#the entire theme of the fic is gross so idk why THIS is the thing I'm worried about šŸ˜…
hockeynoses Ā· 1 year
sometimes I'll have an idea for a fic and wonder, is this too much?
but now I have polls so I can actually ask you guys. [a question about fictional snzing into food under the cut]
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incarnateirony Ā· 4 years
Could you explain what "pro-shipper" and "anti-anti" are? I see some blogs saying that people that fit in these groups shouldn't follow them and it just feels like there's some tumblr drama I missed.
A pro-shipper is someone who has the mindsetĀ ā€œship and let shipā€, and an anti-anti is basically the same and just against anti arguments.
Because tumblr doesnā€™t understand nuance as a life choice, they tend to turn this intoĀ ā€œYOU SUPPORT *NCEST AND P*D*PH*L*Aā€ and then turn it into a wholesale screaming show.
The pro-shippers I have come to get to know are more along the lines of,Ā ā€œIf you donā€™t like it, STOP STALKING THE TAGS JUST TO STARE AT IT, ATTACK PEOPLE, OR LEAVE SHITTY COMMENTS ON THEIR STUFFā€. Pro-shippers are still pro-tagging, pro-whatever it takes for people to put yer shit in the right sections, still whatever, just of the belief that human f*cking beings shouldnā€™t be chased around social media and harassed because they read problematic fic or whatever.
Which frankly, I agree with. This fandom has enough drama without a bunch of 14 year olds fan policing fic in inefficient ways. I donā€™t like W*ncest fic, and manage to keep it off my dashes with follows and blacklisting of words. If people start screenshotting it to encourage people to go after people, it still manages to make it onto my timeline, and quite literally has the opposite effect.
Or as one person said,Ā ā€œI donā€™t understand why these kids think they can make W*ncest disappear, itā€™s like taking a fucking watergun to the sun.ā€
Pro shippers would also defend Destiel fans if that hyper-aggro section of W*ncest fans came at yā€™all too. They do *not* defend behavior out of the Kelios crowd, for example: stalking wives, dangerousĀ ā€œgiftsā€, hating crew, all of that nonsense is considered, well, not-pro-ship, it has nothing to do with shipping, it has to do with not knowing how to act like a civilized human being.Ā 
In fact, a pro-shipper I talk to pointed out that K-club is like, some off-brand anti, who very ironically ships *ncest then tries to throw any other accusation at Destiel likeĀ ā€œitā€™s the same as *ncest cuz like brothersā€Ā ā€œnecrophilia cuz bad canon reasonsā€, etc etc and sheā€™s basically the general mills version of fruity loops. Fruity Oā€™s.Ā 
So itā€™s about the nuance between. You can very well see that a ship is gross, you can very well dislike it, you can also very well see hypocrisy lines and when just GENERAL lines like stalking are crossed which has NOTHING to do with ship and more to do with behavior. But that basically, like,Ā ā€œgo find an actual thing to fight for and help fix our upside down country instead of turning fandoms around the world into insufferable tire fires people canā€™t even escape into, even people that donā€™t like the ship youā€™re attacking.ā€
I actually follow a select handful of proshippers, and I gotta say, the most helpful thing with it tends to be that they track VERY CAREFULLY how anti movements in many fandoms actually integrate TERF rhetoric, sometimes even knowingly. Theyā€™ve done stings to get people to out their TERF-based agendas in DMs and take shots of it, they point out alt right nonsense creeping into fandom dialogues.
Iā€™m sure thereā€™s corners of the pro-ship community that I wouldnā€™t wanna follow or hang out with or whatever. Some probably like furry art or yeah *ncest ships or whatever. The natural solution: donā€™t fucking follow them, donā€™t look at their stuff, and leave them ALONE. All the fan policing nonsense does is make noise and hurt people, and if anyone really thinks theyā€™re going to effectively like, take down Ao3 and their lawyer team, theyā€™re out of their minds.
Iā€™ve been extremely vocal about not liking W*ncest, to put it in the mildest terms. But under no premise do I consider doing things like making entire group chats just to track downĀ ā€œw*ncestiesā€ and harass them in mob attacks on social media any kind of good or helpful. You donā€™t know where their mental states are at. You donā€™t know why they ship what they ship. You donā€™t know, and in an MHI-heavy fandom, going out just to bombard someone who *hasnā€™t* joined in on the K-club hateful behaviors, IDK some nice multishipper that just plays with a few dozen ships in the sandbox -- for all you know you could be the thing that sends them to therapy. Or the grave. We donā€™t know. And worse, thereā€™s some people so actively involved in this theyā€™d sayĀ ā€œGOOD!ā€ and feel they were doing the valorous thing.
If someone was posting like, actual p*do shit, sure, report them. If youā€™re chasing around fanpoling if someoneā€™s anime looks too kidlike for your taste, and then spend hours harassing anyone that ships anything in the show, weā€™ve crossed a line. If someone is talking about actually participating in RL *ncest, sure, find a way to report them to authorities, but thereā€™s no legal ground to chase people around about fictional characters. Problematic themes have existed in fiction since people started writing stories and a new wave of internet white noise isnā€™t going to make it go away. It just makes everyone in the blast zone miserable and often exposes them to content theyā€™re trying to avoid.
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ilguna Ā· 5 years
hi- Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re the right person to ask, but I wanted to know how to start a fanfic writing tumblr- I mean, Iā€™m just not sure how to start since Iā€™ve never posted anything on my account- Iā€™m sorry if this is an inconvenience-
Donā€™t worry about it. Iā€™m a little offended that you would think youā€™re coming to the wrong place šŸ˜‚.
Imma break it down for you.
BTW this post is long bc I wanted to cover all bases
First of all, if youā€™re on tumblr mobile, then thatā€™s fantastic and weā€™ll start with that first. If youā€™re on desktop, I would like to suggest getting it on your phone because itā€™s more accessible and easier to manage than doing it on the computer. The only time I go to the computer is when Iā€™m going to post fics, but weā€™ll get there.
I know you said youā€™re wondering how to start posting fics but I gotta give you some advice before that. Because there are just some things I cannot stand when it comes to some fanfic blogs, alright?
Be easy on your color scheme. I wouldnā€™t put any bright colors because it could hurt someoneā€™s eyes, and sometimes it looks really bad. Going along with that, you should be careful what your second color is on your blog (letā€™s say that your base color was a maroon, and then youā€™d choose a color similar to that/darker than that. Itā€™ll be hard to read the things in your bio, and itā€™s frustrating)
This is obvious, but make sure you have a profile and header picture, itā€™s more appealing rather than tumblrs default.
Turn ON asks and then proceed to do it for anonymous questions, because thatā€™s the only way you get requests. Some people do it off anon but thatā€™s not as common.
You can do this on desktop and a safari browser. Itā€™s not possible to do on mobile just yet. Open up safari > log in > little person icon in the top right > edit appearance. Scroll until you see ā€œlet people as questionsā€ turn that on. Turn on anon, and edit the box to whatever you want. Keep it short
Turn off ā€œshare posts you likeā€ and the following one below it. Itā€™s a risky game to play when it comes to what youā€™re looking at and liking.
No submission posts, normally people donā€™t submit things anyway. Turn OFF ā€œon blog advertisingā€ and then thatā€™s it. It automatically saves so you can just leave to the next screen imma bout to tell you about
IF you go to my blog on desktop, youā€™ll see that thereā€™s a theme. My font is different, I have a different set up than most blogs, etc.
If you wanna mess around with that, scroll to the top of page (you should still be on the same page from the anon instructions) and tap ā€œedit themeā€
It might take a second to load, but youā€™ll get there.
Besides the fact that it lets you edit your theme, this is how you put in a Masterlist, and all other links you might want in your bio.
You said you havenā€™t written anything yet, so there isnā€™t a need for a Masterlist just yet. But when you DO start posting, please come back to me and Iā€™ll let you know how to put one in your bio, okay? Nice and shiny for your future followers.
If you wanna change your theme go to browse themes, change it from ā€œall themesā€ to ā€œfree themesā€. If you like mine, itā€™s called ā€œAccesibleā€. If you just want the font, get out of the theme screen and scroll the screen on the left. Turn ON ā€œopen dyslexic
Remember, you can do all of this on desktop too, it doesnā€™t have to be on safari
Now onto posting, I have some opinions that might offend my mutuals (oopsie)
I canā€™t tell the difference, but PERSONALLY, I think posting fics on tumblr from my phone is gross. But thatā€™s also because Iā€™m writing 1000+ words normally and it gets difficult to post
If you want to post fics with more than 100 paragraphs, then you have to go to desktop or maybe safari tumblr (I donā€™t post from safari tumblr so idk if it works) because tumblr says NO paragraphs after 100 on mobile. There is no restriction on computer
I write in Google Docs, because itā€™s neater and Iā€™ve discovered some hate for Word after deleting some of the shit I wrote over and over. Plus itā€™s an app, and you can open it up on computer. Easy to use.
If you use Notes on your phone, or type directly onto a tumblr post, then thatā€™s fine but you donā€™t know your word count and itā€™s a little difficult to navigate.
When it comes to formatting, I used to have it be really long. But Iā€™ve narrowed it down to 3, sometimes 4 things.
Summary: this is where I put the request so the anon/person knows that itā€™s their request. (I copy n paste the entire request in the summary part, I donā€™t answer asks (requests) anymore because itā€™s easier to answer them after I posted).
Warnings: my permanent is swearing, and then I add on (what type) violence, murder, suic*de, gore, etc DEPENDING ON THE REQUEST
Word count: and I do this because I write long imagines sometimes and some people donā€™t want to sit through 5k words of boring shit
And the optionalā€”Note: I put this if I thank someone for their patience on the request, if I say happy holidays or some shit like that. I donā€™t have notes on every post anymore because they just turn out being the same every time
Apart from that, give it a title (make it unique but not too long!) who itā€™s for and then copy and paste the fic in
Iā€™m using my own posts as an example right here, okay. But I have the summary and all of that bolder because itā€™s easier to see, and I want it to be different from the actual post. Most fanfic writers do this.
I also put 2 ā€”ā€˜s between the authors note at the top and the fic to also make a difference there
Donā€™t have the entire fic italicized, it takes away the special part of italicizing a word
Finally, itā€™s tagging.
I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT tag things that have nothing to do with the post. Itā€™s my biggest pet peeve and itā€™s because I canā€™t comprehend why people tag (for example) Katrina Stuart when itā€™s a fic OR A RANDOM POST about someone else
Instead, letā€™s keep it simple.
I forgot to mention this. But choose your username wisely. You can change it later on, but itā€™s a goddamn pain in the ass when you have 50+ fanfics you wrote and your Masterlist is nice and clean only to realize that you have to RELINK every post individually
Listen, I changed my username on my old blog, and it took me 8 hours ROUGHLY to relink and fix every individual Masterlist. I had to create new masterlists, with so many tabs open to fix it
Instead, change it before you start fics
If you wanna be a colby brock blog, I have a canon url (which means that itā€™s so fucking GOOD and Iā€™m angry that i realized it was open only a month ago rather than when I created this account) and itā€™s colbysbrocks (itā€™s a plural canon url). And I have colbysecrets too. If you donā€™t like either of those, I have a couple of other ideas that I wrote down if you want them
šŸŒø okay continue šŸŒø
This is how you should tag:
(Iā€™ll give an example after this)
Your username first, the person itā€™s about, the fandom (if itā€™s not Colby brock, then something like marvel, etc). Then the persons name, imagine, fanfic, x reader, and oneshot. Then if it was requested
Azurebrock, Colby brock, Colby brock imagine, Colby brock fanfic, Colby brock x reader, Colby brock oneshot, requested
Simple, right? You can even use this method for Wattpad too.
(This is Star Wars, im using my own username again)
Kylorenlovesyou, Kylo ren, Ben solo, kylo ren imagine, kylo ren fanfic, kylo ren x reader, kylo ren oneshot, Ben solo imagine, Ben solo fanfic, Ben solo x reader, Ben solo oneshot, Star Wars
Notice that I tagged both of his names. I do this because it draws more people in, and more people will be attracted to it (however, in the Star Wars fandom thereā€™s a difference between Ben Solo and Kylo-Ren, so you would have to specify in the title Ex. Resistance (Ben Solo) or Struggle (Kylo-Ren). It would depend on which persona youā€™re using
This works for a couple of fandoms, like twilight and shit like that
(Final one, I just wanted to cover this base just in case)
If itā€™s a request for more than one person. Letā€™s say Colby Brock and Sam Golbach (like a Polyamorous relationship, if itā€™s just about a bunch of people, tag the people in it and donā€™t put the imagine, fanfic, x reader, oneshot after any of them, it doesnā€™t apply)
If itā€™s a poly relationship (or maybe more) then do everything you normally do for one person, and then just add on the second;
Azurebrock, Colby brock, Sam Golbach, Colby brock imagine, Sam Golbach imagine, etc
If youā€™re on desktop, I would suggest putting in a Read More (this goes BEFORE your fic but after the authors note, below the 2 ā€”ā€˜s). The way you do that is press enter, and hover over the new break in the fic.
Off to the right youā€™ll see a . . . Click that and then you have the read more. I would only suggest using this if thereā€™s more than 500 words, so that if the fic is super long, it doesnā€™t take up the entire dash for the follower (it takes forever to scroll and itā€™s annoying
If youā€™re on mobile, it isnā€™t possible. Just post and you can go back and edit later if you have a computer
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vecna Ā· 5 years
For fandom meme-swtor?
Send me a fandom!
This one isnā€™t as spicy as the Dragon Age one, but I still got Wordy.
Also thereā€™s lots of KOTFE/KOTET/etc spoilers in here, so donā€™t read if you donā€™t want to see em. (Looking at you, Chignon.)
The character(s) I first fell in love with:
My own OCs haha.
But more seriously: It was actually Darth Malgus! I was always going to play a Star Wars MMO, letā€™s be real. But when they started posting promo videos and cinematics for the game, my Sith-loving ass immediately gravitated to that guy haha. And then, it turned out he had the same VA as The Architect from Dragon Age, and that was it for me.
If weā€™re talking about companions, then it was probably Malavai Quinn. Sith Warrior was the first class I got to 50, and Quinn was the first companion that I really got overly attached to haha.
The character(s) I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Most (not all, but most) of the ā€œnewā€ companions that came in with KOTFE and beyond. I was initially really sour when I realized we were losing all our class storyline companions, and they were being replaced with a new crew of Lana, Theron, Koth, my mother-in-law Senya, etc. Especially when they ā€“ at the time ā€“ said weā€™d eventually get our class companions back, but it would be a while. So I started KOTFE sure that I would hate the new crew because I would rather have the old oneā€¦. and ended up liking them quite a lot! Mostly, lol.
The character(s) everyone else loves that I donā€™t:
Doc is the main one, jesus christ. If you didnā€™t read my last post, I just really really really do not mesh well with overly sexual and Adult Humor-y characters who scold you with a ā€œYouā€™re no fun.ā€ if your OC isnā€™t into it. Doc is the worst example of it that Iā€™ve ever encountered. I always play a male JK, and the fact nearly all of his convos amount to, ā€œBoy, you and me are going to be up to our eyeballs in vagina when this war ends, amirite?ā€ ā€œYou donā€™t want that? Come on, the Jedi Code doesnā€™t say you canā€™t FUCK, live a little.ā€ ā€œYouā€™re no fun. Well, more for me.ā€ drives me NUTS. This combined with how he interacts with Kira just does me in. Shoves him out an airlock.
Dark Side Jaesa is another big one, albeit mainly for OOC reasons. I just hate the fact that she even exists, really. I get the appeal of a story where a Sith corrupts a Jedi to the Dark Side, but the way she does a total 180 into gross hedonism while Serving You always just makes me cringe. Plus thereā€™s the fact that straight dudebro gamers are really nasty with her, and sheā€™s the main companion I always see men put into the slave bikini outfit, and just yikes.
Also just a lot of one-off NPCs that everyone goes crazy for and ships their OCs with, but I Ā constantly forget who they even are lol. Attros Finn comes to mind. I donā€™t hate them! Just donā€™t get the appeal I guess.
The character(s) I love that everyone else hates:
Lord Scourge, although Iā€™m not sure heā€™s really hated as much anymore. I just remember at launch, when all of the overly invested Revan stans absolutely HATED him because of what he did in the Revan novel, and then flooded the tags with vitriol over being ā€œstuckā€ with him as a Knight, and having to hear about Revan in his companion convos. It was really, really tiresome! Maybe itā€™s because I never really cared that deeply about Revan as my personal character, but I could not understand the backlash.
Anyway, Lord Scourge is my favorite companion in the game by a long shot. I love the conversations you can have with him about the Jedi vs Sith, and I love the mutually respectful tone those conversations take. (Where other Bioware companions who disagree with you have a tendency to just go, ā€œYouā€™re wrong.ā€ and shut you down.) The fact that heā€™s so tied in with the plot just makes me love him more, really.
The character(s) I used to love but donā€™t any longer:
Cytharat, Koth and Theron mostly. Although this takes a bit of explaining, and is a bit Discourse-y ā€“ because I really appreciate them as characters, but their role and Biowareā€™s decisions with them is what made me no longer love them.Hereā€™s the thing: Bioware has a bad habit of introducing male characters that are bisexual, and then having them betray you, leading to situations where they either get murdered or vanish from the narrative entirely. Meanwhile, bisexual women like Lana are untouched and around forever.
I was overjoyed when I first saw Cytharat. Y'all know Iā€™m a ho for purebloods, and the fact that he was Malgusā€™ apprentice was fascinating to me ā€“ and then he turned out to be a bi romance. I got very hyped for him, only to find out he dies like 5 minutes later ā€“ or if you save him, heā€™s never seen again. Huge letdown.
Koth was the first character I fell in love with of the new KOTFE crew ā€“ I even initiated a romance with him! ā€“ but it quickly became obvious thereā€™s no way to play the expansion without him turning on you judgementally at some point or another. And then, hey big surprise, you can kill him or else heā€™s never seen again.
Theron Iā€™ve loved since we first got to know him in the Forged Alliances content, but that whole storyline where he seemingly betrays you out of nowhere, only to later reveal he didnā€™t actually, idk. And then, once again, you either kill him or he disappears from the story. It felt like a weirdly shoehorned in plot for shock value, and robbed us of a second bi MOC character.
You see the trend here? I want to love these characters, but Bioware continually electing to do this shit with bi dudes is tiresome and makes me unwilling to invest any interest in the characters anymore.
The character(s) I would totally smooch:
The character(s) Iā€™d want to be like:
None really come to mind? I just want to be a Jedi, come on.
The character(s) Iā€™d slap:
Hunter all day every day.
The pairing(s) that I love:
Haha, this question is hard, because most of the SWTOR ships Iā€™m invested in are between my OCs and my friendsā€™ OCs.
SCOURGE / KNIGHT IS THE BIG ONE, THE ULTIMATE, THE ALL-TIME FAVORITE. Itā€™s really hard to describe just how much I love this ship, and just how much time and energy Iā€™ve invested into it over the pastā€¦ 8 years wowā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. To the point of being almost territorial. And itā€™s also near impossible for me to talk about why I love it, because the version I ship is so personalized with my specific Jedi Knight, especially since it had to live exclusively in headcanon land for so long. Scourge is, more or less, my Knightā€™s support pillar and the thing that grounds him and keeps him humble, in a world where my Knight is surrounded by people who expect him to be a pure flawless messiah. But, I mean. How can you have a man look at your character and say, ā€œIā€™ve waited 300 years to see your face.ā€ and not immediately ship it. And then I finally got vindicated after all these years when it was made canon!
I really love Arcann / Knight for a lot of the same reasons as the above, but I just really adore his one (1) romance convo haha. Granted, yes he did a lot of fucked up things, but I was so grateful when he had likeā€¦ a Zuko-esque redemption. Where he comes to your character and firmly believes he doesnā€™t deserve forgiveness, and especially doesnā€™t deserve affection, and is instead met with acceptance and a chance to grow and heal. Thatā€™s the good shit.
Lana / Warrior and Lana / Inquisitor are my particular jam. I endlessly enjoy the mutual respect between Lana and those particular PCs.
Malavai Quinn / Sith Warrior is a longtime fave, and although I DO love him with a female Warrior, I really do with heā€™d been an option for dudes as well. And I feel the same in reverse about Vette / Warrior ā€“ I do like her with a male Warrior, and itā€™s so sweet and wholesome and endearing, but man I wish sheā€™d been an option for female Warriors.
I ship Risha with every woman ā€“ especially Vette and Sumalee ā€“ and will be salty until my grave that Risha / f!Smuggler isnā€™t possible, because I love Risha with the Smuggler but she gives me powerful WLW vibes.
Agent / Watcher Two is also a lowkey favorite, but I ALSO wish it could be done with a female Agent instead. Same with Agent / Raina Temple.
Agent / Vector is very sweet, but again, I will be salty until my grave that it couldnā€™t be done with a male Agent.
Can you guys sense a running theme here?
Finally: NGL I love Valkorion / Senya, even though that ended in pure disaster.
And people around here used to ship Keeper / Lokin, and tbh, I still kinda love it lol.
The pairing(s) that I despise:
In general terms, I fucking hate every single romance that involves the male PC romancing his padawan or underling, especially since most of them seem like very young girls. I donā€™t know why this is so pervasive in the game, but yikes Bioware. Consular/Nadia is the worst offender, but theyā€™re all just cringe central for me.
But the big one is Agent / Hunter. This would have gotten me run off Tumblr back in the day, but god I hate this pairing. I mentioned in the last post that I just will never enjoy ships where the two characters actively want to murder each other, but. This just gets magnified for me with Agent/Hunter, where all the mind control and blatant abuse comes into play ā€“ and people have a tendency to write noncon rape fic of the two and present it as ~sexy rivalmance~, which is awful. Add to this the ā€œno homoā€ reveal where Hunter turns out to be a woman, after getting everyone hyped about a dude flirting with their male character the whole game, and itā€™s just a huge No Thanks from me all around.
And for largely personal reasons I just donā€™t like seeing female Knights with Scourge. Listen, for YEARS Ā I was treated like a pariah for shipping Scourge with my male Knight, while being unable to find Scourge content that didnā€™t have a female Knight plastered all over him. Even though he wasnā€™t even a romance option one way or another, the way the fandom treated m!Knight/Scourge with disdain while ardently shipping f!Knight/Scourge was offputting as shit. And then, after years, he was made a romance option for women AND men, and all these awful people acted like they were robbed, the way people reacted when Kaidan and Jaal were made bi in Mass Effect. Iā€™m so tired. I never want to see Scourge with a female Knight again.
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mockturtletale Ā· 5 years
G + I + L + T for the fanfic meme
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
my method or lack thereof is pretty chaotic, honestly. i donā€™t really have a standard practice that i always implement. it depends on what the story is about. like sometimes iā€™ll have a Theme that dictates that i plot the scenes out in advance and then iā€™ll usually write them in order but if i just start writing with one moment or concept in mind then i might end up writing out of order. pretty often iā€™ll just start writing and then when i get maybe 5 - 7k deep iā€™ll go back and write down what scenes i have so far and figure out from there where iā€™m going next and whether or not i need to go back and splice extra scenes in.Ā 
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
who DOESNā€™T? my guilty pleasure to read is like really super sappy stuff. sick fic especially. iā€™m not too big on hurt/comfort because i donā€™t do well with the hurt part and the comfort is never enough to balance it out for me, but people being babied and cared for is supremely My Shit. writing wise ... idk. i probably have a different guilty pleasure for each fandom, each ship. like with baby oil my guilty pleasure was always taylor and jordan acknowledging ryanā€™s excellence because that was so often overlooked irl. currently in kpop i love writing about canon things that i want to see in fic but never do unless i write it myself. silly little details about how their lives / schedules / the industry works that i think can provide such an enriching context for writing relationships.Ā 
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
damn, like ... MANY many times. pretty much every time i open a doc iā€™ll read back over it and fix / change things before i let myself add any more. when i get stuck on a part iā€™m writing iā€™ll go back to the start and go through the same process. then when iā€™m finished writing iā€™ll re-read and edit the entire thing at least two or three times before i send it off to my betas. this is because i want to make sure iā€™m not being lazy and over-relying on my betas and itā€™s also because i get super thrown out of fic when thereā€™s a lot of errors or it feels like it wasnā€™t revised at all. different people have different processes and newer fandoms always seem to place less and less importance on editing and beta-ing work before itā€™s posted but iā€™m old school about it so i like to make sure my own work reflects my attitude to revision.Ā 
T: Any fandom tropes you canā€™t stand?
i canā€™t deal with character death at all. i donā€™t like fic thatā€™s heavy on character suffering for the same reason; i really just donā€™t understand why you would want to make someone suffer, even fictionally. iā€™m not big on mafia au type stuff. that was something i was actually into in generation kill fandom because as is a universally known truth - gk had nothing but incredible writers and everything they tackled was well done. but in most other cases i find that the fic is too imbalanced to focus on the violence and ~action with very shallow characterization and with little depth of relationships. this one would probably get me cancelled but i really donā€™t care for a/b/o fic at all. every so often someone will write an awesome subversion of the trope but for the most part it just feels so very lazy to me. i have no interest in reading about the very same dynamics presented in exactly the same way for a variety of different ships. you can just read the tags, see who is what classification and know instantly how the whole relationship plays out. plus iā€™m super squicked by the idea that people are like hardwired to feel / act in certain ways by this random classification that theyā€™re assigned. it feels vaguely dub-con-y and very gross to me so dnw.Ā 
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kushamisaru Ā· 6 years
all the class 1-a boys for the "send me a character and iā€™ll list" one ;B
I fear you are going to be very disappointed with this list since I donā€™t have super strong feelings on a lot of these boys but I will do my best! Iā€™ll be going by seating chart order:
favorite thing about them- Being an extra person myself, I appreciate a character who also very extra. Iā€™ll admit I found him kind of annoying at first but on this second rewatch heā€™s grown on me.
least favorite thing about them- I donā€™t have anything I dislike about him. I guess I think he could have a better quirk?
favorite line- ā€œYou like him, donā€™t you?ā€
brOTP- Uh idk? Who does he really hang out with?
OTP- himself
nOTP- Any of the adults I guess? (this goes for all of these kids but Iā€™m gonna say it here and only here)
random headcanon- He practices smooth heroic one liners and poses in the mirror. Sometimes he accidently activates his quirk too and temporarily blinds himself.
unpopular opinion- If people overall tend to like him, I guess my unpopular opinion would be that I didnā€™t originally?
song i associate with them- Diamonds by Rhianna (but only the chorus. Itā€™s on repeat in his head all the time)
favorite thing about them- Heā€™s got a good heart and he tries his best!
least favorite thing about them- Nothing now, but in the past he was quick to act based on his emotions :/ Glad he seems to have learned from that.
favorite line
brOTP- Him and his brother, him and Midoriya, him and Uraraka
OTP- Idk if it has a ship name (rarepair is hell) but IidaxMomo
nOTP- Iida and his brother, I guess?
random headcanon- Is the kid that complains that theyā€™re totally gonna fail (insert test here) and passes with an A+ every. single. time.
unpopular opinion- Probably my otp for him. They just have a lot in common and I think theyā€™d be cute together!
song i associate with them - Ā The distance by Cake
favorite thing about them- Heā€™s a very honourable guy, he works hard and doesnā€™t take what he thinks he doesnā€™t deserve. ALSO APPARENTLY HIS TAIL WAGS WHEN HEā€™S HAPPY OR EXCITED WHICH IS SUPER CUTE
least favorite thing about them- The fact that I had to look this character up to get a summary of his personality because I wouldnā€™t know shit about him besides his looks otherwise
favorite line- ā€¦ I got nothingā€¦
brOTP- Ā just on looks and personality alone probably Rikido?
OTP- I mean, Iā€™ve seen art of him and Toru thatā€™s pretty cute but I feel like people started shipping them when she stripped in front of him or w/e and she was like ā€œDonā€™t look at me!ā€ which is :///// I just think their personalities would be interesting together, him being a humble guy and her wanting to stand in the spotlight
nOTP- I donā€™t know this character well enough to have an opinion on this.
random headcanon- see above
unpopular opinion- do people have strong opinions on this character? I would need to know what they think
song i associate with them - talespin theme song
favorite thing about them- The fact that heā€™s the best boy
least favorite thing about them- He can be kind of gross and he hangs out a lot with the worst boy :/ but at least heā€™s like. A normal teenage boy amount of gross instead of that being his only character trait.
favorite line- that noise he makes when he short circuts
brOTP- Anybody really.
OTP- Donā€™t have anyone I super hard ship him with? I guess him and Jirou is a little cute but I donā€™t really ship it.
nOTP- none
random headcanon- Pichu main
unpopular opinion- I have one but itā€™s about events the toonami crew hasnā€™t reached yet so I canā€™t discuss it
song i associate with them- Electric Boogie by Marcia Griffiths
favorite thing about them- Heā€™s so friendly! He literally wants to make friends with everyone!
least favorite thing about them- I guess a fandom interpretation? I donā€™t dislike anything about him as a character
favorite line-
brOTP- Him and everyone in the class (This time reluctantly including M*neta because unfortunately Kirishima is just that magnetic)
OTP- Kiribaku, I suppose. I also think KiriMina is cute but thatā€™s at least partially because those are my boyfriend and my favorite students respectively.
nOTP- none
random headcanon- Would probably be a skater kid if this was a 90ā€²s cartoon
unpopular opinion- I feel like Kirishima is a lot more layered than your average fandom headcanon gives him credit for. Like yeah, my favorite thing about him is that heā€™s a sweetheart, but heā€™s not JUST a sweetheart. Heā€™s a rough and tumble kind of guy. Heā€™s insecure, but working on becoming more confident. Heā€™s a stand up guy, but not totally above mischief. Heā€™s just a really interesting character and oh my god is he becoming my new fave boy? What the fuck is happening?
song i associate with them- Gotta Fly Now (theme from Rocky)
favorite thing about them- A SWEETHEART! GENTLE GIANT!
least favorite thing about them- This is gonna sound so mean butā€¦ his faceā€¦
favorite line- I donā€™t remember the exact words but when he conquered his fear of the bugs to pass that examā€¦ that was good.
brOTP- I guess Jirou?
OTP- None
nOTP- None
random headcanon- Dinosaurs are his favorite
unpopular opinion- What are the general opinions on this guy in the first place? Idk.
song i associate with them- You know that scene in Shrek where Fiona sings that duet with that bird and the bird explodes. That. Not the actual song, just that rendition of it, in that scene.
favorite thing about them- idk why but his quirk strikes me as funny
least favorite thing about them- not a fan of his costume. itā€™s not the worst costume thoughā€¦ I guess
favorite line- just him explaining his quirk
brOTP- nobody right now but I feel like if someone came along with an eating related quirk, or was just a big eater, theyā€™d get along well
OTP- see above
nOTP- none
random headcanon- so canonically heā€™s a good baker, especially with deserts, but I bet he sucks at cooking.
unpopular opinion- donā€™t really have one
song i associate with them- cooking by the book (from lazytown)
send me a character and iā€™ll list:
favorite thing about them- TOL
least favorite thing about them- Iā€™m not a fan of his whole design. It makes meā€¦ uncomfortable.
favorite line- not sure
brOTP- I guess just based on personality, Tokoyami? Not sure how much they interact though
OTP- none
nOTP- none
random headcanon- would never lose his earpods but would also never own them
unpopular opinion- idk
song i associate with them- handyman by awolnation
favorite thing about them- If Iā€™m being perfectly honest, the only reason I like this character as much as I do is because of a mob psycho crossover fic where he and Mob effectively replace M*neta (Mob literally by like taking his spot at UA, and Sero through their similarish quirks). Donā€™t know much about his canon character traits but if heā€™s anything like in that story heā€™s cool by me
least favorite thing about them- that he could replace the bad one mentioned above but does not.
favorite line- none
brOTP- none
OTP- none
nOTP- none
random headcanon- will try to tape anything he can together and call it fixed.
unpopular opinion- I donā€™t know a lot about how this character is viewed so I couldnā€™t say
song i associate with them- Tape Song by The Kills
favorite thing about them- heā€™s just REALLY funny like he tries to be dark and mysterious but heā€™s justā€¦ not. itā€™s great.
least favorite thing about them- not something I hate or even dislike so much as something Iā€™m dying to know: whatā€™s up with the head? apparently thatā€™s not part of his quirk so??? whatā€™s going on there???
favorite line- most things that come out of his mouth are gold
brOTP- Tsuyu
OTP- Also Tsuyu! I like them a lot as bffs and bf/gf!
nOTP- none that I can think of.
random headcanon- Meta Knight main
unpopular opinion- I donā€™t think I have one? I think most people like this character and agree with what I said soā€¦
song i associate with them- Linkin Parkā€™s entire discography.
favorite thing about them- I guess you could say heā€™sā€¦ a pretty cool guy ;^)
favorite line- Not a line, but I liked when he finally used his fire power, reclaiming it from his asshole dad.
brOTP- Him and Momo I guess. Also him and Midoriya.
OTP- If I MUST choose, I guess Tododeku.
nOTP- Notp sounds so harsh but honestly? I donā€™t ship him with anyone. so kind of sort of everyone applies.
random headcanon- I saw a comic someone made suggesting he likes to do goofy things when only one person is watching because no one will ever believe it happened. I like that.
unpopular opinion- I donā€™t really like either of Todorokiā€™s most popular ships. I have a hard time imagining a reason outside of school Momo and Todoroki would ever hang out, and even then I canā€™t see anything growing there beyond friendship. As for Midoriya and Todorokiā€¦ I can see why people ship it I guess, but as someone who came into the fandom knowing that was a fairly popular ship the moment that launched it didnā€™t even phase me, at least not in that way. It wasnā€™t until my second watching that I realized that was probably what started the ship and I feel like not a whooole lot has happened between them since? At least not to my knowledge. Todoroki, in my opinion, isnā€™t close enough to ANYONE yet for romance to be a viable option.
song i associate with them Hot nā€™ Cold by Katy Perry
favorite thing about them- when he gets bullied
least favorite thing about them- literally told someone to kill themselves
brOTP- I kind of like the concept of the Bakusquad.
OTP- KiriBaku (though Iā€™m fine with Bakugou just being alone too)
nOTP- BkDk
random headcanon- Dark Pit Main
unpopular opinion- Bakugou is not the worst student and I donā€™t hate him.
song i associate with them- Boom by Black Eyed Peas
favorite thing about them- A sweet boy! Works his ass off all the time!
least favorite thing about them- His heart is in the right place, but he can be very reckless with his own safety.
favorite line- Iā€™m the Deku that always does his best!
brOTP- Iida, Todoroki (ig)
OTP- IzuOcha!
nOTP- BkDk
random headcanon- Since you wanna be cute and shit this one is just for you: Someone once tricked Midoriya into thinking he ate a pot brownie and he cried for an hour (ā€What will mom think?! What will All Might think?!ā€)
unpopular opinion- Iā€™ve seen some people say they donā€™t like Midoriya as a main character because likeā€¦ his character is boring? Donā€™t agree with that. Not sure how popular that opinion is though.
song i associate with them- Zero to Hero from Hercules
Ughā€¦ Mineta
favorite thing about them- Nothing.
least favorite thing about them- The fact that heā€™s still alive
favorite line- none
brOTP- none
OTP- none
nOTP- none
random headcanon- I try not think about Mineta more than absolutely necessary (meaning heā€™s either in front of me or being discussed) so none.
unpopular opinion- Mineta is infinitely to the infinite power times worse than Bakugou is and/or will ever be, and unlike Bakugou, does not deserve the character development heā€™s apparently getting. Since Horikoshi is too much of a perv and a coward to literally kill him, the next best thing would be to let him die metaphorically of irrelevance. But I know he wonā€™t do that either.
song i associate with them- none
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chimerafeathers Ā· 4 years
just wanted to write out a bunch of My Hero thoughts/opinions because idk anybody else who watches it (or who would want to), but i don't really want to get into deep enough into the fandom to see the #drama
so, a bunch of random shit in no particular order:
- this is more about my relationship with anime in general but.... i always feel like i need to put a disclaimer on My Anime Opinions because of the perviness and fanservice and sexualization. itā€™s frustrating because the ā€œshounenā€ genre (and yeah i know itā€™s not exactly a genre. whatever) caters to my interests in so many other ways!!! big, flashy battles, cool powers and magic systems, huge emphasis on The Power of Friendship, cheesy humor, great animation, everything is all kinds of HYPE and EXCITEMENT and FUN....but since shows like this are targeted towards teenage boys and often made by horny men, thereā€™s also Boobs and token pervert characters that serve as an excuse to show More Boobs or Fantasize About Boobs. and the womenā€™s powers are either ā€œlook iā€™m a girl!!!ā€ (there were a couple of women early on in hunter x hunter whose powers were....sewing and vacuuming?? seriously??? and then another one later on who was an older woman who chose to make herself look like a little girl as her superpower??) or ā€œwhatā€™s a power-related excuse to make these costumes As Skimpy As Possibleā€ (cough cough Momo and Hagakure cough cough) or even having NO excuse (what the fuck, Bubble Girl, i know it was a fan design contest thing but that never should have been accepted it makes no sense i--) and thatā€™s. really damn tiring and annoying. mha hasnā€™t quite crossed the line for me yet overall -- meaning my disgust with grape trash and other gross tropes hasnā€™t outweighed my enjoyment of every other aspect of the story and characters, and i hope that never becomes the case. (i tried to watch 7 deadly sins on netflix and??? the main character gropes an unconscious woman in literally the first episode with no consequences???? no fucking thank you!!!!! iā€™m OUT)
- anyway if anybody reads this and has any show recs that hit that Good Shounen Hype vibe with good animation, fantasy/sci-fi/superpower elements, but minimal (or nonexistent??) Creep Vibes, please send them my way. i know there are a bunch of good slice-of-life or comedy or drama shows that have queer themes and sensitive storytelling but man.....if thereā€™s no magic or dragons whatā€™s even the POINT
- on a related note, god fucking bless every ā€œAU - M!neta M!norou Doesnā€™t Existā€ fic on ao3, and everyone who makes every member of class 1-a queer in some way or another, so i can get my cool powers and great characters and dramatic plots without the threat of disgust and frustration
- also i just read the School Briefs series and while there were entirely too many chapters/sections that focused on grape trash, it WAS mentioned that Tiger of the Wild Wild Pussycats is canonically a trans man (who hasnā€™t been killed off!), and Shinso Hitoshi became the only man at UA I respect with one line: ā€œHeā€™s gotta be expelled for sexual harassment one of these days, right?ā€
- seriously, if shinsoā€™s transfer gets approved i would literally rather have grape trash expelled than whoever ends up being the traitor (if itā€™s a hero course student. i honestly donā€™t really care about traitor speculation/theories).
- and yes ā€œonly man i respectā€ includes aizawa and every other 1-a boy who just!! lets shit happen with barely a comment!!! again, bless every fic where grape trash gets expelled early on or at the training camp because Hey, What He Does Is Fucked Up Actually and maybe someone who consistently disrespects and violates his peersā€™ boundaries and privacy shouldnā€™t be accepted as a HERO without getting some behavioral therapy first???? same kinda goes for bakugo too though, they really need to address his anger issues and beef with mido beyond ā€œletā€™s force them to team up in high-stress situations even though this boy basically tried to obliterate the other one on, like, the second day of class. theyā€™ll probably work it out!!ā€
- and on the subject of bakugo! i really fucking canā€™t ship him romantically with mido as their history and relationship stands in canon. (this is not meant to shame anybody for shipping it, i just want to articulate why itā€™s a notp for me personally. expressing my opinions is the point of this list.) i can see the foundations -- mido obsessed with baku, baku constantly frustrated by yet aware of mido, both of them being drawn to each other and tangled up in each otherā€™s ideas of what it means to be a hero. but. baku made midoā€™s entire childhood hell. rejected and abused him for something he couldnā€™t control, ostracized him from all of his peers, mocked his passions, crushed his dreams, told him to jump off a roof. of course mido still clung to him--bakuā€™s strong and smart and talented, and he was the only friend mido ever had, the only friend he had left, the ā€œheroā€ he could see in his own life.
but at UA he has other friends, other heroes, people who support him and believe in him. itā€™s his chance to step outside of bakuā€™s shadow and see his own self worth. and itā€™s bakuā€™s chance to see how wrong he was, and outgrow his anger and prejudice!! see others as his equals instead of his inferiors! but itā€™s gonna take years for that to happen for both of them, and while i can see them becoming partners and friends who can finally talk to each other on the same level, and work together better than anyone because they know each other so damn well after everything they went through....i think they need to do that healing and growth separately, for the most part.
and like...okay, disclaimer, i am fully asexual and aromantic, so while i love reading shippy fics, there are some things i just cannot fucking understand or relate to. the whole ā€œsexual tension between people who hate each other but canā€™t stop thinking about each otherā€ or ā€œarguments turn into make-out sessionsā€ thing is just beyond me. if i hate a person i Do Not Want to be around them! at all!! so the idea that baku treats mido like that BECAUSE heā€™s attracted to him?? incomprehensible.
and on midoā€™s end, no matter how much he respects or admires baku, or even if he was endlessly infatuated with/attracted to him when they were younger, why the FUCK would he want to stay with someone who made him feel like dirt for so long, when heā€™s finally surrounded by people who love him fully and unapologetically? i want him to have more self-respect than that. i honestly, truly want to see baku grow and develop to the extent that he and mido can stand on the same level as equals. i want to see mido unashamed and unafraid, i want baku to apologize and mean it, i want mido to forgive him, i want baku to become the kind of hero mido always believed he could be.
but to me, that depth and complexity of relationship (while very very very good!!) is NOT the same thing as a romance, and turning it into one feels wrong when the foundations of it are just....baku tormenting mido, while mido had nothing and no one else to turn to. (his mom is great, but a parent is not the same as a friend, and she was literally the only person in his life who cared about him while baku and his cronies were beating him up and ridiculing him in front of teachers who turned a blind eye.) if they had been equal rivals from the beginning, with mido able to hold his own physically, socially, and/or emotionally instead of being left bruised and battered in the dirt every time, then sure! rivals to lovers, have at it. but for me, thereā€™s gotta be that give-and-take.
i havenā€™t read shippy fic for those two and iā€™m sure thereā€™s a lot of great stuff!! iā€™ve read platonic bk//dk-centric fic by writers who DO ship them and write mostly shippy stuff, and their take on that relationship is great and engaging and everything. but i feel like, to me, even when the growth and development of their canon-based relationship is handled really well, itā€™d feel wrong to me as soon as it turned romantic.
- .....which is one of the reasons why todo//mido is my JAM. bonding over shared loneliness and trauma, respecting each other as rivals right from the beginning, the contrast of chatty and sunny mido with quiet and calm todo, hurt/comfort on both sides, navigating their relationships with the people who have hurt them so much in the past, the capacity to be gentle and tender with each other while remaining passionate and dedicated rivals, growing and healing together, that good good Pining because neither one of them believes that they deserve the other, all of it!!! now THAT i can relate to and understand and see as the basis for romance. mido changed todoā€™s whole damn worldview in ONE FIGHT after todo spilled his whole tragic backstory to mido in their second conversation.
even so (and again, this might be ace/aro me not relating) i kinda roll my eyes whenever a fic emphasizes how attractive they find each other right away (especially on todoā€™s end, when mido is consistently described as plain or unremarkable). worst offenders are when they ~just so happen~ to be EXACTLY each otherā€™s ā€œtype.ā€ like, alright, sure, i gUESS.
itā€™s just so much more interesting to me if attraction follows affection instead of the other way around? especially in the context of canon events. but whatever, love at first sightā€™s just not my thing. never has been. and i like the idea that even though the start of their friendship is so chaotic and rushed in some ways, it still takes them time to get to know each other and come to terms with their own feelings. (slow burn slow burn SLOW BURN)
- okay those are all my more sincere/serious opinions
- i know canon is like ā€œstop being such a crybaby :/ā€ but mido crying all the time is one of my favorite things about him and i hope it never goes away, at least not completely
- some fics have mido getting growth spurts and getting really tall, and itā€™s an anime trope that getting taller parallels character growth/maturity (like Ed growing up in FMA after being short and mad about it was one of his defining characteristics for so long) but again......i just want him to stay short....please let my boy stay a small overemotional nerd.... hori please iā€™m begging you
- Ā itā€™s hilarious to me that the ā€œdabi is a todorokiā€ theory is present in almost every single damn fic where that character makes an appearance. personally i have no stake in the theory (wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s true, wouldnā€™t be disappointed if it isnā€™t) but i feel like itā€™s never gonna die even after his identity is truly revealed
- apparently shinso/kami is a decently popular ship and i.....have no idea if those two have ever interacted at all?? did they talk to each other in the show or in the manga or some side story and i missed it? are they popular JUST because they parallel eraser//mic to some extent??? or is it purely a case of ā€œthose personalities would be fun together--SHIP TIMEā€?? idk i donā€™t get it but itā€™s funny
- back to School Briefs, thereā€™s a neat Kendo-centric chapter during the school festival that ends up being an introspective on kendoā€™s relationship with her own gender and the idea of performing femininity for the beauty pageant and it kind of rules??
- thereā€™s also an entire chapter from the pov of kodaā€™s bunny during their first couple days in the dorms. apparently koda canā€™t understand animals, he can just control them by talking to them!
- in shinsoā€™s chapter he overhears the dance squad talking about the sports festival and he hears mido talk about how useful and great shinsoā€™s quirk will be for hero work and shinsoā€™s like ā€œ!!! thank you???? finally???ā€ and then resolves to get stronger and make it into the hero course before they meet again
- during the school festival when mido ran off to make eriā€™s candy apples, iida and todo were like ā€œis he running into trouble again?? can he PLEASE tell us where heā€™s going? we would track his phone but he never brings it with him anyways!!! what are we supposed to do about him!!!!ā€ and then they found out what he was doing and went ā€œoh ;u;ā€
- School Briefs in general (minus grape trash sections) were exactly the kind of ā€œslice of life but there are superpowersā€ fluffy nonsense i always crave, would recommend
- also hilarious: baby mido in fic (especially de-aging fic) is often either a) the Most Precious Sunshine Child in Existence, even villains canā€™t help but adore him, or b) the most obnoxious, borderline-creepy, whiny little brat in existence, No Wonder Baku Couldnā€™t Stand Him. i imagine the ā€œrealityā€ would fall somewhere in the middle and itā€™s always a little jarring when authors so solidly fall on one extreme or the other lmfao
- just bnha fanfic things: ā€œis this an intentional use of All for One vs One for All or was it a typo/mistake on the authorā€™s part??ā€
- thatā€™s all iā€™ve got for now yall i love these characters
0 notes
discoursecatharsis Ā· 7 years
Please can you explain Victor and the f**kin' dishes and why somebody considers it problematic. I've only been around the YoI fandom for about a month and I've stayed very much on the edge (I'm in the VLD fandom - that's enough drama for me and then some), so I've missed a lot of the discourse and I just don't?? Understand?? This??
Youā€™ve only been in the fandom about a month? Oh you sweet summer child. Youā€™ve missed some interesting drama lol. (though to be fair what Iā€™ve heard out of the VLD fandom, this may be nothing compared to some of the crap the VLD had done.) This explanation is gonna require some backstory. This may be long-winded, Iā€™m sorry.Ā 
First of all, there are a couple ant/ blogs that have the phraseĀ ā€œwithout the shitā€ in the url. Two blogs in particular, an art one (soĀ ā€œy0i art without the shitā€) and a fic one. (More recently a general blog and a gif blog have popped up, but theyā€™re not important to this story.)
On their blogs, they only reblog ā€œsafeā€ art and fics. Thatā€™s their entire theme and purpose. They only reblog safe and pure fanworks. Of course, this means no 0tayur1 (or YP/JJ, or any ship withĀ ā€œminors and adultsā€ aka any Yurio ship because these people donā€™t like shipping him with anyone). They donā€™t reblog works thatĀ ā€œsexualize minors.ā€ Etc. You get the gist.Ā 
They wonā€™t even reblog fanworks from people who are guilty of those things. Even if the subject of the post itself wasnā€™t a Bad Ship. This artist drew a cute, pure, fluffy v1ctur1 piece? Nope, they wonā€™t reblog the v1ctur1 art, because that artist drew 0tayur1 making eye-contact once upon a time, that artist is now forever tainted as a gross pedophilic shipper. Even if they have problematic ships in other fandoms, they wonā€™t reblog from them. ā€œThis artist supports a sha/ad1n ship? Nope, theyā€™re a nasty artist and will never be reblogged on this blog. They like KS or capt1v3 pr1nc3? Theyā€™re a Bad Person too.ā€Ā 
The two blogs are run by two different people, so they have different lists of what is and what is not allowed. Ranging from ā€œno 0tayuriā€ to no stripper AUs to no omegaverse to no genderbends to noā€œproblematic or homophobic tropes.ā€
These Bad Tropes include such hits as:
ā€œYurio Calling V1ctur1 Disgustingā€ (for being all lovey-dovey and flirting with each other I assumeā€¦ apparently Yurio being grossed out or annoyed by them having PDAs is homophobic)
ā€œYuuri Being Cold to Viktorā€
ā€œV1ctur1 Having Sex at the Banquetā€
ā€œViktor Trying to Get Yuuri Drunkā€
And my personal favorite Bad Trope: ā€œViktor and the fucking dishes.ā€Ā 
Thereā€™s been a running gag since early on in the fandom, that, once they start living together, V1ctur1 will get into small arguments over dishes. Like Viktor will forget to do the dishes, and Yuuri will get annoyed with him and tell him to wash the dishes and like hold a kiss over his head until the dishes are done. Just a stupid, harmless joke about being domestic. Right?
Welp Iā€™ve legit seen people argue that this is heteronormative. (Do same-sex couples not wash dishes? I didnā€™t realize arguing over whose turn it is to wash dishes was a straight couples thing. I guess college roommates all over the country are straight couples.) And according to ant/s, itā€™s homophobic somehow too.
So the dishes trope is problematic because itā€™sā€¦ idk, I guess v1ctur1 isnā€™t allowed to have normal silly domestic spats over chores?Ā 
I guess, according to ant/s, itā€™s unhealthy to sometimes argue over chores and couples should never argue at allā€¦even though theyā€™re human beings and misunderstandings happen no matter how in love you are with someone because no one is perfect, and so long as you communicate and talk after an argument, itā€™s healthy and normal. To ant/s and their purity culture, v1ctur1 are too superior to have something as mediocre as the occasional disagreement in their relationship.
I can understand why people are annoyed with the dishes thing. Itā€™s a tired, unfunny joke. But itā€™s nothing to call aĀ ā€œproblematic trope.ā€ Itā€™s annoying and dumb at worst, but it is not problematic or homophobic. Like come on people, please go outside.
So yeah, thatā€™s whereĀ ā€œViktor and the dishesā€ comes in. Sorry for the novel.
Some further backstory to complete this saga though.Ā 
Around May, it came out the the fic blog had aĀ ā€œshitlist.ā€ A private list that they shared with other ant/s so they would know which writers to block. Someone posed as an ant/ to get their hands on this list, and released it, and exposed the fic blog for having aĀ ā€œshitlistā€ of writers in the fandom.
That little incident brought more awareness to these ā€œwithout the shitā€ blogs, both the fic and the art blog. Some people were aware of their existence, but not many until this shitlist came out.Ā 
Some people had a field day with this drama and were more amused than anything, trying to create art/fics to get onto the shitlist, like some badge of honor. Others were understandably pissed at these blogs for quite literally calling certain fanworks ā€œshit.ā€Ā People work hard on their art and fics. Itā€™s so wrong for these ant/ blogs to call their work ā€œshitā€ just because they donā€™t like the ship.
Now I can imagine running a blog with a complex tagging system, that way people can blacklist things that trigger them and also easily find art and fics that will suit them. But that was not the case with these blogs obviously. I hate to use the wordĀ ā€œdiscriminateā€ so lightly, but they were essentially discriminating against 0tayur1 shippers under the guise of ā€œthis blog is a safe space and only reblogs safe works!!ā€.
After the shitlist was released, the fic blog password-protected for a few days (probably because they got an influx of asks from writers begging to be put onto the shitlist lmao) and then came back later. And now these blogs are continuing to reblog onlyĀ ā€œsafeā€ works, while deeming all other works asĀ ā€œshit.ā€Ā 
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todokori-kun Ā· 7 years
Luna, youā€™re the best. Youā€™re smart, youā€™re talented, youā€™re dedicated, youā€™re creative and caring, a wonderful listener, so much fun to debate with,Ā and the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Iā€™m so grateful for everything youā€™ve helped me with ever since we started talking; I respect your resolve. Youā€™re unique andĀ amazing, and Iā€™m so, so sorry this is happening to you.
I wonā€™t go into detail because itā€™s a complicated story thatā€™s also way too long, but Iā€™ve sort ofĀ felt that way before tooĀ (thinking it might be betterĀ if I just disappeared/wishing I didnā€™t exist/feeling worthless). It sucks.
I donā€™t know if thisā€™ll help, but just know that Iā€™m always here to listen if you need it. You can Email me (though I guess thatā€™s probably not an option lol) or just, like, I donā€™t know, maybe post something on the blog like ā€˜Evans can we talkā€™ and Iā€™ll definitely see it and respond because I stalk thisĀ place 24/7 (Evans is a creep please donā€™t encourage her). Iā€™ve also been considering finally getting a tumblr so maybe weā€™ll be able to PM each other sometime.
Thereā€™s absolutely nothing to apologize for. Itā€™s really brave to talk about stuff like this (I never can). And if thereā€™s any way I can help, please, let me know.
Ā  (Also, funny story (itā€™s actually gross and is basically just Evans whining about stuff):
I know from experience that stomach-related sicknesses suck. When I first started taking swimming lessons I was an idiot with zero stamina who could barely swim halfway across the pool without coming up for air, so needless to say, I ended up gulping a ton of water (especially since my teacher didnā€™t go easy on me; mom told her not to because Iā€™m a sloth and I usually wonā€™t do any exercise on my own besides simple stretches and some walking/running). I mean, the water in swimming pools is usually a bitĀ disgusting, and itā€™s even worse where I take lessons because itā€™s a pretty old place and I donā€™t think it gets cleaned that oftenā€¦ so not only didĀ accidentally swallowing it triggerĀ my clean-freak senses,Ā I also ended up with a terrible stomachache. I thought it was fine, that it would pass. But then I gotĀ a fever and every other thing I ate made me feel like someone was twisting my intestines from the inside, I couldnā€™t even lie down and rest for a sec because whenever I moved or tried to change positions it got even worse ;p; (also my mom never let it go, she kept jokingly 'remindingā€™ me that water from a swimming pool is not something you should drink after I started swimming again. I guess I kinda deserved it, though. I was an idiot))
That sounds so lovely <3 Iā€™d really love to go visit Norway myself sometime, though Iā€™ll probably have to wait a few years (my mom has back problems that make it painful for her to stay in one position for too long, so long plane/car rides are a huge no). And oooh if you have any good pictures Iā€™d love to see them :D
Thanks, Iā€™m glad I managed to explain my shipping reasonsĀ (like itā€™s so hard to properly talk about why I ship stuff sometimes XD)! I would give anything to have you join me in Stoki hell so let me justĀ recommend basically the entire Remember This Cold series (itā€™s angsty as heck so proceed with cautionā€¦there are bits of humor and fluff in there, though, and then some extremely rare (almost) pure fluff fics. Like the one where Steve wants to propose but is a nervous bean because Lokiā€™s a PRINCE and he wants to make it perfect). Iā€™ll also try to find some more good fics later becase I canā€™t remember any titles right now ^^;;
YES ANOTHER T'CHALLA FAN I adore this guy (also I feel like he has a really cool voice. Not really sure why, it just sounds so nice). I really respect him for his attitude towards Steve and Bucky after he figures out Buckyā€™s not the real murderer, and how he later stops letting his anger towards his fatherā€™s killer consume him.
Weā€™ll fangirl over the Black Panther movie together when it comes out, wonā€™t we *schwing*
(right after I wrote 'schwingā€™ I got this mental image of Hisoka having his glowing, expolsive schwing moments after seeing T'Challa. And then Hisoka schwinging in theater while watching MCU movie fight scenes. Why am I like this)
I can draw, but I donā€™t know how to animate so these memes will never be a thing ;-; itā€™s so sad, Iā€™ve got everything planned outā€¦everytime eyes are mentioned the screen zooms in on Illumiā€™s eyes (yes even when Illumiā€™s not in the song because heā€™s a Zoldyck assassin, you canā€™t keep him out) and the word 'eyesā€™ gets the weird treatment where all these high/low/metallic(?) voices get layered so it sounds like the creepiest thing ever
('History has its eyes on you but itā€™s actually Illumiā€™ is both the animatic I want to see the most and the animatic I hope will never be created)
Fun HxH facts I want to let you know about:
Kite (AKA Gingā€™s student and Gonā€™s big brother figure) is dead and has been brainwashed into being a weapon/punching bag for his captors. When sunshine angel Gon meets the new Kite he lets Kite beat him up and then hugs him, promising to save him (THE FEEEEEEELSS)
Forgot to mention this about Chrollo, but when Kurapika killed one of his troupe (a guy named Uvogin), Chrollo acted all cool and never really talked about Uvoā€¦
but then he had the rest of the troupe murder 2000 mafiosi guardingĀ a building they were trying to get into, and while watching the chaos from afar, listening to their enemyā€™s screams,Ā heĀ started wavingĀ his hands as if conducting an orchestraā€¦
ā€œUvogin-san. Can you hear it? This requiem weā€™re dedicating to you.ā€
(jeez Chrollo we know youā€™re extra but you canā€™t just murder 2000 people and play a funeral march with their criesĀ of horror every time you lose a subordinate)
Lastly: Thereā€™s a new character named Knuckle whoā€™s like the HxH version of Metal Bat. He is the sweetest cinnamon roll. I love him. Iā€™ll send you a pic later
So um did you hear the news about Hinami
(Queen Luna cosplaying Maka(? or any of the otherĀ threeĀ MCs)ā€¦omg that sounds so awesome)
*facepalm* ok WHOOPS I actually read about that on the SE wiki a while ago. How did I forget about it
Yep! It wasĀ so good <33 (Lizzy looks so graceful and prettyĀ I canā€™t even)Ā I actually found the whole movie on YT but just watched the parts I was really looking forward to seeing animated, like UTā€™s fight scene, Seb getting stabbed, the rest of the Midford familyā€¦(Francisā€™ hair shocked me. Idk how to feel about it. At first I thought it made her look like an old lady, but then, the more I look at it, the prettier it getsā€¦like, itā€™s actually a really nice design, but I guess I got too used to manga!Francis lol)
Light is the trash GOD.
(hope you get to read the light novel! As far as I know itā€™s got a TON of L and Naomi in it so it might make you feel better :D)
Oh yeah, I get what you mean. Lightā€™s reasoning/views on the justice system probably connects a lot to the culture and social issues of Japan at the time.
DNā€™s probably still one of the easier-to-adapt mangas out there, though, since the themes of justice and questioning the idea of 'greater goodā€™ is something anyone can relate to (and they still botched it, Iā€™m very salty about this and you canā€™t stop me ;-; even withĀ how terrible Ryuk and Rem looked in them, the Japanese movies were WAY better, and itā€™s actually pretty rare that Japan makes a good live-action movie from a manga or anime. Apparently the TG movie that came out this year was pretty good too, though :D).
(I apparently somehow accidentally erased the part where I mentioned I actually read HCs/theories about Japanese-American Light on tumblr somewhereā€¦.thatā€™s what got me thinking about it.
I agree though, seeing how different cultures would change Lightā€™s character would be very interesting.)
The lack of potato chips doomed the entire Keikaku from the start.
I can see you being similar to Pearl too! I think Iā€™m maybe a bit like Lapisā€¦or possibly Connie. Or maybe Blue Diamond because I also cry way too much (but then again BD actually has a reason to be miserable so)
ThoseĀ are both cool gems<3Ā and yeah, theyā€™re both really pretty :D
I was talking about gem 'rolesā€™ back on Homeworld, thoughĀ ^^;; like, how Pearls are considered servants or pretty accessories, Diamonds are leaders, fusions like Garnet are outcasts, Rubies are 'dumb muscleā€™, Sapphires are valuable prophets, Peridots are tech experts, Jaspers are soldiersā€¦sorry, I shouldā€™ve been more specific OTL
Iā€™d probably be a Pearl lol. I could see myself being a Peridot and being scared to death without aĀ Quartz soldier to guard meĀ but Iā€™m not good with any kind of technology so nah.
And sorry for asking weird questions, I forgot itā€™s been a while since you watched the show ^^;;
Hey, donā€™t feel bad about slow replies! Like I said before, I seriously donā€™t mind as long as youā€™re ok :D and Iā€™m so glad Iā€™ve managed to help.
('a friend I appreciateā€™ *ugly sobbing* thank you)
Did someone say suffering?
*'Remember That We Sufferedā€™ plays in the background*
Ayyy Iā€™m so glad you liked them! (The Hide pic was painted with the intent to kill)
(last thing:
Iā€™m sorry, this is probably really creepy, but I ended up telling my mom about you because she asked who I was talking to (she knows I have internet friends and has seen me writing messages before). Since Iā€™m only 13 she worries about the people I talk (she knows all my friends on ao3) so I told her some small things like your age, that youā€™re from Croatia, that you play the piano too and that you mentioned having a sister.
Iā€™m really, really sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, mom just worries a lot and she likes to hear about my friends (like, she worries for my safety on the internet so she has to ask me some basic things about the people I talk with, and when she knows I have a good friend on the internet she sometimes wants to hear if my relationship with them is ok). Iā€™d never tell her something really private but sometimes she wants to talk and I know she worries for me so I do tell her small, random details from our convos.
if youā€™re uncomfortable with that, though, Iā€™ll stop. Again, Iā€™m so sorry about this.)
And after two weeks of silence, the species finally shows some signs of life.Ā  ;-;
Iā€™m totally not crying.Ā  Iā€™ve said this so many times and youā€™re probably getting annoyed, but I have no idea what I did to deserve you in my life.Ā  Youā€™re actually the only person Iā€™d told about my current mental state at that time, and Iā€™m so glad you didnā€™t freak out or just write it away as me overreacting (like my mom did), and it means so so so much to me. Truly, thank you for being here for me. (And not giving up on me, considering how long my replies take ;-;)
Iā€™m here for you as well, though, so if youā€™re ever feeling down, you can message me ^^Ā 
Oh, itā€™d be cool if youā€™d get a tumblr! I can guarantee my replies would be faster then, since the messages would show up in my notifications...
Also, to brighten things up a little, this is how I picture you at the beginning of the message:
Tumblr media
Oh Ā god that sounds disgusting XD And perfectly describes why I donā€™t wanna do swimming as a sport. Are you still swimming? Itā€™d be cool if you were, cause itā€™s a really beautiful sport imo.Ā 
Thatā€™s unfortunate... Hopefully youā€™ll be able to visit it someday ^^
Tbh considering the shit I unironically ship sometimes, no ship is weird enough to be unexplainable. Name a single reason why you ship it, and itā€™s valid in my eyes. Heck, it can beĀ ā€˜they look good togetherā€™ and Iā€™ll sayĀ ā€˜makes senseā€™. Yā€™know why? Because Iā€™m one of those ppl who will ship it if they so much as look at each other.
ok fun fact: Iā€™ve loved Tā€™Challa since I was like 8, because every summer, there would be a weekly publication of superhero comics, and Black Panther was almost always there, and I was a nerd even then, so Iā€™d always buy them. Other than Spiderman, Black Panther was my favourite superhero.Ā 
Lololol I need the HxH Cast watching MCU movies. Oh yeah, I found this a while ago and immediately thought of you:
Tumblr media
Amazing... If you ever learn to animate, please send me a link, because I will pay money to see that. Just. Iā€™m not even into HxH, but Iā€™d give up a lot to see the crossover XD
Ouch, that seems like a lot of feels... Seriously I have no idea where you get the mental strength to read to many angsty moments...
um, yeah... i have actually... but um, sheā€™s alive, right?
Turns out I gave my skirt Iā€™d used to charity, so until i find a replacement, I canā€™t take any pics... well, at least i can grow my hair out to Makaā€™s length till that happens XD
I adore the movie, seriously, the animators did such an amazing job with it, especially the most important scenes. BUT HECK; WHEN WILL WE FIND OUT WHAT OUR CIELā€™S NAME IS?? Itā€™s been hinted that itā€™s quite unusual, BUT THAT MAKES IT EVEN HARDER HNNNGH
Oh yeah, Iā€™m gonna find that novel even if it kills me, because I need the L.Ā 
lol I still havenā€™t forgiven the movie adaptation of Avatar the Last Airbender. It was so bad that most people (including me are denying its existence). I might watch Death Note some time soon, so I can judge it for myself tbh...Ā 
Of course, the chips were a vital part of the Keikaku... No wonder it didnā€™t succeed...
No worries! Itā€™s not your fault! Tbh, i dont think id even reached that part when I was watching it, so itā€™s interesting to hear all the roles...Ā  Aw, youā€™d be an adorable Peridot ^^
TbhĀ ā€˜friend that I appreciateā€™ doesnā€™t even begin to describe how precious you are to me. Youā€™re the first online friend I made and the first person I told about my mental state, so honestly, youā€™re one of the people I feel closest to...
Nah, I donā€™t find it creepy at all!! Seriously, I sometimes tell my parents about people I talk to, so Iā€™ve mentioned well ^^ Itā€™s your choice what/who youā€™ll talk about ^^
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