#the ellie problema is solved
matxhstixkers · 10 months
i've never been good at comforting people, but i want to let you know that if you ever need anything, me and many others are happy to be there. i'm very sorry about what happened, and i know it's not usually easy to get over.
💖hope you're okay
i- ima start cryin thank you sm. and dont worry your doing a great job
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puhpandas · 10 months
Si bien es cierto que Tony es un poco estúpido, recordemos que está "creciendo", como sabemos, el padre de Tony fue a prisión y como dice Tony, "Tony está creciendo pero Boots prefiere ser un niño", probablemente No se siente seguro contándole sus problemas. a Ellis por lo ""infantil"" que es (Ellis probablemente sólo madura en su propio tiempo como cualquier otra persona) y prefiere distanciarse de los demás y encerrarse (también es muy estúpido por parte de Ellis no preguntarle a su amigo qué le pasa y muy Tony estúpido simplemente aléjate) ADVERTENCIA No estoy tratando de justificar a Tony y hacerlo parecer el buen tipo. Solo estoy analizando a Tony
(i used google translate so i hope i got the jist of what you're saying)
yeah i totally agree! their relationship has a lot of pent up issues that get slowly worse, and theyre both still only in middle school so of course they don't both know exactly what to do when one of them is struggling and theres also already strain.
their entire situation is mishandled (once again, theyre 12 so understandable) and also made worse by Tony's fixation with running off and sticking his nose in places they don't belong to solve a mystery because of his dad. that made him more distant and the whole thing with his dad in general made him more... angry? i guess?
and i understand if Tony would feel resent towards Ellis because he never offered (supposedly) any comfort or the benefit of the doubt for Tony after everything with his dad. and Ellis himself moved on easily because it didn't affect him, but like Tony says about Ellis being stuck a little boy, Tony's stuck on his dad
and i think Ellis moving on would make it harder for him to think of Tonys Dad as an explanation for anything Tony may do thats a little out of line. maybe Tony's first inklings of feeling like Ellis is too immature is because he never cared or handled the situation with Tony and his dad too well, and he may not have taken it too seriously. or at least not enough for Tony
all of this they'd need to talk about ajkhksdfk. if they had a long open minded talk this stuff would probably not be as much as an issue (if they change afterwards) but once again getting there is the hard part. but like i said before thats what makes whatever events leading up to the talk you may come up with so interesting and fun to create
and i also think as a last addition that in the events that Gregory is never possessed, he would actually be the glue between Tony and Ellis. he might encourage them or take things into his own hands when he see's how dire things are getting, and as a good friend himself he'd want to help his friends talk it out
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