#the closest thing it could say was cartoons in gen
Pinterest is wild it’ll find an extremely old pin I repinned (or w/e the term is) of a slightly not safe for woork joke on it and flag it but the amount of actually bad stuff that’ll pop up in unrelated suggestions is still a problem that never gets solved
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lovejustforaday · 3 years
Underrated Gems - Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Music by Helen Love
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Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Music - Helen Love
Main Genres: Bubblegum Dance, Twee Pop, Pop Punk
A decent sampling of: Happy Hardcore, Indietronica, Dance-Punk, Power Pop Have you ever wondered what it would sound like if ADHD was an album? Well, here's your answer.
Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Music is an odd concoction of hipster twee pop sensibilities, y2k internet culture, chintzy Euro-style bubblegum dance, Joey Ramone worship, and gamer weeb aesthetics. Trust me, it makes a lot more sense once you hear it.
But get this - Helen Love aren’t some gen Z post-100 Gecs bandcamp project obsessed with hyperpop and the y2k nostalgia from their childhood. No no no, this came out in the year 2000. These guys are proto-Gecs, proto-Bladee, proto-KKB, basically proto-everything that’s cool and hip right now.
Helen Love are an obscure twee-punk-electronic band fronted by a woman of the same name. These guys have been putting out EPs since the 90s, and to say they were ahead of their time is an understatement. When this dropped in 2000 most people weren’t ready for this kind of post-ironic, internet savvy music, and likewise Helen Love never really made it big, not even by indie music standards.
Even the band’s visual aesthetic feels way ahead of its time. The glitchy, sugary anime cartoon jumbles of their LP and EP covers would fit very nicely with your favourite HexD soundcloud rapper or whatever these days. Also, for the record, these guys still haven’t quit and even put out an album earlier this year which I plan on checking out soon.
But I digress. Sure, it’s ahead of its time, but Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Music is also just a really fun album, like a forty minute Sega Dreamcast fever dream that refuses to let up for even a second. I’m sure to some people this could be grating, but my ADHD ass would gladly inject this shit directly into my veins if it were at all physically possible.
“Shifty Disco Girl” doesn’t waste a second, immediately opening the LP with a buzzing punk guitar riff set to a 190 bpm drumkit with a tongue-in-cheek lyrical ode to some flavour of manic pixie dream girl who wants to live in Tokyo.
The biggest highlight for me is “Who Stole The Starz”, a warm and fuzzy piece of sentimental youth that sounds totally blasted with dizzy 16bit-like synths. It’s basically musical antidepressants and I could very easily get addicted.
“2000mph Girl” mostly switches out bubblegum dance sounds for jumpy hip hop beats, sounding kind of like a spiritual predecessor to the brilliant “Vroom Vroom” by Charli XCX and SOPHIE. I think it would make an excellent alternate theme song for My Life As A Teenage Robot or The Power Puff Girls.
The title track “Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Music” is the closest thing to an intermission the album has, taking the tempo down just a few small notches with a shamelessly giddy twee pop singalong tune. Still, you probably shouldn’t listen to this one before bed like I am currently doing as I type this out.
Admittedly, Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Music is pretty frontloaded, but there’s still two major standouts in the second half. Most notably, there’s “Bigbigkiss” which samples part of the lyrics to a pleasant little Shangri-La’s song into something positively manic, with a zippy drum machine beat and gorgeously clipped and compressed punk shouting that serves as backing vocals.
Also, when I mentioned ‘Joey Ramone worship’ earlier, what I really meant is that Helen Love are like, REALLY BIG fans of the Ramones, so it’s pretty cool that these little indie misfits were actually able to get Joey Ramone himself to do a duet on the track “Punk Boy” not long before he tragically died a year after the album’s release. The track itself is somewhat of a jab at the whole concept of ‘real punk’ vs. ‘fake punk’, which I find very fitting for a band that so uniquely transforms the idea of punk music.
So yeah, I’ll be the first to admit that this album isn’t for everyone, but I personally love it with all of its originality, unabashed hyperactivity, and minor imperfections. Regardless, it’s long overdue that Helen Love get the credit they rightfully deserve for the creative and prescient sounds of Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Music.
highlights: “Who Stole The Starz”, “Shifty Disco Girl”, “Love and Glitter, Hot Days and Music”, “Bigbigkiss”, "2000mph Girl”, “Atomic Beat Boy”, “Punk Boy”
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cartoonsliveon · 4 years
Big Hero 6: Pokemon AU
So I’ve been wanting to do this for like forever, but I’ve been having the hardest time also figuring out what Pokemon all of them would have and Pokemon that would match their personalities, their “special” abilities, and such.
Baymax is still a robot in this universe, and his design still stays the same. Originally, I thought about him being shaped or designed to look more like a Chansey or Blissey. Chansey and Blissey are characteristically known as being healing Pokemon, they’re always in the Pokemon Center with Nurse Joy tending to their Pokemon patients. But Baymax was inspired by Tadashi’s Chansey. 
Tadashi used to have a Chansey as a child, which he’s had ever since it was a Happiny. Chansey was always taking care of him and Hiro, and their parents. He knew that Chansey wanted to help people and Pokemon, it was in the Pokemon’s nature. Chansey died in the car accident that killed Tadashi and Hiro’s parents, protecting the two children. Tadashi built Baymax in Chansey’s memory, wanting to fulfill his Pokemon’s dream of helping other. Chansey was the only Pokemon Tadashi ever owned, he never took another partner after Chansey. 
When Tadashi dies, however, Hiro doesn’t have a Pokemon. He never took an interest to being a Pokemon trainer or even having a Pokemon. Hiro’s reasoning was that, because Aunt Cass had Mochi (who’s a Meowth by the way), it never felt like he needed his own Pokemon. He’s also never come across a Pokemon that he felt particularly fond of or wanted as a partner. Especially since he could just build his own, realistic robot versions of Pokemon. 
Instead of bot fighting, Hiro participates in underground, sketchy battle tournaments where trainers not only risked big bucks but also their Pokemon is their opponents liked what they were up against. Hiro has a tiny, robot replica of a Joltik that he uses in his battling. Everyone already underestimates the pokemon because they think its a bug type and it’s so tiny. When Joltik is “defeated” against Yama the first time, it was just Hiro hussling Yama. It isn’t until after Yama loses does everyone realize Hiro had a robot instead of an actual Joltik. Which is good, but not good enough to take on more than one or two Pokemon at a time. And he has a hell of a lot of Houndour and Mightyena chasing him and Tadashi.
It isn’t until after Hiro defeats Callaghan, does he actually get his first Pokemon. A Magnemite. The reasoning behind this is mainly connected to the cartoon more than the movie, as a major part of Hiro’s “abilities” other than his super genius is his use of magnetization to solve problems. And Magnemite are drawn to electric fields. Hiro still has the robot Joltik, but its mainly used as a toy or for recon that might be too worried for the others or any of their Pokemon. Baymax is very pleased that Hiro has found a Pokemon that he wants to raise and get stronger alongside. 
Although Hiro only has one Pokemon, his Magnemite, Gogo, Honey Lemon, Fred, and Wasabi have a small team of their own Pokemon.
Honey Lemon has a Buneary, a Wigglytuff, a Duosion, and Beautifly. She has a pretty diverse team consisting of a Normal Type, a Normal-Fairy Type, a Psychic Type, and a Bug-Flying Type. Buneary and Wigglytuff are really cute Pokemon, and match Honey Lemon’s adoration for all things super cute and adorable. Plus, Wigglytuff is bouncy and Honey Lemon uses her chem-balls to bounce or soften the landing of falling objects. Duosion also follows this logic of just how she uses her chem-balls. She makes herself that bunny, gelatinous armor to protect herself. Beautifly is mainly a reference to Honey Lemon’s “butterfly parties” but is also a very pretty and cute Pokemon.
Gogo has a Pachirisu, a Luxio, and Hitmonchan. Electric Types are the closest to Electromagnetic Suspension as you can get with Pokemon. Electric types are also the fastest of all the other Pokemon types. And considering Gogo loves going fast, it’s pretty obvious. That’s why she has Luxio and Pachirisu. Luxio is an intimidating looking Pokemon, who doesn’t look like the type of Pokemon to mess with (just like how Gogo doesn’t look like the type of person you want to mess with). Hitmonchan was decided upon because Gogo practices boxing as a form of work out (this is mainly revealed in the cartoon). Hitmonchan is designed as a boxer and all of its moves typically involve punching something. Why give someone who practices boxing, even if its just for exercise and not sport, a Fighting type that wasn’t designed around boxing when it exists?
Furthermore, anyone who has seen the Pokemon anime and watched the first episode Pachirisu was featured in knows how fast they can be. The only annoying thing is that Gogo’s Pachirisu is constantly being mistaken as Honey Lemon’s because of it’s adorable, cute appearance. Everyone assumes that only Honey Lemon would have the adorable Pokemon and all of Gogo’s pokemon would be scary or intimidating. Nope. Pachirisu hates this judgement way more than Gogo, and will go out of its way to ignore anyone who makes that mistake or glare daggers at them (especially if the person refuses to correct their mistake). Pachirisu will go so far as to refuse to listen to anyone who isn’t Gogo, just to drive the point home.
With the exception of his Slakoth, Fred’s Pokemon consists mainly of Dragon Types. Why wouldn’t it, considering how much the guy loves monsters and kaijus? Dragon types fit that aesthetic the most out of any other Pokemon type. Fred has a Zweilous, Fraxure, and Gible alongside his Slakoth. Slakoth is actually the first Pokemon Fred has ever had and the oldest companion he’s had. Although his Zweilous was technically suppose to be his starter (back when it was a Dino), 
Fred found Slakoth back when he was around Hiro’s age, abandoned by its trainer because it was so slow and difficult to train and injured from a previous battle it had lost. When Fred returned home, carrying Slakoth, neither of his parents made much of a fuss. Sure, Mrs. Frederickson was worried about what her rich, socialite friends would say about Fred having a Slakoth instead of a Dratini or Growlithe. But she didn’t dare make a scene or fight with Fred when she saw how much he cared over Slakoth and loved him. If anything, Mr. and Mrs. Frederickson saw it as an opportunity to see if Fred was truly ready for the responsibility to have a Pokemon. Fred doesn’t battle with Slakoth, because Slakoth doesn’t want to battle (and won’t unless Fred is in danger) and Fred respects that. Slakoth was mainly picked because I think many people who don’t know would assume that Fred was lazy or slow just based on his appearance. But in actuality, Fred is super hyper and energetic. Slakoth’s more relaxed and slower nature balances out Fred’s energy and often forces him to slow down and relax a bit. Mr. and Mrs. Frederickson were so impressed with how attentive Fred was to Slakoth’s feelings and needs, that they would later give him the Dino meant to be his starter originally.
Probably the hardest character to decide Pokemon for was Wasabi. Mainly because I wasn’t sure what type of Pokemon would best suit his character. There isn’t exactly any Pokemon (as far as I know) that specialize in lazers. And other than Minccino, there aren’t any Pokemon (to my knowledge or memory) that tend to clean. Now, sort of obviously now that I’ve pointed it out, Wasabi has a Minccino. How can he not have a Pokemon who enjoys cleaning and is as diligent as he is about it?
Wasabi’s Pokemon team also consists of a Medicham, an Umbreon, and a Bayleef. Medicham is due to Wasabi’s interest in meditation (a hobby expressed in Big Hero 6 the series and cartoon shorts). Medicham’s powers come from meditating and meditation is how Wasabi centers himself and relaxes. Bayleef is due to Wasabi’s interest in sustainable garden, being a grass type. And Umbreon is due to Wasabi’s dislike/fear of the dark. The rings on Umbreon’s fur light up and glow in the dark, so I imagine Wasabi would find a lot of comfort from this Pokemon. 
And, for those of you who also watch the cartoon and are curious, I’ve also got some thoughts on what kind of Pokemon Karmi and Megan would have.
Karmi, much to Hiro’s frustration and anger in the beginning, has a Happiny. Hiro’s anger towards Karmi having a Happiny has less to do with their rivalry and how she treated him in the beginning and more to do with comparing her to Tadashi. He can’t stand how such a mean, intolerable person could have such a sweet, caring Pokemon. Most of what he knows about the Happiny evolutionary line comes from Tadashi and story’s about Tadashi’s Chansey. And Hiro has always thought highly of Tadashi. 
But Karmi also has a Nidorina and a Roselia. Roselia because the Pokemon reminds me of that rose Karmi had, that was a blend of robotics and biology. I just remember how really cool the rose was, how important a moment it was connected to for her and I think just an incredible blend of both Karmi and Hiro’s specialties/passions. The main reason Karmi has Nidorina is because of the Poison Typing. Karmi specializes in pathology, and the closest to pathology with Pokemon is Poison Types in a way. However, most scientist type trainers in the Pokemon games only carry around Grimer/Muk and Koffing/Weezing. Neither of those Pokemon seemed like they suited a biologist, or a pathologist to be even more specific. 
Hiro and Karmi continue to compete academically, but Karmi will also claim that she’s a superior trainer to Hiro, because she has three amazing Pokemon, and Hiro is still learning how to train Magnemite.
Megan has a Whismur. Out of all of Hiro’s friends, she is the only other person who also only has one Pokemon. As an aspiring reporter/detective, Whismur felt like the logical choice because of how focused and centralized it is around sound. Whismur, and the Whismur evolution line, is also used by the reporter/interviewer in the Gen III Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald GBA Pokemon games. Despite Whismur’s size though, it shouldn’t be underestimate and has taken on many opponents much larger than it and won. 
Despite only having one Pokemon, Megan has had a lot of experience with taking care of them because her father is a police officer. Chief Cruz has an Arcanine himself, and Megan often helped take care of the station’s Growlithes and the young inexperienced Growlithe they were training. Originally, her father wanted to give her a Growlithe or Houndour as her first Pokemon, but she instead came home with her Whismur one day. She had convinced a classmate to lend her their Pokemon so that she could capture Whismur. And the rest was history. He still plans to one day get Megan a Growlithe or Houndour for her birthday or a special occassion, but is not sure when. Nor does he want Megan or Whismur to take it the wrong way and assume that he doesn’t think they can take care of themselves.
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iamjjmmma · 4 years
I didn't want to post this. But goodbye to Steven Universe.
Just this past night, I had a dream that we were going somewhere the next morning. Beach towels lay on the floor, folded ever so meticulosly across the floor. It was reminiscent of the time 3 years ago to where I stayed a week in Ocean City, Maryland, the real-life resort town that the vast majority of Steven Universe is set in.
"Where are we going?" I asked her.
She smiled only the way a mother could, and even then, there was a golden ring to it only she could put it. "We're going to Beach City. Soon as the sun rises."
I would say I've just joined the fandom in September. But this show...it's like no other. In a few months, it quickly became my favorite, but I knew the basic plot of the show. It then became apparent that I'd grown up with the show. The show began when I was 10, when my life was at its lowest. My parents were struggling with the results of an unplanned pregnancy, my father was diagnosed with cancer, my best friend died, and we were about to move because of the financial impact of all of this.
Seven years. Seven years, this show has, even subconsciously, stayed with me and I it. When I was eleven, one of my first memories with one of my closest friends is watching "Cookie Cat" shortly after it first aired. And after hours after hours on Cartoon Network of Teen Titans Go, my brother and I CRAVED Steven Universe. It was a breath of fresh air. I dare say it's a masterpiece in terms of kids' tv shows, and I...I'm just in shock that 24 hours later, for the first time in 7 years, there will be no more "NEW STEVEN UNIVERSE EPISODE" on Cartoon Network. There will be no more plot to the show. And slowly...the fandom will die. Something that has gained momentum for SEVEN YEARS and impacted so much of millenials' and Gen Z's culture will just...die.
Years and years from now, when we have children, what will be the extent of Rebecca Sugar's impact and the impact of everyone who ever worked on Steven Universe? If you're the average person, it'll probably be nothing more than a laugh and, "Oh, I loved that show." That's it. After tomorrow, we will be slowly approaching this threshold.
I don't know how I'm going to say goodbye.
And I never will, I guess. Even though I've only been "into" the show for a few months, one of the things I'm mainly doing with my life at the moment is writing a 300,000 word work detailing my personal vision for the end of Steven Universe, with plot extending fifteen years after the events of the movie and featuring a whole new war. And after this show ends...I'll still be working on it. My heart will still be set on this show. And even then, the fic will end. Even then, it has danger of no longer being relevant. A few years from now, I fear that Steven Universe will dwindle into nothing but an "old show". A "good show" for those who remember it, but nevertheless an "old show".
Yes, this show had its flaws. Yes, this show had a lot of potential that ending it erases. But nevertheless, even without the social forwardness of the entire show, its attention to detail in character development, its layered plot, its overall storytelling style not overlooking commonly overlooked trope...added a new layer of sophistication to the entire medium of cartoon-making, and possibly to TV as a whole.
I am terrified. But what is my dear?
After this show, I want to ask, what will we learn? Seeing what we've been seeing in cinemas already in the past 6 years, my fear is that we will learn nothing. That we will continue to, for the sake of the selfishness inherent monetary gain, only put a half-hearted effort into the media we create. That the young will not be exposed to character development and proper plot, that media industries of all types will forget these seven years, that they will know longer put passion into what is, fundamentally, an art. And lastly, for the first time, homosexual acceptance in the youngest generation is going down. My fear is that this show will cause us to pursue nothing even in that. I hope with the deepest of hopes that all these fears are only the result of this middle-of-the-night tsunami of emotion. That, unlike Jasper, the wave will not keep us restrained. Drowned. Dead.
Who wants to join me, damn it, in not knowing how to say goodbye?
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closetspngirl · 5 years
The More The Merrier
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Pairing: Jensen/Danneel x Reader x Jared/Genevieve Warning: Poly relationship, mild swearing, implied smut, mentions of drinking, pregnancy WC: 4096 A/N: So this was brought on by a really good dream that I had the other night, which I decided to elaborate on and finish. I’ve never done a pairing like this, so be gentle with me. That being said, this is under the pretense of being an established relationship, past all of the drama and press of them coming out with it. That being said, which I wish it didn’t have to be, it’s a work of fiction. I love and admire both families. With it being fiction, the youngest three kids are not here. Thank you SO much to @coffee-obsessed-writer for getting me to finish this and betaing it for me. I’m also sorry in advance if the formatting gets screwed up on mobile.
- - -
Thursday morning found you curled up next to Gen in your oversized California King bed. Well, it wasn’t so oversized when Jared was in it with the two of you. It was barely the start of summer but it was already 65 degrees at the crack of dawn and despite that, the two of you were tangled naked together under the top sheet, your face nuzzled into her neck.
It was no surprise that you were in her bed. You and Gen had been friends since college, after meeting in one of your English Lit classes and becoming fast friends. Eventually, you became roommates, with some added benefits when things in the boy department got messy. It started with platonic cuddling on the couch while watching reruns of Friends. A few weeks later, the two of you came home quite drunk from a frat party, one thing led to another, fewer clothes and more skin and before you knew it you were waking up in her bed the next morning. You would be the first to admit that it had been one of the best nights you had had since your asshole of an ex-boyfriend dumped you the previous semester.
After Gen landed the role on Supernatural, she started dating Jared. The two of you gave him some time to adjust to his girlfriend and her best friend before telling him about your…arrangement. Well, needless to say, he wasn't entirely upset when he was told his girlfriend and her best friend slept together on occasion. Which is how your relationship with the two of them started. You were never the marrying type, so you were quite happy with what you had, letting Jared know that he needed to get on it and ask Gen.
Jensen and Danneel had already been dating by the time Jared and Gen (and you) became involved, so naturally, Danneel became one of your friends as well. During the season four wrap party you all ended up slightly intoxicated and back at Jensen and Jared’s house that they shared. It was another case of ‘one thing led to another’ and well, that’s how your relationship with Jensen and Dani started. That also wasn’t the last time that the five of you were together.
So here you were, in one of your favorite places. Lying with Gen, breathing in the scent that was so appropriately her; rose, orange and coconut all mixed together in a light and airy fragrance. You never could figure out if it was her shampoo or perfume or a combination of those or lotions, but it was Gen and you loved it. You also loved waking up before her so that you could enjoy being wrapped up in her arms, giving her slow and lazy kisses along her neck and jaw, eventually finding your way to her lips. It was never a bad way to wake up in the morning.
Starting your kisses at her pulse point where your lips were the closest, you managed to place a couple on her neck before you felt your stomach turn over. Pushing the feeling aside and relishing in your morning routine you kept on your path up towards her lips.
Until your stomach turned again.
You were able to untangle yourself from Gen’s grasp without waking her and make it to the bathroom before you got sick. It was odd for you to be throwing up; since you could count on one hand all of the times that you had ever been sick like this. When you were done, you brushed your teeth and splashed some cool water on your face before walking back into the bedroom and putting on the tank and shorts from last night.
“Baby, you ok?” Gen asked you sleepily. “Come back to bed for a bit.”
“I’m fine, upset stomach. It’s ok, I’m going to go do a few things downstairs, and the boys will be up soon anyway. You get some more sleep,” you offered her, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead.
“I wouldn’t need the extra sleep if you hadn’t worn me out so much,” her lips curling up into a lazy smirk as she turned over to lie on her stomach, arms under her head.
“Yeah? Well, you certainly weren’t complaining about that last night,” giving her sheet covered ass a slap before walking out.
You busied yourself downstairs, tidying up and getting breakfast started. The boys were sure to be up soon, especially since they knew Jared and Jensen were coming home for the week. It had been almost two months since they had been home, between a busy shooting schedule and conventions. All of you, Danneel and JJ included, were excited to have the guys home, even if it was just for 5 or six days.
Sure enough, thirty minutes later you heard the patter of little feet coming down the stairs and running into the kitchen.
“Mornin’ Dolly!” the two of them said almost in unison. You chuckled at the name, remembering why they gave you the nickname in the first place. It was a character from one of their cartoons that they liked watching, one that they swore looked like you. JJ had even caught onto it and called you Dolly as well. You never minded though, it was rather endearing, and probably easier for them to say that your actual name.
“Good morning boys. Did you two sleep well?” you asked them, giving them each a hug and a kiss on top of their bedhead.
“Mm-hmm. Did you made mazing pankicks Dolly?” Shep asked you.
“I sure did. Super special pancakes for a super special day! Go over to the table and I’ll bring your plates over.”
Setting a plate down in front of each child, you had to quiet them when they got excited over the pancakes, seeing that they were chocolate chip with strawberries and whipped cream.
“Let’s settle down so that we can let momma stay in bed a little bit longer, ok?” Just as you said that you felt arms wrapping around your waist and a kiss to your shoulder. “Or not.”
“Mm. Pancakes?”
“Your favorite. Made you a few blueberry ones.”
“Whipped cream?”
“On blueberry pancakes? Weird, but ok. It’s in the fridge.”
“No, but we should save it for later,” she said with a wink as she made herself a plate.
“Genevieve Padalecki, what would your husband think about that?” you feigned a scolding, hand on your hip.
“Uhh, he would agree with me and then proceed to hold you down while I-“
You quickly cut her off with a kiss to shut her up, not knowing how far she’d take the conversation. Pulling back and looking into her chocolate brown eyes. “We’ll continue that later, hm?”
When breakfast was over, the two of you managed to get the boys ready for the day and out the door in record time, with the promise of meeting Danneel and JJ at the park before heading to the airport. When you got there, the boys all but leapt out of the car to run to the playground to see JJ. Once the boys were safely out, you and Gen walked arm in arm over to where Danneel was sitting, sliding your arms around her shoulders from behind and each giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Mm. Morning baby,” she said with a smile as you walked around the bench to sit next to her.
“Morning. How are you doing today?”
"Ugh. Exhausted. Little miss took forever to go to bed last night and then decided that 5am was an appropriate time to wake up, and of course, never went back to bed."
You couldn’t help but chuckle. You knew how excited JJ got when she knew her daddy was coming home. “Well with the guys coming home, I think it’s safe to say we all can have a little R&R time this week, yeah? Manicures, go out to dinner or maybe go see a movie?”
“So a date night, without the guys?” Gen asked, you shrugging a shoulder in return.
“Sure, a date night. Then maybe you can live out that fantasy with the whipped cream you were going on about this morning,” you said, winking at Gen.
“Hold on. Whipped cream? What did I miss this morning?”
Laughing, you leaned over and gave her another kiss on the cheek. “Nothing she wouldn’t be able to show you.”
“Huh. So, date night…tomorrow? Perfect,” Danneel stated matter-of-factly, a mischievous look in her eyes.
You and Gen couldn’t help but laugh at Dani’s enthusiasm at the new plans for the weekend. The three of you spent the next hour talking about everything while watching the kids run around the playground. You always loved that the kids got to grow up with each other, something you had missed out with your own cousins since you never lived near any of them. When it was time to go there were no issues rounding up the kids since they knew exactly what the next stop for the day was.
Seeing their dads.
You rode with Gen to the airport, intending on riding with Jay and Danneel on the way to lunch. Today the three of you decided to park and go inside and wait for the guys, which you didn’t always do. The kids were getting antsy when the crowd started coming through, meaning Jensen and Jared were close behind, taking up the usual end of the line. The boys were the first to spot them, calling out for Jared, only able to run freely over to him when he was closer. Jared knelt down and scooped both boys up in his arms, a huge smile across his face. “Hey guys! How are you? I hope you’ve been little princes for momma.”
Not a second later JJ was in Jay's arms, a matching smile on his face. "And how are you, princess? Have you been helping keep the boys in line?" he asked her with a chuckle. "Yep!" she gave back with a toothy grin. "That's my girl. And here are my other girls,” he said as he stood in front of Danneel, giving her a kiss before coming over to you and giving you one as well. Jared had already said his hello with Gen and let the boys down and was now wrapping an arm around your shoulders pulling you into a hug and giving you a kiss on the top of your head. “Hey beautiful. How are you?” He said into your hair.
You didn’t answer for a beat, keeping your face buried in his chest and just smelling him. You could never get enough of the smell; it was soft but woodsy at the same time and all Jared. It was also something that was normally quite comforting to you, but today it seemed…off. Finally, you looked up at him and smiled, "I'm good."
“You sure?” He asked you quietly, brushing a thumb over your cheek. Jared always could sense when something was off with you.
“Mm-hmm. Better now,” you said before reaching up and kissing him softly on the lips.
The guys never brought much home, making airports a lot easier to deal with since they didn’t check bags. Which just meant that today you could get back to the cars and to the restaurant sooner, seeing as there were now three very hungry children.
During lunch, you sat between Danneel and Shep with Gen and Jared on the other side of the table. Shep was going on about something that you weren’t entirely paying attention to as you picked at your salad. You didn’t notice when Jared leaned over to Gen and started talking to her.
“Baby, is Y/N ok? She seems…not herself.” The concern in his voice wasn’t lost on Gen.
Gen looked over to her noticing that she was quiet and keeping to herself despite Shep’s best efforts to talk to her. “Yeah, I think so. I know she wasn’t feeling great this morning. She might just be coming down with something. We’ll talk to her later about it; make sure she’s ok. She said something yesterday about staying with De and Jay tonight. And we also talked about you and Jay entertaining the kids while we have a girls’ night, probably tomorrow night.”
Jensen perked up at the sound of his name. “Oh? Girls’ night? Is that code for date night?” He looked between you and De, the two of you not able to hide your smiles from the conversation the three of you had that morning.
“Maybe. You jealous Ackles?” You joked with him.
“I won’t be, as long as you ladies tell us all about it,” he responded with a wink.
“Sure, we’ll tell you all about the hair braiding, Disney movies and pillow fights.”
That comment warranted Jensen’s, or was it Dean’s, classic bitch face, making the rest of you laugh. At the mention of Disney movies, JJ proceeded to direct the conversation onto exactly that, which ended in letting her watch one when you got home.
As you walked to the car after lunch, Gen pulled you aside before you got in with Jay and Dani. “Hey, you ok?” She asked you, brushing your hair out of your face while doing the quick stealthy temperature check on your forehead that she did with the boys. Pulling away you laughed, “I’m fine Gen. You don’t need to go into mom mode on me. I’m just a little tired. I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” you said, giving her a quick kiss and saying bye to the car now full of boys.
That night found the four of you sprawled on the oversized couch watching Frozen for the umpteenth time, per JJ’s request. The best part of the movie was watching her and Jay singing along together to all of the songs. When the movie was over, Jay looked down to see a sleeping child curled in his lap. Whispering to the two of you that he was going to take her to bed, he picked her up and started to head to her room. Grabbing the remote and throwing your legs over Danneel’s lap you started flipping through Netflix to pick something a little older the three of you could watch when you felt her eyes on you.
“Don’t worry De. I won’t start The Vampire Diaries over…again,” you told her while you kept scrolling.
“Good, I’m over vampires; sparkly or otherwise,” Jensen grumbled from where he was standing by the couch making you and Danneel laugh.
“Excuse you sir, I believe I was addressing Dani, not Dean…”
“Stefan and Damon are hot though, babe! I could totally watch them again!” Danneel told him, eliciting an eye roll as he walked away. Turning back to you she continued, “It’s so easy to mess with him sometimes, I love it.”
“It really is,” agreeing as you went back to scrolling.
You felt her eyes back on you making you turn and look at her, “Something you want to watch?”
“It’s not that. I mean no, well I’m not sure, maybe. I mean-“ she rambled as she started rubbing your leg almost nervously.
“De. Stop and breathe.”
Inhaling and releasing, she started over, “Are you ok?”
Your eyes widened as soon as the words left her mouth. “Not to sound rude, but you’re the third one to ask me that today. Do I not look ok?”
“Um, make that four. Jay asked me as we walked out of the restaurant.”
You thought about that for a second. It wasn’t weird for all of you to be so in tune with knowing how each other felt, that happened in relationships, no matter if it was two people or five. "Yeah, I'm fine. Wasn't feeling so great this morning, and I've been a little more tired than normal, but all in all, I'm ok."
She hadn’t been rubbing your leg very long, but you were quick to notice when she stopped, looking back to her. “What?”
“Sweetie, is there any chance you’re maybe…pregnant?” You could see a smile starting to form, your brain suddenly going a mile a minute.
“I…uh…what? That can’t be. I just had my period-“
“At least a month and a half ago, almost two.” Sometimes it was nice that the two of you were on the same schedule. But just to be sure, you sat up and opened the calendar on your phone and started counting the weeks.
"Holy shit…am I pregnant?" you were now looking at Danneel wide-eyed, forgetting all about trying to pick a movie.
"Do you want to run to the store quickly and get a test? Then I can text Patty and see about getting you in tomorrow."
“Yeah…yeah, let’s do that. I want to tell the guys while they’re here this trip, if I really am.” Your mind was still racing at the fact that this was even a possibility. With that, Danneel went upstairs to grab the two of you sweatshirts and tell Jensen that you were going out to get a pint of ice cream and chocolate for the movie. It wasn’t a total lie, De knew you’d want one or both of those with your now slightly stressed state. After promising to get him a pint of rocky road, the two of you went to the store.
An hour later you were sitting on the edge of the tub holding Danneel’s hand. “This has got to be the longest three minutes of my life,” you grumbled as your leg bounced from the nervous energy coursing through you. What felt like another hour passed and the chime on Danneel’s phone started playing. “Ready?”
“I guess I have to be, huh?” You got up and picked up the stick off of the counter and stood stock-still. When you didn’t move, De started to get nervous.
“Babe? You ok? What’s wrong? You know it’s fine either way, we-“
“De,” you started, turning around to face her. “Is it too late to call Patty?”
“Really?!” Danneel was now up and hugging you, looking at the test in your hand.
The next day Danneel, you and Gen went to the doctor's office while the guys took the kids to the zoo. Thankfully they didn't bat an eyelash at the fact that you were going to start your girls night at 9:30 in the morning, loving the fact that they got some much-needed kid time in. You were also thankful that Patty was able to get you in so quick, understanding of the fact that the guys were in town for a short amount of time. She was both De and Gen’s doctor, so she was quite excited when she found out you were coming in.
She had the blood work rushed so that it would be done before you even left the office, instead of waiting over the weekend. The time was mostly spent with Gen and De talking about all things baby while you sat on the table with a hand over your stomach. You weren't entirely sure what you should be feeling right then. It's not that you weren't ready to have a child, or that you didn't want one. The five of you had had this conversation already, each couple had their plans, and with where you were at in life, you were fine if it happened and fine if it didn’t. You weren’t on birth control currently because of how it had previously affected your body, but the guys didn’t always wear condoms and well, things happen. Obviously. Patty knocking on the door brought you out of your thoughts.
"Well Y/N, congratulations! You're going to be a mom! You're 9 weeks with a due date around mid-October. "
Everything after that was a blur. You felt Gen and Danneel wrapping you up in hugs and kisses and wiping the tears that you apparently started crying. After making your next few appointments with Patty, you headed back home, adjusting your plans for your girls day.
On the way home, De turned to you from the front seat, “So, how are you going to tell the guys?” It was something that you had been trying to figure out since the night before. You wanted something cute and simple, but also something that took them by surprise. A smile settled on your lips after a few moments, before you turned to De, “I think I might have something.”
A few nights later you had a family dinner planned, just the eight of you. Gen did most of the cooking, save for the steaks, which was a job for the guys. You handled dessert and tucked it away so they wouldn't see it until you wanted them to. Dinner was amazingly perfect, with all of the food and laughs and stories. You loved nights like this, where you could all sit out on the patio enjoying each other and not having to worry about rushing off somewhere or sending the guys back to Vancouver. These were the moments you cherished.
Jared started to get up to clean plates when Danneel took over for him. “Don’t worry about that Jare, we got it.”
“De, you three are always taking care of us and the kids, let us help.”
“Maybe tomorrow,” she said, a coy little smile showing up. Jared looked at Jensen but was met with a shrug of his shoulders.
Once everything was cleared off, you started bringing out the plate of cookies that you had made earlier in the day. “Who wants a cookie?” you asked in a singsong voice as you made your way outside, being met with the kids.
“Oh! Yes please!! Sugar or chocolate chip?” Jensen asked, rubbing his hands together excitedly.
“Sugar, with the pink frosting,” you told him before getting down on the kids level and speaking softly.
“These are special cookies, okay? Each one has a word on it. Ask your dads to read the cookies before you eat them, okay?” After you got three nods in agreement, you handed them each a cookie, watching them try to sound out the words. Only giving them a brief moment to try, you sent them over to the guys while you went to stand next to Gen and Danneel, too nervous to sit down.
“Daddy! Can you read this for me?” JJ asked Jensen. “Sure Birdy, it says…having…”
Looking confused, Jared turned to the boys when he heard the same question coming from them. "Daddy read dis pease,” Shep asked him.
“Sure buddy. Let’s see…a baby...” he read first, before looking at Tom’s cookie, “…we’re…”
Jared looked at Jensen with cookies in hand while Jensen mirrored the look on his face. As if on cue, they both placed the cookies on the table and rearranged them, looking back to each other, and then up to the three of you. Neither of them asked; their eyes just trailed over De and Gen, landing on you with the plate of cookies in your hand.
“Surprise!” you said with a nervous shrug and a small smile, almost sounding unsure of yourself. “I’m pregnant.”
The three of you started giggling after a moment when the guys didn’t move, only being brought back when Shep tugged on Jared’s arm. “Daddy! Can I has my cookie now pease?”
“God you two have played brothers for too long,” Danneel said, laughing. “Get up and go hug her you fools!”
You barely had time to set the plate on the table before you were wrapped up in the strong arms of Jared and then Jensen. The tears started coming back, only for the third time that day. “Ah! Stupid hormones.”
They pulled back and looked at you, Jared wiping away the tears on your cheeks as he smiled at you and peppering your face with kisses while Jensen slid down to his knees. He wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your still flat stomach making you laugh. “Jay, sweetie, it’s the size of a cherry, there’s no baby bump yet,” you told him, running your fingers through his hair. “I don’t care.”
At that moment, your heart was bursting with so much love that you didn't know it was capable of. The look on the guys' faces and seeing the kids as they started to understand what was happening, it was all so surreal. But it was your life, and you knew that there was nothing else that you ever wanted.
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aromoji · 5 years
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I didn’t have the energy to make images for all of them, but here’s a very long summary of the background.
It all started when the twins were 10 years old. The year is 2398, and the Earth has managed to capitalize on space exploration. Now, people live all over the galaxy. Then the first people landing on different planets and moons (as the countries made it possible to live there, yes even the gas giants) started having their families there, and created new species different than the ones on earth. However, it was only the really rich and powerful that had the resources to travel the galaxy and settle elsewhere, so the galaxy is pretty much run by the same people who ran Earth. :/ Technology has improved so much that what would take 8 months to get a planet like Mars takes 8 weeks with good conditions. People got bored of the old names people gave to planets and decided to rename them.
Mercury becomes Koccore, Venus (where Abby and Cody live)is still Venus because people loved the name as is , Earth is still Earth (where Trent and Theo were born) because people are still debating on what to rename it, Mars becomes Lebos (Which is where Kamala lives), Jupiter is now Atharth, Saturn is Zonnioria, Uranus is now Ponus, and Neptune (where Melody is from) is now Sodoria. After regaining its status as a planet Pluto was later used as a prison planet to keep the galaxy’s degenerates and criminals away from everyone else. People have spent the least time working on making Pluto habitable so if one is sent there they are likely to suffer a long and painful death.
United under the Scott Empire, the Venusians live on a planet that is always preparing for war. However, unlike things on Earth, young men are not enlisted in the army to fight unless they choose to do so, and they are highly compensated for their time on duty. The Venusian military is highly respected because they do not take kindly to taking innocent lives in the name of war. People who commit war crimes are stripped of their honor and sent to Pluto for a life sentence (or straight up hurled into the sun if their crimes warrant the death penalty immediately), Additionaly, due to having spent generations in the proximity of the sun, not only are majority of Venusians darkskinned, scientists have found a way to use the energy absorbed from the sun to give Venusians powers (hence why Abby was able to temporarily blind Theo to throw off his attack). Some Venusians, such as Cody are able to emit this energy from their skin, others choose to harness their energy in wands and potions of some sort. Abby, with her scepter, alternates between the two at times. Abby and Cody, despite being cousins, grew up as brother and sister in the kingdom. Being that Abby is the only heir to the throne (Parents are out fighting war), the council that her parents have left in charge until she turns 18 has ordered that Abby be kept out of harm's way at all times. Cody took this message to heart, and relentlessly prevented anyone from laying a finger on her. (he once even dove in the way of an incoming paintball so that it wouldn’t get in her hair.) Although Abby loves her cousin to death she could do without him hovering over her at every given moment and wishes to set out on her own one day. That is, if Cody ever let her out of his sight. As for Cody, he’s one of the young men who dedicated his childhood to training for the army. As a result of his commitment, he was appointed as the captain of the royal guard when he turned 18. Not everyone was happy with the new position, and some of Cody’s closest friends soon deserted him out of jealousy. Cody pretends the fallout did not affect him as much as people believe, but Abby knows he’s still a little hurt at the lack of loyalty from his crew.
Trent and Cody were born on Earth to a single mother named Haruka. Haruka was a recently “widowed” woman shunned from Japan by the rest of her family because she got married to the man who made her pregnant with twins, only for her new husband to leave and never return to her before she gave birth. Haruka did everything she could for the boys working as a waitress, then as the manager of a local restaurant. The boys managed to live somewhat comfortably because of Haruka. However, now that the Earth’s population has spread out over the galaxy and people are making their own territories and governments, the countries on Earth are trying to cash in on intergalactic trade routes and colonies. Unlike on Venus, people were inspired by the Gen Z Revolution of 2070 and outright abolished the drafts that forced men to enlist. You couldn’t pay the disillusioned young adults of the 2390s to fight wars for other men. So the countries started targeting younger kids. They published cartoons and TV shows laced with propaganda encouraging children to enlist in a “space camp” that would train children until they turned 17 to be pilots, soldiers, diplomats, etc for the Space Armada (the global space program for dealing with intergalactic issues). One such commercial advertised that one of the programs mascots would arrive at an elementary school that Trent and Theo attended to have students sign up. The alarming part was that the representatives knew that parents would not be willing to let their children enlist in the “space camp” so they made a law that made it possible for children to enlist without their parents permission. Which was exactly what Theo and Trent did. They begged their mother to let them join because they thought it was some cool club that they would get to go on adventures and be famous and whatnot, and their mother outright screamed at them to never bring it up again. Later that evening Theo comes across an old scrapbook, and in it is what he believes to be his missing father, in space. Mind you, he found it in his mother’s closet. Angered by the thought of his mother potentially hiding something very important, he decides to go against his mother’s wishes and enlist. He starts packing his things when Trent confronts him. After Theo explains his reasons for enlisting, Trent tearfully agrees  not to tell their mother until after Theo had left. Or so he thought. Once he had signed up and packed his bags, he headed out of the door to catch the train that would take him to “space camp” his mother stops him and demands to know where he thinks he’s going. Theo sheepishly admits that he went behind her back to enlist and now she is furious. It gets worse when to Theo’s horror, Trent had enlisted too! Haruka attempts to get the boys to go back in the house, but Theo refuses, nothing that the train was on its way to the house. Haruka pulls Trent away, only for him to wrench his arm free and join his brother, stating that he couldn’t stand being apart from him for so long. After a few minutes of struggling, the train arrives to pick the boys up. Haruka makes one last attempt to keep them from boarding, but the two are persistent. Haruka scowls, blaming Theo for getting them both hooked into this nonsense, and tells him not to bother returning if something happens to Trent (he’s Haruka’s favorite) or that Theo fails to find whatever he hopes to look for “wasting time for people who don’t care for” him. With one last glance, they board the train and travel to the “space camp”
At first glance, the space camp is everything the boys expected and more. Pristine facilities, expert staff, the finest technology. It seemed perfect. That is, until the boys ran into the upperclassmen who pretty much ran the program when the instructors weren’t around. One such upperclassman was Tanner (yes, this creep). After Theo stands up to Tanner because he and his gang were picking on Trent (he had come out recently), Tanner spends the time spent at the camp torturing Theo specifically. Trent has suspected that Tanner has gotten physical with Theo at some point or worse, but Theo became so withdrawn as a result of the torment that he refused to say anything to Trent, lest he be targeted too. Nevertheless, Theo strove to be the top of his class in all aspects. By the time they turned 17, the two of them passed their final test and became pilots for one of the Brigade’s space ships. At first, Theo thought this meant they would be leading their own crew and go on missions for the government. In reality, they could be escorting the fancy folk from the galaxy around while staying out of the warzone. Theo feels disillusioned by the disappointment, and wants to quit, but he remembers his mother’s warning to never return if he didn’t make something for himself out here in space. And that’s what he plans to do.
Lebos is like the Capital in the Hunger Games. People have a bunch of money and waste it on things they don’t need. Unlike the Capitol, people don’t do plastic surgeries, God. They have big feasts virtually everyday and parties on the weekends.  And in the middle of all that luxury is Princess Kamala, the only daughter of the dying king. Kamala’s father was the victim of an assasination attempt recently, and the doctors fear that he is beyond saving. Kamala’s brothers were all killed in the assassination attempt (some people think  the kind should be doing more to help pther planets instead of being a financial glutton), so she is the last heir to succeed the throne. As a result, the king appointed Melody of Sodoria as her guardian. The two fell in love with each other, and when they were caught, Melody for some reason panicked and fled the planet. Little does Kamala know, Melody is a sorcerer, and can see things in the past, present and future that no one else can, and that even though the  memories of the past may be wiped from the collective minds of Lebonians, Melody never forgot what they did to her planet, and what they are planning to do to Kamala.
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marisoupial · 7 years
Growing up Salvadoreña
I feel like I've spent most of my life on a threshold: never quite here nor there. I was born in and spent my childhood ‘en la capital’ of El Salvador harbouring what I can solely describe as internalized racism, though it's only in hindsight that I came to recognize it.
I resented it when my family would endearingly call me 'negrita,' and can still recall an 8-year-old me saying that I preferred it whenever my hair was wet because it would restrain my natural curls. I was otherwise a generally carefree child; I was crafty, ingenious, sharp-witted, self-aware, and observant, though introverted, soft-spoken, painfully shy, and highly anxious—qualities that I've learned to expertly navigate in order to adapt to my abruptly evolving environment. I sometimes blame that adaptability for suppressing my perceived struggle.
My young parents recognized early on that the closest guarantee of a fruitful future for me was not in the violence-riddled El Salvador we had experienced, and they naively set out to establish new roots in Australia, where my civil-war-refugee aunt and her nuclear family were the only people we knew. But before heading over, my parents and I went to live with a different maternal aunt who graciously hosted us in California. We journeyed out there for the first time as tourists in the year 2000. None of us knew English. We slept in the living room of my aunt's one-bedroom apartment while my parents worked with her as housekeepers. To this day, that's still their primary source of income. I was enrolled in a regular English-speaking 4th grade class after spending some two odd weeks teaching myself the language by leisurely watching Nickelodeon cartoons whose scripts I had already memorized in Spanish long before. My only struggle was concerning social acclimation. I was completely unfazed by our living situation, I didn't have a hard time learning the language, and my main focus remained in academics. Our little family couldn't handle the pressure of adjusting, however, and before we set out to Australia, my dad went back to El Salvador alone.
My mami and I moved forward with the original plan and made it to Australia, where we lived in a suburb outside of Sydney. I was skipped ahead a grade for the second time since moving around, and perfected my English in a newly adopted Australian accent. When I started class, I introduced myself to my new teacher by my middle name, Beatriz, in a continued attempt to assimilate, but thankfully she made the effort to introduce me to the class by my first name, Marisela, even if at the time I repeatedly apologized for its verbosity and made excuses for anyone who butchered it. I was an anomaly for knowing Spanish and tried hard to suppress it. I was ashamed of my heritage for its perceived insignificance. But I adjusted, and continued to lead a relatively normal, sedentary childhood.
In 2001, there was an earthquake in El Salvador, which caused my parents to reconnect again. My dad was set out to rejoin us in Australia on 9/11, but given the events that took place on that infamous day, his journey was delayed by a week. But we finally became a unit again, coexisting with my aunt's family under their roof. It was tough, but they helped us get back on our feet before we found a new home of our own. My parents held down the fort with odd jobs until my dad was able to find a position in his field of clinical pathology at a local hospital. It seemed like we were headed in a prosperous direction, just as we had planned, but when my aunt lost her battle to cancer a few years down the line, we found ourselves virtually alone in a country completely isolated from everything familiar to us. My parents made the difficult decision of surrendering potential Australian citizenship to a fresh start in the US, in an attempt to be closer to our Salvadoran family.  
We ended up relocating to Northern New Jersey to be with my dad’s siblings. After having been a self sufficient family, we returned to the life of single room occupancy.  What was supposed to be another transitional period in this place turned into nearly a decade. The only thing I liked about it was the stability that came with not moving around so frequently. After attending 7 different schools growing up, it felt good to attend the same high school all 4 years. It was the first time I could ever trace the evolution of a single place, and say I knew people from back when.
Hudson County, NJ is essentially the 6th borough across the river from Manhattan—urban, predominantly Hispanic—it was the most familiar thing to me since leaving El Salvador, and still, I arrogantly sought to disassociate myself from it as I aspired to higher pursuits.  After 6 months of living in the US, there was no trace of my former Australian accent. My inherent adaptability made me resentful towards my own mother for making me constantly act as her translator.  As an only child in a new space, I had no one to resort to for advice on how to navigate this environment.  If I had any Salvadoran peers at all, they were usually first gens with families from the rural ‘oriente’ and had as much in common with me as nearly any other kid I associated with. But New Jersey is where I did most of my growing up, and could possibly be the closest thing I can formally call home.
My parents and I have spent the vast majority of our time in the US as undocumented citizens, since our tourist visas expired shortly after our move here.  We were able to continue progressing in spite of it, and were eventually given an opportunity to gain legal residency. The process was bittersweet in essence, but very much a blessing. I spent the previous years attending community college part time, before eventually graduating with the ability to further my education at a reputable architecture school in central New York.  I felt like I would finally find grounding there, as everything I had been subjected to growing up made me believe.  Despite growing up brown and struggling, I feared being defined by it. My whole life I aspired to blend in, lie low.  I never quite fit the mold of feisty, unapologetic, tough Latina, nor identified with typical conventions of Latinidad.  I was neither here, nor there. I took solace in underground music, while sporting indigenous teeth jewelry and head scarves that earned me nicknames like ‘Aunt Jemima’ and ‘Harriet Tubman’.  I was referred to as the nerd girl from Australia, even when I threw around Spanglish in an East Coast accent.
I did eventually find my grounding in a private college setting, and furthermore in my newly adopted town, which in itself came with a world of exposure.  But it was only after that additional drastic, socioeconomic, demographic, emotional, and existential uprooting that I was forced to reflect on, embrace, and validate my experience. My parents have gifted me with relentless focus, tireless dedication, insurmountable strength, and virtuous patience that can only be attributed to our ancestral roots, not to mention undying support that has been crucial to my survival. While my identity continues to suffer from generations of colonial toxicity, and my character is still in development, I am a proud, thick-skinned Salvadoreña.
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foreversimmers · 7 years
What if? Sims OC Tag
i was tagged by @simmingwiththetide thank you Ruby!
I picked the one and only Everlie for this ^-^
i’m tagging – @simphonious | @explosionofpixels | @sagapixels | @thatsimslove and anyone else who want to do it!
What is your character’s favorite memory?: When she was about eight Everlie had an episode with her epilepsy and Gen let her stay home from school. All the other kids were at school that day and Ianthe had to go to work so it was just the two of them all day. It wasn’t a very special day, but she got to stay in her pjs all day and her and Gen spent most of the day drawing and painting together. They watched a few movies in bed and Gen let her have a few sweets before dinner. And again it wasn’t anything special, but it was just being able to spend the day with her mom and having it just be the two of them that made this particual day stand out for her. But she has a lot of favorite memories in life. 
Who and what would your character give their life for?: Atticus most definitely. If that meant she would be okay then she’d do anything for her. And Jonah. She’dd do anything in her power to make sure that kid was safe and happy. 
What is your character’s greatest fear? Losing Atticus in any way. 
What is your character’s proudest accomplishment?: At the moment it would be getting an interview to her dream art school and hopefully getting accepted! It’s a very prestigious school in New York and the acceptance percentage is very low, and it’s an honor to even be called in for an interview. And when she was a little younger, she got a showcase at the young artist column in an art magazine which was great publicity. 
What is your character’s #1 insecurity?: Her looks and her personality. Or really how she compares to Atticus. She’s so shy and quiet and she’s not entirely adventurous when it comes to making friends and dating and doing things daring unless Attie is forcing her to do those things. And I think she kinda is jealous of Attie’s carefree nature, and the way she just doesn’t care, and Everlie’s problem is that she cares too much, and she doesn’t really like that about herself. She just wants to be more like Attie. 
What will/can break your character completely?: losing someone she cares about like a family member, or Atticus. If one of her parents or her siblings died she wouldn’t be able to handle it. It hurt her pretty bad when her Aunt Anna passed away, and she didn’t remember her a whole bunch. So if it were someone close to her, especially Atticus then she just wouldn’t be able to go on anymore. She can’t really handle death very well. 
What would your character make a scene in public about?: There’s nothing really because she’s far too shy to do anything like that, but I’m sure if it were to happen then Atticus Temple would be involved somehow. 
What can drive your character to do criminal acts?: ^^^ Atticus Temple. It’s not huge things either. Underage drinking, smoking weed, trespassing into the local pool at night, skipping school, fake i.ds that kind of thing, and she hates doing it too but Attie always talks her into it. 
What Pet (mythical or not) would your character want to have?: She loves foxes, so she’d have a whole house out of the cute lil things. Mythical, I think she’d want something like Kirara from Inuyasha 
What is the cutest thing your character has ever done?: She loves to draw portraits of the people she loves and will give them the drawings to keep. She also kind of still sleeps with a stuffed animal her grandfather got her when she was a baby and will talk to it sometimes ;-;
How does your character feel about sexual intercourse?: At this moment it’s not high on her priority list, and she’s only done it once.
How close is your character with family and friends?: She adores her family. Yess even Lakynn even though they’re not the closest. But she would do anything for her family and always makes sure that they know she loves them. As far as friends go she only has Atticus, and again she’d die for Attie, so she’s a very devoted person when it comes to the people in her life.
How does your character react to pressure?: She works suprisingly well under it and it makes her work harder and faster, and she gets more done.
How religious is your character (if they believe)?: She’s not that religious. She’s curious about it and wouldn’t mind learning and going to church to give it a try, but she’s not sure what she believes right now. Her parents weren’t that religious so she grew up that way.
How does your character’s personality change when someone gets uncomfortably close (relationship wise)?: She gets very tense and anxious and it makes her very awkward whenever it happens, but she’s so shy she wont say anything and will kind of hope that you get the idea and will back off, and it has gotten her into some bad situations before. 
How does your character’s living space correlate with their personality?: Her room is so HER. It’s filled with bright colors and patterns and it’s girly but it’s also laid back. She has band posters and music posters on the wall, along with pictures of her family and friends she has taken with her polaroid, and a lot of her favorite sketches are also on the wall. It’s messy but a controlled messy which is how she likes things. And it’s very dimmed lighted with her fairy lights there to brighten the place up. Her room is one of her favorite places to draw and relax and she wouldn’t change it for anything.
How well does your character act around with unknown and different people?: She shuts down. She’ll stand there and let the person do the talking and will hardly say anything in response, and it’s not to be rude, she hates that she can’t really talk to someone, it’s just so uncomfortable for her it fills her with anxiety.
How much does your character value money?: She’s learned to respect money. She’s seen people at school who are well off and are unhappy and not friendly because of it, and she knows it doesn’t buy happiness. And while her family isn’t poor they can’t buy everything they want and they have struggled in the past with it due to medical bills and all that with her health issues, so she respects money and she thinks that you earn it by working hard, and you shouldn’t let it change you, and you should still be nice and welcoming to everyone despite financial situations.
How would this character cope with losing someone extremely close to them? Kinda explained it up above, but she would not handle it well. She doesn’t handle death well anyway, so if she lost a parent or a sibling, or Attie it wold kill her inside too and she would just not be able to cope.
How long does it take for your character to trust others? She’s too trusting of everyone, that’s one of her biggest problems. She’s so naive she thinks the best of everyone.
If your character could change one thing about themselves, what would they want to change?: She wishes she wasn’t so shy and she could be more like Atticus in the way that she doesn’t care what people think. She also wished she looked different, and was ‘prettier’. 
If your character could go back in time at any point in their life, what would they do to change the present?: She would go back to when she witnessed Attie’s father beating her, and didn’t step in. She would have stopped him or called the police or something. That haunts her all the time.
If your character was given a chance at fulfilling their dream, can they drop everything they have now to go pursue it?: That’s kind of what she’s doing right now!! She’s dropping everything to go off to New York for the art program and if it all goes to plan she’ll be moving there in the fall!
If your character’s current spouse or partner cheated, would they try to make it work or leave forever?: Welllllllll Atticus is the closest thing she has to a partner, even though they’re not, and wellllll Attie is Attie so she sleeps around a lot, even after things changed between her and Ev, and Everlie knows this, and she’s still trying to make things work. It’s a very complicated relationship. 
If a zombie apocalypse begun in the town your character currently lives in, what would they act like?: She would freak out and wouldn’t know what to do. She’d look to her parents for help. But I don’t think she’d make it very long in this situation because of all her health problems
What if your character suddenly woke up to an unfamiliar place, and realize the life they lived was all a dream. Their family, friends, home.. all gone but still crazily vivid in their head. How would they react?: She would probably just sob and just wouldn’t know how to cope. Sh’d miss her parents and her siblings and Attie more than anything, and just cry a lot of tears.
If your character was thrown in jail, what would they be guilty of?: Probably something Attie put her up to like skinny dipping or stealing a road sign or something
Rewind 10 years from now, what is your character currently doing?: She’d be 7 uhh so she’d probably be playing with Barbies and watching cartoons with Attie and being adorable  
Your character is in the movie SAW, facing their worst fear. What is that fear, and how does he/she react?: Her biggest fear is drowning and she dreams about it A LOT and also being buried alive and she has so survival instincts or skills so she would not know how to get out of it so she’d probably cry and have an asthma attack.
We regret to inform you that your character is dead. Where do they end up? Heaven? Hell? And how the heck do they react?: Uhhh she can’t die okay because she’s my favorite and I wont allow it. But this is tough...right now if she die at 17 then yeah Heaven and she’d be bummed because of all the things she’s missed out on. If she died in say 4 years....Hell. Below hell. Bad bad bad things and she’d be excited to finally end life. Say 7ish years....heaven again because god would finally give her a break ,and she’d be upset to go again (maybe). It all just depends. But she’s not dying okay?
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robininthelabyrinth · 7 years
5 + 1 - Leverage/Flash&Legends
Fic: Five Times Mick and Len Met the Leverage Team (Plus One Time They Hung Out) - Ao3 Link Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow, the Flash, Leverage Pairing: Mick Rory/Leonard Snart, but mostly gen Series: Part 3 of Leveraged Interference - Ao3 Link
Summary: “Len,” Mick says.
He has that long-suffering ‘you’ve got to be fucking kidding me’ tone of voice.
A/N: Quasi-prequel to the other two parts. Inspired by a conversation with @daughterofscotland. Most of these incidents are later forgotten by all the characters involved before the start of 'The One Where They Steal an Arsonist'.
1 – The Cup
“Len,” Mick says.
He has that long-suffering ‘you’ve got to be fucking kidding me’ tone of voice.
“Yeah?” Len says, looking up from his plans.
He did not look up for his plans for nothing, but Mick’s ‘nope’ voice was one of them. Mostly because Mick’s expressions in the conversations that followed were usually priceless.
“I’m admiring your new laundry basket, s’all,” Mick says.
Len blinks. That’s strange. Laundry basket?
“Is this some way of saying I don’t put my clothing away?” he asks suspiciously. That seemed like a Mick thing – Mick was so weird about eating vegetables and shit like that – but Mick usually tossed his shirt any which way too, so it didn’t seem like…
“No,” Mick says, and points.
Len looks. It’s a pile of clothing hanging over…
“Oh, that,” he says, and looks down at the plans hastily to hide his grin.
“Len,” Mick says.
“Very nice, ain’t it?”
“Why are you using the Stanley Cup as a place to put your laundry?”
“…well, honestly, I don’t really got much else to do with it.”
“There was this woman boasting about how she nicked the Stanley Cup, okay!” Len finally exclaims defensively. “Going on and on about it – saying everyone else aiming towards it was just going for the copy-cat – so I found her stash and lifted it!”
Mick puts his head in his hands.
“What?” Len says, abandoning his plans entirely to cross his arms and glare at Mick. “I’m a klepto. And competitive. And, yes, sometimes petty as fuck. You know all this already.”
“Len,” Mick groans. “You telling me you located Sophie Devereaux’s stash and the only thing you lifted was the goddamn Stanley Cup?”
Len’s lips twitch. “Well,” he drawls. “I wouldn’t say that was the only thing…”
2 – the Conference
“Best of care, I promise,” a deep voice says from downstairs.
Alec glances up to his door, which he deliberately left slightly ajar. He always did when people came calling on Nana – she was as in-your-face as you could get, whether it was with lawmen or the local mobsters, and sometimes that mean the kids needed to take care of her. Kids like Alec.
“I know, I know,” Nana says. “I’d do it myself, you know that, but it’s so far, and there are all the others to think of –”
“Relax, Etta; you leave it all to us,” the deep-voiced guy says. “We’ve got this.”
“We got you that computer rig, didn’t we?” another guy drawls – his voice is lighter, more tenor than baritone, and wow, that was a hell of a Central City accent this guy had. Alec hadn’t heard that sort of accent outside of, like, cartoons. “He liked it, right?”
“Very much,” Nana admits. “Said it was just the specs he wanted...oh, all right.”
Alec has just enough time to wonder what she’s agreed to – and if it’s going to cause any problems – when she bellows in her best you’d-better-listen-up-and-listen-now voice, “ALEC!”
Alec’s halfway down the stairs before he even knows what happened.
He’s just happy that he remembered to put on pants this morning.
He pokes his head into the kitchen, where Nana’s sitting with these two big bruisers – not too old, in their twenties, maybe, but big guys. One of them is tall and tough looking, with a wicked-looking smirk and narrowed eyes, but the second guy’s clearly the enforcer. He’s huge. Biceps half as big as Alec’s head, shaved head, tough-guy face.
Shit, what has Nana gotten herself into?
“Alec, come on down here already,” Nana says briskly. “I see you peeping there.”
Alec comes down. “Hi, I’m Alec Hardison,” he says in his best polite-to-meet-you voice. The one you use when the Child Protective Services people come around looking to start shit.
The big guy barks a laugh. “Oh, man,” he says, shaking his head. “Still got ‘em trained up in case the foster squad comes looking around?”
“Naturally,” Nana sniffs, but she’s smiling. She’s smiling.
Alec guesses these guys can’t be too bad.
“Alec, this here troublemaker’s Mick Rory,” Nana says, nodding at the big guy. “And the one hogging all the cocoa is his partner, Leonard Snart.”
“Nice t’meet you, kid,” Snart says, holding his hands protectively over his cup of hot chocolate. “And Etta, you can’t blame me – nowhere else makes it right.”
“I make it out of a box mix like everyone else, you little idiot,” Nana says.
“Yeah, but you make it better,” Snart says. "You never forget the mini marshmallows."
“C’mon, Etta,” Rory says. “You gotta admit, someone actually liking what you cook’s a first.”
“You little fink!” Nana exclaims, grinning. “You said you liked my tuna casserole.”
“Etta,” Rory says. “No one likes your tuna casserole, and you know it. You make that as a punishment.”
Alec finds himself nodding along. He hates tuna casserole. It’s – unimaginable.
Nana laughs, a big deep belly laugh. “Yeah, yeah,” she says. “Just maybe. Anyway. Alec, Mick here used to be one of my foster kids, way back when.”
Alec’s shoulders relax.
“He’s the one who keeps mailing all the goddamn child-friendly cookbooks,” Nana adds, sending Rory a pointed glare.
“Oh thank god,” Alec says immediately, because he’s been living off of one of those cookbooks for, you know, the last year or so. Ever since one of the other kids taught him how.
“Alec Hardison, you little -!”
“Sorry, Nana,” Alec says. “When they’re right, they’re right. The tuna’s the worst.”
Nana rolls her eyes. “Oh, I see you’ll all be great friends,” she says, looking pleased. “Alec, Mick and Leonard are here to take you to that cyber-security convention that you’ve been talking about.”
Alec’s jaw drops. “Really?!” he says. It being all the way in Chicago, he hadn’t thought Nana would ever agree for him to go, even if he could probably finagle his own plane ticket with the right access codes.
“Hell yes,” Snart says.
“Sorry, ma’am,” Snart says. “Heck yes.”
Nana clears her throat.
“…hey, yes?”
“Better,” she says. “Now don’t you two teach the boy too many bad habits.”
“Not too many, Etta,” Rory says virtuously. “Only a few.”
Nana shakes her head.
Alec heads out with them. They’ve got a pretty sweet van, plenty of space to shove stuff in. Hell, he could fit his whole computer rig in here, have it be mobile…well, not everything, the desktop monitor would be a squeeze, but he could definitely put a few CPUs in…
“Thanks for taking me,” he says, because he knows how to be polite for real.
“We were going anyway,” Rory grunts from the driver’s seat. “Len’s a goddamn geek for the hottest new security systems.”
“So you work in security?” Alec asks Snart.
Snart blinks. “Uh,” he says. “No. But it’s…relevant…to my job.”
Alec frowns. “What job’s that?”
“We’re thieves,” Rory says.
“Oh,” Alec says. “Wait, really? Like as a full-time job? That is so cool!”
"Man, Etta's gonna kill us," Snart says.
3. the Heist
“You know they actually left a footprint?” Len says.
“No way,” Parker says. “A whole print?”
“Yep. Boot match and everything.”
“And they call themselves professionals.”
“I know, right? Total disgrace.”
“You heard about – what’s-his-name, over in San Francisco?”
“Which one?”
“The one with the hat.”
“Oh, yeah, I know him. What about him?”
“He tried to use the bird trick, you know, for the ducts? But he used a parrot.”
“A parrot? Why the hell would he use a parrot?”
“Place was right next to an exotic bird shop. Guess he thought it’d be more authentic.”
“Still, a parrot? Wasn’t he worried it’d start talking?”
“Exactly what happened.”
“In the ducts?”
“Wow. How are these people even calling themselves thieves?”
“Are you two going to come steal this thing or are you going to sit around and make friends?” Mick interjects. “I know you’re both friends-of-Archie or whatever your goddamn club is called, but this job isn’t going to steal itself!”
Len and Parker look at each other. They’d already agreed earlier that Parker would take the box of cash, while Len and Mick would make off with the two paintings.
Their look is of perfect understanding.
“You seem to be doing just fine,” she says.
“Good work, Mick,” Len says. “Carry on.”
“I hate both of you.”
4 – the Hospital
“You’ve got a lot of bandages,” the kid says.
He’s been sneaking into Mick’s room these last few days; he’s in the ward right upstairs, and Mick is in the closest room next to the stairs.
“Yeah,” Mick says, because it’s true. “You’ve got no hair.”
“Yeah,” the kid sighs.
“Good look,” Mick adds. “Like me.”
The kid brightens. “Yeah!”
“What’re you here for?” Mick asks, though he can guess.
“Cancer,” the kid says. “You?”
“You know how your parents tell you not to touch fire?”
“I didn’t listen.”
The kid giggles. “My name’s Sammy,” he says. “Sammy Ford.”
“Mick Rory. Nice to meet you.”
“You too!”
“How old are you?”
“Eight. And you?”
“More than eight.”
Sammy beams.
“Sam!” a voice calls from the hallway. “Sam!”
Mick eyes the kid. “I think someone’s cottoned onto your jailbreak,” he whispers. “The cops are on your tail.”
Sammy giggles again. “It’s my dad,” he whispers back. “He doesn’t like me leaving my room – but it gets so boring!”
Mick nods knowingly. “Dads,” he says. “Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em.”
Sammy covers his mouth with his hands.
His hands are very skinny.
“Hey, where the hell do you think you’re going?” Len’s voice snaps out.
Mick blinks. He didn’t realize that Len was still here – he’d thought Len would’ve left already – he'd said they were over -
“My son – he’s gone missing –”
The other man’s voice is tense and stressed. Presumably Mr. Ford.
“And that gives you the right to be barging into other people’s hospital rooms?” Len shouts.
He’s shouting.
Len never – Len isn’t really the shouting type. He must be incredibly stressed, well beyond normal levels.
Hmm. That probably wasn’t good.
“You should go rescue your dad,” Mick tells Sammy.
“Rescue him?”
“The other man out there? His name’s Len,” Mick says. “He doesn’t get angry easy, but he’s probably about to punch your dad in the face.”
Sammy’s eyes go wide and he scrambles to his feet, but he’s grinning.
He dashes out Mick’s door.
Not fast enough, though; there’s a familiar thud a second later.
“Daddy!” Sammy giggles. “You’ve fallen on your butt!”
Mick puts his head back on the pillow and grins.
5 – the Internet
That’s not how it would work at all! Mick typed angrily.
It damn well would! the other guy posted his response within minutes.
Using dynamite like that will only flash-fry it, Mick wrote. Not braise it. You’re delusional.
What do you think would work, then???
If you only have dynamite –
“Are you on that cooking forum again?” Len asks, looking over Mick’s shoulder.
“Someone’s wrong on the Internet,” Mick grunts. “Gotta put him in his place.”
“Mick,” Len groans. “It’s not that important. No one cares.”
“I care,” Mick says stubbornly. “And this guy’s wrong.”
“Because obviously this is the most important thing we could be doing right now,” Len grumbles. “Wait – are you arguing about dynamite?”
“Yep. Braising beef.”
“You’re nuts. Both of you.”
“Hey, if it’s the only thing available –”
“It’s never going to be the only thing available, Mick.”
“You never know.”
“Mick –”
Len rolls his eyes. “Fine, fine. Have fun.”
“I’ll make you something nice later tonight,” Mick says dismissively.
“I can think of a few nice things,” Len purrs.
“Later, Len.”
Len grumbles and wanders away.
You conceding defeat? The other guy had written.
No because you’re obviously wrong, Mick replies. Have to plan dinner though. Without dynamite, unfortunately.
I’m making leg of lamb – rosemary rubbed, pecan encrusted. Served with a side of garlic whipped mashed potatoes, maybe some asparagus in some balsamic vinegar.
Sounds great, Mick writes because fair's fair, and it did sound good. Unfortunately, my boy’s got the taste of a demented infant. He likes boxed mac and cheese.
Jesus. I’m sorry.
I’m working on it.
Lemme send you my lamb recipe. Might convince him.
Thanks, Mick says, oddly touched. I’ll send you my chicken and bread recipe in return.
Chicken and bread?
Bread toasted in the drippings of the chicken, chicken slathered in duck fat, roasted over high heat – trust me, it’s good.
Okay, I’m intrigued.
Mick grins. My name’s Mick, he offers. Send me a private message.
I’m Eliot, the other guy writes. Nice to meet you.
+ 1 - the Bar
“You’re cheating somehow,” Nate says.
“We're both cheating. I’m just better at pool than you are,” Len corrects, amused.
“Now, boys, no need to fight,” Sophie says.
“Yeah,” Parker pipes up. “Leave that to Mick and Eliot.”
“We’re not fighting!” Eliot says. “Mick’s just wrong.”
“I’m wrong? Ideas like that, I’m amazed you know the right side of a spatula –”
“Why I ougha –”
“You could keep arguing,” Hardison interjects. “Or you could try my new beer.”
“Fighting,” they both say at once.
“Spoilsports," Hardison says, amused and filling up cups with his newest concoction. He knows they'll try it regardless of what they say.
“I think Mick and Eliot just need some way to blow off some steam,” Sophie opined. “When’s the last time you got into a real fight, boys?”
“Too long,” Eliot grumbles. “All the cases keep resolving without ‘em.”
“Not too long for us,” Len says. “Mick, you punched that annoying guy just two weeks – in New York, remember?”
“Oh, yeah,” Mick says, and smiles. “It was great.”
Eliot snorts. “One guy’s hardly a satisfying fight.”
“No, this guy was a real prick – like, you wouldn’t even believe –”
Len’s nodding along. “Interpol,” he says. “Never trusted ‘em. This guy especially; he had a slithering sort of manner to ‘em…he was good, though, real good...”
“Wait, Interpol?” Nate says, straightening. “Mick, you punched an annoying but competent guy from Interpol two weeks ago? In New York?”
“Weren’t you in New York around that time, Nate?” Hardison asks.
“Yeah,” Nate says, starting to smile. “Yeah, I was. And Sterling had a black eye.”
Len snaps his fingers. “That’s the guy.”
Eliot turns to Mick. “Tell me you have pictures. Please.”
“Oh yeah,” Mick says.
“You’re the best.”
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