#the daleks gossiping about the Doctor and River on Darillium
wibblyowzah · 2 years
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DOCTOR WHO | 10.06
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dougielombax · 11 months
So you’re telling me the Daleks were gossiping and spreading rumours about the Doctor’s marriage to River Song and their time on Darillium.
That’s hilariously stupid.
Bunch of gossipy hens.
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nostalgia-tblr · 4 years
The really important thing in ‘Extremis’ is canonical confirmation that the Daleks gossip about the Doctor.
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Moffat Era Rewatch: Extremis
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The Pope comes to the Doctor asking for help...
Warning: Spoilers Sweetie
I know this is the first part of a three part story, but I’m recapping it separately because I don’t want to do a three episode recap and I feel it works enough well on it own. 
New looks for Twelve. This is one of the things I love most about this Doctor. Like Three and Four, he has a distinctive, recognisable style that allows room for constant variation. In the last few episodes alone he has gone through more wardrobe changes than most Doctors go through during their entire run.   
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“Thought you'd retired. Domestic bliss on Darillium, that's the word among the Daleks.” Do the Daleks often gossip about the Doctor’s love life? 
We don’t find out who is executing Missy, but why is pretty obvious. She’s the bloody Master for crying out loud. Half the universe must wants her dead. 
Makes a refreshing change to have a religious leader, rather than a political one, seek out the Doctor for help. 
“Pope Benedict. Lovely girl. What a night. I knew she was trouble, but she wove a spell with her castanets.”    
The Pope is played by Joseph Long who previously appeared in ‘Turn Left’ 
The Doctor’s moved his desk since the last episode.
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This is all very The Name of the Rose, which I think was deliberate on Moffat’s part. 
“Assume nothing. Assumption makes an ass out of you, and umption.”
SimMoria is just as ignorant as real Moria. 
“Well, whatever this is, and actually it's not anything yet, it is absolutely nothing to feel guilty about. Okay?” 
And then the Pope walks in. 
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Talk about a mood killer. 
So how comes the TARDIS doesn’t translate the Pope? Possible it is a glitch in the simulation or SimTARDIS loves messing with the strays. 
This guy’s reaction is just perfect. 
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“Doctor! Here's a tip. When I'm on a date, when that rare and special thing happens in my real life, do not, do not under any circumstances, put the Pope in my bedroom!”
Okay, some of these Catholics have to having a crisis of faith from being inside an alien time machine.  
“Pope Benedict said that you were more in need of confession than any man breathing. But when the offer was made, you replied it would take too much time. On behalf of the Catholic Church, the offer stands. You seem like a man with regret on his mind.”
“Goodness is not goodness that seeks advantage. Good is good in the final hour, in the deepest pit without hope, without witness, without reward. Virtue is only virtue in extremis. This is what he believes, and this is the reason above all, I love him. My husband. My madman in a box. My Doctor.” *shipper sobbing*
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Nardole has River’s diary, which she had when she went to the library. So the only possible way he can have it is if he went to the library and retrieved it after her death. 
This places puts even the TARDIS library to shame
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“I'll be good, I promise. I'll turn, I'll turn good. Please. Teach me, teach me how to be good.” I do not think for a instant that she is being genuine here. This is all an act to save her skin and the Doctor probably knows it, but he’ll still save her because that’s what the Doctor does. 
“Of course there's Wi-Fi. It's a library.”   
According to that priest’s emails he had a meeting with a Bill Pullman. Not the Bill Pullman, surely?  
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“Yeah, at least one person read the Veritas and lived.” *gunshot*
“I am the only person you have ever met, or ever will meet, who is officially licensed to kick the Doctor's arse. I will happily do the same to you, in the event that you do not align yourself with any instructions I have issued which I personally judge to be in the best interests of your safety and survival.”
“On my oath as a Time Lord of the Prydonian Chapter, I will guard this body for a thousand years.” Okay, this I’ve never understood, why didn’t he just keep the Quantum Fold chamber on the TARDIS? Why does he stick it under a university in Bristol? Was it because he knew she’d get out and didn’t want her loose on the TARDIS? But then why Bristol? 
The exterior shot of the Pentagon kinda spoils the shock reveal that they are in the Pentagon. 
It is a shame the rest out this trilogy turn out so badly, because the Monks could’ve made for a fairy decent adversary. 
“You know, I've read a lot of books that this chair would be quite useful for. Moby Dick. Honestly, shut up, and get to the whale.” I got one page into that before I threw it away. 
Since we know that none of these people are real i wonder if the urge to kill themselves after reading the Veritas was something written into everyone’s code, like some sort of fail safe subroutine to stop the sims from becoming too self aware. 
“And I'm just wondering what happens if we move outside the light of the projector?”
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RIP SimNardole.
The president here is clearly not Trump, but in the next episode it clearly is. So why not in the simulation? Did the Monks just never conceive that humans would be so stupid as to actually elect the fucker? 
“Those pretend people you shoot at in computer games. Now you know.” “Know what?” "They think they're real. They feel it. We feel it.” A frightening thought which make me glad I don’t play video games. 
RIP SimBill
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“I have nothing. Not even hope.” Even when only a simulation, when the Doctor is at his lowest, when all seems lost, River will always give him the strength to go on, to keep fighting, and to win. 
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If SimDoctor has her diary on his person that must mean the real Doctor does as well. 
“Oh, you don't have to be real to be the Doctor. Long as you never give up.” Love that line. 
“I'm doing what everybody does when the world is in danger. I'm calling the Doctor. Pressing send.”
He sighed off that message with a kiss. To himself. 
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No one is out of your league, Bill. 
“Oi! Get off. Get off! I've just been executed. Show a little respect.” 
Next Time: The Pyramid at the End of the World/The Lie of the Land
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