#the brothers of destruction
sleepy-achilles · 2 years
OK so here's a normal HC for Undertaker and Kane.
So as we all know, Undertaker listens to metal and whatnot. Limp Bizkit, Kid Rock, Metallica, Megadeth, Killswitch Engage, Deftones, you name it. We know this. But whenever he's sad, like anytime he's extremely depressed (and horny) he'll play Mitski on the highest of volumes. This usually happens whenever his yearning for Shawn gets overwhelming, or whenever memories of his really get a rangle on him.
Like some days, he'll ask the other guys where Taker is bc he hadn't seen him in a while, and they'll say he's been in his room for hours. He'll automatically know.
Oh. It's one of those days.
Kane will then knock on and open the door to Taker's locker room like "Brother? You ok?" He would have to yell, but that being said, Taker wouldn't answer him anyway. He doesn't have enough energy to.
And there's just nothing but Mitski playing. Liquid Smooth, Nobody, I Bet On Losing Dogs, I Want You, etc. Are just BLASTING in his headphones on repeat. You can clearly hear the music, I kinda see him listening to this on headphones, he'll want to keep this to himself. Plus he wouldn't wanna bother anyone.
Undertaker's laying there, either spread out or in a fetal position. It depends on how sad, depressed (and horny) he is. If it's a little, he's spread out, his eyes are just the taddest bit watery, but if you see him in a fetal position, he is absolutely Miserable. With tears making a large puddle on the floor, sobs escaping the phenom every now and then.
Kane doesn't question it. If anything, he closes and locks the door for his brother's sake, and joins him. He's been here before. He understands. It's all Kane can really do. Just be there for him. It won't do much, but every little bit helps...
Wow, this was angsty, I am SORRY- 🥺
We love angst on this blog so it's all okay
The first thing that popped into my head when you mentioned the bands was the fact Shawn apparently listens to green day. I can't remember if Scott mentioned a different band aswell in a kliq documentary but I know for a fact he does listen to green day.
Also I just love kane and takers relationship, especially when it shows softer sides after everything they've been through
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Big Mama must have lost some serious standing in the yokai underworld because it’s gotten apparent that she keeps being beaten by a small group of teenagers and the occasional rat man, and when it’s not them then she’s taking L’s from her own schemes working against her.
And in the ensuing power vacuum, the Hamatos accidentally become the most feared crime family known to all the big bads of the Hidden City.
After all, they’ve publicly outplayed Big Mama multiple times, a couple of them have taken out the heads of two of the most well known criminal organizations, one took out Heinous Green, two are responsible for the destruction of Witch Town, they have ties to both the infamous Baron Draxum and Captain Piel, they won the Doom Dome death race, they’re Battle Nexus Champions, they’ve displayed insane feats of power and defeated impossibly strong enemies, most of them have been to jail, and they regularly mingle with humans.
You can just imagine the notoriety they’d accumulate from word of mouth alone.
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ego-meliorem-esse · 7 months
Omg pls give some soft na bros playing as kids or something and Arthur being a good dad for once
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The boys know each other for a full 72 hours and already they are inseparable.
Matt may be a constant reminder of François to Arthur but even he has to admit that having Matthew around is the best decision he's made in the past 130 years. Just having someone else be on the receiving end of Alfreds shenanigans is giving saving Arthur from endless migraines and worries. Alfred is a wonderful and exceptionally intelligent boy, but having to answer unending questions about anything and everything is a job he doesn't mind sharing with the lads northern brother.
So off they go to the garden to read/draw with the setting sun watching over them <3
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lewis-winters · 22 days
hmmm. george luz survivor's guilt like? not only did he see skip muck and alex penkala disappear off the face of bastogne in a blink of an eye, only to be hit seconds later by a complete dud of a bomb in the very same raid and survive--
but he, just days ago, had a conversation with skip where they were talking about how they both are lucky because they both have never gotten wounded or hit bad enough to be taken off the line.
like. yeah. that'd mess any man up psychologically.
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dilanmoodboards · 25 days
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I Need to share my agenda
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soaked-ghost · 16 days
ref sheets + info for the (genderneutral) boyos
with a repost of nightmare's ref cuz I posted it with the last nightmare batch like a dummy
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'being the multiverse's self proclaimed protector, ink gave himself the job of keeping the aus from harm. Not even he knows what such job entails as aus, by their very nature, are untouchable by characters and can only be truly affected by their creators.
Ink being also nihilist at heart, does not bother to stop characters from changing script either, as no matter what path they might diverge the story from, they will always get the same ending, which is all that matters to ink.'
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'a kindhearted monster with extreme tactics and black and white views, dream takes the job not of guardian but of judge. Dream completely misunderstood the purpose his mother gave him of 'creating a better world', so he took it upon himself to judge people and 'get rid of them' if he deems them a danger to others or getting in the way of his perfect utopia.
despite what might seem like cold-heartedness sometimes, dream truly has the best intentions in mind and is simply misguided.'
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'greedy, sneaky, untrustworthy and scummy. nightmare is the embodiment of a snake oil salesman. First getting into the marchant business to gain money to renovate his crumbling castle, nightmare found more fun in scamming people than terrorizing them, and he slowly strayed away from his objective of becoming king and started investing more time in his selling.
Despite calling himself hatred incarnate, nightmare's hatred slowly ran out over the years and now focuses on living his life however he pleases rather than taking revenge.'
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ennas-aesthetic · 2 years
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But I see things as they are, and as they were, and as they will be. And he was the lord of the things that are not, and were not, and never will be… He was my brother.
Or: Two times Dream acted like the big brother by reaching out to his younger siblings to comfort them (and allowing himself to be vulnerable in the process).
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0vergrowngraveyard · 1 month
Surprise villain au oneshot
It had only been about three months since he took the little fox kit he found on some rich folk’s porch under his wing and Sonic had already heard the little guy apologize to him more times than he could count.
Most of the time it was for no reason, like if the kit dropped something and Sonic looked back at him. Just little things that required no apology but he always got one anyway. The hedgehog always waved it off, telling him that there was nothing he needed to apologize for.
Sometimes, however, it was due to how Sonic himself responded to him.
Sonic tended to experience pretty extreme mood swings, going from practically bouncing off the walls to the bottom of the barrel to being ready to kill someone who looked at him wrong all before a moment's notice. It wasn’t uncommon for him to be pleasant to be around one second and then suddenly snapping at anyone who breathed too loudly the next.
He knew it happened, he just didn’t know what to do about it. It was like he was stuck and could only watch himself slowly fall apart.
And worst of all, he’d begun to snap at Tails.
He didn’t mean to — he didn’t want to scare the little guy away, not when this was the first friend he’d ever had and they’d just started getting closer — but he couldn’t stop himself.
Sometimes the kit’s crime was asking a question at the wrong time or simply talking to him. It’s not like he ever knew when Sonic would suddenly get mad at him, the little guy was just trying to communicate with his new friend and was being punished for it.
Everytime it happened, the fox would get quiet and walk a few steps behind him. He’d only speak when spoken to until something got him excited the next day.
But he never left, he always stayed somewhere behind him and was still there in the morning.
It was a cycle.
They were walking down the street during the later hours of the evening, trying to think of somewhere to settle that night. Today was slow, Sonic usually got their money by pickpocketing off random people and he hadn’t been able to find anyone with more than $5 on them. It’s like all the richer mobians stayed inside today or people were starting to realize that money was being stolen and got smart.
Don’t get him wrong, $5 was great and he’d take it but deep down, some part of him was still used to the lavishness of Eggman’s bases…
They’d made it near the outskirts of Station Square. There’d been nowhere in the city for them to sleep with all the anti-homeless shit they’d been putting up. Spikes on benches, blocking off alleyways, the works. Sometimes, he considered just getting the two of them arrested so they could sleep in the juvenile detention center for the night or two.
But then they’d be separated and Tails could be sent back to his so-called parents.
He didn’t understand why they even bothered to file a missing person report and hung up fliers, they obviously didn’t care about the kid like he did. If they had been good parents, then Sonic wouldn’t have found the kit sitting on a porch in the rain, saying that his parents had kicked him out of the house for the night.
If they didn’t want to take care of their own kid, fine. He’d do it for them.
As they made it to the train station, Sonic put his hands on his hips and hummed. He looked back, “Hey, kid. What do you say we camp out in the Mystic Ruins tonight? Y’know, sleep under the stars and all…that…” His words trailed off as he looked at the kit.
He was holding one of the missing person posters.
Now, you wouldn’t be able to tell he was the kid in the flier unless you squinted and maybe turned the paper on its side. It was a terrible picture and the description said nothing about his twin tails. As long as the kid kept his hood on, he was in the clear.
But that wasn’t the problem.
An indescribable fear gutted him, dread opening up a pit in his stomach as his breath hitched. It was irrational, he knew it was irrational, but that didn't change anything.
“Why do you have that?” He asked
Tails blinked at him and looked back down at the paper, “Oh, uh- I found it yesterday. I meant to throw it away earlier but I forgot-“ The kit tried to explain before Sonic cut him off.
His body moved on autopilot as he snatched the flier right out of the kid’s hand, completely missing the way the kid flinched. Sonic’s gaze narrowed, glaring down at the wide blue eyes now full of fear staring up at him. He looked down at the flier again and ripped it into four pieces with an annoyed tsk.
“Forgot to throw it out, huh? You sure you weren’t just planning on going back to your folks and leaving me in the dust?” He practically spat out.
Tails’ eyes got wider and his breath hitched before he frantically shook his head, tears building in his eyes as they squeezed shut. “No! No, I wasn’t!” He cried out, “Honest!”
Sonic stared at the kit as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his paws to stop any tears from falling in public. Self awareness suddenly barreled into him full force as he remembered that they were, in fact, surrounded by people. He could feel their eyes on him.
He anxiously clenched his fists and turned around, “Good...” he simply said, “Let’s get going.”
The kid nodded and scurried behind him, still willing to follow him.
The train ride was quiet. It was pretty late so that wasn’t too surprising. Sonic looked out the window behind him, watching as the city lights faded into deep greens as they approached their destination.
Instead of leaning against his shoulder as he usually did, Tails sat a little bit away from him, namesakes curled around his legs as he stared at the floor. His ears were down, resting against the back of his head. His eyes were covered by his hood, Sonic could only see the small frown on his muzzle.
He sighed. He could only imagine what his little outburst looked to random people walking by. A thirteen year old scolding a six year old for holding a piece of paper. What a great look.
It’s not like anyone did anything about it anyway. No one ever did anything about it.
“I’m sorry.” The kit mumbled.
“You’re good.” Is what Sonic should’ve said, because it was true. He was all good, he didn’t do anything wrong.
But instead Sonic just hummed, unable to bring himself to speak. He didn’t know if it was embarrassment or if part of him was still unreasonably mad at the kid. He felt his heart break all the same when he saw the kit make himself smaller.
The kid didn’t deserve this, he didn’t deserve any of this. If Sonic knew what was good for him, he would’ve dropped him off somewhere with nice people who didn’t randomly snap at him and push him away only to love bomb him a day later.
Tails didn’t deserve any of it and yet Sonic couldn’t let him go. He didn’t want to be alone, the thought terrified him.
Eventually, they made camp near a cliff overseeing the ocean in the Mystic Ruins. The stars were shining overhead and the waves crashed against the shore beneath them. The wind rustled the trees and danced with their little campfire that lit up their faces.
Neither had said a word to each other since the train station, but that was normal.
Sonic looked at Tails out of the corner of his eye. The little kid just sat there, his blue eyes were still downcast as the fire’s warm glow reflected off of them. While his ears weren’t pressed against the back of his head anymore, they were still wilted, not quite standing up to full height.
The hedgehog sighed before looking back at the campfire, “You…you weren’t lying back there, were you?” He asked, “About not leaving…you weren’t just saying what I wanted to hear, right?”
Tails shook his head, “I wasn’t lying”
Sonic stayed quiet for a moment and just watched the fire dance, listening to each crackle as his words from earlier echoed in his head.
“I’m sorry.” He said.
“It’s okay, Sonic.”
Soon they would go to sleep and wake up the next morning. Everything would go back to how it was. Sonic would spoil the kit as an attempt at an apology and they'd be fine until the next time he lost his temper. Maybe it would take a few days, maybe a few weeks, maybe even a whole month, but it would happen again and the cycle would repeat.
That was their normal.
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idol--hands · 11 months
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sincerely-sofie · 9 months
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There’s something unique about the pain of someone you love following in a trail you blazed through suffering, turning themself into a mirror of just how self-destructive you once were. There’s a wretched irony in how they teach you firsthand the pain your friends and family felt as you burned yourself up.
Now you know what it’s like to watch a lamb immolate itself. You can only watch as it dismisses your concerns with lies of how well it is— how completely, utterly, and perfectly fine everything is. You can only watch. You can only remember that you were a lamb just years before, and you taught this one exactly how to martyr itself by your example.
Anyhoo, hey elder siblings, how’s your day going?
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undertaker-gifs · 20 days
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BOD 💜❤️🔥
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tsururoach · 7 months
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Something something Charisma of Self Destruction
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Unironically think that each of the bros (+April) don’t actually get how impressive their feats really are so they just do what they do and on the off chance someone comments on those feats they all react like:
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#rottmnt#tmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#no but really#I love thinking that they’re actually way more prideful about the stuff that does not even hold a candle to their other feats#like yeah Mikey can open a hole in the space time continuum but that’s nothing have you TRIED his manicotti??#yeah Leo has outsmarted multiple incredibly intelligent and capable people AND knows how to rewire AI but eh did you hear his one liners?#donnie accidentally made regular animatronics sentient but that was an oopsie check out his super cool hammer instead#raph was able to fake his own death to save the entirety of New York and then be the one to bring about his brothers’ inner powers-#but forget about that did you know he can punch like a BOSS?#and April can survive and THRIVE against a demonic suit of armor alongside literal weapons of destruction as a regular human-#but her crane license is where it’s really at#(not to mention all the other secondary talents and skills these kids all just sorta have like - they are VERY CAPABLE)#honorable mentions in this regard go moments like#donnie ordering around an entire legion of woodland critters to create a woodsy tech paradise#or Leo being able to avoid an entire crowd’s blind spots in plain sight#and also being able to hold a pose without moving a millimeter while covered in paint and being transported no I’m NOT OVER THAT#Mikey casually being ridiculously strong and also knowledgeable enough about building to help Donnie make the puppy paradise for Todd#Raph literally led an entire group of hardened criminals like that entire episode was just#basically they’re all so capable????#and at the same time prone to wiping out at the most inopportune of moments#love them sm
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jammerlee · 3 months
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Warner Bros Discovery is going to be pulling games from its Adult Swim library on Steam and are already locking devs out of their own games. If there's anything on there that you want, act fast while you still can:
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vonxodd · 2 years
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EVAH DESTRUCTION // 'halloween house party in hell', dragula titans ep 1
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