moonstruckmoony · 2 days
So a long while ago @lamieboo tagged me in this post (I'm not reblogging bcs it'll be way too long sorry 😢) I made some art and wrote a whole one shot for it because it was the perfect opportunity for a Winter lore I've always wanted to make. Please be kind lol 💀 I haven't written in ages and I'm such a noob when it comes to writing, also English isn't my native language. I had to run my draft through multiple writing tools back and forth to find better phrasings and dictions that better express what I want to convey. Roughly ~1,000 words.
Green and Gold
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She stepped forward as the wardrobe creaked open, the boggart slipping through the narrow gap in the door. Long, flowing golden threads emerged first, and Winter drew in a sharp breath.
The rest of the boggart soon took form—a woman in a pale blue dress, slumped weakly on the floor, her calf bleeding from a deep slash. Golden locks framed her worried face, and her piercing blue eyes, so much like Winter’s own, locked onto hers. Winter’s hand instinctively went up to the scar across her left eye. The woman’s chest heaved with silent breaths. The faint murmur of the students lining up behind Winter faded until she could hear nothing. Then, the woman’s lips parted, as if to speak.
“Close your eyes, snowflake.”
Was that truly her mother’s voice? Winter couldn’t remember if boggarts could speak. Could they mimic human voices? Or was it only mouthing the words while the voice echoed from somewhere deep within her mind?
Her hands went clammy. A bead of sweat ran down the side of her face. 
She knows what’s coming next. Behind her mother’s beautiful, tear-streaked face, a blinding green light appeared. Winter swiftly squeezed her eyes shut and raised her wand. “Riddikulus,” she whispered, her voice trembling as she kept her eyelids tightly closed.
· · ─────── ·❄ ❅ ❆· ─────── · · Sebastian went pale, even as the swirling Mallowsweet leaves spun into a twister before him, which without question, the most mesmerising form of the Riddikulus charm he had ever seen. It wasn’t a form he would laugh at, unlike most transformations of the charm. It was breathtaking. But no, what had truly gripped him was the green light that followed her mother’s appearance. He had never seen Winter like this—paralysed by fear, gasping for breath, drenched in sweat. She was always so composed, so captivating. Full of life, curiosity, and wonder.
He hadn’t realised this was her deepest fear.
And it was the very same curse he had cast just last year. On his uncle. Right in front of her. What had she looked like back then? He couldn’t quite remember. The sound of her laboured breathing lingered faintly in his mind, and he recalled her standing frozen for a moment before following him as he fled the catacombs. But the look on her face—he had no memory of it. Was she shocked? Horrified? Traumatised? He had been too distraught, too consumed by his own turmoil, to notice. Merlin, how must she have felt? Watching her best friend cast the Killing Curse—the very same curse that had taken her mother’s life—right in front of her? His throat went dry. His insides twisted painfully. Clenching his hands into fists, he dug his nails into his palms.
Was this… was this the reason she had refused to learn the spell? Not that he had wanted her to; in fact, he had been relieved when she didn’t. But it left him with questions. She was his kindred spirit, after all, and he knew the Dark Arts intrigued her, even if it was purely out of curiosity and for the sake of knowing. She wanted to learn, and had learned the other two curses. He had thought, perhaps, she would eventually ask about the last one, even though he wasn’t sure if he could bear to teach her—not after what happened to Solomon, to himself.
To Anne. But she was adamant in her refusal to learn it. She had said so out of the blue, when they began speaking again after the catacombs—after weeks of silence between them. Now, he finally understood why. And his heart broke for her. “Sebastian? Sebastian, what just happened?” Ominis’ voice snapped him back to reality. His best friend’s face was filled with concern, surely anxious for not being able to see what’s happening. Just this time, Sebastian is glad he couldn’t. He wouldn’t want Ominis to witness her in such a state. He opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. He tried again, but his gaze drifted to Winter, who was slowly making her way towards them from the front of the line. Another student—Arthur Plummly, perhaps—stepped forward to face the boggart, but Sebastian hardly noticed. His focus was solely on Winter, her head bowed, arms wrapped tightly around herself, her body trembling slightly. “Winter…” She looked up at him, her eyes wide. They stood there for a moment, locked in each other's gaze. “I… I’m sorry.” He finally managed to speak. “What... what are you apologising for?” So much. Even though he’d already apologised to her and Ominis countless times, he hasn’t apologised for this one. “You—you know why.” He knew she understood. They’d always had a way of reading each other, and this was one of those moments. “That’s… It’s not—you shouldn’t…” She trailed off. And Sebastian was thankful she didn’t finish. Because he did feel like he should apologise. Even though hadn’t known about this, what he did that day might���ve stirred up memories she had buried deep down. Just like the cursed boggart had just now. Another silence passed before he slowly pulled her into an embrace. One hand rested on her back, the other gently cradling the back of her head. She froze at first, startled, but after a moment, her body softened into his arms as he tenderly stroked her hair. From his peripheral vision, Sebastian saw Ominis approached hesitantly. His alabaster hand tentatively found Winter’s smaller one, which still hung limply at her side, and she allowed their fingers to entwine. Sebastian could see the questions lingering in his best friend’s furrowed brows, but he’s certain that Winter would talk to him–she would explain everything to them when she’s ready.
He glanced forward, aware of the curious eyes from the students waiting in line—some watching with intrigue, others with quiet sympathy. It was a peculiar view, after all: Winter with her two best friends huddled together in such an unusual position. Up front, he caught sight of Amit ducking as his boggart morphed into harmless paper planes flying about after his successful Riddikulus. Sebastian hadn’t seen Amit’s boggart, but he imagined it was likely something ordinary, like a failing report card marked with a dreaded “T” in Astronomy or History of Magic.
None of that mattered now. The only person of importance was the girl in his arms, her trembling slowly subsiding, her once-laboured breathing easing into a soft, steady rhythm.
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cestacruz · 3 months
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Lostbelt 6: Avalon le Fae
Pieta - William Bouguereau
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motilyochek · 1 month
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Sketchy Six Fanarts challenge
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kermie190 · 8 months
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Marikas tits you must be hungry
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@jegulus-microfic, July 3rd - Boggart, T, Word Count - 582
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CW: Pseudo MCD
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Sitting on his bed, Regulus flipped to the next page in his book when Sirius barged into his dorm room. He looked up at his frazzled older brother. He's probably here to get Regulus' help on another prank gone wrong. "Siri—"
"James needs you," Sirius says as fast as he can.
Regulus short circuits for a moment. Sirius doesn't know about him and James. Does he? They were trying to keep this whole thing secret. Wait, why does James need him? Regulus tilts his head in confusion.
"Okay, um lemme explain. Um..." Sirius' breathing was ragged and it was clear he was in duress.
"Walk and talk?" Regulus offers, seeing the desperation in his brother's expression. Sirius nods and the two of them quickly file out of Regulus' dorm room and out of the Slytherin dungeons.
"Okay, where to start... in DADA today we were dealing with Boggarts and it was scary, but relatively tame. Things like spiders and snakes. Heights and shar—"
"What was James'?" Regulus asks, wanting to know the reason he was currently high-tailing it to the Gryffindor dorms.
"You. The whole class saw it. It was you, um... floating in a pool. Dead." Oh. Regulus instantly felt the panic that Sirius was experiencing. James needed him because he saw him dead. "It scared me too y'know, um. Professor Keys didn't even use Riddikulus on it, just cancelled class entirely."
The two of them entered the Gryffindor dorms, Sirius mumbled out the password fast enough that Regulus didn't even catch it.
"How is James?" Regulus asked, looking up to Sirius. He can guess that James isn't doing well, but he wants to know how bad it is before walking into the dorm.
"He was sobbing earlier, but now I think he's gone silent and has shut himself in his bed." They end up right outside the door to their dorm. Regulus nods. He can deal with that. He'll make it better just by being there anyways.
Regulus opens the door slowly, as not to startle everyone inside, although he's sure everyone knows that he was going to arrive anyways. He's greeted with the sight of Peter pacing the room and Remus sitting at the end of James bed. Which currently had the curtains drawn.
Heading straight to James' bed, both of the other boys start to leave the room. Leaving Regulus and James alone.
He pulls the curtains back slowly, revealing a shaken James who was facing the other way, curled up and holding a pillow to his chest.
"Jamie?" Regulus whispers.
His head practically whips around at the sound of Regulus' voice. "Regulus?" James asks, his voice cracking. James' face is red and his eyes are puffy.
Regulus sits beside him on the bed. "Hey baby, bad day?"
Nodding, James sits up and abandons his pillow in favour of holding Regulus instead. He buries his head in the younger boy's shoulder. "I thought it would be like, Voldemort or hypothermia. Not, not you."
Regulus nods.
"It looked so real..." he whispers, before he starts crying again, and where Regulus is good at helping, he's not great at comforting. So he simply holds James in return and lets him cry.
"What can I do?" Regulus whispers.
"Stay? The night please," James admits through sniffles. Regulus nods.
The two of them adjust their position so James is spooning Regulus. Holding him tighter than he ever has before. “It’s okay baby. I’m right here…” Regulus mumbles into James' arm.
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dufferpuffer · 7 months
Snapes Boggart
I don't think it will have anything to do with Lily. She is already dead, she had already rejected his friendship - the worst has already happened, and he has accepted that. He has taken these events into himself and grown from them. Voldemort's wrath? Mmm... Boggarts aren't really just something that scares you - they specifically try to make you feel your greatest fear. eg. Remus' isn't just a werewolf... but the threat of the full moon coming to make him transform, even though the moon isn't scary. Voldemort could figure out Snape is fooling him, and that would be quite spooky - but being killed isn't exactly something that worries Snape too much. Dumbledore losing faith in him is a better candidate, because Dumbledore is the only one with any care for him. If Albus kicked him to the curb, sent the Ministry after him, cancelled his role of Potions Master, told him to never come near Harry again... what exactly would he have to live for...? He may as well try and kill the dark lord himself. ((oh fuck thats an interesting fic idea - Severus on the run trying to single-handedly take down Voldemort, because he may aswell.))
I think his Boggart is his father.
His father was a muggle and he was abusive. I'm not saying Severus shakes in his boots every time he thinks of his dad, but the memories do still upset and embarrass him. He hated muggles and he loved magic. No muggle children liked him, only Lily - a witch. The muggle world gave him nothing but misery. Him being a half-blood was a shameful thing for a young Snape. His feelings about muggles cost him his friendship with Lily. His feelings about muggles lead him to become a Death Eater... lead Lily to her death. He has grown, he no longer seems to care about blood purity above aesthetic anyway... but his entire life has been irreparably changed and shaped around the fact he has Muggle blood. I think if Severus Snape walked into the classroom when Remus was teaching about Boggarts... his father would have walked right out of that cupboard and started belittling him in a thick Mid-Northerner Black Country accent, perhaps even drunken. Of course Severus is hardly going to cower in fear at his father... but I think just the thick reminder of where he came from, who he was, what decisions he has made in life because of it... it completely unsettles him. Seeing his fathers face is an instant trigger, and the humiliation of a room of students seeing it - god, he WISHES it was just Voldemort killing him...
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 3 - Boggart
@jegulus-microfic July 3, Word count 527
CW - Dead bodies but they're not real.
Regulus cowered on the floor. His entire body was shaking as he looked in horror at what lay before him. James’s body, dead on the floor. 
He held his wand tightly, a sob escaping his lips. 
“R-r-riddikulus,” He stuttered and James’s body disappeared, replaced by Sirius’s. “No!” He wailed he couldn’t think of anything to make either of his worst fears funny. “Riddikulus!” He screamed at the boggart. It spun into a blur, Sirius’s body disappearing like James’s did. He couldn’t see where it had gone, or what it was. 
A creak in the shadows alerted him that this time the boggart was something that moved. He squinted into the gloomy corner and it took a step. He’d recognise the sound of those heels anywhere. 
He pushed himself as far into the wall as he could as Walburga Black strode towards him. 
“Regulus Arcturus Black, how dare you bring dishonour to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black?! You are a disappointment. Even Sirius wasn’t this much of a letdown. We should have kept him and thrown you out instead. Hmmm, perhaps I’ll do to you what I did to him. Perhaps then you’ll be half the heir Sirius was.” He watched as she raised her wand. “Crucio!”
“Riddikulus!” He bellowed just before she finished the spell. The boggart swirled above him again, but before it could take the form of his next fear, Barty came bursting in. He jumped in front of Regulus and the boggart locked onto him. 
Barty Crouch Sr materialised in front of them. But before the boggart Crouch could even open his mouth to hurl abuse at him, Barty lazily drawled out.
“Riddikulus,” Boggart Crouch was suddenly dressed in Azkaban robes and Barty let out a truly manic laugh as the boggart exploded before them. 
“Thanks,” Regulus croaked, as he wiped the tears and snot from his face. It had been a long time since he’d allowed himself to think about James or his brother and it had felt like someone had dropped an overflowing cauldron on his chest. 
He stormed out of the room and apparated to the flat he kept in London that no one knew about. He allowed himself one hour only to think about them. The last time he’d glimpsed James he’d been walking down the street holding Lily Evans's hand and it had broken his heart all over again. He shook his head and thought of their time together in secret at Hogwarts. Even Sirius hadn’t known. He wondered if James had told him now. 
He ducked under his bed and pried up the floorboard. He took out the only item hidden in the gap beneath. He looked at the photograph. The only proof that James Potter had been his. He smiled as the sixteen-year-old Regulus snuggled closer to seventeen-year-old James as they lay cuddling together on James’s dorm room bed, James pressing a kiss to his lips before the magic reset the photo’s movements.
“I’ll always love you,” He whispered to it as he laid back in his bed, placing the photo on the pillow beside him and letting his bittersweet memories flood his mind. 
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madcat-world · 1 month
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Boggart Concept - Ryan Bittner
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kagoutiss · 5 months
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boggart my precious boggart
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yousadclownofaman · 5 months
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Boggarts are one of many Faerotten organisms produced by lifeforms on the primaterial plane being exposed to Abyssal rifts. With significant enough inundation, small avian lifeforms begin to lose their feathers and congregate near the bases of trees or large stones for shelter as the Abyssal Fae energies continue to poison their systems. Faerot reroutes normal life processes to produce grotesque deformities which, in turn, give rise to magnificent and wildly misunderstood anomalous powers.
Boggarts are an extreme nuisance. Along with creatures known as Hobs & Pixies, spawned from former woodland toads or frogs & bats respectively, these small Faerotten lifeforms make their homes in the walls and foundations of frontier homes where they feed off of psychic and emotional energy. When enough congregate together in a tight enough radius, clusters of Boggarts can impact the emotional wellbeing of a household to the point of ruin. Even homes built into the sides of mountains or those with solid stone foundations are not safe, as one of the Boggart’s abilities allows it to soften stone to the point of crumbling like dirt; Boggart warrens can run as far as the warrens of the average rabbit, with less organization & more overlapping passageways. These tunnels often collapse with passing drakes & other large wildlife, and can drastically exacerbate soil erosion.
Many small animals that dwell in woodlands are quickly crushed and twisted by the violent mutagenic powers of the Abyssal rifts which open in the lonely corners of Crodecca, where settlers and mystics alike shun the land. Overland expansion across the contiguous continent of Crodecca has forced citizens to come into contact with such beasts as Gouls, Beholders, Vampyrs, Hobs, Lunanthropes, Wyches, Boggarts, Pixies and the dreaded Skinhounds. A new chapter of pseudoclerics pioneering in anti-Fae inventions have become well known in the Deng region of Daidara & wide reaches of Doshov. These “Wychunters” are called warlocks by some in passing as their worship of a fallen saint of their faith has seemingly granted them keenness of sense for the Fae & their ilk far beyond clerics of the known faiths.
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lolathestoryteller · 5 months
a boggart in the attic (April 14th; Ridiculous) @jilymicrofics
„Mum?“ James asks, somewhat nervously, as he walks up to his Mother in the sitting room. „Where d’you keep the old photographs, you know, of when I was a kid?“
Euphemia Potter smiles knowingly, placing her book aside to grant her son her full attention. „She finally got you to agree to show them to her then?“ she teases, all too delighted by James‘ girlfriend, whom he’s been talking about constantly since last summer.
James scratches the back of his neck, blushing ever so slightly. „I promised to send one with my next letter…“
„I see,“ Euphemia replies, trying her best not to chuckle at his love struck expression. „They’re up in the attic, I think. Oh, but be careful, dear, if I remember correctly, there’s still a boggart hiding up there somewhere.“
At that, James’ expression unexpectedly brightens. „A boggart?“ he asks, already taking his wand from his jeans pocket.
Euphemia raises a brow at the, in her opinion, rather misplaced excitement. „You’re happy there’s a boggart in the attic?“ she asks doubtfully.
„Yeah, it’s great practice!“ James hollers back, already half way up the stairs.
He rummages through the many, many shelves and boxes for a while, before finally, he notices how his Dad‘s old wooden desk, cramped into a corner, suddenly rattles. „Ah…there you are!“
He raises his wand right at the desk, saying clearly: „Alohomora.“
The box opens at once, a barely visible shadow escaping from its confides.
James readies his wand once again, preparing himself to face Voldemort and turn him into a clown, or maybe rather an old granddad? — but then, for the first time since fifth year, when his biggest fear had changed from snakes to Voldemort (not that much of a change, in his opinion) it isn’t Voldemort‘s pale face or red eyes that he sees…
„No…no, no…“ he whispers frantically, his wand cluttering to the floor as he stares at the body lying there in front of him. „Lily!“ he dives down, kneeling to take her into his arms, her bright green eyes dull and empty. „Lily! No! Lily…wake up, come on…wake up!“ he‘s crying, his entire world shrinking down to the feeling of her, cold and motionless in his arms.
He feels like he’s suffocating. „Lil, please…please…“
He doesn’t hear the footsteps that thump up the stairs, nor does he feel the hands that try to pull him away— away from Lily. He’ll never let go of her. „No! Don’t touch me! Don’t—“
„James! It’s just a boggart!“ he can hear his Mother‘s voice, albeit faintly, like she’s miles away…but he remembers. The boggart.
Though, before he can even look around for his wand, his Mother stands before him protectively, raising her own wand to the changing image which settles, just for a split second, to one of himself — lying there where Lily‘d been.
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cressthebest · 4 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 33
chapter 52:
1. why is the title “boggarts” …. i’m so worried
2. dorcas just put lucius in his place 😌
3. 😐 laser eyes at mcgonagall. i know why she’s doing it, but this boggart is pissing me off
4. nothing is a more powerful motivator than wanting to beat your siblings
5. NOOOoooo ELI! NO! i had hopes he’d last till the escape
6. once again, making connections. the horcrux hornet venom is like the cruciatus curse
7. that boggart to marlene was CRUEL
8. omg that boggart is getting worse. pulled out vanity and hodge. imma catch hands with someone
9. 😦 if marlene doesn’t make it out of the maze i’m gonna fucking lose it
10. “Like the person [Sirius] fought in his last games where he quite literally bit their finger off. A whole finger. Blood and muscle and bone. He bit right through and spit it out. Didn't choke, didn't gag, didn't even slow down.”
😦😦 also canon peter pettigrew reference!!
11. NARCISSA!! MY GIRL!! she has to make it out plsss
12. reg saved marlene ☺️☺️☺️
13. 😐 i am not amused by the james boggart at all
14. i am in fact PISSED at the james boggart
15. james boggart dying and regulus crying like he never has before has me SOBBING
16. james is both upset that reg thinks he’s dead, and so so pleased that he’s loved so intensely. and i- yeah. yeah, he’s right about that one, i’m afraid
17. reg even in his head is so casually like ☺️☺️ my fiancé
18. shit SHIT NO!! AUGUSTA!!
19. the augusta and alice scene is HEARTBREAKING and the fact that frank has to watch and can only touch the screen and AAAAHHH
20. “Now, this—oh, this is fucking brutal, and Sirius relishes in it.”
that fight with bellatrix was long coming yet i’m so scared for it
21. bellatrix has a spear and literally all sirius thinks is “Well, great. Just great. There she goes, and—yep, she has it. Lovely.” 😭😭😭 he sounds so british like “pip pip how unfortunate”
22. 😧 bellatrix admitted to having attempted to murder sirius by pushing him down the stairs. yo, i don’t think that’s how you treat a kid
23. holy shit holy shit, sirius just caught the spear as it was thrown at him. bro that’s wild
24. … um wtf. actually. sirius got pulled into the hedge and the cannon sounds. but like… pov??
25. nobody listens to reg. like my man was literally like “if you kill sirius, i kill you” and yet they’re somehow surprised when he kills them
26. “Regulus' very sense of identity is stamped with Sirius' signature. He is who he is because of Sirius, and he can never be anything else, and he doesn't even really want to be.”
um actually that’s the sound of my heart shattering into a million and one pieces
sirius: lmao no?
28. “"I'm not scared of anything," Regulus croaks, because he is scared of too many things to even count, because is scared of everything and everything itself.”
this is sad but like so so so relatable of him
29. when augusta dies and frank breaks down sobbing around everyone, i’m so fucking pissed that he had to witness that, that others had to witness his breakdown, and that he’s in the position of knowing she was in the arena for him. i’m so angry at riddle
30. fuck YEAH james is about to get recruited. thank fucking god
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sliebman10 · 7 months
Sirius took refuge behind a fallen log, one he’d seen Dolohov take down in his wake, as the Death Eaters closed in. Now that Order reinforcements had arrived, chaos reigned as jets of light came from either side. 
And then he saw him.
Remus, on the ground, broken and bleeding. 
What the fuck? Remus wasn’t even on this mission. 
“No,” he shouted fiercely, running toward his lover’s body and dropping to his knees beside him. “No!”
“Pads?” He heard his name shouted as the Death Eaters began disapparating in vast numbers, leaving the Order in more confusion than ever. “Sirius?” James was calling him. But what did that matter when Remus -
“Riddikulus!” James said decisively and Remus’s broken body stood up and began walking like a zombie. “Riddikulus,” he said again, reducing the wiley boggart to nothing more than a wisp of smoke. 
Sirius had stayed where he was, even though the boggart Remus was gone. He felt James pull him into a rough hug. “It’s ok, it wasn’t him. It’s ok, Pads. We won this battle. Let’s get out of here.”
Sirius nodded against James’ chest and they separated, each surveying the damage. “Don’t tell him, ok?” Sirius said, with a lopsided smile.
“You got it.”
Word count: 207
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Suddenly came up with two "Special Case Phemomena" related to Home Safety Hotline!
-Hobb Mothers/Sires
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-On rare occassions, a Boggart may find an individual suitable to copulate with in order to produce well-suited Hobb offspring. Though this unity is near impossible, the few reported incidents known to the Fae have been similar in the following aspects:
-the Mother/Sire is usually Fae. Human only in near-impossible scenarios that involve the human demonstrating extreme kindness and care to Hobb kind. As many Fae have a natural bond with the supernatural by birth, it is assumed this is why Fae are more likely to be chosen.
-The Mother/Sire has positive relations with other supernatural entities such as Gnomes, Sprites, and Spriggans. Overall a respectful and careful individual. If one shows kindness to various entities, this further proves their care for Hobbs.
-The Mother/Sire is able to withstand the power and strength that is a Boggart, surviving the process of fornicating. Not much has ever been willingly stated by the Boggart's partner as to how the coupling works, its secrecy important.
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-Individuals that disrespect the territory and boundaries of a spriggan may become parasitized by Sprig Vines and, instead of succumbing to their death by a Sprig Tree, deform into a Sprigflunkey instead. There are a couple of factors that lead to the likelihood of becoming Sprigflunkey, such as:
-Excessive abuse towards wildlife. Those who take part in violence and slaughter of woodland animals, especially those that waste much, are, in the eyes of a Spriggan, fitting to serve their dues.
-Blatant mistreatment and damage of flora. Stripping bark from trees, chopping down trees and bushes that sustain wildlife, ripping apart flowers, and releasing invasive species of any kind invoke much anger from Spriggans.
-Disrespecting the Spriggan directly when the opportunity arises. Sometimes, more straightforward Spriggans may appear in front of certain individuals. This is considered a hard-earned gift, or even a blessing, by the Fae. Though if the target (usually human) attempts combat or stands up as an equal or superior to the Spriggan, this rudeness shows as a perfect sign that the fool deserves a lifetime of enslavement and servitude.
-If a Spriggan has made itself known to you, through your ignorance or as a gift, make sure to respect it as you would any benevolent diety. Bow to it, and/or state your apologies or gratitude. Planting seeds, feeding wildlife, or caring for flora and fauna in other manners, further improve your chances of staying alive and sentient.
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mochakoma · 3 months
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digitalsatyr23 · 1 year
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My girl Rya just wants to be included. So cute. T_T <3
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