#the confusing backstory of the pit continues to baffle me
yarpharp · 6 months
The Lazarus Pit as a concept has been rewritten a million times. I don't mean "they rewrote it so it never does exactly the same thing, which is to bring people back like Lazarus," but a "Every time Jason Todd gets a different writer, the Pit does something different to him." And I'm serious about this. Initially it brought him back and the comics were all "He didn't come back right! He heals faster! He moves faster! He is Big now when before he was doomed to be Small from malnutrition! He is very Angry and full of Manslaughter." But then it was like later in that same comic run "Batman slits his throat with a Batarang and It Seems Like he Dies. But then he shows back up!" Is... Is it implying he healed from a fatal slice because he was fresh from the Pit, or is it that Jason's just liable to coming back from Death? And heck, they tried to explain away his unexplained resurrection with "Superboy Super Punch Time Stream Fuckery" but that always felt very contrite? And God, DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THE VIDEO GAMES. When did the Pit give him magical powers? Are you telling me my guy's a magical girl zombie now? (Which is kinda iconic but also very abruptly declared. Gotham Knights is a game...) WHAT ABOUT THE ALL-CASTE? Bruh by their definition my guy Jason is their Holy Man Chosen One Who Will Bring Great Change.
... Anyway the Lazarus Pit is weird to me. Why is it called that? Isn't Ra's Al Ghul not Christian at all? Why would he name a magic pit he found roughly 600 years ago (or more, depending on who is writing Ra's Al Ghul) after Lazarus when he could care less about religion? And has his own assassin cult???
Oh and it is actually inhabited by demons. This is canon. He sacrificed his mom or some shit to be the host of the Demon at one point. And apparently Damian can be possessed by that Demon? It's all kinda confusing.
Plot devices are so wack in comics.
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