#the boys s3e04
bensbennies · 2 years
MOTHER’S MILK the duality of me being amused by Soldier Boy looking like a dummy in that clip with Solid Gold and MM totally losing his shit looking at him
Butcher’s powers are similar to Homelander’s, and Hughie’s are similar to A-Train’s. Coincidence? I think not. “You become the thing you seek to destroy” etc
I didn’t expect Supersonic to last long... in fact, I thought he’d die this episode. But I didn’t expect him to die offscreen.
However he’s trying to hide it, TempV *is* effecting Butcher’s personality... and he knows it. His caution against Hughie taking it and his view of it as a “punishment” is clear enough. The effects of TempV are also why he finally chose to push Ryan away. He’s pushing MM to be the leader because he knows he’s going to lose his mind completely to this (and believes it’s his cross to bear), and he’s worried for Hughie’s soul already. 
Hughie didn’t seem to have the capacity to care about Kimiko in the throes of his high... I worry this will quickly transform into an addiction for him... and I understand. They did a good job establishing Hughie’s feelings of powerlessness and not being able to protect the person he loves... in fact, he’s a weakness that Homelander is exploiting against Starlight.
The dildo fight was SO entertaining but then I felt instant sadness for Kimiko because she was so upset 😭
Kimiko and Frenchie laying upside down on the couches and looking at each other my beloved
Laz Alonso’s acting in this episode was off the chain!! MM’s look of dread and rage when Soldier Boy emerged from that tank... I predict that if anyone else does take it, MM will be the next member of the group to fall victim to Temp V. He’s already told Butcher at the end of the episode that there is no more team, so what is there for him to lead? At the same time, MM is very sensible, so we’ll see if he faces temptation and whether he decides against it or goes for it. 
I think anyone who had been watching trailers knew that Soldier Boy was the weapon The Boys were going to find. That blast is new according to Butcher—not a power Soldier Boy had back in the day (Russian experimentation I gather?). It’s been described in a power card I saw somewhere as “power nullification”. Kimiko can’t heal because her powers are (at least temporarily) nullified by the blast. A power like that presents a real threat to Homelander and Soldier Boy undoubtably has the capacity to kill him. 
In separate interviews with Kripke, Starr, and Ackles, Butcher, Soldier Boy, and Homelander have been described as three apex predators. It will be interesting to see Homelander face a real threat to his power this season. Imagine your enemy who gets temporary powers from a test tube being on par with you? I bet it won’t sit will with Homelander. 
It’s been established this season that Kimiko hates her powers, but I wonder if them being taken away (even if temporarily) will actually make her happy or if it will feel like losing a limb and make her feel helpless, especially with the people she cares about on the line. Homelander is definitely going to make moves toward killing all of The Boys soon.
I absolutely thought Victoria Nueman’s daughter was going to die when she put that shit in her. 
Stan Edgar absolutely eviscerated Homelander, and Homelander didn’t kill him because it would be like letting Stan win... plus I think Homelander is shrewd enough to suspect that Edgar has something else up his sleeve and that that’s why he’s so calm and collected. Maybe it’s TempV that has Edgar this calm, and/or maybe it’s that he had a hand in the capture of Soldier Boy. Soldier Boy isn’t just a Captain America parody, but a Winter Soldier parody as well. He’s been kept heavily sedated, I imagine to keep him compliant, and Jensen Ackles has said in interviews that Soldier Boy has PTSD from being tortured. Perhaps Edgar passed Soldier Boy to the Russians in return for the development of a weapon that could kill Homelander. I think Vought is always looking for a new way to control their supes. They use threats and bribes, they find weaknesses... with Homelander, they tried raising him from birth but completely denied him all affection as a child. With Ryan, they tried to correct by raising him in a loving home. Maybe Soldier Boy represents a different avenue for control—attempts at mind control just like Winter Soldier. Or hey—maybe they just wanted his blood to create a super weapon (and that’s why our hamster) and the torture was just being poked and prodded and kept helpless and sedated for decades. 
I suspect Soldier Boy doesn’t know how to control these energy blasts... at least not yet. It’s also possible that’s why they’ve been keeping him sedated in that tank. 
A-Train (at least assumedly) betrayed Supersonic (unless Homelander simply overheard everything A-Train, Supersonic, and The Deep said). However, I do think A-Train might come around for his own purposes. We’ll see. 
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saltnburned · 2 years
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noplceinheaven · 6 years
It's a lot more when the boy looks up and makes eye contact with him, childish wonder in his eyes. It lasts just a few seconds, but House doesn't think the boy has ever made eye contact with someone he barely knows before. The boy looks away, and House catches the sight of his parents ecstatic, almost bursting with emotion at the seams.
"You're so good!" Adam's dad squeals, kissing him and taking him in his arms. For one moment, House can feel the shadow of John House looming over that man, and he can see him praising him for making eye contact, his cheek stinging.
An autistic!House fic centered around the events of s3e04 Lines in the Sand. TW for past child abuse, ableism and the r slur being used twice.
Reblogs >>> likes.
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E04 Poll Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 407 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that this is the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
Rate the episode
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Overall, respondents gave the episode high ratings, with 90% total feeling that it was at least very good. The pollsters are very happy to see these ratings improve!
The episode felt short. I wanted more after watching it :)
The pacing of this episode was much better than the first two
We're only on episode 4 and about to enter the climax of the arc, not sure how I feel about this.
Very good. I hope that the skipped scenes appear in a later episode.
It was pretty neat. Sometimes stuff is a touch slow, but I know it’s all a lead up to what’s to come, and like, it’s important to have stuff that is slow sometimes so the big stuff feels even bigger.
This recent episode found a little boring to me. I feel like there's wasn't much action less Levi
Bruh I need the next episode like rn
Did you notice the subtle changes made to the animation in the OP this week?
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Less than a quarter of respondents initially noticed that there was something different about the OP this week. However, just over half noticed them upon a second watch or seeing it pointed out by others.
I didn't notice the changes in the opening because I always skip it.
Which of the following scenes were your favorites?
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Hange and Moblit taking out the MP’s won by a good margin. The runner up is Spider-Hange. Levi and Mikasa reacting to Kenny’s last name, Levi interrogating the Central MP and Jean testing Marlowe and Hitch were also very loved moments!
The moments between Jean and Marlowe is one of my favorites. That was really fantastic and Marlowe is going to be a wonderful SC member. Too bad he will die later. I was really upset about it while reading the manga. He was such promising and brave guy.
I enjoyed the moment when Erwin asked Nile about Marie. It felt like he still had some feelings to her. I wonder if they're going to go back to this topic later (in flashbacks). Probably not.
This episode was so fucking amazing after the exposition heavy episode 3! I have literally waited years to see Hange taking down that MP animated, shit, the way she just casually like ducks away from the bullet... I used to keep staring at the badassery in that manga panel and now I am watching it on repeat, Wit got that scene so perfectly right!!
My whole life has lead up to this moment with Hitch and Marlo!!! Bless WIT for doing so good by my precious MP!
It was hilarious when 3MPs ran on the ground to chase Flegel while they are equipping ODMG. It was even funnier when one of them cried for joy catching Flegel without using ODMG.
Faithful to the manga with a healthy combination of action and world-building. LOVED Flegel's "I'm the boss" scene.
Erwin’s VA was superb! I was close to tears during the scene when he and Nile were talking.
Who made the best face when ambushing the MP base?
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Connie won by a landside! There was no contest here, folks. 
How bangable was Levi this episode on a scale of 1-5?
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As expected, over half of respondents would love it if Levi totally wrecked them. Although there are still quite a few of you who would rather he not. 
Levi in the moonlight was everything I never knew I needed.
Levi cutie crazy ass bitch
Levi. Le-vi. LEVI.
On a scale of 1-5, how distressed were you to see Erwin beat up and chained?
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More than half of respondents are anxious to see Commander Handsome out of chains and cleaned up! 
How Erwin can kneel before them on his own? When he knows how horrible they are that they made decisions that killed his father? How can he be like that? Oh just take my heart away already! It's not that I need it…
Also, seeing my husband all beat is tragic and seeing him hanging was far too distressing and I know what’s going to happen in this season, but I want to pretend it isn’t happening and that he might be happy when he reunites with Levi
Erwin also manages to look hot not matter how beat up he is, which isn't even fair.
I love Erwin and he deserves the world.  That is all.
Are you feeling better or worse about the season so far?
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Most voters either felt great about the season from the beginning or have started to warm up to it a lot more! There is still a small percentage of those who are still unsure or unhappy, however. 
Feeling alright overall about it but disappointed about some parts being rushed/skipped
I did not like the first two episodes, but now that the pacing has slowed I’m starting to like the episodes better. Still salty about the first two though.
I knew I was going to love it just because it's AOT, but I won't know how much I love it until I've seen how they handle the RtS arc
I havent feel good, still dont feel good but its better than before, so a combo of the 2nd and 4th option
I'm loving the episodes, but I'm still unure about some of the removed scenes, specially the ones involving Historia and Levi COS i swear to dead Marco if they do not animate Levi's smile im gonna riot
I'll wait until this arc is over to cast any judgement. However, I do wish they would've expanded the Reeves' storyline. It kinda fell flat for me in the anime.
Was unsure at first with all the changes from the manga, but have come to accept that some things are gonna be different so I'm just gonna enjoy it as it is. At the end of the day, it's still Attack on Titan so I'll always enjoy it.
I’m just happy we’re getting this season at all
I never thought they could make the uprising arc funny and interesting
Instead of attacking the Centrap MP HQ, Squad Levi ambushed a small outpost on the outskirts of Trost instead. Did you like this change?
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Nearly half of respondents were okay or even preferred this change. 36% are let down that there was no slicing and shooting though. Chin up guys, the cave is coming soon! 
I always thought it was a little confusing that squad Levi would go all the way out to the central base, so I think this made more sense because of how they're still on the run. The anime version feels a lot more like they could be caught at any second, which is great!
I was looking forward to the 104th's subtle distressed reactions after having done what they had to do. But I guess the anime is not for subtle.
I'm not sure if replacing the newfound edge from the SC by a lulzy moment was a right choice. I feel like we're losing the grim aspect of the SC not being good guys anymore.
I didn't even remember how the manga handled that, so I didn't notice the change.
I honestly like both situations
While i did want to see the gang cut up peoples legs,  the anime version made more sense and I'm down for any Springlestein.
While the cart charge was hilarious, I'm not sure why a small outpost would know anything about Eren and Historia's location.
I quite honestly didn't notice the difference, the real attraction was Levi fucking the old boy's shit up
While I hopedd they'd make it bigger, after watching the episode I grew to like it, it makes sense both geographically and in terms of the scale of the event.
Oh lol I totally expect them to go ahead and get the Central MP HQ next. I mean, didn't they also do that so that the MP's couldn't mobilise and come to Kenny/Rod's defense later on?
Were you expecting there to be more focus on the press?
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Most respondents were expecting to get Hange’s talk with the press prior to exposing the Military Police. A few are certain it’s lost not, while a good 30% are hopeful that we’ll still get it in another way. 
By making the newspaper Trost local, their presence didn't need to be explained, and some aspects from their talk from 60 can be merged with the little moment from the Rookie from 61 after Erwin's trial so as to not be redundant.
The talk with Hange and the press will no doubt happen next episode.
Having a flashback would be good, but I don't have much faith in them doing it
Indifferent to it, doesn't make much difference to the overall plot.
we will get them though not in a flashback half the arc has been rearranged remember.
I NEED Hange brooding on a desk in the press office, it's an important part of my spiritual development
I hope we get more Peaure :(
Which scene from the PV are you most looking forward to next week?
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At 41%, the largest group is most anticipating getting a flash of Frieda in the mirror. It’s about time we get to see her in anime form after all these years, right? The remaining three scenes are at an even split. 
Since we’re getting Frieda in the mirror, do you think there will be a flashback to the conversation about Eren’s experiments?
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To build off of the previous question, over half of respondents are anticipating the potential for the bedside flashback to happen after all. 35% are optimistic that it will definitely happen, while 11% believe we’re getting Frieda flash in another way. 
I'm hoping the Frieda content doesn't come across as too rushed in the next few episodes. In the manga, almost a year passed between the first Frieda flashbacks and Rod's full story in the chapel underground, but it seems Frieda's anime debut will be only an episode or two before the story. Still looking forward to how it all plays out!
Where do you primarily discuss the series?
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Additional thoughts on the episode?
the changes are fine, doesn't stray too far from the manga. Maybe also makes the anime less of a drag.
Connie had goofy hat. All my stanards has been pleased.
Finally the pacing slowed down to a human level. I'm happy to see so much of Erwin, but it still pains me how he is characterized.
HITCH WITH THE STICK HOLY HELL. Honestly that whole fight scene between Hitch, Marlowe and Jean exceeded my expectations (hopefully not sounding too much like a worshiper). I just love it (probably too much).
Hanji can punch me and I’ll thank her
I can't believe Flegel sat on the dude's face lol.
Why did Not!-Marco not look like Marco at all?
I don't have a great memory of manga events but I'm feeling shocked - as though the anime is really rushing through events, so I feel worried now!
I love it. The animation when Hanji and Moblit attacked the MP was spectacular. The animators have continuously outdone themselves this season so far.
I'm not sure about my feelings and impressions about this season so far. I got disappointed before with other mangas adaptations, and now, I don't feel like trusting WIT for the moment, until I see some logical modifications.
When it was announced that there would be changes made I was skeptical and thought that the manga was perfect the way it was. Oh boy was I wrong. While I am still angry about some scenes, others just make more sense. I think wit is doing a great job.
Only thing that makes me sad is that Armin's glorious gesumin expressions weren't animated till now.
Honestly so excited to 24 episodes this time not 12. But still proper sick episode.
I've mentioned it on Tumblr before, but while I like how things have been centralized around Trost in this version of Uprising, it does cause an issue. How did Erwin, his captors, and Nile all get from Trost to Mitras in the space of a single morning? They military police either has teleporting tech or an underground bullet train. Or Isayama really wants to replicate S7 of Game of Thrones with characters teleporting all over.
No Kenny?! So what kind of episode was that?!
I enjoyed this chapter a lot. Can´t wait to see Eren again.
Well fuck. Manga readers, we know what happens at the reiss chapel
Thank you to everyone who participated! We’ll see you again on Monday! 
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Skam S3E04: Commentary
I don’t care who broke up with who, if I was Noora and I was sad, and someone (let alone two someones) wouldn’t stop playing with my hair while I was monologuing, I would be absolutely furious.  I’m glad she’s back, though.
There are so many things I cannot take seriously about all of this Halloween stuff.  First of all, why would you choose God and an angel as a couples’ costume?  That isn’t sexy.  That’s not even romantic.  It’s just...weird.  Secondly, I continue to not understand this two-people-riding-one-bike scenario, and the giant ridiculous wig flowing in the wind makes it no better.  One has to admit, though, the image of God the Father climbing in through a window is rather comical.
The non-swimmer in me will never find swimming pool kissing scenes acceptable.  How do you not drown?  I would drown.
Sweaty cheese boy continues to prove his unworthiness.  Breaking and entering (while dressed as God) in order to make out in a pool does not ingratiate you to me, sir.  This poor girl is probably scarred for life.
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bensbennies · 2 years
I know Jensen Ackles being naked overshadowed it but is no one going to talk about the hamster
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bensbennies · 2 years
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Kripke on Hughie’s powers
“Powers don’t make you bad, they just reveal the thing that’s already inside”’
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bensbennies · 2 years
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bensbennies · 2 years
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bensbennies · 2 years
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bensbennies · 2 years
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bensbennies · 2 years
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bensbennies · 2 years
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bensbennies · 2 years
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bensbennies · 2 years
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Hot men will just tap on/open random containers in a secret lab
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bensbennies · 2 years
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