#the dudes name is Ryland and he’s just getting into metal
wormdebut · 29 days
So stick with me here.
Steve and Robin minding their damn business at a diner. Steve’s got his hair all slicked back and pretty like it usually is, he’s got a preppy little jacket on and is literally just existing but an angry little alternative guy comes marching up to their booth.
Because see, Steve is wearing a very old shirt of his boyfriend’s very successful band, Corroded Coffin. Simply because he likes it, and Eddie is on tour so he left it at home with Steve, because he’s fucking sweet like that.
But anyway, angry alternative bro comes marching up saying, “I bet you don’t even know Corroded Coffin. Name three songs.”
Steve is shocked actually because CC’s fans are usually pretty fucking chill and also very aware of Steve, but he can’t help but laugh at Robins eyes going wide at the question. She goes to speak and Steve cuts her off, looking at the guy.
“This is my boyfriend’s shirt actually. I could FaceTime him and see if he could name three?”
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bet-your-ash · 4 years
Mega Volt
Cherry Tree: Chapter Seven: Mega Volt 1,340 words masterlist | extras | << chap. 6 | 
“Think Garcia ever did band?” Lilac asked from the couch, popping popcorn in her mouth as Ashley fiddled with a toy truck her little cousin had left on the floor. “Dunno. Probably.” She grinned, looking up. “Can you imagine her in one of those big ass marching band hats?” 
Lilac raised an eyebrow. “Yes, one hundred percent, but what the hell are you doing to that poor truck?” Ashley frowned, looking down at the now dismantled plastic pick up truck. “I don’t know.” She pouted and looked up at Lilac mournfully. “I’m bored,” she said. 
“It’s Criminal Minds, Ash, how are you bored?” 
“Well, first of all, we’ve seen this episode thirty thousand times,” Ashley replied, “and second of all… I dunno. I’m bored. We’ve been cooped up inside all day despite the super nice weather, and now…” She groaned, flopping onto her back. “I don’t know! I wanna do something!” 
Lilac bit her lip, watching Reid spout facts on screen for a second before answering, “We could try the Mega Volt.” Ashley raised a brow. “You wanna go on the Mega Volt?” she asked incredulously. 
Lilac shrugged, peering down at the popcorn bowl for the remainders of her popcorn. “Yeah. I mean, we’re… adults, now, right?” She looked up and grinned at Ashley. “Not scared, are you, Maxwell?” 
Ashley grinned right back, jumping up to grab her keys. “Not at all, Anderson. Let’s go.” 
Lilac’s brows jumped. “Right now?” 
“Damn right, scaredy cat.” 
Lilac sighed, eating the last few kernels, and followed Ashley out to her car. “When was the last time we were even on a roller coaster?” Lilac asked as Ashley pulled out of the driveway. Ashley frowned. “I dunno. Didn’t we go last summer?” 
“Oh my God, with Ryland,” Lilac exclaimed. 
“Oh my God, Ryland!” Ashley gasped. “Then that wasn’t last year, but what - tenth? Sophomore year? Jesus, feels like forever ago!” Lilac scowled. “Thank God. Fuckin’ prick.” Ashley rolled her eyes. “And you call me dramatic.” 
Lilac scoffed. “Dude, he cheated on you! At prom!” 
“Yeah, well, at least I don’t have to deal with him now,” Ashley replied with a shrug. “Anyway, that would’ve been - what, two years ago? I can’t believe we haven’t been back…” Lilac pursed her lips. “I must have blocked out anything that had to do with dick face.” 
Ashley snickered. “Dick face. Jesus. But yeah, he sure did love his roller coasters, huh? We must have gone thirty times a week back then.” Lilac groaned. “More. I was down there more than I was at your house!” 
“And we never went on Mega Volt?” 
“I guess,” Lilac murmured, trying to think. 
“Well,” Ashley sighed, turning into the parking lot, “either way, we’re doing it now.” Lilac bit her lip, looking up at the monster of a roller coaster, and began to regret suggesting trying it. Ashley smirked, catching Lilac’s expression. “Not backing out now, are you, Lila?” she asked smugly, and Lilac managed to smile and reply, “Not in a million years,” as she unbuckled and stepped out of the car. 
“Think he’ll let us in for free?” Ashley whispered to Lilac, glancing at the bored looking attendant sitting in the box. Lilac shrugged. “Maybe.” Ashley grinned, unbuttoning her top a bit and fixing her hair. “Jesus Christ,” Lilac muttered. 
“Hi!” Ashley chirped as they made it to the stand. The attendant, who looked about their age and a little nerdy, was wearing a uniform and a name tag that said Hi! I’m Devon! He looked up when he saw the girls and put his phone down. 
 Ashley flipped her hair over her shoulder, leaning against the counter with a cheery smile, and Lilac rolled her eyes. The attendant’s eyes widened, his gaze just a little too low for comfort. Lilac was tempted to punch him. 
She didn’t, and he cleared his throat. He met Ashley’s eyes, his expression making it all too clear that it took a lot of effort to do so. “How, uh - how can I help you?” he stammered, and Ashley giggled. “We wanna go on the ride!”
“Right,” he said. “Um, well - it’s, uh - it’s four dollars per, uh - per person.” 
Ashley pouted, batting her eyelashes at him. “Well, see, that’s the problem, uh… Devon... I forgot my wallet at home…” Devon laughed a bit awkwardly, adjusting his glasses. “Well, it’s pretty slow today, so, uh… I guess if you… if you just want to…” He gestured behind him. “I won’t tell.”
“Oh my God!” Ashley squealed, leaning over the counter to peck him on the cheek. “You’re literally our savior! Right Li?” Lilac scowled. “Right,” she muttered. Ashley giggled again and started walking to the ride. “Thanks, Devon!” she called. 
“Laying it on a bit thick, aren’t you?” Lilac said under her breath as she followed Ashley onto the platform. Ashley shrugged, sliding into the seat and strapping herself in. “I wanted funnel cake or something, and shit’s expensive,” she replied, buttoning her shirt again. 
“Uh… right,” Lilac said, hesitating before stepping in. 
“Coming in or not?” Ashley asked, a brow cocked challengingly. 
“Coming in,” Lilac said, laughing nervously. She strapped in, and Ashley frowned, nudging Lilac’s shoulder. “Hey, we don’t actually have to do this if you don’t want to…” She faded off, but Lilac shook her head. “Nope, nope, I’m, uh - I’m fine…” 
Ashley grinned. “If you say so.” 
The coaster began to climb, slowly but surely, and Lilac glanced over at Ashley. She was grinning ear to ear, looking absolutely ecstatic, and Lilac smiled a bit, loosening her grip just slightly on the metal bar. “Maybe this won’t be so ba—!” 
The coaster dropped. 
Lilac screamed as Ashley did, although she had a sneaking suspicion that Ashley was somehow screaming in joy rather than agony. Ashley laughed, and Lilac wanted to call her a psychopath, but it was a bit difficult seeing as her heart was in her stomach and she could barely breathe. 
The track evened out, and Lilac felt herself start to breathe again. “Oh my God,” Ashley said giddily, “this is fucking amazing!” Lilac took a few panting gasps and loosened her grip again. “I dunno about that,” she whispered as the coaster started to climb again. 
“Put your hands up this time!” Ashley told her. 
Lilac laughed dryly. “No.” 
“C’mon!” Ashley laughed, lifting her hand for her and grinning when Lilac squeaked. Ashley whooped when they reached the top, and Lilac screamed, trying to bring her hand back down. Ashley did too, and then, before she could think, before she could process - 
Lilac put her hand on top of Ashley’s. 
And by now, of course, they were hurtling two million miles an hour down a track that could turn at any moment and kill both of them within a second, so she wasn’t about to lift her hand again.
So she hung onto Ashley for dear life, not even noticing when Ashley flipped her hand around so they were actually, really holding hands, and prayed to God that she wouldn’t die because of a stupid roller coaster. 
Once more, the track evened out, and Lilac flushed when she realized she was holding hands with Ashley. She knew she should let go, knew that wasn’t what friends did, but then they were at the top of a drop again. Lilac concentrated on breathing and told herself Ashley didn’t mind - she could’ve let ages ago, but she didn’t. 
Two more gut wrenching drops, and the ride was over. 
When the cart slowed and came to a stop at last, Ashley slid her hand out of Lilac’s and hopped out of the seat looking rosy and absolutely unfazed, but Lilac had to take a second to catch her breath. 
“Jesus, Li,” Ashley laughed, shaking out her hand as Lilac stepped onto the platform, “you almost broke my hand!” Lilac let out a shaky laugh. “Right,” she mumbled, and Ashley raised an eyebrow. “Hey, you okay?” 
“Yup,” Lilac replied. 
Ashley grinned. “Great! Let’s get some funnel cake, I’m starved!” 
🍒 la fin 🍒
lol sooooo we’re late :) again :) 
but here’s chapter seven!!!!!! and if you haven’t been reading the extras and are curious about ryland, you can read the Prom extra here. we’ll try and get some more extras out, but we’ve been trying to write these next few extras as we release them and it,,,,, hasn’t been working (all the others have been written since, like, august),,, BUT! we’ll try our best hehe
so here’s this, hope you enjoy, and tell us your thoughts on funnel cake and criminal minds here! or tell us anything - feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
<< chap. 6 |
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