#the bill: series 4
augustusaugustus · 10 months
4.3 Good Will Visit
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They did not want anyone to miss the fact that Pete’s a bad'un. It couldn’t have been more signposted if he’d been wearing a flashing sign around his neck that said “dodgy”. What an entrance, though!
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ilongfor-the-arts · 1 year
Just read the museum marquis fic and I love it. I wonder what would a fanfic where the marquis de gramont met a ballerina reader?
Poetry in Motion
Pairing: Marquis de Gramont x fem! Reader
Warnings: mild language
Summary: A tall and handsome man has been watching you preform for a while. What will happen when he finally chooses to introduce himself?
Word Count: 2.5k
I got multiple reqs for this! So, here ya go! Enjoy!
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“You’re late Y/N!”
I dashed into the locker room, tossing my bag atop the dressing room counter.
“I know! I know! I’m really sorry! My apartment door wouldn’t lock and there was traffic and then-”
My director held up a hand, silencing me.
“I don’t care. Please-just, be ready to go by showtime.”
I nodded vigorously.
“Yes, yes, of course. I will be ready, I promise.”
She quickly turned on her heels and began walking in the opposite direction. Her blue dress swayed gently as the dancers rushed around her. Her spine was straight, her posture rigid.
I don’t blame her. I'm just as nervous as everyone else to see how this performance goes. Unfortunately, I'm a dancer, so rigid posture isn't ideal. I'm forced to keep my anxiety bottled up inside my head.
My friend called my name, jolting me from my trance. She was fully dressed, with a full face of makeup. She stared at me, completely stunned.
“Y/N, you better hurry! Everyone else is ready to go!”
I moved rapidly, quickly opening my makeup bag, praying I had enough time.
“What took you so long?”
I slapped my palms against the table, annoyed.
“Oh, Clara, it’s been such an aggravating day.”
I stared at my reflection, watching as the foundation completely coated my face.
“Do tell.”
I took out my eye makeup.
“Well, first my apartment wouldn’t lock.”
I closed one eye and applied eyeshadow as quickly as I could.
“My key wouldn’t work! And of course I couldn’t just leave my apartment unlocked so I had to bother my neighbor to get the spare key I gave her.”
I moved on to the other eye.
“Then there was so much traffic. Then I couldn’t find a good parking spot because I got here so late. Then I had to walk almost six blocks.”
My eye makeup looked... alright. Sure, if I had an extra hour, I could make it look fantastic. But, due to my unfortunate situation, I had to settle for average.
“Wow girl, that’s rough. I’m sorry.”
I pulled out my blush.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think that cute guy will be here tonight.”
I scoffed loudly.
“He’s always here. If he goes four days without seeing a ballet, just assume he’s dead.”
Oh my goodness, that blush color was really clashing with my eyeshadow. Shit! I didn't have time to remove it and start over. Perhaps I could just add another color to my eyes, creating a strange hybrid color that would blend well with the blush.
“I don’t know Y/N. I’ve been here longer than you, and he only started going regularly once you got here.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, right. It’s probably just a coincidence. I doubt he’d spend a shit ton of money on fancy ballet tickets just to see some pretty girl dance.”
I watched Clara shrug from the corner of my eye.
“I dunno. He always dresses like he’s ready to meet the queen, and he sits in a box. He doesn’t seem short on funds. He definitely could be the type to buy ballet tickets just to admire you.”
Okay, the blush and eyeshadow looked fine. I could handle "fine." I could work with "fine.”
“I don’t know Clara. You know, when you watch a performance, faces and names blend together because there are so many people on stage. I doubt he picked me out of the crowd and decided I was going to become the object of his affection.”
I put on some red lipstick, trying not to be distracted by the fact that all the dancers I saw in the mirror were fully prepared.
“Besides, a handsome man like that?... he probably has a girlfriend.”
Clara perked up.
“Oh, so you admit you think he’s handsome.”
I rolled my eyes for a second time.
“I mean, come on Clara, look at him!”
Clara let out a loud and obnoxious laugh. My face turned hot. Thankfully, the makeup covered most of the natural pink that had begun to appear on my cheeks.
“Oh my God you have a little crush on him, don’t you!”
I held up my hands in defense.
“I am not having this conversation right now!”
I stood, rushing over to the costume rack.
“I’ve never seen him with a girl Y/N! I think he’s single and ready to mingle!”
Clara’s loud voice drew some attention. I swiveled on my heels and placed a finger to my lips.
The show was finished, and the final bows were taken.
The roar of the crowd washed over me like a wave. I was moved to know that they were all applauding for this performance. As the entire company gathered for one final bow, I observed the crowd's faces contort into bright smiles. I felt moved knowing that at least one person in the audience was thinking about what a wonderful job I did tonight.
I hoped it was the man whose appearance I had grown accustomed to over the past few weeks.
The gold theater sparkled. The red seats gradually vanished as people rose to pay their respects to the performers.
I was unable to avoid glancing around at the various people in the crowd. I started in the box seats, hoping to spot a tall man with a penchant for fashion.
No luck.
My gaze was drawn to the floor seats. I scanned them all as quickly as I could. Maybe he sat closer? If he truly came to see me, it wouldn't hurt to get the best view possible in the front row.
No luck.
I'm not sure why I was so desperate for him to be here. Nonetheless, I felt my heart sink slightly as I considered the possibility that he missed tonight's performance.
We finished with a company bow. We waved goodbye, and quickly scattered off the stage.
Clara exclaimed as we walked back to the dressing rooms.
“You did so well! Jesus, I thought for sure you’d be all scattered from coming in late, but you really pulled it off well!”
I didn't notice her hands cutting through the air as she spoke. I didn't even bother looking at her. I kept my head down, stuffing various cosmetics into my black backpack.
“Thanks Clara.”
I said flatly.
“Alright, what’s going on? Who’s got you bummed?”
I grit my teeth.
“He’s not here tonight.”
Clara leaned in.
“What did you say?”
“I said he’s not here tonight!”
I snapped involuntarily. Clara retreated.
“Woah woah, how do you know this?”
“I didn’t see him in the crowd.”
Clara furrowed her brow.
“Come on Y/N, there’s thousands of people in that crowd! There’s no way you could’ve checked every seat for him!”
My lips were pursed. Clara wrapped her hands around my shoulders, soothing me. She leaned into my ear, lowering her voice to a whisper.
“I bet he showed up tonight. And if he didn’t, it was his loss entirely.”
The cold Paris air bit at my exposed skin. The chill penetrated my tank top, chilling me to the bone. I drew the sides of my peacoat together, attempting to conceal my torso and thighs from the wind.
I began to stroll, trying to enjoy the lovely Paris evening despite the fact that so much was less than ideal.
After about thirty paces, I was struck by an uneasy sense that someone was watching me. I initially ignored it. There were numerous high-rise apartment buildings. I'm sure that feeling came from being a window away from someone's living space, and the possibility that someone was watching me inadvertently.
I couldn't shake the feeling even after another thirty paces. The buildings in this particular neighborhood were completely dark. That is, everyone was sleeping, and if anyone was watching me, it probably would go unnoticed by bystanders.
I took a peek over my shoulder to ensure my intuition was correct.
About thirty feet behind me was a tall, lanky man in a black coat.
Alright, probably just a coincidence-
I did a double take.
Holy shit.
It was the guy from the ballet!
This all is just one big coincidence.
I kept my head down, trying to maintain my composure.
His footsteps became audible. I focused on them, noticing that they were becoming slightly louder with every step.
God, this guy is a total creep! How could I be so stupid?!
I’m about to get totally kidnapped!
I started to move faster, trying to appear calm despite being aware that my heart was pounding in my ears. My blood rushed to my heart, leaving my face pale and cold.
God, he’s getting closer!
Jesus my stomach is in knots!
“Don’t look so frightened, darling.”
The man’s velvety accent pierced the air like a knife. My heart jumped.
I’m fucked.
“Really, I just want to talk with you.”
No way in hell was I stopping. My calves burned. My eyes were wide. My hands trembled within my pockets.
My chest came into contact with something solid. I stumbled back, looking up.
Oh my goodness, he was right in front of me.
How did he get there without me hearing?
The heat left my body.
I stood, wide eyed and perplexed.
The man's neutral gaze softened as he noticed my anxiety.
“I am very sorry to have frightened you, madame. I am simply a fan wishing to pay my respects.”
He placed a hand on his chest.
“I promise, I mean no harm. There is no reason to be frightened.”
He was considerably taller than me. In two seconds, he could pick me up and throw me into the back of a shady white van.
Nonetheless, his luxurious accent and courteous eyes made me believe he was telling the truth. So I allowed myself to relax ever so slightly.
“Did you come and see the show tonight?”
A smirk played on the corners of his lips.
“But of course. It would be foolish of me to disregard the opportunity to observe such talent.”
Wow, I'm going to give credit where credit is due. He’s a smooth talker. He speaks with such elegance. I'm unable to ignore his words. With bated breath, I await each sentence.
“Well, that is very kind of you to say.”
He slipped his hands into the pockets of his black overcoat, shrugging nonchalantly.
“I only convey the complete truth. In my lifetime, I have seen hundreds of ballets, operas, and plays. It is uncommon to find such a passion for the arts in the hearts of the prefromers. Few people allow creativity to encompass every aspect of them. But, I have noticed fire within you.”
He glanced deeply into my eyes, as if he wanted to capture some of the "fire" within me and preserve it for himself.
“I can tell by the way you dance and command the stage.”
The gentle breeze rustled the end of his overcoat as his pale eyes shone in the pale moonlight. He exuded a sense of mystery that beckoned me to embrace the unknown.
“Your blood runs red with creativity.”
He came to a halt, his piercing gaze catching my lips before darting back to my eyes.
“And, your beauty is unmatched.”
Forget about my face being cold; it was now scorching hot. I just hope I kept enough blush on my cheeks to hide the natural pink.
He extends his leg, the buckle of his pricey loafer catching the moonlight. He steps closer, the wonderful aroma of whiskey and bergamot wafting into my nose. The scent cloud muffles my brain, making me dizzy with anticipation.
“How long have you been dancing for?”
I raise my eyebrows.
“Oh, well, my entire life. I started the moment I could walk and I’ve pretty much been in the dance studio everyday since.”
The enigmatic man nodded, pleased with my response. I took my hands from my pockets, as they were sweating despite the chill.
“And… Do you enjoy it?”
I nodded vigorously.
“Yes, I remember, um-.”
I took a deep breath, careful not to trip over my words and reveal that my heart was racing.
“I remember my first official dance class. I was- about four or five.”
I swallowed, a lump forming in my throat.
“All the kids were complaining. I mean, y’know, at that age it basically is just an excuse for the parents to get their obnoxious kids out of the house.”
He chuckled.
“But I never complained, not once. I loved it from the start. And, it’s completely consumed my life since then.”
He took another step forward. The distance between us was almost non-existent now. To meet his gaze, I had to almost completely crane my neck back.
“I can tell. You don’t just dance, you float over the stage. It really is beautiful to watch.”
His voice dropped to a sultry whisper.
“You are beautiful to watch.”
My stomach flipped.
My breath caught in my throat as he cupped my face with his hand. His grip was gentle, as if he were coddling a baby bird.
My mind was empty, a void waiting to be filled by him.
He exhaled deeply, a breath fanning over my face. I instinctively leaned into him, craving his warmth, craving his scent, craving…
He ran his calloused thumb along my cheekbone. My face was burning. I knew he could feel it beneath his palm.
He grinned.
“You have a very bright future in the arts. Paris is only the beginning.”
I could sense the tension rising. I was on the edge of my seat, waiting for something magnificent to unfold.
A hug?
A proclamation of love?
A kiss?
“I hope and pray that you will allow me to be an integral component of your bright future.”
He slipped something into my empty pocket sneakily. He smiled broadly. My heart skipped a beat. His smile was enticing, so simple yet so effective.
“Call me, Ma chère.”
He took a step back, turned, and began to stroll away. My shoulders loosened. My chest gave way. My cheeks had lost their warmth. The tension had been released.
I could breathe.
I could think.
I shouted. He glanced over his shoulder.
His figure looked very intriguing. Most of his ridges and curves were hidden by his long coat. It enticed one to venture into uncharted territories.
“What’s your name?”
He scoffed.
“When you call, I will tell you.”
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didn’t even think about this until now
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fatuismooches · 8 days
Weird thing I always imagine. Idk if they’ve been invented in teyvat but let’s say they have so….rollie chair Dottore. Specifically if he’s taking care of fragile reader in his office, just cleaned their arm in preparation for needle, but wait that needle is over on his desk, that’s okay he’ll just wheelie over !! Idk just imagining him rolling from desk to desk to grab some papers and whatnot is so scientist/doctor coded
The only reason Dottore owns one of these rolling chairs is because you were the one who bought it in the first place (very much persuaded by Pantalone's luxurious one.) The Doctor prefers a regular ordinary chair, as that's what he's worked with his whole life and sees no reason to change, but that's also probably because he could care less as long as it doesn't break. You, however, are of the opinion that spinning chairs = fun. You replace his main chair with the rolling one. Dottore still doesn't care. He's much more in the habit of simply getting up whenever he needs something. You sit in his lap and try to push him to get it to roll but you're not strong enough for that of course. The mission is mostly unsuccessful. Mostly. He does sometimes unintentionally roll when the distance is short, and then just continues since he's already doing it. You find it very entertaining, and he does admit to the convenience. (Foxttore loves the chair the most. Lil shit refuses to get off it sometimes.)
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lucky-draws · 9 months
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martha jones most beautiful awesome woman on my tv 2006-2007 etc
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wizardlyghost · 10 months
'I cannot run and hide!' he burst out. 'I must find the gems and restore them to the Belt. Without them I am helpless and Deltora is doomed.' Glancing at Sharn's worried face, Jarred took his friend's arm. 'The gems must be found, but you cannot be the one to find them, Endon,' he said firmly. 'The Shadow Lord will be searching for you. You must stay in hiding, and wait.' 'But what if I die before the Belt is whole again?' Endon argued desperately. 'It will only recognise Adin's true heir. It will only shine for me!' Jarred opened his mouth to speak, then thought better of it. Soon enough Endon would realise for himself that he had lost the last trust his people had in him. The Belt of Deltora would never shine for him again.
rereading my old friend deltora quest for the first time in too many years and i'm suddenly realising how much this book shaped my view of the world.
like, this passage is from the first part of book one, before the protagonist of the rest of the series is even introduced. lief's initial goal is to find and return the belt to endon's child, but it could very easily have been to return the belt to endon himself, with the shift to finding the heir coming as a twist later in the series. however, on the same page that the idea of the titular quest is brought up, rodda immediately throws out a word-of-god hard no, endon's done, there's no chance of this happening and here's why.
idk, i've sometimes wondered where i got the beginnings of some of my anti-monarchist leanings while being raised in a divine-right-of-kings household, and it's suddenly pinging to me that being obsessed with this series might be somewhere close to the root of it.
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meep-meep-richie · 2 years
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Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes?
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Very devastating episode, emotional roller coster and stuff HOWEVER I'd like to take a second between tears to say that 31 years old doctor Wan is way too hot for my own good
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80smoonlight · 1 year
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Barry: Season 4 Episode 7, “a nice meal”
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rikkisixx · 1 year
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Neil Newbon on 'The Bill'
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augustusaugustus · 10 months
4.1 Light Duties
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First episode for Christine Frazer & Malcolm Haynes, with a fun introduction for the former when she offers her assistance in an incident and Tony has no idea who she is.
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ilongfor-the-arts · 10 months
Tea and Music
Pairing: Marquis de Gramont x fem! Reader
Warnings: smut!, language, mild begging, choking, unprotected sex, use of “good girl”
Summary: Part two of Poetry in Motion! These are the events that happen after Marquis meets our ballerina reader.
Word Count: 6.7k
Read Part one HERE!!!
Taglist: @jiawalker
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The limo crushed the small stones under its tires as it drove along the white gravel path. The entire estate was completely covered in trees and green once we passed through the golden gates. I couldn't see the sides of the gate from the car, so I assumed his estate extended for miles.
Not a blade of grass was out of place.
I would have flirted with Vincent sooner if I had known he was concealing a mansion.
Our conversation two nights ago was extremely straightforward. He introduced himself, and I asked him one question before he insisted on speaking with me in person.
His address was on a street I'd never heard of before. I thought that perhaps it was in the Paris slums. His fancy suits and elegant demeanor were just a ruse to convince people he was wealthy.
But, alas, he lives in a mansion. Who would’ve guessed?
As the car approached the large front doors, I tried to hide my surprise. His house was something out of a movie. To take it all in, I had to turn my head completely left and right. It possessed at least three levels. It was made of lovely white vintage brick and black shingles. Two poles supported an enormous balcony on opposite sides of the large double front doors.There were dozens of tall arched windows. The architecture was inspired by the French countryside, but it was elevated to the highest level.
It appeared vintage and loved, but not worn.
“Alright madame, we are here.”
My trance was broken by the posh driver.
“Oh, yes.”
He opened the door for me, offering his hand to ensure that I would not be inconvenienced in the slightest.
I could grow accustomed to this type of treatment.
I hoisted myself up by grasping his smooth palm.
“Have a pleasant visit, madame.”
He spoke with a classy accent. His elegance, however, couldn't compete with Vincent's. The elderly driver jumped back into the driver's seat and began bustling away, rocks crunching beneath the tires.
I cocked my head upwards, hesitant. I could feel nerves brewing within my stomach. The butterflies were flying free. I took a deep breath, steadying my mind.
I honed in on the rustling of the trees, waiting until the butterflies had completely dissipated.
I couldn’t believe I was about to enter the home of a man I had just met.
I knew his name.
I knew he liked ballet.
I knew where he lived.
And, that’s it.
I climbed the few steps leading to the glass double doors.
Should I knock?
No, he was expecting me.
I gently pushed open the door. The hinges didn't creak in the least.
The doors opened to reveal a large room with white marble floors and a double staircase that swirled to the top floor. The banisters were made of gold, the dark wood walls were covered in expensive-looking paintings, and each room was separated by a large, open arch.
“Hello? I’m here!”
The waves of my voice echoed around the large, nearly empty room. I felt dwarfed by the high ceilings.
my heart skipped a beat. Vincent appeared out of nowhere, sauntering through the archway on my left, hands in pockets.
He remained silent, waiting for me to break the tension.
“Uh-Thank you for having me… your house is beautiful.”
As the gravity of the situation became clear, my tone became somewhat shaky. Vincent gave a small smile.
“Thank you very much. I have quite a few estates-“
Woah, woah, woah. A few estates? As in more than one?
“But this one is by far my favorite. It’s lavish, and quiet.”
The trees gently rustled. In the distance, birds chirped. My heart was pounding in my ears.
“See? Nothing. No sounds except those of nature.”
My knees shook. Those two previous statements felt like one big, blatant sexual innuendo. I hoped that sex wasn't the sole reason for having me in this lovely estate that just so happened to have no neighbors for miles.
He leaned against the wooden arch, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his dress pants. Vincent furrowed his brow as he observed my concern.
“Please, don’t be worried. I know I was just given the pleasure of becoming your acquaintance. But, I assure you, I possess a sophisticated character.”
The corners of his mouth turned upwards.
He said this as he stepped away from the arch, motioning for me to follow him into the next room.
“I have something I believe you will enjoy.”
I returned his stare. His beautiful eyes shone with warmth. He seemed to have changed slightly now that I was in his house. He appeared to be... more at ease. Neither his gaze nor his tone indicated any discomfort. He was no longer concerned with maintaining any sort of facade.
I couldn't bring myself to be afraid of him.
I smiled.
My short heels clacked against the marble. As I strolled past him, I captured his familiar scent and was overcome with nostalgia.
The room I entered was significantly smaller than the one prior. Rather than being adorned in paintings, there was merely one green landscape above the unlit fireplace. One wall was entirely covered in wooden shelves, each of which was crammed to the brim. When I looked closer, I noticed that each section was filled with vinyl records. Some are still wrapped in plastic, while others have clearly been loved for years.
“Oh wow! You have quite the collection!”
I exclaimed as I ran my fingers along the spines of various records. Marquis laughed, amused by my intense interest.
“Oh wow!”
I had to use a surprising amount of force to pry one of the vinyls off the shelf as it was jammed into a completely full rack.
“You have the music from Giselle!”
Vincent strolled over to me, leaning over my shoulder to observe what had captured my attention. It was a record, with a lady and man engaged in dance. The lady wore a blouse and bodice, while the man donned tights and a decorated top.
“Do you enjoy this ballet?”
His hot breath cascaded across my face and neck as he inquired. A shiver ran down my spine as I realized he had placed his frame directly behind mine.
“Yes, I do. I was in it a long time ago. And, ever since it’s been one of my favorites.”
“Ah, you were in it?”
I flipped the vinyl to the back, reading each track and reminiscing.
“Yes, I was Giselle.”
“But of course you were.”
I scoffed, dismissing his high opinions of me.
“It really was not that impressive. It was a small community theater, and it was years ago before I decided to pursue ballet professionally.”
“It makes little difference where you do it. I'm sure you danced as well as someone from the Opéra National de Paris. Your talent is just as visible in a small theater as it is in the world's largest.”
I pushed my finger between two vinyls to create a gap so I could slip the record back into its original position.
“You flatter me.”
Vincent dragged his fingertips along the spines. As he did so, I fixed my attention along his veiny digits, my brain beginning to slip into places it hadn't been in a long time. I closed my eyes, forcing my mind to return to the present. Vincent drew his gaze across the records, studying them and searching for a specific item.
He discovered what he was looking for.
“Swan Lake, another one of my favorites.”
He pulled it from the shelf and began to study it.
“Tchaikovsky's music is a work of art. He manipulates the instruments, allowing them to move in a poetic manner. It truly is unparalleled.”
He cocked his head to the side, meeting my eyes.
“Do you enjoy this ballet?”
He raised his brows, inviting me to respond. I shuffled towards his hot body, nodding.
“Yes, of course, it’s a classic.”
This cover depicted a woman bending over a lake, with a swan at her side. Beautiful blues were used to paint the entire cover.
“One of my dream roles is the swan queen.”
Vincent's lanky fingers pried the record's cover apart, and he slid the vinyl into his palm.
“One day, that role will be yours. I have no doubt about it.”
He handled the record with extreme grace and care. Despite being a large and rather intimidating man, his touch was featherlight. He opened a small cabinet located in the middle of the shelves with his opposite hand, revealing a beautiful maroon record player.
“And when you appear as the swan queen, it will be your role for the rest of your life. The audience will know instantaneously that no performance before or after yours will compare.”
Vincent placed the needle on the record's edge. The sound of a rich oboe filled the entire room. He placed his hands on his hips and viewed the black circle spin in a circle. The atmosphere became cozy and inviting. Despite being in a secluded mansion in the middle of the French countryside, I felt oddly at home. My heartbeat was regular.
Vincent glanced over his shoulder.
“Do you drink tea?”
He inquired.
I was so enthralled by Vincent's lovely figure that I had to shake myself awake when he spoke.
“Oh! Yes, of course. I love tea.”
Vincent unbuttoned the cuffs of his white dress shirt, rolling his sleeves up to reveal lovely veins dancing across his forearms. I gulped, my face growing hotter as butterflies began to hatch within my lower abdomen.
“Would you care to drink tea with me on the porch as we indulge in this lovely music?”
I nodded, unable to hide the grin playing on the corners of my mouth.
“I would like that very much.”
Vincent brought out a large silver tray, atop which was a lovely china set with pink flowers and gold stems.
“I would expect a wealthy man like you to have help. Rich men don’t make their own tea.”
I said, my tone slightly mocking. Vincent chuckled, plopping down onto the cream colored cushions.
“I don't usually make my own tea. But I specifically requested that we spend the day alone. The bustle of people detracts from the peaceful energy.”
I put a sugar cube in one of the adorable cups and poured tea on top, watching the sugar break and dissolve.
I picked up the saucer and leaned back, my body relaxing against the plush cushions. I had a fantastic view. My back was to the house, leaving the entire garden open for inspection. The green stretched as far as the eye could see, interrupted only by a few healthy trees. The property had a gray gravel path that twisted and turned. At the horizon, the gentle hill of the land met the flawless blue sky.
The scenery was lovely. I wish I knew how to paint.
My hair was tousled by a gentle breeze. The soothing music wafted through the house, reaching my ears as a mere whisper.
“Are you enjoying the view?”
I closed my eyes for a brief moment, savoring the cozy energy as I sipped my tea. The steaming liquid poured down my throat, warming me from within.
“Yes, it’s beautiful.”
I rested the cup in my lap.
“Why don’t you tell me about yourself? I feel like we talk so much about me.”
I said, chuckling slightly.
Vincent sipped his tea while crossing his legs and gazing out at the horizon. His gorgeous side profile was highlighted by the gentle glow of the sun.
“My life is… not very interesting.”
His demeanor had transformed. Instead of being charming, he had become aloof.
“Oh, I’m sure your life is plenty interesting. I mean, come on, this house is ginormous! What do you do?”
Vincent grit his teeth, avoiding the question.
“I made all of my money in real estate.”
He returned my gaze, his fondness restored.
“Oh! That sounds interesting.”
I took another sip of my delicious tea.
“You must’ve gotten extremely lucky.”
He flashed me a tight smile.
“Yes, absolutely. I consider myself extremely fortunate to be where I am now.”
The birds in the distance chirped peacefully, blending with the music to create a cohesive energy that flowed through my being.
“Please, tell me if I am crossing any boundaries with this question.”
I perked up. He had piqued my interest.
“However, you are a very attractive woman. And you are constantly expressing yourself through the arts. I find it difficult to believe you don't have suitors flocking to you at all times.”
I gulped, my gaze fixed on the tea in my lap.
“Well, honestly, it’s difficult to keep a relationship when you’re constantly either in the theater, or searching for your next opportunity. The little free time I have almost never lines up with the free time of others.”
He fixed his gaze on me, listening intently to every word I said. I'd never had a conversation with a man who was so enthralled by me.
“I’ve had relationships, but it's difficult to make them stick. Lately, I’ve kinda given up. It’s stressful, y’know?”
Vincent hummed.
“Yes, I can imagine.”
He sipped his tea one last time, leaning back completely to display his stunning neck. He leaned forward and placed the china cup atop its saucer before assuming his previous position.
"Well, with me, you never have to worry about that, ma chérie." My few important obligations rarely interfere with my personal life. And, if they do, I promise to commit to our relationship and not let it fall through the cracks."
His dedication surprised me. I raised my brows.
“Well, that is very kind of you. I appreciate the reassurance.”
“That is, if pursuing a relationship with me is something that entices you.”
His statement piqued my interest. I suppose I hadn't considered the question, "What are we?" I was definitely interested in pursuing a relationship with him, despite only having become acquainted a few days ago. I felt a genuine connection, and I'd be a fool to pass up this opportunity.
Also, the reality that he was filthy rich drew me to him.
I finished the sweet tea, placing it on the black wire coffee table.
“Yes, I believe I would be interested in that.”
I gave him a genuine smile, which he returned.
“Good, I am glad to hear that.”
He folded his hands and tucked them into his lap, his gaze following. He was deep in thought, as if caught between reality and his thoughts. Vincent came to after what seemed like an eternity. He returned his gaze to mine. His attention had been drawn to a new emotion. He was looking at me with calculating eyes, as if he was carefully pondering what to say next.
This was unusual for him, as he always seemed to know exactly what to say.
“I don’t mean to sound creepy when I say this, but I have been admiring you for a while.”
To be honest, I didn't mind. And I didn't think he was creepy at all for expressing his admiration for me.
“In all honesty, I’m flattered. The way I see it, I wouldn’t put myself on the stage if I was afraid of extreme admiration. I mean, that is kind of the goal of a performer. Y’know, to make people fall in love with the performance.”
Vincent nodded, his smile widening. He was pleased with my response.
“I recall seeing you perform for the first time. It was about two years ago, in Coppélia. You played a minor role, but your beauty captivated me, and the more I sought you out, the more I fell in love.”
There was something sensual about the thought of Vincent admiring me from afar for years. It all seemed so forbidden, him watching me from a box, carefully calculating the best time to ask me out.
“If you don’t mind me asking, why didn’t you ask me out sooner?”
Vincent shrugged.
“I assumed you were in a relationship. I tried to forget about you, but you were always on my mind. Then I didn't see you at the Opéra national de Paris for a year. My job was particularly demanding at that time. It was best if I concentrated solely on that. So I didn't go looking for you. I assumed that chapter of my life had come to an end. Then I notice you're performing in La Bayadère. And I knew that whatever force governs our universe had given me the opportunity to become your acquaintance.”
I couldn’t stop my face from breaking into a grin. I’ll admit, it felt insanely good to be admired by someone.
“Are you a nostalgic person?”
Yes, extremely.
“Yes, I am.”
He exclaimed, rising to his feet.
“In that case, I have one more thing I think you would like to see.”
I followed him through the house. If I didn’t have him, I would undoubtedly be lost. Each lavish hallway felt as if it extended for miles. I followed, and followed, and followed. Until eventually we reached a pair of black double doors. They were covered in beautiful flower designs. Vincent turned the golden knobs, pushing the doors open to reveal… a bedroom?
It was a nice bedroom, to be sure. The floors were tan wood, and the walls were a dark brown color. A large, black chandelier hung from the ceiling with an expensive crystal thread. The bedframe, curtains, and dresser with a large mirror all looked like they were plucked from the queen's bedroom.
In fact, the whole place felt like it belonged to a king. The gold accents, intricate details, and visibly expensive fabrics all gave me the impression that I was in Buckingham Palace.
Vincent headed over to his dresser, which was located on the opposite side of the room as the bed. He began rummaging through various objects, searching for something.
“Ah! Here it is! I knew I kept it!”
He gave me... a leaflet? No, it's a program. It was the program from my first performance ever at the Opera Nacional de Paris, Coppélia. My eyes shot open.
“Oh my God! I can’t believe you kept this!”
I flipped through it, reading the names and contemplating all the wonderful people I'd had the pleasure of working with.
“Of course I kept it.”
I raised my eyes to him. He smiled, pleased that I had found enjoyment in this little bit of nostalgia.
I began.
“I-I don’t mean to take your memories from you.”
I said with a small laugh.
“But, would you mind if I kept this?”
“But of course! There is no need for me to keep a silly little booklet now that I have had the pleasure of meeting the object of my affection.”
We shared a moment of peaceful, happy silence.
“Besides, if it makes you happy, I'll gladly give it to you. We've decided to pursue a relationship. So, it is my responsibility to do everything in my power to please you.”
His gaze darted to my lips before returning to my eyes, implying something taboo.
His eyes grew dark. My posture became stiff. Vincent took a large step towards me, and I had to tilt my head almost completely backwards to look him in the eyes.
I was hit with a wave of déjà vu. I was no longer on the streets of Paris, but rather in Vincent's bedroom. This time, there was nothing preventing us from delving head first into our desires.
He cupped my cheek, running his calloused thumb over my cheekbone. My breath caught in my throat. My lower abdomen was in knots, more from anticipation than from nerves. There wasn't much that could happen on the dark streets of Paris. But suddenly everything was possible and within reach. All I had to do was reach out and grab them.
“The relationships you’ve been in… have any of them had the pleasure of…”
His voice trailed off, beckoning me to finish the thought.
I gulped, a lump forming in my throat.
My voice quivered as I felt overpowered by his pressing gaze.
Vincent tutted crispy.
He stated, his voice lowering to a sensuous whisper. I envisioned him whispering sweet nothings into my ear while thrusting mercilessly into my tight cunt.
My stomach flipped.
My knees shook.
All of the blood in my body rushed to my core.
Wetness began to pool in my panties.
I adjusted my weight uncomfortably, anticipating Vincent's next move.
He leaned forward, his lips inches away from mine. I desperately wanted to break the tension by pressing my mouth to his, thereby beginning the downward spiral of pleasure. However, my train of thought was derailed when I felt Vincent’s opposite hand glide up my thigh.
I squeezed my eyes shut, sighing in pleasure as his digits swiftly located my clothed clit. He tenderly massaged my sensitive bud. The subtle sensation was utterly euphoric. My head bowed forward, my hands anxiously clutching his white dress shirt.
Vincent jerked my head upwards, forcing my misty eyes to lock with his lust blown pupils.
“You’re already so wet, ma chérie. And I have barely even touched you.”
His velvety accent became 10 times more seductive now that it had fallen an octave.
“Oh, it will be so wonderful to watch you come undone.”
He pressed his plush lips to my jugular, applying gentle kisses to my neck as he continued to draw figure eights onto my clothed clit. I threw my arms around his neck, hanging onto his strong frame as my knees threatened to give out.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to bury my face between your thighs and taste your sweet little cunt.”
I couldn’t handle the erotic tone combined with the featherlight touches to my clit. It was far too much for my touch starved body to handle. needed something. I was ravenous for his mouth, his fingers, his cock. I wanted so badly to be destroyed by him, to be given such pleasure that I fear coming back to reality.
I said between heavy breaths.
“Yes ma chérie?”
My jaw hung upon, mouth unable to form coherent sentences.
“P-Please. I need you-I need you so bad.”
Vincent drew back, his lips slamming into mine. Our mouths matched like puzzle pieces. We were so glorious together that I swear I could hear angels singing in perfect harmony.
“What would you like me to do to you ma belle, hm?”
He said in between fiery kisses.
“Make me cum, Vincent, please.”
His tongue slid into my mouth, giving me a fleeting taste of his passion before he quickly yanked it back. I was flustered. Our connection had been severed, and I was unsure as to why.
Vincent grasped my chin, forcing me to keep my head still.
His hair was struggling to remain neat. The single, dangling strand was a great metaphor for his once well-kept demeanor now crumbling before my eyes.
“Beg. Beg me to fuck you. Beg me to make you cum.”
He demanded.
Mt jaw quivered. His hand had retreated from my core and now lay atop the swell of my hip.
“P-Please Vincent. I need you. I need you so bad.”
Vincent narrowed his eyes disapprovingly.
“Oh, ma chérie, I know you can do better than that.”
He placed his lips to mine, swiftly reigniting the flame before suffocating it once more.
“Be my good girl and beg.”
I locked gazes with Vincent, feeling his sexual energy course through my body in waves.
I began, my desire somewhat strangling the words within my throat.
“Please Vincent… Please, I need you to make me cum.”
I brought my palms to his chest, attempting to quickly unbutton his dress shirt. Unfortunately, my hands were far too jittery and the buttons were far too small for me to make any significant progress.
“What exactly do you want ma belle, hm? Tell me.”
His velvety accent wafted through me whenever he spoke, adding to the wetness that had begun to pool in my panties.
“Please, please. I need you.”
Thankfully, the sexual tension had subsided just enough for me to compose meaningful sentences.
“Please, please, I need you. I need your mouth between my legs. I need-I need you to fuck me. I need your cock so bad. Please, please make me cum it’s all I can think about.”
A devious smirk spread across Vincent’s face.
“Why didn’t you ask me sooner?”
He connected our lips, reigniting the raging fire of desire that burned between us. Vincent hoisted me off the floor, his large hands traveling up my short sundress and resting against my ass. He carried me with ease, his hands gentle but his lips aggressive.
Vincent tossed me onto the bed with little regard for tenderness. However, I was barely impacted by the blow, as the mattress quickly suppressed and conformed to my physique.
I lay, my gaze fixed upwards towards Vincent’s lanky frame. The dim yet sensual lights foregrounded the sharp curvatures of his face. His long digits located his top button and he began to leisurely undo his shirt without breaking eye contact.
Suddenly, I became aware that my dress had ridden up my thighs, exposing my evident desire. I grasped the hem, pushing it downwards in a futile attempt to conceal my yearning. Vincent ceased his movements, crawling over the end of the bedframe with haste.
His hand wrapped around my wrist, pinning my hand above my head.
My eyes darted upwards, the breath hitching in my throat as I perceived his close proximity. Vincent’s previously quintessential appearance was slowly dissolving. A few strands of hair had broken loose from their original location and were now dangling aimlessly above his brow. Furthermore, his shirt was halfway undone, exposing his prominent collarbone and somewhat highlighting his toned chest.
“Don’t cover up for me, ma belle.”
He murmured, his sultry accent sending a wave of desire to my lower abdomen. My cunt throbbed.
“I want nothing more than to see every inch of you.”
Vincent lodged his thigh between my legs, his clothed knee grazing against my hot core. I jolted, a wave of heat coursing through my body. My back arched instinctively, mouth falling open as I involuntarily ground my hips against his thigh in an effort to increase friction.
Unfortunately, he revoked his leg before I was able to procure further pleasure. His free hand followed the soft curve of my side, sending shivers down my spine. My body became cold with anticipation. Goosebumps rose along my skin.
Vincent’s calloused fingertips grazed against my clothed clit. Heat radiated from my wet core as I squeezed my eyes shut. My brow furrowed as he began to slowly draw figure eights onto my clit.
“Ah, you are so wet and I’ve barely even touched you.”
His soft lips connected to my jugular, peppering gentle kisses down my neck.
“I’ve thought about this moment for a long while.”
With his hands required to support his weight as he descended, his powerful clasp released my wrist. I entangled my fingers in his silky hair, further ruining his pristine image.
“Although I pride myself on maintaining a certain level of class, I can’t deny that I’ve often thought about how satisfying it would be to bring you immense pleasure.”
He continued to press his lips against my hot skin, his face now level with my clothed breasts.
Vincent leaned back on his knees. He dragged his eyes up and down my frame, running his tongue across his bottom lip. I suddenly felt small under his gaze.
His tender fingertips located the ball of my ankle, and he hastily removed both of my short heels, tossing them aimlessly to the floor. After he had discarded my shoes, he trailed his large palms upwards, caressing my calves, then my thighs. I watched intently as his veiny hands slipped under the hem of my dress. Vincent hooked a finger in the waistband of my panties, dragging them down my legs at a painfully slow pace.
Once I was fully exposed, he assumed a position between my legs. Thankfully, the bed was grand enough for him to lay comfortably.
All the blood in my body had rushed to my core, and I could feel my heartbeat throbbing vehemently within my lower abdomen.
Vincent trailed his moist lips along my inner thigh, gazing up at me devilishly through his lashes as he did so. He was well aware that his teasing behavior was propelling me into a state of lust filled desperation.
When he established that he had prolonged my suffering enough, he hastily buried his face between my thighs. I gasped, throwing my head back onto the opulent pillows. My thighs instinctively clenched around his head, but Vincent’s strong hands pulled my legs apart to free himself.
He flattened his tongue against my clit, taking his time to draw out his movements so as to not supply me with an orgasm too hastily. He was thoroughly enjoying the elongation of my pleasure.
After a brief moment of supplying delicate sensations to my clit, I felt the tip of his finger prod at my entrance. I threw my hands upwards, grasping onto the bed frame, my knuckles quickly turning white.
“Oh fuck!”
I exclaimed, grinding my hips against his gorgeous face.
“Vincent-Vincent your mouth feels so good, holy shit.”
I spoke in mangled cries, not caring to keep my voice down. After all, there was no one around for miles to be bothered by my proclamations.
His middle two fingers pushed into my entrance, thrusting upwards to stimulate my walls.
“You taste wonderful, ma belle.”
He uttered, continuing to fuck me with his fingers throguhout the duration of his praise. Vincent located my g spot. My nails dug into the bedframe, undoubtedly leaving prominent scratches. He took note of my non verbal cues.
Vincent increased the intensity of his fingers. Quickly, the coil of pleasure began to tighten within my lower abdomen. I bucked my hips against his face, but Vincent quickly stifled my movements by pressing my hips into the mattress.
“Are you close?”
He murmured against my clit. The gentle vibrations set my nerves ablaze with white hot desire.
“Yeah, yeah I’m so close.”
I mumbled, my arms beginning to tremble as I squeezed my eyes shut. I felt my orgasm begin to seep into the corners of my brain.
Vincent’s long digits expertly located my g spot with every thrust.
His warm mouth continued to duck and stimulate my swollen bundle of nerves.
The erotic sounds of his fingers fucking my cunt reverberated loudly throguhout the predominantly empty bedroom.
“Then cum for me, ma chérie.”
His endearing words proved to be the last necessary step in reaching my release. The tension that had built within my stomach exploded as I came gloriously all over his face. My back felt as though it had been rammed into a solid brick wall.
My chest heaved, and I found it arduous to supply my lungs with sufficient oxygen.
My eyelids began to flutter open as the movements of both his tongue and fingers slowed. When he removed his digits and mouth, I was overcome with a glorious sensation of complete satisfaction. Both my mind and body succumbed to bliss. I had never before experienced such an absence of disquiet.
Vincent climbed over me, his torso now bare.
I cracked a small grin, my palms flattening against the expanse of his soft chest. His lips shone with my arousal. I trailed my fingertips slowly downwards, halting when I reached his thick leather belt. I began to undo the buckle, however, Vincent caught wind of my intentions. With one hand, he engulfed both of my wrists, pinning them above my head. I gasped.
“Oh, no, not now.”
His gentle lips tenderly kissed the soft divot behind my ear. I took a deep breath, the scent of his pricey, heavy fragrance clouding my mind.
“I have waited far too long for this moment. It would be foolish of me to allow you to furnish pleasure when my desire has been consuming me for years.”
Vincent moved off of me and stood to remove the remainder of his clothes. With a pleasurable whoosh, he pulled his belt from the loops of his formal pants. Subsequently, he removed his shoes and allowed his trousers to gather about his ankles.
He met my stare, the mellow hue of the faint overhead lights collecting within his green irises.
“You look beautiful.”
Once again, the heat from my body began to travel downwards.
Vincent’s boxers were the final article of clothing to be removed. I gulped audibly, as his sizable cock was now standing fully erect.
Holy shit, I thought to myself.
He possessed one of the most winsome cock I had ever laid eyes on. I clenched my thighs together, my cunt eagerly clenching around nothing.
When he had finished undressing, he climbed back over me and our lips met once again. I melted into the kiss, exhaling sensually as I sunk into the plush mattress. Vincent’s hand grasped the hem of my dress, tugging it upwards until I was forced to raise my arms.
Thankfully, the supportive nature of the outfit allowed me to function in the absence of a bra. As a result, my entire body was now fully exposed for Vincent’s piercing gaze.
He discarded the dress and dropped his hips suggestively until his prominent erection pressed against my lower stomach.
I wrapped my legs around his waist, beckoning him to progress further. Vincent shuffled his hips, tip now dangerously close to my aching cunt. But, before he slipped inside of me, he raised a free hand and tenderly brushed a few unruly strands of hair from my damp forehead.
“If you wish to stop at any moment, merely apprise me and I shall cease.”
I gave him a nod, throwing my arms around his neck to provide an anchor. Vincent pressed his lips to my neck, applying a few gentle kisses before sliding his cock into my wet cunt.
My walls stretched, hastily conforming to his rather large girth. My back arched into his solid torso. I inhaled sharply as he buried the entirety of his length deep within me.
“Are you alright, ma chérie?”
His body stilled. I groaned in mild frustration.
“Y-yeah. I’m more than alright. P-please just fuck me already. I-I need you so bad.”
Vincent pulled back. His lips were plush. His hair was disheveled. His cheeks were a bright shade of pink.
His disarranged appearance was a stark contrast to the previously sophisticated man I had met at the start of this afternoon. However, I do consider the duality of man to be a topic of the utmost enticement. There is something captivating about the notion of commencing a relationship with someone who has a secret side that solely you have the pleasure of becoming acquainted with.
Without further words, Vincent began to roll his hips. The slight pain of his cock quickly dissipated to create room for immense pleasure.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head.
“Does that feel good? Hm?”
He spoke with a slight vocal fry. The raspiness of his tone elicited a visceral reaction. I dragged my nails along his smooth back, undoubtedly breaking skin.
He grumbled deep within his chest.
When I didn’t answer, Vincent pulled his face back, blown pupils meeting mine. I gazed at him through half lidded eyes. I found it difficult to ignite passionate eye contact when I was presented with the distraction of his cock expertly grazing against my g spot with every fervent jerk of his hips.
He wrapped a large hand around my neck. My pulse rose to the top of my skin as black spots began to cloud my vision.
“Come on, ma belle, be my good girl. Tell me how good I make you feel.”
I exhaled a shuddering breath.
“F-fuck… you feel so good inside me Vincent.”
I gulped.
“Y-your cock feels so good.”
Vincent’s skin began to sheen with a thin layer of perspiration. The unruly strands of brown hair deepened in color as they stuck to his forehead. I moaned pornographically as the grip on my neck constricted once more. My jaw dropped. The brief lack of oxygen only added to the flurry of incoherent thoughts bouncing around my skull.
“Oh, my, you’re such a good girl for me.”
He gulped, a soft sigh escaping his swollen lips.
“You’re taking me so well.”
The erotic words combined with his smooth accent contributed to the tightening of my lower abdomen.
I was close, dangerously close.
I could feel my body reaching the edge, and I would soon fall into a state of euphoria.
Vincent’s adjusted his hips ever so slightly, his tip now reaching deeper than before.
I instinctively turned my head away. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes as I buried my face into the bed. My brow furrowed. My eyes squeezed shut as I anticipated my release.
Vincent utilized his thumb to reposition my face.
“No, don’t look away. Be my good girl and look me in the eyes.”
I forced my eyelids open, meeting his piercing stare as ever so slightly increased the frequency of his thrusts. Every instinct beckoned me to throw my head back, but I fought the desire. And, I instead kept my eyes fixated on Vincent’s blown pupils that had almost entirely consumed his irises.
“I want to watch you. I want to see your face as you cum all over my cock.”
I gave him a slight nod, indicating that I could hear while trapped in my lustful stupor.
His hand traveled downwards, gently caressing my curves before reaching my swollen clit. Vincent applied gentle pressure, and, with that, I let go.
I kept my eyes fixated on him, allowing my face to contort as it pleased.
Vincent groaned loudly, his cum coating my walls.
He continued to fuck me throguh my orgasm. His movements gradually slowed as the fog of euphoria began to dissipate. My chest rose and collapsed with fervor.
When I deemed it safe to break eye contact, I allowed my eyelids to flutter shut. Suddenly, I became aware of the gravitational pull the bed exerted on my body.
Jesus, I was exhausted.
Vincent removed his cock from my core. However, he remained atop me, tenderly pushing my unkempt hair back to create mild uniformity.
“You may stay here, if you’d like, for however long you wish.”
His voice was as it had been prior to our physical encounter.
I giggled, my mouth breaking into a slight smile.
“Your house is magnificent.”
I met his gaze, his eyes now possessing a tender quality.
“I don’t know if I ever want to leave.”
I said with a scoff.
A smirk played on the corner of his lips.
“Then don’t, stay here for as long as your heart desires.”
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boardchairman-blog · 1 year
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**Shots of the Episode**
Barry (2018)
Season 4, Episode 8: “wow” (2023) Director: Bill Hader Cinematographer: Carl Herse
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jm-chrome · 1 year
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The Marquis from John Wick 4 gives me so much Maven Calore vibes AUGHHHHH
I wanna draw Maven in one of his suits 😫🤍
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“You can’t hear pictures”
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My brain:🥁diggididiggididiggididiggididum🥁🎺BA BA BA BAAHH BA DA DAH DAAAH🎺
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forensicated · 1 month
Detailed episode guides for The Bill - Series 1-4
Series 1 Funny Old Business: Cops And Robbers (includes information about series 1 as a whole) A Friend In Need Clutching At Straws Long Odds It’s Not Such A Bad Job After All The Drugs Raid A Dangerous Breed Rough In The Afternoon Burning The Books Death Of A Cracksman The Sweet Smell Of Failure Series 2 Snouts And Red Herrings Suspects Lost Home Beat Hostage This Little Pig Ringer Public And Confidential Loan Shark With Friends Like That Whose Side Are You On? The Chief Super’s Party.
Series 3 The New Order Of Things Some You Win, Some You Lose Brownie Points Missing, Presumed Dead Domestics What Are Little Boys Made Of? Blind Alleys, Clogged Roads Double Trouble Sun Hill Karma Skipper Overnight Stay Not Without Cause Series 4 Light Duties The Three Wise Monkeys Good Will Visit Home Sweet Home All In Good Faith Just Call Me Guvnor Caught Red Handed Homes And Gardens Country Cousin Alarms And Embarrassments Stealing Cars And Nursery Rhymes Hold Fire Bad Faith Requiem Trespasses Save The Last Dance For Me Runaround The Trap Community Relations A Dogs Life Trouble And Strife Running Late They Say We’re Rough Blue For A Boy Chasing The Dragon The Coop
The Quick And The Dead Witness Here We Go Loopy Lou Stop And Search Spook Stuff Evacuation Personal Imports Paper Chase Intruder Conflict Duplicates Snout Old Habits The Silent Gun An Old Fashioned Term Getting Stressed Tigers Guessing Game The Assassins Outmoded Digging Up The Past Taken Into Consideration
Click here for more information and reference guides on The Bill
Link to the page detailing the above episode guides.
(line break in the middle of series 4 is there because there's a post limit per paragraph for Tumblr posts)
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