#the evil saiyan
blueper-saiyan · 6 months
I have a firm heartfelt belief that neither Goku nor Vegeta is at all normal for a Saiyan but some of the ways that they’re weird overlap perfectly, so they’re both convinced that they’re normal and that’s just what Saiyans are like
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wirtsauce4020 · 7 months
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I hate this guy, but he's so good at being scary
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ravoress · 7 months
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79zz · 6 months
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Probably one of Vegeta's most underrated designs.
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hellocumber · 1 month
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Cumber, in the confines of...well nothing, had been eating rather slowly a giant apple the size of his head. HIs movements and demeanor outside of battle very...unsaiyan like , in that he took time with his food.
It seems he's a rare saiyan after all. @dragvnsovl
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
Does not know what Father's Day is, but wouldn't be able to celebrate anyway because she is, infact Fatherless. Think he's weak/not important based on what her mother told her anyway.
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Mafia!Maiz: Is aware of Father's Day, but has killed him because she got tired of him (and his hellish trainings), so wouldn't celebrate anyway.
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JJK!Maiz: Y'all had fathers? PARENTS?????
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Vamp!Maiz: *has a complex relationship with The Sacred Ancestor (read: Dracula) that is definitely King Yemma's fault, but it's cool, wouldn't be able to celebrate Father's Day anyway because she's lost in a haze of perpetual amnesia, personal (body) horror and trauma.* " . . . "
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Demon Slayer!Maiz: Had a father, was loved and adored by him. Was v supportive when she got married and started a family of her own. Has deep-rooted trauma from when Demon Michael Jack-- I mean MUZAN came to her town and fucked everything up, so now she's a vigilante type anti-hero demoness trying to kill him because she was compelled to eat her husband and unborn child, and stopped midway when she realized what she doing, so she spat up their remains in disgust.
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radiomonkeys2 · 28 days
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Courtesy of Salvamakoto
Drugatsko is a terrifically ultraviolent person in her own right, persisting in a skullthrone she built herself. Drugatsko's skullthrone is decorated extensively in blood and gore, rotting and disgusting and replenished often. She crushes the skulls of any passerby with her bare hands and feasts on his brains. You even have Drugatsko's Sea— a massive body of blood and water. A sea formed from the blood of opponents Drugatsko herself slaughtered, so deep and mighty that it has its own weather where thunderstorms of blood wash the lands. Warriors are baptized in these bloody storms. Drugatsko's Sea has altered the climate of the surrounding area since it regularly rains and storms blood. There's blood condensation. There are tornadoes of blood! And perhaps most disturbingly, Drugatsko's Sea is just the first of multiple seas of blood she's left; it's merely the primary one she claims ownership over. Not to mention that she eagerly commands the Devastators to create their own seas of blood and mountains of corpses and skeletons, and they are more than happy to live up to that wish.
She is the archetypal Chaotic Yaban, one who lives for the thirst of blood and battle day-in and day-out, except with the added trait that she’s a god-empress of a planet of war freaks. In fact, Drugatsko did the impossible and cultivated a world even more war-obsessed than Kollidor, if that’s even possible— and did it out of HUMANS no less. Humans are warlike, to be fair, but we have a variety of traits that keep us from crossing over into becoming the Space Orcs we believe ourselves to be. There are far more warlike races in the cosmos. There are more warlike races on Earth if you want to be technical, including felines, ants, and chimpanzees. Human violence is exaggerated due to our technology and stupidly-large social groups. Yabans are still exponentially more violent than humans will ever be. Still, the Devastators show just how brutal humans could be if we were purposed for war as an innate value. They live as if Khorne has released their Chaotic bloodlust, in a world where Khorne doesn't even exist.
At a good bit over 400 years old, Drugatsko lives Yulaan's dream. Yulaan has dreamt often about turning Earth into a Mezara-like martial dystopia, a world where warriors are celebrated, honored, and rule, where hatreds drive conflict and war is an ever-present fact of life. Yulaan would love nothing more than to break Earth into ever-warring factions and ignite that human warrior spirit. But she is restricted by the rules of her arrest and has taken herself to respect what humans want and found a compromise: don't mess with the global order.  Contrast this existence with Drugatsko, who eagerly conquered Mezara as soon as she landed upon it and indulged gleefully in her Yaban battle tendencies to their maximal extent. And now, 400+ years later, she is living the Yaban dream, crushing skulls casually, killing thousands daily, and vanishing planets with powerful qi to the cheers of her bloodthirsty subjects, this ten trillion-man horde of insane warriors who call her their Ultra Khan. This hypermasculine mass of men wild with aggression and adrenaline living every day for war and combat.  Vicious martial barbarians clad in road warrior death armor, freaking out on adrenaline-fueled internecine aggression, with proto-nexcidious berserker tendencies galore. Drugatsko is a classic Yeren bolloi, vicious and overwhelming, and she has pre-empted the New Libertines movement on Kollidor just by way of circumstance. She is allowed to endlessly indulge in her own base Yaban impulses nowadays thanks to her few centuries of planning and coordination, transforming Mezara from what was essentially Planet Afghanistan into a Mad Max Sparta in Space. She lives the high life by Yaban standards, one of pure slaughter, combat, and conquest. And it's an extraordinarily hypermasculine existence, with all that brings with it. (Warning: this next part gets a bit gender studies-y) In that first Drugatsko post, I put it in no unclear terms that Devastators are a society ruled by male supremacy. So much so that they're unisexual— there is no such thing as a "female Devastator." And that's because Drugatsko herself killed them all when she first came to Mezara, long before they became the Devastators.  When Yulaan returns to Earth to tell of her bloodsoaked adventures on Gorta, her description of Devastator society seems to run horribly at odds with the fact they have a female god-emperor. Drugatsko is, after all, a bolloi. And yet Devastators seem to be as hot-bloodedly macho as they come, even showing clear disdain and hatred for Drugatsko on the basis of her sex. Heck, the whole reason Yulaan even gets employed by Drugatsko is because a warlord named Yasimbata defected from Drugatsko's empire precisely because of his hatred over her rule and just so happened to set up camp on Planet Gorta.  What confuses the Earthlings even more is why Yulaan agrees with Drugatsko's methods and ideology. But the answer comes back to the cold fact that Drugatsko is, again, a bolloi. She is a Yaban, a creature of war and conflict. Misogynistic hatred of herself is a form of conflict, one that she adores and always breeds hatreds and bloody desires. Devastators only ever get to enjoy the feel of the female body in battle and conquest (in horrible ways that need no description here) because Drugatsko took theirs from them long ago and, as a bolloi, refuses to offer herself as recompense. For those who aren't gay in this barbarian-BDSM-looking society, it's just frustrating to be under the bootheel of a not-unattractive dame forever closed and forever stronger than yourself while also being told that you, as a man, are superior to those weak pathetic females of the cosmos and should always indulge in your manly fighting spirit. It's a deliberate tactic by Drugatsko to keep the blood running hot at all times.
The raw, powerful misogyny Drugatsko spread often blows back against her as many of her own subjects despise her for being female. They are raised to hate femininity and desire to dominate it in all manners. They are told from birth that they, as men and as warriors of power, are superior to the weak pathetic females who once infested this planet and arrested their collective manly fighting spirit. That females are to be penetrated, violated, dominated, mastered, and discarded when used up. That females are creatures of peace and passivity, kind and gentle sensitivity, of romance and delicate emotions, of sass and spice, of submission and vulnerability— and they are men of might and glory, physical force and war, of creative destruction and matters of steel. Let no king rule you forever. Plunge your sword into his neck when he looks the other way. Bang your fist against his skull and blind him from the impact. Seek power at all times. This is the rule of Male Supremacy! Scream it loud unto the heavens. Let the gods tremble before the men of war. Fight, feast, and fuck all you can, you mighty men! Seek and destroy, all ye mighty!!
Oh, and your brutalitarian god-khan is female. And not even an ugly mannish one, besides her battle scars and muscles. Drugatsko is a she and she never hides this fact. In fact, she might very well be the manliest person on Mezara because of that, because she had to overcome her femalehood to achieve a brutalitarian iron fisted rule.
On a planet that's basically "What if 1980s hypermasculine action movies, but in a timeline where the Fascists and Futurists won," her manly subjects despise her on principle. They must learn to disrespect and disregard her voice, put back into their place only by her use of bellicose force and her powerful will. 
But she and Yulaan both understand why that's the point. It's something humans might not be able to understand. A bolloi facing misogyny, a bolloi being disrespected and told to get back in the kitchen, is exactly what she wants. Of course she's not going to do it. Tell a bolloi to get back in the kitchen when she isn't intending on cooking anything and you're going to get punched in the throat. But it's not because she demands to be respected or wants equal rights with you— Yabans don't understand the concept anyhow. She openly welcomes your disrespect and hatred. It's what she craves. She is a bolloi, a Yaban, a monkey of war and battle. Your hatred and disgust of her has bred conflict, and Yabans adore conflict more than life itself. By delivering a bitchslap to a bolloi in your attempt to make her submit like a woman, you've only ignited her fighting spirit. (And let's be fair here, you're going to do the same with most women, though perhaps not to the same extent of battlelusted conflict). Silvio Sabatini suffered a psychotic break over things like realizing this: that a bolloi will never respond to threats of violence by submitting or displaying vulnerability and, in fact, misogynistic threats of violence aren't understood as anything but an opponent ready to throw fists— like a man. To men who only understand how to control women via threats of violence, bollois are walking Antichrists. And Drugatsko is no different. 
So for Drugatsko, this mass misogynistic hatred of her and widespread desire to turn her into just another nameless slut by many sexually-obsessed Devastators, scratches that ever-pulsating itch of warlust. Yulaan agrees with the sentiment. People in the 2020s and 1960s alike don't get why she likes being the victim of misogyny, especially when she strikes back. They think she has internalized misogyny or that she isn't being honest about her desire to have equal rights with men and other males. But that's not it. Misogyny, hatred for her form, appeals to her need for war and conflict.  She wants to be hated because hate breeds conflict, and conflict is everything to a Yaban, especially a Titanist vroda. Drugatsko gets it. Drugatsko lives it. 
All in all, Drugatsko is a pure Yaban warrior, one who lives for endless carnage. She came to Mezara by accident, conquered it in blood and destruction, and remade it the way she wanted it to be in the absolute most brutal manner possible, a reign of blood so thick and murderous that it could only exist in fantasy. She's everything old-school Saiyans were promised to be, which probably makes it fitting that her design stems back to Knife Lady. Except as a Yaban, she's even worse. She's the OG Saiyajins with even more bloodlust.
What's terrifying is that she is not the deadliest Yaban to ever live. Not even close. For example, Batzor is said to have killed so many as to have formed an entire stellar system of planets, planetoids, and whatnot made of blood and bodies of those he killed just for fun. To kill so many requires a long time, but Batzor lived a very long time, much longer than Drugatsko currently has lived. The Ultra-Khan Rahal dwarfs even Batzor, having left multiple galaxies dead. Galaxies that had quintillions of civilizations each at that. And Yabans also do the infiltration baby thing that Saiyans do, meaning that plenty of un-noteworthy Yabans have been sent out to the stars to slaughter entire planets without remorse or affect, often as children.
Still, Drugatsko's bloodlust and devastating brutality (no pun intended) is beyond human comprehension, into levels that one could describe as "beyond Biblical." We're talking so much death, so much blood, so much savagery at her hands alone that it genuinely can be hard to fathom. And that's just her, not including her underlings. There are Devastators that have been born just to die by her hands, but there are so many Devastator humans that she has only ever killed a fraction of them. A very big fraction admittedly, but a fraction nonetheless (though to be fair, innumerable trillions, if not quadrillions of Devastators have been born/created, so assuming she herself has killed half of them...) And their sole purpose is to fight and kill. And as a result, many have become really, really good at fighting and killing.I figured it'd be as obvious as the picture on your screen, but she absolutely is supposed to look like Knife Lady from DBZ Episode 20 as I've been cripping Yaban designs from interesting-looking background Saiyans lately, especially the ones who look the most 80s and space-piratey and, thus, least likely to be represented in nü Dragon Ball with its Bart Simpson-haired monkeys galore.
Just in case anyone argues that I didn't ripoff the look for whatever esoteric reason, here's Knife Lady and Drugatsko back to back.
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I know a few people thought that Yulaan was based off this character, and the "ancient Saiyajin" look definitely did stem from there. Hence why I went with straight up taking Knife Lady to use for Drugatsko directly since Drugatsko represents who Yulaan could have been under better (read: worse) circumstances. I mean for Christ's sake, the first ever image of Yulaan was of her eating a man's leg!
Also, I reused Knife Lady's look for another character (the Kokozarene Princess and hybrid Getabaru-Yaban Saiyan Daikonege) and Djuggesh's look is also heavily based on her, so I've gotten a lot of mileage out of it. It's just a very "Saiyan" look, the best female Saiyan design I've ever seen. All wasted on a character who only appeared for a total of 5 seconds.
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diloph · 5 months
So, both Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire and the novelization of Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire both start with the same poem by Robert Frost.
That probably means something, right?
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tigirl-and-co · 6 months
bwa haha i love seeing people be like 'well your opinion and taste is objectively incorrect' like. i am watching a cartoon. it's not that serious. I can have an opinion.
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bardocks-tiddies · 9 months
i’ve been hit with the sudden (and quite odd) inspiration to write. so i guess im doing that today. i’ll probably end up shamelessly promoting it here later. so look forward to that ig
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blueper-saiyan · 6 months
shoutout to a specific flavor of Vegeta fanart where he really looks like an Evil Prince. Like, oh yeah, we should not let this guy inherit the throne. he’s got some schemes going on and they should not come to pass
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widowmura · 2 years
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Evil Monkee Man
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efraart-mix · 1 year
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I'm late to the fun, but here is my art of the new Super Sonic, and in this case, together with Vegeta SSB Berserker from Super Drsgon Ball Heroes, which is in my opinion what is most similar to him, not SS2
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tenshindon · 2 years
kind of remember that, years ago, it was considered canon that saiyans were born inherently evil, and the only reason goku isn't evil is because he suffered a near-fatal head injury. is that still considered canon or has it been retconned now?
kinda ??? i guess ??? examples of good-natured saiyans would be tarble, goku, and broly- maybe beets too if you really wanna count em all, and possibly bardock to some extent based off of the info learned in super
goku's head injury is still canonical, but i think they've just allowed saiyans to be a little more nuanced in recent years
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rainbowriojose07 · 3 years
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Blue Boys The Hero VS Evilness/Heroes VS Villains
Credit and Collab for DestinyWithLight2000
Okay, Blue Boys was a hero side and evil side. It's Heroes, up against Villains! Let's get to evil characters and good characters in this image poster my favorite, I hope you like it. 💙❤️ Please comment and like on my image, Enjoy! 😉
Characters and OCs:
Destiny and Dreadlock from DestinyWithLight2000
Captain America and Dark Captain America from Marvel
Flik and Evil Flik from A Bugs Life
Goku and Evil Goku from Dragon Ball
Collab link: www.deviantart.com/destinywith… The Hero VS Evilness link: www.deviantart.com/destinywith…
StupidRainbowStarmen / NermanOfAddictsLover
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dany36 · 2 years
man that nachtigal arc was really weak. We saw him once before the battle at the palace and we got a bit of background from rowen that he and nachtigal fought together in war ages ago. Was I supposed to feel sorry for him or rowen after killing nachtigal? Cus I felt nothing 🥱 like…next!!!!
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