#the endless ability of humanity to make the self smaller after having experienced another way of living
variousqueerthings · 2 years
I’m really not over the way that MASH nails on the head the tension between what is technically a terrible and severely limiting situation and place, and the odd freedoms a place like this affords to people. They way these people might never have been friends (family) by geography or interests or ideals outside of here, but now belong together, and the way individual idiosyncrasies afford one another the space to exist as a version of oneself who would get stifled/locked up/attacked/exiled/censored/judged in what one might consider “society”
yeah, that’s... literally what happened -- and happens -- over and over
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turningwheeltarot · 4 years
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Healing anxiety has been an ongoing journey for me. I have learned a lot and come a long way over the years. I want to share some of the most important spiritual lessons that I have learned so far in hopes that it may help others who struggle with anxiety. I am not a medical professional and this is not meant to be a substitute for psychiatric advice or treatment. This is simply meant to be a sharing of what I have found to be effective for me. I approach this topic from a spiritual perspective as this is where my experience has been.
The Importance of a Daily Spiritual Practice
In order to heal anxiety, I believe a daily, committed spiritual practice of some kind is necessary. “Spiritual” can be substituted with other terms, such as “meditation” or “mindfulness” practice, if they resonate more with you. Committing to beginning each day with meditation and prayer has helped me to develop a strong inner foundation to root myself in. Before I made this commitment, I was like a house without a foundation at the mercy of whatever was going on around me.
A Course in Miracles is what I would consider to be my spiritual “home base.” The Course focuses primarily on thought. It is all about learning to undo a thought system based on fear -- which dominates this world -- and accept a thought system based on love instead. Anxiety is just one of the many ways the fear-based thinking of the world shows up. The Course states that its goal is the attainment of inner peace, and that this comes about only through changing our thinking: learning to choose the thoughts of love instead of the thoughts of fear. This is freedom from anxiety. 
According to the Course, the root cause of suffering lies in the mind; we change the world we see by changing our minds about the world we see. This inward shift is made by surrendering fear-based thoughts to the Holy Spirit (or your Higher Self, the Universe, Source, etc.) and simply being willing to perceive differently. The Course assures that our willingness is all that’s required for healing to take place.
If you don’t already have a spiritual practice, I strongly encourage you to find one that resonates with you. A Course in Miracles is just one of endless options. Set the intention to find the right one for you and explore, and the right one will present itself. Some may already have a spiritual practice, but need to commit to making it a daily priority. Our egos try to convince us that we “don’t have the time,” but I promise that even just a few minutes a day will make a remarkable difference in your life.
Surrendering, Allowing, and Trusting
My journey with healing anxiety has revolved around learning how to surrender, allow, and trust in Spirit. When worry arises, I do my best to consciously surrender the anxious thought to Spirit as soon as possible. I find it helpful to visualize literally handing the worry up and into the hands of Spirit. I often envision the beautiful and serene Ace of Cups tarot card when I do this. Prayer is also a big part of my process. A simple but powerful prayer (inspired by A Course in Miracles) that I often say is: “Holy Spirit, I place this fear about (fill-in-the-blank) in your hands. Please take this from me. I am willing to see this differently.” 
After surrendering, I focus on allowing the feelings that arise and breathing through them. With every exhale, I imagine myself continuously releasing whatever my fear is to Spirit. When I allow myself to feel my feelings, they are able to move through me. When I push them away, they become stuck within me. I am learning the art of not fighting difficult feelings like anxiousness, while also not dwelling on negative thoughts. I am learning how to be with discomfort and allow it to pass through me. And perhaps most importantly, I am learning how to trust. 
My ongoing focus is on building and maintaining trust in Spirit. Trust is something that needs to be practiced. It’s not uncommon that I need to continually re-surrender, re-allow, and re-trust about the same issue. And that’s ok. Through committed practice, I am reprogramming my mind so that my first instinct is to trust rather than to fear. And the more I practice, the easier and more automatic it becomes.
The more intense and overwhelming the fear, the more intense the focus needs to be on surrendering, allowing, and trusting. When experiencing intense anxiety, try to get into surrender mode as fast as you can. Surrender the fear to Spirit and ask that it be taken from you. Get as quiet as possible and allow the fear to be there. Be with it to the best of your ability. Focus on breathing through it. Trust that it will pass and that clarity is coming. If you feel unable to practice this in times of intense anxiety, that’s ok. The more you make a habit of practicing this process with smaller issues, the easier it will become to practice when big ones come up.
I have realized that much of what causes anxiety within me is a deep inner resistance to what is: resistance to the present moment, resistance to my current circumstance, resistance to how I’m feeling, resistance to the anxiety itself (me telling myself I “shouldn’t” be feeling this way), and the belief that I need to be in control of everything -- which is resistance to life itself. I believe this is true of many people who suffer with anxiety.
I am amazed by the learning and healing that’s occurred as a result of my simple willingness to be made aware of resistance and let go of it. Ever since I set this specific intention, it’s been like peeling an onion. Deeper layers of resistance that I wasn’t previously aware of continue revealing themselves to me to be released.
“Forgive yourself for not being at peace. The moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace is transmuted into peace. Anything you accept fully will get you there, will take you into peace. This is the miracle of surrender.” -- Eckhart Tolle
Disidentifying from and Disciplining the Mind 
The root of anxiety is in the mind. One anxious thought is where it all begins. But the mind is not where the solution can be found. When I rely on my mind to “figure it all out,” it only leads to more anxiety. When I rely on the higher power that is within me, I find myself guided out of anxiety. I believe this is the deeper meaning of the Proverbs 3:5 Bible verse: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” 
The mind is a useful tool that is meant to be used in service to Higher Consciousness. It is not meant to run the show. Mistaking myself for my thoughts and letting my thinking mind take the wheel is a sure way to get lost in an anxiety spiral. Mind-identification is anxiety. Learning to discipline my mind and let go of my identification with my thoughts has been a major part of my healing journey. 
In order to be freed from anxiety and live a more conscious and peaceful life, it is necessary to practice observing thoughts and letting them go. In order to do this, identification with thought needs to be released too. You are not your thoughts. When you practice observing your thoughts instead of getting lost in them, you get in touch with who you really are at the deepest level -- the awareness behind your thoughts. The Observer. Then you are able to create space between your true Self and your thoughts, rather than becoming totally identified with them. So when anxious thoughts arise, it won’t be as easy for them to possess you.
Anxiety usually stems from fixating on the future or past. The present moment is all that’s real and is the only place where peace can be found. Zen Buddhist monk Shunryu Suzuki said, “Let thoughts come and go. Just don't serve them tea.” Letting thoughts come and go while continuously bringing my awareness back to the present moment allows me to slow down enough to recognize fearful thoughts when they arise -- which is half the battle. And it’s worth reiterating: daily meditation has been absolutely essential for me to develop and maintain the inner groundwork required to practice this.
Conscious breathing and redirecting my awareness from my mind to my body are some methods that help me let my thoughts go and return to the present. These methods also help me to process my feelings, including anxiety. Next time you feel anxious, explore where the feeling of anxiousness lives within your body. Feel into it. Breathe into it. Be with it. You may find the feeling dissolves surprisingly fast. You may also find that what the feeling dissolves into is peace. 
Watching my words is another important mind-discipline practice. Words -- which stem from thoughts -- are powerful. They create our reality. I have realized that if I want to create a reality where I am free from anxiety, I need to stop identifying with anxiety as a part of who I am, allowing it to have power over me. That means I need to stop referring to myself as an “anxious person.” I need to stop saying things like “my anxiety.” I need to believe that I can be free from anxiety. And I need to replace negative, destructive self-talk with positive, healing self-talk. Mantras and positive affirmations can be extremely helpful and effective.
This is an ongoing healing process and it is so important to be kind, gentle, and patient with yourself along the way. Learning how to practice self-care, self-acceptance, and self-love is also a process. I am still learning what it means to love and accept myself. 
How am I feeling right now? What do I need right now? How can I take care of myself right now? I try to check in by asking myself questions like this regularly. I am learning to honor feelings of overwhelm and worry as signals to stop, turn within, and practice self-care.
I spent much of my life terrified of my own fear. I believe this is true of many who struggle with anxiety. We fear that our fear is too big for us to handle. But the truth is that we are bigger than our fear. Much bigger. We are infinite souls having human experiences. I have come to realize that the fear within me is not the big, scary monster I used to believe it was. Rather, it is a scared little child simply in need of love. 
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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imagoquotes · 7 years
Below you can find the inspiring Abdul Kalam quotes with images, these all quotes & thoughts are collected from several books, audios & websites like Wikipedia.
SHORT NAME: Abdul Kalam, APJ
FULL NAME: Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam
NICKNAME: Missile Man of India, People’s President of India
BORN:15th October-1931, Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu-India.
DIED:27th July-2015 (Aged 83), Shillong, Meghalaya, India.
AWARDS: Padma Bhushan, Padma Vibhushan, Bharat Ratna (India’s highest civilian honour), Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration, etc.
BOOKS: India 2020,  Wings of Fire, Ignited Minds,  My Journey: Transforming Dreams into Actions,        Turning Points: A journey through challenges, You Are Born to Blossom, Reignited: Scientific Pathways to a Brighter Future
“your Birth could have been an incident but your death should be history”
“Patience is more than just having the ability to wait.It’s about your attitude While you’re waiting”
“We should not give up and we should not allow the problem to defeat us”
“If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun”
“Let us sacrifice our today so that our children can have a better tomorrow”
“You have to dream before your dreams can come true”
“Science is a beautiful gift to humanity; we should not distort it”
“To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal”
“You see, God helps only people who work hard.That principle is very clear”
“The bird is powered by its own life and by its motivation”
“Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work”
“Small aim is a crime; have great aim”
“Life is a difficult game. You can win it only by retaining your birthright to be a person”
“If four things are followed – having a great aim, acquiring knowledge, hard work, and perseverance – then anything can be achieved”
“Poetry comes from the highest happiness or the deepest sorrow”
“Man needs his difficulties because they are necessary to enjoy success”
“Excellence is a continuous process and not an accident”
“To become ‘unique,’ the challenge is to fight the hardest battle which anyone can imagine until you reach your destination”
“War is never a lasting solution for any problem”
“Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary education is where teachers can bring creativity in children at that level”
“The youth need to be enabled to become job generators from job seekers”
“Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcended”
“Do we not realize that self respect comes with self reliance”
“Be more dedicated to making solid achievements than in running after swift but synthetic happiness”
“India should walk on her own shadow – we must have our own development model”
“Great teachers emanate out of knowledge, passion and compassion”
“I was willing to accept what I couldn’t change”
“As a child of God, I am greater than anything that can happen to me”
“My hair grows and grows; you cannot stop it that fellow grows, it grows wild”
“No religion has mandated killing others as a requirement for its sustenance or promotion”
“One of the very important characteristics of a student is to question. Let the students ask questions”
“Ultimately, education in its real sense is the pursuit of truth. It is an endless journey through knowledge and enlightenment”
“The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise. Enlightened human beings can be created by teachers”
“No sanction can stand against ignited minds”
“Climbing to the top demands strength, whether it is to the top of Mount Everest or to the top of your career”
“For me, there are two types of people: the young and the experienced”
“While children are struggling to be unique, the world around them is trying all means to make them look like everybody else”
“Smart habitation is an integrated area of villages and a city working in harmony and where the rural and urban divide has reduced to thin line”
“I firmly believe that unless one has tasted the bitter pill of failure, one cannot aspire enough for success”
“I was a disadvantaged child from a non-educated family, yet I had the advantage of being in the company of great teachers”
“Educationists should build the capacities of the spirit of inquiry, creativity, entrepreneurial and moral leadership among students and become their role model”
“There has to be a global mission of human progress”
“My view is that at a younger age your optimism is more and you have more imagination etc.You have less bias”
“India can live without nuclear weapons. That’s our dream, and it should be the dream of the U.S. also”
“Building capacity dissolves differences. It irons out inequalities”
“Those who cannot work with their hearts achieve but a hollow, half-hearted success that breeds bitterness all around”
“All wars signify the failure of conflict resolution mechanisms, and they need post-war rebuilding of faith, trust and confidence”
“Writing is my love. If you love something, you find a lot of time. I write for two hours a day, usually starting at midnight; at times, I start at 11”
“Nations consist of people. And with their effort, a nation can accomplish all it could ever want”
“Developing nations want to become developed nations”
“Life is hard but not Impossible”
“Unless India stands up to the world, no one will respect us. In this world, fear has no place. Only strength respects strength”
“When a nation is surrounded by weaponized nations, she has to equip herself”
“Never stop Learning, because life never stops teaching”
“Rejection is an opportunity for your selection”
“Everyday new day is another chance to change your life”
“Alphabet ‘O’ stands for ‘OPPORTUNITY’, Which is absent in YESTERDAY, available once in T’O’DAY and thrice in T’O’M’O’RR’O’W. Never Lose HOPE..”
“Sometimes you have to go through the worst to get to the best. Give time some time”
I don’t know how my story will end, but nowhere in my text will it ever read… “I GIVE UP”
“Small steps in the right direction are better than big ones in the wrong direction”
“Richest wealth is wisdom. Strongest weapon is Patience. Best Security is Faith. Most effective tonic is Laughter & Surprisingly all are free.”
“Everything happens for a reason. That reason causes change. Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes It’s hard But in the end it’s for The best.”
“We always work for a better Tomorrow.But When tomorrow comes, instead of enjoying,We again think of a better tomorrow! Let’s Have a better today”
“A tree that wants to touch the sky must extend its roots into the earth. The more it wants to rise Upwards,the more it has to grow downwards.So to rise in life, We must be down to earth,humble & grateful.”
“Remember that people will always question the good things they hear about you,and believe the bad ones without a second thought”
“Do a 100 things RIGHT and someone will still point out the 1 thing you did WRONG”
“POSITIVE THINKING is not only about EXPECTING the best to Happen. But it is also about ACCEPTING whatever happens is for The BEST”
“In life no one will remember how you Looked ,Walked,Talked or what you did. Everyone just remembers you by the way you made Them feel when they were with you”
“When we are Wrong & we surrender, It means we are Honest! When We are in Doubt & We surrender, It Means We are Wise! but When We are Right & we Surrender It Means We Value Relations”
“You are responsible for your HAPPINESS, If you expect others to make you happy, You will always be DISAPPOINTED”
“Being defeated is often a temporary condition; giving up is what makes it permanent Never Stop trying.Be POSITIVE & THINK POSITIVE”
“A door is much smaller compared to the house, A lock is much smaller compared to the door. A key is the smallest of all,but a key can open entire house!! Thus a small, thoughtful solution can solve major problems”
“KNOWLEDGE will give you power, but character will give you RESPECT”
“Our Parents were Patient when we are young, no it’s our time to be patient during their old age”
“Do the right thing,even when no one is looking its called integrity”
“If people say something bad about you,judge you as if they know you,Don’t feel bad just remember Dogs bark if they don’t know the person”
“Mind and Umbrella have one thing in common, they are useful when they are open; otherwise they increase our Burden”
“Life is not a music player to listen your favorite songs.It is a radio,you must adjust yourself to very Frequency and enjoy whatever come in it”
“The winners are those who learn to take full responsibility for their actions.The losers are those who blame others for their failures”
“Expecting & Accepting are two sides of life. Where expecting ends in tears,While accepting makes you cheer.Accept life the way it comes”
“Good Decisions comes from experience,but experience come from bad decisions.This is life.So don’t worry for any mistake.Go ahead & learn from them”
“Rumours are created by haters,spread by fools and accepted by idiots”
“Never stop chasing your dreams, life can take you from zero to hero In a fraction of time”
“Your best teacher is your last Mistake”
“We cannot change the past, but we can start a new chapter with a happy ending”
“Don’t declare holiday on my death, Instead work an extra day if you love me”
“Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you When you are in darkness”
“Beauty attracts heart,but Character attracts soul”
“Whatever you do,good or bad, People will always have something negative to say”
“Stop trying to change someone Who doesn’t want to change”
“Stop Giving chances to someone Who abuses your forgiveness’
“Stop walking back to the place Where your heart ran from’
“Stop trusting their words and ignoring their action’
“Stop Breaking your own heart”
“Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thingon earth. But its the Cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called Relationship”
“Umbrella can’t stop the rain but can make us stand in rain. Confidence may not bring success but gives us power to face any challenge in life”
“Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it Right is right,even if no one is doing it’
“Success is When your signature changes to Autograph”
“If you want to shine like a sun. First burn like a sun.”
“If you fail,never give up because F.A.I.L Means “First Attempt In Learning”
End is not the end,In fact E.N.D Means “Effort Never Dies”
If you get No as an answer, remember N.O means “Next Opportunity”
“One best book is equal to hundred good friends but one good friend is equal to a library”
“I am not handsome but i can give my hand to someone who need help. Because beauty is required in heart not in face”
Speak 5 lInes to yourself every morning 1.I am the Best 2.I can do it. 3.God is always with me. 4.I am a winner. 5.Today is my day.
“Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second,More lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck”
“success is a journey,not a destination”
“You cannot change your future,you can change your habits.And surely your habits will change your future”
“When writing the story of your life, Don’t let anyone else hold the pen”
“The best brains of the nation may be found on the last benches of the classroom”
“Sometimes,it’s better to bunk a class and enjoy with friends,because now,when I look back,marks never make me laugh, but memories do.”
“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us While we live”
“Never ignore a person who loves you,cares for you,misses you.Because one dau,you might wake up and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars”
“Honest relations are just like water no colour, No Shape,No place no taste,But still the most important for Life”
“Never judge someone. you don’t know their story”
Theory of Life When flood comes, the fish eat ants. But when water dries, the ants eat fish. Life gives chance to everyone. Just have to wait for our turn.
“Black colour is sentimentally bad, but black board makes the student’s life bright”
‘A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking,because her trust is not on the branch but on it’s wings”
“Work hard in Silence, let your success be your noise”
“Being positive does not mean ignoring the negative. Being Positive means overcoming the negative”
“Relations are like electric currents. wrong connection will give you shocks throughout your life,but the right ones will light up your life”
“Love your job but don’t love your company, because you may not know when your company stops loving you”
“2 get” and “2 give” creates many problems. (just double it) “4 get” and “4 give” solves many problems.
“A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. A negative mind finds fault in everything”
“Life is like a book Some chapters sad,some happy, and some exciting.but if you never turn the page.you will never know what the next chapter holds’
“Never forget two people in your life. The person who lost everything jsut to make you win [your father] The person who was with you in every pain [your mother]”
“Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until iit becomes a memory”
      Top 127 -A.P.J Abdul Kalam Quotes ABDUL KALAM QUOTES: Below you can find the inspiring Abdul Kalam quotes with images, these all quotes & thoughts are collected from several books, audios & websites like Wikipedia.
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