#the dodleston messages
frank-olivier · 3 years
Nostalgia Nerd:
The Mystery of the Dodleston Messages
Sunday, December 5, 2021
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The Mystery of the Dodleston Messages: A unique supernatural detective story.
For a period of two years in the 1980s, Ken Webster found himself in the extraordinary position of corresponding directly with an individual who said they had lived on the site of his own cottage four centuries earlier. The correspondence began with messages left on his home computer on the kitchen table, and ended with communications scrawled directly onto paper. Fully prepared for some form of elaborate hoax, Webster found to his consternation that the language of the messages tallied precisely with 16th century English usage.
The Vertical Plane is a riveting personal experience of an inexplicable fault in the fabric of time - and a moving account of a the.relationships mediated across four hundred years.
This is the Second Edition with additional material and further thoughts by the author, after thirty-six years. All involved in the experience are still, to this day, trying to make sense of what happened back in 1984.
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unexplained-events · 5 years
I was wondering if you've heard of this (it was on an episode of the podcast dark history) THE DODLESTON MESSAGES: GHOST IN THE MACHINE, the man who experienced it wrote a book called The Vertical Plane (K. Webster) Though it's a bit hard to get your hands on I've tried looking for more information but theres not all that much out there! It's very interesting but theres not a lot of information on the case!
The Dodleston Messages are super cool (even though I don’t personally buy into any of it).For those of you who haven’t heard about this:
Ken Webster, an economics teacher at Dodleston (England), started getting strange messages (in the form of saved documents on his personal computer) in 1984. The messages were from someone named Lukas who claimed that they were from the 16th century. Lukas claimed he was a previous resident of the home Webster was living in at the time this took place. Lukas spoke (or “typed” in Old English) to Webster through computer messages. This went on for a couple of years and apparently Lukas was joined by another person from the year 2019. The time traveling messages stopped in 1986. Webster wrote “The Vertical Plane”
I’m not really an expert on capabilities of computers back in the early 80′s but this was supposedly something that was difficult to fake back then. He also apparently got messages while he was away from his computer and he had witnesses to this.
I did listen to this podcast on Dark History and its def worth a listen. Its fun and a cool story.  Thanks for bringing this up!
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parttimereporter · 2 years
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What a cool story! From the paranormal world, “1980s computer 'ghost' accuses couple of stealing his home then leaves for 2109″
This is what happened...
Back in 1985,  Ken Webster was given a BBC microcomputer. Soon after, he and his girlfriend Debbie received a series of communications, known as the Dodleston messages.
According to a blog written by Allison Troutner on howstuffworks.com, it all started with a mysterious set of footprints after Ken and Debbie moved into a dilapidated 18th-century cottage in Cheshire.
During renovations, the couple noticed strange, six-toed footprints in the dust, which seemed to walk up the walls between the bathroom and kitchen.
The pair initially dismissed what they had seen as nothing more than a prank, and painted over the footprints - but they were back a day later.. Over the next few weeks, the couple experienced a series of incidents that made them feel as though they were not quite alone. Tins of cat food had been neatly stacked in a pyramid and an eerie presence was felt in the cottage.
Ken was a teacher at a local school, so he brought home a BBC microcomputer. Soon after it was set up, a message appeared, that seemed like an ominous poem.
More messages soon followed, with the writer asking Ken and Debbie who they are before accusing them of stealing his house.
Days later, a second equally strange message came through, appearing to be written in some archaic version of English.
It said: "I write on behalf of many – What strange words you speak – You are a worthy (good) man who has a fanciful woman, and you live in my house (who dwell in my home) – with lights which (the) devil makes – It was a great crime to have stolen (bribed) my house. – L.W."
Over the next year and a half, more messages continued to appear. So, Ken asked questions back to try and find out the identity of the writer.
The mysterious writer initially gave the name as Lukas, but confessed his name was Thomas Harden or Hawarden. Thomas said he had been in communication with 'a friend from 2109'.
The message read: "Try to understand that you three have a purpose that shall in your lifetime change the face of history, we, 2109, must not affect your thoughts directly but give you some sort of guidance that will allow room for your own destiny. All we can say is that we are all part of the same god, whatever, he is (?), is."
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katruna · 8 months
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marylizabetha · 10 months
Thoughts about The Dodleston Messages, Part III
The points that started this train of thought,
• The future person saying that time travel is like a scale, to send someone back in time, someone from that time has to switch places with them and be sent to the future. • Aly bringing up Alchemy
In FullMetal Alchemist, there is The Law of Equivalent Exchange.
In order for someone to transmute something, something of equal value must be given in exchange.
Water can be turned into wine, silver into gold, etc. But something cannot be created from nothing.
The story begins with the protagonists learning a harsh lesson about equivalent exchange. Two brothers try to resurrect their mother with alchemy in a way that visually resembles the occult performing necromancy. Instead, they create a monstrosity that barely resembles a human and dies right away. One brother loses his entire body and the other, his leg. The remaining brother then has to give up his arm in order to attach his brother's soul to a suit of armor.
Later we see that the brother's body is trapped behind a gate and a strange spirit who claims to be ALL (like HIM) has the arm and leg of the other. Like, they did bring a body into this world, but to do so, another had to take its place in the spirit world (like the first point from the podcast).
It also made me think of abductions
and the theory that Aliens are just us from the future. Perhaps abductions are really just people being plucked from the present and taken to the future, in order for someone from the future to come here and study us, or whatever they are here to do. Like an Indrid Cold (Grinning Man) kind of situation.
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letsgethaunted · 10 months
BONUS: The Dodleston Messages - Thoughts, Theories, & Homework Photodump
Image 01: Welcome to the BONUS EPISODE photo dump! Image 02: French newspaper illustration from 1911 describing a poltergeist event that occurred in Algeria involving 14 year-old Therese Selles + Matthew Manning’s bedroom wall with (allegedly) about 600 signatures from different historical figures spanning from the 17th C onward Image 03: Boggart illustration Image 04: Boggart illustrations Image 05: Map of UK Ley Lines + Map showing Dodleston location Image 06: Nine Ladies Stone circle in Derbyshire: Circular formation of upright stones dating to the Bronze Age, popular for walks & scenic views Image 07: Map showing Ley line from Nine Ladies to Meadow Cottage Image 08: Maps showing Meadow Cottage was originally divided down the middle into two separate plots of land in the 1800s. Image 09: Symbol Debbie says most resembles the one on the book Lukas showed her in her dream, Image 10: screenshot of the plainsongs I found - can any of you guys send me links to these songs being sung so I can play them for Debbie?
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letsgethaunted · 10 months
BONUS: The Dodleston Messages - Thoughts, Theories, & Homework
Welcome to a very special BONUS episode of Let’s Get Haunted! This week, we round out our discussion on the Dodleston Messages with our final thoughts, the most popular theories, & even some HOMEWORK for our haunties who wish to continue working on this case! When we last left off, we had finished the entire narrative of the paranormal phenomena described in the book “The Vertical Plane” by Ken Webster. The Vertical Plane describes Ken's first-person perspective living through a series of alleged hauntings inside the 18th Century house known as Meadow Cottage. Purchased by Ken in 1983, the haunting activity inside the home lasted approximately 2 years from 1984 to 1986 and was experienced not only by Ken, but also by his girlfriend Debbie and several of their friends and colleagues who regularly visited the cottage. The story is unique in that it has elements of poltergeists, aliens, and ghosts all rolled into one action-packed saga. Let us know what you think of this episode in the Spotify comments or by leaving a comment on the Instagram photo dump for this week’s episode. SPECIAL THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING HAUNTIES WHO HELPED US DISSECT THIS CASE: Dan the Blacksmith, Charlie S, Caroline E, and Daniel S.
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letsgethaunted · 10 months
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Versus me trying to keep up
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letsgethaunted · 10 months
Hmm… a Cat went to London town for fame and fortune and flowers that wilt in the sun, will turn to butt dust in the bedroom
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