#the discord server saw my mini break down first sjdjwjwne
queerbutstillhere · 4 years
Damian had been planning it for months now. He had this whole big scheme laid out, take Jon to dinner, have a nice evening, have him fly them up somewhere high so they could watch the sunset, and then while Jon was distracted, he would produce the ring and ask him.
Except that didn't happen.
It wasn't like Jon didn't know Damian was going to ask eventually. It's just that he didn't know when. They had discussed it, quite extensively. They had discussed it with their parents. They knew they were going to get married, it just hadn't been intended to be so soon. It had been implied that it would be later, maybe in a year or two. Except there was one thing. One problem
Damian was so hopelessly infatuated with Jon, he knew he didn't want to wait another year to be engaged. If they waited to be married, fine. But he wanted to do it now. So he made his plans. 
Only his plans didn't turn out.
Not for any negative reason. He was simply too impatient.
Here's how it ended up really happening.
Jon was always a morning person. No one ever doubted that, Damian blamed it on the fact that he grew up on a farm, plus he was literally solar powered. So Jon had woken up before Damian, who knows how long before, hours, minutes, one could never tell. But Damian woke up to the smell of frying food filtering under the bedroom door of their apartment. The apartment itself was a fairly modest home, compared to what Damian had wanted to get. It was still on the higher end. Two bedroom, two bath, but just one floor, where as what Damian had wanted was a penthouse with two floors and a huge balcony. This one had a fairly modest balcony, but Jon had loved the "little" apartment, and who was Damian to say no. 
So he woke to the pleasant smells of pancakes and vegan bacon(Don't ask how Damian got Jon to switch, he just did), and also the smell of Damian's favorite dark roast coffee. It was nearly 9am on a Saturday, but Damian was considering lazing around in bed until Jon came to wake him up for breakfast. It was a lazy Saturday, after all.
But then he decided otherwise. His lovely boyfriend was doing all this work for him to make breakfast, the least he could do was get up. So the twenty-five year old pulled himself out of bed, grabbed a pair of sweatpants (who's they were, at this stage, was indiscernible, they just wore each other's clothing, one man's sweatpants were another's. The only thing they didn't share at this point was Damian's suits, because those were specifically tailored for him), and shuffled out of bed, yawning as he checked his texts.
"Hey, there he is," Jon's pleasantly chipper voice greeted. "Good morning babe."
"Good morning, love," Damian hummed, walking over to the man stood by the gas stove. 
Jon, twenty-two now, stood just barely an inch over Damian. This was not to say that Damian was short, 6'2" was fairly tall, but alas, Jon had achieved his life goal of being taller, and had Damian not been so painfully smitten, he would have been annoyed. His hair, had thankfully been appropriately styled, a while back, for a photoshoot with Damian, and he had decided to keep the cut, it was partially shaved, but the front section was a little longer, left side longer then the right at that. Usually it was styled back with a bit of product, but as was, he had clearly showered that morning, so it was down, partially in his eyes. He wasn't terribly muscular, not like his father, and he just slightly outweighed Damian, but they were built significantly differently, Jon had broader shoulders and chest, whereas Damian looked more lithe and evenly built.
He was currently wearing gym shorts and a sweatshirt from his highschool, a spatula in one hand.
Damian walked over and poured himself a cup of coffee stirring in a little bit of sugar and some of the caramel flavoring he kept on hand. He sipped it, and hummed happily before walking over to Jon, gently pulling on his sleeve and pulling him over so they could kiss.
"You're amazing," Damian murmured.
"Says you," Jon chuckled out, glancing down as he started to flip his pancake.
"I do. Did the paper come?"
Jon pointed at something on the island, and Damian snagged the folder newspaper up, walking the few feet to their designated living room and sitting down on one of the sofa's, tucking his feet up under him and starting to read the articles as he sipped his morning coffee.
After ten or so minutes, Jon came over, putting his arms over Damian's shoulders and leaning into him from behind.
"Breakfast is ready?"
"Amazing," Damian hummed, folding the newspaper and then looking up at Jon.
Jon titled his head down and kissed him quickly, upside down. Damian just chuckled softly and then stood after he pulled away, following the kryptonian to the kitchen, where he was served a decent portion of pancakes and vegan bacon. They sat at the breakfast bar together and ate silently.
"So, you got any plans for the day?" Jon asked as he was finishing up, taking the last swallow of his almond milk.
"No. I was more or less hoping for a lazy day at home with you."
"Well we gotta do laundry today, but sure."
Damian grumbled softly, shoving the last bite of pancake in his mouth.
Jon chuckled and took his plate, moving to the sink to wash them.
"It's so cute how much you hate laundry. We've been living together for a year now and you still hate doing your laundry."
"I could just buy new clothes," Damian muttered.
"And that's incredibly wasteful. Aren't you the one who made me go vegan and stop using single use plastics for economical reasons?"
Damian didn't comment. 
"Aren't you the guy who goes to environmental rallies and has a indoor composting tote in the corner of our dining room? And aren't you the guy who saves all our veggie scraps to make veggie stock every Sunday?"
Jon could probably go on, listing for hours the different things Damian did to be more eco-sustainable, but Damian interrupted.
"Okay, I get your point."
Jon chuckled, glancing back at him.
"Besides, it's not even like you do most of the laundry," he said, rinsing off his hands and drying them before walking back over, kissing Damian once more.
"I know."
Jon just smiled at him fondly, and Damian felt his heart go aflutter. 
"You're cute," he murmured, kissing Damian's forehead.
"Marry me."
"Wh-. . . What?" Jon breathed out.
Damian grabbed Jon's hands, holding eye contact.
"Marry me," he repeated.
The words had slipped out the first time. There was no going back now, but it was okay, because he didn't want to. The only thing he wanted was to marry Jonathan Kent.
Jon stared at him with wide eyes, and for the first time since Damian had asked him to be his boyfriend, Damian felt a small stab of the fear of rejection. Then a grin started spreading across Jon's face, and he squeezed Damian's hands, leaning in to kiss him tenderly.
"Of course I will."
"To be clear, I am proposing to you, right now. In this kitchen."
"I know."
"Wait here."
Damian got up and went to his work bag, finding it hanging on its usual hook and digging in it until he found the small lead lined pouch, pulling it out and then pulling out the contents, a beautiful silver engagement band, inlaid with diamonds. He walked back over to Jon, and dropped to one knee, taking Jon's left hand.
"Jonathan Samuel Kent, will you marry me?"
Damian was having a hard time not grinning like an idiot, but he slipped the band(a perfect fit) onto Jon's finger and then stood, pulling him in for another kiss.
"I kind of assumed you had some big elaborate plan," Jon confessed, arms over Damian's shoulders.
"I did. But. . . "
"I like this. . . This is good. You definitely surprised me."
Damian smiled, kissing Jon's cheek.
"I'm glad."
"I love you, Damian."
"I love you more."
"I highly doubt that," Jon said with a chuckle, pushing Damian back against the counter.
"Hmm, try me."
They just started laughing, then grinned at each other for a moment more, before Jon pulled his hand down to examine the ring. 
That's right. Damian was going to marry his childhood best friend, and he couldn't be happier about it.
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