#the curious crow {Junim}
misfitsandmischief · 1 year
@ensnchekov liked for a starter!
This was supposed to be easy. It was supposed to be a very quick in and out sorta thing. Of course it couldn’t be that easy for him.
Junim had just wanted to get something to eat. He had seen the two leggers time after time come into this room, say words at a machine, and end up with plates full of food! Is that how it had happened for him? No. He was a simple crow with simple needs, the current one being french fries... Well perhaps the more current one being a bath as he was covered in a liquid he could only assume was some type of broth from the taste of it, the little squishy vegetables that speckled the stolen red shirt he wore made him think maybe it was supposed to be soup that was currently dripping from him. Regardless, he had come here for french fries and that is not what he had gotten!
The crow boy stood, glaring at the machine in front of him, his feathers prickling out from the back of his hair. He was growing frustrated with this impossible bird he was on, all the gadgets were beyond what he had observed down on his green home, but this was starting to feel like the last straw. He didn’t know how to make this food maker work and now he was going to smell odd. 
A very accusatory caw emitted from the boy as he crossed his arms and sat against the wall, glowering at his bare feet.
“Why did you not work for me? You work for everyone else, why not me?” 
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misfitsandmischief · 2 years
Curiosity is a dangerous thing in the hands of simple creatures. Curiosity has it’s downfalls on occasion, this is something of a lesson that has been taught, though definitely not learned, to the two birds that sit in a tree just at the edge of a school yard. Truly its probably a miracle at this point that curiosity hasn’t killed the crows, and yet here they are, sticking their beaks somewhere else where they don’t belong. 
Now in all honesty it’s Junim’s curiosity that fuels just about every little mishap that happens to the two birds, he has a genuine want to learn about the two leggers they see walking about every day, wants to be able to blend in more when he himself makes the change and trots about. And yet somehow Aiden seems to be the one to drag them forward into the danger. If Junim is the mind, Aiden is the body, and one that doesn’t wait for instruction at that. 
That is how they find themselves snooping through the school, their small heads peaking into nooks and crannys, their wings and feet taking them from hops and bounds to clumsy landings in out-of-sight places. Had the day stayed relatively quiet they probably would have been in and out, their curiosity quelled if not satisfied. The quiet was broken at the sound of people though, and hearing any sort of excitement was always due for an investigation. Right? 
Of course getting into the gym had been the tricky part, the door was out of the question so the two had needed to fly about until they had found an open window, Thankfully it was higher up and not as noticeable because while they had found a way in, their entrance had not been the most graceful thing. A few feathers fallen and much hopping through the rafters later and they finally had settled on a spot to sit and watch what was going on below them. It was something of a game, that was about the extent of either of the crow’s knowledge, but it sure did look fun.
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misfitsandmischief · 2 years
This was becoming less fun.
Everything had been fine when he first came aboard the shuttle. The crow had managed to weave his way through the boxes and crates and hop from here to there and find some shiny things to play with. It had been fun, the new things to sift through and the different crates, some holding more shiny metal and others cloth, some even with food. Of course it was fun, it was new!
Then the door had shut, the dull thud freezing him just as he was pulling some sort of fabric from a box and sending him into a small panic. Okay this was fine. It was fine, right? Someone would come and open the door again and he would take off and everything would be fine. 
Except nobody ever came. No, instead the entire room he was locked in started moving, a whirling sound coming from the opposite side of the door. The movement had settled out into a smoother sort of hum but he could still tell he was moving. He didn’t know where he was going, but apparently he would be going whether he wanted to or not. 
That of course happened yesterday, or at least he thinks. It was one long sleep ago and that was close enough to yesterday for Junim. Now that it was today and he had snooped through everything he wanted to snoop through thrice, it was getting a lot less fun. He was thinking about looking in the box that had the food again when the room started shaking again. It hadn’t done that since he first got on, did that mean it was done moving? Maybe that meant the door was going to open! 
With a final shudder the room stopped moving all together, the noise stopping with it. Yes, this was it, it had to be it. He hopped his way over boxes to the door he came in and sat, waiting for is chance to fly out.
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misfitsandmischief · 2 years
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