#since I like to see my blorbos be happily in love with each other!
agrebel18 · 2 years
 I do not understand people who make fun of others who make a romantic pairing between fictional characters queerplatonic as if it’s a “downgrade”
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skyloftian-nutcase · 3 months
The Proposal (Imprisoning War)
It's angst time! I had to post something, these blorbos are devouring my ability to focus on anything
Link held Hemisi closer as the pair sat on the outer wall of the castle. She was just in front of him, held there by his arms, and he traced kisses along her shoulder up her neck. He felt goosebumps rise on her skin as she leaned into the touch, and they both giggled breathily.
“I can’t believe it’s over,” Hemisi whispered, closing her eyes and leaning her head against Link’s.
Link nuzzled her face in return, holding her so tightly. He couldn’t really believe it was over either. Yesterday had… had it really happened?? He’d been asking himself this question ever since he’d awoken in a warm bed with Hemisi in his arms; they’d both collapsed from exhaustion after the fight.
Was the war truly over? Was Ganondorf… dead?
They’d split his very soul into pieces, shattering it across time and space. The golden power of the Triforce had been their ally. There was no way he was ever coming back.
Link felt relieved, truly. But he still… felt sad as well. It wouldn’t last, though. He knew that. He’d long since come to terms that the man was lost.
What would their future bring now that it was over? They would get married and rebuild together – he knew that much. But still… a life where there wasn’t a war… he… didn’t really know what to make of it. It had been so long. He supposed two years wasn’t too extended a time of conflict, but it felt like a lifetime.
They’d all changed so much. Everything had changed.
“Most of the settlements in the desert have been destroyed,” Hemisi commented, looking down. “But I guess Hyrule doesn’t look like it’s doing much better.”
Link glanced at the destruction around them. Castle Town had nearly been completely wiped out from Ganondorf’s attack. His heart ached for all the scorched lands across his kingdom that he’d seen in the last two years, for the near annihilation of Hemisi’s culture and people… for all of it.
But at this point, he almost… he didn’t know. He’d been a warrior since he was twelve. He’d been at war since he was fifteen. He knew they had to rebuild, but he really didn’t know how.
It would be fine. They had each other. Link kissed her cheek, saying, “But now that it’s over, we can get married.”
Hemisi’s smile was brighter than the sun, excited and eager and hopeful. She turned to face him a bit better, pressing her lips to his, and the two shared their love for a moment. Hemisi hummed happily, pulling away and giving him a look that nearly made his entire body melt. “I certainly can’t wait until we can enjoy all the benefits of that.”
Link cleared his throat, feeling his cheeks flush red hot.
The teenagers jumped, startled, and turned to see Lady Impa approaching them. Link straightened, trying to get a hold of himself.
“The queen is requesting your presence,” his chief said, her eyes flitting briefly to Hemisi before returning to him.
Link nodded, pulling away from his beloved. He gave her one last glance and a wink, and she smiled in return, a promise that she’d be waiting for him.
He followed his superior in silence, wondering what Zelda might want. They’d just seen each other an hour or so ago, after all. But when they rounded the corner, Impa stopped abruptly, making Link nearly crash into her.
“Lady Impa?” he asked quietly, confused.
Impa didn’t move for a moment, still facing away from him, and then she took a slow, deep breath. When she faced him, her expression was serious, and she—
She pulled him into a hug.
Link blinked in surprise, stiff in her arms for a moment. Lady Impa never hugged anybody. Was she actually finally as relieved and happy as the rest of them? He slowly returned the gesture, sinking into the embrace, feeling his chest clench, eyes stinging. He didn’t know why he was reacting so viscerally to this, but he—he blinked the tears away, clearing his throat.
When the two pulled away quickly, he smiled a little anxiously up at his superior. For her part, Lady Impa said, “Link, I just want you to know… no matter what happens, and no matter what path you choose, I’ll be here for you. Okay?”
The anxiety trickled away as his mind registered the words. In a way, this felt like an acceptance of his engagement to Hemisi, despite knowing that Lady Impa didn’t entirely approve of their courtship. Link felt hope bubble in his chest, and he chuckled, wanting to hug her again, but he knew that wouldn’t be permitted. Instead, he nodded eagerly.
The pair resumed their walk, leading into a room in the castle that somehow hadn’t been completely destroyed. Zelda was there, staring out the window, arms across her chest as she seemed to hug herself. Lady Impa bowed and departed.
Link knelt. “You called for me?”
He heard his friend take a shaky breath, and he glanced up. Why was she so nervous all of a sudden? She’d seemed just fine earlier in the day.
Zelda turned, wringing her hands anxiously. “Link… I… after everything… the war is over. But the faith in the throne has been shaken. Sheikah fought against Sheikah to help me overthrow my father. Hyrule is more vulnerable than ever. We… we have to bring stability. We have to fix this.”
Link watched her uncertainly. He was still riding the high from their victory against Ganondorf, but her worries were quickly eliminating any warmth and light in his heart. “What… do we need to do?”
The queen stopped, watching him with an intensity that made him feel completely exposed. Her eyes were grave and nervous. “Link… I’m… I’m asking you to be the Hero of Hyrule one more time.”
A new quest? The war had just ended. They’d killed Ganondorf yesterday. Link bit back his exhaustion and annoyance – it wasn’t as if Zelda had been having it any easier, trying to maintain a crumbling kingdom and then getting held hostage. Besides, he knew he needed direction. All he knew how to do was destroy and kill, and that… didn’t seem to be needed anymore. He rose and nodded.
“I’ve been thinking about how to help Hyrule,” Zelda continued. “And… the best thing that I could come up with was… well. Destiny always dictates the Hero and the Princess work together.”
…Yes? And? Link waited as patiently as he could.
Zelda took a small step towards him. “With destiny on our side, nothing could stop us. And the people would see it that way too. The Hero of Hyrule seated on the throne would bring more peace than anything else.”
Seated on the… the…
“And to have a Sheikah king would restore the faith of your people once more,” she explained further. “Don’t you understand, Link? Hyrule is in flames. The Sheikah, who have always been stalwart and loyal supporters of the crown, are shaken. This is the only way to fix all of it.”
Link felt his body freeze. “You… you want me to marry you?”
That was ridiculous! He wasn’t going to marry Zelda! He was engaged, he’d promised himself to Hemisi! She’d just helped them kill her father to end the war, and Zelda was asking him to leave her?!
As angry as he was, though, he couldn’t say anything. Because terror and paralyzing dread filled him instead. Because duty and honor dictated he listen, because his entire life he’d dedicated himself to the crown, because—
Because the longer he thought about it, the more he realized she was making sense.
The war had decimated Hyrule.
But it could rebuild! He didn’t have to marry the queen for that!
The people were suffering.
But they could find hope in other ways!
The Sheikah…
His people. His people.
Link swallowed, but his throat just scraped itself, dry as a desert.
He’d helped in the coup to overthrow the king. He’d seen how it had divided the Sheikah. He’d fought his own brethren that night.
But why did that have to influence how they rebuilt?
How could it not?
But the Sheikah wouldn’t break their loyalty to the crown just because Zelda had to force her way into her birthright! This was stupid!
Your queen is giving you an order.
This was—he couldn’t do this! They’d just—everything had finally gone right for all of them, and—this wasn’t—
This wasn’t fair!
Link took a step away from her, words trapped in a sealed throat, lungs screaming for air. The room was spinning as reality started to crash down.
Hyrule needed leadership.
It had Zelda! She was a far better ruler than her father – Link had all the faith in the world in her!
But the nobles were still scrambling for ways to overthrow Zelda. The Triforce and her powers had given her an advantage over their schemes, keeping people’s faith in her, but now she had little need for it. They’d all returned the Triforce pieces back to the sanctum this morning.
Surely—surely her ability to lead the country during a war would speak to her right as their queen? Surely no one could contest her rule now? How would his marriage help with that? Would it simply secure the popular vote?
No. It… it would give her a divine backing. Destiny would be on their side. It was on each of their sides, but together…
Legend spoke of a goddess and a Hero, of lovers whose powers spread across time, born anew among the generations. But—
He wasn’t that person!! He was himself! He’d always been himself!
The people of Hyrule wouldn’t see it that way, though.
You stepped into the role of the Hero, accepted its responsibilities. You know your duty.
What if… what if he said no? What if he went to the desert with Hemisi to rebuild, and the people of Hyrule realized that their Hero chose the Gerudo chief over their queen?
Oh goddesses. He…
He couldn’t say no, could he?
He could. He could. He would. He loved Hemisi, and she loved him. Zelda was his friend, but this was asking too much.
But… could he live with the guilt, knowing he could have helped his beloved kingdom and refused? Could he live with the guilt as the Sheikah fell apart? Could he live with the consequences if Hyrule came after his love and wiped out the Gerudo entirely?
He’d accepted the mantle of Hero and everything that it entailed. He was proud of being in a position to help Hyrule. He wanted to help his kingdom, his people.
But it hadn’t been—it had never been at the expense of—
Duty entails sacrifice, doesn’t it?
“Link,” Zelda pressed, her voice shaking a little. Her face was pinched, even though she was trying to stay patient and neutral. He wondered how much she’d thought about this, how little choice either of them really had.
This wasn’t something he was willing to sacrifice! He loved Hemisi, more than anything or anyone! She was his stability as the war had progressed, his light and joy, his release, his world.
It’s your world or everyone else’s.
Hyrule will destroy her and the Gerudo if you decline. Hyrule could fall. Zelda could fall.
He… he…
He knew he couldn’t say no. He…
He couldn’t say no.
Was this truly what it meant to be the Hero of Hyrule? Or was he just the unluckiest man alive?
This… He knew he could never possibly justify putting himself over everyone else. And saying no would put Hemisi and Zelda in jeopardy as well. This… this was…
Oh, Hemisi… I’m…
I’m so sorry.
Link swallowed again, biting back a gag, feeling his entire body sinking into the earth as he submitted, slowly going down to one knee.
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utilitycaster · 9 months
🔥 each member of vox machina
Vax: really the sadboy narrative for Liam has always been stupid but it's egregiously bad that it started with Vax, who is like, sad for maybe a fifth of the episodes and largely because Liam O'Brien's actual mother was dying, like, with all due respect what the actual fuck, fandom.
Vex: I am the founding and probably only member of the "Vex is my favorite character and also I am 100% cool with Colville's depiction of her." The generosity she shows even very early on in C1 is still a generosity borne of some degree of security - they have a keep by then - and I also just don't think you have to like a character to write them fairly. Granted it's been a minute since I read early VMO but nothing stood out to me as out of line with my understanding of Vex.
Pike: repeating myself once again but I like Pike a lot and wish we could have seen more, but because we didn't, people who say she's their favorite in C1 do tend to turn me off in that I feel they're looking for a relatively flat and widely praised character to project onto rather than a character who goes through more messy development.
Grog: I think he's often underestimated and I was guilty of doing so myself, to be honest, until I saw Travis play more and until I personally got better at D&D. Also I still maintain that playing INT 6 sensitively and well is infinitely harder than playing INT 16, all things considered, and this is yet another reason why people should play high INT more often.
Scanlan: Also underestimated; I do understand being turned off by the whole extremely horny playboy thing but as I've said before Bard's Lament is a major litmus test for me: if you think Scanlan is completely at fault here, you are wrong, and if you think he's not partially at fault, you are also wrong.
Tary: I genuinely love him and think he's a great character and one of Sam's best, but while his character arc is strong the Taryon Darrington Arc of the VM Campaign, through no fault of his own (and partly bc I personally think D&D Hell, especially pre-Descent Into Avernus publication, is kind of boring), is one of the weakest parts of the campaign because it's kind of a grab bag of loose ends. With that said I would happily watch more Darrington Brigade-one shots.
Percy: Percy is also generally a litmus test in that it's like. Is he a good person? Eventually I believe he becomes one, and even before that I think he's very sympathetic and deeply traumatized and like, 24, so I get it, but also, who the fuck cares. This ties into the Essek and the Ashton opinions and all kinds of other stuff but why are people so invested in fucking absolving their blorbo of all sins? I want someone who's lived enough of a life to have done some heinous shit because that's fun and interesting and it's pretend and also because then they can have a rewarding character arc by either working towards redemption or coming to terms with who they are or spiraling into tragedy.
Keyleth: I like Keyleth a lot but I am, as this post indicates, far more sympathetic to Vex, and so while I do think Keyleth is a fairly good person she is also extremely sheltered and naive and terrified of doing the wrong thing and I would have, like Vex, wanted to scream at her half the time were I just a random NPC wandering about the campaign. On the other hand C3-era Keyleth? fantastic no notes she has grown up in such an interesting way.
Tiberius: I think we, and by we I mean people capable of separating the art from the artist, can recognize that his concept actually fucking slapped and unfortunately he was played by someone who absolutely sucked in a myriad of ways. I would love to see the alternate universe in which the same general concept (prodigy sorcerer from Draconia who is full of themself) had to face not just the destruction of their civilization but the realization that they were taking advantage of the Ravenites and while they did not deserve to be killed by Vorugal, had done nothing to justify aid from those they had subjugated either. Like, the alternate world in which one of the current cast members or like, a close friend of the main cast (Ashly, Erika, Mary Elizabeth) played this is one I'd love to see.
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tinytinybumblebee · 1 year
Hi hello :D!!! I hope you're doing well XP
I just wanted to say that I've started watching metalocalypse since seeing your post about toki being a canon age regressor. I'm on season three so far and I love it! Toki is sooo blorbo shaped and I love the other characters alot too :)))!!!
(Totally optional add-on request but if you had any general agere hc's for him or him with a cg of your choice I'd love to hear!)
Regardless, have a great rest of Ur day/night!!! I just kinda wanted to share this w someone since I don't usually post abt adult swim shows on my fandom side :p
Howdy howdy!! I've been good, busy but good!!! Hope you've been well!♡
And heck, yeah, welcome to the klok family!!!
- Toki loves, and I mean looves plushies (deady-bear is, of course, plushie #1) they're soft, so many different fabrics, textures, sizes! When they are on tour, it's Toki's mission to get a plush from each city (they might need to build a new room just for the plushies xD)
Tiny Toki definitely has to spend 10 minutes figuring out which plushies are going to be tucked in with him that night (and no, Murderface, Toki can't just grab 4 random ones! Toki had to ask each plushie if they wanted to bed sleep!)
- Tiny Toki is a huge fan of just sitting there and watching his carer. Maybe with a colouring book, but the lil guy just likes being close to his carer. It helps him feel safe and calm♡ (Everyone has to watch their step just in case Toki is under their feet xD)
- Skwis and Murderface are more so big sibs to Toki! Skwis loves to have Toki help him play pranks on others and Murderface looves using Toki to get someone to agree to his next hairscheme idea (He'll just hold up Toki and be like "Awe c'mon, you're seriously gonna say no to a face like this??" And Toki is just knawing on a crayon and happily waving) xD
Either way, those two lads are pointing at tiny Toki and saying, "But it makes the baby happy! You saiiiid to make sure he was happy!"
- Pickles is the best carer for Toki when it comes to nightmares, Pickles doesn't even have to open his eyes when he hears his door creaking open before he's lifting his blanket up for Toki to come running under (Pickles is also the warmest bandmate so, Toki loves to just nuzzle himself into Pickles chest, kinda like baby-carer skin-to-skin style xD)
- Two words: Kitty onesie. That's 90% of his wearings when tiny, it's cozy and cute (and the hood has kitty ears!!!) ;w;
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feralkwe · 2 months
in an effort to not succumb to a potential panic attack, i will instead focus on some fandom nonsense! i've had a little influx of new follows, almost exclusively people i've seen in the ffxiv tags and watched from afar for awhile now, so maybe i should do a little intro post.
i'm feral kwe (kwe means woman in anishinaabemowin) but you may feel free to call me just b. just a tired, queer, indigenous lady who is an eldritch being in tumblr years (my original blog started in 2008 or 09) and gets a little too lost in the blorbo sauce. the fandom i'm currently most active in is ffxiv, but i dabble in good omens, mass effect, a couple of the gay vampire shows, and have been in and out of marvel fandom. i'm a dragon age old, my first online fandom and the one i went the most hard in up until now, so consider that a blanket warning for the upcoming months, since i'm not sure yet where i'll fall into it again. for the foreseeable future, i'm quite happy in my ffxiv brainrot, and will happily go on and on and on (and on and on) about my wol, kit hareington given even a breath of permission to do so.
i write fic! i'm feralkwe on ao3, and have the highlights marked in a pinned post. i write original work, too, and have even sold and published some. it's easy enough to find, so i won't link it here, but if you are curious and want to ask me about it, please do!
speaking of asks! my askholebox is always open and i welcome people to just drop in unannounced. consider this open provocation to do so! i don't have anon enabled, and likely never will. my life is better for it. 11/10 do recommend as a life choice.
i don't follow a lot of people. i keep the number artificially low for the sake of not having so much go by that i can't keep up. that said, i do try to check in on the blogs of people who follow me from time to time. i don't really make mutual/non-mutual distinctions. since i block with abandon for any multitude of reasons, if you're here at all i already love you. that said, if you follow @yamisnuffles or @icescrabblerjerky you are likely to see a lot of overlap. they're my ride or die lifelong besties and we exist in a state of mutual whimsy that can best be described as 'lol ilu'. do with that information what you will.
i try my best to use tags consistently for things i know need it. that said i do my best to stay out of active dragon age main tags, and do not use any of those in original posts. the most pertinent one, the one i was asked to tag the most, and the one i've had the longest is #and that's jenga, my personal anders tag. if you need something tagged, please ask, and i'll try my best to accommodate reasonable requests.
i probably haven't read your blog description. i probably did not notice if you have a dni. i assume if you're here that i don't fall under any umbrella you desperately do not want to engage with. i do not vet the blog of every poster i reblog. if you think i've done something harmful, please give me the benefit of the doubt that i did so unknowingly, and give me a chance to correct it. i'm human, and so are you. i just ask that we try to be excellent to each other.
i think that covers everything! if i missed anything, like i said, ask! or just come say hi and introduce yourself!
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kindofsortofmaybe · 1 year
Gustholomule with 002 for the ask game!!
hi anon i'm so sorry i meant to answer this ages ago but i was swamped with finals all week! finally free though :)
when i started shipping it: pretty early in my watch through! i remember watching something ventured, someone framed and thinking hmmm... these bitches gay ?? and then once i got into the fandom and saw there was a following for it i really started shipping it! actually my first toh fanart was gustho haha
my thoughts: i don't think dana & co ever meant for us to ship them tbh, so even though i was disappointed that they didn't interact in the finale, i wasn't super surprised. but i think they have such an interesting dynamic!! gus is so cool and matt is not but also theyre both SO lame in the best way and they both have trust issues and also theyre like 12 and like... they are just so special to me
what makes me happy about them: how goofy they are. while i do think there's so much potential for their dynamic, i also think they're just two silly guys who hang out and i like the simplicity of that
what makes me sad about them: their lack of screen time :( (together and separately)
things done in fanfic that annoy me: hmmm tbh i've only read gustho fanfics that i've really enjoyed... i've never really had a negative experience with a gustho fic! all our writers are so talented! but i guess something that sometimes bothers me in fanon is when the hexsquad is rude to matt/don't give him a chance. i see why they might be wary, but Luz is the king of Befriending Everyone, willow is naturally very compassionate, and hunter/amity have both had their fair share of second chances! so even if they wouldn't get along right off the bat, i'm not a fan of scenarios where they just never warm up to him/consistently dislike him
things i look for in fanfic: i love when gustho fics have them just hanging out being teenagers. thats the vibe i think fits them best!
who i'd be comfortable them ending up with if not each other: hmmm i don't really have other ships for either of them! there's no one that comes to mind but i think if either of them were implied in the finale to be in a relationship with a hexside student we've met, i'd be like 🤷‍♀️ sure ig
my happily ever after for them: they continue to get close and become besties throughout high school, move in together after grad, and are so close that eventually they realize they've basically been dating for years and just kinda shrug like kay guess we're a couple and then theyre in love forever <33
who is the big spoon/little spoon: i think it depends! the both fill both roles at different times. though i do think that depending on when they get together, matty would totally be like "I'M the big spoon cause i'm MANLY" and gus is like "okay manly man" and makes him the little spoon anyway and he actually loves it
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: i'll bfr they're sex-neutral aces to me anyway so <3 (i don't really think about their feelings about sex since they're like 12 for most of the show, i just love to project my identity onto blorbos) so ANYWAY to actually answer the question, i headcanon that they LOVE to game together. video games and board games both - they just both get so competitive and have a lot of fun with it. their game nights are VERY loud and high-energy
thank you sm for the ask! i love thinking about these losers :)
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1, 3, 5 & 18 from the couples ask please ☺️💙 (although u don’t have to answer 18 if u don’t want to, either because of spoilers or anything like that)
Thank you so much for the ask, Blossom!!! Answering these had me rolling into Writing Mode™ again! 🥰 1. What do they think of each other's family? And how does the family feel?
Things are a bit weird in the case of Miraak and Jia since they both have no parents alive anymore (even though Miraak has already come across Jia's mother through his visions, and he may meet her father too, perhaps in a dream/vision again...👀). Jia's family are the Companions, as Jorrvaskr was the place she was born and grew up, so Vilkas, Farkas, and Aela are like siblings to her. Miraak, even though not openly showing it, feels more or less the same intimacy with Jia towards these three—and generally, he somehow seems to share common emotions, either towards those she loves or those she hates. The same goes for Jia; the bitterness Miraak still has towards his father, who sold him to the Dragon Cult, she can feel it inside her exactly the same (I will elaborate more on this in the story). As for the Companions, in the beginning, no one trusted Miraak—especially Vilkas, who was the most suspicious and quite jealous of him as his love for Jia is not limited to brotherly... BUT! As the story goes on, we will see the Companions reevaluating their opinions...🥰
3. What's their favorite thing to tease each other about?
I can definitely see Miraak teasing Jia about the alchemy ingredients she can shove into her mouth. One would say it's kind of a turn-off if your partner eats a Spider Egg or a Giant Toe or a Skeever Tail, but Miraak doesn't care, not really; he just stands there staring at her tasting her ingredients, noting down their effects on her notebook and then shamelessly laughing at her when she rushes to the bathroom in light's speed. 😂
As for Jia, I think she would tease Miraak's inability to fit on a bed or pass an entrance without knocking his head on the doorway. He has to be reminded to bend before entering a room. 😂
5. How do they sleep?
Ah, sappy question; my forte!
They love spooning! There's no need to define who's the big spoon and who's the little, I think it's quite obvious. 😂 It's a sleep position they both love, since it allows them to feel intimacy, a feeling they both secretly crave. I imagine Miraak passing his arms around her torso or back and Jia embracing his hands as well. 🥺
I have another sleep position in mind, where Miraak lies on his back, and she rests her head on his chest. That would absolutely work for them too!
18. Would they have kids together?
I suppose I can reveal this as it doesn't somehow affect the plot of the main story, so yes! They will end up having a daughter!!! I told you this before, but I'm this person who shamelessly enjoys sappy, too-good-to-be-true endings, where the blorbos live happily ever after... (after too much angst, of course). 😂🥰
(From this tag game!)
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ut-girl666 · 2 years
Okay, okay. So we have (basically) canon Poet!Megatron. but, hear me out here - what about Author!Megatron?? Like, writes books, not just poetry.
Personally, I think of Fantasy Genre being what he writes, and he ends up with a good couple books. And like, they’re really well written. Beautiful plot, fantastic characters, gives plenty of development to each of them, and whole arcs, usually completed before the book ends.
Even better; he specifically tries to make them LGBTQ+ friendly. He makes lots of diverse fun characters, with different identities of all kinds. Particular interesting thing he does specifically for his repulsed readers, is he actually warns when there will be smut or something close in a chapter. This is because he’s a Repulsed!AroAce. And further more, when scenes like that actually happen (not in the first two, only implied), he actively admits, no, he didn’t write them, one of his ‘editors’ did.
He also tends to write his books with lots of warnings, and usually puts a page between each chapter, specifically so readers aren’t immediately tossed into something they weren’t alright with, because he knows that people have trauma, and PTSD, because he does himself, and doesn’t want to put his readers into a bad spot, because of his writing. He’s a very friendly writer.
And now into the funnies of Author!Megs.
One day Elita drags him onto Twitter and Tumblr. He effectively does normal twitter stuff, and he talks to some fans/readers, lets them ask stuff, etc. Tumblr, he talks, interacts a little more, and reblogs a lot, he also has a few little blogs - one for reblogging things, one for just his own talking and stuff (inc when he comments on his weblogs outside of tags - those go on both.), one where he is magical author man. Readers can talk to him there, and see when he makes new content just for fun. They love it!
And when they do the asking, it depends which he’s on. Twitter - he’s serious, mature, and very adult. Tumblr - it’s like he looked at his full ass inbox, and did some drugs before answering them. He is so fun on Tumblr.
“You said [Character] does [Hobby] in the first book, and they still do in [Later book]. Did they get any better?”
Twitter Megs: It depends. Time may only tell if they did. Full answer on tumblr - [link]
Tumblr Megs:
Tumblr media
lol they still suck ass.
Also, Elita, being an Artist on Tumblr with her own characters, world, lore, and stuff, knows him. She loves to make him things, and has read his books. She likes them. Eventually once Ariel and Orion were bondmates, and she started having to spend more time with him (Orion and Megs shared a house for like, their v. of six years, basically- and they were gonna be in-laws, gotta learn to get along with the family. kinda. at least for dinner.), they got along. She became his beta-reader for the third book, and his editor. (She suggested the smut, and wrote it. The explicit part is on her tumblr/ao3, megs didn’t let that go through, only suggestive/implied! He got really hot and bothered by it… in the negative way. He likes it, until the actual sex. Then *scream* SLAM! So it all goes on ao3.)
She also stands up for him when people steal his shit. He doesn’t really do much besides say ‘hey, please don’t copy/steal my stuff’, as he’s new to the internet. She’s been around since he was fourteen, and she used to be like that, but now she’s aged up, and she will not tolerate theft!! So she screams it from the rooftops, and alerts people “hey! They steal/copy other ppl’s content! Stay away from them! >:(.” it’s something she does for a lot of people, and Megs is included bc she knows that just like her, he hold his blorbos close and dear to his heart.
Ppl also hate him in the second book/prequel, he does the thing, and kills a character for the first time, especially one that had become so beloved!! He didn’t like doing it. He cried, a lot. He hated having to bring them back home to him. But he happily put them out into the world for ppl to make fics about them.
That being said, he doesn’t like it when people make fics where they mess with specific established stuff (sexuality, race, etc.), but otherwise, if it’s just an AU (Cafe!AU, Royalty!AU, Highschool!AU, etc.), other little things, (fluff, angst, etc.), or even something else (fix-it fic, song-fic, slice of life, how a pair may have got together, etc.) he loves them!! He loves all of that, to see people being inspired, tossing his babies into scenarios, making what-if?s about them, maybe letting them have a break with some fluff, or whatever! It’s his favorite! And he loves to scroll and see the things. So every time his kills a character, he puts a tag around their neck, and gives them back to the fan base to play with.
I’m begging you lot, think about it!! Just an idea, but what if?! Wouldn’t it be fun?
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generic-cleric · 2 years
Session 46
Session doc
This post may contain spoilers for the dnd campaign Curse of Strahd, read at your own risk!
Everybody Talks
We pick up at the party. Vondal and Veledrel oh so smoothly got Jander and Ireena dancing together. I describe how the two take turns teaching each other dances from their respective cultures and are just generally having a good time. The players were eager to know how Strahd seemed like he was feeling about the whole ordeal, so after an insight roll, I told them he seemed irritated and they considered that a win. 
Bedlam returns from talking with Ludmilla and decides to dance with Escher and speak with him. They dance and talk with each other and Escher really opens up about the others in the castle. He says that he likes Anastrasya alright but he’s tired of the constant competition. How is he supposed to live a life of hedonism if they’re going to constantly be roping him into antics. He doesn’t understand Volenta’s art and sees it as a morbid time-filler. He and Sasha don’t cross paths much, she’s much too brutish for song and poetry. He likes Strahd and much prefers to spend time with him away from the others. He also gossips with Bedlam regarding some sus behavior from the other brides.
Okrin spends quite a bit of time talking with Sasha about what it was like when she was a paladin, how she ended up here with Strahd and if she regrets her choices. They get around to talking about weapons and show off what they have. Okrin displays the blood spear and she shows him her greatsword, hand crossbow, and noose. She also shared with him some of her current favorite spells to use. After a while he asks her if she wants to go back to the party, to which she says “Sure, we could go back, or we could go to my crypt?” After a lot of awkward laughing, debating, and moral weighing, Okrin decides to go with Sasha back to her crypt. I explain how she led him down to that familiar room and instead of taking him to a crypt hidden by magic. There is a fade to black, though he does take damage from one of her bite attacks.
Veledrel decides to dance with Gertruda and entertains her with conversations and stories of how wonderful Faerun is. He tells her about the grand parties and events and all the cool people like Drizzt and Elmister. She listens with bated breath, drinking in everything he says and asking questions about everything. He tells her that he'll be happy to take her with the party back to Faerun when all of this is over. Out of character the player tells the table that he’s bringing all his blorbos out of the dread planes with him when he goes. 
Vondal sees that Volenta is lingering on the fringes of the party feeding table scraps to the wolves that are plodding around the audience hall. Seeing the opportunity for food, Vondal, as stealthily as he could, wild shapes into a wolf and approaches her to beg for food like the others. She happily obliges and then goes off sis. While she’s feeding the wolves, she’s ranting quietly about how frustrated she is with Anasratya all the time, how she feels left out when Ludmilla and Escher use big words to make her feel small, how she really respects the way Ludmilla carries herself, and she loves the way Sasha can cut a man’s head off with one swing of her sword. She also mindlessly mentions that she saw a few of the others being sussy bakas about the castle. 
I describe how Jander and Ireena take a break from dancing since she is out of breath. He offers to help her find something to drink. They flit from unseen servant to unseen servant, lifting the silver dones on the trays they are carrying through the dance hall. They found a tray of raw meat before finding what they were looking for. Everyone thought it was weird but assumed it was for one of the weird creatures scurrying about. They were correct, in a way. The tray of raw meat was actually for Savra who is staying in the room down the hallway. Savra, however, was currently standing in the Audience Hall under a spell of invisibility, watching Jander, her prey.
As the party comes to a close, Bedlam is mingling and chatting and Anastrasya comes up and latches herself onto his arm, drinking her wine and playing the social game. Bedlam notices this and suspect that she’s doing it for appearances but looks around and realizes no one is really paying attention to what she’s doing. 
Everyone parts ways. Vondal was hoping he could casually follow someone to the Hall of Bones to get a better idea of where its at, but neither the undead nor the wolves were going in that direction, so he went with the party back to the lounge. 
As they made their way up the stairs to the lounge, Okrin joined the group as he was leaving the area with the crypts. Ireena’s feet hurt from dancing all night so she was carrying her shoes and getting a piggyback ride from Jander who would occasionally pretend to tip backwards down the stairs. “Aw look, he’s flirting!” said Vel’s player. “Well,”said Vondal’s, “He’s doing his best.”
They get back to the room and assess the situation. They talk about the new information that they have gained and how everything is starting to fit together while also still being totally confusing. They decide to visit Cyrus to see what they might be able to find out from him. 
They make the trek down to the kitchen and converse with Cyrus. They ask him who typically handles the wine shipments for the castle, he tells them that Anastrasya has that responsibility. They also take a moment to ask about the incident that got Sasha locked up and he explains that she led the attack on the Burgomaster’s mansion in the Village of Barovia. During the attack, Sasha took the attack too far, going out of her way to try and hurt Ireena and was punished for it. After having acquired this new tidbit of information, they place an order for a wolf steak dinner and take it up to Leif the accountant.
They greet Lief warmly and present him with his favorite meal. He’s over the moon and begins scarfing it down while they casually start questioning him. They ask if he has any documentation regarding recent wine shipments to the castle and he happily points them to the appropriate shelf. While they search for the documents, Bedlam finds a book with the pages hollowed out and containing a key which he stealthily pockets. Veledrel finds what they’re looking for and confirms that Anastrasya has been overseeing the wine shipments from the Blue Water Inn delivered by Stephania Martikov. They ask him about the costs of the collateral damage caused by the brides and he rants to them about it. He tells them about Sasha attacking the Village of Barovia, Anastrasya nearly burning down Vallaki, he couldn’t believe Volenta’s tree thing didn’t cause more damage, it's a wonder Strahd ever lets them out of the castle!
They were pretty satisfied with the information that they had gotten so far, so we decided to call it for the day. I gave them time to discuss their thoughts and feelings as well as their character’s thoughts and feelings on the whole thing. They spent a lot of time speculating and mulling, considering what their next moves should be which segued nicely into my session wrap up questions.
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sprixyn · 2 years
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marble hornets band au... thoughts? suggestions? im kind of in love already. more thoughts below
ok first of all? no slenderman in this universe. its my au and i get to make my blorbos (somewhat) happy BUT the operator is still one of tims hallucinations that hes been having since he was a kid. tim writes songs to cope with his mental illness, he's done this his whole life but hes never shared any of them w anyone. skip to film school (maybe i should change their major to be music so it makes more sense that theyre all into it? unsure. anyways). alex has been looking to start a band but hasnt been putting a lot of effort into people searching cause hes focused on school. and one night — maybe on a dare, maybe because he's had a couple of drinks —  tim performs a song about the operator. everyones taken aback cause they didnt know the guy very well but they really like the song. alex goes woah ive been looking to start a band actually?? and kind of drags along everyone in the room to a first rehearsal it goes surprisingly well, everyone clicks and the music sounds great. since theyre all living in dorms and using the practice studio on campus theyre able to get together usually a few times a week, and they hang out outside of it too. they become really close friends. most of the songs are still tims old material but they write stuff together too. brian has some killer ideas and eventually they end up with enough material that matches in vibes to release their first album: "To The Ark". its a massive project, 38 songs.. YEAH THATS RIGHT each one is named after a totheark video. it also makes sense because tim 'wrote' a lot of them and brian the others. im a genius tell me im a genius. also maybe clips from it are the music videos for the songs? or clips from mh too i like the idea of that. idk its released in three parts (for the three seasons) and "Operator" (THE SONG TIM PLAYED FOR THEM FIRST BTW) becomes a radio hit out of nowhere. by this time theyre reaching graduation so its time to discuss the future of the band!! theres a big scene where theyre each thinking abt what they want for the future but they end up deciding they want to keep it together and see where it leads them :) so they go on tour together and are super successful and umm happily ever after. thats as far as ive thought LOL also theyre all gay and trans just like in canon <3/hj. so maybe theres love triangle stuff?? but i dont really have any fav pairing in this scenario since the dynamics are different.. idk give me ideas pleas. and if anyone drew them i would piss myself and cry OH ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION all the alter ego things are like stage personas in this. i think thats probably apparent in the first image but yeah. they go on stage and introduce themselves as that and wear the masks for performances. idk why alex and jessica go without one maybe ill design them masks too but that feels weird
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heartoftheserpent · 2 years
Dumbledore Bros anon here - Amazing post and I agree with everything you said!! The description of what caused the three way duel is so vague in the books and Aberforth calling Albus and/or Gellert a slur makes so much sense. The whole "Albus learn't lies and secrets at our mothers knee" has me wondering if Ariana was the product of an affair?? She doesn't seem to look much like the boys in the book description. Really interested in your Kendra/Percival thoughts as well... :)
I also do want to add (because I forgot to) that bit where Aberforth mentions that he saw everything that happened in that house - everything. It does genuinely feel to me like he is trying to shame Albus for what he and Gellert were to each other. Like, dude, if my sister dated a scumbag I wouldn't bring up thirty years later that she did in fact have sex with him whenever I was mad. But of course, it's very easy to bring out that shame and self-loathing in Albus - and of course, that's weaponized often against queer people in general. "Don't forget, I know what you are, I know what you did."
Even if male homosexuality is treated differently in the wizarding world than the Muggle world at the time, Mould-on-the-Wold and Godric's Hollow were both mixed villages, with Muggles living there side by side. There's cultural bleedover for sure.
After some thoughts on the subject, here's where I'm landing on "secrets and lies" stuff: I think Aberforth was very affected by the sudden shift in the family paradigm when they moved. I think it was really really hard for him to adjust to the transition from "mildly eccentric family living happily together" to "father in prison, sister unstable," and I think he resented that Kendra and Albus were able to make that switch with what to Aberforth looked like relative ease. They were able to adapt to this new dynamic, both being clever, being good actors, and frankly they both had so much responsibility (as the Only Parent Left and the Oldest Child) that they didn't have a choice. Aberforth, whose mind doesn't quite work the same way (see @trothplighted for some truly excellent Dumbledore family ND headcanons), must have felt like The Only Sane Man for having trouble accepting this new way of life.
FULL DISCLOSURE, my Kendra and Percival headcanons are not based on ANYTHING, these are Full Blorbos based on the fact that I've loved them without any canon content for 15 years so I had to make my own (with, again, significant aid from Troth, with whom I share most or all of my headcanons, because being friends in fandom for a long time will do that to you). Frankly I don't even know where these headcanons came from, but.
Percival in my hc had a difficult relationship with his family and his Expected Place, and wound up running away to the New World. Kendra similarly had ditched her family when they tried to pressure her into marriage, and disguised herself as a boy. The two of them met while they were riding the rails, both hopping trains around the Canadian Pacific Railway in the early 1880s. The romanticization of that lifestyle for young people is usually really overblown, since it was incredibly dangerous and usually short-lived. However, I think for two young wizards it might have been a lot different.
They eventually met and fell in love, Kendra comes clean about being a girl, Percy doesn't care, they wind up bumming around the country getting into trouble and laughing it off for a few years. Percy gets an owl that his father has died and left him some property back in England, which he ignores - until he and Kendra accidentally get into too much trouble, and suddenly, retiring to a quiet life in England to hide doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
I see their first few years in England as the both of them working very hard to Play Their Roles - Percy trying to figure out how to be a Dad and a British Man when it's everything he ran away from, Kendra trying to figure out on the fly how to be a Wife and a Mom and a British Witch, both of them startled that they're pulling it off, even more startled that they really like their quiet lives as parents.
All of that is COMPLETE fabrication because I Like It. Here's the bit where I think I have more of a leg to stand on: I think the weird "The Dumbledores are an important family" thing is Gellert ascribing importance to himself, they're important to HIM. They're an old magical family, but they're not powerful or wealthy or influential.
Case in point, Percival.
Because if three boys (in my hc they're 15-17) are able to burst into your garden and hurt your daughter so badly she's never the same again, if you're so afraid of your daughter being taken away from you that you have no other recourse, you're NOT a powerful, influential family. Someone like the Blacks or the Malfoys could have simply put Ariana on their private estate somewhere, or bribed Ministry officials to have her "overlooked," or never have been vulnerable at all in the first place.
My further headcanon is that the reason he killed the boys rather than modify their memories is that they were attempting to blackmail the Dumbledores, to out them as freaks and weirdoes to the rest of the town or even the authorities, and he was afraid they'd left letters or written proof that would jog their memories (he's not that gifted at Memory charms). Percy knew he'd go to Azkaban for it, isn't a violent man, but saw it as protecting his daughter from being locked up her whole life. And. Frankly. Seeing them again, knowing what they did to Ariana, I don't think it was that hard for him to summon the killing curse.
(and for maximum pain, I hc that he didn't have any bad memories with Kendra, so he forgot her completely in Azkaban when the Dementors took all his happy memories. :) )
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snellyfish · 2 years
oh good lord--
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To preface, it’s impossible to keep this as short as possible while still getting my point across clear enough, because if there’s one thing I’ve learned from the Danganronpa fandom it’s that people love misinterpreting the Hell out of each other. This is not meant to be the public’s issue, I wanted to keep this quiet because it literally does not concern anyone else in the slightest, but I’ve been hearing more and more instances for the past few months of me being repeatedly slandered and shit-talked in both servers AND in public posts (vague or not), and my refusal to feed into the terminally online community’s craving for niche fandom discourse is not helping my case, since no one’s getting a chance to hear my side. But my desire to keep personal issues personal does not equal blind racism. Lol.
To put this into context for anyone who’s unaware:
AS FAR AS I’M AWARE-- The only claim of racism towards me is about me feeding into Angie’s islander stereotype in the content I have made about her in the past. Which I understand, I see, I’ve heard people with islander ancestry’s take on it and I hear them, I’ve heard both sides from islanders and I don’t know what to think in the end. It’s a much greyer area than one white internet activist would think.
Ultimately, Angie is not a character I want to make in-depth content for anymore, (been that way for a while, honestly, dunno how obvious that’s been) I don’t know how to properly handle her but some people seem very confident they’re doing it perfectly right, so I’ll just let them do their thing I guess lmao. I’ve heard out one islander, who said that her entire character in general is bad, making content for her character is bad, liking her in any form is bad, to them she is entirely irredeemable. And I respect that. The white person who started this spiel about me is an avid creator for content of her, (last I saw? I personally don’t hatestalk them back so idk) but they do it in what they deem a more acceptable way. Are they right to still make content about a character that islanders are horrendously uncomfortable with? I don’t care at this point, I really don’t have a say in this, I am white, too, afterall! But if I’m gonna be put down for my portrayal, I only hope they’ve listened to actual islanders too.
I entirely stopped making blood sacrifice/ritual stuff with Angie for almost a year at this point and people still aren’t happy. I have avoided the word Atua for most of my time in the fandom and people still aren’t happy. Who am I making happy at this point? Literally just myself? The handful of people who tell me so? My followers who only care that I’m drawing their blorbos and will happily skip over a post like this?
Angie is a sensitive character. Characters representing any harmful stereotypes are sensitive. POC characters in general are sensitive--especially if they’re dark skinned and foreign to their setting.* I understand this, and I don’t wish to try and portray these characters beyond a simple drawing because I like their designs, personalities, ships, or whatever else.
*Sensitive as in they HAVE to be handled by the right person who understands all the nuances and good representation, not to mention some cultures should exclusively be written by those who live(d) that life. I don’t think I’m fit for that as of now but I’m learning, (Only took a LOT of vagueposts, anon hate as well as direct hate, and no one trying to Actually listen to me or explain to me what I’m doing wrong before having it dramatically blow up but...alas) I only ask people to have patience with me (and anyone for that matter!) trying to better themselves, and let the past be the past.
I have trans friends who are entirely uncomfortable with any mention of Chihiro or Mondo. I have trans friends who embrace both of them.
I have lesbian friends who are uncomfortable with Tenko. I have lesbian friends who embrace her.
I’ve listened to an islander talk about how they’re entirely uncomfortable with any mention of Angie. I’ve seen islanders embrace her.
I understand now that my attachment to Angie and lack of public acknowledgement of the clear racism in her character that I somehow overlooked for a long time is...well... kinda bad. To be as honest as possible, I feel obligated to admit the first thing that made me love Angie when I first played V3 was that she was a quirky sacrificial freak, because I LOVE that in fictional characters. I LOVE weird characters who stand out like that with taboo themes. So...after realizing how harmful that is, being informed it’s a stereotype, and coming to terms with the fact my favorite thing about her ended up being something racist, it’s very difficult for me to actively enjoy her because sometimes people even get upset at the portrayal of her literally just being a “weird girl.” Hell, I’ve seen people completely erase religion from her character in an attempt to “fix” her even more!
I’ve had people of color inform me my Angie portrayal is their favorite they’ve seen. I’ve had white people inform me my Angie portrayal is racist. And without cherry picking, I’ve heard it the other way around for both sides, too. I know I’m a broken record at this point so I’ll wind this down, but I don’t think anyone is anymore right than the other, no matter how much each party vehemently believes otherwise. I just don’t like how elitist this fandom can be, man. I’ve always tried to portray Angie in a significantly brighter light than most anyone else I see, so I think my initial stubbornness with this whole situation was caused by how everyone just sees her as an evil antagonist, and I thought that they thought I was doing the same? I dunno. Maybe that’s unrelated at this point. Either way--
I am sorry.
I apologize to anyone who might be personally offended by my portrayal of an islander, if anyone wants to talk to me about it and help me see any clearer, please do! That being said, I do NOT apologize to the non-islanders (mostly white people) who attack me for this and won’t accept someone trying to move on from their wrongdoings. Thank you for reading.
TLDR;; Is Angie’s character inherently racist? Yes. Have I drawn and written into that stereotype ignorantly? Yes. Did I initially handle this wrong but have now realized my mistakes? Yes. Have I apologized for this already and acknowledge what I’ve done? Yes! Am I free from this year-long hell yet? No, but hopefully soon. 🥴
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I appreciate the apology, thank you, this ask honestly gave me a chuckle because I read it before the first ask LOL. I only pray next time you come to anyone with super serious claims you have something to back it up, or any context. And to keep it in a DM where it’s less hostile. I don’t think anyone’s going to get mad at you for genuinely wanting their input on something wrong they may or may not be doing. Doing it anonymously feels aggressive and careless, it forces it to be public discourse.
Hatestalkers if you’re reading this, can you PLEASE leave me alone, you already blocked me man, let me go,, the crash was 9+ months ago 😭😭😭 if you guys aren’t letting go of this I can’t really either
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