she is no savage, purposeless beast. She is a great warrior, a leader – an inspiration to many. He makes sure she knows her people well, makes sure her mental health is kept in check – it’s his job, after all. But after a while, it becomes less of a job and more something that he does out of his own volition, because she cares about her and considers her his friend.
Is the Inquisition approached by the Ben-Hassrath to secure a formal alliance?
Yes. It’s a strange moment for her. It’s still difficult for her to deal with qunari business.
During the attack of the dreadnaught, does the Inquisitor sacrifice the dreadnaught and the alliance, or Bull’s Chargers?
She knows the Chargers. She loves them. She knows how the Iron Bull loves them, and she doesn’t want him sacrificing them because he feels he’s obligated to. To hell the alliance, to hell the contacts, to hell the information – these are her people. The Bull taught her well, but doesn’t realize it. It’s one of the only “selfish” choices she makes in game.
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pennywaltzy · 6 years
The Cacophony Of Life (1/6)
So I am bound and determined to do this fic as at least the last fic I finish this round of WIP Big Bang, if not the second to last (provided I can figure our where I want the fic to go). This fic was originally asked for by @elliedilly and this first part has been up for ages. Hopefully I can find where I have all the info for this fic on my laptop and get to writing part 2 tonight. Enjoy!
The Cacophony Of Life - From birth, every person can hear the music that their soul mate hears, whether it’s music that they’re playing, listening to or singing along to, in their mind. Measures can be taken to lessen the sound, but there are times when the sound is too much, too overwhelming. For years, Sherlock Holmes and Molly Hooper use their connection to each other through the music they both hear to communicate: first to annoy each other as children, then to care for each other as teenagers and young adults, and finally to express the longing that hopefully one day, and one day soon, they’ll meet each other face to face and express the love that’s grown between them throughout the years.
Read Part 1 | Help Me Survive? | Commission Me?
January 1985 Sherlock Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, “Symphony No. 4 in A major, Op. 90 "Italian" - I. Allegro vivace” Molly The Chipmunks, “My Sharona”
Sleep. He was sleepy. His tummy was full and he wanted to curl up with Redbeard and go to sleep. Sleep would be so nice. Quite lovely.
His thoughts were kind of squished together, all muddled and everything as he yawned and padded his feet towards his room. His mummy had gotten him the bee pyjamas with the footies, his favorite. And his favorite bear was on the bed, Mr. Snugglesworth. He gave his mummy a grin as she tucked him into bed. Normally Father did it but it was quiz night, and he was smart and that was how he showed it. He wanted to be smart too, like Daddy and Mummy and Mikey and Sherrinford. He wanted to learn everything.
He waited for his mummy to turn on the music. He knew his Mummy thought he’d like soft, soothing music to go to sleep to but he liked this song the best. This song gave him the best pirate dreams, where he was sailing the high seas with Blackbeard and they were looting all the ships and burying all the treasure.
Once the song started he settled in, waiting for his mum to turn off the bedroom light and then shut his eyes. He was almost asleep when he suddenly heard the most grating sound. His eyes flew open. No, no, no. He wanted to sleep. Why couldn’t they let him sleep?
Ooh, my little pretty one, my pretty one When you gonna give me some time, Sharona Ooh, you make my motor run, my motor run Got it coming off o' the line, Sharona
The voices singing the song were high pitched, giving him a headache. They didn’t even sound flas…fals…real. He just wanted it to stop, wanted to drown it out. He threw his covers off, padded to the record player, and then turned the volume knob all the way up until Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s symphony drowned out the noise in his head.
He hated the person he was attached to, the person who could hear the music he listened to, the person who played music to annoy him. Hatedthem. And when they increased the volume of their music, out of meanness, he sank to the floor and sobbed. He hated them. Hated them so much.
Soul mates were stupid.
He didn’t want one. Not ever.
March 1986 Molly Falco, “Rock Me Amadeus” Sherlock Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, “O zittre nicht” (as performed by Lucia Popp in 1969)
She was bored. All the stations played all the same music. It was…boring. Boring boring
. She’d rather hoped if she managed to wrest away control from her sister Emily and her brother Colby that there’d magically be something worth listening to.
But at least the stuff on the radio was better than the stuff in her head. Her mum and dad had explained that every person is born with a soul mate, someone destined to be the person they fall madly in love with, and when their soul mate is born they hear all the music they hear. They can hear anything they listen to on the radio, or any music they’re singing, or music they’re playing themselves.
And she had a boring soul mate who listened to nothing but the dreary classical music that Mrs. Eshaghicn made her listen to when she’d go over while her mum took her dad to the doctor. She didn’t like that music. She liked fun stuff. Stuff she could dance too. Everyone in her house was sad all the time. Mummy tried to make things less sad, and Daddy did too, but they were sad a lot. And she could tell, just like Emily and Colby could. They could see it.
She was four, but she knew some stuff. After all, people said she was a bright young thing.
Finally she found a song she liked. It wasn’t really a bounce around to song. It was an okay song, she guessed. Her brother said it was one of those songs you could learn something about. Some composer of the classical stuff her soul mate liked so much. She rolled over onto her back on the floor and tapped her foot in time with the beat, listening to the man speak the educational stuff in the song.
1756, Salzburg, January 27, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is born 1761, at the age of five Amadeus begins composing 1773, he writes his first piano concerto 1782, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart marries Constance Weber 1784, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart becomes a free mason 1791, Mozart composes "The Magic Flute" On December 5th of that same year, Mozart dies 1985, Austrian rock singer Falco records Rock Me Amadeus!
The song was just about to go back to the more rock part when her soul mate butted in. She reached over for the volume dial, ready to drown him out, when she paused. This song…it wasn’t so bad, she supposed. It was almost pretty. The woman singing had a nice voice.
And then she realized she’d heard it before. Her daddy had it. Well, maybe not this exact version, but he had this song. She got up off the floor and went to his records. He liked music. Had a huge collection of vinyls from years and years and years. When he felt good, he’d let her sit on his lap and they’d go through and listen to things. Or she’d try with her stupid soul mate trying to blast it out of her head.
Finally she saw the record. She looked at who composed the song the woman was singing. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, it read, and she smiled a little. Maybe there was something to the classical music after all.
Not that she’d admit it to her stupid head soul mate.
May 1987 Sherlock Antonín Dvořák, “Humoresque No. 7 Opus 101” Molly Whitney Houston, “I Wanna Dance with Somebody Who Loves Me”
His soul mate had abominable taste in music.
He was trying to get through his lessons, the soothing sounds of “Humoresque No. 7 Opus 101” playing in the background of the kitchen as he worked. Not his actual school lessons, but the private tutor lessons in chemistry that Mummy and Dad had gotten him because it fascinated him. His actual school lessons bored him to tears, to be quite honest. It was all baby stuff. He’d learned that ages ago, it seemed. He wanted to learn the things Mikey was learning but Mummy said he couldn’t just skip grades. Wasn’t right. Wasn’t proper.
But tutors they could do.
Whoever his soul mate was had been listening to the most wretched music for the last two hours and he’d done every exercise he’d learned since the music had played in his head when he was three years old. His mum and dad had done a good job teaching him about it, getting him to understand when he was old enough, and he was thankful he’d had a few years peace as whoever it was who had parented his soul mate had tried to expose them to soothing music the first few years of their life, because listening to what he or she played had been torture ever since he was six. He craved the classical music that was soothing to all his senses. And whoever his soul mate was just wouldn’t oblige.
He hated them. He hoped he never met them. He hoped something grisly happened to them and they just…went away and he’d get blissful silence in his head. It wasn’t a nice thought but then he wasn’t a nice child sometimes. He tried to be, but it didn’t always work.
He was just about to add the last bit to the chemical solution under his tutor’s watchful eye when he heard a sudden clap and it startled him. He spilled the powder mostly on the desk, earning him a shake of the head and a slight clucking sound from his tutor. His jaw set at that. Damn them,he thought to himself as spoken part of the song ended and the sung lyrics to this wretched song started. He’d heard it before, multiple times in the last few days, and yet it still gave him a start.
Clock strikes upon the hour And the sun begins to fade Still enough time to figure out How to chase my blues away I've done alright up 'til now It's the light of day that shows me how And when the night falls Loneliness calls
Oh, what he wouldn’t give to be able to chase his soul mate away, he thought to himself as he went to get more of the powder, feeling the tips of his ears redden under his tutor’s disapproving gaze. Far far away, to somewhere where they never had access to music again.
Then life would be much more pleasant.
November 1988 Molly Taco, “Puttin’ On The Ritz” Sherlock Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, “Hymn to the Sun”
She scanned the audience to see if they were there. Her dad hadn’t been feeling well. Mum had said they’d try to make it, try to see her performance, but…well, she knew she shouldn’t count on them being there. Dad was having less good days these days and more bad ones. Mum didn’t talk about it, but she knew. Whatever was wrong wasn’t getting any better. It was probably never going to get any better.
But she couldn’t think about that. Tonight was the charity event, the talent show that St. Margaret’s was putting on, and she had to do her bit whether her Mum and Dad were in the audience or not. She’d been working on the routine for weeks now. She knew it had been hard for her parents to afford the dance lessons along with the tuition for her and her brother and sister’s schooling, but she’d been grateful. She loved dancing, especially tap dancing. She was actually quite good at it, and tonight was her night to shine. She had on a special leotard her teacher had loaned her that looked like a tuxedo, complete with bow tie and tails, and she had a top hat and even a cane. She looked just like she could have come off a Broadway show.
“You’re next, Molly,” her teacher said. Molly nodded and then waited in the wings, giving another glance out at the audience. She still couldn’t see her family, but then she couldn’t see all the audience, and the lights were in her eyes. Maybe they were there after all. She’d do them proud. She’d show them the lessons were worth it, show them just how good she was.
Finally it was her turn. She made her way to the center of the stage, her heels clacking on the hard surface. She got in her position and then the music started. She’d picked the long version of the song for her routine, knowing full well she could pull off a nearly five minute long performance. She started to do her routine and it kicked into high gear when the lyrics started.
If you're blue and you don't know Where to go to, why don't you go Where fashion sits Puttin' on the Ritz Different types who wear a day coat Pants with stripes and cutaway coat Perfect fits Puttin' on the Ritz
And then it happened, the moment she’d been dreading. She heard something in her head. Oh no, she thought. Not now. Her soul mate had taken to trying to throw her attention by playing very loud music while she was going through her routine. And sometimes it worked. She tried every trick her parents had taught her to block the music in her head, but something was different. Her soul mate wasn’t listening to it on a record player or a radio. It sounded amplified, as if they were in an auditorium, but also quite close. And then it hit her.
They were actually playing it themselves.
She stood still for a moment in disbelief, forgetting she was in the middle of performing her routine. Thankfully she snapped out of it quickly and she felt she hadn’t made too much of a noticeable mistake. But…this was strange. She hadn’t realized her soul mate could actually play an instrument. How many times had she heard him before without realizing he was playing the song himself? How had she not noticed before?
She finished up her routine and then scurried backstage. Here she was, all proud of her dancing ability, and her soul mate was a bloody violin prodigy. Wonderful. She sat on a box backstage and caved in on herself. Maybe she just wasn’t talented enough after all.
December 1989 Sherlock Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy” Molly New Kids On The Block, “Hangin’ Tough”
One of the few things all five members of his family could agree on was the family tradition of watching a ballet performance of The Nutcracker around the holidays. It seemed there was so much more bickering these days, between Mycroft and Sherrinford, between Sherrinford and his parents…he tended to stay out of the family drama but he had the feeling that eventually it would all either explode and be a gigantic mess or implode and leave a hole in the family.
Either way, he wasn’t looking forward to the situation.
He was on the floor with Redbeard waiting for them to leave while his brothers occupied the chairs and sofa around the telly. His soul mate had been surprisingly quiet as he had listened to the music on his battered cassette player, headphones clamped firmly on his ears, so he didn’t have to listen to everyone’s snarling at each other. While this event only happened once a year he listened to the music from it as often as he could. He supposed he’d have to stop soon; he was ten now, and it was time to give up childish pursuits such as a love of ballet. He’d had to start to develop a tough exterior, a thick hide to keep the bullies at school at bay. A “stiff upper lip,” as Mikey called it. And there was the fact he had developed an interest in things of a criminal nature. Not causing crimes, but solving them. There was a suspicious death at a pool in London that intrigued him greatly but he’d be damned if he could get the authorities to pay attention to him and his theories.
But at least for right now, he wanted to concentrate on the music. For one more year he had the excuse of family tradition to enjoy the ballet and the music. Next year…who knew what the next year would bring? For all he knew, his family structure would no longer be the same.
The bit he enjoyed the most, “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy,” started, and he relaxed into Redbeard, resting his head on the dog’s soft fur. He was getting old, he knew that. He hadn’t been a young pup when his parents had gotten him, and he moved more slowly now. Still, they had time together. That was what mattered.
Suddenly there was a jarring sound in his head and he shut his eyes. Of course she would have to start listening to some incessant pop dribble now, he thought, clenching his teeth. He’d surmised his soul mate was a female nearly a year ago, when the music she tended to listen to skewed towards male groups with supposedly handsome male singers. He began to use the techniques to temper down the music in his head to duller levels, not wanting to listen to this particularly odious song again. She’d listened to it nineteen times so far this week and it was only Monday evening.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Listen up everybody if you wanna take a chance Just get on the floor and do the New Kids' dance Don't worry 'bout nothing 'cause it won't take long We're gonna put you in a trance with a funky song, 'cause you gotta be
Hangin' tough Hangin' tough Hangin' tough We're rough
He resisted the urge to roll his eyes. If the members of this…this…boy band were what she fantasized about than he had no idea why they were soul mates. He’d never be caught dead being like any of them. Never in a million years. And if she liked inelegant fops like that?
Then he didn’t ever want to meet her.
Once he got it down to a manageable level, a dull murmur in his head, he turned back to his tape player and turned up the volume for good measure. It would be best to ignore her, he supposed. They weren’t right for each other, not matter what their stupid biology had predetermined. Simply not right for each other. One day they’d both realize that.
Mark his words.
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zoebechtle-blog · 6 years
Unlikely Chapter 10
I took Basil’s words to heart and thought intensely about how dating Niall would affect my life. I spent an evening searching online for girls he and his bandmates had dated - the reactions were daunting at best. Their lives were definitely thought to be public property, and everyone seemed to have an opinion. The women they were involved with were harassed and torn apart for every single move they made.  Rumors ranged from the absurd to downright cruel. It was suggested that a pregnancy was faked, that members were being closeted, and various girls had used members to further their own agendas for fame. It was frightening to say the least. And if I had an ounce of common sense and self-preservation, I would have sprinted off in the other direction (instead of one direction - snort). But I didn’t. I had to learn my lessons the hard way.
I stayed at Niall’s house a few more times over the next few weeks, and he at mine. He loved when I cooked for him courtesy of the recipe book Grandma B had made me when I moved away to school (he did inform me that his trainer, however, would hate me). I caught myself stocking up on Stella and his favorite snack, hummus and carrots. He replaced his regular sized bottles of bumble & bumble shampoo and conditioner with the economy sized ones, and I found a new flat iron and my favorite face wash on the counter in his bathroom. He’d even gone as far as stashing an emergency Cadbury bar in the house at all times, having survived the aftermath of me having a chocolate craving with nothing handy. We laid in bed at night telling each other stories, giggling or sometimes crying. Mornings after we spent the night together I'd wake up to him cuddled around me. He had no problem showing affection, if anything, he was handsy as hell. When he went out of town for a week and a half at the Masters and then a vacation, I genuinely missed him. So much. And that scared me more than anything.   
One night shortly after he’d returned from The Masters, he showed up at my door with a delivery guy and two flat screen TVs. The shocked look on my face only lasted a second, then immediately turned into a glare.  “Can I help you, Horan?”  I spread my arms across the door frame, blocking his entrance.  He and his lackey weren’t coming in unless I got a goddamn explanation.
“It’s a gift, Z!” he pleaded. I narrowed my eyes in response.  He pouted his plump little lips at me and shot me the most pathetic puppy dog eyes I’d ever seen.  I grabbed the collar of his light cotton henley and yanked him through the door.  “You - inside. You two wait here.”  Niall shot me a look and I rolled my eyes, huffing out a “please” to the stunned delivery men in my hallway.
Niall toed at the carpet inside my door, sheepishly glancing up at me as I paced in front of him.  “What the hell Niall?  A). I don’t want you spending money on me, and B). shouldn’t a gift be something I want and/or I would use? I don’t need a tv, let alone two of them! I don’t even have cable or anything to watch on the TV!” I threw my hands up in the air in exasperation. “You're being fucking ridiculous!”
“Yeah, about that…” He tried to look innocent and gave me a smile.
I froze and stared at him, slack-jawed and pissed.  “Seriously? You got cable for my flat?! I don’t watch TV! Netflix is all I need.”  
Niall reached out and took my hands in his mitt-sized palms and softly stroked across my knuckles.  “I can’t watch golf or footie on Netflix, petal.” Petal. I was quickly learning this was his nickname to pacify me. And it usually worked because honestly, how cute is that?
“You’re kidding me. So you want to come over here just to watch sports?”
He gave me a smarmy grin, “Gotta have something to watch while you’re sucking me off.”
I literally growled at him and pushed his shoulders while he laughed. “C’mon, I was waiting here for an hour the other night when ya got stuck behind that accident coming home. And I get bored when you take a shower.”
I crossed my arms with a pout, “You could always JOIN me in the shower.”
His shit eating grin lit up his face and his pure blue eyes glowed, “Sure, after I check the scores.”  He pressed a kiss to my cheek while I was frozen in place still pouting at his antics.  He flung the front door open and waved to the delivery men to come in.  “This way gentleman!  The lady will be keeping the TVs!”
The next Tuesday night I was surprised to hear the TV playing when I went to unlock my door. Niall hadn’t told me he was coming over. And yes, he had a key - it was just easier.
“Honey, I’m hooooome.” Rory McIlroy was being interviewed on the screen (Christ, I knew golfers by name now), so I knew he couldn’t be far away. He stuck his head out of the kitchen, and I jogged over to him, throwing my arms around his neck. When I leaned in for a kiss, I noticed his face was red and his hair looked like he’d been yanking it out by the roots. Also, he looked like he was going to throw up.
“Are you okay? Are you sick?” I backed away slowly. Being sick was not on my agenda for this week, and I really didn’t want to take care of someone with the man flu. I could only imagine how whiny Niall would be.
“No. Just gotta talk to ya about something.” The thumbnail went into his mouth, and I felt my stomach drop. He hadn’t seemed this wrecked about something since he told me about the girl in LA. Oh Christ. He’d been in the States and the Bahamas a few weeks ago. Had he done something stupid? I looked around for the nearest blunt object in case I needed to hit him.
“The Daily Mail has pics they’re going to publish tomorrow…” My stomach dropped instantly.
“Pics of WHOM, NIALL?!” My voice edged up up a notch, and was very loud. My hands had turned into little blocks of ice, and I could feel my cheeks on fire. Now I was going to be the one to throw up. All of my physical anxiety symptoms in less than ten seconds. A new record.
He rubbed his hand over his face and pulled roughly at his hair.  “Us. At quiz night last week. You sitting on my lap when Paul was cleaning up the spilled pint, a couple of us kiss-” I instantly relaxed my shoulders and let out a breath.  Niall registered my reaction and it dawned on him why I was so worked up.  “Jesus Christ, Zoe, did you think I was going to tell you they were pics of me and another girl?!”
I slid down and sat on the floor of my kitchen because my legs felt like jello. They were pics of us, doing normal couple stuff. That I could handle. Niall squatted in front of me, picking up my chin.
“Did ya really think I was going to tell you they were pics of me with someone else? Z, no baby. I told you that.” The hurt expression on his face almost broke my heart. I couldn’t lie to him, so I shrugged.
“I don’t know. I just walked in and you were freaking out, and said pictures, and, I don’t know. I’m sorry. I just spazzed. The last time I saw you like this you told me about the girl in LA. I don’t remember anyone taking pictures of us.” Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill down my cheeks at any moment.  I hated the broken look on his face. I leaned up to stroke his cheek. “You shouldn’t bend like that, it’s bad for your knee.
“Yeah, usually you don’t know they’re being taken,” he moved into a sitting position across from me so our legs were touching. “I’d like to bitch slap the person that invented a fucking camera on a phone.” I let him pull me closer into a comforting hug.
Then I heard my toilet flush and I jumped a foot. “What the fuck?”
“Oh, Christ. Yeah. Bas is here. We need to figure out what’s going on. Kimmy is on her way, too.” Alright, Basil just shit in my bathroom, which hadn’t been cleaned since last year, and Niall’s manager whom I’ve never met was on her way to my house. Ace.
By the time Kimmy (who was bloody adorable) arrived, Bas, Niall, and I were all two drinks into the night. Niall had called to order us Thai, but my stomach was in no shape to eat. “Got ya some coconut soup - think that’ll stay down?” He whispered in my ear, obviously having heard me wretch in the bathroom. I laid my head on his shoulder, and he played with my hair, chatting with Bas about golf, and gnawing on his hand. I knew it was going to be a clusterfuck, but honestly, seeing him tear himself apart was worse. I grabbed his hand out of his mouth and kissed it.
Once the food arrived, everyone tucked in but me. These people obviously weren’t blessed with the nervous stomach gene.
“Okay, so what do we do? There’s no way to stop them, is there?” I started off.
“Short of an injunction, no.” Kim looked at me over her noodles. “And injunctions are saved for big shit, like the time the Daily Star alluded to Niall having a crack problem.”
“It was meth, not crack,” he corrected.
I raised an eyebrow at her, and turned to the boy on my left. “Junkie.”
“This kind of thing is probably best if we don’t respond. We’ve made it a point to not comment on Niall’s personal relationships in the past. It worked when Greg caused a fuss, and with all the Selena rumors.” I nodded at Kim, and Niall squeezed my hand.
Bas leaned forward. “Zoe, it’s going to be like I told you before. The stuff being said about you won’t be nice. And your entire life is going to be on Twitter within an hour. You’d probably do best to stay offline the next few days. And take a few vacation days from work.” I could feel Niall tense next to me.
“No, I can’t do that.” All eyes turned to me. “I mean, yeah, I’ll stay offline. But I can’t take random days off with no notice. It’ll leave everyone in a lurch. My kids don’t handle change well. Me not being there will fuck everything up.”
“I understand, but I don’t thi-”
“Bas, she said no.” Niall’s voice was harsh. “See if we can get someone to drive her to and from.”
“Not necessary. I don’t need a damn driver.”
“Z, we’ve been through this, babe. Let me do this.” Niall looked annoyed and tired, and almost pleading. I nodded. I can play nice.
Basil tried again, “I’d feel better if you stayed at the house at least the next couple of nights. It minimizes your exposure.”
“Okay. But only if he,” pointing to Niall, “agrees to make me breakfast.” No one really laughed at my obvious attempt of a joke. Lame.
“About your social media, then.”
“I deleted Facebook and Twitter after we talked.” Niall looked at me with wide eyes. Obviously he hadn’t noticed my missing tweets. “Instagram is only people I know personally. And I removed anything that could be considered risque. I’ve only used SnapChat a handful of times. There’s LinkedIn, but that’s basic shit.” I’d spent one evening last week trying to clean up my digital footprint. I’m sure I did a horrible job, but at least basic info seekers were taken care of.
Basil nodded at me. Dare I say he looked a little appreciative? “You might want to let your family know this is coming. They very likely will get calls. And your close friends.”
“Okay.” Now to wait for my life to explode.
I said goodbye to Kimmy, and went into my room to pack for a few days at Casa del Horan. As I was trying to decide what shoes to take, I sent a group text to my crew. Niall laid across the bed, watching.
“FYI, pics of N and I are being published trmw.”
“If ppl come calling, please only use your best insults.”
“(Also, fuck me. Everyone is freaking out and I don’t know what to do.)”
Hannah offered to fight anyone that messed with me. Carly had her back. The most helpful advice, as always, was from Paul. “You’re going to become internet hated!”
     I laid down next to Ni, tucking my face into his neck. “Is this really going to be that big of a shit show? Fans seem to like you a lot and you've never had a lot of drama.”
     “Been checking up on me, yeah? No, not much drama. We don't have a lot to base off of-I've only publicly dated a few girls.”
I tried to explain to my mom what was going on. She knew I had a boyfriend and that he was a singer, but she had no idea who he was or his popular culture standing. Her knowledge of music ended in 1984. She’d spoken to him on the phone once when he answered for me as I tried to unlock the door, and couldn’t understand anything he said because of his accent. She could not grasp that it was a big deal that pictures of him with me would cause an uproar. Finally, I gave up and just asked her not to speak to anyone about me, and to tell my dad and brother the same. They were definitely the liabilities.
Bas drove us back to Niall’s where I ended up watching Anchorman for the eighth time with Willie and Deo while catching up on some paperwork (that had been my plan for the evening until picturegate blew up). The boys were obviously aware of what was going on-Deo had bought me Ben and Jerry’s and Willie produced a bottle of wine. Niall wandered in and out of the room on the phone, pulling his hair and raising his voice. His normally animated face was in a scowl so deep that I feared it would be permanent. However the more I got used to the idea of the pictures, the less I found myself caring. If this was going to be real, then eventually we were going to be spotted. It wasn’t my style to live my life in the shadows, and I loved Niall (a fact I still hadn’t actually worked up the ovaries to tell him). People were going to have something to say - I knew that the second I looked up Louis’ girlfriend. But my skin was fairly thick. I’d spent 20 years hating myself, and the past few trying to reverse all those negative emotions. It would take a lot more than nasty people on the internet to drag me back down. Also, I basically had majored in avoidance of real life issues.
I ended up falling asleep alone in Niall’s gigantic bed. I’d gone in for some quiet after the movie and conked out. When I woke up around midnight to use the bathroom, I could hear him talking to his cousins in the living room. I padded down the hallway to try and convince Niall to come to bed, but stopped just as I was about to step into the living room. He sounded wrecked and absolutely unlike himself. Their voices were low enough that I knew instantly they were having an important conversation.  So, like any self-respecting anxiety-prone adult, I eavesdropped.
“There’s no going back after this, ya know?  It’s never gonna be the same.  She things she’s prepared, but…”  He let out a groan and I could hear his body flop back against the couch cushions.  Willie took a deep breath and tried to reassure him.  I knew Willie had my back, but my heart still warmed as he spoke.  “Niall, you’ve gotta trust her a little, son.  Zoe’s tough as nails when she needs to be.  Give her some credit yeah?  She forgave your dumb ass for runnin’ off to the coast and getting your dick wet, I think she can handle some jealous teen girls on the internet.”  I choked down a laugh, making a mental note that I owed Willie a pint or three. Niall let out a deep sigh and I strained closer to hear him clearly.
“Mate, I’m serious.  What the fuck am I gonna do if she runs? I love her, Will. Been in love with her since the night she wore my hat.”
I covered my mouth. We barely knew one another then. Well, he knew way more about me than I did about him. My heart shattered as I realized he didn’t get how strongly I felt about him. Talking about my feelings wasn’t exactly my strong suit, but I clearly I needed to get my head out of my ass and quick. I retreated silently back to his room and crawled under the covers, my mind reeling from the emotional toll of the evening. When Niall finally came to bed, I curled up next to him, silently trying to relay my emotions through my fingertips and onto his skin.  I traced the dark stubble across his jaw, pressing gently into the dimple in his chin.  He squeezed my hip, pulling my body towards him while I continued trailing my hands down his neck and arm.  Drawing in a shaky breath I whispered softly, “It’s going to be ok Ni. We’re going to be ok.”  I felt his body sink into the mattress with relief and without another word he rolled me onto my back and pressed himself along the length of my body. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and we held each other, sharing soft touches and gentle kisses. Propping himself up on his elbows he rested his forehead against mine. “I need ya, Z.” I pressed my lips to his instantly, murmuring a “yes” into his mouth.
We made love slowly, purposefully. I could see in his eyes that there were a million and one things he wanted to tell me, but couldn’t. He was trying to confess his feelings to me the only way he knew how. As his thrusts became less precise I could feel myself getting closer to the edge of my release. When I finally came, I called out his name, but it might as well have been a declaration of love the way my heart nearly burst with emotion. As I watched him come undone above me, his face illuminated by the moonlight peeking through the blinds, I knew he was it. He was my forever.
The emotion was still heavy in his room as we recovered from our tryst so I took the opportunity to bring us back to normal by acting like a complete jackass.
“Yeah, babe.” I was lying on his chest with a leg thrown over his thighs, nuzzling his chest.
“Promise me something?” He tensed a bit, and kissed my forehead.
“Will you always look at me like I’m the prettiest girl at the party? Sort of like it’s 2014 and I’m Harry Styles?”
There was a beat of complete silence before he looked over at me and rolled his eyes.  “Jesus.  Fucking.  Christ.”  He scoffed and pushed my pillow over my face as I dissolved into giggles. “I’m going to block YouTube on your phone, ya nutter.”
True to my promise to Bas, I did not get online Wednesday or Thursday other than work email. Of course, people found their way into my official inbox, and I had to talk to our IT department about setting up blocks. The subject lines alone were almost amusing in their vitriol, “Fat Cunt Leave Niall Alone!” “Skank” and my personal favorite, “Niall Wouldn’t Suck Your Dick”. Someone needed an anatomy lesson. There were a few photographers outside of the clinic, and Phil, a security guard assigned to Zoe detail (I asked for a cool nickname like the Secret Service use and he shook his head at me) took me out of the backdoor. It could have been better, but it could have sucked more.
I insisted on going to quiz night. This was my routine and my life, and by God, no one was going to stop me. Niall and Bas probably wanted to murder me, but for the most part I’d gone along with their wishes, so they could stand to cut me some slack. I tried hard to ignore all the new faces at the pub, having a feeling they were there just for me. Niall was already there, chatting with Paul and Deo when I arrived. He looked relieved, and I gave him a huge smile. Might as well give the people what they’re asking for, I thought, as I kissed him hello. And gave him an ass grab.
“Thirsty, hmmm?” He murmured in my ear. PDA wasn’t usually my thing, but there’s always an exception to the rule.
“A little,” I conceded. “Waking up next to you in the morning starts my day off on a very different foot than I’m accustomed to.” He smiled against my cheek. I turned to head to the bathroom confident in my feminine charms. Then I ran into the front of Basil, who was carrying three pints to the table. Well, make that two pints since one was dripping down the front of my shirt. Son of a bitch. Niall’s laugh echoed through the bar.
When I returned to the table, several rounds with the hand dryer later, Niall was shoving his phone back into his pocket, and had a smirk on his face that I didn’t trust.
“So help me, you’d best not be ready to make fun of the fact that I reek of yeast and hops.”
“Not at all, petal. Not at all.” That fucking smile. He was up to something. It was one of the first genuine smiles I’d seen from him in two days, though, so I’d let it be. Then I noticed that Paul looked terrified. And Hannah was shaking her head. Curious, I quirked an eyebrow at her.
“Don’t look at me. I just walked in, I had nothing to do with it.”
“With what?” I whipped my head to Niall and Paul, and caught Deo trying to hold in a laugh. “What did you do?”
“Please don’t hit me, Z,” Paul begged. Well that pretty much cemented the fact that I was going to want to.
“What.did.you.do.? Paul Anthony Byers, you’d best come clean right now! And remember,” I gestured to a laughing Bas, “I have security now!” I was terrified. And Niall was giggling next to me.
“I didn’t know he didn’t know!” Paul was pleading.
“C’mon, Z. Don’t be so CUMBERsome,” Deo spit out.
“Baby, do you want eggs BENEDICT in the morning?” Niall was officially slapping his knee he was laughing so hard.
I turned to Paul with bugged eyes. “Oh my fucking God, YOU TOLD HIM?” My voice was just shy of screeching.
“He was commenting on how well you were taking his fans wanting to burn you in effigy! I just said it was because you had some firsthand experience with fangirl problems!” Paul tried to hide behind Han, who scooted away. I buried my scorching face on the table.
“So, Cumberbatch, huh?” Niall was cracking up in my ear.
“Shut up. He’s an exemplary actor.”
“So much so that you drove out to Cardiff to watch them film?” Niall had his face propped up on his hand and he was smirking at me wickedly.  It took every ounce of willpower I had not to slap that stupidly gorgeous smirk off his stupidly beautiful face.
Paul took my hesitation as an invitation to humiliate me further.  “On more than one occasion! And waited outside the stage door after a performance of Hamlet.” Paul was ever so helpful. I pointed my finger at him. I think he was confident about that fact that I hadn’t jumped over the table yet. And ever the ham, he realized that Niall was enjoying it, so he added, “The week he announced his engagement she was going to delete her Twitter. He clutched at his heart, and screwed up his face in an unbelievable shitty impression of me.  ‘Paulie, it just hurts too much!’”
There it was. My fangirl shame. I was a Cumberbitch. And my boyfriend, whose face had launched a thousand ships, found it hysterical.
“So I relate to your fans. Sue me,” I sniffed, crossing my arms across my chest.  I looked like a petulant toddler.  With boobs.
“Aw, petal, don’t be like that,” he wrapped his arms around me. “Just tell me you’re not into slash, okay?”
I would not confirm or deny. (Sherlock + Watson = 4eva)
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vestedbeauty · 4 years
How to Really Be Happy in Midlife
New Post has been published on https://vestedbeauty.com/how-to-really-be-happy-in-midlife/
How to Really Be Happy in Midlife
For those on the quest to be happy…
OK, actually, this secret for how to be happy would work no matter your age. It’s just that you might not be ready for it until long after you’ve duked it out with life for several decades.
For the past few years, the most frequent (and best) compliment people have paid me is, “You just seem so happy.”
Only seems right to share my secret.
But First, I Want To Paint You A Picture Of Two Of My Friends. I Kinda Hope The Second One Isn’t Reading This. 
But if I’m going to be honest here, I can’t shy away from telling the truth. 
The first friend is, well, I’m not sure which adjective fits best. 
She’s usually happy. But more than that, it’s like she’s content. Maybe it’s a sense of deep inner joy. 
If you sneak up on her, you might find her standing outdoors in the grass, embracing the breeze. It’s like she’s got a weird secret language going on with the birds, the leaves, the clouds, the very air around her. If you don’t catch the slight upturn to her lips – not like a maniacal grin, but a decidedly happy countenance – you can still see the same state reflected in her eyes.
It’s not like everything in life has gone well for her. She’s seen some truly tough times, some even gut-wrenching. But you might never even know the particulars. Any heaviness her heart has felt is clearly relegated to the past. She’s the kind of person who’s here, now, in the present. When she looks back, even at the hard parts, it’s clear to her that all of it brought her to right where she is now, a great place. She learned valuable lessons from every struggle and challenge along the way.
Every morning, she’s so grateful to have gotten another day. She says that the days seem to be moving at double-speed now, and their brevity prompts her to appreciate them even more.
It’s possible she’s one of the most optimistic people I know. Maybe eager or delighted are better words. Whatever the word, this thing about her – it’s real.
The second friend, to be blunt, is toxic. 
She’s always complaining. Even when she tries to couch it in “I’m not complaining” tones and phrases, it’s still complaining. 
She throws the best pity parties ever, complete with party favors for her guests to take home and despise forever. 
Maybe she finds comfort in spewing her negativity wherever she goes. Or maybe it’s more a matter of feeling somehow righteous because she can spot stupidity, selfishness, or tragedy in life. Not sure.
But I know she’s got an insatiable thirst for sympathy. Every conversation somehow loops back to a wound, slight, failure that makes her happiness impossible. She visibly relishes the telling of her tales of woe, like they taste like honey on her tongue. She might be an artful storyteller. Or else, her skill comes from having rehearsed and retold her whiny stories so many times to so many audiences that she knows when to pause, when to gesture, when to trail off in despair. Not sure.
What’s really weird is that it’s like you can see all of this self-pity on her like she rolled in it. There’s no sense of self-respect. She’ll people please to the point where it’s revolting to witness. Out of the blue, she can fly into a rage. She seems to have such little regard for herself that she turns “low-maintenance” into a gross caricature. 
Like, she literally scored a zero on this quiz:
Worst of all, I know she sometimes wakes up enough to realize how she’s showing up. It grieves her. She gets remorseful. But even in that pitiful and despairing state, she’s still angling for someone to feel bad for her and prop her back up.
Actually, that’s not the worst part at all.
The Real Worst Part Is That My Toxic Friend… Is Me.
But to be fair, so is the first friend.
I remember living as the self-pitying wretch back when I was much younger. For sure, that was life in my 20’s. Maybe as a teen, too. Certainly through my 30’s and into my 40’s. Regrettably, she still makes an appearance now and then in my 50’s. I plan to outlive her by many decades, though.
I kinda hate that bitch. Those closest to me have seen her so often. I feel embarrassed to point out the ugliness they kindly look past in me. She’s got to go. For everyone’s sake.
Want to hear my plan for crowding her out of my life forever? It centers on the secret I’ve discovered about how to be really happy in midlife.
How to be happy, in seven little words and a properly placed semi-colon:
“Gather the happy; don’t stack the gripes.”
Sometimes happiness is most clearly seen in the middle of the darkest days. It’s probably the contrast. When everything seems dismal, the tiniest delight sparkles like tinsel. It’s a tiny joy, so tiny that dozens can fit into the palm of your hand. 
Inconsequential delights, when I gather enough of them, take on some heft. We’re not talking about the typical things someone might say qualify – like falling in love, laughing with a friend, hearing you’ve inspired someone, or even biting into a perfectly crisp slice of thick bacon. 
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It’s truly tiny happinesses:
Watching the breeze make the stand of trees out our window dance in the first moments after I wake
Feeling in my bones the certainty of God’s presence and love and undeniable grace. 
The ridiculously simple joy of the sensation of scooting my foot into my slipper
Pouring the perfect cup of coffee into my favorite mug
Sitting on the porch swing with my sweet hubby while we drink coffee, look at what’s grown in the garden overnight, and listen to the birds
The blissful feeling of him washing my hair, conditioning it, and combing it smooth
How my weird flock of chickens rushes the gate when I bring them cracked corn
The puttering-around pleasure that comes from refilling my 27 water globes (who knew plants were so doggone thirsty?)
That giggly delight of watching our asshole kitten do something really cute and sweet. (BTW, a couple of days after this photo, he broke that flowerpot.)
The sheer delight of setting in for a day of work doing what I love to do best
Oh, and I scoop up all those “bits of happy” almost every single day. It’s glimmer does not dull with use. If anything, these fractional moments become even more delightful with repetition. 
They also seem to compound, building on each other. So, I continue to heap them on top of the pile throughout the day. I gather the small delights that crop up daily in the same spots along my path.
I used to think something big and great had to happen to really be happy. 
There had to be some grand rescue effort, where happiness swooped down and banished the worst of life’s blues. Maybe I’d come into money. Or somehow be discovered as a supremely talented something or another. Maybe I’d find a friend who’d love and chose me on purpose. Or maybe I’d one day do something remarkable, significant, and that would make me feel special.
But with some growing up, I came to understand that everything boils down to a choice. I choose my experience, my outlook, and where to put my focus.
Focus is crazy powerful. It magnifies whatever falls in its path. 
Small irritations become murder-ready misery-boosters. But tiny good bits become hefty delights. 
A thanks-filled moment becomes a good mood. That good mood fuels a day where it’s easy to take inspired action, to work in the zone of genius, to relate well with others, to feel proud of how I show up.
Choosing to gather the happy is not always my default mode. But it’s a world I can create, and the world I love living in best. 
So, the plan is to do what works. As often as I become conscious of thinking about this one phrase, I think it on purpose. It is: I live in bliss. 
Every moment is a choice. When I choose to gather the happy and enjoy it, it’s like flanking the toxic pity-party girl. From the front, all she can see is the dazzling handfuls of happy little gems, all piled up. Some brush against her and give her hope she might one day hold that much happy. From the rear, the happy and healthy me stands as living proof that everything that needy, dramatic, and pathetic wretch longs for so desperately is only one choice away. Given enough practice, all that happy will dissolve the miserable lady into vapor. 
But for today, I am grateful to have grown this much. I know there’s a long, long way to go. And I know that growth usually hurts a lot in the moment. As a wise mentor told me:
“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” 
Any of that resonate with you? Would you do something with me for a sec? I’d love it if you’d take a moment to look in your heart, in the part that’s whole, healthy, happy. What tiny moment do you notice in your everyday life that sparks joy in you for as long as you stay in the moment? Can you describe it? Would you share it in the comments? 
I’m thinking that by sharing these tiny delights with each other, we might find ourselves nudged in the ribs the next time we encounter that same moment in our own day. 
  P.S. Are you writing a memoir?
Hey, if you’re writing a memoir or autobiography, I’d love to help you. On the right side of the screen, you can request free weekly memoir-writing prompts. It’s always easier to write from something than to stare at a blank page!
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I was a big fan of It when I was a kid, both the novel and the 1990 miniseries.  I just unearthed these wretched... things... I made for some quiz site about a billion years ago.  Damned if I know what the actual criteria was for each Loser/Henry/It.  That’s probably a good thing.
EDIT:  I really do love Stan. :\
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RULES. repost; do not reblog! tag 10! good luck!
TAGGED BY: @luck-crowned
FULL NAME: Kaladin “Stormblessed”
NICKNAME/S: ‘Stormblessed’ (for his ‘luck’), ‘Kal’ (A nickname he used when he was younger, mostly by Tien, because his full name sounded like the name of a lighteyes and it set him apart from the other children even more.), ‘Bridgeboy’ (Adolin only)
AGE: 20 (Rosharan years)/approximately 22 (Earth equivalent) [as of the end of WoR]
BIRTHDAY: sometime in the year 1154
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Same as above. Trust is extremely important in both of these situations. Trust is everything when dealing with Kaladin in any situation, but especially in romantic/ sexual ones.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: [verse dependent] He’s single in most verses, but there is a lovely, wonderful verse in which he and Adolin are a thing.
CLASS: 2nd nahn by birth (2nd highest darkeyed rank), sas nahn after being branded a slave, 4th dahn militarily (a rank, usually for lighteyes, for those who command a battalion and/or those who are shardbearers. Granted to him from his rank as captain and officially after becoming a shardbearer.
HOMETOWN / AREA: Raised in the town of Hearthstone, within Sadeas’ Princedom in Alethkar.
CURRENT HOME: Verse dependant, but mostly, The Shattered Plains, in Dalinar Kholin’s warcamp after being made captain. 
PROFESSION: A soldier, a captain, a radiant, a bridgeman, a surgeon, it really depends on who you ask, but if you ask him, he’ll maintain that he is all of these things and he always will be. Those pieces make up who he has become. He’s never just one of them without the others.
HAIR: long, thick curls of deep Alethi black. Soft to the touch but easily tangled or otherwise disheviled. usually pulled back into a tail and tied in place with a black chord. His bangs are long enough to almost completely cover the slave brands on his forehead. Looks lovely when washed and brushed properly. (would also look very nice with sapphires in it. *Side-eyes Jay*)
EYES: Originally a dark, warm brown with flecks of hazel throughout the iris. Unnoticable from a distance but clear to see up close. When accessing his Radiant abilities, his eyes blaze a bright, piercing azure and remain that color until some time after his stormlight has been exhausted. They then begin to fade back to their natural color unless fed more stormlight. Almond-shaped eyes with an epicanthic fold, thick dark eyelashes, and lines from years of exhaustion and grief that tend to offset how young he really is. His eyes are often lined in kohl, like many Alethi soldiers stationed on the Plains.
NOSE: A rather straight nose with a pointed tip. The bridge is more of a slope than a bump and most of his facial freckles are concentrated across it, spreading from cheek to cheek in a dense constellation of dark flecks on his skin.
FACE: An angular, square face-shape with a strong chin and jaw. has been referred to as a ‘leader’s face’. Absolutely covered in freckles, as is the rest of his body. Usually all hard lines and sharp angles but can sometimes soften when looking upon someone he cares about. His eyes are his most expressive feature.
LIPS: Full, somewhere between rough and soft, warm to the touch, and coated with a light sprinkling of his freckles. They aren’t as dark on the thinner skin, but they are still there.
COMPLEXION: A dark brown Alethi tan. Darker than most Alethi, due to all his time spent in the sun. Freckles everywhere. Everywhere.
BLEMISHES: Many scars, most notably some very large ones on his chest and shoulders from his time running bridges. Also, plenty on his back from his time as a slave. Then, of course, there are the brands on his forehead.
HEIGHT: 6’9″
WEIGHT: I’m so terrible at these??? How much does a muscular yet kinda beanpolish 6′9″ man weight???
BUILD: Veeeery tall. Long powerful legs leading up to pronounced hipbones. Solid abdominal muscles set into a flat stomach. A strong chest attatched to broad shoulders. All in all, he’s lean muscle and hard lines, like he’s been carved from the stone itself.
ALLERGIES: Nothing native to Roshar, but most likely MANY things from other worlds. Since they don’t exist on Roshar, his body hasn’t been designed to handle them.
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: As Guard Captain, he keeps his long hair tied into a high ponytail and keeps his face clean-shaven. As a bridgman, he kept it in a low ponytail and eventually shaved the beard he’d grown as a slave. 
USUAL EXPRESSION: Usually stern and serious. Often with a mouth set into a grim frown or a hard-edged look of determination in his eyes. Regardless, he usually sports a stoic expression or one of gloom. Occassionally, on a magically slim chance, he’ll smile and it is truly radiant.
USUAL CLOTHING: His Cobalt Guard Captain’s uniform.
FEAR/S: failure; powerlessness; watching those he loves die while he’s too weak to help
ASPIRATION/S: To protect everyone that he possibly can. To live the kind of life that Tien would have been proud of.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Protective; Dedicated; Willing to give his all for someone; A natural leader; Caring, loving; Driven to do what is right
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Reckless, does not value his own life, unable to accept that he can’t save everyone, prone to deep despair, fAR TOO GENTLE-HEARTED FOR WAR WHY IS HE A SOLDIER SANDERSON WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO HIM
MBTI: INFJ - The Advocate
ENNEAGRAM: Type 6 - The Loyalist
ZODIAC: Scorpio (sun) - Cancer (moon)
TAROT: Strength. Absolutely Strength.
TEMPERAMENT: Melancholic
SOUL TYPE/S: On the quiz it’s Caregiver, almost tied with Leader. Off the quiz, I’d say Warrior 
ANIMAL: He got Wild Dog on the test
VICE/S: Despair, apathy, and a tendency to believe himself to be cursed, all of which make up a mindset he refers to as ‘The Wretch’. This mindset has driven him to nearly attempt suicide. He also gets attached to people far too easily.
FAITH: Agnostic. Though raised in a Vorin society, he, himself, is uninterested.
GHOSTS?: He doesn’t believe in them, per say, but at times, he’s considered the possibility.
AFTERLIFE?: He wonders sometimes, hoping that if his loved ones are in some kind of life after death, that they’re happy. 
ALIENS?: He’d merely shrug. “Anything is possible, for all I know,” He’d say.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: As it stands, the Kholins have his loyalty. He stands with them, so long as it is right.
ECONOMIC PREFERENCE: He’s very good at budgeting himself, knowing how much to spend on the supplies he needs and how much to keep on hand. Frivilous buying does not exist for Kaladin. He’s never been in the financial position where that would be appropriate, and now, he uses spheres more for Stormlight than for money.
SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION: Having suffered at the hands of the lighteyes for all his life, ( his family torn apart; his loved ones murdered; being enslaved; his trust broken again and again, ) he finds it difficult to see beyond his experience. He has a deep distrust of the lighteyes, including the Kholin’s, before Dalinar bought his freedom with his shardblade. Now, he’s fiercely loyal to them; though he knows they aren’t all innocent, he still sees the good in them and chooses to protect them.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Somewhat high for a darkeyes, having learned from his father for the most part. It was mostly medical education, not necessarily academic in general. But, as an apprentice surgeon, he learned his trade well.
FATHER: Lirin - (A surgeon who risked it all to try and give me a better life...which I threw away any chance of. His words still reach me, even now)
MOTHER: Hesina - ( The best mother I could have asked for. She gave me my stubborness...and my hair. I’ll never forgive myself for failing her. )
EXTENDED FAMILY: Tien ( Where can I even begin? My brother...my dearest friend. The only one who could ever lift my mood as easily as smiling. You were smiling then, the last time I saw you. I told you that I would protect you for those four years and then bring you home...I couldn’t even do it for four months. I’m so sorry...I miss you every day. Every day that passes, something happens that I wish I could tell you about. I’ve seen so many rocks out here, Tien...I think you would have liked them. Without you here, they all just look the same to me. )
SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): None, currently.
NAME MEANING/S: “Kaladin” means “born unto eternity”.
HISTORICAL CONNECTION: I mean, he’s a Radient? That’s a pretty big historical connection.
BOOK: He doesn’t read and doesn’t hold much interest in being read to.
MOVIE: Honestly, in his modern verse, he doesn’t even own a tv? The only movies he’d ever see would be at someone else’s house or if someone took him to the movies. He’d enjoy action movies with well coreographed fight scenes and the occassional Drama if it’s good.
DEITY: He got Poseidon. Since he’s called the ‘Stormbringer’, I can see why. Qualities listed are:  Pride, loyalty, devotion, reason, leadership, humor, unpredictability, rage
MONTH: No preference. 
SEASON: Spring or Autumn
PLACE: Oh. Umm....he really hasn’t...got one? Not a specific place anyway. If he had to choose. He’d say his favorite place is around the fire with Bridge 4.
WEATHER: not overwhelmingly sunny, but also not storming? Kind of overcast and chilly, though he hates the constant drizzle of the Weeping. He likes windy days the best.
SOUND: He likes the sound of the wind, whether it’s blustering hard or it’s just a faint breeze. Everything it does makes a different sound. He likes the sound it makes when it whistles through the trees or when it rustles his hair.
SCENT/S: He didn’t have one for a very long time, but now, he’s grown attached to the smell of the stew that Rock cooks for dinner.
TASTE/S: He’ll eat pretty much anything he can get, because he hasn’t kicked the mentality of ‘this might be my only meal today’ yet. He doesn’t think he ever really will. But anything eaten with his loved ones tastes much better than if he eats it alone.
FEEL/S: the weight of a spear in his hands; that surging, freeing energy that whirls and rages within him when he inhales stormlight; The feeling of having a clean-shaven face; the heavy fabric of his uniform; the Kholin cloak that was given to him after that final bridgerun.
ANIMAL/S: He enjoys skyeels, from a distance, and thinks that axehounds are...alright. He doesn’t trust horses at all. All in all, he isn’t very good with animals.
NUMBER: I have noooo idea...
COLOR: He likes blues and other cooler colors the best. Officially can’t stand the color brown, thanks to his time running bridges. Everything was brown.
TALENTS: He’s excellent with a spear and is also an inspiring leader. He is able to command attention and respect by leading through example. He’s quite graceful as well, and could possibly be a good dancer if he wanted to learn. However, without any knowledge of how to dance, he just sticks to spear kata.
BAD AT: Knowing when to care and when to accept that nothing can be done. ( HE CARES TOO MUCH. ) Taking care of himself, expressing his feelings, letting go of his past.
TURN-ONS: Trust, understanding, respect, passion, confidence (Also arrogance? for some reason?), being valued
TURN-OFFS: Degradation, being told he’s ‘not worth it’, classist Alethi bullshit, selfishness
HOBBIES: Training (Himself and his men), spending time with Syl and his bridge crew. He’s really not much for hobbies but he does enjoy climbing up to high places.
TROPES: Broken Ace, The Captain, Chronic Hero Syndrome, Combat Medic, Driven to Suicide (almost), Failure Knight, Guardian Angel, Honor Before Reason, Survivor Guilt, Gravity Master, Handicapped Badass (Mentally rather than physically, since he suffers from severe clinical depression, even before developing his survivor’s guilt.)
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andrewmawby · 4 years
June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Are you a new subscriber? Welcome! I reserve this top spot in the newsletter for you because I’m so glad you’ve joined us.
You, however, might be an older subscriber. Mind you, I’m not talking about how many trips around the sun you’ve made! That said, tell me if you recall the column I wrote about the insane bearing wall I built at my last home.
You’re NOT GOING TO BELIEVE this wall, much less the enormous amount of weight concentrated on it. CLICK or TAP HERE and be prepared to be blown away. Be SURE to watch the video on the page so you get a feel for what your blueprints should have in them!
This Week’s Music Track
I always listen to music while creating the newsletter. Here’s a very unique soundtrack you might like. I have to admit, it dates me! CLICK or TAP HERE and sit back and relax.
The Blue Review
Speaking of blueprints, Jeremy reached out to me a few days ago asking if I’d review the blueprints his builder will use to construct Jeremy’s new two-story house. He wanted to know if I could locate oversights, small design flaws, errors in flashing detailing, inferior products, and maybe uncover future problems, etc.
Guess what? I DO OFFER this service and have done it for years. The cost depends on the size of the house or project. If you want me to check over your blueprints, just reach out to me. If I find just one mistake, the service is worth it. Imagine what it can cost to repair a problem down the road!
Fantastic Step Ladder
This summer, I decided to dive deep into all the pesky home-repair projects I have at my own home. Yes, my house needs attention too.
One of my favorite tools is my Gorilla Aluminum Hybrid step ladder. It’s SO LIGHT and sturdy. I feel safe on it and love, love, love the wide standing platforms.
CLICK or TAP HERE to discover other reasons why I love, love, love this ladder.
If you do ELECTRICAL work, you’ll want to look at my Gorilla Fiberglass Hybrid ladder too!
My Trex Deck
Quite often I get emails asking me if I have a deck, and if I like composite decking. You may have asked me about this before you built your own deck.
Four years ago, I rebuilt my existing narrow deck. I also built a ginormous 16 x 24 additional deck. I covered both decks with Trex Transcend. I used Trex Transcend for the railing system as well.
Weather permitting, I eat breakfast and lunch on this deck. You can find me working with my laptop under that sun umbrella any day the weather allows.
I get compliments all the time on how the Trex Transcend LOOKS LIKE REAL WOOD.
Bottom Line: I’d install it again in a heartbeat. CLICK or TAP HERE to understand why.
Dishwashers & Stain Solver
George is a subscriber to this newsletter. He and I have never met, but we’ve exchanged emails.
A few days ago he wrote:
“My dishes/glassware are not coming out clean when running the dishwasher. I was thinking of using your Stain Solver to clean out the dishwasher alone. But I can’t seem to find instructions on your website.
Is it possible to use Stain Solver to clean an empty dishwasher and if so, what is the best way to do it?”
Do you have issues like George? I know I do from time to time. No one likes cloudy glasses!
Dishwashers need lots of things to go right for you to get sparkling-clean dishes and glasses every time. Here’s a partial list:
Dishes need to be loaded properly so the water can get to the dirty surfaces
Filters in the bowels of the machine must be clean and grease-free
Soft water is ideal as hard water causes cloudiness
Rinsing agent reservoir must be filled and adjusted correctly
Washing arm water-outlet holes need to be inspected for clogs
Now, let’s talk about Stain Solver! Whew!
Stain Solver is a fantastic certified organic powdered oxygen bleach. I’ve been making and selling it for 23 years.
I use Stain Solver to de-grease my dishwasher filter. However, I do this by removing the filter and allowing it to soak in a solution of Stain Solver and HOT water for about three hours. The fine mesh stainless steel screen looks BRAND NEW each time I do this.
After soaking, I use a small brush with soapy water to scrub the filter. I finish up by rinsing with clear water.
I sometimes add two tablespoons of Stain Solver to an extra-greasy load of dishes to help keep the dishwasher clean as well as the filter.
I’ve got you amped up about buying Stain Solver, don’t I? Guess what?
The wretched virus hullabaloo has completely disrupted the manufacturing facility. We are SOLD out of all sizes except the small SAMPLE SIZES. It appears we’ll not have product to sell until sometime in July.
If you want a SAMPLE SIZE of Stain Solver, you’ll want to order NOW. CLICK or TAP HERE.
Do you want to know WHEN Stain Solver will be IN STOCK again? I suggest you subscribe to the Stain Solver newsletter. You’ll find this information plus cleaning tips and special offers. CLICK or TAP HERE to subscribe.
Front Porch Construction
Trends shift. Some things about houses should not be trendy. They should be included in all homes at all times, like toilets.
Large covered front porches are an example of one of these must-have things. Can you imagine gliding back and forth in the swing on this porch on a summer evening with your honey? You’d think you’d won the big door prize!
Why do I feel this way about front porches? CLICK or TAP HERE and discover at least one thing you didn’t know about front porches.
The Fun Quiz!
How did you like last week’s quiz? Did you know that the Egyptians are credited with inventing plywood? Holy tomato, I would have NEVER known that.
So tell me, what do you think these things have in common:
a large tract of land
a place where hay is often stored
a meeting house with a dance floor
a special tool for titanium bolts
a frightful skin disease
CLICK or TAP HERE to enhance the tiny gray cells in your noggin! I GUARANTEE you’ll discover something new.
That’s quite enough for a Sunday with us now past the solstice. UGH!
Happy Fathers Day to you if you’re a Dad reading today's newsletter!
And a Happy BELATED Mothers Day to you, should you be a loving Mom reading this.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com SOLD OUT BEST CLEANER - www.StainSolver.com Field Day Next Weekend! - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. I had to paint some exterior trim on my house this week.
When did you think I did it? What time of day?
CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you’re applying paint on the outside of your house in the RIGHT CONDITIONS.
The post June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from builders feed https://www.askthebuilder.com/june-21-2020-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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manuelclapid · 4 years
June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Are you a new subscriber? Welcome! I reserve this top spot in the newsletter for you because I’m so glad you’ve joined us.
You, however, might be an older subscriber. Mind you, I’m not talking about how many trips around the sun you’ve made! That said, tell me if you recall the column I wrote about the insane bearing wall I built at my last home.
You’re NOT GOING TO BELIEVE this wall, much less the enormous amount of weight concentrated on it. CLICK or TAP HERE and be prepared to be blown away. Be SURE to watch the video on the page so you get a feel for what your blueprints should have in them!
This Week’s Music Track
I always listen to music while creating the newsletter. Here’s a very unique soundtrack you might like. I have to admit, it dates me! CLICK or TAP HERE and sit back and relax.
The Blue Review
Speaking of blueprints, Jeremy reached out to me a few days ago asking if I’d review the blueprints his builder will use to construct Jeremy’s new two-story house. He wanted to know if I could locate oversights, small design flaws, errors in flashing detailing, inferior products, and maybe uncover future problems, etc.
Guess what? I DO OFFER this service and have done it for years. The cost depends on the size of the house or project. If you want me to check over your blueprints, just reach out to me. If I find just one mistake, the service is worth it. Imagine what it can cost to repair a problem down the road!
Fantastic Step Ladder
This summer, I decided to dive deep into all the pesky home-repair projects I have at my own home. Yes, my house needs attention too.
One of my favorite tools is my Gorilla Aluminum Hybrid step ladder. It’s SO LIGHT and sturdy. I feel safe on it and love, love, love the wide standing platforms.
CLICK or TAP HERE to discover other reasons why I love, love, love this ladder.
If you do ELECTRICAL work, you’ll want to look at my Gorilla Fiberglass Hybrid ladder too!
My Trex Deck
Quite often I get emails asking me if I have a deck, and if I like composite decking. You may have asked me about this before you built your own deck.
Four years ago, I rebuilt my existing narrow deck. I also built a ginormous 16 x 24 additional deck. I covered both decks with Trex Transcend. I used Trex Transcend for the railing system as well.
Weather permitting, I eat breakfast and lunch on this deck. You can find me working with my laptop under that sun umbrella any day the weather allows.
I get compliments all the time on how the Trex Transcend LOOKS LIKE REAL WOOD.
Bottom Line: I’d install it again in a heartbeat. CLICK or TAP HERE to understand why.
Dishwashers & Stain Solver
George is a subscriber to this newsletter. He and I have never met, but we’ve exchanged emails.
A few days ago he wrote:
“My dishes/glassware are not coming out clean when running the dishwasher. I was thinking of using your Stain Solver to clean out the dishwasher alone. But I can’t seem to find instructions on your website.
Is it possible to use Stain Solver to clean an empty dishwasher and if so, what is the best way to do it?”
Do you have issues like George? I know I do from time to time. No one likes cloudy glasses!
Dishwashers need lots of things to go right for you to get sparkling-clean dishes and glasses every time. Here’s a partial list:
Dishes need to be loaded properly so the water can get to the dirty surfaces
Filters in the bowels of the machine must be clean and grease-free
Soft water is ideal as hard water causes cloudiness
Rinsing agent reservoir must be filled and adjusted correctly
Washing arm water-outlet holes need to be inspected for clogs
Now, let’s talk about Stain Solver! Whew!
Stain Solver is a fantastic certified organic powdered oxygen bleach. I’ve been making and selling it for 23 years.
I use Stain Solver to de-grease my dishwasher filter. However, I do this by removing the filter and allowing it to soak in a solution of Stain Solver and HOT water for about three hours. The fine mesh stainless steel screen looks BRAND NEW each time I do this.
After soaking, I use a small brush with soapy water to scrub the filter. I finish up by rinsing with clear water.
I sometimes add two tablespoons of Stain Solver to an extra-greasy load of dishes to help keep the dishwasher clean as well as the filter.
I’ve got you amped up about buying Stain Solver, don’t I? Guess what?
The wretched virus hullabaloo has completely disrupted the manufacturing facility. We are SOLD out of all sizes except the small SAMPLE SIZES. It appears we’ll not have product to sell until sometime in July.
If you want a SAMPLE SIZE of Stain Solver, you’ll want to order NOW. CLICK or TAP HERE.
Do you want to know WHEN Stain Solver will be IN STOCK again? I suggest you subscribe to the Stain Solver newsletter. You’ll find this information plus cleaning tips and special offers. CLICK or TAP HERE to subscribe.
Front Porch Construction
Trends shift. Some things about houses should not be trendy. They should be included in all homes at all times, like toilets.
Large covered front porches are an example of one of these must-have things. Can you imagine gliding back and forth in the swing on this porch on a summer evening with your honey? You’d think you’d won the big door prize!
Why do I feel this way about front porches? CLICK or TAP HERE and discover at least one thing you didn’t know about front porches.
The Fun Quiz!
How did you like last week’s quiz? Did you know that the Egyptians are credited with inventing plywood? Holy tomato, I would have NEVER known that.
So tell me, what do you think these things have in common:
a large tract of land
a place where hay is often stored
a meeting house with a dance floor
a special tool for titanium bolts
a frightful skin disease
CLICK or TAP HERE to enhance the tiny gray cells in your noggin! I GUARANTEE you’ll discover something new.
That’s quite enough for a Sunday with us now past the solstice. UGH!
Happy Fathers Day to you if you’re a Dad reading today's newsletter!
And a Happy BELATED Mothers Day to you, should you be a loving Mom reading this.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com SOLD OUT BEST CLEANER - www.StainSolver.com Field Day Next Weekend! - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. I had to paint some exterior trim on my house this week.
When did you think I did it? What time of day?
CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you’re applying paint on the outside of your house in the RIGHT CONDITIONS.
The post June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Home https://www.askthebuilder.com/june-21-2020-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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thegregorybruce · 4 years
June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Are you a new subscriber? Welcome! I reserve this top spot in the newsletter for you because I’m so glad you’ve joined us.
You, however, might be an older subscriber. Mind you, I’m not talking about how many trips around the sun you’ve made! That said, tell me if you recall the column I wrote about the insane bearing wall I built at my last home.
You’re NOT GOING TO BELIEVE this wall, much less the enormous amount of weight concentrated on it. CLICK or TAP HERE and be prepared to be blown away. Be SURE to watch the video on the page so you get a feel for what your blueprints should have in them!
This Week’s Music Track
I always listen to music while creating the newsletter. Here’s a very unique soundtrack you might like. I have to admit, it dates me! CLICK or TAP HERE and sit back and relax.
The Blue Review
Speaking of blueprints, Jeremy reached out to me a few days ago asking if I’d review the blueprints his builder will use to construct Jeremy’s new two-story house. He wanted to know if I could locate oversights, small design flaws, errors in flashing detailing, inferior products, and maybe uncover future problems, etc.
Guess what? I DO OFFER this service and have done it for years. The cost depends on the size of the house or project. If you want me to check over your blueprints, just reach out to me. If I find just one mistake, the service is worth it. Imagine what it can cost to repair a problem down the road!
Fantastic Step Ladder
This summer, I decided to dive deep into all the pesky home-repair projects I have at my own home. Yes, my house needs attention too.
One of my favorite tools is my Gorilla Aluminum Hybrid step ladder. It’s SO LIGHT and sturdy. I feel safe on it and love, love, love the wide standing platforms.
CLICK or TAP HERE to discover other reasons why I love, love, love this ladder.
If you do ELECTRICAL work, you’ll want to look at my Gorilla Fiberglass Hybrid ladder too!
My Trex Deck
Quite often I get emails asking me if I have a deck, and if I like composite decking. You may have asked me about this before you built your own deck.
Four years ago, I rebuilt my existing narrow deck. I also built a ginormous 16 x 24 additional deck. I covered both decks with Trex Transcend. I used Trex Transcend for the railing system as well.
Weather permitting, I eat breakfast and lunch on this deck. You can find me working with my laptop under that sun umbrella any day the weather allows.
I get compliments all the time on how the Trex Transcend LOOKS LIKE REAL WOOD.
Bottom Line: I’d install it again in a heartbeat. CLICK or TAP HERE to understand why.
Dishwashers & Stain Solver
George is a subscriber to this newsletter. He and I have never met, but we’ve exchanged emails.
A few days ago he wrote:
“My dishes/glassware are not coming out clean when running the dishwasher. I was thinking of using your Stain Solver to clean out the dishwasher alone. But I can’t seem to find instructions on your website.
Is it possible to use Stain Solver to clean an empty dishwasher and if so, what is the best way to do it?”
Do you have issues like George? I know I do from time to time. No one likes cloudy glasses!
Dishwashers need lots of things to go right for you to get sparkling-clean dishes and glasses every time. Here’s a partial list:
Dishes need to be loaded properly so the water can get to the dirty surfaces
Filters in the bowels of the machine must be clean and grease-free
Soft water is ideal as hard water causes cloudiness
Rinsing agent reservoir must be filled and adjusted correctly
Washing arm water-outlet holes need to be inspected for clogs
Now, let’s talk about Stain Solver! Whew!
Stain Solver is a fantastic certified organic powdered oxygen bleach. I’ve been making and selling it for 23 years.
I use Stain Solver to de-grease my dishwasher filter. However, I do this by removing the filter and allowing it to soak in a solution of Stain Solver and HOT water for about three hours. The fine mesh stainless steel screen looks BRAND NEW each time I do this.
After soaking, I use a small brush with soapy water to scrub the filter. I finish up by rinsing with clear water.
I sometimes add two tablespoons of Stain Solver to an extra-greasy load of dishes to help keep the dishwasher clean as well as the filter.
I’ve got you amped up about buying Stain Solver, don’t I? Guess what?
The wretched virus hullabaloo has completely disrupted the manufacturing facility. We are SOLD out of all sizes except the small SAMPLE SIZES. It appears we’ll not have product to sell until sometime in July.
If you want a SAMPLE SIZE of Stain Solver, you’ll want to order NOW. CLICK or TAP HERE.
Do you want to know WHEN Stain Solver will be IN STOCK again? I suggest you subscribe to the Stain Solver newsletter. You’ll find this information plus cleaning tips and special offers. CLICK or TAP HERE to subscribe.
Front Porch Construction
Trends shift. Some things about houses should not be trendy. They should be included in all homes at all times, like toilets.
Large covered front porches are an example of one of these must-have things. Can you imagine gliding back and forth in the swing on this porch on a summer evening with your honey? You’d think you’d won the big door prize!
Why do I feel this way about front porches? CLICK or TAP HERE and discover at least one thing you didn’t know about front porches.
The Fun Quiz!
How did you like last week’s quiz? Did you know that the Egyptians are credited with inventing plywood? Holy tomato, I would have NEVER known that.
So tell me, what do you think these things have in common:
a large tract of land
a place where hay is often stored
a meeting house with a dance floor
a special tool for titanium bolts
a frightful skin disease
CLICK or TAP HERE to enhance the tiny gray cells in your noggin! I GUARANTEE you’ll discover something new.
That’s quite enough for a Sunday with us now past the solstice. UGH!
Happy Fathers Day to you if you’re a Dad reading today's newsletter!
And a Happy BELATED Mothers Day to you, should you be a loving Mom reading this.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com SOLD OUT BEST CLEANER - www.StainSolver.com Field Day Next Weekend! - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. I had to paint some exterior trim on my house this week.
When did you think I did it? What time of day?
CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you’re applying paint on the outside of your house in the RIGHT CONDITIONS.
The post June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Home https://www.askthebuilder.com/june-21-2020-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
williamccreynolds · 4 years
June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Are you a new subscriber? Welcome! I reserve this top spot in the newsletter for you because I’m so glad you’ve joined us.
You, however, might be an older subscriber. Mind you, I’m not talking about how many trips around the sun you’ve made! That said, tell me if you recall the column I wrote about the insane bearing wall I built at my last home.
You’re NOT GOING TO BELIEVE this wall, much less the enormous amount of weight concentrated on it. CLICK or TAP HERE and be prepared to be blown away. Be SURE to watch the video on the page so you get a feel for what your blueprints should have in them!
This Week’s Music Track
I always listen to music while creating the newsletter. Here’s a very unique soundtrack you might like. I have to admit, it dates me! CLICK or TAP HERE and sit back and relax.
The Blue Review
Speaking of blueprints, Jeremy reached out to me a few days ago asking if I’d review the blueprints his builder will use to construct Jeremy’s new two-story house. He wanted to know if I could locate oversights, small design flaws, errors in flashing detailing, inferior products, and maybe uncover future problems, etc.
Guess what? I DO OFFER this service and have done it for years. The cost depends on the size of the house or project. If you want me to check over your blueprints, just reach out to me. If I find just one mistake, the service is worth it. Imagine what it can cost to repair a problem down the road!
Fantastic Step Ladder
This summer, I decided to dive deep into all the pesky home-repair projects I have at my own home. Yes, my house needs attention too.
One of my favorite tools is my Gorilla Aluminum Hybrid step ladder. It’s SO LIGHT and sturdy. I feel safe on it and love, love, love the wide standing platforms.
CLICK or TAP HERE to discover other reasons why I love, love, love this ladder.
If you do ELECTRICAL work, you’ll want to look at my Gorilla Fiberglass Hybrid ladder too!
My Trex Deck
Quite often I get emails asking me if I have a deck, and if I like composite decking. You may have asked me about this before you built your own deck.
Four years ago, I rebuilt my existing narrow deck. I also built a ginormous 16 x 24 additional deck. I covered both decks with Trex Transcend. I used Trex Transcend for the railing system as well.
Weather permitting, I eat breakfast and lunch on this deck. You can find me working with my laptop under that sun umbrella any day the weather allows.
I get compliments all the time on how the Trex Transcend LOOKS LIKE REAL WOOD.
Bottom Line: I’d install it again in a heartbeat. CLICK or TAP HERE to understand why.
Dishwashers & Stain Solver
George is a subscriber to this newsletter. He and I have never met, but we’ve exchanged emails.
A few days ago he wrote:
“My dishes/glassware are not coming out clean when running the dishwasher. I was thinking of using your Stain Solver to clean out the dishwasher alone. But I can’t seem to find instructions on your website.
Is it possible to use Stain Solver to clean an empty dishwasher and if so, what is the best way to do it?”
Do you have issues like George? I know I do from time to time. No one likes cloudy glasses!
Dishwashers need lots of things to go right for you to get sparkling-clean dishes and glasses every time. Here’s a partial list:
Dishes need to be loaded properly so the water can get to the dirty surfaces
Filters in the bowels of the machine must be clean and grease-free
Soft water is ideal as hard water causes cloudiness
Rinsing agent reservoir must be filled and adjusted correctly
Washing arm water-outlet holes need to be inspected for clogs
Now, let’s talk about Stain Solver! Whew!
Stain Solver is a fantastic certified organic powdered oxygen bleach. I’ve been making and selling it for 23 years.
I use Stain Solver to de-grease my dishwasher filter. However, I do this by removing the filter and allowing it to soak in a solution of Stain Solver and HOT water for about three hours. The fine mesh stainless steel screen looks BRAND NEW each time I do this.
After soaking, I use a small brush with soapy water to scrub the filter. I finish up by rinsing with clear water.
I sometimes add two tablespoons of Stain Solver to an extra-greasy load of dishes to help keep the dishwasher clean as well as the filter.
I’ve got you amped up about buying Stain Solver, don’t I? Guess what?
The wretched virus hullabaloo has completely disrupted the manufacturing facility. We are SOLD out of all sizes except the small SAMPLE SIZES. It appears we’ll not have product to sell until sometime in July.
If you want a SAMPLE SIZE of Stain Solver, you’ll want to order NOW. CLICK or TAP HERE.
Do you want to know WHEN Stain Solver will be IN STOCK again? I suggest you subscribe to the Stain Solver newsletter. You’ll find this information plus cleaning tips and special offers. CLICK or TAP HERE to subscribe.
Front Porch Construction
Trends shift. Some things about houses should not be trendy. They should be included in all homes at all times, like toilets.
Large covered front porches are an example of one of these must-have things. Can you imagine gliding back and forth in the swing on this porch on a summer evening with your honey? You’d think you’d won the big door prize!
Why do I feel this way about front porches? CLICK or TAP HERE and discover at least one thing you didn’t know about front porches.
The Fun Quiz!
How did you like last week’s quiz? Did you know that the Egyptians are credited with inventing plywood? Holy tomato, I would have NEVER known that.
So tell me, what do you think these things have in common:
a large tract of land
a place where hay is often stored
a meeting house with a dance floor
a special tool for titanium bolts
a frightful skin disease
CLICK or TAP HERE to enhance the tiny gray cells in your noggin! I GUARANTEE you’ll discover something new.
That’s quite enough for a Sunday with us now past the solstice. UGH!
Happy Fathers Day to you if you’re a Dad reading today's newsletter!
And a Happy BELATED Mothers Day to you, should you be a loving Mom reading this.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com SOLD OUT BEST CLEANER - www.StainSolver.com Field Day Next Weekend! - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. I had to paint some exterior trim on my house this week.
When did you think I did it? What time of day?
CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you’re applying paint on the outside of your house in the RIGHT CONDITIONS.
The post June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Real Estate https://www.askthebuilder.com/june-21-2020-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
ticket4futball · 4 years
Premier League: From big game player to Manchester United outcast
The midfielder used to be Manchester United's lucky charm, but as they face Liverpool this weekend Jesse Lingard would be lucky to score against anyone at all
The last time Manchester United visited Anfield, Jesse Lingard scored. Of course, he did. It was Jose Mourinho’s last stand and he picked a bizarre team including Matteo Darmian as a center-back and excluding Paul Pogba. Liverpool racked up 36 shots.
But Lingard scored and it scarcely ranked as a surprise. Back then, he was Manchester United’s big-game Jesse a player who scored a disproportionate proportion of goals on the major stages. Football fans can purchase Premier League Football Tickets online to enjoy its stunning performances.
A couple of weeks earlier he had scored against Arsenal. A month later he did again in the FA Cup.
Jesse Lingard past performance
In three years he scored four times against Arsenal, twice against Chelsea, once each against Liverpool, Holland, and Croatia as well as finding the net in the FA Cup final the League Cup final and the Community Shield.
He was more likely to score at Wembley than Burnley. It was a distinctly useful habit to have for a Manchester United or England player. If Romelu Lukaku was accused of being a flat-track bully, Lingard prospered on altogether rougher terrain.
Not anymore. As Manchester United return to Anfield on Sunday, the chances are that they would settle for a goal against anyone. Lingard’s sole strike this season came against Astana, in a team including Dylan Levitt, Ethan Laird, and Di’Shon Bernard who may be destined to be the answer to future quiz questions.
He ended 2019 with fewer assists and as many goals in Manchester United’s league games than Huddersfield’s Jonas Lossl: he was not even the most potent man with his initials when another one was a goalkeeper.
His last taste of the sort of occasion that used to define him was curtailed after 45 minutes. Lingard was substituted with Manchester City 3-0 up in the derby; his camp was suspiciously quick to claim he was still suffering from illness.  
His previous such outing came against his usual victims, Arsenal. This time, however, Lingard was wretched and removed. Ryan Giggs suggested he lacked footballing intelligence and compared him unfavorably with Mesut Özil.
Euro 2020 Ineluctability
The decline of Lingard has been a theme of the last year. He was one of England’s breakout stars of the 2018 World Cup. As it stands, he is unelectable for Euro 2020.
He was one of the emblematic players of Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s early surge; the Norwegian gave Lingard his debut in the reserves and the Englishman scored twice to give the caretaker a flying start in his managerial bow with the first team.
Then Solskjaer’s rhetoric was laced with references to Jesse and ‘Rashy’; Marcus Rashford remains as symbolic but Lingard has been displaced by Mason Greenwood and Brandon Williams among the homegrown personifications of homegrown Untidiness.
There are mitigating circumstances, injuries, and illness of being a new father and having to care for his younger brother and sister when his mother was unwell.
Yet Lingard has fallen out of favor with the fanbase the obscene video he posted on social media in the summer scarcely helped and a talisman has become a target.
His persona may not help. His JLingz closing brand made a £200,000 loss in a year, who knew other people didn’t want to dress like Lingard? Although, like most things, it may be forgiven and forgotten if Manchester United were profiting on the pitch.
That stunning lack of end product feels ridiculous in an attacking midfielder winger or a No. 10 for United and if Juan Mata and Andreas Pereira fall far short of the numbers United should require, they are still outdoing Lingard.
Pereira has perhaps leapfrogged him as the hard-running, pressing No. 10. Lingard was never a creative one anyway.
Those limitations have become more glaringly apparent as Manchester United has struggled to find a way of playing beyond counter-attacking.
Pogba Importance for Manchester United
Lingard has contrived to make the missing Pogba more important. Minus the Frenchman, Manchester United’s midfield has been all too barren. 
Lingard’s answer appears to be Mino Raiola, the super-agent he has hired. Yet Raiola’s clients tend to be upwardly-mobile not downwardly so, which looks Lingard’s likeliest trajectory.
There were suggestions he would be offered as a makeweight in a deal to take James Maddison to Leicester.
Another of the division’s ambitious middle class could be interested, but Lingard’s wages, of at least £100,000 a week, would be a deterrent.
Meanwhile, Manchester United eye Bruno Fernandes as a possible upgrade. The Portuguese has 28 goals for club and country in a time when Lingard has one.
If Lingard was never as prolific it used to be the case he illustrated his worth by the quality of the opponents when he scored, not the number of goals.  
But perhaps Lingard’s decline is such that a dreadful year will leave him without a role as well as without goals.
Football fans can get Manchester United Tickets through our trusted online ticketing marketplace. Ticket4football.com is the most reliable source to book Manchester United Football Tickets.
0 notes
swipestream · 7 years
Short Reviews – Joe Carson’s Weapon, by James R. Adams
Joe Carson’s Weapon appeared in the Spring 1945 issue of Planet Stories. It can be read here at Archive.org
Joe Carson’s Weapon may be about the most PoMo thing I’ve read in Planet Stories.
A kid writes into his favorite sci-fi pulp magazine and a pair of Martians whose orders are to take over the earth take the kid’s letter at face value.
While it definitely wasn’t my thing, there were some pretty good laughs to be had on this one. The best part, perhaps, is the nearly page length “letter” to the editor that Joe Carson sends in, which absolutely captures the very essence of the most egregiously banal letters that ended up being printed in the pulps. The adventure itself is practically proto-Aqua Teen Hunger Force with the Martians being completely daft and incompetent while complimenting one another on their superior intellects or saying deliciously comic self-congratulatory stuff like “Yes, we are truly martyrs. My only regret is, I have but nine tentacles to give for my species.” (Try not reading that in Oglethorpe the Plutonian’s voice.)
As a perfect lead-in to next week’s Retro-Fandom Friday, I’m including the entirety of Carson’s “Letter” (oh, my God, Adams nails how some of these letter writers write), but it might behoove you to check out the whole story:
Ye Humble Ed:
  Once again the keeper has negligently left my door unlatched and I slyly crawl from my cage, drawn by one, irrevocable purpose. Glancing hither and yon, to make sure I am unobserved, I dash to the fence and clear it with a prodigious leap that carries me half way to the corner drug-store.
  Snatching a tricycle from a gawking kid, I push his face in the mud and pedal furiously the remaining distance to the store. Leaping off, I rush in and batter my way through the screaming throng, shouting imprecations at all who stand in my way.
  Panting with exhaustion, I at last reach my goal and clutch it to my breast. The crowd surges forward and frantic hands grab at my prize.
  “It’s mine! All mine!” I shout in their faces. “No one can take it from me!”
  Galloping madly from the store I race swiftly across yards and up alleys, quickly losing the howling mob in the distance. Squatting under a street-lamp, I sneak a triumphant look at the treasure. What is it? Yep, you guessed it—Galactic Adventures!1
  But—shades of Major Mars!—what is that horrible monstrosity on the cover? A BEM, no less…an abominable, wretched BEM. Why, oh why, can’t we have at least one different cover painting? Wesley is no good. Get Marlini or Sidney to do the covers. I don’t mind a BEM now and then, but a steady diet of them soon palls on the palate. (Heh heh.) All joking aside, your covers are terrific.2
  Now we come to the task of rating the stories. Only one stands out in my mind as being of excellent quality. I refer to Arthur M. Ron’s super-epic, The Infinite Finite. The other stories paled into insignificance in comparison to this classic. More power to Ron! Percival’s Puissant Pulverizer and Nothing is Something follow Ron’s story in that order. The rest are not worth mentioning.3
  The interior illustrations are somewhat better than the cover, although, for the most part, they are inaccurate and do not follow the themes of the stories. Ye gods! Can’t your artists read? So much for the art, which wasn’t so much.4
  Say! What does that jerk, The Amphibious Android, mean by calling me a “mere child”? His assertion that I’m but a youth of fifteen is a good way off the beam. I’ve been reading Galactic Adventures for the past eight years and I was nine years old when I picked up my first copy, so figure it out for yourself. A jug of sour zeni to him. May fire burst out in his s. f. collection and utterly destroy it. No! I retract that. That’s too horrible a fate, even to visit upon The Amphibious Android. Let him wallow in his ignorance. I, The Super Intellect, will smile down on him and forgive him his sins.5
  That’s an interesting letter from Charlie Lane. The Miserable Mutant has propounded an amazing theory that has set me to wondering. Perhaps G. A. can induce one of its authors to work this theory into a story. I’m reserving my four wooden nickels right now for the tale, if it is written. I’ll even suggest a title—Those Who Are Froze In The Cosmos. How’s that? Well, I didn’t like it either.6
  Once again I tear my hair and roar: GIVE US TRIMMED EDGES!7 Ye Ed must know by now that the majority of fandom is in favor of trimmed edges. As it is, one comes suddenly to the most interesting part of a story, at the very bottom of a page and spends several moments feverishly attempting to gain a hold on the ragged edge and go on to the next passage. By the time he has accomplished this, he is a raving lunatic, a martyr to trimmed edges. I am not a crusader, as is The Misled Biped, but I insist on seeing justice done.
  As a whole, this is a fair issue. I might even call it good, if it were not for the artwork and stories. Ron’s epic will live forever in my mind, although its ending was rather weak and it could have developed into a more powerful tale by having the Slads all die in the Inferno.8
  I enter my plea for longer stories. A long novel by M. S. Jensen would be appreciated. His last, Dr. Higbaum’s Strange Manifestation, was a gem. On the other hand, short stories are not without merit and good old G. A. wouldn’t be the same without them. I believe the story policy had best remain as is.
  Give Higgins a rest. His yarns are rapidly degenerating into hack, with only four out of the last five meeting with this reader’s approval. I don’t like to be finicky, but it seems like he isn’t contributing his best material to G. A.
  Well, this missive is growing to huge proportions and I would like to see it in print, so I’d better sign off.
  Oh, yeh, almost forgot to comment on the departments. They are all good, with The Reader’s Opinion being the most interesting.9 Ye Ed’s ruminations come in for a close second. Do not change the departments in any way, although the quiz and the Strange Phenomena feature could be discontinued, without any great loss.
  Before I close, I wish to make a revelation which will rock the world. Yes, Ed, I have a secret weapon! Nothing can stand against this terrible invention and, with it, I could even destroy Earth, with Mars and Pluto thrown in for good measure. Beware, Ed, lest you arouse my ire and cause me, in my wrath, to unleash this vast force upon helpless, trusting mankind.
  Having read G. A. from cover to cover, I crawl back into my cage, drooling with delight. Prying up a loose stone in the center of the floor, I tenderly deposit the mag among the other issues of my golden hoard. Replacing the stone, I sigh contentedly and manipulate my lower lip with two fingers to indicate complete satisfaction. See you next issue!
  Joe Carson
  The Super Intellect
1. It was not uncommon for letters to begin with flash fiction (often sci-fi-themed) accounts of acquiring the latest issue, ranging from “So, I plunked my two dimes down at the newsstand…” to full-overblown stuff along the lines of the above. Adams really nails how bad many of these are.
2. Covers and quality of the covers were a frequent topic of discussion in Vizigraph. I do think that a lot of writers had justifiable complaints against several of Planet’s early-mid 40s artists, Parkhurst in particular, who, while he did do some good work now and then, had some pretty lousy compositions. Additionally, there was always the debate on whether the girls were too scandalous or not scandalous enough, or the fan who’d quip about the need to hide the front cover… not because of the dame but because of how embarrassingly bad they though Parkhurst’s cover was. Though it was clear that most of his iconic pieces were all based off the same handful of reference photos, Allen Anderson’s run was much better quality and much better received than Parkhurst’s.
3. Obvious joke titles aside, this could be word-for-word cropped from a real letter.
4. More frequent complaints about the interior illos. By the late 40s, the art was jibing with the stories a bit better, there was often a strange contradiction of tone when you’d get a hardboiled SF Noir story paired with Doolin’s illustrations of Flash Gordon silly hats and underwear on the outside.
5. SF Fandom has always been terrible, and letter cols were filled with this kind of stuff…
6. …which often had context lost as they referred to stories and letters from previous issues.
7. A big deal.
8. This and the next paragraphs are fairly characteristic of the unhelpfully contradictory feedback usually included in reader letters.
9. Oddly enough, Planet did get several letters saying that the Letters section was the only part worth reading. Imagine only reading a pulp zine for the yahoos writing in to complain about things! Part of the ostentatiousness of the letters, however, was almost certainly the result of the quarterly competition in which letter writers could vote on their favorite letters, with the top three vote-getters getting a shot at original pieces of interior art-work.
Short Reviews – Joe Carson’s Weapon, by James R. Adams published first on http://ift.tt/2zdiasi
0 notes
andrewmawby · 4 years
June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Are you a new subscriber? Welcome! I reserve this top spot in the newsletter for you because I’m so glad you’ve joined us.
You, however, might be an older subscriber. Mind you, I’m not talking about how many trips around the sun you’ve made! That said, tell me if you recall the column I wrote about the insane bearing wall I built at my last home.
You’re NOT GOING TO BELIEVE this wall, much less the enormous amount of weight concentrated on it. CLICK or TAP HERE and be prepared to be blown away. Be SURE to watch the video on the page so you get a feel for what your blueprints should have in them!
This Week’s Music Track
I always listen to music while creating the newsletter. Here’s a very unique soundtrack you might like. I have to admit, it dates me! CLICK or TAP HERE and sit back and relax.
The Blue Review
Speaking of blueprints, Jeremy reached out to me a few days ago asking if I’d review the blueprints his builder will use to construct Jeremy’s new two-story house. He wanted to know if I could locate oversights, small design flaws, errors in flashing detailing, inferior products, and maybe uncover future problems, etc.
Guess what? I DO OFFER this service and have done it for years. The cost depends on the size of the house or project. If you want me to check over your blueprints, just reach out to me. If I find just one mistake, the service is worth it. Imagine what it can cost to repair a problem down the road!
Fantastic Step Ladder
This summer, I decided to dive deep into all the pesky home-repair projects I have at my own home. Yes, my house needs attention too.
One of my favorite tools is my Gorilla Aluminum Hybrid step ladder. It’s SO LIGHT and sturdy. I feel safe on it and love, love, love the wide standing platforms.
CLICK or TAP HERE to discover other reasons why I love, love, love this ladder.
If you do ELECTRICAL work, you’ll want to look at my Gorilla Fiberglass Hybrid ladder too!
My Trex Deck
Quite often I get emails asking me if I have a deck, and if I like composite decking. You may have asked me about this before you built your own deck.
Four years ago, I rebuilt my existing narrow deck. I also built a ginormous 16 x 24 additional deck. I covered both decks with Trex Transcend. I used Trex Transcend for the railing system as well.
Weather permitting, I eat breakfast and lunch on this deck. You can find me working with my laptop under that sun umbrella any day the weather allows.
I get compliments all the time on how the Trex Transcend LOOKS LIKE REAL WOOD.
Bottom Line: I’d install it again in a heartbeat. CLICK or TAP HERE to understand why.
Dishwashers & Stain Solver
George is a subscriber to this newsletter. He and I have never met, but we’ve exchanged emails.
A few days ago he wrote:
“My dishes/glassware are not coming out clean when running the dishwasher. I was thinking of using your Stain Solver to clean out the dishwasher alone. But I can’t seem to find instructions on your website.
Is it possible to use Stain Solver to clean an empty dishwasher and if so, what is the best way to do it?”
Do you have issues like George? I know I do from time to time. No one likes cloudy glasses!
Dishwashers need lots of things to go right for you to get sparkling-clean dishes and glasses every time. Here’s a partial list:
Dishes need to be loaded properly so the water can get to the dirty surfaces
Filters in the bowels of the machine must be clean and grease-free
Soft water is ideal as hard water causes cloudiness
Rinsing agent reservoir must be filled and adjusted correctly
Washing arm water-outlet holes need to be inspected for clogs
Now, let’s talk about Stain Solver! Whew!
Stain Solver is a fantastic certified organic powdered oxygen bleach. I’ve been making and selling it for 23 years.
I use Stain Solver to de-grease my dishwasher filter. However, I do this by removing the filter and allowing it to soak in a solution of Stain Solver and HOT water for about three hours. The fine mesh stainless steel screen looks BRAND NEW each time I do this.
After soaking, I use a small brush with soapy water to scrub the filter. I finish up by rinsing with clear water.
I sometimes add two tablespoons of Stain Solver to an extra-greasy load of dishes to help keep the dishwasher clean as well as the filter.
I’ve got you amped up about buying Stain Solver, don’t I? Guess what?
The wretched virus hullabaloo has completely disrupted the manufacturing facility. We are SOLD out of all sizes except the small SAMPLE SIZES. It appears we’ll not have product to sell until sometime in July.
If you want a SAMPLE SIZE of Stain Solver, you’ll want to order NOW. CLICK or TAP HERE.
Do you want to know WHEN Stain Solver will be IN STOCK again? I suggest you subscribe to the Stain Solver newsletter. You’ll find this information plus cleaning tips and special offers. CLICK or TAP HERE to subscribe.
Front Porch Construction
Trends shift. Some things about houses should not be trendy. They should be included in all homes at all times, like toilets.
Large covered front porches are an example of one of these must-have things. Can you imagine gliding back and forth in the swing on this porch on a summer evening with your honey? You’d think you’d won the big door prize!
Why do I feel this way about front porches? CLICK or TAP HERE and discover at least one thing you didn’t know about front porches.
The Fun Quiz!
How did you like last week’s quiz? Did you know that the Egyptians are credited with inventing plywood? Holy tomato, I would have NEVER known that.
So tell me, what do you think these things have in common:
a large tract of land
a place where hay is often stored
a meeting house with a dance floor
a special tool for titanium bolts
a frightful skin disease
CLICK or TAP HERE to enhance the tiny gray cells in your noggin! I GUARANTEE you’ll discover something new.
That’s quite enough for a Sunday with us now past the solstice. UGH!
Happy Fathers Day to you if you’re a Dad reading today's newsletter!
And a Happy BELATED Mothers Day to you, should you be a loving Mom reading this.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com SOLD OUT BEST CLEANER - www.StainSolver.com Field Day Next Weekend! - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. I had to paint some exterior trim on my house this week.
When did you think I did it? What time of day?
CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you’re applying paint on the outside of your house in the RIGHT CONDITIONS.
The post June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from builders feed https://www.askthebuilder.com/june-21-2020-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
andrewmawby · 4 years
June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Are you a new subscriber? Welcome! I reserve this top spot in the newsletter for you because I’m so glad you’ve joined us.
You, however, might be an older subscriber. Mind you, I’m not talking about how many trips around the sun you’ve made! That said, tell me if you recall the column I wrote about the insane bearing wall I built at my last home.
You’re NOT GOING TO BELIEVE this wall, much less the enormous amount of weight concentrated on it. CLICK or TAP HERE and be prepared to be blown away. Be SURE to watch the video on the page so you get a feel for what your blueprints should have in them!
This Week’s Music Track
I always listen to music while creating the newsletter. Here’s a very unique soundtrack you might like. I have to admit, it dates me! CLICK or TAP HERE and sit back and relax.
The Blue Review
Speaking of blueprints, Jeremy reached out to me a few days ago asking if I’d review the blueprints his builder will use to construct Jeremy’s new two-story house. He wanted to know if I could locate oversights, small design flaws, errors in flashing detailing, inferior products, and maybe uncover future problems, etc.
Guess what? I DO OFFER this service and have done it for years. The cost depends on the size of the house or project. If you want me to check over your blueprints, just reach out to me. If I find just one mistake, the service is worth it. Imagine what it can cost to repair a problem down the road!
Fantastic Step Ladder
This summer, I decided to dive deep into all the pesky home-repair projects I have at my own home. Yes, my house needs attention too.
One of my favorite tools is my Gorilla Aluminum Hybrid step ladder. It’s SO LIGHT and sturdy. I feel safe on it and love, love, love the wide standing platforms.
CLICK or TAP HERE to discover other reasons why I love, love, love this ladder.
If you do ELECTRICAL work, you’ll want to look at my Gorilla Fiberglass Hybrid ladder too!
My Trex Deck
Quite often I get emails asking me if I have a deck, and if I like composite decking. You may have asked me about this before you built your own deck.
Four years ago, I rebuilt my existing narrow deck. I also built a ginormous 16 x 24 additional deck. I covered both decks with Trex Transcend. I used Trex Transcend for the railing system as well.
Weather permitting, I eat breakfast and lunch on this deck. You can find me working with my laptop under that sun umbrella any day the weather allows.
I get compliments all the time on how the Trex Transcend LOOKS LIKE REAL WOOD.
Bottom Line: I’d install it again in a heartbeat. CLICK or TAP HERE to understand why.
Dishwashers & Stain Solver
George is a subscriber to this newsletter. He and I have never met, but we’ve exchanged emails.
A few days ago he wrote:
“My dishes/glassware are not coming out clean when running the dishwasher. I was thinking of using your Stain Solver to clean out the dishwasher alone. But I can’t seem to find instructions on your website.
Is it possible to use Stain Solver to clean an empty dishwasher and if so, what is the best way to do it?”
Do you have issues like George? I know I do from time to time. No one likes cloudy glasses!
Dishwashers need lots of things to go right for you to get sparkling-clean dishes and glasses every time. Here’s a partial list:
Dishes need to be loaded properly so the water can get to the dirty surfaces
Filters in the bowels of the machine must be clean and grease-free
Soft water is ideal as hard water causes cloudiness
Rinsing agent reservoir must be filled and adjusted correctly
Washing arm water-outlet holes need to be inspected for clogs
Now, let’s talk about Stain Solver! Whew!
Stain Solver is a fantastic certified organic powdered oxygen bleach. I’ve been making and selling it for 23 years.
I use Stain Solver to de-grease my dishwasher filter. However, I do this by removing the filter and allowing it to soak in a solution of Stain Solver and HOT water for about three hours. The fine mesh stainless steel screen looks BRAND NEW each time I do this.
After soaking, I use a small brush with soapy water to scrub the filter. I finish up by rinsing with clear water.
I sometimes add two tablespoons of Stain Solver to an extra-greasy load of dishes to help keep the dishwasher clean as well as the filter.
I’ve got you amped up about buying Stain Solver, don’t I? Guess what?
The wretched virus hullabaloo has completely disrupted the manufacturing facility. We are SOLD out of all sizes except the small SAMPLE SIZES. It appears we’ll not have product to sell until sometime in July.
If you want a SAMPLE SIZE of Stain Solver, you’ll want to order NOW. CLICK or TAP HERE.
Do you want to know WHEN Stain Solver will be IN STOCK again? I suggest you subscribe to the Stain Solver newsletter. You’ll find this information plus cleaning tips and special offers. CLICK or TAP HERE to subscribe.
Front Porch Construction
Trends shift. Some things about houses should not be trendy. They should be included in all homes at all times, like toilets.
Large covered front porches are an example of one of these must-have things. Can you imagine gliding back and forth in the swing on this porch on a summer evening with your honey? You’d think you’d won the big door prize!
Why do I feel this way about front porches? CLICK or TAP HERE and discover at least one thing you didn’t know about front porches.
The Fun Quiz!
How did you like last week’s quiz? Did you know that the Egyptians are credited with inventing plywood? Holy tomato, I would have NEVER known that.
So tell me, what do you think these things have in common:
a large tract of land
a place where hay is often stored
a meeting house with a dance floor
a special tool for titanium bolts
a frightful skin disease
CLICK or TAP HERE to enhance the tiny gray cells in your noggin! I GUARANTEE you’ll discover something new.
That’s quite enough for a Sunday with us now past the solstice. UGH!
Happy Fathers Day to you if you’re a Dad reading today's newsletter!
And a Happy BELATED Mothers Day to you, should you be a loving Mom reading this.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com SOLD OUT BEST CLEANER - www.StainSolver.com Field Day Next Weekend! - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
P.S. I had to paint some exterior trim on my house this week.
When did you think I did it? What time of day?
CLICK or TAP HERE to see if you’re applying paint on the outside of your house in the RIGHT CONDITIONS.
The post June 21, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from builders feed https://www.askthebuilder.com/june-21-2020-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes